The use of air transport in tourism and its advantages. Air transport, advantages and disadvantages. Organization of air transportation. Air transport in tourist transportation

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federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Altai State University"

Faculty of Geography

Department of Recreational Geography, Tourism and Regional Marketing


(abstract on the discipline “Organization of inbound and outbound tourism”)

Completed by a student

course 923-z group

Ivanova I.I..

Barnaul 2014










Transport services are one of the main types of services in tourism. They account for the main share in the tour price structure. Depending on the duration and distance of the trip, it (in most cases) ranges from 20 to 60%. Various types of transport are used by tourism organizations to transport tourists during their travel.

Transport travel- this is travel organized groups tourists with travel packages (vouchers) along developed routes using various vehicles. Transport travel is considered both as an independent type of tourism and as a component of the tourism product as a whole.

When planning his trip, a tourist takes into account such factors as the speed of delivery to the holiday destination, travel comfort, cost, the possibility of transporting luggage and its weight, the possibility of stopping along the way, food conditions, recreational conditions, noise level, the presence of harmful environmental factors and, of course , - safety.

The main objectives of this work are to determine the main modes of travel and types of transport used during inbound and outbound tourism.


Transport is one of the most important components of the material base of the economy of any country. Since ancient times, transport has been the engine of progress. Man used any available means to transport people and goods. With the invention of the wheel, and a little later various types engines, people began to accordingly develop means of transportation: carts, carriages, steamships, steam locomotives, airplanes, etc. This made it possible to travel long distances and for various purposes

Currently, transport is one of the most important components of the economy of a state, both developing and with a highly developed economic and social base. Transport ensures the normal functioning of the economy, increases the efficiency of social production, creates conditions for the rational placement of production forces throughout the country, taking into account the most appropriate approach of enterprises in various sectors of the economy to sources of raw materials and areas of consumption of products, specialization and cooperation of production, allows for the development of industries such as trade , agriculture and others. Transport is a leading factor in the development of tourism.

The role of transport in solving social problems, providing business, cultural and tourist trips for the population, developing cultural exchange within the country and abroad is great. Transport ensures the development of international economic relations, facilitating mutually beneficial exchanges between different countries.


According to statistics, the rate of growth in the popularity of air transport is higher than that of road transport, which is due to the ever-increasing expansion of the geography of travel and the existing stable trend towards reducing travel times in favor of their frequency (the growth of short-term long-distance tours). All this causes close attention of the tourism business to air transportation. Airplanes are the most popular form of transport in the world. The same can be said about air travel in tourism. And there are a number of reasons for this:

firstly, aviation is the fastest and comfortable view transport when moving long distances;

secondly, the service on flights is currently attractive to tourists;

thirdly, airline companies directly and through international booking and reservation networks pay travel agencies a commission for each seat booked on an airplane, thereby motivating them to choose air travel.

Air transport is one of the fastest and most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy and every year it occupies an increasingly stronger position in the global transport system

There are now more than 1,300 airlines in the world. On average, about 1.5 billion people are transported on air flights per year. International air services are now provided by over 470 carriers, about 250 of them operate international scheduled flights. In servicing international air services Over 1 thousand airports around the world participate, about 650 of them serve international scheduled air transportation.

The largest airlines in the world in terms of traffic are the American Delta Air lines, Pan Amerikan, United, the French Air France, the German Lufthansa, the British British Airways, etc. Major airline The Russian Aeroflot is considered.

However, the international air transport system consists not only of international air carriers and airports, but also of states connected by international air lines and providing these communications, as well as international organizations in the field of air transport, taking measures to ensure its effective functioning and safety.

The international transportation network currently covers all geographical regions and more than 150 countries around the world.

Since air transport occupies an increasingly stronger position in the global transport system every year, there has long been a need for its global coordination and regulation. These issues are dealt with by international aviation organizations.

Within the framework of organizing tourist travel, there are several forms of interaction between travel companies and airlines:

booking seats and purchasing air tickets through airline agencies;

booking seats and purchasing air tickets through reservation systems;

an agreement with the airline for a quota of seats on regular airlines;

agency agreement and work as an agency selling air tickets for its tourists;

organization of charter flights for tourist transportation.

In order to correctly choose the most convenient and profitable part of tourist transportation, as well as to competently conclude a contract for air transportation of tourists, you need to know all the features, advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of interaction with an airline.


Car services used in tourism services include three main areas:

) organization of bus trips;

) organization of travel by private transport of tourists;

) car rental.

Bus travel. International bus tourism is a relatively young type of tourism. The beginning of its development can be dated back to the 70s. XX century Before this in different countries buses were used mainly for transfers, excursions and local trips.

Being an economic type of tourism accessible to the general population, bus tourism is constantly developing. There is still a tendency to increase its volumes. Priority is given to weekend bus tours - 2-3 day trips to European cities for excursion and educational purposes are quite popular. In second place in popularity are route tours lasting 1-2 weeks in European cities, also for excursion and educational purposes.

Seasonality in organization bus tours does not play such a big role as on other trips. In fact, bus tours operate throughout the year. A slight decline in demand is observed in January-February. During these two months, usually one bus is “busy” on one route.

According to experts, despite the importance of the price aspect, competition in the bus tour market is observed in the area of ​​variety of routes and quality of service.

Opening of traffic on regular international routes is regulated by bilateral government agreements, and transit through third countries requires permission from the Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE).

The rights and obligations of the carrier and tourists are regulated by the contract of carriage, contract for tourist services and voucher

Bus trips can be organized on their own buses owned by travel companies, as well as on rented buses owned by independent motor transport enterprises (ATEs) of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, Russian companies work with rented buses. A travel company enters into a special agreement with such ATPs to rent a bus for tourist transportation.

Traveling using tourists' personal transport. Organizing a package tour car travel includes the entire range of services, with the exception of transport. However, the travel company still provides special assistance in organizing the movement of tourists along the route in their cars. This is reflected in the specifics of organizing car tours.

The process of preparing a road trip includes:

route development;

development of a traffic schedule;

preparation of route documentation.

Car rental. Car rental (or rental) is a very common and popular service among tourists, especially on stationary and resort tours. In any tourist or resort center There are many car rental companies operating - from large to small. The leading car rental company in the world is HERTZ. Competing with it “AVIS” in the mid-90s. was named the best car rental company in the world by the English magazine Institutional Investor.


The railway is a convenient means of communication for transporting any categories of tourists, from individual tourists, large and small tourist groups on regular lines and charter trains, to the organization of special tourist and excursion trains for local and long-distance traffic.

Currently, many companies that own railway lines (Wagon-Li, Accor, etc.) are making great efforts to maintain and increase tourist passenger traffic. The main directions in this regard can be called:

laying high-speed highways (to speed up transportation);

organization of special tourist trains, including “retro locomotives” (special themed trips on railway transport).

Regular trains. Suburban trains follow a fixed schedule within the region or region. The train usually accommodates up to 1,500 passengers, with up to 1,000 seats. The trains make frequent stops at local stations. The seats in the carriages are not numbered.

Off-schedule (charter) trains. These are specially designated charter trains outside the regular schedule. Special trains often include tourist and excursion trains, which also run outside the regular schedule on specially laid routes and schedules, compiled taking into account windows in the regular schedule and excursion and tourist purposes. Off-schedule trains also include the so-called export trains - organized outside the schedule during public holidays, national and international competitions and games, as well as for the removal of equipment and people for harvesting, agricultural and other work.

Trains and carriages are also divided into different categories.

