How old are the planes we fly on? Which Russian airlines have the most modern aircraft? The youngest fleet of aircraft in the world

Before you go on a long business trip or vacation, you can look at what plane you are flying on. Specialized portals on the Internet will help you find out the age of the aircraft, its model, as well as its operating history. has compiled a guide that will help you familiarize yourself with all the information you are interested in about the aircraft.

To obtain information about the age of the aircraft, its model and operating history, you should take the following steps:

1. Find out your flight number. If it is not indicated on the ticket, you can look it up on the airline or airport website.

2. Find out the aircraft's tail number. To do this, on the website, enter your flight number in the search column. After pressing the Enter key, a table will appear on the screen in which, in the “Aircraft” column, the aircraft model will first be indicated (for example, A333 or B738), followed by its tail number (it is presented in the letter format AA-AAA).

If the flight number begins with the number 0, then you do not need to enter it, that is, instead of SU 0520, you should enter SU520 in the search column.

3. Enter the tail number of your aircraft in the search box on the website After pressing the Enter key, a table will appear in front of you; Click on the numbers written under the “c/n” column.

After this, data will appear on which airlines used the plane (Airline), when the plane made its first flight (First Flight), how old the airliner is (Age), as well as information that may relate to accidents, if any (Remarks). Also on the same page are photographs of the aircraft and its interior.

Can a carrier replace one aircraft with another?

Yes maybe. For example, if the plane is not fully filled or is faulty, the carrier can replace it. Passengers must be notified of this by airline employees.

Is it possible to monitor an aircraft's flight route in real time?

Yes, you can. How to use the website to track the flight route of a plane on which a person close to you is flying,

From month to month travel portal WORLD-S publishes to you information about the average age of the aircraft fleet Russian airlines, as well as statistical data on the growth/departure of the aircraft fleet, reasons. What has changed in Russian aviation in April 2016 compared to March 2016?

To begin with, we consider highlighting some moments that occurred in global aviation in March and which directly affected us. The most tragic incident occurred on March 19, 2016. While approaching the Rostov-on-Don airport, a Boeing 737-800 of the Middle East carrier (low-cost airline) Dubai Fly, which was flying on a Dubai-Rostov-on-Don flight, crashed. There were 62 people on board (including the flight crew) - no one survived. All aircraft of the air carrier have a maximum service life of 5 years; there is no doubt about timely maintenance. Most likely, pilot fatigue and bad weather could lead to management errors, because low-cost airlines are like taxis in the sky.

On March 20, 2016, a Boeing 737-800 aircraft of the Russian air carrier UTair (flight Moscow-Surgut) made an emergency landing at Moscow airport due to engine problems. The plane circled in the sky above the airport for two hours until it ran out of fuel. No one was injured on board (112 passengers).

On March 28, 2016, a Fokker-100 aircraft of Back Air (flight Kyzylorda - Astana) made an emergency landing at Astana airport. Problems occurred with the release of the front landing gear. The pilots landed the plane on its belly. Fortunately, no one was injured on board (116 passengers). The reason is clear, production of the Fokker 100 has long been discontinued. They are used in aviation by third world countries. The aircraft's service life exceeds 20 years. However, the airline uses 7 aircraft of this type. If we analyze the statistics of incidents with this model, this is not an isolated case when the landing gear release mechanism did not work.

Now let's move on to the good news. Azerbaijan Airlines AZAL launched a new low-cost airline AzalJet in March, ticket prices will start from 49 euros including all taxes and fees.

Now we propose to study the table of statistics on changes in the average age of the fleet and the movement of aircraft in Russian airlines.

TABLE: IN Age of aircraft in Russian airline fleets as of April 12, 2016

Carrier name

Average Age of Aircraft Years (March 2016)

Number in park (March 2016)

Average Age of Aircraft Years (April 2016)

Number in the park (April 2016)

Statistics of changes in the fleet








S7 increased its fleet by 6 units (Boeing 737-800 purchase of six aircraft from UTair with terms not exceeding 2.6 years), which led to a decrease in the average age of the fleet. Why UTair sold its newest aircraft is a question of falling demand for certain destinations.

Yamal increased the fleet by one aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100-95LR, purchased under lease from UTair Express airline for a period of 1.8 years.

Based on the above, important changes have occurred in Russian aviation over the past month. Now, instead of three Russian airlines, there is one. The management plans that it will take second place in air transportation. UTair is selling its aircraft, unable to bear the costs of leasing payments due to the decline in demand for certain destinations.

