Excursion around the county town. County town: tour of the small towns of the Golden Ring. Progress of the trial

Eremina Elena Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 717, Moscow


Lesson objectives:


analyze how the district town of Russia in the first half of the 19th century, its inhabitants and officials N.V. Gogol;

determine the role of the district town in the history of Russia, correlate the vital basis of the play “The Inspector General” and its general meaning in the depiction of officials;

lead to an understanding of the statement about the immortality of comedy.

    Educational: develop students’ communicative competence and their creative abilities.

    Educational: to educate a thoughtful viewer, reader, to form a stable moral position.

EPIGRAPHES for the lesson:

Our land is rich

There is just no order in it.

A. Tolstoy

What a play! Everyone got it. And to me most of all.

some city where he dumped

all the abominations that occasionally

to find on the surface of real Russia...

Wigel (in a letter to Zagoskin)


1. Organizing time

2. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Guys, in the previous lesson we got acquainted with the history of the creation of Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General,” analyzed the playbill for the work, and conducted a large research work associated with the names of the heroes. During extracurricular hours we visited the Pushkin Theater and watched the comedy “The Inspector General”. Today I want to invite all of us to take a short tour of the district town of N, which Gogol chose as the setting for his work. In this lesson, we must understand how the district town is depicted in the comedy, see who lives in it, what kind of order reigns there, and find out how typical such a picture was for Nicholas Russia.

But first we need to determine where this city is located, because Russia is a huge state. Where exactly should we go?

City N is located far from the capital, in the depths of Russia. (Khlestakov is traveling from St. Petersburg to the Saratov province via Penza, the second month from St. Petersburg).

The city has no name. Why?

(The location is “everywhere - nowhere.” “Yes, from here, even for three years, you won’t get to any state,” says Gorodnichy. The city is conventional, faceless. This is an ordinary Russian town, of which there are many in the country).

So, let's go!

Excursion ( conducted by trained guys who drew a map of the city (or created a video presentation) and wrote the text of the excursion for it)

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

We are glad to welcome you to the Gogol city of N! Today we will be guides and introduce you to the sights of our beautiful city. It must be said that city N differs little from other district cities, since they are all built according to the same plan. Pay attention to the map of our city: in the center there is a large square on which various government agencies.

Let's start the tour with our tavern, which was specially built for residents and guests of our city. They say they serve very good fish soup here.

Let's move on. Here you see a hotel where guests of our city and very influential people, including auditors, stay. If you would like to stay with us, you are welcome! True, the rooms of this hotel are infested with bedbugs.

Now we are near the oldest building of our city-school. There are wonderful teachers here who give their whole soul and heart to their work. One of them sometimes gets so carried away by the story about Alexander the Great that he breaks chairs without noticing it...

The other one makes faces and expresses himself in a sophisticated way. And all this is from the love of your work!

If we look to the right, we will see either an unfinished or burnt church. Let's move on. Just be careful. It's dirty here and there's a lot of garbage piled up.

And this is the local post office. The post office works quite well, but sometimes letters and parcels do not reach their recipients, or they receive them printed.

Here is the hospital. Here they are very “attentive” to patients who are allowed to smoke strong tobacco. They recover like flies. So, if you get sick, God forbid, you are welcome to come to our hospital.

Now you can admire the most beautiful and richest building in our city. The mayor lives here with his family.

Gentlemen, let's look to the left! This is the courthouse. The place where Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin administers his justice. This is a very educated person. He has read five or six books in his entire life. And in his free time he loves hunting! Looking at this establishment, we can see wet laundry fluttering in the wind. If you want to feed the geese, of which there are a lot here, do not forget to grab a piece of bread or grain.

Our excursion has come to an end. Thank you for your attention. And now you have the opportunity to attend a court hearing in the case of officials of our city, which is taking place in this moment at the courthouse.



The case of district officials is being heard city ​​N,a namely: Mr. Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich, mayor, judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin Ammos Fedorovich, superintendent of schools Luka Lukich Khlopov, trustee of charitable institutions Artemy Filippovich Strawberry and postmaster Shpekin Ivan Kuzmich.


The listed gentlemen are accused of bribery, embezzlement, arbitrariness, fraud, and neglect of position.


Witness N.V. Gogol is called.


The mayor... This man is most concerned about not letting through what floats into his hands. This became his habit. Because of this habit, he became an oppressor.

He feels that he is sinful, but he cannot help himself...


Mr. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, what can you say to this?


By God, if I took it from someone else, then, really, without any bad thought. In other cities, I dare to report to you, city governors and officials care more about their own benefit... But all I dream about is to earn the attention of the authorities with my decorum and vigilance.


A witness, Abdulin, a merchant, is called.


We endure insult from our mayor completely in vain. Let's just stand there, you're too tired to get into a noose. How he grabs his beard and says: “Oh, you Tatar!” And he himself will come to the shop and grab everything that comes to hand. The cloth sees the thing and says: “Hey, honey, this is a good piece of cloth: take it to me.” Well, you carry it, but there are fifty arshins in the piece.

Moreover, he takes all sorts of rubbish: prunes such that they have been lying in a barrel for seven years, no one will eat them, but he will throw a whole handful in there.


Mr. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, what do you say to this?


I assure you on my honor, this swindler is lying! They themselves deceive and deceive the people. Don't trust him!


We invite witness Fevronya Petrovna Poshlepkina, a mechanic.


