Aegean Sea - Fethiye, Dalaman, Marmaris, Bodrum. Cheap flights Dalaman - Bodrum How many km from Dalaman to Bodrum

The distance from Dalaman to Bodrum is 195 km. Distance information was obtained by plotting a route along highways. It is important to know the number of kilometers in order to calculate travel time and estimate travel costs. So, according to the map, the length of the road from Dalaman to Bodrum is 195 km. Using average driving speed vehicle and calculated mileage, we get that the approximate travel time will be 3 hours and 15 minutes. Also based on the number of kilometers and current price With gasoline, you can calculate the cost of the trip and stock up on the required amount of fuel. When traveling long distances, determine in advance at which kilometer of the route you will make rest stops. Our map will help you find the shortest route from Dalaman to Bodrum, which will reduce your costs and eliminate unnecessary travel time. The thick line indicates the path you have chosen. Sometimes it is interesting to know the number of kilometers traveled in other units of measurement: 195 km. km = 121.17 miles. Function " Print version" allows you to print a map from Dalaman to Bodrum.

If you are planning a long distance trip, there are a few simple but important rules: - carefully prepare your car for long journey: Check the level of engine oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, and ensure that all lights and other devices are functioning properly. - check the tire pressure. It is very important that it matches the pressure recommended for your vehicle. - prepare a spare wheel and a tow rope - no one is immune from a puncture of a wheel or breakdown on the highway, you should foresee possible troubles in advance and avoid them. - choose roads with high-quality coverage - this will extend the life of your “iron horse” and save your nerves. When preparing for a trip, think through everything to the smallest detail so that the trip leaves pleasant memories and not a headache.

(archive) / Türkiye

The passports are “fresh”, I am traveling alone with a 9 year old child, do I need consent from the father if we are not married?, I don’t understand something about health insurance, is this optional or mandatory? booked the hotel, plane tickets too (roundtrip) Sochi-Istanbul (Ataturk) and back, hotel in Bodrum, I am planning a flight to Istanbul - Bodrum- the time is normal, but back Bodrum- We arrive in Istanbul (Ataturk) at 1:30 am, and at 2:30 we must fly to Sochi... I’m worried that the airline will be delayed Turkish Airlines??? Where is the best place to change money in Istanbul?

Forever... -bus of Pegasus himself, as well as Havash. But for some reason on the Pegasus website there is information about shuttles from Dalaman only available on Turkish, so you won’t find it right away. Travel cost... . But no, we didn’t have to wait for anyone!!! I got an individual one for 300 rubles transfer. I rode alone in a comfortable minibus with a leather interior and air conditioning, like a queen. We arrived... /bus station in Izmir. I still don’t understand where you end up flying from Istanbul: to Izmir or Bodrum? And look carefully at the Onurs’ website first in Turkish. Maybe they're using...

Selection of cheap e-tickets Dalaman - Bodrum

Here you can find and buy the cheapest air tickets Dalaman - Bodrum by price from RUB 2,092 And Dalaman - Bodrum - Dalaman by price from 18,700 rub..

Airfare Dalaman - Bodrum (Türkiye) - Dalaman from 18,700 rub.(back and forth).

Average price of the flight Dalaman - Bodrum (Türkiye) - Dalaman RUB 13,338(back and forth).

The distance between the cities of Dalaman and Bodrum is 116 km.

The time difference between the cities of Dalaman and Bodrum is 0 hours.

The cost of a one-way air ticket starts from 2,092 rubles, and the cost of a round-trip ticket starts from 18,700 rubles.

You can get from the airport to the city either by private car or taxi, or by using public transport– runs between the city and airports large number bus routes. Flights from Dalaman to Bodrum are operated by several airlines: Arkefly, Azur Air, Corendon Airlines.

It is better to buy tickets for a flight from Turkey to Turkey a couple of months in advance in order to be able to choose the dates that are optimal for you, as well as flight conditions, taking into account your financial capabilities. The price of tickets depends on the season, airline, number of days before departure, number of transfers. Depending on the listed conditions, the average price of a one-way ticket is 18,634 rubles, and the average price of a round-trip ticket will be 13,338 rubles.

Conventionally, the Fethiye resort is divided into two parts. On one there are the best Turkish hotels offering expensive, luxury holiday. The second part is Oludeniz Bay, where about 50 hotels are located.
The modern city lies on the site of the ancient port of Telmes, which dates back to the 5th-4th centuries. BC e.
Fethiye beaches
The beaches here are sandy, not very wide, none of them belong to a specific hotel: all are municipal. Where the hotels end, a wide sand spit goes into the sea, creating a bay protected from winds and currents, where you can swim even in winter.

One of best resorts Turkey, it is considered the most “European” in the country.
The climate here is ideal: even in July-August there is no sweltering heat. Secondly, the sea is calm - since the resort is located in a closed bay, fenced off from open sea island and peninsula, there are almost never waves here, the water “holds” well and therefore the resort is suitable for those who are not very good swimmers - including children. And thirdly, Marmaris has a reputation as the most danceable city in Turkey - in the disco bars in the evenings there is nowhere to fall. There is also a stunningly beautiful harbor where snow-white yachts and pleasure gulets are moored.

