Travel topic with translation. Pros and cons of traveling by different modes of transport Airplane advantages and disadvantages topic in English

Since ancient times, man has wanted to overcome the stupid expression - “He who is born to crawl will not fly.” These dreams of the sky would have remained dreams if not for one great winged invention of the Wright brothers, which made its first flight back in 1903.

Since then, it has become possible for man to travel not only by water and land, but also by sky. And today, air travel has become commonplace, for some even a work routine. But still, we decided to consider all the pros and cons of air transport today.

Disadvantages of air transport

Today there are not many disadvantages of air transport, but they still exist. It is better to start with the disadvantages in order to end on a pleasant note in the form of the advantages of air transport. And in order not to miss any drawback, let's start everything in order. Starting from the process of purchasing a ticket until the passenger leaves the airport.

    The first disadvantage of air transport is the cost.

Until now, traveling by plane is not generally available due to high price. Sometimes the amount for a round trip flight takes up a large part of the budget amount calculated for the entire trip. Often, an inflated price for a ticket by the carrier could serve as a cancellation of the trip until better times. The inaccessibility of travel even in economy class is one of the main disadvantages of air transport.

    The second drawback is registration.

If you have ever used air transport, then you know the longest and most unpleasant process before boarding a plane is check-in. Often, check-in for a flight begins 3 hours before departure. Of course, this is an important process and all this is for our safety, but still, this process takes too much time.

Sometimes it seems that the employees are deliberately stretching out the registration process, and there is no way to avoid constant endless queues. But even if you are lucky enough to quickly get through the painful check-in, you still have a tedious wait ahead to board the plane. This time spent in the waiting room can take more than one hour.

All this is very exhausting for a person, and he has not yet found himself on the plane itself. Where a long flight awaits him.

    The next disadvantage of air transport is the weather.

Or rather, its dependence on weather conditions. It is often possible that due to worsening weather conditions the flight is delayed or even cancelled. And you have no choice but to wait until the weather provides flight conditions for air transport. In this situation, you become a hostage to the situation. This can really hit your plans. Especially if you had a connecting flight, it is possible that the further journey will have problems.

    The fourth disadvantage in the list of disadvantages of air transport is constant fear.

Although air transport is considered one of the safest modes of transport for travel. Yet we are exposed to fear. After all, we are several thousand kilometers above the ground, just in the air, rushing at wild speed.

Various movies about plane crashes or plane hijacking by evil terrorists add fuel to the fire; all this leaves a negative aftertaste in our heads. Because of which we are already preparing for the worst. As soon as the plane jerks a little due to turbulence or sees a suspicious bag in your head, you immediately have a mini-panic.

The situation is no better if you are a person with aerophobia - a fear of flying on an airplane. Then air travel is clearly not for you. Or just a fear of heights, all the same, it all has an adverse effect on your nervous system. This can be considered the effect of constant stress on a person. Which clearly does not have a positive effect on your body.

    And the last drawback associated with motor transport is problems with luggage.

Problems with luggage can arise with any other type of transport, but air transport has much more unique problems. Not only are you limited in the amount of luggage, but if the bags are heavy, you will have to pay a lot of money for them.

There is also a possibility that due to confusion during loading of luggage. Your things could end up on another continent altogether, just by getting on the wrong plane. And the most unpleasant thing in this situation is that you don’t know when your lost luggage will be returned to you. But lately such errors are already rare, they are more typical for flights with transfers, so you shouldn’t be particularly afraid of this, but we couldn’t ignore such a problem.

Advantages of air transport

After such a list of shortcomings, air transport will need to work hard to restore its name with advantages. But in fact, the advantages are very significant, so much so that they easily cover all these minor disadvantages.


The first and one of the most significant advantages of air transport is speed of travel. Until now, this type of transport is the fastest way to get to anywhere in the world.


Air transport is considered one of the most in a safe way transport. Before air transport takes to the skies, it is thoroughly checked technically, eliminating any risk. In the air, the movements of all aircraft are monitored, directing them along the safest route, avoiding their intersection in the airspace. Flights are not released if there is a suspicion of unsafe conditions in the sky.

