Organization of animation services in the hotel. Course work: Animation services in hotels and hotel complexes. The concept of an animation program for Pacific JSC

GOU SPO College of Hotel Management "Tsaritsyno" No. 37


By discipline"Organization of service in a hotel"

On the topic“Animation programs: tasks, goals, prospects”


Student of group MG-34

Arutyunova Isabella

Specialty 100105


Yudina E. A.

Moscow 2007

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………page 3

2. Animation service in hotels

2.1. Creating a certain climate in the hotel……………………………………p.6

2.2. Personal qualities of an animator………………………p.11

3. Animation programs in the hospitality industry

3.1. Forms and tasks of animation programs……p.18

3.2. Sports and recreation area……p.24

3.3. Animators for children…………………………..p.26

4. Cultural and leisure activities………………p.29

5. Animation in Russia…………………………………p.32

6. The concierge is the same animator…………………………p.36

7. Conclusion…………………………………………p.39

8. List of references……………………………………………………p.42


The hospitality industry is quite difficult to give any specific and comprehensive definition due to the huge number of industries that make it up.

When exploring the nature of the hospitality industry, it is important to recognize that it includes different areas and sectors, and also to consider the system of relationships that exist between the hospitality industry and other industries that are similar to it in many ways.

The entertainment, leisure and sports sector plays an important role in the overall infrastructure of the hospitality industry and solves various problems (primarily education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, development of people’s culture). Filling your leisure time with entertainment and sports, a person relaxes and recuperates. Enterprises and organizations in the entertainment sector include circuses, zoos, amusement rides, playgrounds, recreation parks, as well as various entertainment enterprises - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, Philharmonic and much more.

Entertainment and sports industry enterprises act as independent and separate units, attracting significant material, financial and labor resources.

Hotel enterprises establish economic ties and business contacts with enterprises providing entertainment, leisure, recreation and sports services. Animation services are being formed in hotels to organize leisure and recreation for guests; in addition, many hotel enterprises have their own sports base(swimming pools, tennis, golf, water attractions and more), as well as cinema and concert halls, discos, various clubs, gaming establishments.

Increasingly, tourists planning to travel are interested not only in living conditions and excursion program, but also by the presence and level of the animation team in the hotel, boarding house or resort complex.

Animation is a relatively new area of ​​resort activity, which involves the personal participation of tourists in game and theatrical show programs, sports and cultural and entertainment events. This phenomenon is the result of competition between resorts seeking to diversify their clients' holidays.

Animation teams work with tourists throughout the day: in the morning they invite them to game and sports programs, in the afternoon to theatrical performances, in the evening they organize a colorful show, birthday celebrations, acquaintance evenings, dance evenings, etc. For children and teenagers they offer game programs, water attractions, excursions, horseback riding, competitions, demonstrations of feature and animated films, work of various clubs. This activity is especially popular on vacation in Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Cyprus.

The topic I have chosen is interesting and relevant, since a special place in hotel enterprises at the present stage of development is occupied by the animation service, which ensures the organization of animation activities for tourists. It is animation that is the source of large additional profit for the hotel and the attractiveness of the tourism product, therefore all modern hotel enterprises are interested in professionals of this profile. In my work I will reflect all areas of animation programs as in Resort hotels, and business hotels.


2.1. Creating a certain climate in the hotel

Each person, moving into the category of a tourist, in some sense changes internally and expects from the upcoming vacation not just physical and psychological restoration of the body, but also something special and unusual. The hotel should become that place, an extravaganza, a fairy tale, where they could plunge into, discover a completely different world of the universe and forget for this week, two, three pressing problems of their real life.

And one of the main tasks facing the management of a hotel hosting tourists is not to disappoint these expectations.

Therefore, everything that is done in the hotel is aimed at organizing the most comfortable conditions for relaxation, creating an atmosphere of abundance, celebration, in general, all those prerequisites under which a tourist would want to return to this particular hotel again and again.

The implementation of these tasks is carried out by all hotel services. Starting from reception workers who greet tourists on the day of their arrival, maids who clean rooms, security workers who ensure the safety of their stay at the hotel, catering staff and other service areas, and ending with top managers, they strive to correspond to this idea. The mood of the tourist, the feeling of pleasure and a good impression of the vacation spent depend on everyone together and each individually.

Therefore, in training hotel staff, in addition to professional knowledge, skills and abilities, managers necessarily pay attention to such qualities as tact, friendliness, delicacy, sociability, the ability to listen carefully and promptly respond to the difficulties and problems of the tourist, so that he feels at his best. dear and welcome guest. One of the components that creates a psychological atmosphere have a good rest, is a friendly attitude towards guests and an indispensable, sincere smile on the faces of the serving people. This is that “plus something else”, that highlight, which, although not included in the price, but only implied, plays a big role in creating the image and complete image of the hotel, enlivening the diverse range of services and equipment provided.

In addition, the hotel administration tries to organize work based on an individual approach to each client.

Congratulations on the birthday of tourists: based on registration sheets, employees identify guests whose birthdays fall during their stay at the hotel. Prepared in advance for each birthday person greeting card, the table in the restaurant is festively decorated, a cake is ordered, music is played in its honor, and in the evening the animators from the stage congratulate tourists and say wishes.

Tourists who come to the hotel more than once are called “repeat guests”. When checking in for such clients, the administration sends a fruit basket and a postcard to the room in advance. Tourists who come to the hotel again are grateful and, of course, welcome guests, this means that they liked it last time and decided, given the possibility of such a variety of hotels to choose from, to spend their vacation here again. In addition, they are happy to recommend it to their friends, relatives, and work colleagues. Therefore, the administration is interested in having as many of them as possible and pays special attention to them.

All information on tourists is entered into the hotel’s computer database. Using its data bank, the administration corresponds with guests: congratulates them on holidays, happy birthdays, informs them about innovations for the next season, invites them to visit the hotel during their vacation, and offers discounts. The administration gives priority to such guests and they may be allocated best numbers The hotel provides significant discounts on services.

VIP clients require a special approach. The name itself speaks for itself - it is very important people: politicians, artists, major businessmen and other well-known personalities. The administration prepares in advance for their meeting, sends champagne and fruit to the room, organizes an additional security system, offers additional services, reserves seats in special restaurants, organizes transfers from the hotel to the airport, etc. A visit to the hotel by VIP clients increases the image of the hotel, significantly increases its income, and affects the pace of development of the hotel.