Mister Judge! This swindler ordered my husband to shave his forehead as a soldier, and it wasn’t his turn. Yes, and according to the law it is impossible: he is married. It was necessary to take the son of a tailor, but the parents gave a rich gift, so he went to the son of the merchant Panteleeva, and she gave him three pieces of linen, so he came to me, “Why, he says, do you need a husband, he’s no good for you.” Yes, I know whether it’s good or not. How can I live without my husband, such a swindler! I'm a weak person, you're such a scoundrel! So that all your relatives do not have the chance to see the light of God!


What do you say to this?


If there were any bribes, it was just a little: something for the table and a couple of dresses. The government salary is not even enough for tea and sugar...


The non-commissioned officer's wife is invited to the courtroom.

Non-commissioned officer

Beat me, father! By mistake. The women were fighting in the market, but the police didn’t arrive in time, and they grabbed me. This is what they reported: I couldn’t sit for two days. Yes, of course, there is nothing to do. And for his mistake they ordered him to pay a fine. Money wouldn't hurt me.


This is slander, by God, slander! My villains invented all this! The non-commissioned officer lied to you, saying that I had whipped her. She whipped herself...


The private bailiff Stepan Ilyich Ukhovertov is called.


Anton Antonovich gave me the following instructions.

Hastily sweep up the old fence near the cobbler's and put up a straw pole to make it look like the layout. It, he says, the more damage, the more it means the activity of the city governor... and near that fence, forty carts of all sorts of rubbish are piled up.

Yes, if they ask why a church was not built at a charitable institution, for which a sum was allocated five years ago, then do not forget to say that it began to be built, but burned down. Otherwise, perhaps someone, having forgotten themselves, will foolishly say that construction never began. Yes, tell Derzhimorda not to give too much free rein to his fists; For the sake of order, he puts lights under everyone’s eyes – both the right and the wrong. Moreover, do not let soldiers go out into the street without everything; this crappy garnish will only wear a uniform over the shirt, and nothing underneath.


Mr. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, what can you say in your defense?


Killed, killed, completely killed! I don't see anything. I see some pig snouts instead of faces, but nothing else...

Like me? no, like me, old fool! survived, stupid sheep, out of your mind! I have been in the service for thirty years; not a single merchant or contractor could deceive, he deceived swindlers after swindlers, he tricked such swindlers and rogues that they were ready to rob the whole world. He deceived three governors! what governors! nothing to say about governors...

Look, look, the whole world, all of Christianity, everyone, look how the old mayor has been fooled!... He mistook an icicle, a rag for important person! I still can’t come to my senses...


The case of Mr. Lyapkin-Tyapkin, a judge of a district town, who is accused of bribery and neglect of his official duties, is being heard


Witness N.V. Gogol is invited


What can be said about Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin? This is a man who has read five or six books and is therefore somewhat free-thinking. The hunter is big on guesses and therefore gives weight to every word. Lyapkin-Tyapkin is more busy with hunting than with legal proceedings, which is why he takes bribes with greyhound puppies. He also uses the quarrels of neighboring landowners for personal purposes.

The court is in disarray. The watchmen brought domestic geese to breed in public places. Where visitors are received, there hangs an arapnik - a long belt whip attached to a short stick. It belongs to the hunter, but here there is also a hint that corporal punishment is used in court. The assessor is constantly drunk. Things are going badly.


What do you say to this, Mr. Lyapkin-Tyapkin?


I confess...I love hunting, shooting hares. Sinful... But sins are different. I say openly that I take bribes with greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. But, for example, someone whose fur coat costs five hundred rubles and his wife’s shawl...

As for the cases... I’ve been sitting on the judge’s chair for 15 years now, and when I look at the memorandum, I just give up. Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true. And I’ll put things in order in the public place! I’ll drive out the geese with their little goslings so they don’t snoop around under my feet.


The case of Mr. Zemlyanika, a trustee of charitable institutions, is being heard, who is accused of neglect of his official duties and theft of public funds.


Witness Fomin is invited.

Witness Fomin

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, the trustee of charitable institutions, is a rogue, embezzler and informer! He doesn't care about the state's interests at all! For him, his own well-being is above all. Gentlemen, mercy is in the hands of a fraudster! Charitable institutions for Strawberries are a feeding trough. In treating patients, his credo is: “The closer to nature, the better”, “A simple man, if he dies, then he will die anyway, if he recovers, then he will recover anyway.” The hospital is dirty, the patients look like blacksmiths, they smoke strong tobacco. They feed only cabbage. Doctor Christian Ivanovich Gibner doesn’t know a word of Russian, but he treats people. People there are dying like flies.


How do you explain this state of affairs?


Yes...We don’t use expensive medications. The man is simple: if he dies, then he will die anyway, if he recovers, then he will recover anyway. Moreover, the witness is telling lies. They put clean caps on the sick, hung a sign above each bed, and wrote the disease in Latin, when someone got sick, what day or date. My patients are recovering like flies, and I ordered gabersup to be given to them. What else do you need?!


The case of Mr. Khlopov, a school superintendent, is being considered, who is accused of neglect of his official duties.


A witness, a student of the district school, is invited.

Student witness

The most interesting life in our school! True, some teachers have very strange actions that are naturally incompatible with an academic title. One makes faces, and the other explains with such fervor that he breaks chairs.


What can you say in your defense?