During registration, everything is thoroughly inspected and checked in order to avoid any possible threat.


Of course, it will seem to you that we are contradicting ourselves here, but the disadvantage of expensive tickets overlaps with the existence of so-called low-cost airlines. Airline offering reasonable prices, accessible to everyone. And it won't be difficult for you to find them. Low-cost airlines are a good opportunity to travel without feeling a big blow to your wallet.

Bottom line

Air transport is a convenient and, most importantly, fast way to get to anywhere in the world. Of course, this transport has disadvantages, like all others. But against the backdrop of what air travel gives us, these disadvantages pale into insignificance. Have a nice flight!

You can find out more about this on the Internet. For example, on this page you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with what cargo transportation in Russia is like or on another resource of your choice.

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The main criterion by which a travel method is chosen was and remains its cost. At the same time, there is a traditionally established opinion that the cheapest is the train, the second is the bus, and the most expensive is the plane. This is partly true, but price does not always decide everything. There are a number of other criteria that can be taken into account when choosing a method of transportation. Sometimes it is very convenient to order a minibus, in other cases you can choose between plane, train and bus.


Pros of traveling by plane:

  • The ability to get to any point on the planet where there is an airport in a matter of hours. Typically the flight takes from 2 to 12 hours. This is the fastest way to travel
  • Opportunity to buy cheap ticket. Many major airlines often hold promotions and sales of tickets at discounted prices

Disadvantages of traveling by plane:

  • Long waiting times at airports, during inspections and controls, which are sometimes longer than the flight itself
  • Inability to enjoy the scenery and attractions during the flight
  • The entire flight takes place in a sitting position.
  • Subjective - fear of flying


Modern trains long distance equipped with showers, air conditioning, and other amenities. Of course, this increases the cost of the ticket, but it allows you to travel in comfort.

Pros of traveling by train:

  • Opportunity to enjoy the scenery
  • High comfort. Food, sleep without leaving the train. You can lie down at any time. In this, the train wins over the plane and bus
  • Communication with fellow travelers
  • Possibility of choosing tickets of different prices in reserved seats, compartments, etc.


  • It is impossible to see cities and attractions except train stations


Modern buses can be equipped with coffee makers, toilets, and air conditioning. These are not the same buses that many remember from Soviet times.

Pros of traveling by bus:

  • Affordable price
  • The opportunity to see the cities you pass through beautiful scenery, receiving comments from the guide (on tourist trips)


  • Sitting for a long time
  • The need to stop at new hotel every day, which is very tiring


For long journeys, and also when you need to quickly get to the right place, choose an airplane. If the journey is long, but time is not critical for you, and you want to spend it in comfort, the train is for you. For short and medium distance travel, you can choose a bus.

If you have to travel a long distance, then preference should be given aircraft- a giant aluminum bird.
The airplane is the youngest form of transport. This is probably why it causes the greatest mistrust or even fear among people. It is clear that these fears did not arise out of nowhere, and periodic plane crashes, as well as other dramatic incidents, call into question the safety of air travel. Each person is free to choose for himself whether an airplane is suitable for him to move in space or not. To get a more complete picture, it makes sense to take a detailed and objective look at flying an airplane.

Advantages of air travel

  1. 1. The ability to cover long distances in a short time. This is very important if you need to get to another point on the planet as quickly as possible.
  2. 2. High-quality service. Moreover, this applies not only to servicing passengers on board the ship, but also to persons still planning a flight. For example, a person needs to fly to New York on business. To get all the necessary information and book a ticket, he just needs to go to the website in order to protect himself from tedious searches and a personal visit to the ticket office.
  3. 3. The flight takes place in comfortable conditions. Anyone who has ever flown on modern Boeings does not need to prove this.
  4. 4. Indescribable sensations during takeoff and landing, as well as beautiful views from the window and not only, because many planes are now equipped with video cameras and other devices that arouse the interest of all passengers.
  5. 5. Short and direct route. Neither mountains, nor rivers, nor forests can be an obstacle on the route.

