Recreational tourism of the country. The concept of tourism. Tourism and recreation. Russian practice of recreational tourism

Recreational tourism is a type of tourism whose main goal is to restore the strength and health of the vacationer in the process of active or passive recreation and therapeutic measures.

Recreational tourism- one of the most popular types tourism. The main goals are educational and health-improving. In order to improve their health, vacationers visit special establishments and recreation centers, which, as a rule, are located in climatic zones favorable for this - forest-steppe, coastal, mountain. As a rule, many factors have a positive effect on health in such establishments - therapeutic mud, mineral waters, fresh sea or forest air and others.

Recreational activities available in seaside resorts include breathing sea air, swimming in healing mud, sea ​​bathing, air baths, rowing, swimming, games on the shore and others. The most famous territory sea ​​resorts in Russia is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Gelendzhik, Anapa, Sochi, and the resorts of Tuapse, occupying Black Sea coast. They are located in both coastal and mountainous areas, which is partly why they are so popular. The beautiful resorts Narzanov Valley and Caucasian Mineral Waters are also known for their landscapes and health benefits.

In the listed resort areas winters are mild, summers are very warm. Such climatic conditions contribute to the fact that these resorts do not lose popularity among vacationers throughout the year. In mountainous areas, on the banks of rivers and lakes, health resorts also help people improve their health, gain strength and have pleasant experiences. Such famous Ukrainian resorts as Morshyn, Mirgorod, Khmilnyk are located on picturesque river banks. Khmilnik is known for its healing radon waters, Mirgorod is known for its mineral water, as well as Morshyn. The most famous Ukrainian balneological resort, Truskavets, is also famous for its mineral waters - several dozen types mineral waters help vacationers cope with various health problems, from kidney stones to sexual disorders. There are 25 sanatoriums in the city.

For educational purposes, vacationers visit national parks, cultural and natural monuments, architectural, ethnographic and historical monuments.
Recreational tourism objects are characterized by the presence of certain recreational resources - cultural and natural complexes, service personnel of recreational establishments, etc. This condition distinguishes recreational tourism from health and sports tourism. Factors of recreational tourism that have a positive effect on health are a change of environment, providing certain physical activity, and stimulating the immune system. During tourist trips, a person’s attention switches to objects of nature and culture, this temporarily distracts him from the usual conditions of urban life. By walking or swimming, a person gives a certain load to his muscles, which has a positive effect on various systems of his body. The objectives of this type of tourism are to strengthen the immune system, provide the necessary muscle load, and prevent diseases.

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Recreational tourism- a type of tourism whose purpose, as opposed to business tourism, is recreation. Types of recreational tourism can be called health, educational and sports, as well as their combinations... Tourist vocabulary

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Contents 1 Recreational tourism 1.1 Health tourism ... Wikipedia

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  • Crimea New vector of tourism development in Russia Monograph, Sharafutdinov V., Yakovenko I., Pozachenyuk E., Onishchenko E.. The monograph brought to the attention of readers is devoted to the problems of creating and selling regional tourism products, ensuring their sustainable reproduction in order to preserve and increase...
  • Ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas of the Kamchatka Territory. Problems and prospects, Zavadskaya A.V.. The monograph presents the results of physical-geographical and sociological research devoted to the study of the conditions for the development of tourism in specially protected natural areas of Kamchatka...


Recreation, from the Latin "recreatio", means restoration. The industry for the restoration of spiritual, physical, moral, moral strength provides ample opportunities for the provision of services when a person chooses, and professionals suggest in which direction it is best to carry out restoration and, most importantly, carry it out. The recreation industry is, on the one hand, a well-known phrase, and on the other hand, it is constantly being filled with new meaning.

In general, the recreational system can be structurally represented by the following functional subsystems (by type of recreational activity):

Educational, sports, health tourism, including sanatorium and resort treatment;

Hotel services and stay;


Leisure culture.

The recreational system is a set of social, demographic, medical-biological, economic and other characteristics of a region or territory.

Based on these characteristics, when solving problems of environmental management for the purposes of resort and recreational development, the primary task is to assess the recreational potential of the area, defined as the interaction of bioclimatic, territorial, natural and hydromineral resources of the study area.

The assessment of the recreational potential of the territory is based on a consistent analysis of the characteristics of all its elements. These characteristics are grouped into three main blocks:

Medical and biological;


Functional and economic.

