Active tourism: product specifics. Modern tourism industry Active tourism what it includes

Able to solve health problems with strict adherence to the correct mode of movement around the area, while performing preparatory hardening measures and with possession of some knowledge on the prevention of diseases. Tourism as a species active rest involves some kind of travel. It could be like a trip various types transport and hiking(and often both at the same time). When engaged in tourism, you can have a good rest, while changing the environment and nature of the activity, admire beautiful natural landscapes along the way, get acquainted with various cultural and historical attractions different regions, communicate with other travel participants and people living in the visited areas populated areas. When carrying out such active recreation, it is important to know the specifics of dosing physical activity, take into account the requirements for organizing nutrition and be able to choose the right clothes that are comfortable for traveling.

When engaged in tourism, adaptation to stress occurs much easier than when playing sports. Hiking mode is the best way to quickly adapt to new conditions. While moving around the area on foot, and even with an additional load in the form of a backpack on your shoulders, almost all the muscles of the human body receive quite a decent physical load. Therefore, when actively moving on a hiking trip, it is necessary to periodically stop to rest and recuperate.

Despite the inevitable long-term physical activity during hiking, properly organized hiking trip promotes the formation of a cheerful mood and has a pronounced healing effect on human health.

However, with some omissions during tourism, not entirely desirable effects on the body are possible. For example, in case of insufficient physical training of tourists, overwork and exhaustion may develop. Such consequences can also be caused by the presence of any chronic diseases that do not manifest themselves in the absence of physical activity in everyday life, but immediately make themselves felt in field conditions. Such factors, however, are not an absolute contraindication to the implementation of such an active type of recreation as tourism, however, if there are deviations in the state of health, the possible loads on the participants of the trip should be carefully taken into account in advance. For example, when actively moving over rough terrain, you need to calculate the load on each participant in such a way as to prevent the development of fatigue and prevent a decrease in concentration. A long absence of rest stops during a hike is fraught with the development of a state of fatigue in a person, while the tourist becomes more susceptible to injury and is much less able to act adequately in possible emergency situations.

Thus tourism is publicly accessible active look rest, but at the same time requires both physical and psychological readiness of a person to endure physical exertion during travel.

In our time scientific and technical progress affected almost all spheres of human life, depriving a person of physical activity. As a result, health and emotional problems arise. Since the world's population devotes a significant part of their lives to relaxation, when choosing a type of vacation, people care not only that the new trip is eventful and interesting, but also that it brings health benefits. In this case, part of the population, tired of a sedentary lifestyle, chooses active tourism to spend time beneficially for the body. Active tourism in Russia it is developing very intensively.

The object of the study is theoretical aspects active tourism. The subject of the study is active tourism and its types.

The tasks posed in this article:

Identify differences between similar concepts;

Divide active tourism into types;

Draw a conclusion about the importance of active tourism.

Before moving on to the concept of “active tourism”, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the definition of the concept of “tourism”.

Tourism is temporary departures (travels) of people to another country or area other than their place of permanent residence for medical - recreational, educational, physical education, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay.

A person who wants to change his surroundings, improve his health, learn something new about the culture, way of life, and traditions of other countries is called a tourist. Thanks to tourists, there is a whole tourism industry.

Active tourism includes types of recreation and travel, entertainment, sports (hiking, rock climbing, sports games, rafting on wild rivers, underwater tourism, safaris, etc.) that require significant physical exertion.

Often between the concepts of active recreation and active tourism, different travel companies put an equal sign, but these concepts are completely different: for example, if someone rows an oar for a day for pleasure, this is active recreation, and if in order to swim to a hard-to-reach attraction, this is active tourism.

The same situation occurs with the concept of sports tourism, which is also often equated with the concept of active tourism. However, there are the following differences between them: sports tourism involves very significant physical activity, which only trained athletes can do, and most active tours are developed in such a way that the most ordinary person can cope with the proposed physical activity; sports tours are focused on harsh conditions and “overcoming the elements”, in contrast to active tourism, which requires comfortable conditions of stay.

Active tourism is not just a type of travel, it includes various tours, for example adventure:

Visiting volcanoes, exotic places, waterfalls, islands, etc. These are usually non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reserves that are associated with unusual travels, non-traditional means of transportation.

Safari, fishing, hunting, photo hunting, trips on motor sleds and all-terrain vehicles in winter or by jeep in difficult and inaccessible areas.

