Sri Lanka is the capital of which country. Sri Lankan cultural heritage. Botanical Garden in Peradeniya

Colombo - Pinnawela - Sigiriya - Polonnaruwa - Dambulla - Matale - Kandy - Peradeniya - Nuwara Eliya - Labukelle - Yala - Galle - Colombo

5 nights / 6 days

1 day. Colombo Meeting with a company representative in Colombo.
In the afternoon sightseeing tour by Colombo, visit shopping centers.
Dinner and overnight at the Colombo hotel. Day 2. Pinnawela - Sigiriya Transfer to Sigiriya. Along the way visit to the elephant nursery in Pinnawala, founded in 1975 to take in orphaned elephant calves and those killed by poachers. Currently, more than 65 elephants have found shelter in the nursery, including babies born in captivity. This is a unique opportunity to observe up close the process of feeding and bathing amazing animals.
In the afternoon Climbing Mount Sigiriya “Fortress in the Sky”. The picturesque mountain, also known as "Lion Rock", is one of the main attractions of the country. At an altitude of about 180 m, King Kassapa built a palace in the 5th century, the entrance to which was “guarded” by a huge stone lion. The citadel was surrounded by gardens with pools and fountains. At the top, lion paws, a giant throne, a bathhouse, a “wall of mirrors” and world-famous colored frescoes depicting “heavenly maidens” (apsaras) are preserved. The rock gallery was decorated with about 500 frescoes, but only a few of them have survived to this day.
Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Habarana/Dambulla/Sigiriya. Day 3. Polonnaruwa - Dambulla - Matale - Kandy Excursion to Polonnaruwa- the second ancient capital of Sri Lanka (XI-XIII centuries). Here, during the reign of King Parakramabahu I, a complex irrigation system was built - a huge artificial lake-reservoir "Sea of ​​Parakrama", as well as canals and pools. The main attractions of Polonnaruwa are: the stone temple of Gal Vihara, in the granite wall of which four statues of Buddha are carved in various poses; the large stupas (dagobas) of Rankot Vihara and Kiriveera, the remains of the great surviving shrines of Vatadage, Lankantilaka, Thuparama and Tiwanka.
In the afternoon moving to Kandy. Along the way it will pass excursion to Dambulle cave temple, located on the top of a cliff 350 m above sea level. The temple, consisting of five caves and famous for the largest collection of Buddha statues (some of them over 2000 years old), was founded in the 1st century BC, but was completed and supplemented with each subsequent change of royal power. In addition to the Buddha statues, the temple preserves colorful frescoes decorating the walls and ceilings of the caves. An important place among them is occupied by scenes from the life of Buddha (jataka).
Visit to the Matale spice garden, batik factory and museum precious stones.
Sightseeing tour of the city of Kandy. The small picturesque town, located at an altitude of 488 m above sea level, is the last capital of the reign of the Sinhalese kings, and to this day it is rightfully considered the cultural capital of the country. In the center of the city, near an artificial lake, there is the Dalada Maligawa Temple, where the main relic of the country - the Sacred Tooth of Buddha - is kept. Once a year, during the colorful festival-procession Esala Perahera, which takes place in late July - early August, the shrine, resting on the back of the main elephant of the temple, is brought out for public viewing.
In the evening viewing national dances.
Dinner and overnight at a Kandy hotel. Day 4 Peradeniya - Labukelle - Nuwara Eliya Visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Peradeniya- the largest in Southeast Asia. On an area of ​​147 acres, you can see more than 4,000 thousand different trees, plants and flowers, including rare species of palm trees, medicinal and spicy herbs, and more than 300 species of orchids. The garden is famous for its alley of memorial trees planted by outstanding personalities of different eras. Among others, there are trees planted by Russian Tsar Nicholas II and Yuri Gagarin.
Visit to the Labukelle tea factory provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the production and sorting process of the world famous Ceylon tea. Sri Lanka ranks third in the world in tea production and first in its exports, providing about 25% of global demand.
Transfer to the mountainous region of Nuwara Eliya. This high mountain resort (1884 m above sea level) is located at the foot of Mount Pidurutalagala (2524 m), highest peak Sri Lanka. Cozy town Nuwara Eliya with its Anglican church, colonial post office building with a clock tower, houses in victorian style, with a racecourse and manicured lawns, it is not without reason that it is called “Little England”.
Dinner and overnight at the Nuwara Eliya hotel. Day 5 Yala Transfer to Yala. Jeep safari in national park - one of the oldest and largest parks in the country. The main territory of the park is occupied by forest, the rest by pastures, ponds and mangroves. This is a great opportunity to see herds of elephants, wild buffalos, wild boars, and sika deer. It is also home to several species of forest cats, leopards, mongooses, monkeys, monitor lizards and crocodiles.
Dinner and overnight at the Yala/Kataragama hotel. Day 6 Galle - Colombo After breakfast, transfer to Colombo, on the way a sightseeing tour of Galle. Famous for its fort, built by the Dutch in the 17th century, the city of Galle was the main commercial port countries before the 19th century Even after centuries, the spirit of an ancient Dutch town hovers behind the fortress walls.

