Turkish coast on the map. Türkiye. Map in Russian online. Holidays with a group of friends in Turkey

Which is called the turquoise Riviera, stretches almost 1600 km in length. Beach resorts generously covered Coast, often adjacent to the ancient ancient ruins of ancient Anatolia, Lycia, the Roman Empire and the remains of other ancient states that existed on these shores many thousands of years ago.

Beaches Mediterranean Sea Turkey is mostly covered with fine sand, but there are also pebbles, for example, in Kemer, beloved by Russian tourists. If we compare climatic and weather three Turkish coasts for a beach holiday, then the Mediterranean has the warmest sea water, unlike the Black Sea and Aegean coasts, the Mediterranean sea ​​water It is also considered the saltiest, so if you don’t know how to swim, it will be absolutely easy to learn here. And, of course, the best beaches and best resorts for the all-inclusive system you need to look here...

Climate and weather on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey

During the winter months average temperature the air on this sunny coast is within +14 +16C; in summer - +30 +35 C. In terms of humidity, the air near the coast in summer is quite dry - 50-65%, but in winter it is quite damp here - 65-80%. The number of sunny days along the coast is close to 300 per year; in summer it is practically never cloudy or cloudy.

According to research by ufologists, the structure of the Mediterranean Sea bottom consists of two huge depressions - eastern and western. The Turkish coast is located next to the western depression, which is shallower than the eastern one, which means the sea water temperature here is higher than, for example, on the Mediterranean coast of Italy (in the western Mediterranean depression the water temperature in winter is +12 C, in summer +24 C) and fluctuates around +16 C in winter and +27 C in summer. In addition, in terms of salt concentration, sea water off the coast of Turkey (39.5‰) exceeds similar indicators in the western depression (36‰).

Mediterranean resorts in Turkey are considered the most popular among travelers. The reason for this is the widespread use of the all-inclusive holiday system by local hotels.

Mediterranean coast of Turkey, the best places to relax


Turkey's southern Toros (Taurus, Taurus) mountain range has become an impressive backdrop to the country's Mediterranean beach coastline. Mountain slopes often abruptly go straight into the sea, and in some places coastal lands are often filled with fresh water. river waters and sufficient precipitation, which made the valleys fertile and suitable for growing tropical fruits (even bananas grow here) and vegetables.

In order for the reader to more clearly imagine the diversity of the resort offer, we will try to characterize the coastal resort towns in a few words, moving along the map along the coast from west to east. Our route will start in Bodrum and end in Antakya.

1. Bodrum

Whatever tourists consider Bodrum to be - either an Aegean resort or a Mediterranean one, they will be definitely right about one thing - first of all, it bears the proud title of a chic seaside resort Turkey, decorated with two perfect sea bays, crowned with a noble crusader castle, sounding with a riot of disco music.

2. Marmaris

Marmaris - very green City and a resort, but above all it is popular with yachtsmen - as a starting point for a Blue Cruise along the shores of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas of Turkey, with stops in the most picturesque corners of the coast.

3. Koycegiz

It's very quiet and quiet city, with traditional Turkish rules and customs. It became famous among travelers because of the large and calm lake located next door. Its name is also Koycegiz, and the connection with the Mediterranean Sea is maintained thanks to the Dalyan River. By the way, very close there are beautiful healing thermal springs, in which Queen Cleopatra once bathed (see Sultaniye).

4. Dalyan

This is the name of the city located on the Dalyan River. And next to it are the famous Lycian rock tombs, carved directly into the mountain rock, the ruins of the ancient Lycian city of Kaunos (lat. Caunos) and a wide sandy beach, famous for its sea turtles, which is easily accessible using a river boat.

5. Dalaman

Located in Dalaman international Airport,V where planes from various countries land, bringing tourists and holidaymakers to western part Mediterranean coast of Turkey, as well as airplanes Turkish airlines, making regular domestic flights from Istanbul and Ankara.

6. Gocek

This seaside town is also called Göcek. It is quite small, but at the same time very clean and cozy. Göcek's main mission is to welcome luxury huge yachts, often stopping at a harbor specially equipped for this - a marina.