Tours to disaster sites (earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, man-made disasters, for example, viewing the Chernobyl nuclear power plant from a helicopter) and extreme situations, for example, contemplating executions, public executions, etc. Insurance for an adventure tour can cost much more.

Active tourism can be divided into summer, winter and other types of tourism.

1.Summer tourism can be: on the surface (land), water, in the sky.

on the surface (dryer):

Bicycle tourism

Pedestrian tourism (trekking) is a type of sports tourism;

Speleotourism is the visiting and exploration of caves by travelers;


Rock climbing.

Water tourism is one of the types of sports tourism, which consists of covering a route along the water surface on various swimming devices: catamarans, kayaks, rafts, canoes. There are several types of water tourism:

River rafting,

Sailing tourism,

Sea kayaking is traveling across lakes, seas, oceans, lowland rivers and reservoirs using a rowing boat;

Rafting - passing through stormy, mountain rivers with elements of obstacles (thresholds, waterfalls) on specially designed watercraft - rafts, catamarans;

Windsurfing - riding on an oval board made of carbon fiber with a rough surface for stability and with stabilizer fins on the lower plane, and a small sail that is attached to the board;

Surfing is riding waves without a sail. Surfing itself is the ancestor of windsurfing;

Water skiing is a sport where the athlete is towed by a motorboat and held on the surface by one or two water skis;

Kiting - kite, used to tow a person over water or land using surf equipment, skis and snowboards;

Diving is underwater diving with special devices that provide the swimmer with breathing;

Hang gliding - flying on a machine with the help of legs;

Paragliding is paragliding;


Hot Air Balloon Travel;

Flying on sports aircraft.

2.Winter tourism:

Ski tourism;


Telemark (free heel) is a skiing sport that uses a specific turn caused by a free heel and a knee tucked inward at each turn;

Snowboarding is a descent down snowy mountain slopes on a specially equipped board. He is more active, aggressive and extreme view than alpine skiing;

Ski tour - mountain tourism using skis and special bindings for climbing uphill (ski mountaineering);

Snowmobile travel;

Traveling in dog sleds.

3.Other types of tourism:

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.);

Sports (active) tourism is a type of active recreation; active and targeted types of physical training and exercise, training, such as swimming, running, cycling, etc.;

Mountain tourism is a type of tourism that involves moving a group of people using muscle power along a specific route laid in a mountainous area in high altitude conditions;

Horse tourism is a form of active recreation, a type of sports tourism. Traveling on horseback, which has a healing effect on travelers, providing an active load on all skeletal muscles;

Automobile tourism - popular view recreation, travel using road transport along the main part of the route;

Adventure tourism is a type of tourism associated with the organization non-standard tours to unexpected, exotic and ecologically clean corners of nature, as well as to nature reserves, using unusual and unconventional means of transportation around the area. Adventure tourism includes hiking expeditions, safari tours (hunting, fishing, photo hunting, etc.), circumnavigation(yachting);

Extreme tourism is one of the types tourist recreation, to one degree or another associated with risk;

Military tourism involves excursion flights on combat military aircraft and helicopters, tank tours with a crew, one-day live firing at military training grounds, etc.;

Combined tours. In the classic version, such trips are a group excursion program with a visit different cities one state and subsequent holidays on the coast, originating in Europe. However, regarding active recreation and adventures in the vastness of Russia combined tours represent a combination of hiking and water travel, horse and water recreation, etc.

Combined tours are the most common option for active recreation today. They allow you to combine two or more different areas of active tourism in the shortest possible time.

Consumers of active tourism are, as a rule, quite young people. If earlier more than half of the clients were people aged 35-45 years, now there are no more than 20% of people of this age, and the bulk are 18-34 year olds (54%).

Thus, tourism helps to improve the health of the body, cultivate curiosity and strong-willed qualities. Camping life develops observation, intelligence, courage, determination, and independence.

In conclusion, it should be noted that active types of tourism are not suitable for everyone who wants to go on this kind of tour. This may be due to a person’s physical or psychological condition, which will not allow him to participate in a dynamic, non-standard, and sometimes extreme journey. For such people, there are passive types of tourism, which are focused on a more relaxed and less physically stressful tour or tourist travel program. They are designed for people who are more inclined to relax and enjoy educational tours that require a less strenuous cycle of movement and physical activity. This includes a vacation at a seaside, mountain resort, hydropathic resort, health tours, treatment tours, tours for families with children, older tourists and retirees.