There are many heavenly places on earth; many tourists call one of the best the island located in Indian Ocean. Firstly, guests are amazed at how many shades of green can be seen at once and in one place. Secondly, they are pleasantly surprised by the cordiality local residents, especially if you break away from the coast and go inland. Thirdly, excursions constitute an important part of tourists’ leisure time.

There is a difficult point - there are no fixed prices for certain excursions, you have to rely on the honesty of the guide. The average price of a hike around the island is between $20-$1000 for eight hours on the route. Don’t be afraid of the last number, since it all depends on the number of people, individual tour– $20, group – $1,000, that is, 50 people x $20.

Excursions to cave temples in Sri Lanka

Many tourist routes around the island include a visit to such a unique site as. Both the mountain and the religious complex located on its slopes have this name. The peculiarity of this place of worship for the indigenous people is that the monastery and temple premises are located in caves.

In addition to religious pilgrims, archaeologists and history buffs are frequent guests of this area, as here you can get acquainted with amazing monuments created by the former inhabitants of these lands. At the end of the ascent to Mount Dambulla, tourists find themselves in the “Golden Cave Temple”, the construction of this unique architectural complex date back to the 1st century BC. And the definition of “golden” in the name of the temple indicates that it is in this religious building that the largest collection of statues of the main deity of the country, Buddha, is stored.

Entrance to the caves is paid, the cost is local currency is about 1,500 LKR, all underground objects have names, differ in natural characteristics and existing religious buildings. One of the caves is named after the god Vishnu; its main attractions are seven Buddha statues; archaeologists dated their creation to the 1st century AD.

The same statues, made of granite, stone or wood, can be found in the second, largest cave. In addition, here you can see unique frescoes on the walls and a dagobah, a repository of relics. The third cave is the “youngest”, its development began in the 18th century, the highlight is about a thousand images of Buddha painted on the ceiling, and, naturally, statues of the same deity.

Cultural Capital of Sri Lanka

The city has received such an important title; it is the main point of many combined tourist routes around the island, including:

  • Sigiriya - Kandy (two days, one night);
  • Kandy – (two days, one night);
  • Kandy – Nuwara Eliya – (three days, two nights).

The city occupies the territory in the center of the island, on the banks of the river, so the climate here is always more favorable than in other regions of Sri Lanka. Kandy is the last capital of the island's royal families; Buddhist shrines are treated with reverence here and ancient traditions are preserved. The city has many historical monuments and cultural attractions dating back to previous centuries, which is why it is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The goal of tourists is to see the artificial lake, created at the request of the last Sri Lankan king. In the center of the reservoir, created by human hands, there is an island and Summer Palace. According to legend, the king located his harem in this interesting architectural structure.