Special tourist trains. There is a well-established opinion that any train trip, especially a long one, is tiring and unpleasant. It’s hard to even imagine that it can be not just a forced movement from one point to another, but a most exciting journey. However, this truth has long been realized by foreign travel agencies and operators offering specialized railway tours. Western specialists have brought the technology of their implementation almost to perfection.

Standard rail tours can be divided into three separate categories:


short-term (2-3 days);

multi-day (from 5 days or more).

Day tours begin in the morning and end in the evening of the same day. On the way, tourists sit at the tables of dining cars. Along the way, they can not only have an extra snack, but also watch performances by pop and circus performers. Tourists are taken to a specific station, where a special program has been prepared for them. This could be an excursion trip or a picnic in nature. Most often, passengers have the opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

Short tours. During two- to three-day train tours, passengers live in separate compartments. Trips are traditionally designed so that at night, when everyone is asleep, the train is on its way. During the day, tourists are busy with various excursion activities.

Multi-day tours. Train schedules serving multi-day trips vary widely. Depending on the route and excursion program tourists are often on the road during the daytime. As practice shows, in order for travelers not to get tired, a tourist train should travel non-stop between two points for no more than a day and a half. Long day trips are planned, as a rule, in cases where interesting views and landscapes open up along the route. However, in some cases, short-term “green camps” are also proposed directly in the forest or in the mountains, on the shore of the sea or a large lake.


tourist market air transport train

A motor ship trip (cruise) is a tourist trip along a river or sea, usually calling at ports, on board a special passenger ship. Currently, dozens of cruise lines around the world operate hundreds of passenger ships ranging from 70 to over 1,000 passengers and offer exciting trips to almost every region of the world.

Cruises are one of the fastest growing market sectors. In 1998, more than 8 million tourists traveled by water, and by 2004, according to WTO forecasts, this figure will reach 11.5 million.

Water cruises are organized both across the seas, oceans, and along various rivers. The organization of sea and river cruises has a lot in common. However, there are a number of differences in the capacity of ships, organizational features, service programs, as well as the location of tours among sea and river cruises.

Sea cruises. Today, sea cruises in the world are experiencing a happy period of growth. The cruise fleet is growing, the designs of passenger ships are being improved, their comfort is increasing, and new sea and ocean routes are being developed. Boat travel is most popular in the USA, Great Britain and Germany. Demand for cruise voyages is noted in France, Italy, Switzerland and other countries.

Main cruise regions:

) Mediterranean Sea - from May to October;

) Caribbean winter months;

) around Europe and Scandinavia - from mid-May to the end of August.

The largest cruise operators are the American ones: Carnival Cruise Line Corporation (CCL), Royal Caribbean, as well as the British P&O Cruises Divison.

Payment on ships depends on:

on the comfort of the vessel;

River cruises. Unlike sea river cruises less susceptible to weather influences, more informative, as they have a coastal view, and there is an excellent opportunity to use green parking areas.

Western Europe has a fairly extensive navigable network of waterways. The Seine, Elbe, Danube, Rhine and other rivers flow through its territory. All of them are connected by a complex system of canals, which provides excellent opportunities for the growing popularity of river cruise travel. Germany holds first place in river cruises, followed by Great Britain, Holland, Switzerland and Austria. The most popular routes are along the Rhine and its tributaries (Moselle, Main, Neckar, Weser). In Europe, river cruises along the Danube through seven countries are in great demand.

Tourist transportation is carried out along 80 different routes with a duration from 3 to 20 days.

The shipping companies of the Central and North-Western basins carry out about 87% of all transportation of tourists.

When serving tourists on ship tours, the following persons take part:

ship's crew;

ship restaurant workers;

cruise tourist crew.


Transportation is one of the central places as part of almost any tourism product, they are an integral part of travel and tourist trips. The transportation industry is decisive in the generation of tourism activities and tourism as a highly profitable sector of the economy. Without transport there is no tourism, not to mention walking tours and hikes limited by both the number of tourists and the distance. Scientific and technological progress in society led to the emergence of vehicles capable of quickly delivering a person to anywhere in the world, as well as to the introduction of new technologies in the field of transport services.

The competitive struggle for clients both between individual transport structures and between carriers within each mode of transport has given a powerful impetus to the process of improving service for passengers. An increase in the level of service is manifested in the modern technical equipment of rolling stock, the creation of comfortable travel conditions, the organization of leisure time for passengers on board vehicles, the provision of special food for them, the development of incentive programs for regular customers transport companies.

Thus, we can conclude that transport and tourist complexes are in continuous interaction, constantly influencing each other’s development, especially in the context of expanding travel geography, international relations, and globalization of the world economy. In such a situation, clear coordination of activities and cooperation between the subjects of the transport complex and the tourism industry are necessary. Only in this case is it possible to effectively operate the tourism and transport sector of the world economy and fully satisfy the needs of the main object - tourists.


1.Brammer R.A. Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry / Trans. from English - M.: Aspect Press, 1995. - 362 p.

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7.Transport in tourism [Electronic resource]: tourist. portal, - M., 2013. - Access mode to the portal: . - Title from the screen.

Transport support in tourism [Electronic resource]: el. Magazine, - Novosibirsk, - 2012-2014..aspx?id=601237.-> Title from the screen.

According to statistics, the rate of growth in the popularity of air transport is higher than that of road transport, which is due to the ever-increasing expansion of the geography of travel and the existing stable trend towards reducing travel times in favor of their frequency (the growth of short-term long-distance tours). All this causes close attention of the tourism business to air transportation. Airplanes are the most popular form of transport in the world. The same can be said about air travel in tourism. And there are a number of reasons for this:

Firstly, aviation is the fastest and most convenient form of transport when traveling long distances;
- secondly, the service on flights is currently attractive to tourists;
- thirdly, airline companies directly and through international booking and reservation networks pay travel agencies commissions for each seat booked on the plane, thereby motivating them to choose air travel

Air transport is one of the fastest and most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy and every year it occupies an increasingly stronger position in the global transport system.

There are now more than 1,300 airlines in the world. On average, about 1.5 billion people are transported on air flights per year. International air services are now provided by over 470 carriers, about 250 of them operate international scheduled flights. More than 1 thousand airports around the world are involved in servicing international air services, about 650 of them serve international scheduled air transportation

The largest airlines in the world in terms of the number of traffic are considered to be the American Delta Air lines, Pan Amerikan, United, the French Air France, the German Lufthansa, the British British Airways, etc. The Russian Aeroflot is considered a major airline.

However, the international air transport system consists not only of international air carriers and airports, but also of states connected by international air lines and providing these communications, as well as international organizations in the field of air transport, taking measures to ensure its effective functioning and safety

The international transportation network currently covers all geographical regions and more than 150 countries around the world

Air transport is regulated in three ways:

1) national regulation - licensing of air carriers operating on both domestic and international routes;
2) intergovernmental regulation - when regular air routes are based on agreements between the governments of the relevant countries;
3) international regulation - when tariffs for scheduled flights are set (for airline members) on the basis of mutual agreements between participating airlines through the mediation of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or a third party

One type of international regulation of air travel is plans to create a pool connecting airlines operating on certain international routes.

A pool agreement connects airlines operating on the same international routes in order to optimize aircraft schedules, reduce routes and regulate passenger flows during peak hours and periods, as well as to increase profits on these routes and its further distribution between airlines

A pool agreement, in principle, can lead to the destruction of competition on the route. But this also means preserving the opportunity for companies of various sizes to participate in transportation on the lines. Pool agreements are often concluded between airlines that are not comparable in size in order to provide them with the best capacity and profits. Financial agreements between pooled carriers typically limit the maximum amount of revenue transferred from one carrier to another to reduce the possibility of government support for inefficient carriers. In some countries, however, pool agreements are currently prohibited (for example, in the USA)

International regulation of air travel is carried out on the basis of international agreements signed between countries over many years.