Luka Lukich Khlopov

God forbid I serve in an academic capacity! You are afraid of everything: everyone gets in the way, everyone wants to show that he is also an intelligent person. I can't, I can't, gentlemen. I admit, I was brought up in such a way that if someone of a higher rank spoke to me, I simply don’t have a soul, and my tongue is stuck in the mud. No, gentlemen, excuse me, really, excuse me!


The case of postmaster Shpekin Ivan Kuzmich is being heard, who is accused of abuse of official powers in order to steal other people's property.


Witness Protasov is invited.

Witness Protasov

Mister Judge, help! For two years now I have not been able to receive the parcel that my mother sent me. Mr. Postmaster's affairs are in complete disarray. Parcels do not reach their recipients. The letters are opened.


What do you say, Mr. Shpekin?


I have the honor to introduce myself: postmaster, court councilor Shpekin.

I do this not so much out of precaution, but more out of curiosity: I love to know what’s new in the world. Let me tell you, this is a very interesting read. You will read another letter with pleasure - this is how various passages are described... and what edification... better than in the Moskovskie Vedomosti.


Gentlemen of the jury, render your verdict in the case of officials of the city of N.


Mr. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich, mayor of the district city N, judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin Ammos Fedorovich, trustee of charitable institutions Zemlyanika Artemy Filippovich were found guilty of bribery, embezzlement, arbitrariness, fraud, neglect of official duties.

Therefore, give him the following punishment: insert him into a comedy. Take them to the stage! Let all the people see. Oh, laughter is a great thing! There is nothing more a person fears than laughter. He does not take away either life or property from the guilty; but it binds his strength, and, fearing laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that no strength could restrain him from...

Teacher's word

So, you and I have determined the punishment for officials of the Gogol city N. We laughed at certain moments. But this is laughter through tears.

Which of the officials of this city do you think could improve the situation?

How do you think events will develop in the county town after the arrival of the real auditor?

Let's turn to the epigraphs of our lesson. How do you understand these statements? Which ones do you agree with and which ones would you argue with?

There is an opinion that Gogol's comedy is immortal. Do you agree with this judgment?

The trouble is that the vices ridiculed by the classic continue, unfortunately, to exist to this day - they have taken too deep roots in human psychology, so comedy continues to remain relevant to this day. But I would like to hope that in the future, when studying the work of N.V. Gogol, your children will focus not on the problems of the work, but on the skill of this wonderful writer.

Summing up the lesson.


Homework: prepare a characterization of Khlestakov according to this plan, dramatization of the episodes “In the Tavern”, “Khlestakov’s Lies”

A tour of the city N, conducted by the mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky.

Phenomenon 1

Mayor and Khlestakov.

Mayor: Well, my dear fellow, you probably care about the health of the population first and foremost?

Khlestakov: Health is very good. For example, I live in St. Petersburg, and the weather here, you know, is not the same as in Taurida. So, I have never been sick with anything.

Mayor (wipes his forehead with a handkerchief):Oh, and the masters are doctors in the capital! But don’t think that we don’t have our own doctors here: even though Christian Ivanovich is German, he is such a master! No one said a bad word about him!

Khlestakov: Is he really a doctor like no other in the capital?

Mayor (waving his hands sharply in fear):What are you, what are you, dear guest! He's still a rogue! But you can’t find a better doctor in the whole county: everyone gets back on their feet quickly!

Phenomenon 2

The same goes for Artemy Filippovich.

Artemy Filippovich:Hello, Anton Antonovich! Pyotr Ivanovich is already telling me everything...

Mayor (closes Strawberry's mouth):Hello, Artemy Filippovich! Here, meet our guest, Ivan Alexandrovich. I came to look at the charitable institutions under your care.

Artemy Filippovich (shaking all over):Yes Yes Yes Yes! Ask!

Everyone enters the building

Artemy Filippovich:Ask! This is where our patients recover.

He gestures around a large room where only three patients lie.

Khlestakov: Why are there so few patients?

Artemy Filippovich:M-not enough? It’s okay, now there will be more of them!

Mayor (sharply raises his voice):Why don’t you, Artemy Filippovich, value your own merits? Where do we need more sick people here? Was it really in vain that Christian Ivanovich did not sleep at night in order to raise the most seriously ill patients to their feet? You, Ivan Alexandrovich, probably don’t know, but a couple of weeks ago an old man who lost his legs during the war with the Turks recovered!

Khlestakov (laughs):But I remember, there was one doctor in St. Petersburg, he treated everyone, and no one said a bad word about him either - how I came to him. Not alone, I have a friend from the ministry - and so he found out: all the sick people in the institution are like this...(raises his palm up, and the mayor and Strawberry look at this gesture) were dying.

Artemy Filippovich:What happened to that doctor?

Khlestakov: Of course, he went to trial. And, oh yes! Since then, our local trustee of charitable institutions has changed - the previous one was torn to pieces by one of the relatives of one of the patients.

Artemy Filippovich took a nervous breath.

Mayor: Why are we talking about sad things! Look, we have a silver tablet hanging above each bed, on it all the medicines are written in Latin!

Khlestakov: Well, that’s not interesting to me! You should think about, so to speak, the external appearance of the buildings: it’s so boring that it’s disgusting to look at!

Mayor: What specifically do you not like?

Khlestakov: All. County town! It’s a proud name, but everyone around seems to remember Adam and Eve!

Mayor (scared):No problem, we'll rebuild everything tomorrow!

Khlestakov: Oh well! Nothing will work out. The people you have here are amazing s e: They won’t even lend you money! And you put forward such plans. My dad has an architect friend. You know, he built a palace for Catherine herself.