Each block includes indicators such as activity, heavy metal pollution, number of days with precipitation, energy availability, etc. The assessment is made for all types of recreation in the summer and winter periods, and there are three of them:




Recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity.

The purpose of my work is to characterize recreational tourism, as well as to consider its impact on human life.

The object of the study is active recreational activities.

Recreational tourism

Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of recreation, which is necessary to restore a person’s physical and mental strength. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and widespread. To develop this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed.

Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the region’s natural potential. In addition, their role in the formation and development modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

The assessment of recreational resources is made on the basis of a factor-by-factor assessment of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, bioclimate, hydromineral and unique natural medicinal resources, historical and cultural potential, considered from the point of view of its use by a specific type of tourism.

Recreational tourism can be divided into several types:

1. Tourist and recreational type;

2. Educational-tourist type.

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-managed system, consisting of a number of interconnected subsystems, namely: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management bodies. The natural characteristics include the area and capacity of the recreational area, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily of a balneological nature, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with sources of mineral waters and medicinal mud, create favorable conditions for the formation resort complex. For the second, in addition to the above - historical and cultural potential. Geographically, several main recreational zones can be distinguished. Forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, as well as medical and rehabilitation resort holidays almost all year round.

Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sun and air baths at rest. They are usually carried out in beach conditions. People are naked. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather.

The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. What distinguishes active recreation from passive recreation, firstly, is that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation people are usually clothed. And although in this case light clothing with a thermal protection level of 0.5-1.0 clo is usually used, in combination with increased heat production this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent compared to passive recreation.

The program for organizing this type of tourism should be multifunctional in nature: recreation, leisure and entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers and satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are identified:

Change of scenery;

Ensuring sufficient muscle activity;

Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.

A change of environment is associated with a person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiresome living conditions, ensuring a switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative impacts of everyday life. Tourist trips and travels, which transport a city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment, are associated with direct contact with nature.

Recreational tourism is used to improve the reliability of life in the everyday conditions of an already developed habitat.

The main objectives of recreational tourism are:

1. harmonious physical development and promotion of comprehensive human development

2. health promotion and disease prevention

3. providing adequate rest for different ages and professions

4. maintaining high performance

5. achieving active creative longevity

Tourism is a trip or journey of people to another city or country where people do not live permanently. Such a journey lasts, maybe from 24 hours to six months.

People very often go abroad in pursuit of some business interests, for example, for a meeting at work. Some people go to the mountains to ski, some go to improve their health, some go to study the culture, civilization and customs of other peoples, etc. Due to the fact that we are all completely different and individual in our characteristics, in the field of tourism it is customary to highlight various types or types of tourism.

The first basis on which types of tourism are classified is the goal that the person setting out on the trip sets for himself.

So, depending on the purpose, tourism is divided into:

Business - travel is related to a person’s professional interests, his work and career;

Recreational - a person goes on vacation to improve his health, both physical and psychological.

Further, recreational tourism can be divided into other types (subtypes) of tourism. For example, according to the method of travel, depending on the landscape and geographical features terrain or from the purposes pursued by the tourist, etc.

Business tourism is also divided into subtypes. For example, for military and archaeological tourism, gastronomic and others.

Types of recreational tourism

The first type of recreational tourism is health tourism. First of all, this type of tourism is associated with the traveler’s desire to improve his health. The tourist pursues the goal of undergoing health or rehabilitation procedures and activities.

A traveler can go to a balneological resort, where treatment will take place using natural mineral waters. There are various deposits of healing mud in the area of ​​which special resorts and sanatoriums are built, which make mud treatment the basis of their health program. Depending on climatic and natural conditions, health resorts are divided into forest, mountain, and seaside. Mountain resorts located in the mountains far from the sea, coastal ones are usually in the coastal zone.

You can find combined resorts and sanatoriums, for example, located in the coastal zone with mud treatment and including mineral waters. Several such sanatoriums can be found in the Sochi area.

The next subtype of recreational tourism is tourism with educational purposes. People going on educational trips plan to attend many excursions and thus expand their horizons.

Tourists want to study the peculiarities of the language, life and culture of a certain people, which means this is ethnic tourism. If the excursion includes only visiting holy places, traveling to the Holy Land, therefore, this is a pilgrimage.