7. Fethiye

The town of Fethiye was built on the site of ruins ancient city, therefore, on its streets and in the surrounding area, centuries-old stone sarcophagi, carved in stone cliffs, towering over the city, tombs and other evidence of the presence of ancient civilizations in these lands. But, in addition to rarities, Fethiye is famous for active yachting holidays - it also has an excellent marina, many small charming bays on the nearby islands, and good tourist services.

Located south of Fethiye, on the mountain slopes. Oludeniz has perhaps the most beautiful and most photogenic beach in Turkey (it is often shown as business card countries in a wide variety of photographs), which made the town very popular among tourists. People also come to Oludeniz to paraglide from Mount Babadag and taste the carefree and cheap beach life at a coastal campsite.

9. Patara

Saint Nicholas was once born in the village of Patara, but today people come to this place to see a unique beach (see Turkey's best beaches) under the same name and the ruins of an ancient Roman city.

The once tiny fishing village has become an upscale yacht port with excellent restaurants in the 21st century.

11. Kash

It’s worth visiting here to get a taste of lazy beach life - the city is located far enough from airports, from noisy civilization, and sparkles with the charm of traditional Turkey.

12. Uchagyz and Kale

Uchagiz (Turkish Üçağız) and Kale (Turkish Kale) - as soon as Kas ends, views of the tiny village of Uchagiz open up, the streets of which are hidden in a bay near the sunken Roman city, next to the island of Kekova, which keeps the secrets of the ancient Byzantine civilization.

13. Demre

Modern Demre (Tur. Demre) is located next to the ancient Lycian city of Myra (Myra), which means that when traveling around Demre, you will see Lycian tombs on the coastal mountain cliffs, a huge Roman theater that has survived to this day, you will try a lot of delicious vegetables grown on the local rich alluvial soils, you will be able to say thank you to St. Nicholas for his good deeds performed during his lifetime (he is buried here).

14. Finike

The modern, leisurely fishing town of Finike (Tur. Finike) was built on the site of the ancient city of Phenicia (Latin Phoenicus), founded by the Phoenician civilization in the 5th century BC. e. Due to the development, unfortunately, antique city was lost. The coastal waters of the town will be of interest to inquisitive divers - back in 655, a major naval battle took place here between the Arab and Byzantine fleets. Lovers of tropical fruits should also visit Finika to try its famous aromatic oranges. And not far from the urban area there is a nice and very long pebble beach...

15. Olympos and Cirali

Olympos (Turkish Olimpos) and Cirali (Turkish Çıralı, another name is Ciraly) - these two small resort villages represent seaside corners untouched by civilization Mediterranean Turkey, of which, alas, very little remains... Here you will find Roman ruins scattered in a pine forest, secluded beautiful beach, hidden behind mountain range, covered with a lush pine curtain, Eternal flame the Chimera Mountains and the simple but delicious rural farm life and food.

16. Phaselis

Phaselis (Turkish: Phaselis) was once a thriving seaport of Lycia, where timber and rose oil were delivered. But those days have long since sunk into oblivion and modern Phaselis can boast not of important cargo, but of a beautiful natural park consisting of three beautiful small bays, ideal for swimming and enjoying the Mediterranean Sea.

17. Kemer

Kemer (tourist: Kemer) - the city was conceived and implemented as a modern resort in the Mediterranean style. The idea was implemented in the eighties of the last century and today Kemer receives tourists from all over the world. But travelers from Russia especially love it. At the service of discerning clients are all kinds of hotels and restaurants, a pebble beach, a marina, a park unusual entertainment, introducing the life of nomads who once arrived to these lands from distant Turkmenistan.

18. Beldibi

Beldibi (Turkish Beldibi) is the name of the area located on the coast north of Kemer. Beldibi is characterized by chic and completely self-contained Mediterranean resort complexes.

19. Antalya

Antalya (Turkish Antalya) - this name belongs to the capital of the Turkish turquoise coast. The city and resort are replete with modern high-rise buildings, but there is also a charming old quarter surrounded by the ancient Roman harbor. Except the broken one hotel infrastructure, Antalya has a serious transport hub, which includes sea ​​port, a huge bus station and a modern international airport serving passenger flows on east coast Mediterranean Sea of ​​Turkey.

