State educational institution children's park Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki. Park of the Trubetskoy estate (Mandelshtam park). For health and relaxation

From the estate to the palace and park ensemble: an architectural and historical cheat sheet

These lands were inherited by Golitsyn's grandnephew Dmitry Trubetskoy. In 1758, the new owner built a wooden one-story house here. Behind it stood a greenhouse, and then a park began with gazebos, gardening projects and two ponds. One of them had complex outlines, which gave rise to talk about secret Masonic signs.

Trubetskoy was a hospitable host, so many famous people visited his estate. For example, on September 16, 1826, returning from a festive celebration on Devichye Pole on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas I, Alexander Pushkin visited the estate.

In 1923, the Trubetskoy estate was turned into Mandelstam Park for workers' recreation. The name was given in honor of the revolutionary Alexander Mandelstam.

In 1936, the first in Moscow appeared here children's park. During the Great Patriotic War, an anti-aircraft battery and a repair shop were placed on its territory military equipment. Because of this, trees had to be cut down.

In 1945–1960, a station for young naturalists operated here. Through their efforts, Mandelstam Park was revived. These traditions continue: the park has a poultry house, a menagerie, child Center, an ecological trail with rare plant species (planted in the mid-19th century by the pharmacist A. Grell and the followers of I.V. Michurin).

The main house of the Trubetskoy estate has not survived. After the fire in April 2001, the building was “recreated using fireproof materials”: ​​it was dismantled down to the base and a concrete “remake” was installed in its place.

From the estate itself, only a few artificial ponds remain. In the park there is a controversial monument “Tree of Love” by Grigory Pototsky. The sculpture is created in the form of two fused figures of a girl and a boy, spreading their arms-branches, which either turned into wings, or into the Tree of Life. Some believe that these are profiles of Adam and Eve. Others see angels in the composition. And some even consider the sculpture a monument to nature.

In 2002, Mandelstam Park was restored. Wooden fairy sculptures were installed there, and it turned into a children's park. Therefore, the park of the Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki is open to the public only during the day.

Mandelstam Park in photographs from different years:

Do you have anything to add to the history of Mandelstam Park with the Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki?

Behind Khamovnichya Settlement. He, in turn, presented it as a gift to his sister, the wife of Yuri Petrovich Trubetskoy. In 1758, under Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskoy, the main house was erected on the estate - a small palace with a belvedere. There were other buildings nearby: gazebos, two ponds with islands and rotundas, and a magnificent garden around. In the 19th century, the Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki could lay claim to the role of a center cultural life Moscow. Writers, scientists, philosophers and other prominent figures of the country often visited here, but end of the 19th century century, the estate began to be sold off. The owner of the estate was the merchant Pavel Evstafievich Nemchinov. He remained so for up to a year.

After the revolution

The Civil War caused great damage to the estate. The trees of the lush garden turned into dry wood, and heaps of garbage appeared. In 1923, by decision of the district party committee, the former Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki became a place of cultural pastime for workers. Its name also changed: Soviet workers came to relax in Mandelstam Park, named after the revolutionary A.V. Mandelstam. During cleanup days, city residents cleaned up the area. Amusements, a cinema, and a shooting gallery appeared. We can say that Moscow, Khamovniki and the former princely estate gave our country the “progenitor” of modern cultural and recreation parks.

The emergence of a children's park

In 1936, the history of this place received a new round of development. The first children's park in the capital was opened here. It was considered one of the best green areas in Moscow. Children spent time on playgrounds, there was a boat dock, a children's theater, a fishing club, a sports town and even a parachute tower.

However, the Great Patriotic War made its own adjustments to the development of the park. The trees were almost completely cut down. In their place came an anti-aircraft battery and a workshop for repairing military equipment.

In the post-war years, the city youth station operated here. With the help of all Moscow schoolchildren, from 1945 to 1960, the trees that now adorn the capital were replanted. By the way, modern park“The Trubetskoy Estate” in Khamovniki almost completely repeats the layout of the princely estate of the 18th century. Paths, alleys, plantings and flower beds are located in the same way.

After the closure of the station during the period of perestroika, the wooden elements gradually became unusable, and by 1992, only a greenhouse and a change house remained on the territory of the park, which housed naturalist circles and a zoo corner.