The most “party” resort in Turkey, the capital nightlife throughout the country with a record density of bars, nightclubs, restaurants and discos per square kilometer. There are villages and hotels in the 14 bays of the peninsula, and the city of the same name is built in its very center.
Bodrum consists of two parts. The eastern half has a long, narrow, but comfortable beach, artificially created for the development of tourism. Behind the beach there are all sorts of bars, restaurants and clubs lined up. Life in the second half, the western one, is quieter and is centered around the marina and yacht club. More expensive supermarkets and restaurants are located here.
Thanks to frequent winds, this resort is also good place for surf fans and others aquatic species sports

This is both a region in the province of Muğla, in southwestern Turkey, and small town with a population of 20 thousand people, located a few kilometers from the coast Mediterranean Sea.
The popularity of Dalaman itself as seaside resort(more precisely its picturesque “appendage” Sarigerme) is growing every year. Tourists are attracted by the magnificent scenery of this place, nestled among low hills covered with a thick green cap, and the clear azure sea. The rest of the area is mountainous, but the city itself is on a fertile coastal plain, and as such citrus fruits are grown in abundance. And also because it is always very sunny in Dalaman, and oranges, as you know, love it no less than tourists.

I got a great one. This is not the first time Anton and Sasha and I have gone on vacation together; we have a well-coordinated team and common interests. I know two ways to vacation abroad - with your girlfriend (wife) or with friends. For me, it’s much more fun with friends. You can, of course, travel with your parents, but this is something completely strange. When you travel in a cheerful company, something happens all the time, some small adventures always happen. For example, when we drove from Dalaman to Sasha, we got lost.

Lycian tombs. One of the main attractions near Dalaman

From Dalaman to Bodrum by taxi

Turkish coast- very insidious. When we planned the route, we expected to get from Dalaman to Bodrum by bus or minibus. We booked our accommodation in advance, paid for everything, all that was left was to get there. Upon arrival in Dalaman, it turned out that there were no direct buses to Bodrum. While Anton and I were tearing our hair out, Sasha decided to take the heat upon himself and volunteered to walk to the local bus station and talk to the minibus drivers. Sasha is only one and a half meters tall, with red hair and a very stern disposition. We jokingly call him “Capa,” as they call killers in the Italian mafia. Naturally, we did not argue with our little “pit bull” and blessed him to solve all our problems. Sasha returned only five hours later, when we were about to go look for him. He answered questions reluctantly, only grumbling that he had solved the problem with the road and now everything was in order. It turned out that Sasha was unable to reach an agreement with the bus drivers. In order not to fall face down in front of us, he found a way out of the situation - he ordered a taxi. Just think about it, a taxi for 200 kilometers!

First, Alexander found out that Bodrum can be reached by transfer from Dalaman airport. But it turned out to be expensive - about 500 liras (130 euros). Sasha was smart and organized a taxi from the city. For only 350 liras (90 euros)! It was simply our friend's finest hour. Since then, we haven’t sent Sasha anywhere else alone. Especially buying tickets. They were afraid he would order a taxi again. In general, if you divide this amount by three, it doesn’t turn out to be that much, and we got there in just three hours, and in comfort. But...there were other options, Sasha! Upon arrival home, we began to suspect that Alexander simply had a share with the taxi driver who took us to Bodrum. You can read more about Turkish taxis here.

From Dalaman to Bodrum by bus

The situation with buses is very deplorable and murky. On the one hand, not a single official bus company agreed to take us to Bodrum. They say that the Kamil Koc company had such flights, but we were unable to find them. In any case, if you are not in a hurry, the easiest way to get to Bodrum is by bus. First you need to come to the Dalaman bus station (in Turkey they are called Otogari).

Already at the bus station you need to decide how to go to Bodrum. It is likely that you can even find a direct flight; in Turkey this happens all the time. The websites say one thing, but as soon as you come to the bus station, a completely different picture opens up. If you can’t find a direct bus, you can get there with a transfer. There are a lot of options here. You can get to the cities of Yatagan or Milas and try to get to Bodrum from there. Even if there are no official buses, you can always use minibuses - dolmus. How long will such a trip take? Probably 4 or 5 hours, I can’t say more precisely. But in terms of money it will definitely be several times cheaper than taking a taxi.

Dolmushi look different. For example like this

From Dalaman to Bodrum by car

Perhaps renting a car will be the best solution for traveling from Dalaman to Bodrum. I won’t give you an idea of ​​the price, it’s easier to find out here, but in general, cars in Turkey are not expensive. The trouble is that my friends and I have no rights, just like serfs in Tsarist Russia, so renting a car is not at all suitable for us. As I already said, it takes about three hours to drive from Dalaman to Bodrum; the roads in Turkey are of excellent quality. If you have rights, then seriously think about this option.