20. Belek

Belek (Turkish: Belek) is a resort area developing near the town of Belek, located 36 km east of Antalya. It is currently just beginning its journey towards its intended goal of becoming a huge Mediterranean resort with modern golf courses. For this purpose, huge hotel complexes with developed infrastructure, beautiful green lawns lined with coniferous trees and shrubs, environmentally friendly transport and many entertainment programs are being created around Belek.

21. Side and Manavgat

Side (Turkish: Side) and Manavgat (Turkish: Manavgat): Side is a traditional Turkish village whose buildings are scattered on the site of the extensive Hellenistic ruins of an ancient Roman city. Near Side there is a whole kilometer of fine sand beach, stretching on both sides of residential buildings. Tourists visit the neighboring village of Manavgat to admire the interesting river waterfall, take part in fast rafting, and check out the local shops.

22. Alanya

Once upon a time, this small and quiet town was used by the Turkish Seljuk sultans for relaxation at sea. Today Alanya is a fairly large and fast-growing resort, which is excellent for beach holidays and entertainment. In the city center rises sea ​​cape, topped ancient fortress Seljuk Turks (it is perfectly preserved). The beaches of Alanya stretch for many kilometers, there is even a section with the finest Egyptian sand, equipped at the direction of Caesar for the beautiful Cleopatra.

23. Anamur

Surrounded by rocks, the city (and region) of Anamur (Turkish Anamur) is separated from the sea by the same rocky ancient fortress of Mamure, one foot standing in the sea. The fortress is said to be guarded by a Byzantine ghost town, famous creepy stories, thanks to which even the beach is next to the fortress local residents closed to the public.

24. Silifke and Tashuju

The town of Silifke (Turkish: Silifke) was built on the site of the ancient city of Seleukia, which is probably why it flourishes. It is worth visiting the local colorful market; on the territory of modern Silifke there are several interesting ancient ruins. South of Silifke is Taşucu (Turkish: Taşucu), a port for high-speed ferries running to the Turkish part of the island of Cyprus.

25. Kizkalesi

Thanks to the interest of tourists, the once ordinary seaside village of Kizkalesi has grown into a pleasant resort town, whose hotels are being built next to the remains of the medieval fortified city of Korikos, and nearby, three hundred meters from the shore, there is another ancient fortress - the Maiden's Castle (Turkish: Kizkalesi ), which gave the name to the town. There is a lovely small beach next to the castle, and many interesting ancient ruins have been found in the nearby mountain hills.

26. Mersin

Modern Mersin (Turkish Mersin), Icel province (Turkish İçel) is a trading city and port, from here you can easily reach the Turkish part of Cyprus by ferry.

27. Tarsus

When the city of Tarsus (Turkish Tarsus, another name is Tarsus, today its population is about 230 thousand people) was a prosperous metropolis of ancient Cilicia, then came under the rule of the Seleucids, in the 11th-12th centuries. even became the capital of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. But everything comes to an end... Nowadays, the inhabitants of Tarsus (Tarsus, Tarsus) are engaged in carpet weaving, cotton processing, and textiles.

People come to modern Tarsus to get to know it as the small homeland of the Holy Apostle Paul, to visit ancient well, whose history is connected with the name of the great student, admire the frescoes of the Christian Church of St. Paul, see Ulu Cami (Turkish Ulu Cami), the Great Mosque and, of course, walk through the Cleopatra Gate - the triumphal arch (located in a small city square surrounded by manicured lawns and rose bushes), built by Mark Antony on the spot where the queen went ashore to meet him... They say that during this wonderful moment the Roman emperor gave the woman who enchanted him Taurus, along with part of Cilicia, and Cyprus, and Crete, and the valley the great Jordan River, the whole of Lebanon, and also the northern part of Syria.

28 Adana

Adana (Turkish Adana) is considered the fourth largest city in Turkey. Adana is growing and developing very quickly, but its priorities are not tourism, but agriculture (in particular, growing and processing cotton) and light industry, which requires a delicate female hand.