Today, tourism as a form of active recreation is gaining increasing popularity. Modern youth are directing their steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Teenagers who prefer to hang out with beer and cigarettes rather than ride a scooter or bike are becoming increasingly rare. It doesn’t matter whose merit it is: the social propaganda of health on our television or Western films, but the fact remains that it has become fashionable to be athletic and have a hobby related to a healthy lifestyle.

Even relaxation is now no longer associated with an outing into nature with barbecue and a fair amount of alcohol, but with a sports game in the fresh air or a trip to the sea, not to lie on a sun lounger, but to see new places.

This is why tourism is attractive as a form of active recreation, which allows you to combine travel, adventure and sports. First, let's immediately talk about the disadvantages of this activity for a modern girl who prefers comfort.

There are different ways to travel. There are tourist trips to foreign countries— foreign tourism. There is something similar within the country: by motor ship from Perm to Astrakhan, or by motor ship from Krasnoyarsk to Dikson, or by train around the cities, or by plane for the weekend from Yekaterinburg to St. Petersburg, etc. These are not active trips - they are made without the expenditure of physical strength and intellectual abilities.

The possibilities for organizing tourist trips around our country are practically unlimited. Russia has a huge territory stretching across two continents (Europe and Asia).

In these vast spaces, almost all natural and climatic zones are found, from the icy Arctic deserts to the subtropics of the Western Caucasus. The country's relief forms are varied and contrasting: lowlands, hills, plateaus, mountains of various heights.

Its shores are washed by 12 seas of three oceans. The number of our streams, rivers, lakes is in the millions. So there is enough exoticism for everyone. For tens of years, tens of thousands of tourists have been hiking, but now and in the future, anyone will find a route that no one has taken before.

Serious tourist trips are known across the tundra, the desert, and other fairly monotonous landscapes. But those trips attracted adult qualified tourists for their sportiness - the difficulty of overcoming difficult terrain that stretches endlessly.

More attractive to travelers mountainous areas. They contain different natural objects: peaks, passes, ridges, punishments, glaciers, snowfields, lakes, rivers.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what " big river», « high mountain", "dense forest", "endless steppe". The more rivers, mountains, forests and steppes I saw, the more accurate these ideas became. Not everyone has a correct idea of ​​what a glacier, a cave, or a cave is. Explanations are of little help here. You need to see these objects yourself at least once, preferably in childhood.

Based on all of the above, the essence of active tourist travel is that travelers themselves choose their goals - natural objects that they would like to visit (see); They themselves plot a route that ensures rational overcoming of obstacles and achievement of chosen goals.

Modern active travel is a model of those research expeditions that discovered and studied the Earth. Tourists (especially children) also discover and explore new territories. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. A person can see the taiga and steppe, desert and tundra with his own eyes.

Only those who have traveled a lot to different lands have a correct idea of ​​the size of their country, the Earth as a whole. For couch potatoes, airplanes and television, post and telegraph have shrunk the Earth to the size of a small ball on which their house stands. Everything else is somewhere far away, but within one day's travel.

Active routes are mainly determined by the following criteria, guided by two criteria: the travel area must be accessible (the existing transport network must ensure that it can be reached quickly and reliably); the route should be short, interesting (varied) and fairly simple.

Active travel involves close interaction between humans and nature. Trees and bushes provide wood for the fire. Food is cooked over a fire; a fire can turn into a fire. You can travel along the river by boat or raft, but you have to be careful - you can drown in the river. Rain creates great inconvenience for tourists, but it feeds rivers and waters plants.

These and similar observations and impressions can form in people an understanding of the dependence of people on nature, nature on people, the interconnection of natural phenomena, and will make it possible to realize themselves as part of nature.

The activity of travel consists in the fact that the goal and the paths to it are determined and announced in advance (“the route is announced”). Failure to complete the route or its change means failure, failure of the trip, defeat of the team (tourist group). Of course, everything here is quite conventional, but such conventions are inherent in sports in general.

Active tourism has a specific feature. The persistent pursuit of a conditional goal on a hike requires caution. Otherwise, another, no longer conditional, task may arise - how to return alive. Defeat here may not mean a conditional loss, but a tough, unconditional question: “How to get out, survive?”

Active travel is a long (days, weeks) – complex event. It requires a lot of physical (strength, endurance, technical techniques) and intellectual (tactical tasks, technical techniques) efforts. You can't foresee everything in advance. Adventures await us along the route.

