What you need in a tent in summer. Camping with a tent or what to take with you? What will help you on the road – hiking equipment

Each person is individual and cannot be repeated and therefore list of necessary things for a trip everyone has a different one. But if you don’t have your own established travel list, then it’s always interesting to look into someone else’s and try it on for yourself.

Today I will share our list of things that we take when we go to the sea with tents and two children. We relax at sea from 20 to 30 summer days on beaches not too far from the city, for example, not far from Tuapse.

List of things to do when camping with tents

This list is taken from our personal experience. We don’t have a car, we don’t have any physical training, and therefore, when compiling a list of necessities, we took into account the weight that we can carry on our own two feet. The approximate feasible weight of the backpacks for us was: mine 18 kg, Irene 15 kg, David 3.5 kg, Leah 2.5 - plus hand luggage 3 kg in my hands for eating on the road.

Before we get to the list what to take on a hike I emphasize - this is OUR list of essentials. You may gain something, but you may give up something. Approach this list wisely and try it on yourself, adding/subtracting some items if necessary.

If necessary, I will add explanations from personal experience about why I take this or that, or how I can replace what is missing. But at the beginning it’s just a bare list...

Camping equipment

2. tent

4. sleeping bag

6. axe, saw

8. flashlight

10. rope

Kitchen utensils

1. gas burner, spray can

2. pot

3. potholder

4. lighter

5. plate

7. tablespoon

8. teaspoon


1. shorts (2 pcs.)

2. T-shirt (2 pcs.)

3. long warm socks

4. sandals

6. Panama hat

9. hiking jacket

Tourist first aid kit

2. brilliant green

3. peroxide

7. cotton swabs

8. bottle of alcohol

9. activated carbon

10. furazolidol

11. Nurofen

12. sunscreen(to my wife, I don’t burn too much)

13. sunburn remedy

14. patch

15. elastic bandage

14. *your personal medications


1. shampoo

3. toothpaste, brush and floss

4. small scissors

6. toilet paper

Leisure items

1. photo/video device

3. board game

4. diving mask

6. Case for underwater photography

7. notepad, pen

Important little things

1. passport

3. bank card

4. phone

5. sunglasses (for wife)

6. area map

7. needle, thread

8. *regular glasses, if you use them

As a supplement

9. Internet banking on a smartphone

Food on a hike

This is the most free point. I will rant on the topic in the second part of the article, but now I’ll just say that you can take what you want and eat for a couple of days, so as not to carry a lot. And on the spot, go to the store and buy everything you need for any period of time.

Here is a list of what we definitely grab from home from food

2. dried fruits

5. unrefined sunflower oil

6. cereals, pasta

7. canned food

10. vegetables (everything that will disappear during the month of our absence. The heaviest and most irrational load)

11. *flour, yeast (if you have the desire and ability to prepare camp bread)

That's all for this list. Now I will move on to commenting on each point.

Tent fortress. For those who are traveling all summer.

Why do I have such a list for the hike and what was replaced with what?

Camping equipment

1. backpack– the more ergonomic the backpack, the easier it is, of course, to carry the load. Therefore, if you buy, do not look at backpacks cheaper than 2,000 rubles.

2. tent- the most at sea best tent the one that has 2 entrances is well ventilated and not stuffy. A family came with no tent at all, but with a large tent with a mosquito net - this is also a good option if it doesn’t rain.

3. rug

4. sleeping bag– for summer at sea you need the thinnest sleeping bag. If you don’t have a sleeping bag, you can take a blanket (we used to take thin woolen ones), but not cheap synthetic ones, they don’t keep warm at all. This year we bought sleeping bags in a hypermarket for 300 rubles. They fit, but after a month the seams began to creep, we will charge more.

5. shovel– clear a place for a tent and go to the toilet (a hygienic procedure that the Jews knew about 3,500 years ago, Bible Deuteronomy chapter 23 verses 12,13)

6. axe, saw– on the shore you can always find plenty of firewood, so we don’t take a saw)

7. awning– we take the most ordinary one, not a camp one. The trekking one is lighter, thinner, more reliable.

8. flashlight- be it normal or frontal. Suitable for hanging at night at the table. You can use a flashlight on the shore at night, I’ll write about this later.

9. – charge smartphones. They say the battery deteriorates because of this, but Ira has been charging his Huawey for the second summer and everything is fine, just like with my Samsung this year.

10. rope– for stretching awnings and tents

Charge phones on the move

Overnight on the shore open air. We are currently using blankets instead of sleeping bags.