Over the past two years in Russia there have been two major plane crashes with Russian airlines: 11/17/2013 Boeing 737-500 crash in Kazan (Tatarstan Airlines OJSC), 10/31/2015 Airbus A321-231 crash in Egypt (airline). Both aircraft had a service life of more than 18 years.

The most important thing is that the fleet of Russian airlines is purchased on the secondary market, i.e. aircraft are purchased as property or leased, which were used by budget (low-cost) European air carriers as taxis or from third world countries that do not have sufficient funds for timely maintenance. What happens is that a ship with which there was an incident in 2001 (damage to the tail section) is acquired, and we do not know how it was repaired. What do charter flights mean? The airliner is working hard. Has the company had time to thoroughly carry out maintenance and repairs with a fleet of 5 aircraft? Of course not.

The air carrier has been discussed for several years about its decrepit fleet. As they say, bankrupt is better than a tragic story. Sooner or later something would happen. We all only monitor plane crashes, but do you know how many incidents occur per month with Russian air carriers - forced emergency landings? Our portal always monitors this, so in each article about airlines in the incidents section, you can always see all the statistics of incidents with a given company. The main reasons are technical problems with the engine and landing gear.

Highest percentage emergency landings, is associated specifically with charter flights, as they work for wear and tear. But here’s the interesting point: abroad, foreign companies that operate several flights a day every day (for example, low-cost airlines) operate new aircraft. When their lifespan reaches 5 years, they are immediately sold on the secondary market.

Of course, abroad, not many airlines have aircraft that are under 15 years old; they have aircraft in their fleet that are over 25 years old. But, these airliners are mainly used on domestic routes and undergo timely comprehensive checks.

Aircraft must undergo maintenance from independent companies, which must be controlled by the government.

There is no point in analyzing the rating of Russian airlines, since apart from Aeroflot and in the world rating tables, not a single company is closer to 100. Transaero got into the hundred only by luck, since there were no disasters. The rating does not take into account the duration of the aircraft and incidents that did not result in the death of people or the loss of aircraft. As far as I remember, I flew on a Transaero charter flight from Antalya to Moscow; to be honest, it was my last flight with this carrier. The liner was falling apart inside; everything was rattling and not working. Either the back does not go down, or the trim is worn out. So now I'm trying to book everything separately. Yes, it is more expensive, but safer and more reliable. Self-booking allows you to choose an air carrier, but a package tour does not.

Currently, many partner systems for booking airline tickets provide information specifically about the flight. Therefore, before purchasing a ticket, you can see what kind of plane the flight will be operated on and what its age is.

We publish it for you up-to-date information about the age of the fleet of Russian airlines

TABLE:Age of aircraft of Russian airlines as of November 2015


Aircraft age (average) years




























































*More detailed information You can find information about a specific air carrier fleet on our website in the Russian Airlines section.

** If you need information about a specific airliner from a specific carrier, write in the comments, we will definitely advise you on the current date.

I would like to note that the average age of an aircraft fleet does not provide accurate information. It is also necessary to pay attention to the number of airliners in air fleet specific airline.

Let's analyze, let's say UTair airline. The average fleet life is -11.8 years. Not bad...The number of aircraft in the fleet is 65. Let's look at the oldest planes, how old they are:

  • All Boeing 737-400, 737-500, 737-800NG terms from 17 years to 22 years - all purchased on the secondary market
  • All Boeing 767-200, 767-300 terms from 14 to 18 years - all purchased on the secondary market

Why is the airline's average service life so short? The airline's fleet includes 15 ATR 72 aircraft, the service life of which is 4 years - they were purchased new.

Conclusions: Age of Russian airline aircraft(with the exception of Aeroflot and Pobeda) has a high value, especially for Boeing and Airbus models, since companies do not have sufficient funds to purchase new ones. Charter flights orders from tour operators are carried out by carriers on Airbuses and Boeings, the terms of which generally exceed 17 years.

Take care of yourself and fly on good planes. So I choose from Russian carriers. Yes, it's more expensive, but safer. It’s better to pay extra for the flight, but have peace of mind that you’re flying on a new plane.

Numerous surveys of airline passengers indicate that people enjoy flying on brand new airliners. We became interested in which Russian companies have the most modern aircraft, and found out the following.

First of all, let's figure out how the newness of an aircraft fleet is determined. One way is to compare the average age of airline fleets, but it is more interesting to look at the number of new aircraft for each air carrier.