Further classification depends on how the tourist travels on foot or by car, etc. - this type of tourism is called sports tourism. The main goal pursued by a traveler is sports, for some walking is a sport, for others a car or skiing.

This includes autotourism - traveling by car. For example, you are traveling from Kaluga to Moscow by car. If you want to see architectural monuments, then you are engaged in auto tourism. Motorcycle tourism - traveling on motorcycles. Cycling tourism is a trip on bicycles, but it’s too far, but you won’t be able to go. Water tourism - traveling either on a yacht, or on a boat, or on a sailboat, etc. Equestrian tourism is a trip to another city or village on horseback. Ski tourism - the goal of this type of tourism is to ski to your heart's content and at the same time explore some architectural monuments, or simply admire nature and landscapes. Hiking, includes walking. For example, we gathered a group of tourists and took them for a walk around Kaluga, talking about the sights. Mountain tourism, hiking in the mountains with all the appropriate gear and equipment. Speleotourism is the so-called underground tourism. That is, a tourist visits some caves for the usual educational purpose, or in pursuit of a sporting goal. The sport here is connected with the fact that visiting the cave involves overcoming various natural barriers and obstacles. When going to the cave, the tourist must have the appropriate equipment and equipment ready (ropes, hooks, ropes and much more).

In sports tourism, extreme tourism is distinguished. It is easy to guess that it is connected with extreme view sports, with a risk to your health and your life in general. Extreme tourism includes the well-known diving and rafting, jeeping and mountain tourism, and much more. Sports extreme tourism is diggerism. Diggers usually explore underground structures and structures, such as subways or sewers. People become diggers for the sake of ordinary curiosity or the desire to take a walk in unusual place, someone is engaged in digging for scientific and educational purposes. Among the diggers, many are involved in rescue work, etc. affairs. Mountain tourism means that a tourist with a large backpack on his shoulders and fully equipped will conquer the peaks of mountains, for example, Everest. This type of tourism is very famous: jeeping, especially in mountainous areas. The essence of this holiday is to travel by car off-road. If you choose jeeping, then get ready to drive through bushes, abandoned areas of cities and towns, crossing rivers, etc. In our country, jeeping is widespread in the areas of Sochi, Novorossiysk, and Lazarevsky. Anyone who has visited the resorts of Turkey and Egypt should be familiar with this type of tourism as diving. Diving itself is the immersion of a person in special equipment and with special equipment under water. While you are underwater, you can explore the topography of the sea or ocean, the fish around you and other living creatures on the seabed.

A combined type of recreational tourism is a combination of several types of tourism in one. Let's give an example: you arrived somewhere on a yacht, then went to walking, then we got on a horse and went on excursions, then we got into a rented car and came back. Here is an elementary example of combined tourism.

Further, recreational tourism is divided into subtypes in accordance with the goals pursued by the traveler: sports and cultural, safari and agrotourism, educational and gastronomic, medical and religious, and many other types. Let's take a closer look at several subspecies.

Religious tourism is divided into pilgrimage and Muslim destinations. That is, those travelers who strictly adhere to the values, principles and regulations of pilgrimage or Islam will be accommodated in appropriate hotels, with appropriate food and service, and their tour will include visits to places that have the character of holy places for them. For example, for a Muslim, food should be prepared in accordance with Halal, there should be no alcoholic drinks in the hotel, swimming pools and even beaches are separate for both men and women.

If a traveler is pursuing a sporting interest, then his tour may include all types of sports tourism. For example, riding a bicycle or motorcycle, conquering mountains using mountain equipment (mountain tourism) or by car (jeeping) and much more.

Agritourism - tourists spend the time of their trip in the countryside in some special house or estate. Tourists must work daily together with the owners of the house, take an active part in the life of their village, help with housework, etc. Some people compare agritourism with rural tourism. This type of tourism is very developed in Italy and Spain.

Ecotourism - travelers visit various places such as nature reserves, parks and other natural sites that are protected. Environmental friendliness is due to the fact that the places visited by tourists are located far from large industrial cities with some kind of production. For example, when you come to Lake Baikal, you will not find there those heaps of garbage and various rubbish that are found in big cities at every step.

Everyone knows that safari was originally associated with hunting. Currently, safaris are walking through the wild by car and photographing wild animals. This type of tourism such as safari is very developed in Africa. The safari also includes hunting accompanied by a professional hunter.