The hotel infrastructure must include all services necessary for a comfortable stay and effective rest. The higher the category of the hotel, the greater the demands placed on the service sector. The hotel is like a mini-town, which also has its own doctor who provides round-the-clock medical care to guests; and a mini-kindergarten with its own nurses, nannies, and teachers who can take full charge of caring for the children and give parents the opportunity to relax and have a calm and complete rest; these include hairdressers, where they can satisfy the most sophisticated requirements of guests from different countries; and stores with a wide variety of products in their assortment, necessary for a tourist on vacation. Each hotel has its own security service, which guarantees guests safety and peace.

Another important service at the hotel is guest relations. This service acts as an intermediary between guests and the hotel administration. Tourists turn to this service with all questions that arise during their stay at the hotel. The task of the staff of this service is to listen carefully, try to help, and correctly and sensitively solve the problems that have arisen. In addition, the service constantly conducts surveys of guests to study the requirements, tastes, wishes of tourists, and identify any negative aspects in the work. This helps to adjust the work of all hotel services, improve and improve the service. But the main people who play an important role in creating a particular psychological climate in a hotel are the animators, their personalities and their ability to create a special mood and feeling of comfort and coziness among tourists.

2.2. Personal qualities of an animator

In the process of interaction between tourists and hotel staff, the guest’s attitude towards the hotel, the routine established in it, the service, the comfort created specifically for him, and therefore the mood for relaxation, is formed. The friendliness and professionalism of the entire hotel staff receiving guests largely determines whether a tourist will want to come to this hotel again.

It depends on the qualifications of the animation specialists: how long will the tourist remember this rather short-term vacation in this hotel.

Animation is an entire industry in hotel services, an integral part of the entire service of a club-hotel (restaurant, sports ground, swimming pool, etc.). Animators are essentially the same entertainers who are hired to ensure that none of the guests get bored. In a word, an animator is the soul of society, a person who must maintain the public’s mood at the highest level. It’s not for nothing that the word “anima” itself, translated from Latin, means “soul”, “spirit”. But here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it and do everything to ensure that guests are satisfied with their vacation and the work of the animation team.

Animator - the same artist, and all his activities require constant dedication - every day, every minute, for fifteen or more hours a day. Not everyone can withstand such an active and stormy rhythm, which is why it is so important to organize the animators’ work well. A good animator is half the success of any event. Be it a birthday, wedding or corporate party. Long gone is the era of stereotyped holidays with toastmasters, toasts and traditional, boring competitions. The new century dictates new holiday standards. And animators play an important role here.

Who can animators portray? Anyone! Animators are the clowns we are used to, and characters from famous cartoons and feature films, they are also robbers and pirates. In a word, whatever your soul desires.

Animators will equally interest both children and adults. Children will gladly accept fun game, and adults will happily remember their childhood by participating in interesting competitions. The animators' performances are especially interesting because they involve viewers of the program in exciting interactive action.

Animator training is carried out today by many organizations, because this is really the profession that is needed in the field of holidays.

The structure of animation management can be imagined as follows:

Hotel General Manager


Methodologist-animator Organizer-animator


The main person in the animation system is the animation manager. He reports directly to the general manager, who in turn reports to the hotel owner.

As a generalist, the manager of animation activities is called upon to identify, satisfy and develop the socio-cultural interests of different groups of the population, develop targeted animation programs and social technologies for their implementation, stimulate innovative movements in the field of tourism, manage the economic mechanisms for organizing animation activities, and introduce effective pedagogical methods. development of cultural and aesthetic creativity.

The fundamental feature of a specialist animator is that knowledge of sociology, economics, political science, law, management theory, the fundamentals of directing and a number of other socially significant and very prestigious sciences today does not act as an end in itself, but as an essential means of realizing the leading metafunction of socio-cultural activity – introducing a person to the achievements of world culture, the full development of his creative potential.

The manager-animator must know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of managing the temporary team with whom he works, be a leader in a variety of tourist groups that differ in age, composition, education, social status, and be able to influence the opinions of others.

An aptitude for leadership is important, namely: the ability to take initiative, attract and direct the attention of others, offer them a solution, and the ability to speak the language of one’s supporters.

Animator managers must have high business qualities, deep knowledge of human psychology, and practical skills of working in a well-oiled environment.

The animation manager reports to:

· methodologist-animator (choreographer), who prepares scripts and staging shows, develops costumes and conducts rehearsals;

· organizer-animator, who provides the organization of the animation process with everything necessary.

In addition to the people who are directly part of the animation team, the artist (if he is not among the animators) also helps to make the performances brighter and more colorful, who designs the scenery for the performances, draws announcements, posters and other materials for them, and the tailor who sews and answers for the evening costumes of the animators.

Becoming an animator is not easy. An animator must initially possess certain work skills and abilities, and must also be psychologically prepared for this work.

In addition, special seminars and practical classes are held on dancing, developing a program for the season, and holding sports games and competitions. The animation program changes every two weeks, so the animator's working day is very busy.

The morning begins at seven o'clock. Personal hygiene, exercise, breakfast.

At nine in the morning, the animators gather for a meeting where organizational issues for the coming day are decided, after which communication with guests begins - yoga classes, morning exercises.

After lunch and water gymnastics in the pool, there is a break until dinner, and dinner is followed by the most intense animation program: performances, dancing with guests, socializing in bars, entertainment shows.

Together with the animators, there are singers, professional dancers and musicians, who are often specially invited and paid for by the hotel administration for the evening.

The salaries of the animators themselves vary depending on their work experience: an animator who does not dance, but only entertains the audience, can be offered a salary of 250-300 dollars. And an animator who dances, sings and plays musical instruments and speaks at least English (and better yet, German) can earn $600 or more per month. In foreign hotels, knowledge of the Russian language is also very important - in the summer, up to 70% of the guests in these hotels are Russian-speaking tourists, so among the animators there are quite a lot of people from the CIS countries.

With well-developed club recreation systems, it is required large number specialists in the field of animation activities.

