Pass 1a category of difficulty. Categories of difficulty in mountaineering and mountain tourism. Reference. Thachi - Acheshbok massifs

By numbering you can find the pass on the map of the Western Caucasus, which is presented in the Maps section, or vice versa, when planning a hike on the map, see which passes are where.

1. Southern Dolomites (1A, 3397)
1a. Deer trail (1A, 3306)
2. 40th anniversary of the TASSR (1B*, 3328)
2a. Tatarsky Northern (1B, 3424)
3. Northern Dolomites (1B, 3444)
4. Okhotnichy (Dolomites) (1A, 3200)

5. Kichkinekol Maly (1A, 3204)
6. Chat Uzunkolsky (1A, 3311)
7. Talychat (Tallychat) (2A*, 3326)
7a. Talychat North (Roshen) (2A*, 3400)
7b. Deceptive (Talychat Western according to V. Lyapin) (1B, 3294)
8. Kichkinekol Medium (1B*, 3264)
9. Chungurjar (1B, 3350)
10. Science (2A, 3450)
11. Safety precautions (TB) (1B, 3352)
12. Gift (2A*, 3519) (according to Lyapin - Podarok Yuzhny)
13. Peretotny (1A, 3242)
14. Instructor's (1B, 3362)
15. Chungur East (2A, 3389)
16. Talychkhan Western (1B*, 3345)
17. Talychkhan Middle (2A-2B, approx. 3450)
18. Talychkhan Central (2A, 3415)
19. Talychkhan East (2A, 3346)
20. Talychkhan horn (2A*, 3423)
21. Manchhap Western (2A, 3278)
22. Manchhap East (1B, 3315)
23. Chope Verkhniy (1A*, 2919)
24. Chope (1A, 2597)
25. ACT (Achauchat, Azov CT) (2A, 3441)
25a. ACT (Achauchat, Azov CT) Skalny (2A, 3500?)
26. Burevestnik Yuzhny (1B, approx. 3420)
27. Burevestnik Severny (1B, approx. 3430)
28. Electric Yuzhny (1B, 3263)
29. Electrician (1A, 3177)
30. Neftyanik (1A, 3193)
31. Panoramic South (1A, 3268)
32. Panoramic North (1A, 3179)
33. Chiper Ice East (2B, 3346)
34. Chiper Ice (1B, 3218)
35. Chiper False (1B, 3267)
36. Chiper-Karachay (1A, 3285)
37. FAFT (1B*, 3387)
38. Kichkinekol Vostochny (1A*, 3367) / Svetly (1B*, ~3400) (I. Grekov, KPI Globus tourist club / Welders (1A, 3380) (T. Zaritskaya, 2009, )
39. Kichkinekol saddle (1B, 3546)
40. Ullukam South (1A, 3429)
40a. Ulukam North (1A, 3314)
41. Nenskra West (1B, 3272)
42. Kherson Division (1B, 3303)
43. Nenskra Central (1B, 3328)
44. Baby (1B, 3336)
45. Nenskra East (Triple) (1B, 3301)
46. ​​Four fools (1B, 3448)
47. Azau (1A, 3428)
48. 40th anniversary of the Komsomol (2A, 3489)
49. Hasanhoysürulgen South (1B, 3493)
50. Hasanhoysürulgen North (1B, 3471)
51. Hotyutau (1A-1B, 3546)
52. Filter (Burevestnik) (3A, 3500)
53. Twins (Communist) (3A*, 3500)
54. Chocolate (2B*, 3400)
55. Irchat (2A, 3311)
56. Dalar (1B*, 3291)
57. Myrdy (1B, 3250)
58. Saken-Dalar (1B, 3103)
59. Dalar South (1B*, 3381)
60. Saken (1B*, 3200)
61. Marchichi (Margichi) (1B?, 3200?)
61a. Memul (1A, 3023)
61b. Sharai (1B*, 3150)
61c. Okrila (1B, 3100)
62. "Saken South" (1B*, 3297)
63. Belova (Tskhvandyr) (2A, 3199)
64. Myrdy-Saken (2B, 3248)
65. Voronezh (3A*, 3756)
66. Aktobe (1B, 3250)
67. Gwandra Malaya (1B, 3270)
68. Karabashi (2A, 3400)
69. Pyramid (2A, 3400)
70. Ak Yuzhny (1B, 3400)
71. Ak Severny (1A*, 3454)
72. Aktur East (1B, 3483)
73. Aktur Western (1B, 3400)
74. Aktur (1A, 3300)
75. "Akkyshtyk" (2A?, 3400?)
75a. 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet (2B*, 3538)
76. Jalpakkol South (1A, 3358)
77. Jalpakkol North (1A, 3400)
78. Jalpakkol Central (1B, 3493)
79. n/k
80. Belyaeva (1B, 3471)
81. Cherenkol (1A*, 3300)
82. Outlook of Myrda (1A, 2900)
83. Trident (1A, 3300)
84. Mao (Maysky) (1A, 3551)
85. Dream (1B?, 3550?)
86. Plevako (1B, 3500)
87. "Plevako Northern" (2A, 3500)
88. "Plevako Vostochny" (1A, 3400)
89. "Mursaly-Cherenkol" (1A?, 3252)
90. Sports club MEPhI (2A, 3550)
91. Nevsky (2A, 3500)
92. Mursaly (1B*, 3525)
93. Traverse (1A, 3400)
94. Kursho (1B*, 3381)
95. Knife (1A, 3268)
96. Crocus (2A*, 3410)
97. Leningradets (1B, 3446)
98. Peacock (1B, 3350)
99. "Northern Peacock" (1A?, 3160)
100. Sunny (1B, 3322)
101. "Nozhu Northern" (1A, 3300)
102. Kertmeli-Uchkulanichi (1A*, 3300)
103. Kertmeli-Uchkulanichi North (1A, 3300)
104. Red scree (1A, 3300)
105. Rusty (1A, 3400)
106. Kyzylkol-Kertmeli (1B, 3350)
107. Kyzylkol-Kertmeli False (1B*, p.o., 3300)
108. Suicidal (1B*, p.o., 3350)
109. Ozerny (1A, 3200)
110. Idle (1A, 3180)
111. "Mursaly-Uchkulanichi" (1B, 3190)
112. Tyrmen (1A, 3350)
113. "Tyrmen Upper" (1B?, 3400?)
114. "Tyrmen-Chkhurbashi" (n/k, 3200)
115. "Chkhurbashi-Ekibekaras" (1A, 3300)
116. "Ekuch" (Ekibekaras-Uchkulanichi) (1B?, 3400?)
117. "Mursaly-Uchkulanichi Northern" (1B?, 3300?)
118. Tikaush (2B, 3426)
119. Murzuk (2A, 3208)
120. Gwandra-Saken (1B, 3417)
120a. Andarhua (1B, 3076)
121. Irene (I. Stepanova) (2B*, 3523)
122. Bondarenko (Globus) (2A, 3467)
123. Kichkinekol Western (2A, 3400)
123a. Viktor Tsoi (3A*, 3278)
124. Gondarai (1A*, 2938)
125. Spartak (2A, 2987)
126. Klych-Gwandra Western (1B, 3069)
127. Klych-Gwandra East (1B, 3050)
128. Gondarai-Klych (1B, 3220)
129. Gondarai-Nahar (1B, 3196)
129a. ~2A
130. Turov (1B, 3237)
131. “Zakyllachat” (2A??, 3300?)
132. Jubilee Naharsky (1B, p.o., 3350)
133. Kyiv?? (1B, p.o., 3400)
133b. Kyiv?? ~2B-3A
133v. "Nakharskaya Gap" (3B, ~3600)
134. Needle (3A, 3450)