Naturally, this could not continue. The law “On Education” that was released raised the question of the need to restore the park and its role in

In 2002, the structure of the park was reorganized. It included a children's and youth center with an equally glorious history. Previously, it was the first House of Pioneers in Russia, which did not stop operating even during the Second World War. He united hundreds of children who, at that difficult time, helped the soldiers to the best of their ability: they sewed mittens, tobacco pouches, and handkerchiefs for them, organized concerts, were on duty from house to house, and even extinguished “lighters.” Over the years of its existence, the House of Pioneers has received many awards and certificates. Now it is united with such a place as the children's park “Trubetskoy Estate in Khamovniki”, and, by the way, has the same name.

Associations and studios

Here children are offered various options for additional education. Any child can find something to their liking. Parents can send their child to artistic and aesthetic clubs: ballroom dancing, choir studio, computer graphics and web design, ceramics, art, beadwork, theater studio...

Ecological and biological clubs teach children to interact with the surrounding nature, see its beauty, and preserve it for the future. Young talents can take up woodcarving and at the same time get to know their park better. The estate (in the broad sense of the word) becomes the subject of study for the children. They get acquainted with its way of life, traditions, architecture; the crafts of young masters often participate in exhibitions and competitions.

The florist studio teaches not only the art of making bouquets, but also gives knowledge about color and design, ecology and geography. The children's park “Trubetskoy Estate in Khamovniki” also boasts its own equestrian club “Triglav”. The club's students learn horse riding and horse care. They participate in competitions and theatrical performances, and in the summer they go to camp with their pets. Ordinary vacationers can watch the horses ride from the stands. Even preschool children are happy to come to the territory of the Triglav club to take a closer look at the graceful beauties and treat them to something tasty.

There is an association “Young Dog Handler” in the park. It is attended by children aged 12-17 years. They get acquainted with different breeds of dogs, learn how to handle them, not only in theory, but also in practice, and gain training skills. There is a separate area for walking dogs, equipped with special exercise equipment.

For health and relaxation

The Trubetskoy Estate park regularly holds all kinds of holidays and games, and invites everyone to take part in them. These could be days dedicated to birds, earth, water, protection surrounding nature, competitions for children's drawings or crafts made from natural materials.

The tourist club regularly organizes hiking, sailing or skiing trips, rafting mountain rivers, historical excursions, not only around Moscow and the region, but throughout Russia and abroad.

Of course, physical development is very important for the health of the younger generation, so it is natural that football, aikido, volleyball, fitness, sambo, and sumo sections operate on the park’s territory. Awards for those who distinguished themselves in competitions take place on the Alley of Athletes. It also hosts relay races for kids, traditional “Estate Ski Track” competitions for the whole family, and the “Estate Mile” cross-country race for children of all ages.

Where to go and what to see

The area of ​​the park itself is 10 hectares. This territory has many picturesque corners with romantic or funny names: the Dream Path, the Mysterious Alley, the Fantasy Path, the Enchanted Island... For little visitors there are two playgrounds with soft surfaces so that young explorers can travel without obstacles or scratched knees. For the most active there is a roller skating rink. Competitions are often held on the equipped track. The Reliable Trail is interesting, where young visitors are taught first aid. In winter, children with great pleasure strive to the Tsar Mountain to feel how the wind whistles during the rapid descent.

Our smaller brothers

The Trubetskoy Estate park in Khamovniki also has its own small zoo. Squirrels live in enclosures. For those who want to feed them, there is a special sign indicating their favorite delicacies: honey, cottage cheese, jam. However, there is a warning right there that it is highly not recommended to stick your fingers into the cage, as this can lead to injury. But feeding fish in the pond is strictly prohibited. In the poultry house you can see budgies, parakeets, lovebirds, geese, pheasants and, of course, chickens.

Behavior rules

The park is well looked after, and security carefully monitors order. Since this is a place for children and family vacation, then alcohol and cigarettes are strictly prohibited here. By the way, events dedicated to the prevention of alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction are regularly held here. Young mothers with strollers prefer the children's park during mandatory walks with their baby, because beautiful nature, an amazing combination of antiquity and modernity, clean air and the absence of “suspicious characters” create excellent conditions for relaxation.

There is one more remarkable place in this - the Khamovniki Estate Museum. This house was built on Dolgo-Khamovnichesky Lane from 1800 to 1805. It is famous for the fact that in 1882-1901 L.N. Tolstoy and his family spent winters here. Significant events for him took place here and about a hundred of his creations saw the light of day: “Resurrection”, “The Living Corpse”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “Response to the Holy Synod” were born here.

The museum occupies an area of ​​442.7 m2. There is a garden around it, where there is a banked hill, a gazebo and a well have been built. The street on which it is located is now named after the great writer Leo Tolstoy.

I descended from the St. Andrew's Bridge and found myself in Khamovniki.
Khamovniki is a district of Moscow where there used to be a large weaving settlement.
The word "khamovniki" comes from the word "ham", which since the 14th century has meant linen.