Kitchen utensils

1.gas burner, spray can– we have the simplest burner for a lazy occasion. We used it a couple of times a month, and it was more likely out of laziness to make a fire for tea.

2. bowler– we have a 3-liter pot with a lid (used as a frying pan) from an old primus stove. It's enough for now, but we'll take another bigger one.

3. potholder

4. lighter, matches– a couple of lighters suits us quite well; matches quickly become damp. Neighbors or a burner with a piezo sound will save you if anything happens.

5. plate– we take from plastic, because... easier

6. cup- we take it from plastic


8. teaspoon– one for all, saving weight.

9. knife– 2 pcs. One knife is a must-have for crabs.


1. shorts(2 pcs.) – I wear some to go, others to walk around the camp

2. t-shirt(2 pcs.) – I walk in one, climb in the forest in the other

3.long warm socks– “long socks + shorts = pants” if it suddenly gets cold in the evening.

4. sandals– my favorite and most versatile shoes for the sea and coastal mountains (if not on paper).

5. spanking- walk around the camp. Sandals are fine for me, but I take my wife.

6. Panama hat

7. underpants– 1 pc.

8. swimming trunks— 1 pc.

9.hiking jacket– from the drizzle, wind and cold, I inherited a chic Soviet tourist jacket.

Our camp

Tourist first aid kit

1. iodine

2. brilliant green

3. peroxide

4. nize– wound healing and against bruises

5. bandage

6. cotton wool

7.cotton swabs

8. bottle of alcohol– in case of poisoning, we take a sip on an empty stomach; we have no other alcohol. Very effective.

9. activated carbon

10. furazolidol- from diarrhea. More likely for children, because for me and my wife, see point 8.

11. Nurofen– antipyretic, analgesic.

12. sunscreen- to my wife, I’m not burning too much

13. sunburn remedy- it’s better to have so as not to run to a distant city for sour cream))).

14. patch

15. elastic bandage

14. *your personal medications


1. shampoo

2. soap

3. toothpaste, brush and floss

4. small scissors

5.tweezers– to remove splinters

6.toilet paper

Leisure items

1. photo/video device

2.book, magazine

3. board game– for us this is the card game “Pigtus”.

4. diving mask– in my opinion, this is a mandatory attribute of a seaside holiday.

5. flippers– not necessary

6. case for underwater photography– not necessarily. I purchased a primitive protective case for my phone from rain with a zip-lock zipper for 300 rubles, and there was no limit to my delight and joy from the result. I put cotton wool inside to collect condensation. The case withstood immersion of 6 meters.

7. notepad, pen

Case for underwater photography from your phone. Cotton from condensation. The case withstood immersion to 6 meters.

Important little things

1. passport

2. money

3.bank card

4. telephone

5. sunglasses- for my wife, I don’t use it myself.

6. area map- at least a printout so that you can navigate the area and not put down your phone for this, which should also have a map loaded (3G internet may not work in some places) just in case.

7.needle, thread

8. *regular glasses, if you use them

As a supplement

9. Internet banking on a smartphone— it so happened that we had unexpected calls and the money on the phone ran out. What saved us was that we had Internet banking on our smartphone and we quickly topped up our account without having to go into town to do it.

Food on a hike

Well, I'll rant as promised.

Everyone's diet is very different. Some eat all day, others only eat in the morning and evening. Someone sits on porridge, and someone on meat. A hike is a hike, but if the diet on a hike is very different from at home, then the rest will not be a joy. Therefore, feel free to update my list of food for a hike so that your stomach is satisfied.

We noticed for ourselves that it is with such a list of food at sea that we feel at ease, it doesn’t take us much time to cook and we have the strength to do big walks, such as .

1. honey– very high in calories and nutrition. We always add a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of sunflower oil to our porridge in the morning.

2. dried fruits- dates, dried apricots, raisins, prunes are a must. Inexpensive and nutritious. You can add other dried fruits if desired.

3. nuts- We take our walnuts and buy peanuts for a change.

4. water– 5 liters per day is our norm. The day after arrival.

the rest is subject to future purchases

5. unrefined sunflower oil– unrefined is more nutritious and healthier. We cook on it. Forget about the fact that frying with it is harmful - this is marketing for housewives.

6. cereals, pasta– oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and others as desired.

7. canned food- peas, corn, beans, stewed meat, all kinds of fish.