134a. "Rocky Naharsky" (~3A, ~3450)
135. Mirror (2B*, 3500) (p/p M. Golubev, 2011)
136. Female (Assumption) (1B, 2984) // from the east there is a difficult ravine, possibly on 2B
137. Domashny (Chegetchat) (1A, 2963) // from the east there is a difficult ravine, possibly at 2A
138. Nahar (n/k, 2885)
139. Nahar West (1A, 3069)
140. Chauluchat South (2A, 3189)
140a. Bulgar (3A, 3230)
141. Klukhor East (2A, 3292)
142. Klukhor (n/k, 2782)
143. Chauluchat (2A, 3163)
144. Kichi-Muruju South (1A, 3144)
145. Kichi-Muruju (1A, 3136)
147. Saddle 3509 (3A-3B, climbed radially from the west by A.I. Safonov in 2010, 3509 m)
147a. about 2B
148. Kichi-Muruju Northern False (2B, 3550)
149. Kichi-Muruju North (2B, 3502)
150. Saddle (1B, 3402)
151. Mironova (2A, 3586)
152. Daut Western (2A, 3475)
153. "Northern Saddle" (1B, 3386)
154. Kasaeva Osmana (2B, 3497)
155. Daut (2A*, 3400)
156. Dautskaya Gap (2A*, 3350)
157. Knot (1B, 3294)
158. Salamander (1B*, 3350)
158a. Angel (1B, 3220)
159. Neftyanik (1B, 3303)
160. Spark (1B*, 3387)
160a. Trekhozerny Nizhny (1B, 3200)
160b. Trekhozerny Verkhniy (1B, 3300)
161. Iskrovtsev (1B, 3356)
162. Leaky (1B, 3300)
163. Ullukul Western (1B*, 3107)
164. Ullukul East (1A, 2986)
165. Long Scree (1A*, s.z.n., 3000)
166. Ullukul Nizhny (n/k, 2933)
167. Nadozerny (2A, 3453)
168. Panoramic 1st (1A, 2836)
169. Panoramic 2nd (1A, 2950)
170. Lokomotivtsev (1B, 3200)
171. "Ryndzhi-Age" (1B*, 3200)
172. Intermediate (1B, 3100)
173. Uchkulan South (1A, 3250)
174. Uchkulan (1B, 3200)
175. Uchkulan Northern (1B???, 3200)
176. Karasu (n/k???, 2964)
177. Ybchik (n/k, 2542)
178. MEPhI East (2A, 3329)
179. MEPhI Western (2A, 3300)
180. ? (1A, ?)
181. Ullu-Muruju (1B*, 3341)
182. Muruju (1B*, 3263)
183. Panorama (1A, 3150)
184. Red Saddle (1B, 2984)
185. Interbumpy (1A, 3000)
186. Mezozerny (1A, 3000)
187. Panorama Western (1B, 3088)
188. Gedeyzh (1A, 3052)
189. MTILP (1B*, 3300)
190. Rynji-Muruju (1B*, 3400)
191. Lokomotiv (2A, 3356)
192. Peacock eye (2A, 3400)
193. Nazly-Rynji (1B, 3389)
194. Nazalykol (1A, 3302)
195. Nazalykol False (1B*, 3400)
196. Nazly-Rynji Northern (1B, 3400)
197. Jolsuzchat (Jolsu-Chat) (1B*, 3400)
198. Garalykol (2A, 3450)
199. Granilshchikova (2B, 3500)
200. Nazaly-Garaly (1B, 3400)
201. Shumka (1A, 3200)
202. Talabashi (n/k, 2489)
203. Nazalybek (1A, 3300)
203a. Nazalybek Nizhny (1A, 3030)
203b. Walking (2A-2B, p.o., 3500)
204. Garalykol Northern (2B, 3410) settlement Karminsky Alexander Valerievich, 2010, Rostov-on-Don, description on in July 2011
204a. Kurumny (1B*, 3472)
204b. Rynji-Jolsuzchat (1A, 3200? m) Karminsky settlement
205. "Garaly-Daut" (~2A, 3250)
206. Dzhalkaush South (1B, 3150)
207. Dzhalkaush (1A, 3141)
208. Dzhalkaush Northern (1B, 3300?)
209. Kyshkhajer (1A, 3226)
210. Epchik (n/k, 3017)
211. "Epchik Upper" (1A?, 3200)
212. "Epchik-Kyshkhadzher" (1A?, 3200)
213. "Kuldun Western" (1A?, 3300)
214. "Kuldun Central" (1A?, 3300)
215. "Kuldun East" (1A?, 3300)
216. Klukhorkaya (2A, 2975)
217. Hackel (2B, 3362)
218. Khakel-Achapara (2A, 3240)
219. Khakel-Chotcha (2B, 3238)
220. Chotcha East (2B, 3125)
221. Chotcha (2B, 3161)
222. Achapara (3A, 3241)
223. Dynkina (2A*, 3250)
224. Anukva (2A, 3143)
225. Hetskvara (3A, 3244)
226. Hetskvara Western (2B, 3193)
227. Buulgen-Chotcha (3A, 3479)
228. Festival (3A*, 3650)
229. Overview (1A, 3022)
230. Buulgen (2B, 3450)
231. Buulgen-Ptysh (2A, 3331)
232. School (2B, 3183)
233. Dombai saddle (Fischer, Freshfield saddle) (2B*, 3633)
234. Chuchkhur (n/k, 2712)
235. White Saddle (1A*, 3118)
236. Musa-Achitara Krugozor (1A, 3012)
237. Dombaysky (2A, 3215)
238. Alluring (2A, 3261)
239. South Dombai Passage Lower (1A, 2779)
240. South Dombai Passage Upper (1B, 2852)
241. Dombaysky South (2A, 3300)
242. Military (2B, 3245)
243. Ptysh (1B, 2995)
244. Atsgara Ptyshsky (2A, 3394)
245. Akbek East (2B*, 3330)
246. Akbek West (2B*, 3495)
247. Ine (2A*, 3395)
248. Dzhuguturlyuchat (3A, 3614)
249. Truth (3A, 3395)
250. Popova Jumper (3A*, 3448)
251. "Amanauz South" (2A, 3510)
252. Amanauz (3A, 3455)
253. Sofrudzhu South (2B*, 3283)
254. Sofrudju (2A, 3494)
255. Belalakaya (2A, 3435)
256. Jessarsky (2B, 3642)
257. Chhaltadzikh (2A, 3236)
258. 40 years of Victory (3A*, 3400)
259. Saamova Igor (3B, 3400)
260. Erzog (3A, 3487)
261. Duke of the South (2B, 3550)
262. Erzog Nizhny (2A, 3210)
263. Zhukov Marshal Yuzhny (3A, 3650)
264. Zhukov Marshal Northern (2B, 3650)
265. Jalauchat (1B, 3046)
266. Square (1B, 3068)
267. Through (Window) (1B, 3076)
268. Sulahat South (1B, 3215)
269. Nogi Sulahat (2A*, 3350)
270. Sulahat (1A*, 3143)
271. Alibek (1A, 3168)
272. Kichi-Teberda Western (1A*, 3150)
273. Kichi-Teberda Central (1A, 3095)
274. Kichi-Teberda East (74) (1B, 3150)
275. 73's (1A*, 3148)
276. Crystal (1A, 3058)
277. Khuty (1A, 3178)
278. Khuty Upper (Five fingers) (2A, 3250)
279. Little Red Riding Hood (1B, 3300)
280. Ullu-Marka (2A, 3519)
281. Upper Mark (1A, 3300)
282. Spur (1B, 3297)
283. Baduk-Khuty (1A, 3131)
284. Baduk Traverse (1B, 3150)