Tour-realism is a type of tourism in which the traveler plunges at the maximum level into the culture and traditions of the country where he is temporarily vacationing. Tour operators must provide travelers and tourists with all conditions for living, provide people with security at the highest level, and create a comfortable atmosphere.

Medical tourism is divided into health and childbirth tourism. Health tourism involves going somewhere with the goal of improving your physical and mental health. During your trip, you will definitely attend various medical procedures, massages, etc. Tourism associated with childbirth assumes that you are going to another country in order to carry and give birth to a child and, if necessary, improve his health, or you and your husband are flying to a foreign country to solve the problem of infertility.

Gastronomic tourism - tourists travel to a country in order to get acquainted with the cuisine of the country. During the tour, travelers taste various dishes, wines, fruits, berries and other food products. Get acquainted with dishes that are national.

Cognitive or sightseeing tourism associated with the educational interests of the tourist. A traveler can visit various countries, cities, landmarks and architectural monuments in order to expand his horizons and knowledge about other cities besides his native one. If a tourist liked a place or city and returns to it again once or twice, then this is already a nostalgic (but still educational) type of tourism.

Cultural tourism is about learning cultural characteristics of one country or another. Some are interested in books and literary works, others will be interested in music or the language and dialect of a certain people. In accordance with the above, cultural tourism is divided into music and book or language tourism. Everyone can continue the division of cultural tourism for themselves. For example, lovers of painting and landscapes will highlight art tourism, etc. in cultural tourism.

Let us now move on to the classification of the type of tourism depending on the geography and landscape of the area.

This includes mountain tourism, which has already been discussed earlier. Mountain tourism involves tourists staying in mountainous areas and visiting all kinds of excursions and hikes there.

Jailoo is tourism, travelers are thrown into places where there is no electricity, abundant communications and the Internet, in a word, to places where civilization has not had a bad influence.

Industrial tourism is a visit to territories and buildings, engineering production structures for the purpose of psychological satisfaction. Many people enjoy visiting an abandoned house or taking a tour of a factory; others may be drawn to the outskirts of the city. With industrial tourism, a traveler can receive not only psychological satisfaction, but also satisfy his research interests, if any.

Forest tourism, it is clear to everyone that it is associated with hiking in the forest and living in houses or cottages located in a forested park area.

Rural tourism - travelers stay in some small hotel or in the private sector, study and get to know the life of the people, the sights of the area, etc. Rural tourism is directly related to agritourism, which was discussed above.

Speleotourism, which has already been mentioned earlier, is associated with the study and exploration of caves.

Classifications of types of tourism are distinguished depending on the method of travel of travelers. This classification will almost completely repeat the classification of sports tourism.

The recreational potential of the national economy can successfully exist and develop in the presence of not only excellent natural, climatic and infrastructural conditions, but, equally important, with sufficient material resources to organize the fruitful use of free time and recreation for the population.

In Russia, resorts have always been part of the national culture.

In the former USSR, recreation was also an important part of the state's social policy and was carried out primarily by trade unions. In 1930, the All-Union Voluntary Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions (OPTE) was created. Since 1936, the direct management of excursion, tourism and sanatorium-resort work in the country was entrusted to the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.

In the 60-80s. A system of cheap but effective mass sanatorium and resort services was created in the country.

For several generations, Russians have used sanatorium and resort services, the need for which was an integral part of the national culture.

Maximum deployment of the material and technical base of the sanatorium and resort and health complex Russia accounts for the end of the 80s.

At this time, more than half a million beds were deployed, which provided about 6 million people. - months of treatment and rest. Bandwidth of the sanatorium-resort complex reached approximately 3.8 million people/month.

However, a comparison of the material and technical base of the sanatorium-resort complex with the minimum need for it shows that in the late 80s. the scientifically based need for sanatorium-resort treatment was satisfied by a maximum of 60-63%.

However, it should be emphasized that at this time recreational services were available to the majority of the country's population.

It is also necessary to emphasize that the level of qualifications of the medical staff developed and was maintained at a fairly high level. The effectiveness of treatment carried out in sanatorium-resort institutions made it possible to reduce the number of exacerbations of diseases in both adults and children by 2-6 times.

In the context of the transition to market relations, the situation in the recreational complex of Russia has changed. There has been a sharp increase in the cost of recreational services against the backdrop of a significant decline in the living standards of the bulk of the population.