8. salt– I remembered, “water + salt =”

9. sugar- the most common

10. vegetables, fruits– we buy on the spot, because they have a lot of weight. By the way, potatoes are low in calories and low in nutrition, so I classify them as fun around the fire, and not as food on a hike. When we do a circular outing of 15 km, we like to take, in addition to dried fruits, a couple of apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers or zucchini (with salt, like a cucumber, it’s very tasty).

11. *flour, yeast– bread is the only product that you have to run to the city for every 3-4 days. That’s why we want to learn how to cook it ourselves while camping over a campfire. This year, my mother-in-law cooked pancakes every other day and therefore we traveled to the city less often.

If you are interested in a list of things for a trip to the sea, then you may be interested in ours, which is located near Tuapse.

If you forgot anything or have any questions, then, dear readers, share your opinion in the comments.

Nobody wants to sit at home in the summer, as this is the ideal time to relax outside the city. You can go on a camping trip with a group of friends or with your loved one. Packing for this mini-trip must be approached carefully and responsibly.

It is recommended to pack all the necessary things with you, but not to overload your backpacks with unnecessary things. impressive, but all things are vital. In order to have only pleasant impressions from your vacation, you need to get together in an organized and orderly manner.

What you need to take with you on a 2-day camping trip: list

Choosing and assembling a backpack

You need to be careful when choosing a backpack. If you choose it incorrectly, you will ruin your entire vacation. It should be roomy, light, waterproof, durable. Must sit comfortably on the shoulders, not rub, cause inconvenience or pain, and not restrict movement.

You need to pack things in a tourist backpack correctly: first the heavy ones, and put the light and fragile ones on top. After packing all your things, put on your backpack and walk around the apartment a little. To ensure comfort, take it off and put it on again several times, simulating walking along a difficult, narrow path.

Travel by car

If your vacation involves a car trip to the sea coast or to the forest, then the need for a backpack disappears. Place all luggage tightly in the car. Before loading, remove unnecessary property, maximizing space and lightening the final weight.

Make sure you have a spare tire in case of a tire puncture on the road, a pump and other necessary tools if a breakdown occurs in the middle of the road. Such forethought will save time waiting for help, searching for a car service center, or tire fitting.

Shoes, clothes

Although it is quite hot during the day, it can be cool at night. Taking this into account, you need to put on warm clothes. Give preference to cotton clothes. Don't forget to bring a hat.

Shoes require special attention; it is not recommended to wear new, untested shoes. It should be comfortable, light, and always the right size. The best option There will be sneakers or sneakers with good thick soles.

Rain can strike at any moment, so take an umbrella or raincoat with you.


The appetite in nature is strong, so it is recommended to stock up on food in sufficient quantities. The reserve is taken into account based on the duration of the tour and the number of participants.


  • stew;
  • canned food;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • crackers;
  • vegetables;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Choose high-calorie, non-perishable foods. Such food will weigh less and satisfy hunger faster.

For cooking, take a pot or, in extreme cases, a good saucepan. Also bring trash bags for waste. It is recommended to take a folding camping knife.

What you need to take with you on a 2-day camping trip, list differs depending on conditions. Are you going to explore the area on foot with a backpack or get to your final destination by car?

When traveling by car, purchase a car refrigerator in advance. It is compact and will keep food cold while running from a car cigarette lighter or wall outlet. This will allow you to bring barbecue meat and fish with you. In this case, do not forget to put a grill, a set of skewers and grates in the trunk.

An alternative is a bag with a cold accumulator. In general, the design is similar to a regular thermal bag, but it comes with special containers. Before traveling, they must be placed in the freezer according to the instructions. After freezing, place the containers inside the bag next to the food. As they slowly thaw, they will cool everything around them.

Cold accumulators can be replaced with improvised means. Fill 0.5 liter plastic bottles with water. and freeze in the freezer until ice forms. Next, place them between the products in a thermal bag. But in such a case The cooling period will be significantly reduced, since the bottles will contain ordinary water, which will thaw faster, and not a special saline solution.

It is worth finding out in advance whether the place where you are going to go has, drinking source water. If there is, then the issue with water disappears, and if not, then you will have to take it with you.

Setting up a sleeping place

If the hike is designed for several days or with an overnight stay, then be sure to take a tent. You need to choose it carefully.

Basic requirements:

  • waterproof dense material;
  • sustainability;
  • compactness;
  • ease of installation.

For frequent trips, buy a high-quality expensive one; for rare trips, choose budget option or use the rental equipment for travel equipment. When renting, carefully inspect the equipment for defects, cigarette marks, and integrity of the set. Be sure to record any shortcomings on paper. Otherwise, upon delivery you will have to pay a fine or penalty for detected defects.