285. Baduk (n/k, 3004)
286. Baduk-Khuty False (1B*, 3150)
287. Marka-Bashi East (2A, 3350)
288. Marka-Bashi Western (2A, 3350)
289. Aryuchat (1A, 2994)
290. Novichkov (1B*, 3100)
291. "Baduk-Khadzhibey" (approx. 2B, approx. 3200) (failed)
292. Hadzhibey-Marka South (2A, 3338)
293. Hadzhibey-Marka Central (2A, 3356)
294. Hadzhibey-Marka Northern (1B*, 3314)
295. Azgek Upper (1B, 3446)
296. Azgek (1A, 3168)
297. Gurpun (n/k, 2493)
298. Gurpun Verkhniy (1A?, 2780) (failed)
299. Educational (Dzhuguturlyuchat Azgeksky) (2A, 3440)
300. Kichi-Marka (2A, 3320)
301. Toguzkol (1A, 3230)
302. "Kichi-Marka Western" (1A*?, 3400?) (failed)
303. "Kichi-Marka Nizhny" (1A?, 3354) (failed)
304. "Sosnovy" (1A, 3280) (failed)
305. Muhu (n/k, 2764)
306. Kichi-Aush (n/k, 2732)
307. "Loop" (n/k, 3000)
308. Hatipara (1A, 2823)
309. "Bulls" (1A, 3000) (passage unknown)
310. Kyngyrchat (Kynyrchad, Kyngyr-Chad) (1А?, 3350) (
311. Two-color (1A?, 3220) (
312. "Kelchat" (Kelchad) (1A, 3170) (passage unknown)
313. Kelchat Western (1A, 3070) (climbed by Boris Plotnikov in 1996)
314. "Bald" (n/k, 2610)
315. "Achkhishtara" (n/k, 2800)
316. "Orta-Ghidam" (1A, 3200)
317. "Kishkit Nizhny" (1A, 3030)
318. "Kishkit Upper" (1A, 3050) (Kelchad according to the classifier)
319. Two-color Eastern (1A?, 3180)
320. To the guides (n/k, 2980)
321. Kysy-Pasaut (n/k, 2770)
322. Foggy (2B, 3530)
323. Khamurza (2A, 3199)
324. Aksaut Small (2A, 3331)
325. Savitskaya Svetlana (2B*, 3200)
326. Aksaut Northern (2B, 3231)
327. Aksaut Nizhny (1A, 2867)
328. Aksaut Western (2A, 3263)
328a. Aksaut (Molodchego?) (2A, 3211)
329. Aksaut South (Aksaut?) (1B, 3050)
330. Bratsky (1B, 3290)
331. Chkhalta-Karach (1B, 3155)
332. Marukhkaya (3A, 3512)
333. South Karakaysky (2B, 3286)
334. West Karakaysky (2B, 3000)
335. Marukh (Marukhsky) (1A, 2748)
336. 810 Infantry Regiment (1B, 2961)
337. North Karakaysky (1B, 3095)
338. Khalega (n/k, 3027)
339. Chegetchat (1A, 3191)
340. "Ten Lakes" (n/k, 2993)
341. Khodyuka (n/k, 2981)
342. Kyzylaush (n/k, 2871)
342a. Chegetchat2 (n/k-1A, 2900)
343. Bugoychat False (1A, 3046)
344. Bugoychat (n/k, 2873)
345. "Bugoychat Northern" (1A, 2850)
346. Chigordali South (n/k, 2831)
347. Chigordali (n/k, 2752)
348. Chigordali North (n/k, 2500)
349. Arkhyz Sedlo (n/k, 2200)
350. Ozerny Arkhyzsky (n/k, 2620)
351. Chabakly (n/k, 2730)
352. Karabek (n/k, 2330)
353. Kizgych-Marukh (1B??, 3000?)
354. Kurella (2A, 2837)
355. Chvakhra (1B, 2954)
356. "Chvakhra South" (1A?, 2733)
357. Salynngan (1B, 3023)
358. Adange (n/k, 2299)
359. Adange Central (n/k, 2421)
359a. Adange South (n/k, 2379)
360. Kongur (1B, 2903)
361.3027 (1A, 3027)
362. Satkharo (1B, 2950)
363. Sunny Arkhyz (1B?, 3100)
364. Asyrkha (1B, 3050)
365. Kizgych (1B, 2997)
365a. 3100 (1B, 3100)
366. Kizgych-Chamagvara (2A, 3200)
367. Kizgych False (1B, 2988)
368. Zhdanovsky (Zhdanovtsev) (2A, 3100)
369. Chuchkhurskaya Gap (1B*, 3154)
370. Traverse Arkhyzsky (1B*, 3150)
371. Chuchkhur of Arkhyz (1B, 3063) / dangerous ram foreheads!
372. Bunny ears (1A, 3192)
373. Bypass Arkhyz (1A*, 2600)
374. New (1B**, 3000)
375. Kholodovsky (1A*, 3175)
376. Ak-Ayry (Slavutich???) (1B, 3150)
376a. Akmana (2A, 3250)
377. Ak-Ayry East (1B, 3100)
378. Kozhukhova (Topal-Aush) (2A, 3400)
378a. ~2B-3A, approx. 3500
378b. Sophia Window (1B, approx. 3100)
379. Sofia saddle (n/k, 2571)
380. Hope (1B, 3120)
381. Bashjol (Capital) (1A, 3048)
382. Köl'ausch (Steep) (1A, 2866)
383. Irkiz (Irkis) (1A, 2871)
384. Karajash (1A, 3022)
384a. Karajash East (1A, 2450)
384b. 1B (
384v. Gammesh-Chat (1B, 3035)
385. Eaglet (1B, 3024)
385a. Eaglet Additional (1A, 2400)
385b. 2A-2B
386. Tokmak (2A, 3076)
387. Chamagvara (2A, 3098)
388. Psysh (2B*, 3350)
389. Crab (Dog ears) (1B*, 3125)
390. Skeu (1B, 2762)
391. Skeu Nizhny (n/k, 2546)
392. Naur (1A, 2839)
393. Magana (1A, 2948)
394. Pshish (Pshish-Uzlovoy, Hillary)(2B**, 3350)
395. Magana False (2A, 3140)
396. Bear Arkhyzsky (1B, 2811)
397. Psyrs (1B, 3228)
398. Small Amanauz (Tornau) (2A, 3326)
399. Minsky (2B*, 3196)
400. Amanauz Arkhyz (2A, 3156)
401. Amanauz North (1B, 3195)
402. Azimba (1B, 3190)
403. Vorontsova-Velyaminova (1B, 3130)
404. Poachers (1A, 2831)
405. Duritsky (1A*, 3030)
406. Dorbun (1A, 2882)
407. Olezhek (Tolyatti) (1A, 2903)
408. Dukkabashi (1A, 2985) // was: Deer (1A, 2998)
408a. Separate (1A, 2820) // was: Klyukovsky (1A)
409. Deer (1A, 2922) // was: Ayulyu Upper (1A, 2917)
410. Ayulu (1A, 2874)
411. Temir-Kulak (Temirkulak) (1A, 3025)
412. Dukkah (n/k, 2637)
412a. 2600 (1B, 2600) (Bondarev, p. 114)
412b. Lateral Dukkinsky (1B) (R.Sh.Islamov, 2nd class on foot, 2003, MGCTK, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.)
413. Phiya (n/k, 2162)
414. "Rechepsta-Phia" (n/k, 2796)
415. Atsgara (Atsgora) (n/k, 2715)
416. Chilik (1A, 2890)
417. "Atsgora Upper" (1A, 2726)
418. Azhoga (Urup-Azhoga) (n/k, 2648)
418a. Nadezhda Atsgarsky (1B, 2500)
419. Urup-Phiya (1A, 2646)
420. Zagedan lakes (1B, 2732)
420a. Shhuanta (1A, 2700)