My path that time lay through the Trubetskoy Estate park. The park is small but picturesque.

Something is being built on Trubetskaya Street. At the corner of Trubetskaya Street and Usachev Street rises the bulk of the Scientific Research Center of the First Moscow state university named after I.M. Sechenov. I don’t know who the architect is, but for some reason I think about Mikhail Mikhailovich Posokhin.

It turned out to be a cozy corner, I thought.

I took a closer look at the facades, and it also seemed like nothing.

You understand me, I’m just getting acquainted with Moscow, I don’t know much.
However, it became obvious even to me that there should have been historical buildings located on the territory of the park from the estate. I didn’t even pay much attention to the one-story outbuilding on the side of the brick-lined residential buildings. Something modern and classic, inexpressive, I didn’t even take a photo of it.

But it turned out that this is “a recreated monument in fireproof materials.”
It was recreated on the site of a wooden estate of the 18th-19th centuries.
It was difficult to find photographs of her dating back to 2001.

"Main house Trubetskoy was one of the most ancient wooden manor houses in Moscow. The house has reached our time almost unchanged, and was on the balance sheet of the GUOP (Main Directorate for the Protection of Monuments of Moscow). However, it cannot be said that the balance holder somehow looked after the building; moreover, it cannot be said that he guarded it.
How else can we explain the fire that happened in April 2001, and the hasty decision of the GUOP “to recreate the monument in fireproof materials”?
How did an “unknown person with open source fire" (from the conclusion of the UGPS) - it’s unclear. But in the summer of 2002, the house was dismantled down to the basement and a new one made of concrete was erected in its place. Where the valuable, antique interiors went is another mystery." (you can also read about the owners of the Trubetskoy estate).

From the street, the estate buildings looked like this:

“Even the dilapidated old house looked alive” - commentary by A. Shipilin - “And now, like a lifeless plastic pencil case.”

And the residential complex hanging over the one-story buildings, facing the street with a technical facade, dispelled my first charm from appearance buildings from the park side. I want the building to look attractive from all sides.

Residential complex "Trubetskoy Estate"
Handed over to the state acceptance commission in 2004
Address: Moscow, st. Usacheva, 3
Total area: 12,000 m2
Number of apartments: 28
Levels: 3-5 floors
Architect: A. M. Kurennoy and the creative group of architects “RAKURS Architects”

The Trubetskoy estate is a small park where you can come with your children and be sure that they will like it here. The park has many attractions and exciting activities for curious and active children.

The history of the park began in the 17th century, when the plot of land on which it is currently located was donated to Prince Golitsyn for special services to the Motherland.

Over the years of its existence, the estate belonged to many famous people: revolutionaries, philosophers, generals. During the years of Soviet power, Moscow schoolchildren worked on the improvement of the park. All the trees here were planted with their own hands.

But, of course, the younger generation is not interested in history, but in the opportunity to have a fun and carefree time. Children and their parents will find various playgrounds for games and recreation: the playground of Fidelity, Pushkin, Love, and Friendship.

Walking along the narrow paths, you can come across unusual sculptures, the Gnome Corner, the Road of Dreams and even the Enchanted Island in the pond.

For active rest On the territory of the park there are:

  • Numerous children's creativity groups;
  • Biological station with a zoo;
  • Sports ground with a lot of equipment and attractions;
  • Horse riding school;
  • Children's television studio;
  • Children's entertainment center;
  • A greenhouse with a collection of unusual plants.

The Trubetskoy Estate Park in Moscow is perfect for a family holiday. Parents can take a break from the hustle and bustle, enjoy architectural heritage sites and touch history. The younger generation will be happy to play among their peers, discover a lot of new and interesting things - fortunately, today they carefully monitor, update and modernize it so that the rest is complete and carefree.

History of Trubetskoy Children's Park

The Trubetskoy Estate children's park near the Frunzenskaya station is the first children's park in Moscow, which became such in 1936. Before that, it was a park for workers, and before nationalization, it was the estate of the Trubetskoy princes. Perhaps this is the first park in the review whose history I wanted to study in more detail, simply because I was confused. Why is the park called the House of Children's Creativity on all information boards?

Let me quote from the park’s website:

“Currently, the GBOU DDT “Park” Trubetskoy Estate in Khamovniki” includes: a territory located near the Frunzenskaya metro station, 10 hectares and an educational building at 5 Savelyeva Street, in which there is a sports, dance, theater, choir halls, classrooms for classes with children in 6 educational areas, video and computer classes. Every year more than two and a half thousand children come to classes at DDT and more than 25 thousand children and adults participate in various public events in the park.”