For greater convenience, you should also take care of sleeping bags. It is recommended to place a camping mat under the sleeping bag; it will be more comfortable to sleep, as the unevenness on the ground that causes discomfort will be hidden.

Those who love comfortable conditions buy an air mattress instead of sleeping bags. As a result, they do not experience discomfort from uneven ground or night cold.

The main thing is to buy a pump. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, buy in a set.

First aid kit

An important point in getting ready. First of all, decide whether there are any allergy sufferers or people with heart failure in the company. Such participants of the hike need to be reminded to put the appropriate medications on their own.

Before your trip, pack a first aid kit:

  • bandages, plasters of various sizes;
  • elastic bandage;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretics;
  • antiseptics;
  • enzyme agents and poisoning;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • antispasmodic.

There is no need to take the entire home medicine cabinet or buy medications from the nearest pharmacy. Divide the responsibility for taking a certain group of drugs among different participants. Thus, everyone will have significantly more empty space in their bags, but at the same time there will be drugs for all occasions.

Personal hygiene and other useful things

Be sure to bring plenty of wet and dry wipes, hand sanitizer, and insect repellent, especially mosquito and tick repellent.

Also don't forget:

  • flashlight, batteries;
  • liquid soap, toothpaste with a brush;
  • folding knife;
  • matches, lighters;
  • hatchet;
  • dishwashing liquid and a sponge (to wash the pot).

If you are planning a vacation on the coast, you cannot do without sun protection.

Attention! Be sure to tell your family where, with whom and when you are planning to go on a camping trip, and also tell them the time of return home. Make a trip plan in advance and leave it with your family. Stick to your prepared plan!

To have a good camping holiday, you need to be well prepared.

There may be a lot of vacation options, but if you want to get away from civilization and test your character, choose a “savage” vacation, i.e. outdoor recreation with tents.

It cannot be said that life is tent city will help you save a lot while on vacation. Quite the contrary: high-quality tents, food, equipment and other necessary things, as well as comfortable clothes can cost you much more than living in a rented house or even a middle-class hotel.

In any case, to prevent camping from turning into survival, you need to consider several points.

What to take with you

  1. Samu tent, which must be checked before departure for the integrity and serviceability of all snakes, fasteners, day tightness, etc. Roll it up into a case and pack it carefully;
  2. First aid kit. You must have everything you need for a holiday in the chosen area. More full list you will find in this article;
  3. Travel kit(kettles, cereals, matches, paper, salt, ropes, pegs, bedding and much more), as well as only the most necessary things. Don’t take anything that’s unnecessary or heavy; it will get in the way on the way and won’t be useful on vacation;
  4. Sleeping bag, mattress, bed mats, warm clothes for the night, bedding and bedspread;
  5. Dishes: a pot, a saucepan, a frying pan, a metal mug and sets of disposable tableware, which should be enough for the duration of the trip. Don’t forget a few bags for the trash that you will throw away upon your return, so as not to pollute the parking area;
  6. Insect repellents. No matter where you vacation, mosquitoes and spider bugs are a constant. Take care of this, because depending on where you are staying, you may also encounter poisonous representatives of the insect world.


  • Remember that you will not have the proper conditions for storing prepared and perishable foods, especially if you are traveling for a couple of weeks or even more.
  • First of all, choose products that are hermetically sealed, have a long shelf life, and can easily survive transportation and storage in outdoor conditions.
  • Cookies, dry soups, canned food, dried and dried foods can be prepared in a pot and stored comfortably.
  • Cereals and potatoes are a must.
  • If you take vegetables, it is better to pre-cut them and dry them, then you can prepare a healthy and aromatic soup or broth without any problems.
  • Tea, coffee, sugar, salt, spices, sunflower oil will not spoil even in the sun.
  • The main thing is not to forget about drinking water. Its quantity and free access vital!


First of all, it must match the season and the area you are going to. Even in the hottest regions it can be very cold at night, especially in the mountains and at sea. So consider having long sleeves that will protect you from the cold, insects, rain and heat.

You should have practical shoes, light, comfortable, but with thick soles, so that you can comfortably walk over rocks, roots, and marshy areas without fear of hurting your feet or catching a cold.


A lot depends on the location of the future tent camp. If you do not have experience in such a vacation, it is better to find out the places of mass parking and tent camps. There they will always help you if something happens or you forgot some important thing. And it’s much more fun to relax together; there will be someone to look after things.