Disadvantages of air travel

  1. 1. The plane is the most dangerous vehicle, because the slightest breakdown of equipment or a hidden defect in the fuselage, wings or tail can cause a tragedy.
  2. 2. You may not fly from your point of departure for a long time or land in a completely different city. The reason for this “leapfrog” is unfavorable weather conditions. Flight delays are a common occurrence. This is very inconvenient, especially when you need to make a transfer at another airport to another flight that you may not be able to catch.
  3. 3. The high cost of tickets does not allow the use of airplanes for mass travel. The high cost is due to the need to maintain both aircraft and airports in proper condition. Therefore, many simply cannot afford air travel.
Having reviewed the above information, we can conclude: air travel has more “advantages”, but the “cons” are more significant.

The modern world cannot exist without aviation. Air transport is recognized as universal. It occupies an extremely important place both as a convenient means of transportation and in the transportation of goods for a wide variety of purposes. Although a large percentage of passengers and cargo are transported by air, in some cases it is simply not possible to use any other mode of transport.

For air transport We will look at the pros and cons below. In a very short period of time, it has won a significant share of the market for transporting people and goods. It has significantly replaced such standard delivery methods as by land ( railway transport, cars) and by sea (ships).

Until recently, it was impossible to fly long distances without stopping and refueling. Today the situation has changed radically. Made possible transatlantic flights no landings. It is expected that very soon flights will be possible over even longer distances. What are the pros and cons aviation transport?

Advantages inherent in air transport

Air transportation has a lot of important advantages. First of all, it is worth noting the following:

  • absence of geographical obstacles;
  • reliability;
  • high speed.

Transportation by air transport is very fast. There is simply no other option when you need to transport goods or arrive in a particular city in a matter of hours or even minutes. Perhaps you need to deliver perishable goods or medicines.

In terms of reliability, air transport gives a significant head start to any other transport. It is much more difficult to spoil cargo or steal goods at heights than in other conditions. Of course, there is risk in any business. Air transportation is no exception here. However, in in this case the damage is associated only with “ground” difficulties (for example, loading was carried out carelessly).

The monitoring system has been implemented in air transportation for a very long time. It provides the opportunity to analyze everything that happens to the cargo. This system also guarantees the safety of the goods.

Here it is worth mentioning separately about the features customs control. When moving by air, cargo is checked twice. The first time is upon departure, the second time upon receipt. Checks are not carried out at each of the borders crossed. Largely due to this, reliable transportation speed is ensured and the risk of damage is minimized.

Geographical barriers for air transport are not terrible. There are no seas, roads, mountains or other similar obstacles in the air. All this remains on the ground. In the air you can only encounter air pockets. However, they only cause minor inconvenience. No other type of transport can boast such versatility.

As for the volume of cargo and the number of passengers that can be transported using air transport, the figures here are very impressive. Modern aircraft provide the ability to transport tons of cargo and hundreds of people. At the same time, the distance can be quite impressive.

What are the disadvantages of air transport?

Like any other type of transport, aviation has its drawbacks. The main ones include the following:

  • high cost;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • there is a need to use another type of transport to bring the goods to a certain place.

Air transportation costs a decent amount. Reliability and speed must be paid at increased rates. However, there is no reasonable alternative to such a transportation scheme on at the moment does not exist. When you need to carry out transportation over a significant distance, quickly and efficiently, you cannot do without an aircraft. However, there is a risk of delay. Adverse weather conditions are the most common reason for this. Lightning, rain, powerful wind - all this does not allow the plane to take off on time. As a result, the carrier is simply forced to cancel the flight until the weather returns to normal.

Air transportation very often involves additional costs. It is not possible to deliver goods strictly to a specific address. It is delivered to the nearest airport. This means that you need to worry about the availability of a vehicle that will bring the cargo from the unloading point to a certain location.

The above disadvantages of air transport can hardly be considered significant, especially if the emphasis is on high speed and quality. For this reason, most businesses and even many individuals prefer to order air transport for delivery of goods from one city to another.

Air Transport Safety

It is important not only to know the pros and cons of air transport, but also to understand how safety is ensured in the case of such transportation. Here, the aviation security service is responsible for everything. She is responsible for passengers, cargo, aircraft, crew, and the airport as a whole. Also, security must be ensured by the persons who dispatch, receive or service the aircraft.