It becomes a little clearer. It turns out that the park is part of an educational institution. The unusual form of organization somewhat affects its mode of operation and structure. The park is open from 9:00 to 21:00, on its plan there are many elements with names very reminiscent of school crafts and creative competitions: Nameless Height, Alley of Fairy Tales, Path of Surprises... And most importantly, you cannot walk on the lawns here. For me, spoiled by modern democratic parks, this is torture - I can’t go onto the lawn myself, nor can I let my child out there. But out of respect for the Trubetskoy princes, I do not leave the Path of Discovery. To discoveries along the beaten path. A step to the right, a step to the left are regarded as an attempt to destroy the lawn!

How to find the entrance to the park?

In fact, this is nonsense: at the entrance to the park there is a 150-meter arch, densely entwined with old vines, with gaps in the greenery and colored flags “under the dome,” which immediately softens the impression.

So, there are three entrances. The one closest to Frunzenskaya admits visitors first into the arch: after such “initiation” you enter the park in a special state, as if you had entered through a secret entrance into a garden hidden from the eyes of outsiders, which opens to a select few. The park's fence is covered with grapes and hops, which partially obscure it from the eyes of passers-by. And then you can go in any direction. I just want to say: “If you go to the right, you will find the King of the Mountain.” This is a hill with stairs that you can use to get to the top. It’s not convenient there with a stroller, but it’s probably worth carrying a baby in your arms.

What to see in the park?

Around the “mountain” there is a “roller skating rink”. This is a small looped path, rolled into asphalt, unlike the other tiled roads in the park. Don’t have high expectations for her - there’s nothing to do on roller skates at the Trubetskoy estate. There are no cyclists there either.

On one side of the mountain there is a stable, arena and riding school. On the other hand, there is an eco-trail. This is a separate section of the park behind a fence. There is a garden there, a vegetable garden with herbs, and many fruit trees. A garden in a garden, like a nesting doll. It is almost always closed, but sometimes we were able to get into the park at a time when admission was free. And then we violated the park’s ban on walking on lawns: we lay under a blooming pear tree and no one reprimanded us. The main purpose of the eco-trail is excursions. There are 3 routes to nature theme for children 5-7, 8-15 and 16-18 years old.

In addition to straight roads, the park is full of winding paths, many blooming roses, spireas, and various varieties of trees with colorful foliage. The theme of landscape design is everywhere, because the park belongs to the “Educational Complex of Design and Technology.”

Children's and sports grounds

There are many children's playgrounds in the park - as many as five. One of them is thematic (“Lukomorye”) and is located on the island. Everything here is made of wood: there is a ship, a well, a swing, and a play complex in the form of houses. Other sites are basically ordinary, with a large number of elements. In addition to the “Gnome” site (judging by the name for the little ones), this is a large empty space with sand on which there is a sandbox and a couple of lonely iron forms.

There is also an obstacle course - like in films about police students. Walls, inclined surfaces, labyrinth. I’ve never seen anyone try to conquer them, but I wanted to climb there myself. In daylight I felt shy, but at night the park is closed, so all I have to do is either get rid of my inhibitions or forget about this idea. But seriously, this is a very useful and exciting platform for older children. Develops dexterity and confidence - it's not all about sliding downhill.

The park is generally suitable for active recreation. Sports grounds three pieces - volleyball, basketball and football.

It would seem that there is much more, but there is also a poultry house in the park! Pheasants, geese, parrots and other birds feel great and attract children like a magnet. But that’s not all - in Trubetskoy Park there is an aviary with squirrels. Animals are loved here. There is a separate area for walking dogs - an area with a wrought-iron fence that can be closed from the inside to prevent pets from scattering throughout the park. And at the entrance there is a funny sculpture.

I think you have already realized that although the Trubetskoy Estate is a small regional park in Khamovniki, there is enough activity in it for a week.

For the most curious who have looked into all the corners, there is a surprise in the park that is not indicated on the map - ceramic tiles created by children's hands, with relief images. They are on the wall near the stage, next to concert venue. The installation is called “Wall of Joy”. Each tile belongs to one author, and together they create a motley, attractive pattern on the wall. Many of the images are made with humor and great imagination, I liked looking at them, Veronica also appreciated them. Moreover, recently we were at a vernissage, where she liked the small paintings, and the tiles were very reminiscent of them. And this wall is also similar to Trubetskoy Park itself - small, but consisting of many colorful fragments, where everyone will find something to suit their interests.