420b. ~2A, but from the east it looks more logical than the Seventeen Pass
421. Zagedansky (Zagedan) (1B, 2783)
422. Gray-haired (Kirthua) (1B, 2846)
422a. Sosnovy Urupsky (n/k, 2800)
422b. Urup-Atsgara (1A, 2850)
422v. Goldmine (1A?, 2850?) //
422g. Sarastra (Saratov-Astrakhan) (1B, 2700) //
422d. Urup-Zagedanka (n/k, 2800)
423. Bogatyrsky (1B*, 3130)
424. Psykela (Penkela) (1A, 3040)
425. Waterfall Arkhyz (1B, 2910)
426. Gloomy (1A*, 3026)
427. Zaozerny (Simple) (1A, 2700)
428. Rechepsta (1A*, 2892)
428a. "Rechepsta Vostochny" (1A-1B, ca. 2850)
429. Kynhara (Adygea) (1A(?!), 2853)
430. High (1B, 3109)
431. "2986" (n/k, 2986)
432. Kyzylchuk (1B, 3046)
433. Seventeen (1B, 2956)
433a. Kyafar-Rechepsta (1B*, 2950) from Bondarev’s book
433b. ? (1B-2A, approx. 3000)
433v. Seventeen North (1B*, approx. 2900)
434. Pervomaisky (1B*, 2960)
435. Mylgval (Agur the Great) (1A, 2848)
436. Kyafar Upper (1A, 2853)
437. Kyafar (Kumbyzh) (n/k, 2798)
438. Placer Hill (n/k, 2200)
438a. Ilyasov (n/k, 2200)
439. Agur (South) (1A, 2968)
439a. Agur Northern (1A, 2970)
440. Fedoseeva (1A, 2987)
441. Double Arkhyz Southern (Turiy) (Agur tooth) (1B*, 2971)
442. Double Arkhyz Northern (Agur) (1B*, 2940)
443. Agur plateau (1B, 2986)
444. Grozovoy (1B, 2843)
444a. Tserkovny (Yu.Agursky) (approx. 1B*, 2900)
444b. Moskovsky (1A, 2865)
445. Barite (1A, 2809)
445a. Pioneer Arkhyzsky (1A, 2900)
445b. Arkhyz (1A, 2970)
446. Kyafarsky Small (n/k, 2730)
447. Beryuaush (Wolf) (n/k, 2600)
448. Rocky (n/k, 2500)
449. Zborovsky (n/k, 2300)
449a. Generovskaya Beam (n/k, 1600)
450. Observatory Arkhyz (n/k, 2250)
451. Kasaevsky (n/k, 2450)
452. Fina (n/k, 2650)
453. Laba (Labinsky, Mokry) (n/k, 2614)
454. Laba Zapadny (Labinsky Zapadny) (n/k, 2575)
455. Tsegerkulir (Tsargekhulir) (n/k, 2539)
456. Gvashthva Upper (n/k, approx. 2200)
457. Gvasthva (n/k, 2042)
458. Zegerker (not Magana!) (n/k, 2265)
459. Devil's Gate (2A, 2900)
459a. Devil's Gate (according to other sources) (2A, 2900)
460. Gribza (2A, 2850)
461. Komandirsky (2A?, 2900?)
462. Secret (1A, 2800)
463. Abgetski (Abgytskha, Abzgezgi) (1B, 2830)
464. Cold (1A, 2600)
465. Secretive (n/k, 2846)
466. 46 armies (1A, 2755)
467. 25th Border Regiment (n/k, 2709)
468. Vasilyeva (1B, 2850)
469. Alashtrahu (Allashtrahu) (n/k, 2723)
470. Chamashkha (n/k, 2052)
471. Sancharsky (Sancharo) (n/k, 2589)
472. Tsybishkha (Chibishkha) (n/k, 2084)
473. Sancharsky Verkhniy (1A, 2750)
474. Adzapsh (Sour) (n/k, 2497)
475. Adzapsh Nizhny (n/k, 2295)
476. White (Larue) (n/k, 2486)
477. Gentle (n/k, 2405)
478. Student Adzapshsky (1A, 2490)
479. Machitsko (n/k, 2500)
480. Friendship (Minvody) (Mironova) (n/k, 2463)
481. Chmahara (n/k, 2336)
482. Ahitari (n/k, 2371)
483. Makera (n/k, 2380)
484. Damkhurts (n/k, 2452)
485. Damkhurts East (n/k, 2351)
485a. 1A-1B - ?
486. Mamkhurts Upper (1A, 2642)
487. Mamkhurts (1A, 2525)
488. Mamkhurts-Makera (1A, 2403)
489. Seven lakes (1A, 2550)
490. Quiet (1A, 3012)
491. Additional Damkhurtsky (n/k, 2934)
492. Imereti (not less than 1B*, 2950)
492a. Maryinsky (Maryansky) (1B, 3100)
492b. Chocolate Imereti (1B, 3020)
493. Difficult (approx. 1B, 3000)
494. Kvata (n/k, 2350)
494a. Quata False (1B, 2500)
495. Lugansk (n/k, 2428)
496. Umpyrsky (n/k, 2528)
497. Magisho (n/k, 2880)
498. Adjara (Adjarian) (1А?, 2700)
499. Avadhara (Audahara) (1B, 28AChel00)
500. Tsakhvoa (1B, 2995),
500a. Thirteen (1B, 2800)
501. Kardyvach (1A, 2823)
502. Tsyndyshkho (1A, 2750)
503. Chernomorsky (Chernorechensky) (1B, 2290)
504. Smidovicha (1A, 2749)
505. Mzymta (2A, 2850)
506. Cool (1A, 2765)
507. Pedestrian (1A, 2980)
508. ???
508a. Solid (~2A, ~3000)
509. Ahuk-Dara (n/k, 2050)
510. Kukhateku (Kuteheku) (n/k, 2400)
511. Loyub (1A, 2700)
512. Five (Five Loyubsky) (1A, 2592)
512a. Tourist Loyubsky (1A, 2815)
512b. Flower bed (n/k, 2700)
513. Kuban (Labinsky) (1A, 2745)
514. Four Aishkhinsky (1A, 2545)
515. Atsetuksky (n/k, 2130)
516. Krasnaya Gorka (Defense) (1A, 3100)
517. “Saddle with an obelisk” - from Marukh to Elbrus, p.92
518. Pseashkha (n/k, 2014)
519. Timukhina (3A, 2900)
520. 75 years of KGBZ (1B, 3150)
521. Marble (1B*, 2800)
522. Stroiteley False (1B, 2940)
523. Builders (1A*, 2800)
524. Aishkha (n/k, 2401)
525. Grigora (3A, 3150)
526. Crazy (1B, 2650)
526a. Nadezhda Agepstinsky (n/k, 2453)
526b. 24 (1A, 2555)
526v. Turya Gate (n/a, 2500)
527. Sinerechinsky (2A, 2750)
528. Shaposhnikova (2B, 2450)
529. Chugush Western (2B, 2700)
530. Eastern Chugush (Snow White) (1A, 2675)
531. Borchevsky (3A, 3100)
532. Vasilyeva Urushtensky (2A, 2600)
533. Camel (2B?, 2500)
534. Jitaku (1B, 2700)
535. Koshkareva False (1B, 2740)
536. Koshkareva (1B, 2700)
537. Urushten South (1A*, 2830)
538. Transcaucasus (1B, 2640)
539. Chugush South (1B, 2760)
540. Julia (1B*, 2500)
541. Nine (1A, 2801)
542. Chelipsi (1A, 2870)
542a. Gardener (n/k?, 2900?)
543. Alous (n/k, 1950)
544. Aishkha-2 (n/k, 1965)
545. Reinhardt (1A, 2280)
546. Lashipse (n/k, 2300)
547. Anchkha (Anchho) (n/k, 2031)
548. SAO (n/k, 2300)
549. Ark (1A, 2600)
550. Alan (2A, 2Bld in autumn, 3100)