In the case of air transport, safety is ensured through the following procedures:

  • prohibition of access of strangers and cars to the controlled area of ​​the airfield or airport;
  • security of aircraft during parking, which helps prevent intruders from entering;
  • prohibition of transportation by plane of flammable, radioactive, explosive substances, ammunition, weapons, etc.;
  • pre-flight and post-flight inspection;
  • implementation of countermeasures against illegal interference in aviation activities.

Now you have a clear idea of ​​what the pros and cons of air transport are. Thanks to this, you can understand how suitable this transportation scheme is for you.

More detailed information The Internet will tell you about the features of air transport. For example, on this page you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with information about how air transportation is carried out or on another resource at your discretion.

When planning a trip, you should try to think through the entire event down to the smallest detail. Starting from the choice of transport for travel. The fastest and also quite comfortable transport is an airplane. Let's look at the pros and cons of traveling by plane.

On the positive side, it can be noted that:

Of course, the plane is the fastest. If you need to cover a long distance in the shortest possible time, the plane simply will have no equal.

No physical barriers to travel. You can fly across the ocean and end up in another part of the planet. Isn't that impressive?

Comfort and service. Comfortable seats on modern aircraft can help passengers relax, and attentive and efficient staff will help fulfill any wishes.

The beauty of the earth, opening from a height of thousands of meters, cannot be expressed in any words. This is a unique opportunity to see the world in a completely different way.

But air transport also has its disadvantages:

High ticket price. The cost of the flight is greatly influenced by the high cost of operating the aircraft. Therefore, no popular destinations the ticket may be very expensive.

Unreliability. Air service very sensitive to weather conditions. And if the latter worsens, flights may be delayed.

Big risk. Even the slightest failure during flight can lead to catastrophic consequences.


Tips for air travelers

How to get from Anapa to Crimea?
You can get to Crimea using air transport by purchasing an air ticket from Anapa to Simferopol.

How can you get to Crimea from Russia?
How can you get from Russia to Crimea? The easiest way is to purchase an air ticket to Simferopol.

I was late for my plane flight. What to do?
Missing a plane flight is probably the worst thing that can happen at the beginning of a trip. How can this be avoided?

What are connecting flights?
Despite the fact that the terms docking and transfer are very close in meaning, there is a significant difference between them.

How to behave at the airport?
Of course, at the airport, as in any public place, there are rules of conduct. However, an air terminal is still not an ordinary facility and it has its own nuances, which even experienced travelers sometimes forget about.

How to prepare for a long flight?
The longest flight currently takes place between Newark and Singapore and takes 18 hours 50 minutes. So how can you make such a long flight easier?

How to sleep on a plane?
If after arrival a person has an important meeting, then it would not be a bad idea to have a good rest. But not everyone can easily fall asleep on a plane. What can be done to solve this problem?

Which seat on the plane is better to choose?
Every traveler wants his flight to be as comfortable as possible, even if he flies in economy class. Many foreign airlines allow you to choose seats on board the plane at the stage of pre-booking a ticket on the website.

What to do if your flight is cancelled?
Traveling has now become more accessible thanks to the ability to buy air tickets online. And now, the long-awaited day of departure has arrived, but upon arriving at the airport, you find out that the flight has been cancelled.

Is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane?
Can pregnant women fly on an airplane? The risks of flying cannot be completely eliminated. So the final decision remains with the expectant mother.

How to travel light?
Traveling is a pleasant process if you approach its organization rationally. Sometimes it is difficult to quickly and clearly understand what things to take with you when traveling.

Preparing for the flight. What do you need to know?
An airline passenger experiences little to no physical discomfort, yet many people experience anxiety before boarding. How to prepare for a flight?

Contraindications for flying by plane
If you are traveling by plane, then it would be a good idea to find out what contraindications there are for flying and who should refrain from doing so.

How much liquid can you carry on an airplane?
In the process of preparing for a flight, a tourist may have some questions, for example, what can he take with him on the plane? Or what liquids can you take on a plane?

What should you do when you leave home?
Many people love to travel. To prevent the journey from being overshadowed by anxiety and worry, it is important to prepare for it. So what should you do before you go traveling?