A cute town in Tenerife. Puerto de Santiago. A cute town in Tenerife Below is a short report about Puerto Santiago in Tenerife from one of our tourists

Puerto de Santiago - a small resort town located in the southwest. But it is better known as the resort of Los Gigantes and it is part of the municipality.

Puerto Santiago is a seaside city with several beaches. It extends for 13 km along coastline and has about 6,000 inhabitants.

Puerto Santiago ranks best geographical location in the southwest of Tenerife, so the weather is always warm here.

The town is nestled in a natural bay, on the edge of famous cliffs. The bay is protected from waves by a natural rock breakwater, plus it is artificially strengthened in the process of urban planning work.

In recent years, Puerto de Santiago has often been chosen by tourists for wintering in Tenerife. “Quiet” holidays flourish here, for people avoiding noisy tourist centers.

Puerto de Santiago owes its origins to a small fishing village that for a long time supplied seafood and fish nearby cities. But tourism has reached this quiet area, turning Puerto Santiago into Tenerife's main warm-weather winter resort. In the bay, protected from winds and waves, today, instead of fishing boats, a large marina and many yachts have been built. Tourists are taken on these yachts in search of pilot whales and to Maska. And the locals now buy fish not at the market, but in Mercadona.

Sights of Puerto Santiago

The most famous attraction of Puerto Santiago is the observation deck overlooking the Los Gigantes cliffs. But there are always a lot of tourists who come to this observation deck on .

Beaches of Puerto Santiago

In Puerto Santiago itself there is a small, clean beach - Playa Chica. Very close to the beach there is a bay with fishing boats and schooners, hangars for storing boats.

Another famous one, Playa de la Arena is located half a kilometer from Puerto de Santiago and is extremely popular with tourists.

Another beach on the other side of Los Gigantes is Los Gios. It is located directly under huge rocks.

The beaches can be reached by bus or taxi, or simply by walking.

In Puerto de Santiago you will find numerous cafes, restaurants and spas. Don't forget that all this is aimed at tourists. The quality of food and its price leave much to be desired.

Another attraction is the fishing museum. Located in the center of Puerto de Santiago, it tells the history and development of fishing. The facade of the museum was designed by the famous artist B. Romain and is a combination of a seascape and a bas-relief depicting fishermen catching fish.

Below is a short report about Puerto Santiago in Tenerife from one of our tourists

“If there is heaven on earth, it is Puerto de Santiago.” This is what some tourists and residents of this town say.

The sunny skies and gentle waters of the Atlantic beaches once turned a once run-down fishing village into one of the most popular and visited resorts in the world. To the place where you really want to go and from which you don’t want to return.

You will have to get to Puerto de Santiago through the southern Reina Sofia. Personally, I don’t find anything interesting in an hour and a half trip by bus with transfers, while for just 50 euros a lively taxi driver will take you to any specified hotel in Puerto de Santiago in about forty minutes.

And more about hotels. Accustomed to English and German tourists Hotel owners provide good service. There are cozy rooms, good cuisine, and a cheerful atmosphere.

But limiting yourself to a room and a hotel pool would be unforgivable stupidity. You can find more interesting places in Puerto Santiago. For example, the famous black sandy beaches Playa San Juan and Playa de la Arena. The volcanic sand in this part of Tenerife is indeed black in color.

For those who want to get closer to representatives of underwater flora and fauna, there is a diving center near Puerto Santiago. By Russian standards, it’s not even cheap, but the dive is worth it. See dolphins and whales in their environment natural habitat- good impressions.

But even without this, ordinary swimming in an invigorating ocean water won't let you get bored.

By the way, July 16 is a traditional romeria dedicated to Our Lady of Carmen. The celebration is held in the neighboring town of Los Gigantes.

In a word, warmed by warm Atlantic waters the resort of Puerto Santiago and Los Gigantes will show why European tourists love to spend the winter in Tenerife.

I don’t really want to sum up the year, because there is no feeling yet that it is ending. Maybe because of the weather, maybe because of the high pace of life... Oh well, I hope everything will change in New Year's Eve. In the meantime, I want to talk about the town of Puerto de Santiago in Tenerife. Around this time last year our plane landed in South Airport islands, rented a car and went to look for a hotel. The city of Puerto de Santiago is located in the southwest of Tenerife, located at an altitude of 25 meters above sea level and extends 13 kilometers along the coastline of the island. It is surrounded by the cliffs of Los Gigantes on the west side and the slope of the Teide volcano on the north, which provides very good protection from the winds. That is why the city was a fishing port that supplied nearby areas with provisions. The old buildings and the port itself with a lift and hangars for boats are still preserved here. Here and now, fishing is held in high esteem and all the fish caught is served in local restaurants.


By the way, there are a lot of restaurants. For every color and taste. You can try both traditional Canarian cuisine and any other. We especially liked the Chinese restaurant, which served very tasty and inexpensive shrimp in a variety of designs.


Puerto de Santiago is very cozy. There are no skyscrapers or even just high-rise buildings here. Everything is done in the same style.


By the way, there are not very many beaches in Puerto de Santiago itself. That's why everyone swims in Playa de la Arena. This is a wonderful beach with black volcanic sand. Naturally, with waves. When they are very large, lifeguards hang prohibitory flags. Although there are very few people willing to climb without them, high ocean waves can easily knock you off your feet.


One of the main attractions of Tenerife is the Los Gigantes cliffs, reaching a height of more than 600 meters above sea level. Very beautiful.


Returning to the restaurants, this is where we had dinner on our last evening on the island. Very tasty fish and salads. I recommend.


Views of the island. I note that the terrain is very “mountainous”, so it was very difficult to move by car if you were not used to it.















But just Playa de la Arena.



Port of Los Gigantes. Many excursion boats depart from here, from which you can watch dolphins and whales, as well as admire the majestic landscape with huge, almost vertical cliffs. You can also rent a jet ski, kayak or rent a fishing boat here.




And finally, sunsets. They are simply gorgeous in Tenerife.