By and large, the activities of an animator are aimed at developing the creativity of tourists, enriching the content of animation activities, searching for new forms of work taking into account modern demands, and using material and expressive means to the fullest extent.

And if you equip tourism workers with interesting and exciting programs that take into account age and psychological characteristics, local traditions and traditions of other countries, this will make tourism mass, capable of involving all social strata of the population, including young people, in its sphere.

Considering program tourism and animation services in hotels, we can conclude that in modern world in conditions of fierce competition in the tourism services market, it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without organizing animation activities in it.


3.1. Forms and tasks of animation programs

Currently, a completely new direction has begun to be actively used all over the world - animation, that is, the revitalization of recreation and the organization of direct impressions from personal participation in events.

This phenomenon in tourism is born of competition between resorts that are equal in the splendor of their interiors and service.

Animation (from the Latin anima - soul; animatus - animation) or leisure human activity is primarily associated with recreation (from the English recreation - restoration of strength). In the Explanatory Dictionary of Tourist Terms, the concept of “recreation” is defined as “expanded reproduction of human powers (physical, intellectual and emotional).” The Tourist Encyclopedia defines recreation as “the restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual strength through recreation, including tourism.”

The moral and psychological climate in society, its cultural level, physical and moral health depend on the organization of leisure time for the population.

Recreation is the restoration of human strength.

Rest is a means by which a person’s strength and performance are restored.

Leisure can also be defined as a means of restoring a person’s strength in the process of his activity (for example, amateur activities); that is, leisure is part of rest, since it does not include time for sleep and other immutable costs that we could call rest (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Recreation

Tourism is one of the most active and interesting types of leisure, combining both exciting and educational activities. On hikes, trips, and travels, patience, courage, endurance, and curiosity are cultivated; Cognitive activity is encouraged on excursions; Creative abilities are developed in interest clubs.

Animation is considered as an activity for the development and presentation of special programs for spending free time. Animation programs include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, games, hobbies, activities within the sphere of spiritual interests, etc.

Animation is a new direction in tourism, which is designed to “breathe soul” into tourism programs and thereby attract participants to them. Consequently, an animator is a specialist who develops individual and collective leisure programs, orients a person in the variety of leisure activities, and organizes full-fledged leisure.

A recreation program is a plan for conducting tourist, physical education, recreational, cultural, educational and amateur activities united by a common goal or plan.

Animation as a factor in human social activity acts as a form and method for studying existing practices that require professionally trained specialists this direction social activities.

One of the areas of animation in the tourism industry is the animation of tourists’ holidays in hotels and recreation centers (resorts), where animators work with tourists constantly, and the main task of these workers is to prevent people from getting bored.

Most often, such workers are found in clubs like “ all inclusive" During the day, tourists can see them behind the counter of a boutique or teaching beginners on the court, at sports competitions or fishing trips organized for tourists.

In the evening, the same animators organize a colorful show, which includes the participation of tourists. Animators wear bright T-shirts as a uniform. On the T-shirt there is a card with the name of the animator and the flags of the countries whose languages ​​he speaks.

The preparation and development of animation programs is a special activity of the tourism industry. They include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, games, activities within the sphere of spiritual interests, etc.

A recreation program is a plan for conducting tourist, physical education, recreational, cultural, educational and amateur activities united by a common goal or plan.

The functions of animation programs are the organization and management of cultural, recreational and sports events, their further distribution among tourists.

During the formation of the animation program, its organizers should answer the following questions:

1. For whom is the program made, where is it determined:

· age and gender of future viewers (if this is a family hotel, what is its contingent, will children, older people watch our program, etc.);

· social status and professional employment (is our hotel private club for aristocrats and a select part of businessmen or is it a youth camp for students)

· nationality (features of cultures and traditions);

· lifestyle of people vacationing at the hotel (classic, extreme, “domostroy”, etc.);

· health status (this is especially important in the development of sports and fitness programs);

2. What is the basis of the animation program (the main idea and goals for achieving it);

3. How to build an animated event.

As a rule, at the beginning of a new season, the chief animator, with the assistance of the team, develops and approves the animation program for the entire season.

An exact schedule of events is drawn up for each day of the week (by the hour), and each team member is assigned certain responsibilities for their implementation.

The general animation program is prepared in such a way that the entertainment and sports elements are varied in form, interesting to tourists, and that as many participants as possible are involved in the events.

Evening shows should be repeated no more than once every two weeks, based on a typically two-week stay at the hotel. The script, music, lighting, choreography, costumes - everything is clearly thought out and organized by team members and the director, who often takes part in show programs himself.

During lunch and before dinner, animators greet guests at the entrance to the restaurant, wish them bon appetit, get acquainted with newly arrived guests, communicate with those with whom they played today, sit down at tables, and trying to avoid pauses in the conversation, entertain guests and invite them to take part in games and entertainment shows in the afternoon.

All animators who are not involved in the performance take part in the preparation of evening shows and entertainment programs: they prepare scenery, costumes, other props, make up the actors, help them dress, etc.

3.2. Sports and recreation area

Sports animation requires theoretical preparation, since the result is only possible when there is a theoretical basis.

Sports animation is based on a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to a person’s performance of social, professional and everyday functions.

Preserving and promoting health are the main functions of sports animation.

Particular importance in the complex of events aimed at entertaining tourists is given to all kinds of sports activities, competitions, and competitions.

And here everything that has been developed and created by humanity in this area can be used. at the moment. These are games that have long been familiar to everyone with well-known conditions and rules; and completely new ones, developed right here, in the process of communication; and proposed by one of the vacationers, modernized, adapted to the given situation and borrowed from colleagues from a neighboring hotel.

Animators take part in games as players, presenters and judges. Their task is to stir up interest and control the progress of the game, resolving possible conflict situations.

During the game, the animator clearly sets out the rules, ensures its continuity, safety, organized beginning and ending with a mandatory outcome and announcement of the winners.

The animators create such an atmosphere of passion and excitement that nearby tourists switch their attention to the game and little by little they themselves get involved in the process.

The dynamism and spirited nature of competition allows people to liberate themselves and show some abilities and talents. And, besides, team games also bring people closer together.