Journey to Lion Rock

Beautiful name mountain peak in local dialect it sounds like this natural monument UNESCO specialists also took protection. Or rather, not a mountain, but a city located on it. It is amazingly green and beautiful, landscaped and cozy, surrounded by fountains and gardens.

King Kasapa dreamed of impregnable fortress, the result was a beautiful locality, hospitably welcoming tourists. The excursion costs about $170 per person (for two days). On the way to the city, guests will be shown an elephant nursery, a garden where spices are grown, a tea factory, the program includes a visit famous Temple Buddha tooth.

The next day is devoted exclusively to Sigiriya; first of all, tourists go to ancient city. The entrance fee is $30 per person, which many guests think is a little expensive, but the money goes towards landscaping and maintaining the monuments in appropriate condition. For this money you can walk around the surrounding area, climb to the top of the cliff, and visit a museum exhibition.

The most difficult part, perhaps, will be climbing the stairs - without an elevator you need to overcome 750 steps, but along the way you will see frescoes, “lion paws”, which gave the name, and observation platforms with magnificent views. This journey into the ancient history of Sri Lanka will be kept in the memory of tourists for a long time.

Amazing place Ceylon Island! Today he is better known as Sri Lanka. Thousands of tourists come here to see stunning landscapes, admire sunsets, get lost in impenetrable jungles and swim in warm waters Indian Ocean. But not only a beach holiday can be offered to tourists by this exotic country. Sri Lanka has enough architectural and historical monuments, many of which were included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

As in others Asian countries, Sri Lanka also has its own “golden triangle” A must when exploring the country - three magnificent cultural capitals in the central province of Ceylon. These are Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy.

True, in addition to these cities, there are attractions no less worthy of your attention, which are also included in this cultural triangle: the ancient city of Sigiriya, the Dambulla cave temple, the ruins of Nalanda, the ruins of the Buddhist temple of Mihintale and others.


The first capital of Ceylon, which is inextricably linked with the birth of Buddhism, is Anuradhapura. Direct confirmation of this is evidenced by a number of places of worship in this city. There are many temples and palaces here that were built back in the 4th century BC.

If you drive 12 km from Anuradhapura, you can get to - the cradle of Buddhism in the country. Not only tourists, but also pilgrims come here, considering Mihintale a religious center.

It is located on Mount Mahinda and is a complex of ruins, dagobas, caves and pagodas. Visiting the mountain is free (except for entrance to the Mango Plateau - 500 rupees). But the climb up the mountain is difficult - 305 meters or 1840 steps.

One of the most unique monuments in Sri Lanka is Sigiriya– a 180-meter rock, on the top of which are the remains of the palace-citadel of King Kasyapa. Today, little remains on the 1.7 hectare terrace: the paws of the “lion platform”, a giant royal throne, a gallery with frescoes and a “wall of mirrors”. True, restoration work is underway.

Amazes and cave Dambulla Temple, a monastery that is more than two thousand years old. Its walls and ceilings are painted with colorful frescoes, and the temple itself contains many Buddha statues. Today in this Buddhist monastery monks find their shelter.


From the former splendor of the ancient capital Polonnaruwa there is nothing left today. This is the medieval capital of Sri Lanka (it was the capital for about 200 years), a museum city today, with perfectly preserved palaces and stupas (the three largest on the island), Buddha statues and luxurious gardens. For several centuries the city was “hidden” in the jungle until English hunters discovered it. And only at the beginning of the 20th century archaeological excavations began. The city has a rich past, so lovers of ancient history come here.

The most interesting place is the building of the Council of Ministers of Nissankamalla, on the columns of which the entire management system is painted. Not far from this building in ruins you can see the remains of the audience hall of King Nissankamalla with the Lion Throne, the King's Palace, which is now being restored, and several Hindu temples

Be sure to visit the Polonnaruwa Archaeological Museum, the exhibition of which includes household items, jewelry, coins, and religious statues that were found during excavations in the city. Built in the 12th century, the Hatadage Temple, with frescoes and paintings, is one of the most beautiful in Polonnaruwa; Watadage Temple with a small stupa that previously housed a relic - the Tooth Relic of Buddha (now located in Kandy).