The Warsaw Convention of 1929 was the first general agreement between airlines dealing with airline liability for the safety of passengers in the event of death, injury or loss of baggage during carriage. (The Montreal Protocol later determined that the maximum liability will be periodically revised due to inflationary processes. Today, the airline's liability to the passenger is a maximum of 20 thousand US dollars.) This agreement is the basis for insuring passengers, mail and baggage for international air travel.

The 1944 Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation, which was negotiated by 80 countries, contains an agreement to standardize air service migration procedures between countries. These principles were adopted to provide the basis for bilateral agreements between countries. The agreement agreed not to regulate charter flights, allowing countries to apply individual regulations and conditions under which they accept and operate charter flights.

Bermuda Agreement 1946 Anglo-American transatlantic flights regulated bilateral agreements on these routes. In 1977 the Bermuda Agreement was revised (and ratified in 1980), and in 1986 a new agreement expanded the actual capacity on trans-Atlantic routes, limited to two British and two American carriers

Since air transport occupies an increasingly stronger position in the global transport system every year, there has long been a need for its global coordination and regulation. These issues are dealt with by international aviation organizations. Let's look at the most influential and famous of them.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is one of the first most reputable and authoritative global structures. 183 states are members of ICAO. ICAO works closely with other organizations such as the United Nations Community, World Meteorological Organization, International Union of Electrical Communications, World Post Union, World Health Organization, International Sea Organization.

The International Association of Air Transportation - I ATA - was created to coordinate the actions of the world's airlines aimed at ensuring the safety and improving the efficiency of air transportation in all regions of the globe. Founded in 1919 and reformed in 1945, IATA is the professional association of aviation companies operating international flights. The main function performed by the Association is to streamline international commercial air traffic, introduce uniform rules and procedures for all members and establish agreed upon tariffs for passenger transportation on international routes

Travel agencies participate in the activities of IATA through its special branch - the International Travel Agents Network (IATAN), the International Organization of Airline Agents, as well as through the international organizations of civil airports

Within the framework of organizing tourist travel, there are several forms of interaction between travel companies and airlines:

Reservation of seats and purchase of air tickets through airline agencies;
- reservation of seats and purchase of air tickets through reservation systems;
- an agreement with the airline for a quota of seats on regular airlines;
- agency agreement and work as an agency selling air tickets for its tourists;
- organization of charter flights for tourist transportation

In order to correctly choose the most convenient and profitable part of tourist transportation, as well as to competently conclude a contract for air transportation of tourists, you need to know all the features, advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of interaction with an airline.

A travel agent also needs to know the rules for booking air tickets, working with stocks, tariffs and discounts provided by airlines.

Requirements of professional ethics when booking air tickets. To avoid additional inconvenience for air carriers, as well as to facilitate the booking process and improve the quality of service for travel agent passengers, you should adhere to the following simple rules:

Follow airline-specific standard booking procedures
- Never double book a passenger if they can’t decide which flight to take. Moreover, never issue two or more tickets for such a passenger if it is obvious that he will only be able to use one of them.
- Regardless of the passenger's route, be sure to try, as far as possible, to supply the airline telephone numbers for emergency contact with passengers along the route
- If the passenger changes the route, immediately cancel the corresponding reservation with the airline, and also refuse all other related services that are not required
- Strictly adhere to the deadlines and procedures for issuing tickets required by air carriers. Never issue a ticket with a guaranteed seat until the guarantee has been confirmed by the airline concerned.
- All airline seat reservations must be carefully recorded and properly documented. Documents drawn up and copies remaining with the agent must necessarily contain an indication of the flight number, date and class of flight, status (guaranteed/non-guaranteed seat) of each individual flight, surnames and initials of passengers and their contact numbers or addresses. Promptly report receipt of all deposits on the prescribed form.

Always remember that the convenience of passengers and the smooth functioning of other agents and airlines depend on your efficiency, accuracy and courtesy.

Agreement for a quota of seats on regular flights. A quota of places, or otherwise a block of places, can be hard or soft. This affects the terms of the contract and special benefits and discounts. With a strict quota of places, all responsibility for non-sale of places in a block falls on the travel company, regardless of the reason for non-sale. The travel agency bears financial losses. With a soft quota of places, deadlines are established for the possible refusal of a travel company from a quota or part of a quota of places due to the non-sale of tourist vouchers. These terms provide for the possibility of further sale of these seats by the airline itself or its other agents

The agreement with the airline for a quota of seats on regular flights includes:

Schedule of round trip and return tours, indicating destinations;
- number of tourists in each group (place quota);
- deadlines for submitting applications and purchasing air tickets;
- deadlines for canceling ticket orders without deducting fines (soft block);
- types of tariffs for purchased tickets, preferential tariffs, terms of provision preferential tariffs;
- discounts and benefits for the quota of places;
- the procedure and terms for returning purchased but unused tickets, financial liability arising from the terms of return (soft block).

Agency agreement with the airline. In principle, some airlines consider as their agents all travel companies that have an agreement with them for a quota of seats. However, in its purest form, an agency agreement is work with stocks, i.e. when a travel company gets the opportunity to independently act as an airline agency for the sale of air tickets (both for its tourists and just selling), which simplifies and speeds up the booking and registration procedures travel documents. The travel company itself acts as a “ticket sales office” for the airline, that is, it issues tickets itself and has the appropriate computer equipment and the right to access the airline’s reservation network (for example, Gabriel at Aeroflot). This type of work with air tickets is called “working with stock of air tickets.”

The airline, represented by this travel agency, has an additional point of sale (one of the conditions of the agency agreement is usually the preferential sale of tickets for tours of this particular airline)

The agency agreement with the airline provides for the resolution of the following issues:

Who and under what conditions provides equipment for issuing air tickets, air ticket forms;
- training of personnel to service this equipment;
- sales volumes are most often set individually - by the number of tickets per month (for example, at least 10/200 tickets per month) or by sales revenue (from 10 to 200 thousand US dollars or more in different airlines);
- limits of possible sales (regionally or by consumer segments);
- at what price are air tickets sold - at the price of the airline or at the price of the travel agency (most often at the price of the airline);
- prices and tariffs for air ticket sales;
- terms of payment for air tickets: prepayment or payment upon sale (for stock agents in some airlines, prepayment is established for groups of tourists);
- the amount of commission for the sale of air tickets (up to 9% of the fare sold);
- deadlines and frequency of submission of airline reports, their form and documentation required in the application (usually 1 or 2 times a month);
- the amount of bank guarantees in favor of the airline or 1ATA (from 20 thousand US dollars);
- membership in IATA.