After the collapse of the USSR, recreational tourism decreased significantly, because traditional routes, as a rule, passed through the centers of several republics, and outside of these routes, individual regions are not always attractive for tourism. As a result, recreational tourism in Russian Federation over the past decade has been in a state of deep crisis.

But this does not mean that the population’s need for recreational services has actually decreased. As the morbidity rate of the population, including children, increases, the objective need for sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery also increases.

The general normative need (GND) for sanatorium-resort care is defined as:

SNP = NP: 10.000* CHN,

Where NP— specific (per 10 thousand people) standard of scientifically based needs;

CHN— the population of the country.

Then for Russia this figure will be equal to: 396.6 * 147.4 = 5.85 million people. places

However, this regulatory need may well be classified as deliberately underestimated.

To adjust this indicator, it is advisable to determine a number of factors:

If in 1987 there were 4.5 million disabled people in Russia, now their number has exceeded 8.5 million people.

This objectively means that the real needs of the population for recreational services are quite large.

A study conducted by the Eastern European Institute of Social Technologies and Tourism, devoted to the study of the recreational activity of the Russian population by travel destinations and motivations for their implementation, also points to the fact that domestic resorts have a certain chance of attracting Russians on vacation (Table 11.2).

Table 11.2.

Dynamics of leisure trips for Russian citizens

(percentage of respondents)

Recreational activity




Holidays at the dacha,

in the village

Amateur hike

Independent excursion trip to another city

Holidays as a “savage” at the resort

Russian sanatorium, boarding house or other recreational facility

Holidays abroad using the services of travel agencies

Holidays abroad without using the services of travel agencies


Didn't leave home on vacation

The situation with recreational tourism began to change fundamentally after the financial and economic crisis of 1998. Now Russian resorts are experiencing a rebirth, and interest in traditional Russian resort vacation spots has re-emerged. As paradoxical as it sounds, the crisis in Russia has clearly benefited the domestic segment of recreational tourism.

According to some Russian tour operators, about 40-50% of tourists who went on holiday abroad in 1998 spent their holidays in Russia in 1999.

The reasons that have caused Russians to grow in interest in vacationing in their country include the following:

However, the demand for tourism services in Russia is limited not only by the material capabilities of the population.

Possessing the richest and unique healing powers natural resources, Russia is losing profits from health-improving institutions due to poor quality of service.

According to the sanatorium-resort association, every 14th bed in trade union health resorts is without amenities, every third is with amenities on the floor, and only 57% are in wards with all amenities.

Data on the cost of holidays in various regions of Russia in 1999 are given in table. 11.3.

Table 11.3. Cost of holidays in various regions of Russia in 1999.(RUB per day per person)

The choice of holiday destinations is still limited. This is basically Black Sea resorts(Sochi, Anapa), boarding houses and sanatoriums in the Moscow region and Kaliningrad region. The Black Sea coast and Moscow region are in greatest demand.

In the Urals or Siberia today, horseback or water tours are mainly offered for tourists who do not require comfortable accommodation.

One of the most neglected categories of tourists are parents with small children. Most Russian sanatoriums do not accept children under three years of age, and naturally, parents who have no one to leave their child with do not go to the sanatorium.

Thus, the turning of the population’s demand to the domestic market for recreational services in 1999 contributed to the reorientation travel companies to work with domestic organizations and enterprises.

Currently, 487 travel agencies in the Russian Federation specialize in domestic tourism, of which 159 are located in Moscow, 134 in St. Petersburg. Approximately half of domestic tourism operators organize children's holidays.

The offers of travel agencies for recreational tourism are currently quite diverse, and are not limited to just offering holidays at the resort. A particularly significant place in terms of the number of offers and sales is occupied by excursion tours (to Moscow, St. Petersburg, the cities of the Golden Ring, Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod, Kyiv, Rostov the Great, Pskov). During the peak season, the demand for such trips among Russians exceeds the supply. Traditionally, there is a large flow of tourists to St. Petersburg, and primarily from Moscow. Theoretically cognitive - sightseeing trips all-season, but in practice in winter the demand for them is much higher. In winter, trips to Moscow and around Moscow are in great demand. 90% of excursion groups traveling around Russia are schoolchildren. Precisely from school excursion tours and the revival of the domestic recreational tourism market began.

Among travel companies, some specialization has already been determined. The ratio is as follows: 72% of travel agencies sell only recreation and treatment; only excursions - 10%, excursions and recreation - 18%.