Choosing a place for self camping, consider:

  • Do not place tents in the sun;
  • Choose a place away from mountain falls and dangerous landscapes;
  • The tent must be reliably protected from thunderstorms and lightning and located in a safe place;
  • The proximity of trees and brushwood collection sites is very important, otherwise setting up fires for heating, cooking and repelling insects will be problematic. Don't forget that starting a fire and maintaining it are equally important when hiking. Don't cause a massive fire!
  • In very hot weather and/or strong winds, it is better to avoid fires altogether. Consider a small gas burner and fire safety equipment. Do not leave the fire unattended at night!
  • Plan your parking lot next to water sources, preferably several: to collect clean drinking water, to do laundry, to swim and bathe;
  • Find out before leaving whether there are wild animals, poisonous insects and reptiles in this place, or environmentally unfavorable areas.
  • No matter how far you go with your tent, EVERYWHERE AND ALWAYS mobile communications should catch, and you should be able to get to civilization in less than an hour, in case of an emergency.

The correct choice of things for a hike determines how successful and even comfortable it will be. The selection of necessary things greatly depends on the seasonality of the trip, its duration, route, altitude and your personal needs.

We provide the most complete list of things designed for hiking different levels complexity.

Using this checklist, you can easily select the necessary equipment.

Packing list for a day trip

For a weekend hike we will need:

  • backpack with a volume of 25-40 liters;
  • “seat” or thin rug;
  • clothes and shoes according to the weather;
  • flashlight and compass;
  • repellents (in summer);
  • a set of dishes and food for a picnic;
  • thermos with tea or coffee;
  • first aid kit;
  • sun cream;
  • money;
  • toilet paper.

Extended list of things for a multi-day camping trip with a tent


As a rule, you have to get to the starting point of the hike by train or plane, so you need a passport and travel booking documents. Also, as a rule, the night before and after the hike before flying home is spent at the hotel.

  • passport;
  • booking information (air tickets, train tickets, transfers, hotel with directions);
  • paper or GPS maps;
  • money/bank card;
  • tent;
  • backpack for 60-90 liters;
  • sleeping bag;
  • foam mat (karemat) or inflatable mat;
  • insurance policy (if you are traveling abroad).

A good basic kit for a week's summer camping trip.

Cloth. How much and what to take

When choosing clothes, choose modern synthetic materials that will dry quickly if you sweat or after washing. Ideal option- thermal underwear. For sleep, it is better to take one set of cotton underwear.

When choosing the number of sets of things, be guided by the hiking conditions. For the presence of water on the route, expected air temperatures, expected weather.

To protect from the sun, it is advisable to take T-shirts and shirts with long sleeves.

In the cold season and when climbing to heights, you must have a warm jacket, such as Doudoune. In sports stores you can find very lightweight options, complete with a compression bag.

For a 7-10 day trek, the minimum you need to take is: 3 T-shirts, 2 fleece sweaters, a hat, 2 trousers, raincoat trousers, a waterproof windbreaker jacket with a hood, 3-4 pairs of socks.

  • T-shirt for day trips;
  • Replaceable T-shirt for camp (preferably cotton);
  • shirt;
  • fleece or sweater;
  • sun hat with wide brim;
  • bandana;
  • warm fleece/wool hat for winter hiking or high altitudes;
  • quick-drying trousers for daytime marches;
  • changeable trousers for camp;
  • elastic inner trousers/stockings;
  • raincoat trousers;
  • waterproof windbreaker jacket with a hood;
  • warm jacket;
  • shorts or summer pants;
  • gaiters to protect the bottom of trousers from morning dew, wet grass after rain or snow;
  • socks (several pairs);
  • swimming trunks/swimsuit;
  • neckerchief to protect against sunburn;
  • underwear, insulated during the cold period;
  • mosquito net;
  • gloves.

Shoes. How much and which one to take

For day treks, trekking boots are ideal, preferably high ones, protecting the ankle and with a hard toe. If the route involves crossing numerous fords, then it is advisable to have a second pair of shoes, for example, light sneakers. For single crossings of rivers or streams with a rocky bottom, simple plastic shoes that cover your toes are perfect. It will also be used at the campsite as a replacement one.

  • trekking boots;
  • sneakers;
  • light plastic shoes.

To avoid chafing your feet, you should not take new shoes or shoes that you have not used for a long time.

Things for the kitchen

You can take a plastic mug, bowl and spoon for the trip. Made from modern materials, they are quite durable.