Charter (aircraft rental). When organizing charter air transportation, the customer and the airline determine the route, the responsibilities of the parties are agreed upon, and compliance is determined lease agreement international rules, the cost of the flight is determined. Then a special charter agreement is concluded, which stipulates:

Type (make) of the aircraft;
- number of seats for sale;
- cost of renting an aircraft;
- route indicating departure and arrival airports;
- duration of the contract (season, year, etc.);
- regularity of flights;
- the possibility and deadlines for cancellation (cancellation) of a flight and the corresponding sanctions

The peculiarity of charters is that one full flight (the second and penultimate flight - the first return after the first delivery and the last one there before the last delivery) is carried out without tourists: on the last flight the plane picks up the last tourists, but does not bring new ones, since it is no longer after them will return (i.e. for 10 tourist arrivals there are 11 flights). The formula N + 1 applies here. Thus, the largest number of flights during the period of validity of the air charter program reduces the cost of a “lost” flight, and therefore reduces the transportation tariff

It should be noted that it is realistic to organize 20 races per season (with weekly flights). However, a charter can be launched with a frequency of 2 times a week - then the number of flights per season increases to 40. This significantly reduces the tariff, but is not affordable for the vast majority of travel companies. This explains the emergence of “intermediate” entrepreneurs in the tourist transportation market - wholesalers (wholesalers), consolidating large charters in their hands and further distributing them among smaller firms in the form of block charters (i.e., 10-30 seats each) ). The tour operator-wholesaler usually sells blocks of seats for its charter using three proven options: hard, soft and combined blocks of seats.

A soft block, in which the customer does not have any financial responsibility and has the right to completely or partially refuse their seats within a predetermined time frame, is more convenient for the travel agent. However, if the refusal occurs after the established period, the customer will have to pay a fine. Typically, soft blocks are used quite rarely, since they are not always beneficial to the charter holder (be it an airline or a wholesaler tour operator).

A rigid block provides for strict contractual obligations regarding the terms of sale and payment. The customer makes an advance payment, the amount of which usually includes the cost of two paired flights. Tariffs for the sale of a hard block are approximately 5-10% lower than for the sale of a soft block. In addition, with a fixed block agreement, the operator and agent fix the price for the entire charter period, which gives sellers a good opportunity to vary prices during the “high” period of the season and at the end of it

The most common sale of seats on charter flights is the so-called combined method, which combines elements of the two above-mentioned options. The total number of places included in the block being sold is divided in a certain proportion into two parts: one of which is sold according to the “hard” system, and the other - according to the “soft” system.

Often, the initiator of a charter program is not one, but several tour operators. At the same time, they agree in advance among themselves the conditions for organizing flights.

Normal relations with airlines when leasing an aircraft provide for its payment according to the contract with a mandatory balance sheet after each flight

Charter flights must not contradict the requirements of the Warsaw International Convention on the Obligations of the Carrier to the Passenger

When signing an agreement to organize a charter, the airline almost always puts the tour operator under strict conditions. First of all, the company requires an advance payment. Whatever its maximum amount, the airline always insists that the first and last payment be made in advance. last flights charter cycle. In this way, it insures itself and previously imported tourists against possible non-payments. Payment for flights is agreed upon in advance and is usually made 7-10 days before the start of the flight. In case of late payment, according to the contract, the company has the right to impose penalties on the customer or terminate existing contractual relations with him.

All air transportation rules in our country are regulated by the Air Code of the Russian Federation of March 19, 1977, as well as a number of international agreements. The main body coordinating air transportation in Russia is the Federal Air Transport Service (FSVT)

Currently, 315 airlines operate in the air transportation market in Russia. Of these, 96 have licenses to operate scheduled flights and carry 99% of the total volume of air passengers

Transportation volumes are distributed unevenly between airlines. Russia's eighteen largest airlines carry about 75% of passengers, with eight or nine "supergiants" carrying up to 50% of Russian travelers. 94 airlines operating scheduled flights serve approximately 23% of passengers. And the remaining 276 airlines, which typically operate one-time flights, account for about 1% of passenger traffic

Aeroflot remains the undisputed leader of the Russian airline business. Aeroflot Russian International Airlines is the national flag carrier of Russia. The company, as a rule, has more than two times more clients than the second number - the Domodedovo Airlines production association.

Recently, Russian airlines have begun to create aviation alliances. For example, in February 1998, two leading airlines in Russia - Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines and Pulkovo - signed an agreement on a strategic aviation alliance. In the same year, Aeroflot signed cooperation agreements with Uzbekistan Airways and Armenian Airlines.

At the end of 1997 Russian airline Transaero and the Uzbek national carrier Uzbekistan Airways announced the unification and coordination of their actions in the air transportation market. The new aviation association was called the CIS Alliance. Transaero also has code-sharing agreements with the Czech company CSA on the Moscow-Karlovy Vary line and with the Latvian Air Baltic on the Moscow-Riga line. In February 1999, Transaero and Krasnoyarsk Airlines signed an agreement on joint operation of the routes Moscow - Krasnoyarsk, Moscow - Norilsk and Moscow - Krasnoyarsk - Vladivostok

The role and place of air transport in tourism

Various modes of transport are used tourism organizations for transporting tourists during travel. The main share in the overall structure of transport services belongs to air transport. Largest quantity tourists, especially those traveling long distances, use aviation services.

Road transport can rightfully be called a transport of universal use, since it is used everywhere: from transfers and excursions, intra-route transportation by buses to the rental of small cars by tourists for personal use on vacation. Buses and cars transport of local and intraregional importance. Bus excursion and educational tours with visits to several cities and places of interest are especially popular. For touristsIt’s convenient that they can travel along the route and within the city in their own transport .

The main competitor of buses in group transportation is railway. Within our country, it has some priority over air transportation. The advantage of rail transportation is also morelow tariffs and (in foreign countries) extensive system of discounts, travel tickets etc., allowing you to travel around much more low prices . However, neither bus nor rail transportdo not compete with aviation over long distances
Water transport, river and sea transport in themselves already evoke the image of a tourist - cruise service and are used quite actively in tourism. Water travel has a number of both advantages and disadvantages compared to other modes of transport.
The most significant advantages are a high level of comfort, a large volume of simultaneous loading, and the possibility of implementing various types and purposes of tourism (educational, business tourism, educational, shopping tourism, etc.), good rest, a full range of life support . The main disadvantages include the low speed of movementvehicles, high tariffs, limited mobility, and often the exposure of some people to seasickness» on sea cruises.

Air transport in tourist transportation

Airplanes are the most popular form of transport in the world. The same can be said about air travel in tourism. And there are a number of reasons for this:

Firstly, aviation is the fastest and most convenient form of transport when traveling long distances;

Secondly, the service on flights is currently attractive to tourists;

Thirdly, airline companies directly and through international booking and reservation networks pay travel agencies a commission for each seat booked on an airplane, thereby motivating them to choose air travel.

There are now more than 1,300 airlines in the world. On average, about 1.5 billion people are transported on air flights per year. International air services are now provided by over 470 carriers, about 250 of them operate international scheduled flights. More than 1 thousand airports around the world are involved in servicing international air services, about 650 of them serve international scheduled air transportation

The largest airlines in the world in terms of the number of traffic are considered to be the American Delta Air lines, Pan Amerikan, United, the French Air France, the German Lufthansa, the British British Airways, etc. The Russian Aeroflot is considered a major airline.

Air transport is regulated in three ways:

1) national regulation - licensing of air carriers operating on both domestic and international routes;

2) intergovernmental regulation - when regular air routes are based on agreements between the governments of the relevant countries;

3) international regulation - when tariffs for scheduled flights are set (for airline members) on the basis of mutual agreements between participating airlines through the mediation of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or a third party

One of the types of international regulation of air transportation is plans to createpool , connecting airlines operating on certain international routes.

Pool agreement connects airlines operating on the same international routes in order to optimize aircraft schedules, reduce the direction and regulate passenger flows during peak hours and periods, as well as in order to increase profits on these routes and its further distribution between airlines

A travel agent also needs to know the rules for booking air tickets, working with stocks, tariffs and discounts provided by airlines.