Mayor: But all this is, so to speak, difficult for us. We won't last!

Khlestakov: I'll arrange everything! He needs very little money, even though he is the only person who always loses to me at cards.

Mayor: They would have said so right away!(to Strawberry): Give me your savings for a new hospital!

Artemy Filippovich grabs his head, makes a circle in place, runs out of the room for a couple of moments and immediately returns with a huge bag.

Artemy Filippovich: Here!

Khlestakov (throwing the bag onto his back):Excellent, sir! And here’s another thing: I strongly recommend that you pay special attention to the courthouse: chickens and geese are flying out of the windows from there!

The mayor blushed.

Khlestakov: Well, that's it, friendly advice. You know, gentlemen, thank you for showing the city... Not St. Petersburg, of course, but you can live. Did you say something about a vacant apartment?

Mayor: Yes Yes! Would you like to come to my house? Don't even look at the schools? And prisons?

Khlestakov: What are you doing with your prisons! Don't you see: I'm tired! It's time to get some rest!

Artemy Filippovich and the mayor pick up Khlestakov and carry him out to the droshky.

End of action.

Maurov Evgeniy, GBOU secondary school No. 60, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg, 8 “B” class.

*All dates and some historical objects are fictitious.

** The name Dmitry Vasechkin was invented.

City tour N from Gogol's work "The Inspector General"

Guide:Hello! Welcome to the Yellow Bus company. "Yellow Bus" - excursions around low prices! Today, you and I, dear friends, will visit the county town. This city N was founded in 1822. So, here we are approaching it. Many thanks to our bus driver, let's start the tour. We went to the main bridge of the city - Nikolaevsky. It was built in 1823. From the very beginning, the city of N was a travel point in the province. But very soon the roads to this city became broken and the city became a periphery. We see a policeman on the bridge Pugovitsyna , who is assigned to monitor whether the auditor has arrived. But the auditor will not appear soon now. Let's move on. We see a shoemaker's workshop, and next to it a mountain of garbage, which, according to Anton Antonovich, cannot be cleared even by 40 carts. Well, we will move on. Here we see a tavern. We will not go into it, since we may not get out of there. We'd better move on. ABOUT! And here is the police station (A Derzhimord policeman jumps out and wrings the guide’s hands)Derzhimorda: Police inspector of Derzhimord. Do you have a license for excursion activities? No! Only money will help you! Guide: As we can see, bribes were often taken at that time! Ay! yes on, on! (The guide hands out money)Derzhimorda: Okay, live! Guide: We were very lucky that we were released without bruises. Derzhimorda is the kind of person who can put out the “lights” under both eyes. Well, now we see an educational institution, near which a church was supposed to be built, but it was never built. The money for the church disappeared from the city treasury somewhere. Let's go to the school. There is an arithmetic lesson here. And we see exactly that teacher who makes faces ( A fragment of this lesson is shown with grimaces). Well, let's move on. And immediately as we left, opposite we see the doctor’s office of Christian Ivanovich Gibner. It was built in 1826. She is the only one in the city. Although people don’t come into it often, and I would even say they don’t come at all. Next we see the mayor's house. It was built by special order of Anton Antonovich in 1827, architect Dmitry Vasechkin**. The cost of this house is 30,000,000 rubles. It’s clear where the mayor got that kind of money! Of course, from the city budget. Well, all we have left to see is the post office, the hospital and the public office - or as the court now says. Our post office works, does not sleep. All incoming and outgoing letters are subject to the strict control of the postmaster. He reads them like Moskovskie Vedomosti. Well, then we see a charitable institution - a hospital. We won't go there, because... We might sneeze because there is a very strong smell of tobacco there. Well, the last place we will visit is the district court. We won’t go there either, because the guard’s geese might peck us. Well, our excursion is over. Thank you for your attention! Goodbye!



In 1896, Parisians came to the conclusion that the “capital of the world” needed motorized fiacre cabs - without horses. The shafts were removed from the fiacre, a gasoline engine was installed at the back, and a steering column and control levers were installed near the coachman's seat. The counter, taximeter, invented in 1905, gave rise to new words - “taxi” and “taxi”. Every year the number of taxis grew. Now these were cars, not cabs. Some companies, for example, Renault, began to produce cars specially adapted for taxi service. Painted in red and green, they stood out noticeably among others.

The Austin London taxi was even more different from ordinary cars than the Renault. To make the car short and maneuverable, the English designers placed the driver's seat directly above the engine, like on a Parisian bus.

Based on materials from the book “I know the world” by M.; 1999

Scenario New Year's holiday"New Year in the Forest"

Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Little Bear, Bunny, Crow, Baba Yaga, Special Forces Bear, Special Forces Fox, Special Forces Wolf, Zmey-Gorynych, 2 servants of Zmey-Gorynych.