29. Iskenderun

Earlier, at the beginning of the 20th century. the city of Iskenderun (Turkish İskenderun) was part of French Syria and was called Alexandretta (Turkish Alexandretta), Little Alexandria - in honor of the founder, Alexander the Great, of Macedon, who laid the first stone in 333 BC, after a brilliant victory at Isse. Not far from the city there is a huge field (now there are citrus orchards here), which was the site of a battle between the army of Alexander and the soldiers of the Persian king Darius III. More than a hundred thousand Persians died in the battle, the picture was simply terrible... The Macedonian received rich booty - the family of the Great Daria - mother, wife and his children. Darius escaped and hid behind the Euphrates, Alexander after the battle became the ruler of the entire Mediterranean.

Iskenderun is one of the seven Alexandrias, which was built by the Macedonians during the eastern campaign.

Modern Iskenderun is wide, immaculately clean avenues, modern beautiful buildings, surrounded by well-groomed flower beds, planted with shrubs and many trees, quality hotels, an abundance of restaurants and cafes. The embankment stretches for several kilometers, the coastal strip is paved with tiles and lined with palm groves. Its main modern highlight is a huge seaport, but in the vicinity of the city there are several interesting sights: an ancient Roman aqueduct, a mosque and a complex of buildings that made up the great caravanserai of Sokullu Mehmed Pasha - the vizier Ottoman Sultan Yavuz Selim, built in 1574 by the great Sinan. At the entrance to the mosque there is an inscription: “For eternal memory on mortal earth...”

30. Antakya

People come to Antakya (Tour. Antakya), Hatay region (Tur. Hatay) to see with their own eyes the ruins of the ancient Roman city that once stood on this site and its preserved incomparable mosaics. At one time, Antakya was the capital of the great Seleucid kingdom, the capital of the ancient principality of Antioch, remembers the times of the battles of Alexander the Great and preserves the first Christian church, founded by the holy Apostle Peter right in a local cave. In the vicinity of Antakya there is the longest beach in the world - Samandag and even more ancient relics in the village of the same name.

This is how the excursion along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey turned out, from west to east... Next - the lands of Syria, where we have yet to look. Traveler's assistant

At the beginning of the last century, the Turkish Republic became an heiress the once vast Ottoman Empire.

The borders of the collapsed Ottoman power shrunk to the historical core, but this territory also makes it a large state - it occupies the entire peninsula Asia Minor. The area of ​​the country is comparable to the largest European countries.

Where is it located on the political map of the world?

Shores of Turkey caressed by the four seas: from the north - Black and Marble, from the south - Mediterranean, and from the west - Aegean. Europe and Asia in the northwest are separated by the Bosphorus, Dardanelles and the Sea of ​​Marmara.

Parallel north coast Turkey's Pontic Mountains stretch along south coast– the largest in the country Mountain chain Taurus

Climate Features

On the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas There is a typical Mediterranean climate with hot summers (average temperature + 28-32° C) and mild winters (about + 7-11° C). The swimming season lasts from spring to late autumn.

Look in this video exact location of Turkey on the world map:


Map of Turkey with resorts and hotels in Russian

Holidays in Turkey are one of the most popular destinations for tourists from all over the world. Hospitable resorts of the Mediterranean, Black, Marble and Aegean seas, a lot of entertainment for every taste and relatively low prices, unlike other countries, provide the highest interest in Turkey.
For Russian tourists Turkey is also attractive because you do not need to purchase a visa to visit this country, and the flight is not as far and long as to other countries, and most hotels have Russian-speaking staff, which makes your stay on their territory easier and more comfortable.

The most popular resorts Turkey is located on the Mediterranean coast. You can view a map of Turkey with resorts and hotels in Russian to choose the resort that is suitable for your holiday. The map is completely interactive; you can zoom in to see the location and panorama of the resort or hotel in detail.

What are the most popular resorts in Turkey?
Of course, the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea!

Bright Antalya is the youngest resort in the country, where the infrastructure develops every year and attracts more and more attention: bars, restaurants, shops, water parks, well-groomed squares and night discos will not let anyone get bored. And historical and natural attractions will leave the best impressions. And all this against a transparent background warm sea, bright cloudless sky and hot sandy beach.