Consequently, the created atmosphere of competition - on the one hand, and collectivism, mutual assistance - on the other, contributes to the revitalization of recreation, and this is the main task facing animators.

3.3. Animators for children

One of important areas Animation activity in hotels is animation for children.

There are special children's clubs on the territory of five to four-star hotels: "mini" - for children 3-12 years old, and "junior" - for young people 12-15 years old. Here, parents can leave their children for the whole day under the supervision of experienced animators (usually with pedagogical education), to explore interesting places for their pleasure, or to lie quietly on the beach nearby.

The presence of a mini-club in the hotel is notified by a large colorful stand installed in the hotel lobby, at the entrance to the main restaurant or to the beach, which outlines the work schedule and upcoming events for children, so that upon entering the hotel guests can quickly find their way and find their way there. your child. The name of the mini-club is purely individual, but it determines the further policy and motto of this department (“Pink Hippo”).

Work plan, as well as general plan animation activities in the hotel, is drawn up in advance and, possibly, adjusted during the classes, depending on the number of children present and other conditions. In this regard, they must successfully combine and have the optimal number of sports and cultural activities necessary for the development of the child.

Working as an animator in a mini-club is a lot of work, so this person must take into account a number of physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages, create such conditions that any child would be interested in it and be able to express and realize himself as an individual.

To organize effective work with children, it is necessary to have appropriate premises for children to stay in summer months and in bad weather, equipped with various equipment for drawing, modeling, outdoor and educational games, etc.

Each day invariably begins with introductions (children stand in a circle, say their name, repeat and remember the names of others) and has its own theme, which is revealed during sports and educational activities and competitions, small performances staged together, concerts and holidays.

In the evening, everyone gathers for a performance, where, dressed and painted with the help of animators, they play previously learned roles on stage.

So, the work of a mini-club in a hotel is a creative and painstaking process, and the task of a children’s animator is not just to organize children’s leisure time, to develop their cognitive, physical and psychological spheres, but also to organize such an organization in which every day a child spends in the mini-club, would turn into a whole event, a holiday that would remain a vivid impression of his vacation.

4. Cultural and leisure events

The basics of cultural and leisure animation of tourist services in hotels are:

· integrated approach to organizing events;

· freedom to choose these activities;

· theatricalization: the use of various techniques and all types of art (painting, music, literature), while the course of the event is determined by the script;

· personification.

Traditional forms of organizing such events include:

· carnival (folk festival in the form of a street procession, parade, masquerade),

· reception (a meeting of people that does not involve dancing);

· banquet (mass gathering of people, which is based on abundant food);

· mystery (theatrical production of a play with religious content);

· raus (an event to invite spectators before presentations, cultural and leisure programs);

· ceremony (cult reverent /state/ act, which is carried out in strict order /ceremonial/);

· show performance, mass spectacle.

In order to successfully create an entertainment program for a hotel, you need to decide on a number of criteria , namely, with:

· a genre that creates a special atmosphere and sensations for the audience (drama, clownery, musical, etc.). In this case, the numbers and fragments must be combined in such a way that a single picture and a related structure of the elements of this representation are formed;

· the name of this show, which creates the mood and reveals its essence;

· a scenario plan, which indicates a list of elements, fragments, events in the process of their development, characters, their relationships and movement. There must be a beginning, a climax and a denouement:

· script, i.e. detailing the points of the script plan, as well as work on the literary part - elaboration of monologues and dialogues, study of speech style;

· director's plan - translation of literature into the language of action (if it is a production based on a literary work), compilation and coordination of a continuous effective chain, and work with technology, light and sound.

In addition, it is important where this action will be played out (on the summer playground, in a bar, near the pool), to determine the pace, rhythm, inclusion of spectacular moments and the rehearsal period.

Evening performances are the main part entertainment program hotel. They should be very diverse in content, staging, costumes and be interesting for all vacationers. As a rule, all animators take part in them. The organizers strive to make each performance bright, colorful, memorable, each of them should have its own zest.

And the form of evening shows can be very different: this is a small everyday scene performed by actors-animators, and a serious theatrical performance in which spectators from the audience and guests invited in advance to play a particular role can take part.

5. Animations in Russia

Animation as an independent branch of the hotel business appeared in Russia when, 5 years ago, in the first hotel of the HELIOPARK Hotels & Resorts chain, HELIOPARK Country Resort near Moscow, animation services were first organized, which were already different from Western models. Since then, the Russian approach to animation, adapted to the needs and mentality of domestic tourists, has been consistently developed by network specialists. Today, the professional organization of animation programs is still business card hotels of the HELIOPARK Hotels&Resorts chain and a mandatory attribute of holidays in country and resort hotels networks.

In Russia, the most traditional forms of animation are “Neptune’s Day” in the summer, building a snow fortress, creating an ice sculpture, playing snowballs in the winter, “Knight’s tournament”, “Gladiatorial fights”, holding extreme games “The Last Hero”, “ Desert Island" In any Russian city, your service program can include a visit to a Russian hut - real or stylized as an antique one. Tourists can be taken there in troikas with bells and shown a theatrical performance: “ancient masters” in Russian national costumes weave carpets on a loom; weave baskets, baskets, bast shoes; cut out spoons and bowls; Russian folk songs and dances are performed.

You can also prepare a program in the form of a ritual holiday “Russian loaf”. Wooden benches and tables are placed in the clearing. In the center there is a Russian stove, which is heated with wood. The accordion and balalaika sound, and folk songs create a special flavor. Girls in elegant sundresses with kokoshniks greet guests with bread and salt. Tourists prepare pies, bagels, gingerbreads, loaves, try hot cakes, and receive books with recipes for preparing Russian folk dishes as gifts.

It will be no less interesting to take part in the “Tournament of Heroes”, where there will be a meeting with Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. For this purpose, a fortress is erected, a theatrical performance takes place: horse racing, spear throwing, archery, weight lifting, sword fighting, passing an improvised medieval obstacle course, displaying ingenuity and resourcefulness. Each new competition confronts the participant with a choice: quit the race or continue the fight for the title “Hero of the Russian Land.”

Tourists can also get into a “gypsy camp”: a clearing, wagons, tents, horses, a bear tied to a tree, a fire. Guests are treated to wine, gypsy songs are played, and beauties in colorful clothes perform fiery dances. And the old gypsy will predict fate using cards or tell fortunes by hand.