One must be able to carry out what was planned in a specific real situation. Of course, this can be done if it was possible to more or less accurately guess (foresee!) what awaits along the route, and if travelers have a reserve of opportunities to overcome surprises.

The so-called “wild” tourism is adjacent to active tourism. “Wild” tourists have a more or less expressed intention to visit the area, see certain objects.

But they do not have a specific route that they must take. Formally, this is expressed in the fact that they did not “claim” the trip. Depending on the situation during the trip, “wild” tourists adjust their intentions and change the route. It is clear that there is no clear line between active and “wild” tourism.

Tourism is capable of solving health problems with strict adherence to the correct mode of movement around the area, with the implementation of preparatory hardening measures and with possession of some knowledge on the prevention of diseases. Tourism as a type of active recreation involves some kind of travel.

This can be either a trip by various types of transport or a hike (and often both at the same time). When engaged in tourism, you can have a good rest, while changing the environment and nature of the activity, admire beautiful natural landscapes along the way, get acquainted with various cultural and historical attractions of different regions, communicate with other travel participants and people living in the visited settlements.

When carrying out such active recreation, it is important to know the specifics of dosing physical activity, take into account the requirements for organizing nutrition and be able to choose the right clothes that are comfortable for traveling. active leisure recreational tourism

When engaged in tourism, adaptation to stress occurs much easier than when playing sports. Hiking mode is the best way to quickly adapt to new conditions.

While moving around the area on foot, and even with an additional load in the form of a backpack on your shoulders, almost all the muscles of the human body receive quite a decent physical load. Therefore, when actively moving on a hiking trip, it is necessary to periodically stop to rest and recuperate.

Despite the inevitable long-term physical activity during hiking, a properly organized hiking trip contributes to the formation of a cheerful mood and has a pronounced healing effect on a person’s health.

However, with some omissions during tourism, not entirely desirable effects on the body are possible. For example, in case of insufficient physical training of tourists, overwork and exhaustion may develop. Such consequences can also be caused by the presence of any chronic diseases that do not manifest themselves in the absence of physical activity in everyday life, but immediately make themselves felt in camping conditions.

Such factors, however, are not an absolute contraindication to the implementation of such an active type of recreation as tourism, however, if there are deviations in the state of health, the possible loads on the participants of the trip should be carefully taken into account in advance.

For example, when actively moving over rough terrain, you need to calculate the load on each participant in such a way as to prevent the development of fatigue and prevent a decrease in concentration.

A long absence of rest stops during a hike is fraught with the development of a state of fatigue in a person, while the tourist becomes more susceptible to injury and is much less able to act adequately in possible emergency situations.

Thus, tourism is a generally accessible active form of recreation, but it requires both physical and psychological readiness of a person to endure physical activity during travel.

Tourism is usually divided into two types:

  • recreational tourism is a classic type of tourism, including “health” (“beach”, “vacation”) and educational (excursion);
  • sports tourism, which is based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in Russia is a national sport with long-standing traditions. It includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the lifestyle of the travel lovers themselves.

The centers for the development of sports tourism are still non-profit tourist clubs, although many tourists engage in it on their own. The sport “Sports Tourism” is included in the All-Russian Register of Sports:

  • business tourism;
  • astronomical tourism;
  • business tourism;
  • congress tourism;
  • shopping tourism;
  • extreme tourism;
  • industrial tourism;
  • archaeological tourism;
  • gastronomic tourism;
  • military tourism.

Each of these types of tourism can be divided into more specialized subtypes.

Disadvantages of backpacking

You want to spend that little piece of vacation that you got for your work wisely. Lie on the beach, drink cocktails, take photos in an interesting place and get a good dose of positive emotions and memories. Hiking is an interesting activity, but you will have to forget about comfort for a while.

This is the first and main disadvantage of tourism as a form of active recreation. Wherever you go with a tourist group, you will have to sleep in a tent, there will be no opportunity to wash your hair or do hair removal, you will be in unusual conditions, where you will not always have access to water.

You need to be mentally prepared for this, especially if you are so accustomed to comfort that you cannot imagine the morning without a hot shower and coffee with a croissant.

The second disadvantage is the dependence on the group, namely on the people with whom you go on a hike. It’s good if your loved one or girlfriend comes with you, with whom you can stay together. But even if you feel someone’s support, you will still have to live according to the laws of the tourist group for several days.

This means eating with everyone, moving exactly along the planned route, and even resting only at the appointed time. You will also have to carry all your belongings and food in a backpack.