(Father Frost comes in with Snow Maiden) Father Frost: Hello kids! Our kids! Today I came to wish you a Happy New Year and give you gifts! Snow Maiden: Hello, dear friends! So let's begin our celebration! Grandfather Frost, get the key to our stage! Father Frost: Now! (Starts looking for the key in his pockets) No! What to do?! There is no way we can hold a celebration without a stage! First of all, this is simply impossible! We won't succeed then! This scene is magical. Secondly, we have a Christmas tree on it and gifts are there too. Snow Maiden: Well, grandpa, let's go look for the key, since you're so absent-minded. Father Frost: It’s strange, it was fastened to my pin. (They walk) (On the way they meet a Teddy Bear) Teddy Bear: Hello, Grandfather Frost! Hello, Snow Maiden! What's happened? You are walking so sad. In general, you have to rehearse the holiday. Father Frost: We lost the key to our stage. Now we can’t hold a holiday!
Teddy Bear: Don't despair, Grandfather! Let's find this key. But, still, what to do? Maybe I'll break this lock?! Father Frost: Well, let's go back and see! (Coming back) (The little bear tries to break the lock)Teddy bear: No, it won't work. We need to look for the key!!!
Father Frost: Let's go! (all three of them go) And along the way I will tell you and the guys how I celebrated New Year before, and how it is celebrated now. In the old days on New Year's fair it was fun and crowded. Peasants from near and far villages came to the city in carts, and those who were richer came in carriages. On market square For the New Year, temporary stalls and tents were built. They sold almost everything: nuts, apples, cookies, gingerbread and much more. And if you looked into my bag then, you could see wooden horses, dolls, whistles, boxes... And there were no electric light bulbs on the big New Year tree yet. There were beads and balls shining there. Today at the pre-holiday fair you can see a large Christmas tree with electric lights. Now there are no wooden tents and stalls here - instead there are shops. And in my bag there are already other gifts - videotapes, dolls, cars, plush toys, video games and much more. One thing, however, has remained unchanged - it’s me myself, Grandfather Frost. Snow Maiden: Grandpa, we started talking about something. We must continue our search! (A crow flies up) Crow: Kar! Kar! I know where the stage key is! But I won’t say until one of the guys plays with my friend Maxim Galkin in “Who Wants to Be a Policeman?” That is, a "millionaire". Kar! Father Frost: Well! Who guys want to play? (choose 3 people) Crow: But there will be good prizes! Those who win up to 4,000 rubles receive Chupa Chups. Whoever wins between 4000-16000 will receive a pen, and whoever wins more than 16000 will receive a notepad. (We're playing) Father Frost: Well, did you rest? Now, Crow, tell me, where is the key??? Crow: He is with Baba Yaga. She stole it from you while you were sleeping! I was a witness, so Baba Yaga almost caught me and ate me. That's how it is! Father Frost: Well, let's go to Baba Yaga (Let's go. We meet a Bunny along the way) Bunny: Hello, Grandfather Frost! How are you doing? Father Frost: Yes, we have lost the key to the stage. Baba Yaga stole it. Bunny: I'll show you the way if I play with the kids first. I'll give you a quiz! (Conducts) Bunny: Thank you guys! Thank you Santa Claus! In gratitude for this, I will take you to Baba Yaga's house. (The bunny brings it) (Santa Claus knocks on her door) : Come on, Baba Yaga, open the doors for us! (Baba Yaga opens the door) : Well, why are you shouting, my dear? What do you want from me? Snow Maiden: Grandmother Yaga, please give us the key to the stage! Baba Yaga: Eh! No, honey! First, let the kids play with me. Snow Maiden: OK then! (We hold competitions) Baba Yaga: Well done! Thank you guys! I haven't played like this in ages!!! Here's grandpa! I'm giving you the key! Father Frost: Well, dear friends! I open the stage. (Music is playing) Snow Maiden: (walks around the tree): But there are no gifts here! They have disappeared somewhere!!! Baba Yaga: I didn’t take them! When I stole the key, I put it on the table. I didn't take any more. I put it there on December 30th. Back then, Koshchei, Zmey Gorynych and Leshiy and I were still playing cards. That was the time! Father Frost: So it's one of them! (Here Santa Claus's cell phone rings) Father Frost: Hello! Yes Yes! Fine! (Disables) Our gifts are from Zmey-Gorynych. Baba Yaga: Here, bad! I thought back then that it was him hanging around the table. And he stole my key! Everything is clear then! The main thing is that he returned it to me on time. Brought a gift! He brought it into the house. That's how it is! Father Frost: He demands a bag of flour and sugar for gifts. Otherwise, he says he has nothing to eat. And he doesn't eat people anymore!!! Baba Yaga: Come on, let’s bring special forces with us! (Special forces, which include the Wolf, Fox and Bear, come running) Fox: Did you call the special forces? The team leader is Lisa. It's me! And here are my subordinates (Points to Wolf and Bear) Father Frost: It is necessary to detain one dangerous criminal, Zmey Gorynych. He has our gifts. Special Forces Bear: ABOUT! Yes, he has been on our wanted list since 1999. No problem, we'll catch him! (They go to the kingdom of the Serpent Gorynych) (They come) (Here Santa Claus is grabbed by 2 people and run away with him straight to the Serpent Gorynych) (Special forces, little animals, Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden come to him) Dragon: Well, hello! (Laughs) Did you want to trick me? Not so. I have your Grandpa and gifts hostage. Baba Yaga: Well, don’t touch Santa Claus! I'll put a spell on you! (Snake Gorynych laughs again) :If you don’t give now what I demanded, then goodbye grandpa! And the gifts and servants can eat (Snow Maiden whispers something and suddenly, Serpent Gorynych releases Father Frost, Serpent Gorynych’s servants disappear with him, and the kingdom turns into Forest Glade) Snow Maiden: Hooray! Happened! I always knew that a good New Year's song is better than any magic. Dear little animals, Baba Yaga, grandfather, let's sing this song:
(The song is sung to the tune of “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”):
Let's sing a simple song
About how old the year is
Quietly fading into the past
And a new one is coming.