This is Russian exotica. Of course, in different countries There is a variety of cultural and entertainment programs - from traditional to exclusive. Some of them may well be borrowed by our resorts. For example, in Colombia there are tomato fights, in Italy - orange fights, in Thailand and Indonesia - banana fights. The main thing is that fruits and vegetables must be soft so that opponents do not injure each other. Our tourists will certainly enthusiastically take part in such events.

On the territory of many resort complexes In Tunisia, you can find bazaars on wheels, which come for one day and show an oriental folk show with belly dancing. Every Sunday in Sri Lanka, “Dances of the East” festivals are held; everyone can undergo short-term training in the art of oriental dance. The fashion for Arabic dances is in full swing here - a few lessons for vacationers would be very appropriate.

In Italy, groups of animators organize theatrical shows in Rome - gladiator fights in the Colosseum, torchlight processions of the Crusaders, competitions of knights in the Pantheon, the temple of all gods, Renaissance balls. An analogy with the tournaments of Russian heroes, which we discussed above, is quite appropriate here.

In the Czech Republic and Hungary, show programs “Meeting with a Ghost” have been developed - theatrical performances in which animators play pranks on tourists and involve them in amazing, chilling adventures. In Russia, “everything is in order” with evil spirits, and there are many adrenaline lovers.

6. The concierge is the same animator

In Moscow, basically all the hotels are business hotels, and the usual animation program service in these hotels will not be acceptable, since the clients of business hotels are businessmen. And as additional services, some hotels, for example National, Metropol and others, consider services such as Guest Relations and concierge service.

The main functions of Guest Relations are to provide complete information about the hotel's capabilities with a list of current and planned events, information about VIP services, the organization of medical care, the provision of babysitting services and much more.

The functions of a concierge in most cases relate to the leisure of guests: ordering seats in restaurants, booking air and railway tickets, theater tickets, organizing excursions, as well as information about various institutions and events in the city.

Concierges are hotel staff. But concierges may not be hotel employees, but independent entrepreneurs who buy from the hotel the right to do this work on its territory. They hire their own helpers.

There is an organization called “Golden Keys of Concierges”, which includes concierges best hotels Moscow and St. Petersburg. The specificity of the work of a hotel concierge is to provide the client with absolutely any services, and especially those that cannot be performed within the hotel. The advantage of ordering services from a concierge is that the client receives everything from one source – the hands of the concierge, without wasting time making various requests to different companies and people. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether he is a hotel guest or not. When ordering services from our concierges, the client can be sure that his request will be fulfilled on time, efficiently and accurately, since all employees are professionals, have extensive work experience and many business connections in Moscow, Russia and abroad .

Here are the main types of services provided by the organization, although the limits of this list can only be the client’s imagination:

· Motor transport. Cars/limousines/trucks/minibuses/buses.

· Excursions/guides.

· Translators.

· Theater tickets. Purchase/delivery.

· Air tickets. Booking/confirmation/change of date/delivery.

· Train tickets. Booking/delivery.

· Mobile phone rental.

· VIP class service at the airport.

· Bodyguards.

· Flowers. Purchase/delivery and much more.

The most inventive and experienced concierges also perform unusual tasks. Example: a guest arriving from Italy to Moscow for business purposes needs to congratulate his wife on her birthday. He turns to the concierge of the hotel where he is staying with a request to deliver a bouquet of flowers to Italy for his wife. In this case, the concierge must contact the Italian concierge service and arrange for the delivery of the bouquet to a specific address. It takes years for a concierge to develop a wealthy clientele. In addition, you need to know and be able to do a lot to be a good concierge - know in every detail the life of the hotel and its services, speak several languages, have a sociable character, have good connections in the city, and maybe even beyond its borders. Some hotels have special groups that perform the functions of concierges, tour guides, and translators. The groups work with tourists who do not speak the local language.


The global growth and development of tourism around the world has a great influence on the content and organization of professional tourism education.

According to experts, at present, the inclusion of animated programs of a cultural, educational, sports, tourist, and entertainment nature in the content of tourist routes and trips, and in the work of hotels increases their prestige and demand in the tourism services market.

While having fun, a person or a group of people satisfies their spiritual needs, evaluates their own personality, and analyzes their role on the scale of various subsystems. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.

The entertainment industry aims to create conditions for entertainment, that is, a set of phenomena on the presence of which the entertainment process depends.

The social orientation of the development of the entertainment industry is expressed in the fact that it serves the formation of new personal and social needs, as well as the manifestation and development of needs under existing conditions. The entertainment industry, solving multifaceted problems (primarily education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, and the development of human culture), essentially forms and develops personality. By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a work unit.

The experience of developing the entertainment industry in various countries allows us to imagine the fundamental composition of its independent units.

In world practice, the sphere of entertainment services for the population includes tourism enterprises, including tourist accommodation facilities. A number of enterprises, organizations, and institutions provide entertainment in the form of their non-core activities. In addition to hotels, these include recreation areas and historical sites.

The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated link in the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, and labor resources. In this regard, entertainment industry enterprises are characterized by specific technologies, management systems, performance results, labor organization, and personnel.

The study of tourists as consumers of specific entertainment industry outcomes is certainly of great importance. In a broad sense, a tourist’s joyful emotions can be associated with any moment of a tourist trip (moving to a vacation spot, the fact of changing his location, and the vacation itself). Are also being carried out special types activities that purposefully evoke appropriate emotions. Patterns of consumption of entertainment industry products should be studied in comparison with a person’s previous lifestyle.

So, based on this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. International tourism plays an increasingly prominent role in the global economy and is becoming one of its most important factors. Animation technologies are becoming increasingly important in tourism.

2. In the modern world, in conditions of fierce competition in the tourism services market, it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without organizing animation activities in it.

3. Animation in hotels plays a great role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the hotel, thereby creating the prerequisites for the repeated arrival of guests, which significantly helps to increase the image and income of the hotel.


1 . Akimova G. E. “The best games for children from 2 to 7 years old”, St. Petersburg, 2001.

2 . Gulyaev V. G. “Organization of tourist activities”, Moscow, 1996.