Most southern resort Turkey - cozy Alanya, which is located between the mountains and the sea, and has beautiful sandy beaches with spreading palm trees on the coast, as well as quiet bays with crystal clear water. Here you can relax in comfortable hotels, boarding houses, or rent an apartment for any desired period. Alanya mainly attracts nightlife lovers due to the large number of night bars and clubs, but also have a relaxing holiday there is also a place in this little corner of paradise!
Belek is the most expensive resort in the country, whose beach is recognized as one of the most best beaches Mediterranean coast! And here you will not find architectural monuments or historical cities. This resort is famous for its nature and protected areas, as well as the best golf courses, luxurious five-star hotels and luxurious spas.

You may also come across the names “Antalya Coast”, “Turkish Riviera”, “Turquoise Coast” and “White Sea”. Tourists are attracted here by the warm sea and the mild climate of the local resorts. In winter, the air temperature here rarely drops below 5-10 degrees, and the water temperature below 18, while in the summer the water temperature stays at around 28-30 degrees. The sun shines here 300 days a year. The swimming season in these places begins in April and ends only in November. The capital of the Turkish Riviera is Antalya city(sometimes the name Antalya is used). Tours to this region are especially popular among Russians. The main resorts of the Antalya coast: Antalya, Kemer, Belek, Side, Alanya.

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Antalya (Antalya) is the main resort city on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. This region is known as Turkish Riviera and attracts a huge number of tourists every year. The Antalya region has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the most environmentally friendly clean places in the country. Beautiful beaches, warm sea, Mediterranean climate, developed infrastructure. In the vicinity of Antalya you will find many attractions and just beautiful places. Antalya Airport accepts flights including from Russia. In recent years, many Europeans have purchased property here. Most tourists arrive here between April and October. Read more.

Average annual air temperature on the Mediterranean coast.

Average daily air temperature on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey in the Antalya region by month (°C):



Marmaris is an important port and resort on the Mediterranean coast (the border of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas). IN tourist season receives about 300-400 thousand vacationers. Sailing capital of Turkey. The city has excellent conditions for sailing and aquatic species sports, as well as for conducting sea excursions along the coastal strip of the Aegean Sea.


Fethiye (ancient name Telmessos) is a region and resort town in southwestern Turkey, 135 km southeast of Marmaris. The population of the town is about 65 thousand people. The city is located at the foot of mountains covered with pine and cedar forests on the shores of a beautiful bay. The city has preserved the remains of an ancient Roman theater, the ruins of a medieval knight's castle XV century. Dalaman Airport is located 40 kilometers from the city. Fethiye is one of the most magnificent resorts Mediterranean coast. It’s not for nothing that the British chose this place. It is reported that more than 7 thousand immigrants from the UK permanently reside here.


Weather in Antalya

Kemer is a very famous resort. It is located 40 kilometers west of Antalya in most picturesque place, between steep peaks mountain range Taurus and the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The city's population is 20.1 thousand inhabitants (2010). In Kemer and its surroundings there are many of the most different hotels- from family boarding houses to luxury five star hotels. The resort area of ​​Kemer includes the areas of Beldibi, Goynuk, Kemer, Kirish, Camyuva, Tekirova. The most important attractions of Kemer are the Mediterranean Sea and pine forests.


Side (75 km east of Antalya). This ancient ancient city with rich history. For lovers of historical attractions, in the vicinity of the city there are many buildings from ancient times (remains ancient fortress, temples of Apollo and Athena, theater, baths).


Belek (located 30 km east of Antalya) is one of the youngest resorts. The development of tourism and recreation infrastructure began here in 1984. Now it is one of the world's most famous resort centers. One of important areas development of the city is to popularize the game of golf. Belek is one of the most famous golf centers not only in Turkey, but throughout the world. The resort is surrounded by famous pine forests, specially planted under Sultan Abdullaiz II.


The city of Gazipaşa in the province of Antalya, about 40 kilometers east of the city of Alanya. The distance to the city of Antalya is 180 kilometers. Until recently, Gazipasa was known as an agricultural region of Turkey. Grown here a large number of fruits and vegetables (citrus fruits, bananas). The coastline has both rocky areas and sandy beaches. Some beaches in Gazipasa are used as nesting sites by sea turtles. Development in such places is prohibited. The city and region of Gazipasa is actively developing as tourist centre. To attract tourists there is good climate, beautiful nature (sea and mountains) and historical attractions. A yacht harbor and berths for cruise ships will begin operating in the near future.