We are both happy and sad
Say goodbye forever
But time takes us far away,
Like clear water.

New ones are running towards
Happy days
They promise us a lot of joy
There are lights on the Christmas trees...
(Words by N.V. Krylova)
Father Frost: So, dear friends! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Wish you luck!!! See you next year!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, haven’t you forgotten anything? Father Frost: No, it seems like nothing! Snow Maiden: Should I give gifts to the guys? Father Frost: Oh, exactly! That's it, I'm off to give out gifts! (Santa Claus distributed) (Actors bow and leave)


Special conditions

ATTENTION: tour program for November holidays “County town (holiday visit)”, 2 days see link

  • Travel information.
  • Stop at Kalyazin(if possible), inspection of the unique "floating" bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral. Mentions in chronicles of the first settlement (Nikola on Zhabnya), located on the site of present-day Kalyazin, date back to the 12th century. The importance of the settlement increased with the founding of the Kalyazin-Trinity (Makaryevsky) Monastery on the opposite bank of the Volga in the 15th century.
  • In 1466, on his way to India, the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin visited the monastery. At the end of the 17th century, young Peter I made his “amusing trips” to the monastery area.
  • In 1939-1940, part of the territory of the old city was flooded during the construction of the Uglich hydroelectric power station. The monastery (16th-17th century ensemble) and other old buildings ended up in the reservoir area. Preserved The bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral “floating” on a small island(the first tier is partially hidden below the water level under a layer of applied soil; the cathedral itself was dismantled before flooding).
  • 12:00 - Departure to Uglich.
  • According to legend, Uglich was founded in 937 by Jan Pleskovich, a native of Pskov, a relative of Princess Olga. In 1148, the Rostov-Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky confronted the Kyiv, Smolensk and Novgorod princes on the Uglich field. Since 1207, as part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. In 1238 it was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. Since the 14th century it has been part of the Moscow Principality. In 1591, Tsarevich Dmitry, the son of Ivan the Terrible, was killed in Uglich.
  • 13:00 - Lunch at a restaurant in the city of Uglich (or free time).
  • 14:00 - Excursion program around Uglich: sightseeing tour around town.
  • You will see the following attractions:
  • - architectural ensemble Uglich Kremlin - the historical and urban core of the city;
  • - the only building of the 15th century that has survived from the foundation of the Kremlin - “Chambers of Uglich appanage princes” (“Chambers of Tsarevich Dimitri”);
  • - Church of St. Dmitry on Spilled Blood- built on the site of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Inside are paintings by late 18th-century artists detailing the event;
  • - Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (interior)- Cathedral the city of Uglich, located in the center of the Kremlin;
  • - Assumption “Wonderful” Church of the Alekseevsky Monastery- The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept here.
  • Interactive program “Tales of the Old House”, where the guide will tell you about the life and everyday life of a provincial town in late XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century, about the way of life, traditions, customs, leisure, fashion of the Uglich people at that time. In the living room at an evening party you will hear romances that were fashionable at that time, accompanied by a guitar.
  • 18:00 - Accommodation in the hotel “Chaika 3*”, Uglich (reserve hotels: “Summit 3*”, Myshkin). Standard rooms.
  • 20:00 - Dinner at the hotel restaurant (or free time).

2nd day.

  • 07:30 - Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Releasing hotel rooms BEFORE departure for the excursion.
  • 08:30 - Departure to the city Myshkin - a unique city-museum of the Russian province, which has preserved the ancient buildings of the merchant city and a special provincial way of life. The city was famous for its blacksmiths and potters.
  • There is evidence that people lived on the site of modern Myshkin as early as the 5th-3rd millennia BC. The town apparently existed here in the 12th-13th centuries, but was completely destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols in 1238. Then, in the 15th century, Myshkin was reborn as a village and began to develop. This was facilitated advantageous position on the banks of the largest navigable river in Rus'. In 1771, Myshkin received city status and a coat of arms. Myshkin's coat of arms depicts a bear - a symbol of the Yaroslavl governorship - and a mouse is depicted under it.
  • 09:15 - Sightseeing excursion program in Myshkin, Walk of Fame, Assumption Cathedral, Museum "Russian Valenki" with the exhibitions “Linen” and “Sisters and Brothers of Felt Valenka”. House of Crafts(smithy and pottery workshop).
  • Visit to the Mouse Palace- we invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of royal life: keep in mind that the guards will ask for the password, the courtyard girls will gladly blurt out all the palace secrets and lead you along mouse paths, the hospitable king and queen will tell you how heavy the crown is and teach you how to protect yourself from cat misfortunes. You will be able to put your hand into the royal bins, and in the darkness of the royal menagerie you will see exotic living mice.
  • 12:00 - Departure to Martynovo- the “capital” of the ancient Katsk camp.
  • In the far west Yaroslavl region flows a small - 57 km long - river Kadka, which, probably, would have been destined to get lost among hundreds and even thousands of similar rivers in Russia, if not katskari- the inhabitants inhabiting its shores. Katskari are Russian people, who, however, have their own characteristics in customs, language, and folklore.
  • The local guide will introduce you to various Katsk myths that have survived to this day. All this will allow you to plunge into the life and life of peasants in the 19th-20th centuries. IN Katsky Compound Amazing animals await visitors.
  • Visit to the Katskary Museum(peasant hut of the late 19th century) will allow you to plunge into the life and way of life of peasants in the 19th-20th centuries.
  • 14:00 -Komennichanye - theatrical and entertainment program in the Katsk dialect.
  • Dinner- a treat awaits you from the Russian oven (cabbage soup, potatoes with sour cream, pies, baked milk / tea, pickles).
  • 15:00 - Departure to Moscow.
  • 21:00 - Estimated time of arrival in Moscow (to the VDNH metro station).