Not far from the city is the Lankatilaka temple, decorated with figurines of gods and floral patterns. It is famous for its 13-meter tall Buddha statue.

Nearby, to the north of the archaeological zone of Polonnaruwa, is the Gal Vihara Temple ( Stone Temple) with huge Buddha statues carved into granite rock that look very realistic.


The third capital of the “golden triangle” and the last capital of the ancient kings - Kandy. Original city with original residents who honor the traditions of the past; even during British colonization it retained its historical heritage, customs and beliefs. It is the cultural capital of Sri Lanka. In the center of the city is the creation of the last king of Kandy - a beautiful artificial lake. In the center of a lake on an island summer residence- Royal Palace.

And on its shore is the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, one of the most significant monuments in Kandy. It is decorated with painted ceilings and wood carvings, and the entrance doors are decorated with silver and ivory. Previously, only kings and clergy had access to the shrine.

Now times have changed: every year in August, during the Esala Perahera Festival, the shrine is brought to public display. But the temple also has many other valuables - ancient handwritten books, manuscripts, Buddhist scriptures, Buddha figurines made of precious metals and stones.

To the north of the temple are the Royal Palace, the Queen's Palace and the Audience Hall. Within the walls Royal Palace Today there is an Archaeological Museum with a magnificent collection of royal regalia, jewelry and household utensils. Nearby are the former bathhouse of Queen Ulpe Ge, three Hindu temples and the oldest building in Kandy - the Niai Devala Temple.

Since Kandy is the religious capital of Ceylon and the center of Buddhism, the city is home to two ancient monasteries - Asgiriya Monastery and Malwatte Monastery. There are many other religious centers in the vicinity of the city, Buddhist temples, which are famous for their frescoes and wood carvings.

Drive through the Golden Triangle on your own

If you are relaxing on the beaches of Sri Lanka and decide to travel through the cultural capitals of the country on your own, you will need at least 5-7 days. All these cities are connected by excellent bus services. You just have to plan your route in advance. Buses operate only during the daytime. Depending on the distance between cities, the cost of a ticket varies between 30-300 rupees (from 20 cents to 2 dollars).

Renting a car with a driver will cost $200-500 for 5 days, renting a motorcycle will cost $7-10 per day. There is no need to pay to enter the Golden Triangle. But visiting its attractions is not cheap: you will have to pay for each separately (museums, temples, etc.). We bring to your attention the prices for visiting the main attractions: Anuradhapura - $30, Dambulla - $12, Sigiriya - $30, Polonnaruwa - $25

Many people know about the beautiful resorts on the island in the Indian Ocean. Where is Sri Lanka?

The state is located on an island with the same name. Let's see where Sri Lanka is on the world map. Surely everyone knows how to find India on the map. The island is located near the Hindustan Peninsula, off its southeastern shores. The location of Sri Lanka, its proximity to the equator, determines the climate of the island. The climate of Sri Lanka is monsoonal, with wet and dry seasons.

History of Sri Lanka

This state has an ancient history. The first inhabitants appeared on the island in the 6th century BC (official opinion, results archaeological excavations do not confirm it). Three centuries later The Buddhist religion appears in the state.

Since the 3rd century AD, the kingdom of the Sinhalese appeared on the island of Sri Lanka (in Russian translation - “blessed land”). In the 13th century, the decline of the monarchy began. In the 16th century, the island was captured by the Portuguese.

In the 17th century, the newly formed Holland (Kingdom of the Netherlands) displaces the Portuguese colonists. At the beginning of the 19th century, the British Empire declared Ceylon (this name appeared after the Portuguese invasion) as its colony. There were on the island tea plantations created, and Ceylon became one of the main suppliers of tea.

After the Second World War, almost all of Great Britain's colonies became independent (however, the vast majority independence was relative, because the USA, the stronghold of imperialism, has become the metropolis). In 1948, Ceylon changed its status from “colony” to “dominion”. In 1972, the state returned to its former name - Sri Lanka.