In addition to the food load, you will also have another, no less heavy load on you - a responsibility due to which you will not be able to stop to rest again or be capricious due to fatigue. But in fact, any girl can cope with the development of tourist recreation no worse than a man.

Positive aspects of tourism

Finally, let's talk about the benefits of tourism. On a hike, you will not only improve your athletic training, but also lose a couple of extra pounds. You will see a lot of interesting things and visit places where nature will show you all its splendor. You will discover active recreation, sacrificing comfort for the beauty of the natural world.

Communication in a tourist group will also be beneficial - usually active and interesting people, with whom there is always something to talk about. These are both new impressions and beautiful views, and basic survival skills wildlife– who knows whether they will be useful to you or not, but knowledge will not hurt in any case. By the way, beautiful pictures you are also guaranteed - because on a hike there is always interesting places and beautiful views.

We hope you enjoy tourism as an active holiday. For a change this great option a holiday that will bring something new into your life and perhaps become your new hobby.

Tourism as a form of active recreation

Organization of tourism business: technology for creating tourism products Mishina Larisa Aleksandrovna

1.3. Travel as active recreation and health improvement

Social society is structured in such a way that almost every adult is engaged in work. Of course, it is beneficial for any employer for its employee to have good health, because working capacity directly depends on the state of health.

In paragraph 5 of Art. 37 Constitution Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, states that every person has the right to rest. A citizen working under an employment contract is guaranteed the duration of working hours, weekends and holidays established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. holidays, paid annual leave.

According to Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee must be granted annual basic paid leave of 28 calendar days.

Rest is a process involving the restoration of physical and mental performance. The process of rest occurs under conditions of cessation of the activity that caused fatigue. Rest is a prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening health; it helps restore physical and spiritual strength, and therefore makes a person active and efficient.

There are two types of rest - active and passive.

Under passive rest refers to the cessation of the activity that caused fatigue and further physical rest of the body.

Leisure– this is the cessation of tiring activity and switching the body’s activity to another type of activity.

Tourism is one of the types of active recreation.

It should be noted that each person makes his own decision as to what type of recreation is suitable for him. The main criteria when choosing one method or another are: the needs and interests of a person, his physical characteristics and financial capabilities.

For example, in Western countries, where the standard of living of most people is much higher than in Russia, a common type of vacation is a weekend tour. In Russia, a person plans a tourist trip in advance and, as a rule, after waiting for a vacation and saving money, he goes on a trip for an average of 7-12 days.

As a result of a tourist trip, a person receives a complex of positive emotions, which leads to restoration of strength. Thus, tourism fully meets the main purpose of recreation and, therefore, is its type.

According to the definition, tourism– these are trips for recreational, medical and health-improving, educational, physical education and sports, professional and business, religious and other purposes.

Recreational tourism is a special type of tourism, the main goal of which is to restore human strength through travel. The consequence of this type of rest is to relieve fatigue, increase efficiency, improve a person’s overall well-being and mood.

The basis recreational tourism the use of recreation and tourism resources for restoration purposes is established. These include not only natural, but also anthropogenic objects. Recreational resources are divided into natural-recreational and cultural-historical.

TO natural and recreational resources include the coasts of various bodies of water, forests, mountains, etc.

Cultural and historical sights- these are different historical monuments, works of art, archeology and architectural structures.

If the classification is based on the nature of human use of recreational resources, then four types of resources can be distinguished:

1) recreational and therapeutic (mineral waters, mud springs);

2) recreational and health (swimming and beach areas, coniferous forests);

3) recreational and sports (ski resorts);

4) recreational and educational (various historical monuments, theme parks).

Since the personality of each person is individual, and the recovery of each person occurs through the use of various resources, it is necessary to understand that the recreational tourism program should include recreation, various entertainment and educational activities and other activities that can satisfy the needs of vacationers. As a rule, this type of tourism is characterized by the use of air travel and a small number of visited places.

Medical and health tourism is a type of tourism aimed at treatment and recovery. An individual approach to each client is required here, depending on the state of health and needs specific person to a specific method of treatment and recovery. As a rule, this is a fairly long vacation (on average 24-28 days), carried out mainly in resorts, sanatoriums, and rest homes. This type of tourism is characterized by the use of air transportation and the presence of a tourist in one place of stay with possible excursion trips.