Requirements of professional ethics when booking air tickets. To avoid additional inconvenience for air carriers, as well as to facilitate the booking process and improve the quality of service for travel agent passengers, you should adhere to the following simple rules:

Follow standard airline booking procedures as determined by your specific airline.

Never double book a passenger if they can't decide which flight to take. Moreover, never issue two or more tickets for such a passenger if it is obvious that he will only be able to use one of them.

Regardless of the passenger's route, be sure to try, to the extent possible, to provide the airline with telephone numbers for emergency contact with the passenger along the route.

If the passenger changes the route, immediately cancel the corresponding reservation with the airline, and also refuse all other related services that are not required.

Strictly adhere to the deadlines and procedures for issuing tickets required by air carriers. Never issue a ticket with a guaranteed seat until the guarantee has been confirmed by the airline concerned.

All airline seat reservations must be carefully recorded and properly documented. Documents drawn up and copies remaining with the agent must necessarily contain an indication of the flight number, date and class of flight, status (guaranteed/non-guaranteed seat) of each individual flight, surnames and initials of passengers and their contact numbers or addresses. Promptly report receipt of all deposits on the prescribed form.

Agency agreement with the airline . In principle, some airlines consider as their agents all travel companies that have an agreement with them for a quota of seats. However, in its purest form, an agency agreement is work with stocks, i.e. when a travel company gets the opportunity to independently act as an airline agency selling air tickets (both for its tourists and just selling), which simplifies and speeds up the procedures for booking and issuing travel tickets documents. The travel company itself acts as a “ticket sales office” for the airline, that is, it issues tickets itself and has the appropriate computer equipment and the right to access the airline’s reservation network (for example, Gabriel at Aeroflot). This type of work with air tickets is called “working with stock of air tickets.”

Charter (aircraft rental ). When organizing charter air transportation, the customer and the airline determine the route, the responsibilities of the parties are negotiated, the compliance of the lease agreement with international rules is determined, and the cost of the flight is determined. Then a special charter agreement is concluded, which stipulates:

Type (make) of the aircraft;

Number of seats for sale;

Aircraft rental cost;

Route indicating departure and arrival airports;

Duration of the contract (season, year, etc.);

Regularity of flights;

Possibility and deadlines for cancellation (cancellation) of a flight and corresponding sanctions.

The peculiarity of charters is that one full flight (the second and penultimate flight - the first return after the first delivery and the last one there before the last delivery) is carried out without tourists: on the last flight the plane picks up the last tourists, but does not bring new ones, since it is no longer after them will return (i.e. for 10 tourist arrivals there are 11 flights). The formula N + 1 applies here. Thus, the largest number of flights during the period of validity of the air charter program reduces the costs of the “lost” flight, and therefore reduces the transportation tariff.

Soft block , in which the customer does not have any financial responsibility and has the right to completely or partially refuse his seats within a predetermined time frame, is more convenient for the travel agent. However, if the refusal occurs after the established period, the customer will have to pay a fine. Typically, soft blocks are used quite rarely, since they are not always beneficial to the charter holder (be it an airline or a wholesaler tour operator).

Hard block provides for strict contractual obligations regarding sales timing and payment. The customer makes an advance payment, the amount of which usually includes the cost of two paired flights. Tariffs for the sale of a hard block are approximately 5-10% lower than for the sale of a soft block. In addition, with a fixed block agreement, the operator and agent fix the price for the entire charter period, which gives sellers a good opportunity to vary prices during the “high” period of the season.

The most common sale of seats on charter flights is the so-called combined method, which combines elements of the two above-mentioned options. The total number of places included in the block being sold is divided in a certain proportion into two parts: one of which is sold according to the “hard” system, and the other - according to the “soft” system.

Often, the initiator of a charter program is not one, but several tour operators. At the same time, they agree in advance among themselves on the conditions for organizing flights.

Normal relations with airlines when leasing an aircraft provide for its payment according to the contract with a mandatory balance sheet after each flight.

Charter flights must not contradict the requirements of the Warsaw International Convention on the Obligations of the Carrier to the Passenger

When signing an agreement to organize a charter, the airline almost always puts the tour operator under strict conditions. First of all, the company requires an advance payment. Whatever its maximum size, the airline always insists that the first and last flights of a charter cycle be prepaid. In this way, it insures itself and previously imported tourists against possible non-payments. Payment for flights is agreed upon in advance and is usually made 7-10 days before the start of the flight. In case of late payment, according to the contract, the company has the right to impose penalties on the customer or terminate existing contractual relations with him.

Currently, 315 airlines operate in the air transportation market in Russia. Of these, 96 have licenses to operate scheduled flights and carry 99% of the total volume of air passengers

Aeroflot remains the undisputed leader of the Russian airline business. Aeroflot Russian International Airlines is the national flag carrier of Russia.

With the development of tourism transport routes are constantly expanding, as increasing demand for travel influences the development of transport infrastructure. Transport, in turn, allows you to expand the geography of travel, i.e. there is mutual influence that is useful and beneficial to both parties.

Transport services are one of the main types of services in tourism. They account for the main share in the tour price structure. Depending on the duration and distance of the trip, this share in most cases ranges from 20 to 60%. Despite the variety of different modes of transport that exist today to transport tourists while traveling, neither bus, nor rail, nor water transport over long distances cannot compete with aviation, therefore the main share in the overall structure of transport services belongs to air transport. The largest number of tourists traveling long distances use aviation services. At the same time, the airplane can be called a transport of individuals, since those traveling for resort, business, entertainment, and educational purposes are individual tourists. And they are the ones who most often use air transport.

According to statistics, the growth rate of the popularity of air transport is higher than the growth rate of this indicator for motor transport, which is due to the increasing expansion of the geography of travel and a steady tendency to reduce travel time in favor of their frequency (the growth of short-term long-distance tours). All this causes close attention of the tourism business to air transportation.

Light aircraft, and especially helicopters that do not require a take-off run, are a serious alternative to motor transport. The price of a light helicopter can be comparable to the price of a car, and in conditions of high congestion or simply in the absence of roads, the advantages of light aviation over motor transport are undeniable.

Light aviation has another significant advantage compared to motor transport. Insurance is significantly cheaper. The cost of annual comprehensive insurance for a helicopter is from 2.8%, for a light aircraft - 1.2 - 1.8%. The cost of insurance is reduced if the aircraft is equipped with technical safety equipment, if the persons admitted to piloting are highly qualified and have sufficient flight experience, and in other cases.

Aviation tourism

Flights on light motor aircraft and helicopters, which are used for a variety of purposes, including tourism and entertainment, are extremely popular in Europe, the USA, and Australia. Unfortunately, this type of technology has not yet become widespread in Russia.

In addition to light aircraft, flights with serious equipment are becoming increasingly popular. In many countries, aviation tourism programs have long been in stable demand among tourists. Extreme enthusiasts fly almost all types of airplanes and helicopters. Very interesting program offered by the German travel company Alpha Travel. It begins with training flights in Luftgansa pilot training simulators in Berlin. Then the “cadets” are given the opportunity to fly lightweight aircraft. The culmination of the program is a flight on the legendary Junkers. There are only five such aircraft in working condition in the whole world.

Flights on Soviet and Russian equipment, especially military equipment, are in great demand among tourists. There are many Western companies that offer wealthy amateurs extreme recreation fly on Russian combat aircraft in the Moscow region and even over Moscow. The cost of such programs varies depending on the technology, duration and complexity of the flight from 6-7 to 40 thousand dollars. However, there are more than enough people willing.