Number of difficulty categories in all types active tourism 6. As the difficulty category of the hike increases, its difficulty increases from I to VI (Table 1). The difficulty category of a route is determined by local obstacles encountered along the way. In trekking (mountain tourism) these are passes, water tourism– rapids, in caving tourism – caves, etc. In turn, local obstacles can also be divided into several categories of difficulty. The difficulty category is used in the context of the hike in general, and the difficulty category is used for local obstacles on the tourist route.

Table 1 – Standards for trips in active tourism

Difficulty category I II III IV V VI
Minimum duration, in days 6 8 10 13 16 20
Type of tourism Minimum trekking length, km
Trekking (mountain tourism) 100 120 140 150 160 160
Bicycle 300 400 500 600 700 800
Water 150 160 170 180 190 190
Speleo (number of caves) 5 4-5 1-2 1-2 1-2 1
Pedestrian 130 160 190 220 250 300
Ski 130 150 170 210 240 300

In trekking, the trekking route must be linear or circular and make up at least 75% of the entire route. This was done so that if there is not enough distance to qualify for the ICC, tourists can make radial exits. "Radial" is counted in one direction if the return is along the same path.

The difficulty of climbing in mountaineering is determined by the complexity of a particular route to a mountain peak. There are also 6 categories of difficulty, divided into 2 semi-categories A and B (1A class in mountaineering is not included in the category count). The difficulty categories of the route are determined by the difficulty of local sections, of which there are also 6 from I to VI. There is also an international methodology for assessing the difficulty of rocky areas UIAA– Union of International Mountaineering Associations. The classification is presented by 11 kt. from I to XI. You can watch it.

In trekking, local obstacles are mainly passes (Table 2). There are 3 main categories, divided into semi-categories just like in mountaineering - A and B. There are passes without c.t. – uncategorized (indicated on maps as n/a). Traverses and peak ascents can be included in your trekking credit. Here it is necessary to correctly translate the mountaineering category of difficulty into trekking. It roughly looks like this:

— the nature of the most difficult sections of the pass;

— equipment, movement tactics and features of overnight accommodations necessary to overcome the pass;

— quantitative characteristics (travel time, number of insurance points);

- necessary special equipment (Popchikovsky V.Yu.).

Any c.s. is included in the credit for the route. includes several passes (Table 2). A minimum number of passes of a given difficulty has been established. In this case, the maximum number of passes in one route can be increased by 2. A tourist group can include passes of any difficulty, not exceeding the complexity of the hike. It is worth noting that, starting with the III class campaign, the group has the right to decide for themselves which pass is more logical to go through.

Table 2 – Standards for the difficulty category of trekking trips

Hiking difficulty category
Minimum number of passes 2 3 4 5 6 7
Difficulty of the passes
1A 2 1
1B 2 1 1
2A 2 1 1
2B 2 1 1
3A 2 1*
3B 2*

*on route VI class lane option possible 2B – 1 piece, 3A – 3 pieces, 3B – 1 piece.

The difficulty of the passes is determined as follows (Table 3).

Table 3 – Criteria for assessing the difficulty of passes

(Table from the book “Russian tourist. Regulatory acts on sports and health tourism in Russia for 2001-2004.”)

K.t. pass The nature of the most difficult sections of the route Technology and travel conditions Total time (t) to overcome the pass. Number of belay points (n). Defining section length (I) Special equipment required
1A Simple, scree, snow and rocky slopes with a steepness of up to 30°, gentle (up to 15°) glaciers without cracks, steep grassy slopes, on which areas of rocks are possible, usually there are trails on the approaches. The simplest individual equipment self-belaying with an alpenstock or ice ax. When crossing rivers, belaying with a rope may be required on the approaches. Spending the night, as a rule, in a forest or meadow area. Several hours.n = 0I = 0 Shoes with non-slip soles, alpen poles, safety belts (chest harnesses) and carabiners for each participant. 1-2 main ropes per group.
1B Simple rocks, snow and scree slopes of medium steepness (from 20 to 45°), and in some years, areas of ice on the slopes, usually covered with snow: closed glaciers with areas of hidden cracks. The simplest collective technique: simultaneous movement in teams along slopes and closed glaciers. Hanging railings on slopes and at crossings. Overnight stays are possible on the border of the glacial zone. No more than one day.n = up to 5I = up to 40-50 m. Boots with grooved soles, alpenstocks or ice axes (1-2 ice axes per group are required), harnesses and carabiners for each participant. One main rope for every 3-4 people. Rock and ice pitons (3-4 per group), rock and ice hammer.
2A Rocky, snowy, ice slopes of medium steepness (from 20 to 45°), closed glaciers and simple icefalls. More complex individual and collective techniques, alternating or group (railing) belays, the use of crampons or cutting steps may require a hook belay. Overnight stays in the glacial zone are possible. No more than a dayn = 5-10I = up to 80-100 m (2-3 pitches in a row) In addition to what is listed for passes 1B k.t. ice axes and crampons for each participant, pitons in the required quantity and assortment. One main rope for every 2-3 people.
2B Steep (over 45°) snow, ice and rock slopes of average complexity; short (up to 10-15 m) wall sections of icefalls of average complexity are possible. The use of the entire most common arsenal of technical techniques: railing or alternating belay, the use of pitons, the movement of the first on the ascent, and the last on the descent without a backpack, separate ascent and descent of backpacks, rappelling. As a rule, overnight stays in the glacial zone are unavoidable. At least a day.n = 5-20I = up to 200 m (3-5 pitches in a row) In addition to what is listed for passes 2A k.t.,: braking devices for rappelling and (preferably) clamps for ascent. Auxiliary rope, loops, expendable ends of ropes and hooks for rappelling.
3A Steep (from 45 to 65°) snow, ice and rock slopes of considerable length, wall sections up to 1-2 pitches in a row, complex icefalls. The use of various methods of movement and insurance over long areas, including the use of artificial supports, ladders, anchors, etc. Usually preliminary reconnaissance and route processing is necessary. Tactics take on predominant importance. Repeated overnight stays in the ice zone are inevitable. Organizing a bivouac may require high costs time and effort. Up to two daysn = 10-40I = from 200 to 500 m (up to 10 pitches in a row) In addition to the equipment listed above, clamps for climbing a rope, it is possible to use main and auxiliary ropes of increased length; it may be necessary to use ladders, bookmarks and hooks that are removed during descent.
3B Same as for 3A, but at longer complex areas, their varied nature or extreme complexity, including walls with a steepness of 60° or more. The need for almost continuous mutual and group belay for many hours and even days, special, designed to overcome a given pass, training for excellent mastery of equipment by all participants in impeccable tactics. There may be a lack of places to spend the night, which requires the organization of sitting or hanging bivouacs. At least two days.n ≥ 30I = 500 m or more (more than 10 ropes in a row) The same as 3A kt. Equipment specially prepared for overcoming a specific pass may be required.

In the criteria for evaluating routes on Mountain peaks includes:

— absolute height of the peak;

— length of the route;

— steepness of slopes, nature of the relief;

— technical complexity of individual sections;

— the total number of sections of varying degrees of difficulty on the way to the top;

— approaches and descent from the summit are not included in the route difficulty category.

In general, they are similar to the assessment of passes. The complexity of climbing routes is determined as shown in tables 4 and 5.