Medical and health tourism is based on natural and recreational resources. These include: climate, mineral waters, mud springs, sea ​​water etc. In the places of the above resources there are sanatoriums and resorts, where the recovery and treatment of tourists takes place with the help of climatotherapy (climate treatment), balneotherapy (treatment mineral waters), peloid therapy (mud therapy), etc.

Tourism for leisure purposes It is distinguished by a wide variety of tourist resources used, methods of transportation, duration and number of places of stay. Leisure travel programs are varied and include a variety of entertainment and leisure activities.

Tourism as a vacation is divided into active and passive. This division is based on the means of transportation used and the activity of the tourist during the travel process.

Let's consider all existing groups.

1. The first group are tourists who prefer relaxing holiday. Such people are driven by the desire to move away from everyday worries and difficulties, to relax in a calm environment. As a rule, they do not like large crowds of people, use means of fast transportation (air travel) and prefer one vacation spot (resort, recreation center).

2. The second group are tourists who prefer active recreation and vivid impressions. These are active and enterprising people seeking variety and entertainment.

3. The third group is tourists who prefer active recreation. These people want to be in harmony with nature, prefer to be in the fresh air and give themselves some exercise (volleyball, fishing).

4. The fourth group is tourists who prefer sports recreation. These are tourists for whom sports are a hobby. Such people tend to go to places of various amateur sports competitions and love exercise and movement.

5. The fifth group are tourists who prefer adventure. These are solo tourists who love adventure tourism, risk and the opportunity to test themselves.

6. The sixth group are tourists who prefer educational activities. For this type of tourists, the main thing is to improve their level of education. They are driven by the desire to see for themselves what they once heard or read about; they are interested in historical monuments and other cultural attractions.

Active tourism is intensive human activity during recreation, for example, entertainment, sports activities. Such tourism includes various tours related to visiting exotic places, hunting, fishing, etc.

Passive tourism is a human activity during recreation that does not require strong physical exertion. Passive tourism tour programs are more focused on physical recreation and educational activities. Such tours can be designed for couples with children or retirees.

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Defines tourism as “temporary departures (travels) of Russian citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country of temporary residence,” and tourism industry as “a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, catering facilities, entertainment facilities and means, educational, business, recreational, sports and other facilities, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion guide services - translators." Under tourism activities refers to tour operator and travel agent activities, as well as other travel organization activities.

Under hotel activities in Russia we mean the activities of legal entities and individuals (individual entrepreneurs) who have or are vested in the prescribed manner with property rights to any collective accommodation facility (with a capacity of at least 10 rooms) at the direct disposal and management of it for the provision of temporary accommodation (residence) services and service to citizens.

Excursion activities- activities to organize familiarization of travelers with tourist resources in the country (place) of temporary stay, which does not provide for the provision of accommodation services (overnight stay).

For a number of reasons, the tourism industry, considered as an industry, rarely receives the kind of attention from society that would correspond to its role in economic activity. One of the main reasons is the lack of properly organized statistical accounting of tourism activities, when the economic indicators of tourism “dissolve” in the data of other sectors of the national economy.

Tourism as a system of statistical concepts and definitions within the framework of supply and demand is presented in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. Tourism as a system of statistical concepts and definitions

In international tourism statistics, the term “visitors” is used as a unit of observation, recording, classification and analysis, which includes all types of travelers.

In Fig. 2.1. The activities of visitors (tourists and excursionists) are determined by the purposes of the visit, the place of visit (country or locality, region of stay), the types of materials used Vehicle and accommodation facilities. Tourism is divided into types and categories (Fig. 2.2). There are three types of tourism: domestic, inbound and outbound. Tourism categories include international and national tourism, as well as tourism within the country. Overnight visitors are considered tourists, and day visitors are considered excursionists. Tourists who arrived in the country on a cruise ship also act as excursionists, if they do not use local accommodation facilities for an overnight stay.

Rice. 2.2. Types and categories of tourism

According to Russian legislation tourist- this is a citizen visiting a country (place) of temporary stay (from 24 hours to 6 months in a row, or spending at least one overnight stay), but without engaging in paid activities in this place. At the same time, tourism is also divided into domestic, outbound, inbound, as well as social and amateur. Domestic tourism- travel around the country by persons permanently residing in it. Outbound tourism- travel of persons permanently residing in Russia to another country, and inbound tourism - travel within Russia of persons permanently residing in other countries. Under social tourism refers to travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs, and amateur tourism- travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently, in compliance with certain norms and rules established by the state.