In 1983, the country began civil war. The main participants in the war were the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam guerrilla movement. The fighting went on with varying degrees of success; several times the government sought a truce. In 2009, partisanship was eliminated and the civil war ended.

The name of the country changed several times: at first it was called Sri Lanka, later Ceylon, and since 1972 the previous name has returned. Today the state is called the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Capital and largest city countries - Colombo.

Sights of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a country ancient culture, interesting for tourists. There are located popular resorts, where many thousands of tourists come. In addition, there are sacred places for people who practice Buddhism, and many pilgrims come here from all over the world. On the map of the island there is There are many interesting sites that tourists visit. Popular excursion tours:

  • Colombo;
  • Halle;
  • Anuradhapura;
  • Dambulla;
  • Sigiriya;
  • Polonnaruwa.

Temple of the Tooth Relic

To see this attraction, need to go to Kandy city(one of the tea varieties is named after him). In the temple you can see a golden stupa, inside of which lies a relic - the tooth of Buddha.

There is an interesting story associated with this relic. After the deceased Buddha was sent to the funeral pyre (540 BC), four teeth were removed from the ashes. One of them ended up on the island of Sri Lanka and became a talisman for the royal dynasty. At the beginning of the 18th century, the talisman came to the city of Kandy. For storage a temple was built for the legendary tooth. The relic itself was hidden in seven caskets, each of them was hidden inside another (analogous to a Russian nesting doll).

Botanical Garden in Peradeniya

After seeing the sights of the city of Kandy, it is worth visiting the suburb of Peradeniya, where a large botanical garden is located. Fans of tropical exotics will visit the greenhouse of orchids - the queens of tropical forests.

In the palm alleys you can meet different types palm trees - date, coconut and so on. One of the varieties of palm trees, talip, is notable for the fact that in the 50th year of its life it blooms and immediately dies. The leaves of the thalip palm “have a history”: Buddhist texts were once written on them, and today the horoscope is written down.

The botanical garden has a Memorial Garden - trees planted by famous people grow here (among them the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin).

Ancient city of Anuradhapura

This oldest city in Sri Lanka and the first capital of this state. As a result of archaeological research, it was possible to find out that the first buildings appeared not in the 6th, but at least in the 10th century BC.

Since the 1950s, the residents of Anuradhapura have been moved to the so-called " new city" This was done to protect archaeological sites. IN " old town» lovers of ancient history drop by.

Plateau "End of the World"

This outlandish name was given to two observation platforms, one of them being called the “Little End of the World”, and the other – the “Big End of the World”. The only difference is the depth of the cliff. Co observation platforms there are views of the mountains and valley.

Interesting fact: at both observation platforms there are no fences or railings. Just beyond the edge there is a sheer cliff. The price of carelessness is very high: an awkward step can result in a fall from a great height and death.

Adam's Peak

This is the second highest mountain in Sri Lanka. The name of the mountain is translated from Sinhala as “mountain of butterflies”. On the flat top you can see a depression similar to a human footprint. According to legend, this is the footprint of the legendary saint - Buddha. Another legend says that the water collected in this depression-trace has healing properties.

A small open temple was erected at the top of Adam's Peak. Buddhist pilgrims and tourists come here.

Beach resorts in Sri Lanka

The wonderful climate and warm sea attract lovers of surfing, diving and just the lazy beach holiday. There are many beach resorts on the map of Sri Lanka, where excellent conditions are created for vacationers. Here are some of the resorts:

  • Beruwela;
  • Koggala;
  • Mirissa;
  • Negombo;
  • Colombo.

Tea kingdom

Impossible to leave this beautiful island without packaging with the famous tea. It was from here that tea came to England, and then to Europe. Fine varieties of tea are grown on numerous tea plantations. Here you can buy real high-quality elite tea at very affordable prices.


The video will introduce you in more detail to the history of this remarkable country.