Table 4 – Criteria for assessing the complexity of routes to mountain peaks

K.s. peaks Character of the slopes of the summit Category of difficulty of sections on the route (for details about the difficulty level, see the table below). Total time (t) to overcome the peak. Number of belay points (n).
1B Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks up to 5000 m high. The average length of the route is 500 m, the average steepness is 10-25°. The basis is made up of sections 0 kt. It is necessary to have section I k.t. (rocky: 20-30 m or more, or ice-snow: 80-100 m or more) or the presence of several sections of class II. (each - 3-15 m of rock or 30-40 m of ice-snow nature). t from 1.5 to 8 hours n = 0+
2A The basis is made up of sections 0 and 1 kt. It is necessary to have a section II k.t. (rocky: 5-20 m, or ice-snow: 80-100 m). t from 2 to 10 hours n = 0+
2B Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks up to 6000 m high. The average length of the route is 550 m, the average steepness is 15-30°. The basis is made up of sections 0 and 1 kt. It is necessary to have a section II k.t. (rocky: 15-30 m or more, or ice-snow: 80-100 m or more) or the presence of several sections of class III. (each - 3-10 m of rock or 20-50 m of ice-snow nature). t from 2 to 10 hours n = 0-3
3A The basis is made up of sections I and II of the class. It is necessary to have section III k.t. (rocky: 5-20 m, or ice-snow: 50-200 m). t from 3 to 10 hours n = 1-3 Rope descent is possible.
3B Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks up to 6500 m high. The average length of the route is 600 m, the average steepness is 20-40°. The basis is made up of sections I and II of the class. It is necessary to have section III k.t. (rocky: 20-30 m, or ice-snow: 100-300 m) or the presence of several sections of IV class. (each - 3-15 m of rock or 50-100 m of ice-snow nature). t from 3 to 10 hours n = 2-6 Rope descent.
4A The basis is made up of sections II and III of the class. It is necessary to have section IV room. (rocky: 20-50 m, or ice-snow: 50-200 m). t ≥5 hours n = 10-15+It may be necessary to organize an overnight stay along the route. Rope descent.
4B Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks up to 7000 m high. The average length of the route is 650 m, the average steepness is 30-50°. The basis is made up of sections II and III of the class. It is necessary to have section IV room. (rocky: 40-80 m, or ice-snow: 200-400 m) or the presence of several sections of V c.t. (each - 3-15 m of rock or 50-150 m of ice-snow nature). t ≥6 hours n = 10-20+ In most cases, you will need to organize an overnight stay along the route. Rope descent.
5A Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks up to 7500 m high. The average length of the route is 700 m, the average steepness is 40-60°. The basis is made up of sections III and IV of the class. It is necessary to have a section V k.t. (rocky: 10-40 m, or ice-snow: 100-400 m). t ≥6 hours n = 15-20+ In most cases, you will need to organize an overnight stay along the route. Rope descent.
5 B Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks over 2000 m high. The average length of the route is 750 m, the average steepness is 45-70°. There are practically no sections I and II grades. The basis is made up of sections III and IV of the class. It is necessary to have a section V k.t. (rocky: 50 m, or ice-snow: 300-500 m) or the presence of several sections of VI class. (3-20 m each). t ≥8 hours n = 40-50+ In most cases, technically complex organization of overnight accommodation along the route will be required. Descent only by rope.
6A Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks over 3000 m high. The average length of the route is 800 m, the average steepness is 65-75°. There are practically no sections I-III k.t. The basis is made up of sections IV and V c.t. It is necessary to have sections VI k.t. (each - 20-40 m or more), with a total length of at least 200 m. t ≥3 daysn = 100+Technically complex organization of overnight accommodation along the route is required (mainly sitting or hanging places). Descent only by rope.
6B Rocky/snow-ice or combined route, peaks over 3000 m high. The average length of the route is 800 m, the average steepness is 70-80°. There are practically no sections I-IV c.t. The basis is made up of sections V and VI of the class. t ≥3 daysn = 100+Technically complex organization of overnight accommodation along the route is required (mainly hanging hammocks, etc.). Descent only by rope.
K.T. Nature of the sites Passing technique
0 Snow-ice, rocky slopes and ridges with a steepness of 10-20°. The sections are traversed by the entire group moving simultaneously.
I Snow and ice areas with a steepness of 15-30°, non-steep rocks. Sections are covered by the simultaneous movement of the entire group, using arms to maintain balance.
II Snow-ice areas with a steepness of 25-30°, non-steep rocks. The sections are climbed alternately, and by experienced climbers - simultaneously, using their hands to maintain balance.
III Snow and ice areas with a steepness of 30-45°, steep rocks with numerous holds and ledges, or gentle but smooth rocks. Rocky sections are traversed by “free climbing”, with the main load on the legs and a backpack on the shoulders. Snow and ice areas are covered using a “three-step” technique or wearing crampons.
IV Snow-ice areas (slopes and ridges with snow cornices) with a steepness of 40-55°, steep rocks with a few holds and ledges. Rocky sections are traversed by “free climbing”; climbing with a backpack on your shoulders is possible, but very difficult. Snow and ice areas are covered mainly on the front teeth of the crampons.
V Snow-ice areas (slopes and ridges with snow cornices) with a steepness of more than 45°, steep rocks with a few inconvenient holds and ledges. Rocky areas are traversed by “free climbing” or with the installation of artificial support points (AID). Walking with a heavy backpack on your shoulders is impossible. Snow and ice areas are covered mainly on the front teeth of the crampons, but mainly with aid.
VI Rocky vertical walls and overhangs with inconvenient, few holds and ledges. Passing sections requires effort to the limit of human capabilities.

Official assessment of backcountry routes on post-Soviet space does not exist. The category of complexity of backcountry routes is closely intertwined with the complexity of mountaineering and hiking routes (Table 6).

Table 6 – Assessment of the complexity of backcountry routes ( Vitaliy Rage)

K.s. route Difficulty (rating) of the descent (ski)* Analogue in mountaineering Average slope and terrain Features of the descent and degree of danger
F –Simple 1, 2.1, 2.2 n/k, flat ≤28 o, hilly terrain without obstacles. No key areas, no risk of losing control and falling.
P.D. Not very difficult 2.1-3.2 n/a, cooler 28-35 o, open spaces with small areas of steep terrain. Riding in the forest. Not very steep and short narrowings. Turns are possible to overcome obstacles. Steep sections with good rollout.
AD – Average 3.2-4.3 1A, 1B 35-40 o, steep sections are inevitable. Short and very steep tapers. The need for short turns. Risk of injury due to loss of control. Overcoming obstacles requires quick reactions.
D Complex 4.2-5.2 2A-3A 40-45 o, steep slope, rocks, cliffs, ice. Short turns are still possible. There are many obstacles that require excellent equipment control. If you fall, death is possible.
T.D. Very difficult 5.3+ 3B-4B (5A) 45-50 o, very steep slope, many rocky faults, steps, cliffs, large cracks. Part of what is needed is short turns and slides down long, steep couloirs. Rappelling is possible. If you fall, death is likely.
ED (EX) – Extreme 5.4+ 5A and above 50-55 o, steep walls and couloirs, rocky steps, faults, cliffs, large cracks. Short turns and slides along long steep couloirs are required. Rappelling through rock walls. Lack of safe stopping points

Methods for categorizing other types of active tourism can be viewed in detail in this book on pp. 86-115. Vostokov I.E., Panov S.N. Russian tourist. Regulatory acts on sports and health tourism in Russia for 2001-2004. – M., 2001. Download .

The routes can be officially completed in Federation of Sports Tourism and Tourist All-Arounds, we have one like this. On the website you can find various information on tourist and sporting events active species tourism: competitions, touriades, festivals, water regattas, etc. throughout Kazakhstan. But this is if you want to become an athlete, if not, then join us.

about mountain tourism training
hike of the second category of difficulty
in the Western Caucasus,
committed by a group of club tourists mountain tourism"Serpentine" (Sochi)
from July 11 to July 24, 2008

2.8. Technical description route

Get up at 6:20. Partly cloudy. The group is in combat condition.

The Duritsky Pass was visible to us from the lane. Ak-Ayry Vost., now, accordingly, we see it from the parking lot.

We leave at 8:00. A U-shaped grassy scree saddle is visible directly in front of us. This is the false Duritsky pass, it leads to the valley of the Belaya River. Our pass is located to the left (west) and hidden from us by a destroyed rock ridge. We follow the path along the bottom of the circus and climb to the next terrace of the valley. We stick to the left side as we move. In places where the scree emerges, tours are laid out. At 8:48 we stop for a 10-minute break on the next terrace. Having passed along a wide snow-covered chute formed by the main ridge and an old sheep's forehead at the bottom of the circus, we emerge under the pass takeoff.

The pass takeoff from the east is a conglomerate scree with a steepness of 30-40 degrees, about 100 m long, flattening upward. At the time of passing, there was a small snow patch at the top.

At 10:10 the group climbed to the pass. Duritsky Pass 1A*, 3000 m, located in the Arkasar ridge, connects the valleys of the Amanauz and Burnaya rivers (a tributary of the Bolshaya Laba), has an E-W orientation. It represents a wide (about 50 m) scree saddle of destroyed rocks. Tour in the middle.

Group on the lane Duritskogo 1A*

In the east we see the dominant century. Pshish, to the right you can see the city of Chuchkhur, even to the right the city of Sofia. In the west the city of Dukka-Bashi is visible in the Arkasara ridge, lane.

Dorbun, Burnaya district, B. Laba district.

A note was found on the tour from a group of tourists from the tourist club “Citadel”, Belarus, Brest, dated August 18, 2008, who were making a 2 class hike.

At the pass we eat chocolate, take a photo, leave a note and at 10:50 we begin our descent.

The descent begins in the southwestern part and consists of a scree 50 m long.

The slope is up to 40 degrees, the scree is small and mobile. Then there is access to a snowfield of the same steepness, which flattens out towards the bottom of the valley.