The North American company Incredible Adventures, which specializes in extreme sports, claims that since the early 1990s. she managed to give rides to over 2,000 people in jet MiGs, Sushkas and Elks.

In general, aviation tourism in our country is in its infancy. Unlike the countries of Europe and America, its initiators were not travel companies, but flying clubs, which after the crisis of the early 1990s. and the collapse of the DOSAAF system, they were left to their own devices, or, more simply put, abandoned to the mercy of fate. When it became clear that “the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” in order to survive, flying clubs began to look for various ways to finance themselves. It all started with familiarization flights, primarily for wealthy people foreign tourists. Then the quantity and quality of tourist services increased noticeably. At the same time, wealthy extreme tourists appeared among our fellow citizens. The democratization of Russian society also played a role. The military departments have become more open.

Now almost anyone with the necessary amount can make an air trip on any type of aircraft that interests him - from the Yak of the Great Patriotic War and “maize” to ultra-modern aircraft.

The program may include a very different set of pleasures: simple flights over the airfield, a flight along a specially ordered route or to the aerobatic zone. Naturally, flights outside the airfield require mandatory approval from various departments.

Particularly popular among extreme sports enthusiasts are sightseeing flights on airplanes (in Khabarovsk Yak-52) with complex and aerobatic maneuvers. But this is a real thrill for those who want to feel like a combat pilot.

Works in Russia today large number flying clubs, which have the widest range of aircraft. The most famous aviator training center is the Myachkovo airfield near Moscow. The flying clubs “Captain Nesterov”, “Aviatech”, “KVS”, etc. are based here.

In recent years, aviation tourism has been actively developing in the regions; fortunately, we still have a lot of military airfields and equipment from the times of the Soviet Union.

Use of helicopters

A helicopter is a unique aircraft capable of vertically taking off and landing on a small platform, hovering in the air, and performing horizontal controlled flight, including in different directions - forward, backward, sideways, making turns and other aerobatic maneuvers. This is a multi-purpose machine. Due to its inherent advantageous design characteristics, such as compactness, the ability to take off and land vertically, the absence of the need for special airfield sites, the ability to quickly deliver small quantities of cargo and people to hard-to-reach areas, high reliability, it determines a wide range of applications for military and civilian purposes. In the field of tourist transportation, helicopters are widely used:

1. For the purposes of transfer from airports, transportation of VIP passengers. Organizing the transfer stage using a helicopter is highly efficient and quite comfortable, it allows you to avoid the need to use vehicles, traffic jams, and improve safety. This was especially evident when flying on supersonic airliners. Is it worth it to use an extremely expensive supersonic aircraft to transport passengers and tourists to save two or three hours of flight time, and then have to wait in line at an immigration official, in a baggage line, or stuck in a traffic jam on the way to the hotel. That is why all ground service operations for passengers on supersonic airliners were organized on the principles of minimizing the operation time or stages, and a helicopter was used for transfer. A helicopter moves 3-6 times faster than a car, because it flies in a straight line and does not get stuck in traffic jams. A helicopter is especially advantageous for flights over distances of up to 300 km: airplanes usually do not fly there, and traveling by car is quite long.

2. Currently, a new tourist service for business representatives is being developed in certain tourist centers - an air taxi. Air taxis within cities and megacities in Russia, according to the plans of the Moscow authorities, for the first time, within the framework of the program, should begin to operate in Central Russia in 2008. True, deputies are concerned about how attractive the program will be for private investors. Small planes will fly between airports in medium-sized Russian cities and transport about 3-4 people at a time.

Air taxis and air taxis are urgent flights on 4-8 seat planes and helicopters to any city with airports and located at distances of up to 800 - 1,000 km. Its main difference from regular and charter VIP flights is that such flights are carried out using small, economical aircraft with low passenger capacity, with a flight time of up to 3 hours and no special services on board. This achieves the necessary compromise between urgency and cost of air transportation. The minimum time required to prepare the aircraft for flight allows tourists to organize their departure within 2 hours after receiving the request. As a rule, such air taxi flights are possible both on light and medium class aircraft, such as Yak-40, Beechcraft King Air 200, Pilatus PC-12, Cessna Bravo and Excel, Learjet 45 and 60, Hawker 700, and Eurocopter AS350 helicopters and model 355, Eurocopter EC120 and 130. Bell 407 and Robinson 44. Delivery of an airplane or helicopter is possible to almost any city where there is an operating airfield. The big advantage of air taxis, compared to commercial airlines, is the absence of lengthy registration and boarding procedures. Serving passengers through VIP terminals allows you to minimize the time required to complete all necessary formalities at the departure airport.

Today, only one airline operates on the Russian aviation market - Dexter, which operates as an air taxi within 500 km from Moscow. The minimum ticket price for this company is at least 6,000 rubles. one way. Despite the fact that the air taxi service today is one of the most expensive, the main thing is that Russia already has a technical fleet of such planes and helicopters, but there is practically no legislative registration of “air taxi”: flights over Moscow are prohibited.

Air taxi is the fastest and, undoubtedly, the most convenient way to overcome distances. Air taxi services have been used by people all over the world for many years.

3. When organizing sightseeing tours in tourist centers. A bird's eye view gives a person a completely different and unusual idea of ​​the appearance of architectural ensembles, centers of historical or ultra-modern urban development, palace and park buildings, and unique natural landscapes. In St. Petersburg during the season from Peter and Paul Fortress There are regular helicopter tours over the city and surrounding areas. Helicopter tours are available over Victoria Falls. During polar cruises in the Arctic and Antarctic, the ship always has a landing pad and is equipped with a helicopter that carries out ice reconnaissance and sightseeing tours for tourists. The flight is carried out both on popular pre-prepared routes and on individual routes. Feeling like an air tourist is not a fantasy, but a real reality!

4. to organize the prompt delivery of tourists to remote and hard-to-reach tourist attractions, in areas where there are no airfields or sites for small aircraft. Usually this is a distance of 50-300 km from the tourist center. For example, tourists are delivered by helicopter to the ice in the North Pole region, where they, with a minimum of equipment, cover 20-25 km on skis and with an inflatable boat to the desired point, then the tourist group is picked up by a helicopter and transported back to the continent. It is practiced to deliver tourists by helicopter in the Republic of Karelia to the island. Valaam, on about. Kizhi to the monuments cultural heritage, to the monasteries.

Today, it is no longer uncommon to deliver tourist groups (raftsmen, athletes and others) to the place of rest, the beginning and end of the rafting, tourist route at the request of tourists. For many years, the Khabarovsk Territory has been actively developed by extreme tourists, lovers of fishing, hunting and eco-tourism.

Delivery of tourists to the beginning of the routes, carried out by helicopter, not only reduces the transfer time, but also in some cases allows you to avoid several days of rafting on calm water and pass only the most interesting part of the rivers in terms of sports. For hunters, fishermen, athletes and speleotourists who want to get as far away from civilization as possible, flying in a Mi-8 helicopter is the best solution to the problem. Rafting tours for physically fit tourists involve rafting along mountain rivers with obstacles up to the fifth category of difficulty. At the choice of tourists, it is possible to base a helicopter in the camp throughout the entire tour (fishing), daily transfers of anglers to fishing spots with a rotation of places, as a result of which there is an opportunity to fish over a significant (up to 45 km) length of the river during a short tour. The services involve transporting tourists to hard-to-reach areas and drop-off (delivery from the final destination of the route). Delivery of speleologists to cave exploration sites with all necessary equipment. Excursion and educational speleological tours are carried out in caves specially equipped for excursion display. In such caves, tourists move along specially laid paths or by transport (for example, on mini-electric locomotives), they have lighting, and the routes are accompanied by qualified guides. Visiting equipped caves does not require special physical training.