  • burner + gas cartridges;
  • KLMN - mug, spoon, bowl, knife;
  • a kettle with a lid, with a capacity of up to 1 liter per person (1 kettle for the main course and 1 for tea is taken per group);
  • ladle;
  • thin cutting board;
  • folding plastic bucket;
  • lighter, flint or matches;
  • dry alcohol - very helpful in rainy weather for quickly starting a fire;
  • 10 meters of rope for hanging food on a tree at night (necessary where there are a lot of wild animals);
  • a tourist hatchet or a large folding knife instead of an ax;
  • saw chain (some people prefer);
  • gloves for kitchen attendants;
  • water filter or special tablets (in dry or unsanitary routes).

Water and food

Water on the route. For daily personal use, you need to have some kind of water container, from 0.5 to 1.5 liters, depending on the aridity of the route. The best and most affordable option is a store-bought plastic water bottle.

  • individual 1.5 liter plastic water bottle;
  • food for a hike ().

Personal hygiene items

  • soap with soap dish or tube of liquid soap;
  • a toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste;
  • toilet paper;
  • wet wipes are indispensable if you cannot take a shower;
  • antibacterial hand disinfection cream;
  • handkerchief;
  • small scissors;
  • a small mirror for those who wear lenses;
  • earplugs from noisy neighbors by tent;
  • hygienic lipstick against chapped lips;
  • towel;
  • deodorant;
  • razor.


What may be useful from electronics and gadgets:

  • head flashlight;
  • mobile phone or smartphone;
  • mobile router with external antenna for distributing wifi in the camp;
  • satellite phone (for hiking in remote areas);
  • camera;
  • tripod/tripod;
  • player and headphones;
  • watch;
  • compass;
  • GPS navigator;
  • battery for charging gadgets (power bank);
  • spare battery sets;
  • chargers for all equipment;
  • flash drive;
  • solar panel;
  • e-book;
  • walkie-talkie

First aid kit

What are the essentials that should be in an individual first aid kit?
A hiking first aid kit should be hermetically sealed and contain a set of medications necessary for the hike. First of all, these are disinfectants and dressings, antihistamines, as well as against poisoning and intestinal infections.

Various camping items

  • cushion seat;
  • needles, threads and spare buttons in several sizes;
  • notebook and pen;
  • sunglasses (preferably for mountain hikes or when there is a lot of snow);
  • clothesline for drying clothes + 3-4 clothespins;
  • insect repellents;
  • contact lenses;
  • inflatable pillow;
  • plastic bags of different sizes for packing clothes and sleeping bags, as well as for various household needs;
  • a small sealed bag for documents and a smartphone;
  • photocopy of documents;
  • bank rubber bands - very convenient for open bags of anything;
  • condoms - sometimes used as an airtight container for documents;
  • waterproof card case;
  • a sheet-cover inside the sleeping bag.

Security features

In places where encounters with wild animals, such as bears, are possible, it is advisable to have special means.

  • a can of pepper spray;
  • flare;
  • whistle or football buzzer;
  • telephone numbers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other services.

IN winter hike on the lakes you need to have an additional knife suspended on a string around your neck. Having fallen into the wormwood, he will help you get to the surface of the ice.

List of additional things for a boat trip

A small difference between a water trip and a walking trip is that you need more waterproof equipment. Its weight can be increased, since you only have to drag the equipment to the starting point and back. It is advisable to have a backpack without a rigid frame. On the kayak it is stored rolled up, as compact as possible.

  • a set of quick-drying clothes for daily rafting;
  • a waterproof backpack that can be used as an airtight bag;
  • hermetic bags or dry bags;
  • repair kit for a kayak or raft;
  • helmet;
  • life jacket;
  • an elastic band for sunglasses or glasses to prevent them from falling into the water;
  • Be sure to wear a comfortable sun hat;
  • a piece of polyethylene film 1x1.5 meters, to protect feet from splashes in the autumn-spring period;
  • grill grate for roasting fish.

What to take for a hike with a child

  • a backpack for carrying a child (if he is very small);
  • water purification products (filter or tablets);
  • wool socks;
  • diapers at the rate of 4-5 pcs. for a day;
  • a potty (if the child cannot do without it);
  • favorite personal toys;
  • toys for active games in the camping.

Additional equipment

  • alpenstock;
  • trekking sticks;
  • "cats";
  • skis.

Keep in mind that anatomically, backpacks are divided into men's and women's.
For a 7-day hike, a backpack with a volume of 60 liters is enough; for 14 days you will need a backpack with a volume of 80-90 liters.