As for proposals for organizing winter hunting and fishing in almost all regions of Russia, such proposals are quite expensive and the demand for them, naturally, is small.

It should be noted that recently there have been some shifts in the development of such a segment of the recreational services market as adventure and eco-tourism. Alloys are organized according to Altai rivers, horse riding routes along the banks of the Volga, in Altai, Bashkiria, and the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Ecotourism began its development in the Kostomuksha Nature Reserve, where tourists make an exciting journey along specially designed routes of the reserve and rafting down the Kamennaya River.

Olkhonsky district is quite promising in this regard Irkutsk region. A unique base has already been created here for ecotourists, where they can enjoy communication with wildlife. And adventure lovers can do unique tour by jeep from Irkutsk through Buryatia to Mongolia.

Uniqueness of the ecosystem Krasnodar region is currently one of the main factors determining the high demand for recreational services in this region.

IN Krasnodar region possible types of recreation and tourism such as swimming in the sea, relaxing on high-quality beaches, water sports and travel by sea, mountain tourism and mountaineering, hang gliding, visiting exotic natural sites, historical and cultural monuments, balneological places at resorts.

In order to timely solve the problems facing the social sphere of the Russian economy and ensure the successful development of the recreational complex of the national economy, it is necessary to develop and implement effective tools for managing this profitable area, to use effective levers of influence on this area as a whole and individual ones included in its composition, industries and divisions, to foresee the immediate and more distant consequences of decisions made.

All this requires the formation of new approaches to the management mechanism in the recreational complex of the country’s national economy, the development of an integral regulatory mechanism adequate to the requirements of today.

The first steps towards transforming this complex have shown that this process can be quite lengthy, complex and contradictory, requiring a radical breakdown of existing economic and social relations, since the modern economic mechanism is characterized by a combination of both new market elements and the preservation of remnants and rudiments of the old systems.

However, it should be noted that the new system-forming elements currently operating in the recreational services market were formed mainly in the difficult conditions of the transition period in the absence of an adequate economic mechanism capable of sufficiently ensuring the interconnection of all interests.

The degree of government intervention in the market space and the forms of such intervention are determined by the nature of the problems experienced by the country's economy.

In the conditions of a transition economy in the market of recreational services, there is a need to determine the boundaries of the use of market mechanisms and develop the state’s social policy. And what is especially important is that all reforms should be carried out in order to increase not only the economic, but also the social efficiency of the recreational services market.

The modern independent development of the Russian recreational complex without state support has led to the survival of predominantly commercial forms and types active recreation population. Under these conditions social tourism as a phenomenon practically ceased to exist.

As a result, the modern market for recreational services, unfortunately, is not interested in meeting the needs of socially vulnerable segments of the population. Thus, the positive effects of psychophysical recovery, increasing cultural and educational potential, and therefore social justice in society are ignored, and the possibilities of many types of recreation, especially for children, youth, and the elderly, are significantly limited.

Meanwhile, the motive of recreation, as the main one in satisfying the needs in the domestic segment of the tourism market, should have, first of all, social significance, since the satisfaction of the recreational needs of individual groups of the population forms the well-being of society as a whole, its social stability

Therefore, it is necessary to determine a reasonable measure of the state’s regulatory influence on the market of recreational services, to develop a mechanism for implementing state policy to align market elements.

Currently, the implementation of state regulation of the development of the recreational complex of the national economy is entrusted to the Ministry physical culture, sports and tourism.

Despite all the national tourism programs the bulk of the Russian population in recent decades, can't afford a vacation Russian resort . The market excludes low-income segments of the population from consumption. Meanwhile, recreational tourism should not be an economic sector for rich people.

Social tourism has never been, and should not be, at least in the foreseeable future, a profitable budget item. Its main task is to provide the poor part of the population with accessible services for organizing recreation within the country.

In order to preserve and develop the domestic segment of recreational tourism in Russia, it is necessary to develop a mechanism of state parthenism in providing services for active recreation and treatment of citizens and establish state guarantees of their availability for consumption by all members of society.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma on October 4, 1996, introduced the concept of social tourism. According to Art. 1 of this Law "social tourism - travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs."

However, as already noted, there is practically no budgetary funding for the development of social tourism. Although the budget tariff for payments to the social insurance fund, from which 80-85% is financed health resort complexes Russia, remains at the level of 5.4% of the wage fund.