3 . Dolmatov G. M. “International tourism business: history, reality and prospects”, Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

4 . Zorin I.V. “Personnel management. Planning a career in tourism." Moscow, 2000

5 . Kvartalnov V. A. “Finance and Statistics”, Moscow, 2003.

6 . Kotler F. “Marketing. Hospitality and tourism", Moscow, 1998.

7 . Chebotar Yu. M. “Tourist business”, Moscow 2000.

8 . Chudnovsky A.D. “Hotel and tourism business”, Moscow 1998.

9 . Newspaper about emigration, work, vacation, study abroad “Zagranitsa”, April 15(68), 2002.

10 . Voyage magazine, April 2000.

11 . Magazine "The Whole World", No. 35(2) 2002.

12 . Magazine "Tourism", No. 37 1997

State educational institution

secondary vocational education



Specialty vocational training 100105 “Hotel service”


By discipline“Organization of services in hotels and tourist complexes”

Subject"Animation service in hotel complexes»


Student: Kultysheva E.S.

Group: No. 215


Teacher: Bezrukova S.V.

Saint Petersburg

1. Introduction 3

2. Animation service as an additional service in hotels. 4

2.1 Typology of animation 6

2.2 Classification of tourists 8

3. Types of animation programs 13

4. Description of the country hotel 14

5. Objectives and structure of the animation service 16

6. Development of animation programs for various categories tourists 20

7. Conclusion 22

8. References 23

1. Introduction

The purpose of my work is to study the organization of animation services. Also in my work I will try to develop animation programs and analyze the activities of country hotels.

The topic of animation services I have chosen is relevant and interesting, because it is animation that tourists who are going on a trip are interested in. This is a consequence of the fact that our lives are affected by urbanization. It creates various negative consequences: increased urban population density, increased life pressures, constant stress, lack of time for what you love, monotony of work and much more.

The reaction to these negative consequences is the desire to leave the city for pure nature, touch spiritual values, diversify life experiences, eliminate psychological and physical fatigue, learn new things and new people, find and express yourself in communication with them, be with your family in an environment recreation and entertainment. And as a consequence of this, there is an increased demand for such tourist services as various types of sports and independent tourism, environmental tours, excursion and entertainment routes, sports, entertainment and medical and rehabilitation services.

Thus, the change in the way of life of modern man in connection with industrialization has led to a change in his needs for recreation and, accordingly, to a change in the content of the tourism product. Now, in addition to accommodation and food, it began to include other elements aimed at satisfying the needs for entertainment, fun leisure time, and emotional relief. This is how the concept of “tourist animation” arose.

2. Animation service as an additional service in hotels.

The entertainment, leisure and sports sector plays an important role in the overall infrastructure of the hospitality industry and solves various problems (primarily education, the formation of an optimistic mood, education, recreation, development of people’s culture). Filling your leisure time with entertainment and sports, a person relaxes and recuperates. Enterprises and organizations in the entertainment sector include circuses, zoos, attractions, game libraries, recreation parks, as well as various entertainment enterprises - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, philharmonic societies and much more.

Entertainment and sports industry enterprises act as independent and separate units, attracting significant material, financial and labor resources.

Hotel enterprises establish economic ties and business contacts with enterprises providing entertainment, leisure, recreation and sports services. In hotels, animation services are formed that organize leisure and recreation for guests; in addition, many hotel enterprises have their own sports facilities (swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses, water attractions, etc.), as well as cinema and concert halls, discos, various clubs, and gaming establishments.

And now for people planning to relax, the most important thing, after accommodation and food, is the presence of an animation team in the hotel.

Animation is a new direction of resort activity, which involves the personal participation of tourists in game and theatrical show programs, sports and cultural and entertainment events. This phenomenon is the result of competition between resorts seeking to diversify their clients' holidays.

Animation teams work with tourists throughout the day: in the morning they invite them to game and sports programs, in the afternoon to theatrical performances, in the evening they organize colorful shows, birthday celebrations, acquaintance evenings, dance evenings, etc. For children and teenagers, game programs, water attractions, excursions, horseback riding, competitions, demonstrations of feature and animated films, and various clubs are offered.

The concept of “animation” is of Latin origin (anima – wind, air, soul; animatus – animation) and means spiritualization, stimulation of vitality, involvement in activity.

Animation is a kind of service that pursues the goal of improving the quality of service and at the same time is a unique form of advertising, re-attracting guests and their friends.

The ultimate goal of tourist animation is the tourist’s satisfaction with his vacation - his good mood, positive impressions, restoration of moral and physical strength.

2.1 Typology of animation

The difference between the concepts of “animation”, “recreational animation”, “hotel animation”, “tourist animation” is associated with the variety of existing forms and programs of leisure animation activities. The diagram shown in Fig. 1 will help you figure this out.

Recreational animation is a type of leisure activity aimed at restoring a person’s spiritual and physical strength. Programs implemented for recreational purposes can be carried out both by tourism enterprises with tourists and guests, and by leisure establishments with local residents. This gives us the right to assert that the concept of “recreation” is broader than the concept of “tourist animation” and “hotel animation”.

Tourist animation is a type of tourism activity carried out at a tourist enterprise, at vehicle or at the place of tourists’ stay, which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs. In other words, tourist animation is a tourist service, during the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action.

When preparing animation programs, such characteristics of tourists as nationality, gender, age, number (individual, group, mass), as well as the active participation of tourists are taken into account.

Tourist animation is divided into three main types according to the importance, priority and volume of animation programs in the overall travel program:

First type. Animated tourist routes are targeted tourist trips for the sake of one animation program, or a continuous animation process deployed in space in the form of travel, moving from one animation service to another, which are provided in different geographical locations.

Such animation programs include: cultural, educational and thematic, folklore and literary, musical and theatrical, art history and scientific, festival, carnival and sports and many others.

Second type. Additional animation services during technological breaks - programs designed to “support” the main tourist services specified in the tour package, and operating in circumstances caused by travel, delays in travel and in cases of bad weather, as well as in the absence of snow at ski resorts.

Third type. Hotel animation is a comprehensive service based on personal human contact between the tour animator and the tourist and their joint participation in entertainment.