Check if the package includes a cover to protect the backpack from rain. Additionally, we recommend purchasing an internal waterproof bag, which will help keep your clothes and sleeping bag dry from heavy rain or when it falls into the river. A plus will be the presence of external fastenings for a rug, tent, clothes, trekking poles.

Sleeping bags, like clothes, have their own size. Pay attention to this. The wider the sleeping bag, the more comfortable it is to sleep in it. To the “Comfort” value (not “Comfort limit”) indicated in the specifications, feel free to add 10-15 degrees for women and 5 degrees for men.

The above list of equipment will not weigh down your backpack too much and will cover 99% of your travel needs.

What additional things do you take on your trips?

The essentials for a hike with a budget set of gear from Decathlon.

Each individual tourist has his own understanding of tent holidays.

For some, it’s a weekend trip to nature, not far from the city, with an overnight stay in a tent. For others, it’s active auto tourism, which involves spending the night in a tent.

For others, it’s a multi-day, multi-kilometer hike, often at the limit of the body’s endurance, which involves not only spending the night in a tent, cooking over a fire, but also the need to carry all the necessary things in a backpack, that is, on your own shoulders.

Accordingly, the list of necessary things that you can and even need to take with you on a camping trip varies significantly depending on the intended type of camping. Of course, for a more comfortable holiday and traveling by car, the number of things will be much greater than for long and multi-day hikes with a backpack.

Types of tent holidays

I’ll repeat myself a little, to understand the types of tent camping, and to specify the list of necessary things.

For myself, I distinguish three types of tent holidays:

  1. A weekend trip, usually by car, not very far from home, with one or two overnight stays in a tent.
  2. Active auto tourism for several days, with overnight stays in a tent.
  3. Multi-day hike, without using a car.

Let us dwell in detail on each type of tent holiday and a possible list of things necessary for relaxation.

List of necessary things for a weekend trip with tents

Considering that a weekend tent holiday is usually carried out by car, this is either a trip to own car, or a car - transfer to a vacation spot, having a car makes it possible, on the one hand, to take more things that may be needed, and on the other, given the short duration of the trip, limit yourself to a minimum set.

1. Actually, the tent itself

If you are planning a tent holiday, then you can’t go without it. Currently, the choice of tents is simply huge - from small single-person tents to multi-room tents, in which you can not only accommodate a large group, but also set up a shared kitchen/dining room.
If you only need a tent once or twice a year, you shouldn’t buy an expensive tent. The only requirement that you must take into account when buying a tent is that it must be waterproof, both from above, for example, in case it rains, and from below, in general - also in case it rains and water flows under the bottom tents.

For more frequent trips into nature, it is worth choosing a tent of higher quality, both in terms of the materials used for its manufacture, and in terms of its stability and ease of installation.

I think any professional travel store salesperson will be happy to not only advise you, but also help you decide on the choice of tent in terms of the desired price/quality ratio.

2. Travel mats and sleeping bags

In addition to the tent itself, you also need to take care of the sleeping area.

A good replacement for a regular travel mat (“foam”) are self-inflating mats that don’t take up much space. more space and weight than travel mats - “foam”.

Some tourists buy a large rubber mattress, inflate it right in the tent, and sleep peacefully on it, not only without experiencing the cold from the ground, but also on a completely soft and cozy surface. Don’t forget to buy the appropriate pump for the mattress (as a rule, the pump is included).

Even if you have a large mattress, sleeping bags are still necessary. And, if one large mattress is enough for a tent, then sleeping bags are necessary for every tourist, including children.

3. Warm clothes and shoes

If you are traveling not very far from home, and the weather promises to be hot and not rainy, you don’t need to take a large amount of warm clothes. At the same time, do not forget that evenings and nights, especially near the water, can be cool, so a warm jumper and trousers (at least sports ones) can come in very handy.

And weather forecasts often do not come true, and instead of a beautiful tan from nature, you can bring pronounced signs of a cold. That is, even if you expect heat, you need to take warm clothes. Especially if you are traveling with children.

Also, do not forget that for outdoor recreation you need to take comfortable clothes with you, preferably ones that do not wrinkle too much when actively worn.

4. Camping and tourist furniture: folding table, chairs

The things are very comfortable. But their availability depends not only on your financial capabilities, but also on the volume of the car trunk. Although, some tourists - tent campers feel quite good sitting on stumps or on tourist rugs - seats.