Consumption in tourism is defined as the cost of tourism products (goods and services) used to directly satisfy the needs of a tourist or excursionist. This includes

Visitor expenses for a package of services (tourist product) or individual expenses for accommodation, food and drinks, transportation, leisure, recreation, cultural, sports, excursion and other events, as well as for purchases at the place of stay and other expenses.

Under tourist product (tourist product) is understood as a set of tangible (goods) and intangible (services) use values ​​necessary to satisfy the needs of a tourist that arise during his tourist trip (trip) and are caused by this particular trip. In the Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” a tourist product is defined as “the right to a tour intended for sale to a tourist”, and “a tour package of services for accommodation, transportation, meals for tourists, excursion services, as well as the services of guides-interpreters and other services provided depending on the purpose of the trip”.

Under tourist goods is understood as a product of labor in production spheres of activity, created for sale and intended for use primarily by tourists or excursionists.

Tourist service- activities of enterprises, organizations, institutions or citizen entrepreneurs to meet the needs of visitors for travel, recreation or excursions.

Tourist goods and services include complex trips - packages of services (tours), accommodation services, meals, transport services, cultural, sports, recreational, excursion and others, including special services, tourist goods and souvenirs consumed at the place of interruption (maps, diagrams, points from suns, backpacks, etc.).

Service packages (tours) consist of:

Accommodation services;
- food services (including drinks);
- transport services;
- transfer (meeting, seeing off, carrying or transporting luggage and tourists to their place of residence);
- organization and provision of excursion, recreational, cultural and sports services;
- services for organizing shopping visits;
- other services (issue of passports, visas, medical and veterinary certificates, car rental, insurance, etc.).

Tourist services at the same time divided into basic(included in the contract and paid by the visitor) and additional(paid at the time of consumption during travel or at the place of stay).

Thus, tour is a range of services for accommodation, transportation and meals for tourists, excursion services, including the services of guides, translators and tour managers (group leaders), as well as other services provided depending on the purpose of the trip.

A tour is understood as a comprehensive tourist service, travel, trip, organized on an individual or collective basis along a specific route and program with advance reservation and purchase of travel tickets, hotel, transport, excursion and food services, visas, insurance, etc.

As a rule, a tour is the primary selling unit of a tourism product on the tourism market, while individual tourism services are also in demand on the market.

The most common types of tours are: inclusive tour and incentive tour.

Inclusive tour- travel sold by travel companies in the form of a full range (package) of services, including obtaining a visa, transportation, hotel accommodation, meals, transfer, excursion service along the travel route.

Inclusive tours are organized for both individual and group travel. The predominant form of travel is group tourism.

Incentive tour is an incentive trip at the expense of the company, organized by an enterprise for its employees for achievements in work (for example, for increasing overall sales, effective advertising, assistance in staff training, etc.).

In cases where the cost group tour includes travelers' expenses associated with travel from the place where the group is formed to the first accommodation facility on the route, as well as from the last accommodation facility on the route back; the tour is sometimes called a transtour.

Individual travel represents an independent journey of one or more persons and is associated with service of a personal nature, usually with more high prices. In international practice individual travel trips with a group size of less than 15 people are considered.

In tourism activities, a distinction is made between specialized and social tourism, timeshare, and alternative tourism.

Specialized tourism- a term used to refer to tourists buying specialized tour and those traveling in order to study the specific features of a particular place in order to purchase personal experience, passing sports standards, active recreation, etc. Within the framework of a specialized tour, special attention is paid to a wide range of issues related to the study of culture, nature of the place visited, as well as professional and various types of sports and tourism interests of travelers, with mandatory compliance with safety rules . In Russian practice, this is amateur and sports tourism.

In international practice, the following types of specialized tourism are distinguished: adventure (“soft” and “hard”), ecotourism, ethnic (nostalgic), village, farm, ecotourism, sports, children and youth, etc. Recently, due to the development of information networks are becoming widespread alternative tourism, where the travel organizer is not a tour operator, but a tourist himself, a traveler who uses advertising materials from providers of individual tourism services and orders these services independently, using information networks.

In any case, travel (stays, trips, tours) is carried out along pre-selected routes and stay programs and have a specific duration and purpose.

Route- the tourist’s route, indicated by a list of all geographical points and places sequentially visited by him during his trip, indicating the types of transport used by the tourist to move between stops (stays) along the route. The starting and ending points of the route are the starting and ending points of the journey. The beginning of the route is the place where the first tourist service specified in the contract is provided to the tourist. The end of the route is the place where the last tourist service is provided 2.