Hotel animation is the narrowest concept of the three considered, since it only involves the organization of leisure in places where tourists are accommodated: tourist complexes, hotels, hotels, tourist centers, etc. In other words, hotel animation is a leisure activity offered by hotels.

2.2 Classification of tourists

The interests of tourists depend on many factors: age, gender, nationality, educational level, income level, professional interests, hobbies, etc.

Of course, consumers of animation services cannot be clearly divided into categories of income, gender, age and occupation; this can only be done conditionally.

In order to please tourists, animators must know a lot about it. What can be offered to students is unlikely to please older people, or what is intended for extreme tourists is unlikely to appeal to those who like to lie in the sun.

There are different types of classification of tourists. The most common:

    Classification of tourists by age.

When drawing up programs for recreation, tour animators should take into account the age characteristics of groups of vacationers:

0-2 years - infantas (infants) - 3-8 years - preschool children

9-18 years old – teenage schoolchildren

18-25 years old – youth, students

26-64 years old – adults

65 and older - elderly people, pensioners.

For preschool children(curious, active), whose leading type of activity is play, we can offer game rooms, matinees, fairytale trips, drawing competitions, walks.

For teenage schoolchildren Along with the listed forms, others can be offered. Children of this age are quite active and demanding. This is the age of romance and dreams, so hiking and romantic meetings are especially attractive for this category. The more eventful the life of children at this age, the more they like it. They can be offered excursions, conversations, sports competitions, competitions, discos and quizzes.

For youth The programs are changing somewhat. The main activities of this period are study and productive work, which require great effort. But there is no shortage of energy and enthusiasm at this age, so the leisure program should include: KVNs, evenings and discos, auctions, fairs and theatrical performances, festivals and shows, sports and Olympics, as well as television-type games: “What? Where? When?”, “Clever Men and Wise Women”, etc.

For middle aged people For those who are able-bodied and want to take a break from everyday work, more relaxed events are suitable: secular salons and complexes (beauty, humor, songs), literary lounges and creative evenings, banquets, presentations, concerts.

During the off-season and winter the hotel is visited by l elderly people, pensioners. This is the most favorable time for them, when the sun no longer burns as much as in summer. They increasingly want to remember their younger years and everything connected with them. For this category of tourists, the animation program offers gatherings, tea parties, evenings (of ancient music, romance, memories).

But in order to correctly create a recreation program, you need to know how a person prefers to spend his leisure time.

    Classification of tourists according to their attitude to leisure activities.

Tourists, according to their attitude to leisure activities, are divided into several personality types:

First type. Initiative tourists who plan both work days and vacation days in advance, so all the initiatives and ideas for organizing leisure time will belong to them. The main task of tour animators in working with this type of tourists is the ability to listen and carry out an almost finished program, to play along with enterprising tourists.

Second type. Business people who in ordinary life are deprived of leisure and even their free time they strive to spend with maximum benefit for their business. This type of tourists prefers leisure, which gives them the opportunity to improve themselves, or a quiet holiday, which gives them the opportunity to relax (fishing, hunting).

Third type.“Highly specialized” tourists who have one hobby in life. They devote all their free time to what they love, so club holidays suit them best.

Fourth type. Active tourists who prefer to move as much as possible during their leisure time. It is a pleasure to work with them because they support any initiative.

Fifth type. Passive tourists, prone to home-based forms of leisure. These people can spend hours watching TV or reading books.

Sixth type. Incorrigible skeptics and grumblers. Unfortunately, this type of tourist also occurs. This is the most difficult category of people. It is very difficult to captivate them with anything, but with the variety of programs offered, they can find entertainment for themselves.

    Classification of tourists by their nationality.

Specialists involved in the hospitality industry need to know the national characteristics of tourists, their habits, tastes, and the most acceptable forms of leisure.

Russians- they are distinguished by their breadth of soul and optimism, they are open, often overly trusting, gambling, they really love everything that is cheap, and even more so - what they get for free. They like to relax on a grand scale, with good songs and dances. There is a cool attitude towards health-improving activities, because health in Russia is not yet considered the main value.

Germans- pedantic, punctual, cold-blooded, businesslike. They try to get all the pleasures provided by the hotel. They are lovers of nature walks and theater. Many people like to drink, eat and sing folk songs. They try to make the most of their vacation.

Poles- people are collected, calculating. The main features of the Polish character are collectivism, adaptability, the gift of improvisation and the ability to make the most of what is currently at hand. Poles relax and work equally productively.

Americans– they don’t like to travel abroad, believing that the USA has everything. The high standard of living in the United States provides many Americans with the opportunity to travel. These include mainly pensioners, traveling in groups and energetically striving to see and experience a lot, as well as businessmen.

Spaniards– energetic, but disorganized and often unpredictable. They are very fond of all kinds of innovations, entertainment and pleasure, including gambling. Songs and dances are of particular honor to this people. The Spaniards place family, children, and home above all else, so they like to relax with the whole family somewhere on the seashore, enjoying loud music and delicious dishes.

French– sociable, neat, have a special sense of humor, in love with France and everything French. They have great respect for all kinds of innovations and inventions, so they always participate in them with pleasure. They love an intimate environment, quiet and far from the city. The French know how to organize their leisure time and love to play sports.

English– in everyday life they are pedantic, distrustful, cautious, and extremely rarely show their true emotions. However, on vacation they are transformed, guided by the motto “have fun, regardless of age and circumstances.” They prefer active recreation with all kinds of competitions and competitions. They agree to participate in all the activities offered to them, sometimes they don’t even know the rules yet, they love the thrill. The main thing for them is not to let themselves get bored.

Swedes– constantly work or study, they tend to spend their holidays with maximum benefit, they especially try to get enough of the sun’s heat during this period. They like to alternate their work environment with relaxation, holding all kinds of conferences, seminars, and meetings somewhere on the ferry. Swedes enjoy sports, especially orienteering. They love theater and enjoy learning about the culture, history, morals and customs of the local population.

Greeks– smart, energetic, but disorganized and impatient, passionate and temperamental, at the same time very insecure people. Their national character is a tangle of contradictions that has intrigued and fascinated travelers and historians for centuries. Greeks are very sociable, they love entertainment, holidays, rich feasts, travel, and weekends.