After consulting, we accept the second option, considering it more interesting and panoramic.

Next we go to south direction, starting the traverse of the talus spur of the ridge. Having climbed the spur, we find out that the ridge is a single ridge, but is cut by scree couloirs into rays converging at the top. We are located on the northernmost ray. The southernmost ray is facing us big amount

simple rocky outcrops on a steep grassy slope, overcoming which will require significant effort. Therefore, we climb up our ridge to the place where the rays converge. The steepness of the slope is about 20-30 degrees. We cross the snowfield.

We walk along the snowfield of the ridge that has not melted and cross the upper part of the suction at the place where it flattens out and reach the ridge separating the tributaries.

We cross the ridge, which is a medium-steep large stone scree, and a panorama opens up to us with a view of the Vorontsov-Velyaminov glacier and the valley of the river. Stormy. The ascent path to the lane is fully visible. Vorontsova-Velyaminov. At 13:20 in this

panoramic location

We stop for a break to enjoy the beauty of the views. At 13:40 we begin the descent from the ridge, represented by a grassy scree slope with a steepness of about 30 degrees. At 14:00 we stop on a gently sloping grassy terrace where we stop for lunch.

From the terrace we have a clear view of the lane. Poachers, where we soon notice D.V. Timofeev’s group.

At the parking lot there is a powerful stream where we get water.

We watch the group of D.V. Timofeev descending from the pass. When they descended below the level of our terrace, we established voice communication with them.

After talking and learning the latest news, we return to our business. Because We have two half-walks left to go, during lunch we dry our things and rest.

At 16:35 we descend from the lunch place by traverse down the moderately steep scree to the lake in the circus lane. Poachers. At the lake at 16:50 there is a short break.

It’s not enough to know the categories of passes, you need to feel them. On a non-category you calmly walk along a path up the mountain, then down the mountain, sort of walking. 1A is the simplest of the categories - self-insurance is enough. This is when you insure yourself - with an alpenstock or, since with a backpack our jumping ability and mobility suffer greatly. Well, constant attention - every foot step needs to be thought out, taking into account the slippery surface, and “live” stones and moving powder. On more difficult passes you need knots, harnesses and railings that are so carefully trained.

Emotions are also important in the mountains. With heavy workloads, people are not so kind; some hold back anger, others hold back tears. And then you watch a video of another group - a girl climbs a rope and smiles. - Why is she without a backpack? “I couldn’t, the boys lifted her up for her.” And he smiles, but when you couldn’t carry your backpack you didn’t want to smile at all.

Knees are a weak point, but not for everyone. The load on them is high, especially on the descent, and some wrap their knees with elastic bandages for prevention. Others suffer from hip joints and this is worse - you can’t wrap them up anymore.

There is one more trouble that you can encounter - a sprained ligament in the foot. Neither life-saving measures nor caution help - when you, along with a 16-kilogram person, are literally blown away by the wind while moving through the slippery valleys of overflowing streams, you can get such trouble that you will feel even six months after the hike.

Star means a possible increase in the category of the pass depending on the conditions of passage.
Exclamation sign means increased avalanche danger.
"Khibiny autumn" - November, "Khibiny winter spring" - December-April.
The classifier was created by Konstantin Beketov.

Name height summer autumn winter spring The pass connects...
Academic 1075 1A 1B 1B the first right tributary of the Kuniyok river is the Tulyok river
Aku-Aku 440 n/a 1A n/a Yumyekorruai stream - left tributary of the Goltsovka river
Arsenyev East 1030 n/a 1A! 1A! Fersman creek - eastern source of Meridianny creek
Arsenyeva Western 1000 1A 1B! 1B! Chilmana stream - center. source of the Meridianny stream
Nameless 925 1B 1B! 1B! Tulyok r. - Kukisyok r.
Petrel 1080 2A 2A*! 2A*! source of the Mal. Belaya river - Kuniyok river
Question 940 n/a 1A 1A* stream flowing from Geographov Lane to the southwest - nameless lake in southwest circus Takhtarvumchorr ridge
Vortkeywave 750 n/a 1A! 1A! Tulyok river - Kirov mine
High 1125 1A 1B! 1B! source of the Kaljok river - southern circus of the city of Central Lyavochorr
Geographers 880 1A 1A 1A industrial zone Apatity - lake Mal.Vudyavr
Gorely (Waterfall Valley) 400 n/a n/a n/a Takhtaryok river - next. to the south there is a stream; at the edge of the forest
Gury East (Nyorkpahk East) 680 n/a n/a n/a
Gury Western (Nyorkpahk Western) 650 n/a 1A 1A Koashva quarry - Tymshasuaiv stream
Deniskina Joy 680 1A 1A 1A Nephelinovy ​​creek - Zvezdochka creek
Star 300 n/a n/a n/a Zvezdochka creek - Yumekorruay creek
Impulse (South Yumjekorr) 840 1A 1A 1A Nephelinovy ​​creek - left tributary of Meridianny creek
Canyon 680 1A 1B 1A Medvezhiy Log stream is the next stream to the south; in the back shoulder of V. Chilman
Cornice 1 to 4 1020 1B* 2A 2A! circus Shchel lane - Gakmana stream
Cornice 5 1010 1B 2A 2A! circus lane Shchel - source of the Vuonemyok river
Disaster Vostochny (Takhtarvum) 920 1B 2A! 2A! left tributary of the Mal. Belaya river - the next stream to the southeast of the Takhtaryok stream
Disaster Western 900 1B 2A! 2A! left tributary of the Mal. Belaya river - Takhtaryok stream
Cross (Rocky) 1005 1B* 2A! 2A! circus of the Fersman lane - circus of the sources of the Petrelius stream
Cookiesvum 480 n/a n/k! n/k! Kuniyok river - Kukisjok river
Partridge 430 n/a n/a n/a Tulyok river - Kaskasnyunyok river, west of Rypnetsk
Loparsky 644 n/a 1A 1A Kirov mine (Loparskaya river) - Tulyok river
Lyavochorr Northern 700 n/a n/a n/a Severnaya Lyavoyok river - Perevalnaya river
Lyavochorr Central 925 1B 1B!* 1B!* North Lyavoyok river - Kaljok river
Lyavochorr South 1090 1A 1B 1B Kaljok river - Lyavoyok river
Mannepahk 790 n/a 1A 1A tributary of the Mannepahk river (Indivichvumyok) - Mannepahkuay river
Marchenko (Kuelporr) 670 n/a 1A 1A! (cornice!) 3rd right tributary of the Kuniyok river - Risjok river
Namuayw 520 n/a n/a n/a Kaljok river - Mayvaltayok river
Ridiculous 760 n/a 1A 1A! Mal.Belaya river - stream, trail north of the Takhtaryok river; east of Khibiny
November 790 1A 1A* 1A* right tributary of the Mal. Belaya river - stream, next south of the Medvezhiy Log stream
Deceptive 563 n/a n/a n/a Kaljok river - Obmannaya river
Deer (Random) 730 1A 1B* 1B middle course of Kaljok - middle course of Maivaltajok
Eagle 1100 2A 2A*! 2A! Petrelius stream - Fersman stream
Parthomporr 533 n/a n/a n/a middle course of Kaskasnyunjok - Maivaltayok river
Partomchorr Northern 840 n/a n/a n/a Lyavoyok river - Mayvaltayok river
Partomchorr South 770 n/a 1A 1A Lyavoyok river - North Kaskasnyunyok river
Petrelius East 883 1A 1B 1B
Petrelius Western 840 n/a 1B 1A Mal. Belaya river - Petrelius stream
Midnight 1100 2A-2B 2B! 2B! "Fersman Circus" - northern circus in Chasnachorr; along the couloir to glacier No. 2
Postman 600 n/a 1A 1A Medvezhiy Log creek - Nephelinovy ​​creek
Putellichorr 780 1A 1B 1B Kuniyok river - left tributary of the Basseynaya Kuna river
Rainbow 600 n/a n/a n/a Lake Komarinoye - Tulilukht Bay; east of Njorkpahk
Ramsay 800 n/a n/a n/a Mal.Belaya river - Poachyok stream
Rischorr Northern 900 n/k-1A 1A 1A Kaskasnyunyok river (Marakotova Abyss gorge) - north. source of the Risyok river
Rischorr South 890 n/a 1A 1A Kaskasnyunyok river (Witches Gorge) - south. source of the Risyok river
Wallepahka Saddle 600 n/a 1A 1A tributary of the Obmannaya river - Kaljok river
Seven Samurai 1050 1B 2A! 2A! Meridianny stream - northern circus in Chasnachorr; through the spur
Swaluive East 560 n/a n/a n/a Kaljok river - Mayvaltayok river
Swaluive Western 640 n/a n/a n/a Kaljok river - Mayvaltayok river
Takhtar 1120 1B* 2A*! 2A*! circus of the left side of the valley of the Mal. Belaya river - Zap. Poachyok stream
Takhtarvum (Ravine Takhtarvumchorr) 955 1B 2A 2A! left tributary of the Mal. Belaya river - the first stream south of the Takhtaryok stream
Crack 960 2A 2A* 2A* option of the Cornice pass, actually through V. Bastion
Umbozersky 527 n/a n/a n/a Partomyok river - North Kaskasnyunyok river
Skalnoye Gorge 600 n/a n/a n/a Kirovsk city (Bol. Belaya river) - stream. from Geographov Lane
Fersman 980 1B 2A* 2A manual Meridionalny - stream. Fersman
Chasnachorr 1130 1B 1B*! 2A! circus of Fersman lane - the first left tributary of the Petrelius stream
Chilman 790 n/a 1A 1A manual Chilmana - left source of the Medvezhiy Log stream
Chorgorr Northern 1020 1A 1B! 1B! Kuniyok river - Indivichvumyok river (Mannepahk)
Chorgorr South 850 n/a 1B 1A Kuniyok river - Chasnayok stream
Khibinpakhkchorr gap (North-South) 780 1A 1B 1B left tributary of the Goltsovka river - Yumiekorruai stream
Eveslogchorr gap 820 1B 1B*! 1B*! tributary of the Tulyok River - Vuonemyok River
Eveslogchorr East 810 n/a n/a n/a Vuonnemyok river - Tymshasuaiv stream
Eveslogchorr Western 900 n/a 1A 1A tributary of the Tulyok River - Vuonnemyok River
Eveslogchorr Central 900 1B 1B*! 1B*! Ave. tributary Ave. tributary of the Tuljok river - Vuonnemyok river
Yuksporlak 674 n/a n/a n/a Vuonnemyok river - Yuksporryok river
Yumjekorr 700 n/a n/a n/a Yumiekorruay creek - left tributary of the Meridianny creek