5. Camping dishes

Depending on what and how much you plan to cook. And if you can use ordinary disposable plastic dishes and plastic utensils for meals, then for cooking you need at least one pot, frying pan, or kettle if you prefer to cook over a fire, a ladle, etc. I wrote more about what kind of utensils can be useful when traveling, as well as what products to take for the outdoors, in one of my previous articles: what products to take for the outdoors (follow the link).

Also, when camping or traveling with tents, it will not be superfluous to have a gas stove and a small supply of gas cylinders - not everyone knows how to cook over a fire.

6. Other little things

For example, toilet paper, ointments and liquids against ticks and mosquitoes.

A barbecue and skewers or a grill for cooking meat or fish, ready-made charcoal, will not be superfluous, so as not to wait until enough coal is burned in the fire. You can also take with you a bundle of firewood for a fire, especially if you plan to camp with tents in a place where, by definition, there is no not only dead wood, but basically no forest.

7. First aid kit and medications

When relaxing in nature, there is always a risk of injury. Therefore, a tourist’s first aid kit should always be at hand. There should also be a small supply of medications in case you are forced to take them on an ongoing basis.

List of necessary things for active autotourism

Active auto tourism, with its longer stay away from home, also requires a more expanded set of necessary things. Although, in fact, the list of necessary things to take with you is almost the same as the previous one.

Perhaps the main difference is a much larger volume of clothing, in which you need to take into account both the probable heat and the possibility of a sharp cold snap. Of course, there is no point in taking your entire wardrobe from home, but spare trousers and jackets certainly won’t hurt. Boots with warm socks will also come in handy.

Food supplies are collected depending on the direction and place where you plan to go. Even in the village store you can buy the most necessary products. But, if you plan to travel, for example, far into the mountains, and the nearest village is located hundreds of kilometers away, then you should take care of the supply of food and water.

The same applies to other related items: dishes, washing supplies, towels, etc.

When we go on a long trip, we have a large number of bags that need to be somehow distributed throughout the car... Therefore, when collecting things, you need to take into account the trunk volume of your iron friend. And the principle “I’ll take it just in case” does not always justify itself.

On the other hand, when traveling by car, you can take with you an almost unlimited number of necessary things, which cannot be said about long trips on foot, when everything you might need on a camping trip with tents must not only be compactly packed into a backpack, but also carried this backpack on your back...

List of necessary things for a camping trip

IN in this case, I will limit myself to a universal list, since each backpacker has his own individual capabilities and needs.

  1. Backpack. The backpack should be comfortable, light and roomy, with a large number pockets and compartments.
  2. Tent. For hiking choose the lightest, but at the same time, waterproof tent. It will no longer be possible to take tents and camping furniture with you. Tourist seat mat.
  3. Sleeping bag and travel mat. You can't go anywhere without this. Sleeping on bare ground is not only unpleasant, but also fraught with hypothermia with all the associated diseases.
  4. A set of warm clothes: thick jacket, jumper, trousers, socks, hat, gloves. Especially if you are going to the mountains. Sunglasses for a mountain route won't hurt either. In the bright sun and snow lying in the mountains, it will not be comfortable for the eyes.
  5. A set of regular hiking clothes. As a rule, this is a tracksuit. Waterproof raincoat - in case of heavy rain. Ideally, the raincoat should be of such a size that you can fit into it along with your backpack.
  6. Several sets of underwear, including underwear itself, T-shirts, socks. It is better to take from soft natural fabrics. A cap or headscarf.
  7. Shoes. As a rule, on a long trip with tents, take with you thick waterproof boots and lighter shoes, for example, regular sneakers.
  8. Phones, watches, navigator, camera. If you take a hike electronic devices, do not forget to take spare batteries.
  9. Washrooms, towels, soap/shampoo, napkins, toilet paper…
  10. Set of dishes. Depending on the number of people going on the hike. If there is a large group, then the dishes used for cooking are distributed among tourists, and each tourist also takes an individual set of dishes (plate, mug, fork, spoon, knife). If a small group is going on a hike, or an individual hike is planned, then you will have to carry both a primus stove with a supply of gas and a saucepan yourself.
  11. Products. Perhaps the most difficult component of the list. Large quantity You can’t carry canned food and potatoes and cereals on yourself. Therefore, many experienced tourists are content with little: they take with them a limited set of quickly cooked cereals, nuts, dried fruits, dried meat, spices, etc.
  12. Other little things. Matches or a lighter, a flashlight (a headlamp is best), a small roll of regular clothesline (for example, to hang laundry to dry), several plastic bags, thread and a needle, scissors. Don't forget to take extra money and your passport with you. You never know where it will take you.