Famous Russian company fell in love with the A320neo family and purchased 20 aircraft of this series from Airbus. The model came off the assembly line only 3 years ago, so becoming the owner of two dozen brand new Neos is considered prestigious. In general, S7 loves to purchase modern aircraft: it was once the first in Russia to receive two copies of the then-fresh Boeing 737 Max 8, but stopped releasing them into the air after two accidents of ships of this type that occurred in different countries.

Already at the stage of booking an S7 ticket, you can determine which airliner you will fly on: the information is visible on the website.

Quiz: find out the airline by the plane. 10 questions for experts:

"Ural Airlines"

This airline is also the proud owner of several A320neo and one A321neo, but they can be counted on one hand.

"Urals" does not indicate the type of aircraft when purchasing air tickets: flight to newest model becomes a surprise before boarding. True, several routes are served only by Neo, one of them is Moscow - Blagoveshchensk.

Other airlines

The average age of Aeroflot's fleet is only 5 years (this is considered a little), and it has not yet purchased new types of airliners. This year, deliveries of the long-haul Airbus A350 are planned, which will fly on foreign routes.

Pobeda has one of the freshest fleets (average age less than 3 years), it consists of modern, but no longer in production Boeing 737-800. Maxas have already been ordered to replace this model, but so far their deliveries have been delayed.

Azimuth flies on Superjet series aircraft, and its fleet is quite young. The remaining major domestic air carriers cannot boast of modern aircraft.

Surely, many have used Rossiya Airlines flights. But what kind of airline is “Russia”? How did it appear and who is the owner? This is a subsidiary. She has been there since November 16, 2011. Its fleet is not very large, however, it represents quite a large variety.

Being one of the largest, its passenger traffic increases from year to year. In 2015 alone, about 4.7 million people were transported. The hub in is Pulkovo Airport, and in Moscow - Vnukovo. Simferopol Airport is also an additional hub.

Initially it was the Pulkovo company. It was reorganized into “Russia” October 9, 2006. After that, after 5 years, it became part of Aeroflot.

Previously it included Special flying squad"Russia". This is an airline that transports exclusively top Russian officials. But then she came out of it, becoming an independent enterprise.

Stewardesses of the Rossiya company.

Not long ago it also included Orenburg Airlines and Donavia. The company's policy is to primarily satisfy the needs of the average consumer. Now the company almost 74 aircraft.

Continuing to remain part of the Aeroflot company, it operates all flights under the Aeroflot name. Also included in the Aeroflot Bonus system. You can read about what it is in.

Today the company operates flights to 25 Russian cities and the same number of points around the world. Also collaborates with football club“Zenith”, with whom they have signed an agreement.

Air fleet of the company “Russia”

As noted above, the company's fleet consists of almost 74 airliners. Of the aircraft Rossiya Airlines currently has, almost all of them are age 9-12 years.

You can see photos of Rossiya company aircraft below. Most of them were purchased from other airlines.

Main characteristics of Rossiya aircraft.

The most a large number of aircraft from is Airbus A319-100. In total there are 26 models, of which 10 belonged to Donavia.

One of them painted in the signature colors of the Zenit football team. In October 2014, a special competition for the best design was held. It was won by Sergei Skrebnev. According to his sketches, in Holland, the plane was painted in new colors.

From Airbuses the company has 5 more Airbus A320-200. All 5 aircraft belonged to the company from the very beginning.

Almost 30 other aircraft are Boeings. 15 Boeing 737-800 models, which previously belonged to Orenburg Airlines.

From the same company - 1 Boeing 777-200. After the bankruptcy of Transaero, the fleet was replenished 9 Boeing 747-400 and 5 Boeing 777-300. Some of them were registered in Ireland, and some in Bermuda.

Until April 9, 2015, “Russia” still had 3 Boeing 767-300, as well as AN-148, but following its anti-crisis program, the company abandoned them.

Boeing 777-300ER.

It was also ordered - 5 Boeing 777-300ER, which previously belonged to Emirates airlines and 20 more Sukhoi Superjet 100.

They were planned to be transferred to Aeroflot, but then the decision was changed in favor of Russia.

Sukhoi SuperJet 100.

New design

The planes, previously owned by the Orenburg Airlines and Donavia companies, still have to undergo repainting in new company colors, according to a completely new design. Some Airbuses and Boeings have already been designed in this vein.

The fuselage is bright red, then seems to split into small geometric figures to the wings.

By the way, real small wings are drawn behind them. The company name is indicated at the nose of the aircraft - “Russia”.