The most difficult section

Number of insurance points

Transition time


Scree and rocky slopes up to 30 degrees; glaciers up to 15 degrees

Few hours

Snow and scree clones up to 45 g, light rocks

No more than 1 day

Snow, ice, rock slopes up to 45 degrees, ice falls

No more than a day

Snow, ice, rock slopes over 45 degrees, ice falls, wall sections up to 15 meters

At least 24 hours

Snow, ice, rock slopes up to 65 degrees, ice falls, wall sections up to 2 pitches

Snow, ice, rock slopes over 60 degrees, ice falls, wall sections more than 2 pitches

At least two days

Rounding the rocky pressure near the lake, the trail first rises along a grassy slope, then comes out onto a scree and along it, serpentine, goes in the direction of the passage between rocky outcrops. We begin to climb along it and, after 20 minutes, we come to a fork in the paths. Height 3633 m, coordinates 42.3217616603 78.5256071482.

Choose left path, which traverses the scree and smoothly rises towards the pass. The right path goes down, along a grassy slope with stones, to the side tent camp"Aksai Travel" and then to the lake shore.

The ascent along the trail is not difficult, but monotonous (this is true for the entire trail up to the pass). We walk slowly and examine the rocks to the left of the path. In principle, here you can find places for training, but there are not many flat areas where you could gather under the rocks; they are surrounded by trails of scree, and there is no water throughout the entire ascent.

The trail gradually turns towards the pass. Crossing the scree running in ridges, it periodically descends and rises, but the general nature of the ascent is a traverse of the scree slope with a slight gain in height. Almost all the time the trail goes under the rocks, crossing the scree in their upper part. About 10-15 minutes before the pass we come to a local flattening - the scree here is larger, the path on it is lost, the path is marked with tours. We climb to the pass in 1 hour 10-20 minutes from the fork in the trails with one 10-minute rest. The saddle of pass 16 is wide, scree, with the remains of snow cornices hanging from it. These are the only areas of snow on the pass takeoff on both sides of the pass, it’s dry. To the east there is a view of the upper reaches of the Keldyke River.

Having gathered at the pass, we admire the magnificent views of the lake, surrounding peaks and glaciers. Height 3920 m. At 13:55 we begin the descent from the pass. We go down not to the camp, but to the shore of the lake (after about 20 minutes of descending along the path, we leave it and, along one of the screes, go down to the water). Here, on a green terrace with a stream, we get up for lunch, having found dry place(the shore of the lake is swampy). It took 30 minutes to get down here from the pass.

2. Panoramic pass 1B 3700 (1A 3500)???

Get up 5:00-5:30, leave at 7:15. Cloudy, completely windless, temperature +8°. The water in the lake is like a mirror; By the time we leave, a slight breeze picks up. The trail to the Panorama pass goes a couple of tens of meters from the water along a traverse of a scree slope, marked by hikers. After 10 minutes, when overcoming rocky outcrops, it splits into several, which then converge again. Suddenly, ahead, behind the circus of the pass, there is a massive rockfall: along one of the couloirs, large stones fly from the ridge line to the water and, falling into the lake, raise giant fountains. Alarmed, we quickly pass the rest of the trail under the rocks and take a break at the entrance to the talus circus of the pass. Further ascent to the pass takes place along medium and small scree with patches of land, steepness up to 20°. In some places there is a trail, the scree is mostly stable. We reach the pass at 8:45. It is windy and cool here (+8°), the panorama is hidden by clouds. We walk along the wide ridge in east direction. There is no note on the tour. Many participants feel a little “gorgeous.” We begin our descent at 9:35 diagonally to the right to reach the wide scree slope of the southern slope in. 30 years of the Komsomol. Underfoot there is a small moving scree, there is a semblance of a path. We pass the beginning of the rocky-talus couloir, along which sometimes passes the way up to the pass from the southwest, descend 70 meters along the ridge bordering the couloir on the right (the remains of the trail), then again we go to the right, onto a wide slope, choosing areas of smaller scree. Then we go down this slope to the grass in a dense group, laying serpentines 35 minutes from the pass. The steepness of the slope is up to 25°, the drop in height is 350 m. As the descent begins, the weather improves, the sun comes out, and the clouds gradually stretch. You can spend the night in the circus, but you will have to look for water closer to the port side. We begin our descent from the circus along the grassy slopes of ancient moraines, first down, then going to the left side of the gorge. There is no good path, there are stones under the grass in places, it is not very convenient to walk. In 20 minutes we reach a grassy shelf (shoulder) above a steep grassy slope leading to the Keltor River. We decide to descend not straight along the stream, but with an oblique traverse to the left, in the direction of the upper reaches of the Keltor. After a few minutes of descending from the shelf along the grass to 20°, we find an old, weak path going in the right direction. In some places it gets lost, but then is found again. The path makes the journey much easier. After 20 minutes of descent we cross two shallow dry sai, then before entering the forest the path again becomes more obvious, however, judging by the protruding branches of spruce and juniper trees, cattle have not been driven along it for a very long time. In a sparse forest, the path descends in a gentle serpentine path and leads out to a clearing overgrown with burdocks and sorrel near a dilapidated bridge over the Keltor. When driving in reverse direction It is very advisable to find this trail, which can be difficult: its beginning from the river is difficult to read. The descent is clearly visible from the Teleta River valley. In 15 minutes we walk along a familiar path to a clearing near the river from under the Black Stones pass and set up camp on it.