5. Helicopter transfer of skiers onto unprepared mountain slopes followed by a puzzling descent - a particularly popular sport today, hely-ski, is becoming increasingly widespread among extreme tourists. The essence of this type of extreme skiing is that tourist skiers are transported to hard-to-reach slopes by helicopter and can enjoy an unforgettable off-piste descent on virgin snow. In a few minutes, a helicopter takes you to the top, and experienced guides accompany tourists throughout the flight and descent. The helicopter crews have extensive experience working in the mountains. You don't have to be a professional athlete to practice hely-ski. A distinctive feature of hely-ski programs is the uniqueness of the descents: each new descent is different from the previous one, taking place on a new, “untouched” slope. During the day, it is possible to make 6 or more descents, the total height difference will be almost 6000 m! The nature of the relief is very diverse - snow fields, ridges and couloirs. Hely-ski tour programs are offered in Kyrgyzstan, Andorra (a tiny triangle sandwiched between France and Spain), Kamchatka with its seven-day program of descents along the slopes of the volcanoes Aag, Arik, Vilyuchinsky, Koryaksky, etc.

6. to organize search and rescue of tourists in case of accidents or natural disasters. Ice fishing in Gulf of Finland And Lake Ladoga Thousands of fishermen are rescued by helicopter every year. An hour of operation of a helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations costs more than a thousand US dollars.

Light aircraft

Light aircraft, baby planes. Most often they are propeller-driven, mono- or biplanes, with a capacity of 1 to 10 people. Used in local, agricultural, postal, sports and private (small) aviation. The latter is historically absent in Russia for political-economic reasons and legal norms Air Code. In post-perestroika times, the legal position regarding private aviation softened somewhat, but did not develop, with the exception of isolated cases. The maximum that homemade inventors are capable of is creating a steam engine or hang glider with a light motor. Nevertheless, certain designs of light-engine aircraft, for example for sporting purposes, are mass-produced in Russia and are considered among the best in the world.

Today, few light aircraft are used in tourism, but a special place is given to a unique aircraft that has proven to be in demand anywhere and at all times - this is the domestic light multipurpose aircraft An-2, which turned 60 years old in September 2007. The An-2 has good takeoff and landing characteristics and a simple and reliable design. It is easy to pilot and maintain on the ground and can be operated from almost any airfield. Thanks to these qualities, the An-2 aircraft began to be used in the national economy not only for chemical treatment of fields and forests, but also for servicing expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic, carrying out aerial photography and geological exploration, extinguishing forest and peat fires, training parachutists, and transporting passengers. , cargo and mail on local air lines, as well as for medical care of the population in remote areas and other purposes. With the help of the An-2, reconnaissance of animals, birds and fish was carried out to assist hunters and fishermen. Having received the An-2, Aeroflot significantly expanded its network of local air lines. An-2P aircraft have mastered flights to the Far North, to remote areas of Siberia and the Far East.

There are many new models of light-engine aircraft from domestic manufacturers, the use of which in tourism seems very promising. One of these is the Accord-201 aircraft. This aircraft has the legal status of a multi-purpose aircraft capable of operating in wide range geographical and climatic conditions.

In the basic version, the aircraft is equipped with two adjustable seats for a pilot and a passenger (or for two pilots), two double seats and one reclining seat. The second and third rows of seats can be quickly removed to replace them with a cargo safety net, aerial photography equipment, etc. Two large passenger doors on both sides of the fuselage and a large cargo hatch at the rear of the cabin facilitate loading and unloading operations and also provide the opportunity for paratroopers to be ejected. The Accord-201 is also suitable for aviation tourism for small groups of travelers on the “plane with you” principle, which is very popular today all over the world.

It is quite appropriate to call the aircraft an aerial “SUV”, since based on the basic transport model, VIP, cargo, amphibious, ski, patrol, aerial photography, etc. variants have been created. For this, depending on the purpose and wishes of the buyer, in addition to the currently certified version, the aircraft can be equipped with floats, skis, as well as photo and radio scanning equipment, other special research equipment, devices for parachute landing and much more. The float chassis deserves special attention, the design of which includes a remote-controlled drive that allows you to raise and lower the floats in flight. Thanks to this, the Accord-201 can take off from land and land on water, or vice versa.

Another indisputable advantage of the aircraft is that it is easy to transport, having previously dismantled the wing consoles and empennage. This can be done by road, rail, river, sea or air transport. The plane is easy to tow around the airfield, and even a Zhiguli can be used as a tractor.

The Accord-201 will be serially produced on a specially built aircraft factory V Nizhny Novgorod, equipped with appropriate modern production equipment. Thanks to the new enterprise, additional jobs will appear in the city, which is also important in social terms.

A seaplane or seaplane (flying boat, seaplane) is an aircraft designed to take off from and land on water. There are a flying boat (the hull is shaped like a boat; it ensures take-off, landing and maintenance of a seaplane on the water), an amphibian (with a wheeled landing gear for landing on land) and a float-based seaplane (floats are installed instead of wheels). The seaplane has a waterproof streamlined hull and floats on the wings, allowing it to take off from the water surface and land on water. Widely used to deliver tourists to small tropical islands and lake areas, as well as for flights between islands. In Savonlinna (Finland) on Lake Saimaa there is a seaplane for excursion flights over beautiful lake with a large number of islands, above the city and ancient fortress. Tourists can look at the area from a bird's eye view and take unique photographs.

Tourists are offered several types of seaplane excursions: a short excursion for aerial photography of the islands and their surrounding lagoons, coral reefs and, if possible, huge stingrays and schools of dolphins; excursions to distant islands and other atolls: visit to a fishing village, uninhabited islands with lunch - barbecue, nearby tourist resorts. Flying over the islands in a seaplane is one of the most exhilarating holiday experiences. Particularly widespread in various areas of tourist activity in Greece (between Greek islands), in the Maldives, Fiji and others island states.

Typically seaplanes are small propeller-driven designs, but there are examples of seaplanes with turbojet engines. A unique Russian aircraft of the BE series was shown at the air show in Gelendzhik (Russia) in 2000 - this is the Be-103 amphibious aircraft, which is produced by one of the world's leading manufacturers of tactical aircraft - KnAAPO (Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association) . The light multi-purpose, 6-seat amphibious aircraft Be-103 (Beriev) is designed for use on short-haul routes in various regions of the world, especially in the coastal and island states of Southeast Asia, Oceania, Australia, North and Latin America with extended coastal areas: regions with a large number of rivers, lakes, small reservoirs, difficult to access by other modes of transport. It is ideal for extreme types of tourism directly related to water.

Today, almost all companies involved in charter transportation take a wait-and-see attitude towards especially light aircraft(VLJ). Even carriers who say they would never fly such planes acknowledge that VLJs could benefit their businesses by attracting more consumers to charter flights.

For big players, extra-light aircraft represent a completely new market segment. From a management point of view, this is good: it means new infrastructure, staff training, maintenance facilities, etc. All this is good for the industry as a whole. However, with regard to charter flights themselves, it should be noted that many of the clients would not like to use particularly light aircraft.

It is worth believing that due to ease of use and the presence of underserved areas, especially light aircraft will still be in demand. Once the people living there get a taste of affordable charter flights, it will be difficult for these people to return to commercial flights. The flow of passengers is growing, and, naturally, some of them will have to use especially light aircraft. Nevertheless, at present the companies do not plan to take control of particularly light aircraft for charter transportation.