Gazipaşa - Alanya Airport was opened for international flights in 2011. The airport serves tourists arriving in the cities of Gazipasa, Alanya, Yeşilöz. From Gazipasa Airport to Alanya city can be reached by bus in approximately 40 minutes. The volume of transportation increases every year. The airport accepts flights from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and other countries.

Mediterranean coast Turkey has achieved worldwide fame and is especially popular among Russians and German tourists. Length coastline The Mediterranean Sea in Turkey is a little more than 1,500 km, but the resorts of the Gulf of Antalya are the most popular. The holiday season on the Mediterranean coast always starts earlier and lasts longer than . The climate in this area is wetter and warmer, the water warms up quickly, but intense heat is more difficult to tolerate. In May, for example, it is quite warm, but the summer heat has not yet arrived. In the region, the air warms up to +26°C in May, and the water to +22°C.

Mediterranean resorts

The key to a successful holiday is the right choice of resort. Only in this case will your vacation be productive for body and soul. The first thing you need to think about when choosing a resort on the Mediterranean coast is what you want to get out of your holiday. As we know, rest is divided into active and passive. Holiday destinations are all different, if you are considering the Mediterranean coast, then it can be divided as follows: Kemer is youth recreation, Antalya is a business region, Belek is for a respectable holiday, and Side and Alanya are family resorts. Now in more detail about them.

Kemer Resort

Kemer one of the most beautiful resorts on the coast, he took a place among the sea and mountains. Kemer amazes with its landscapes, the nature is so beautiful here, many travelers come here time after time to be inspired by these landscapes. Kemer is very popular with young people who come to it in search of entertainment and nightlife. In the center of Kemer there is Liman Street, where there are cafes, shops, nightclubs, discos, and souvenir shops. The beaches of Kemer are pebbly, as is the entrance to the sea, so families with children tend to choose other resorts. The air temperature in Kemer is several degrees lower than in others resort regions, which also affects when choosing a resort. if you love leisure, nightlife, beautiful scenery then this resort is for you.

Belek Resort

Belek is not an ordinary resort, it is considered nature reserve, whose territory covers lowlands, coniferous forests and rivers. This resort is quite young, so a huge number of new hotels have spread throughout Belek. The main advantage of the region is the wide beach with a gentle entrance to the sea, with eucalyptus and pine forests that give Belek amazing air. It is also worth noting the main attraction - the huge number of golf clubs, which are considered to be among the best in the world. There are none in Belek, only 4* and 5*. That is why holidays here are always more expensive than at other resorts. If you are a golfer, or a horse riding enthusiast, or prefer new hotels of at least 4*, then this resort is waiting for you.

Side Resort

Side is one of the most beautiful ancient cities on the coast, with unique story, it is often called the “Museum under open air" Side contains many ancient monuments, such as the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, an ancient theater, Roman baths (now a museum) and an aqueduct. The hotels located here are shrouded in greenery, which means that the resort has natural shade. The beaches here are long with a sandy, smooth entry into the sea. This is why this resort is visited by most families with children, for whom these aspects are important. If you are traveling with children or just want to combine beach holiday with excursions, then this region of Turkey is for you.

Alanya Resort

Well, the last resort and the farthest city from Antalya is Alanya. This region attracts tourists with its special climate and the longest swimming season. The region is also ideal for families with children. Since the beaches here are sandy but not wide, the coastline is cut by capes into small and cozy bays. Alanya has a lot of entertainment for every age and budget. Starting from an amusement park with a water park, ending national museums. In the regions you can find plantations of bananas, oranges, and less often pomegranates. The most important advantage of Alanya over other resorts is inexpensive accommodation in hotels, since this is a very distant region, not all tourists are willing to travel three hours to the resort, so local hotels lure tourists with their prices. Therefore, if you want to enjoy your holiday, combining with active entertainment and at the same time save money, then Alanya is for you.

Antalya Resort

Antalya is considered a local resort because it is located next to the city, and some areas are located in the city itself. Many beaches in Antalya are urban, but their content varies from region to region, from large pebbles to golden sand, and it is also worth noting that some have platform beaches. Another advantage of Antalya is its close proximity to the airport. This is actually why businessmen love this region so much. The most important thing you should get from your holiday is positive impressions, a charge of energy, a lot of memories, because this is what we go on vacation for.