Currently, the State Committee for Culture and Tourism of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering a draft bill “On Social Tourism”, which defines the principles of state policy in the field of social tourism, the legal framework for activities aimed at the formation, implementation and consumption of a social tourism product, regulates the relations between participants in social tourism, establishes the main sources of its financing and the procedure for managing them.

The developers of the law believe that its adoption will increase the volume of domestic tourism by 8 times, revive over 5,100 boarding houses, holiday homes and sanatoriums, more than 1.3 thousand hotels and tourist centers, 122 thousand stationary pioneer camps, provide from 1.5 to 5 million . new jobs.

It is through social tourism that it is possible to involve an increasing number of citizens of the country in the market of recreational services and the emergence of tourism as a truly mass phenomenon of the new market economy.

This also requires preferential taxation of Russian health resorts. According to numerous estimates, it follows that if the burden of utility bills and taxes were reduced, it would actually be possible to reduce the cost of the trip by 20-25%, which would allow more Russians exercise their right to rest.

Meanwhile, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Value Added Tax””, the exclusion of tourist and excursion packages from the list of goods and services not subject to value added tax (VAT). Currently, a 10% VAT rate has been introduced on domestic tourism vouchers (compared to outbound tourism, where this rate is 15%, this step can be regarded as a protectionist measure of the state).

Transport costs are the most painful point of domestic tourism, therefore it is very important that the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and the Federal Aviation Service of Russia develop a system of discounts provided when Russian citizens travel to places of recreation, treatment and tourism on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It should also be noted that, despite its social and humane role, the development of the recreational complex, nevertheless, modifies the ecology.

The current environmental situation at a number of resorts raises serious concerns. There is a real threat of preserving a number of natural health resorts from depletion, pollution and, ultimately, their loss.

For example, intensive visits to unique thermal springs in Kamchatka (without observing environmental measures) led not only to a change in their water-temperature balance, but also to the cessation of the flow of some of them.

The atmospheric air of resorts is subject to severe pollution due to ever-increasing flows road transport. Yes, on climatic resort In Kislovodsk, in addition to exceeding the maximum permissible amount of carbon dioxide, even photo-oxidants are found in the atmospheric air, which indicates its severe pollution.

Pesticides and organic fertilizers used in agricultural work were found in the medicinal mud of Lake Tambukan (Caucasian mineral waters region), Vityazevsky estuary (Anapa resort), and Uglovoy Bay in the Far East.

In this regard, the task of the state is to develop and implement urgent measures for sustainable development and conservation natural heritage countries. Consequently, the relevant federal and regional executive bodies must develop specific programs for the development of recreational tourism, including a mechanism for protecting the natural and cultural environment; determine the possible boundaries of their use for recreation; stimulate the development of tourism products that do not disturb the balance of the environment.


1. An analysis of the functioning of the domestic segment of the recreational services market led to the conclusion that after many years of decline, in 1999, for the first time, a slight increase in interest in it was noted. Although the situation developing today in the country's recreational complex is far from simple: the demand for these services in Russia is limited by the financial capabilities of citizens and a small number of recreation centers that provide a sufficient level of comfort. The inconsistency of interests in the relationship between tour operators of the domestic market and enterprises of the country's recreational complex leads to dissatisfaction with the needs of Russian citizens and the exclusion of low-income segments of the population from consumption.

2. In the domestic segment of the tourist market, the motive of recreation, i.e. restoration of the physical, psychological and intellectual strength of a person should be considered not only as basic, but also be accessible to all segments of society.

3. Recreational tourism has never been and should not be, at least in the foreseeable future, a profitable budget item. Therefore, even in market conditions, not everything should be measured by profit. The health of the nation is a matter of national importance.

4. Only with real help from the state is it possible to involve an increasing number of citizens of the country in the process of establishing recreational tourism in the domestic segment of the market as a truly massive phenomenon of the new market economy.

5. Real sustainable development of the Russian recreational complex will not take place without a clearly planned state policy in this area. The prospect of preserving and developing domestic tourism in the country necessitates the development of a mechanism of state partenism, the main strategic goal of which is to support the domestic segment of tourism with specific state protectionist measures. This is, first of all, the development of regulatory documents establishing organizational, financial and tax assistance to enterprises of the recreational complex.