Although, as for small operating companies, especially light aircraft will be useful for them, since they can lead to the emergence of new group companies capable of working with small airports, the load on which is low. This may mean diversification and expansion of the industry rather than consolidation and consolidation, as the arrival of such aircraft will expand the capabilities of many operators. VLJs are excellent for day trips, which account for up to 65% of total domestic charter flights, so they will fit well into an existing market. In addition, such aircraft will provide charter operators with another option to solve the problem of ferry flights.


"Youth - on gliders!" This slogan, popular in the first half of the 20th century, which encouraged young men and women to master aviation technology, is almost forgotten today. And in the 1920s and 1930s. gliding was considered the second step in becoming a pilot. Tens of thousands of people across the country practiced this sport.

The glider is one of the lightest aircraft. Since it does not have a motor, in order to fly, the device must first be accelerated to a certain speed. This is done either by towing it with a cable by another aircraft, or from the ground by a vehicle or a special tensioning device. When the required speed is reached, ensuring lift, the cable is released, and the glider floats freely in the air.

Flying a glider requires certain flying skills, abilities and training of the pilot. Such preparation necessarily includes obtaining a certificate. The maintenance and servicing of gliders, the organization of flights, and the training of pilots are carried out in flying clubs. There are hundreds of gliding centers in the USA and European countries.

In Russia today, glider flights attract only a few enthusiasts. At the same time, in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, in America, gliding is one of the the most popular types active recreation, the interest in which is constantly growing. And this is not surprising, because almost every person is familiar with the desire to fly. When choosing between an airplane and a glider, you will notice that the latter has a number of advantages. This sport is extreme, but it is relatively safe - the glider cannot catch fire, due to the lack of a propeller, leaving it with a parachute does not cause much difficulty, and the requirements for the landing site of the glider are much less stringent.

Until the early 1990s. Gliding classes mainly include such disciplines as flying at speed, over distance, and along routes. The successes achieved by glider pilots are impressive. For example, the world record for glider flight range is 3000 km - the distance between Moscow and Novosibirsk.

In the last 15 years, a new concept has appeared in gliding sports - “glider aerobatics,” i.e. aerial acrobatics. Today it is the main sports discipline. It may seem surprising, but modern aerobatic gliders - Polish "Swifts", "Foxes" and others - can perform absolutely all complex and aerobatic maneuvers available to sports aircraft.

Currently, the World Glider Aerobatics Championships (WGAC) are held annually. This spectacular event is held by Hungary, Sweden, USA, Spain, and Great Britain. The Russian team traditionally takes prizes at championships. This is not surprising, given the specifics of the training of our glider aerobatic pilots - almost all of them “transferred” to gliders from acrobatic aircraft.

In 2005, WGAC was held for the first time in our country at the Drakino airfield near Moscow, located near Serpukhov. More than 60 athletes from Poland, Hungary, France, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands announced their participation in the competition. The organizers of the competition expect that, in addition to purely sporting interest, the event will help strengthen the tourist attractiveness of the Moscow region and develop infrastructure for active recreation. The competition program includes the following events. During the three days before the start of the official championship program, an extensive program of performances by parachutists, light aircraft, air force fighters, and balloon launches are planned. At the airfield in Drakino, construction is underway of a two-story hotel for competition participants for 70-75 people, as well as a house for judges and a catering facility.

The championship will attract the attention of tourists. In the future, on the basis of the updated Drakin and the complex of buildings located on its territory, it is planned to organize a center for extreme technical sports, mainly related to aviation. Trails for cyclists, skateboarders and roller skaters, as well as a wall for training and rock climbing competitions will also be built.

Equestrian and paintball clubs, saunas, gyms and tennis courts will begin operating. Active leisure can be combined with a rich excursion and educational program, since the Serpukhov land is rich in historical and cultural monuments.

A very common aircraft is the hang glider. Its flight requires acceleration from a mountain, land or water using towing by a car or boat. In order to expand the possibility of flight and reduce dependence on air flows, light motors with a propeller are often installed on hang gliders.


Paragliding is a sport for the young at heart and fairly financially secure people. Tourist athletes require a lot of special and very expensive equipment: a canopy costing from one to four thousand euros, a suspension system where the athlete is located during the flight, and uniforms - a helmet, overalls, special boots. Full equipment for a beginner paraglider costs at least two thousand euros. Many foreign hotels offer paragliding as a service to tourists.

Currently, world championships in paragliding are being held, including separate ones for women, at which Russians show very good results. The main goal of a paragliding competition is to reach the finish line the fastest, having completed a certain, pre-agreed route of several kilometers. In recent years, paragliding acrobatics have appeared. This requires enormous professionalism from the pilot, but it looks very beautiful and spectacular.


A unique, but also expensive type of air travel is ballooning, or hot air balloon tours. One of the most popular types is airship travel. An airship, unlike a hot air balloon, is equipped with propellers, motors and a complex control system, so flights on it are much more targeted and depend not only on air flows, but also largely on the pilots.

Since the late 1960s. have become widespread mass travel by air. Dozens of amateur clubs have been created around the world balloons. Every year, balloon festivals are held in many countries. As a rule, the program of such festivals necessarily includes races at this fairly dangerous form transport.

Flights on hot air balloons, airships, gliders, paragliders or hang gliders not only allow you to admire the beautiful views, get unforgettable experience and provide the opportunity to make unique photo and video recordings (for example, flights over waterfalls or volcanic craters). They are very often used for various scientific and economic purposes, for exploring places that are practically inaccessible by other means.

A traditional balloon festival is held annually in Pereslavl-Zalessky. golden ring Russia”, where Russian and foreign participants demonstrate the flights of hot air balloons over the cities of the Golden Ring. During the festival, night balloon glow shows and the “Air Fiesta” concert and entertainment program are held.


One of the extreme sports and tourism is parachuting, or skydiving. Skydiving is very popular all over the world among the most various categories tourists. This sport is available to almost everyone (naturally, with the exception of people with medical contraindications), including the elderly and disabled.

In addition to simple jumps, for example, tandem with an instructor or from a standard height, there are more extreme types of parachuting. Among them, the most famous are long jumps, jumps from low heights (800 m) with forced deployment of a parachute, etc.

To engage in this type of sports tourism, you must master the basic techniques and skills of free fall, control and maneuvering of both a parachute and your own body in flight, and then obtain a license allowing parachute jumping.

New types of parachute entertainment are skysur-fing - free flight using a wide ski from a snowboard, as well as acrobatic stunts and somersaults in free flight. One of the most dangerous, but at the same time beautiful and exciting spectacles is aerial freestyle.

In addition to parachuting itself, the parachute is used in other tours. With its help, groups of tourists land in hard-to-reach areas, such as mountains, jungles, North Pole. Parachute jumps are carried out not only from airplanes, but also from high cliffs and mountain slopes.

One of the options for parachuting is paramotoring. In this case, the parachutist attaches a light motor to his back, which, in the presence of powerful air currents, allows him to make fairly long parachute flights.

As you can see, human imagination is limitless - professional designers and enthusiasts have already come up with many ways to travel through the air - in hot air balloons, airships, gliders, hang gliders, parachutes, paragliders, paramotors, seaplanes, helicopters, as well as airplanes of various purposes and models (from the "corn maker" to a supersonic fighter) - and almost all of them are used in one way or another in the field of tourism, recreation and entertainment.