The tour price includes:

  • accommodation in a 3* hotel - 1 day,
  • meals to choose from 3 options (1. Breakfast only (except breakfast on the 1st day); 2. Breakfast and lunch (except breakfast on the 1st day); 3. Full board(except breakfast on the 1st day and dinner on the last day of the tour)),
  • excursion services according to the program (including tickets to museums and the services of an accompanying guide),
  • transport services (according to the program).

ATTENTION: From April 1, 2019, seating on the bus is fixed! 3 days before the start of the tour, the system will automatically allocate seats on the bus as booked (one by one).

If it is important for tourists to sit in a certain place, then for an additional fee it is possible to pre-select the necessary free seats (from those available at the time of booking).

  • The cost of choosing a seat on the bus under this program is 600 rubles. /person (net price).
  • In case of an emergency, available places are determined by the guide.

Duration of the tour 2 days / 1 night. The period of hotel stay for this tour is 1 day. Check out time at the hotel is 12:00.

The tour operator reserves the right to change the order of excursions, and if it is impossible to conduct any excursion, replace it with an equivalent one, without reducing the total volume of the program.

When the number of tourists in a group is less than 19 people A tourist class foreign car minibus may be provided.

The tour operator is not responsible for weather, traffic jams, road repairs, changes in travel rules to attractions.

The time of arrival in Moscow is approximate and cannot be considered a mandatory point of the program.


Please inform mobile phone tourists for emergency contact with a guide .

  • Please send information to:

Golden ring Russia

On the trip you need to take:

1. Identity document (passport) and insurance policy.

2. Medicines if you suffer from chronic diseases.

3. Drinks.

On your trip it is advisable to take:

1. A raincoat or umbrella in case of rain, in summer - a hat to protect from the sun, sunglasses and, most importantly, comfortable shoes.

2. A small pillow under your head and a blanket, woolen socks will make your trip more comfortable, especially if it is a long trip and there are night crossings.

3. When traveling to bad weather, as well as in autumn and spring, it is advisable to wear closed shoes, because In small towns in Russia, roads are usually unpaved.

4. When traveling accompanied by visits to existing Orthodox churches and monasteries, women must have a scarf on their heads, and clothing must cover their shoulders and knees. Visit active monasteries wearing trousers, shorts, open T-shirts and tracksuits is not allowed.

5. Photo and video camera. Remember - almost all visiting sites charge a fee for photo and video shooting; in some monasteries, as well as inside temples, photo and video shooting is strictly prohibited.

In the bus:

1. There is no smoking on our buses.

2. During the journey, the bus makes technical (sanitary) stops every 2.5 - 3 hours, the duration of which is set by the group leader. We kindly ask you to strictly adhere to the time allotted for stopping.

3. While the bus is moving, you are not allowed to walk around the cabin.

4. It is prohibited to distract drivers while driving. All your questions will be resolved by the group's accompanying person/guide.

5. Top shelf inside the bus is intended only for small things and books; Heavy objects (including bottles) are strictly prohibited from being placed on top to avoid accidents.

6. The bus seats recline back (this is not possible in minibuses). When parked, the seats must be returned to their original position and your trash must be taken out of the bus.

Excursion day order:

1. Exact time and the departure point of the group is indicated in your program. If tourists are late to the group meeting place, money for the tour will not be returned.

2. The time of departure from the hotel for excursions, the time of breakfast, dinner and additional program is announced by the group’s accompanying person. This time is mandatory for all tour participants. A delay in bus departure may result in a reduction in excursion program, and, in some cases, to the cancellation of visits to planned sites. The program has an approximate time. In some cases there may be slight delays, which the group's accompanying person will inform tourists about.

3. The time of visiting excursion sites is communicated to the accompanying group. We kindly ask you to strictly adhere to the time allotted for inspecting a particular site.

4. If you decide to leave the group, you must inform the group attendant in advance. In any case, check with your escort for phone numbers and addresses of hotels along the route.

5. It is not allowed to be drunk on the territory of monasteries, to run, to talk loudly, or to photograph monastery residents (monks, clergy).

6. If you have any doubts, ask the group’s accompanying person for help.

7. The bus is one of the most convenient types transport and the most unpredictable, since delays on the way always make their own adjustments, namely: traffic jams, congestion, road accidents. Therefore, we recommend that you be patient, don’t worry, and, of course, take an interesting book, a good magazine or guidebook with you on the road.

8. Traffic schedule excursion group Scheduled, if you are behind the group, then you get to Moscow on your own, and at your own expense. The travel agency is not responsible for your lateness.


During a multi-day tour, meals are provided according to the program.


1. To check into a hotel, when multi-day tour, you must have an identity document (Russian passport). We kindly ask you not to forget your documents at home and in the hotel.

2. In order not to forget things in the room, take all things out into the corridor and carefully inspect the room again, check the drawers of the table and bedside tables.

3. Room keys must be handed over to the hotel administrator.

4. If your things are delivered to your room by a hotel employee, then it is advisable to pay the so-called. tips.

Precautionary measures:

1. Handbags and wallets should be held firmly in your hands, and not on your shoulder.

2. It is advisable to store documents separately from money. If a passport is lost, all costs associated with obtaining a certificate are paid by the tourist himself.