Depending on the movement along the route, linear, circular, radial and combined types of routes are distinguished (Fig. 2.3).

Rice. 2.3. Types of routes

N - the beginning of the route;
K - end of the route;
PP1-PP4 are intermediate points along the route.

Linear route- a route, the beginning and end of which occur in different geographical points of stay, for example St. Petersburg - Moscow.

Ring route- a travel route, the beginning and end of which occur in one geographical location, for example, the “America” tour (New York - Washington - Atlantic City - Philadelphia - New York) or the "Golden Ring of Russia" tour (Moscow - Sergiev Posad - Rostov-Yaroslavsky - Yaroslavl - Kostroma - Ivanovo - Suzdal - Vladimir - Moscow).

Radial route- a travel route, the beginning and end of which occur in one geographical point of stay, located in which the tourist travels to other points of stay, returning to the point of origin of the journey.

A combined route is a route that contains elements of linear, circular and radial routes in one combination or another.

While driving along the route, various vehicles called intra-route vehicles can be used.

Tourist travel (stay) program- a plan of activities indicating the dates and times of stay at stopping points along the route, at a hotel, visits to places of tourist interest for the purpose of visiting them (excursions), meals, as well as moving along the route using the intra-route vehicles specified in the program. The stay program (standard or individual) is a plan for the implementation of tourist services sold to the traveler, specified in the contract. Additional services can be provided to tourists directly at their places of stay for a fee under the responsibility of the traveler (unless otherwise specified in the contract).

The length of stay or trip is an important statistic that plays a major role in determining the maximum limit after which a visit is no longer considered a tourist visit. According to international rules, the maximum period is 1 year, according to Russian legislation - up to 6 months. The minimum duration of stay or trip (24 hours) is also used to differentiate between tourists and day-long (non-overnight) sightseers. Duration of visit (stay or trip) can be used to indirectly estimate tourism expenditure, especially if the average duration is determined for group travel.

The duration of the visit is measured in the following units:

Day trips - number of hours;
- stay - number of overnight stays.

IN international tourism The duration of a trip is measured by the amount of time (hours or overnight stays) spent in the host country (outbound tourism) or the amount of time spent away from the permanent place of residence (domestic tourism).

Table 2.1.

Thus, in practice, a tourism product is understood as three main types of possible offers on the market.

First type - tour, comprehensive tourist service. A tour offered by firms, tour operators (organizers) can be sold to consumers for personal use (retail), as well as to wholesale buyers (intermediary firms, travel agencies) for economic benefit. A tour offered for retail sale is sold in accordance with the rules for the sale of tourist vouchers established by the companies.

Second type - individual tourist services, which include transport services, accommodation services, services for obtaining foreign passports and visas of host countries, insurance, excursion programs, car rental and much more.

Third type - tourist goods, including various kinds of information materials (catalogs, reference books, maps, dictionaries, guidebooks, souvenirs, etc.) that are necessary for tourists and travelers in the host country.

Development of a tourism product is a complex and multi-stage process that includes marketing research and analysis of market segments and competitors in it, expected consumer demand, travel destinations, tourism market conditions, assessment of real costs for the development, advertising and promotion of a tourism product. By analyzing the available data on the possible preferences and income of the buyer, the proposed costs of the tour organizer for the development of a tourism product, it is possible to assess the feasibility and economic efficiency of its development.


1. Define the tourism industry.
2. What is tourism activity?
3. What is hotel activity?
4. What should be understood by excursion activities?
5. What determines the activities of tourist visitors and excursionists?
6. Name three types of tourism.
7. Define tourism categories.
8. What is the difference between a tourist and an excursionist by definition?
9. Define a tourism product.
10. What is a tourist service?
11. Name the services included in the package of services (tour).
12. What is the difference between an inclusive tour and an incentive tour?
13. Name five purposes for which travel can be made.
14. Define the main purpose of the trip.
15. What is the difference between a group trip and an individual one?
16. Name the main types of specialized tourism.
17. What is a travel itinerary? What types of routes do you know?
18. What is a tourist travel program?
19. What is the duration of the visit? How is it measured and
how is it used?
20. Name the main tourist expenses.

2 In the practice of trade union tourism organizations of the USSR, the concept of “route” was identified with the concept of “tour”, i.e. Not only tours were on sale, but “routes” - all-Union, republican and local (regional), weekend, walking, excursion, river and railway.