3. On the bus, do not leave valuables, handbags, photo or video equipment in plain sight.

4. Do not leave things unattended while visiting excursion sites.

5. If you get lost, don’t hesitate to ask passers-by for directions.

Due to tightening control over the transportation of passengers, it is necessary to book tours with complete tourist data, namely:

  • - Full name (full);
  • - passport series and number;
  • - Date of Birth;
  • - if the tourist is a foreigner, citizenship must be indicated in the note.
If for some reason all the tourists’ data have not been entered, then it is possible to add data two days before the start of the tour (deadline). If two days before the start of the tour there are no tourists, then we are forced to cancel the reservation.
The basis for transferring information about passenger transportation in ACBPDP are:
  • - Federal Law of 02/09/2007 No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” (Article 11);
  • - Federal Law No. 15-FZ dated 03.02.2014 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts” Russian Federation on issues of ensuring transport security";
  • - Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2012 No. 243 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers and personnel (crew) Vehicle, as well as providing the data contained therein”;
  • - Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 5, 2014 No. 242 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2012 No. 243.”

City Tour N, conducted by mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky.

Phenomenon 1

Mayor and Khlestakov.

Mayor: Well, my dear fellow, you probably care about the health of the population first and foremost?Khlestakov: Health is very good. For example, I live in St. Petersburg, and the weather here, you know, is not the same as in Taurida. So, I have never been sick with anything.Mayor (wipes his forehead with a handkerchief): Oh, and the masters are doctors in the capital! But don’t think that we don’t have our own doctors here: even though Christian Ivanovich is German, he is such a master! No one said a bad word about him!Khlestakov: Is he really a doctor like no other in the capital?Mayor (waving his hands sharply in fear): What are you, what are you, dear guest! He's still a rogue! But you can’t find a better doctor in the whole county: everyone gets back on their feet quickly!

Phenomenon 2

The same goes for Artemy Filippovich.

Artemy Filippovich: Hello, Anton Antonovich! Pyotr Ivanovich is already telling me everything...

Mayor (closes Strawberry's mouth): Hello, Artemy Filippovich! Here, meet our guest, Ivan Alexandrovich. I came to look at the charitable institutions under your care.

Artemy Filippovich (shaking all over): Yes Yes Yes Yes! Ask!

Everyone enters the building

Artemy Filippovich: Ask! This is where our patients recover.

He gestures around a large room where only three patients lie.

Khlestakov: Why are there so few patients?Artemy Filippovich: M-not enough? It’s okay, now there will be more of them!Mayor (sharply raises his voice): Why don’t you, Artemy Filippovich, value your own merits? Where do we need more sick people here? Was it really in vain that Christian Ivanovich did not sleep at night in order to raise the most seriously ill patients to their feet? You, Ivan Alexandrovich, probably don’t know, but a couple of weeks ago an old man who lost his legs during the war with the Turks recovered!Khlestakov (laughs): But I remember, there was one doctor in St. Petersburg, he treated everyone, and no one said a bad word about him either - how I came to him. Not alone, I have a friend from the ministry - and so he found out: all the sick people in the institution are like this... (raises his palm up, and the mayor and Strawberry look at this gesture) were dying.Artemy Filippovich: What happened to that doctor?Khlestakov: Of course, he went to trial. And, oh yes! Since then, our local trustee of charitable institutions has changed - the previous one was torn to pieces by one of the relatives of one of the patients.

Artemy Filippovich took a nervous breath.

Mayor: Why are we talking about sad things! Look, we have a silver tablet hanging above each bed, on it all the medicines are written in Latin!Khlestakov: Well, that’s not interesting to me! You should think about, so to speak, the external appearance of the buildings: it’s so boring that it’s disgusting to look at!Mayor: What specifically do you not like?Khlestakov: All. County town! It’s a proud name, but everyone around seems to remember Adam and Eve!Mayor (scared): No problem, we'll rebuild everything tomorrow!Khlestakov: Oh well! Nothing will work out. The people you have here are amazing s e: They won’t even lend you money! And you put forward such plans. My dad has an architect friend. You know, he built a palace for Catherine herself.Mayor: But all this is, so to speak, difficult for us. We won't last!Khlestakov: I'll arrange everything! He needs very little money, even though he is the only person who always loses to me at cards.Mayor: They would have said so right away! (to Strawberry): Give me your savings for a new hospital!

Artemy Filippovich grabs his head, makes a circle in place, runs out of the room for a couple of moments and immediately returns with a huge bag.

Artemy Filippovich: Here!Khlestakov (throwing the bag onto his back): Excellent, sir! And here’s another thing: I strongly recommend that you pay special attention to the courthouse: chickens and geese are flying out of the windows from there!

The mayor blushed.

Khlestakov: Well, that's it, friendly advice. You know, gentlemen, thank you for showing the city... Not St. Petersburg, of course, but you can live. Did you say something about a vacant apartment?Mayor: Yes Yes! Would you like to come to my house? Don't even look at the schools? And prisons?Khlestakov: What are you doing with your prisons! Don't you see: I'm tired! It's time to get some rest!

Artemy Filippovich and the mayor pick up Khlestakov and carry him out to the droshky.

End of action.

Maurov Evgeniy, GBOU secondary school No. 60, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg, 8 “B” class.