Japanese– They are very disciplined and take their tourism responsibilities responsibly. Organized in groups, hung with cameras, they love excursions, taking photographs and recording with a video camera. They are musical and love songs of other peoples. They also love to study the culture of other peoples. They have little interest in natural objects beach holiday abroad.

3. Types of animation programs

People who go on vacation put completely different meanings into the concept of animation: for some, vacation means traveling, for others it means reading books, walking in the forest, fishing, etc. According to the demand and motivation for travel, the following types of animation are emerging in the practice of tourist services, satisfying the various needs of tourists:

    Animation in motion – satisfies the modern person’s need for movement, combined with pleasure and pleasant experiences.

    Animation through experience – satisfies the need for a feeling of the new, unknown, unexpected when communicating, discovering, and also when overcoming difficulties.

    Animation through communication – satisfies the need to communicate with new people, to discover the inner world of people and to know oneself through communication.

    Animation through calming – satisfies people’s need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through calm, solitude, and contact with nature.

    Cultural animation – satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of the individual through familiarization with cultural and historical monuments and modern examples of the culture of the country, region, city.

    Creative animation – satisfies a person’s need for creativity, demonstrating one’s creative abilities and establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity.

Real animation programs are most often complex in nature, and these types of animation are components of the programs.

4. Description of the country hotel

Park Hotel "Heliopark Country Resort".

Heliopark Country is the most famous hotel of the Heliopark chain. When you come here to relax, you find yourself in a real “western”. The hotel is always full of exciting adventure. On the territory of Heliopark, restaurants and bars, discos and billiard rooms, swimming pools and saunas are decorated in country style. You will be entertained by brave cowboys and Indians - real, professional hotel animators.

The Heliopark Country resort hotel is located in the Taldomsky district of the Moscow region, on the banks of the Dubna River, among a forest. Picturesque places, the healing air of the pine forest makes you feel a surge of vitality from the very first minutes!

The architecture of the houses of the Heliopark Country Hotel is also designed in a style that matches the name. Even the names of the rooms in the buildings speak for themselves: in addition to standard rooms, there are “country” suites, suites with fireplaces – “Rondo” and “Blues”, suites with an aquarium – “Luxor” and “Lotus”, as well as family rooms with a hall, etc. There are 153 rooms in the hotel.

Heliopark Country provides medical services; the therapeutic profile of the hotel’s health complex is general health. They will offer unique wellness programs: “Anti-stress”, “Beauty and Health”, “Anti-cellulite program”, “Weight loss program”, “Cleansing programs”, 4 stone therapy programs, medicinal baths, Thai massage, etc. The hotel's health complex provides all basic types of services - from computer diagnostics of the body to a Russian bath, swimming pool and gyms. There are also quite unusual ones - such as, for example, phyto-barrel sessions, computer pulsometry complexes and artistic nail painting.

As already noted, on the territory of Heliopark Country everything resembles the setting of Westerns of the Wild West, this fully applies to the chain of bars and restaurants: the restaurant “Wild, Wild West”; bar, billiards, karaoke "One-Eyed Harry's Saloon"; bar, billiards, Long Jones cigar room (an ideal place for a relaxing holiday in decorated interiors). Perhaps sing at the Heliopark karaoke bar. Or, like a real cowboy, take a drag on a cigar.

You can go see a zoo with domestic, wild and exotic animals. Heliopark Country Resort has a lot of all kinds of sports and other fun: a 23x10 m swimming pool, with a section for children, in the deep part - 1m 70 cm. The pool has a counter-current, an underwater geyser, hydromassage, three water slides: a children's slide, a serpentine slide, and a kamikaze slide. Horseback riding - riding a mustang just like a real cowboy! You can also shoot with a bow at the shooting range. Outdoor and indoor sports games, aqua and step aerobics, gyms and sports halls, rental of sports equipment, paintball, saunas, Russian bath, disco, fishing on Lake Lesnoy.

Children will have something to amuse themselves with: there is children's animation, a children's mini-club with toys “One cowboy, two cowboys” (with a teacher).

5. Objectives and structure of the animation service

In the process of interaction between tourists and hotel staff, the guest’s attitude towards the hotel, the routine established in it, the service, the comfort created specifically for him, and therefore the mood for relaxation, is formed. The friendliness and professionalism of the entire hotel staff receiving guests largely determines whether a tourist will want to come to this hotel again.

It depends on the qualifications of the animation specialists: how long will the tourist remember this rather short-term vacation in this hotel.

It can be said without exaggeration that an animator is, first of all, a good psychologist who understands and feels people, who is able to come to their aid not only during the hours allotted for rest, but also at any moment when vacationers feel the need for his help and services. At the Heliopark Country Resort hotel, animators can be found everywhere. They are often the first people vacationers meet as soon as they cross the threshold of the hotel. Animators accompany vacationers when visiting restaurants and cafes, on walks and parties. Thanks to bright and recognizable clothes, they are always visible and ready to provide the attention that guests need.

The main task of animators is to organize interesting and varied leisure time. Not only independently working professionals are involved here, but also entire animation teams that work with guests throughout the day: in the morning they invite you to game and sports programs, in the afternoon to theatrical performances, in the evening they organize various shows, birthday celebrations and discos. . Teams of professional instructors-animators conduct sports competitions, organize master classes, for example, in aerobics and oriental dance, and teach the basics of martial arts and horse riding skills. One of the important areas of animation activity is animation for children. There are special children's clubs on site: for children 3-12 years old and for youth 12-15 years old. It offers a variety of game programs, water attractions, excursions, horseback riding, competitions, demonstrations of feature and animated films, and various clubs. All these events are carried out by animators dressed as funny clowns, fairy tale characters or favorite cartoons. Evening performances, which are the main part of the entertainment program, are varied in content, staging, and costumes. Such events take place in different formats: from small everyday scenes performed by actors and animators to serious theatrical performances. In addition to the show, the evening entertainment program also includes various lotteries and various quizzes with educational themes.

I looked at the service structure of the Heliopark Country Resort hotel. It can be imagined as follows:

Hotel General Manager

General manager of hotel animation service


chief instructor

mini club

Choreographer – director of evening entertainment programs

Tour animators (7-20 people), decorator, DJ

The main person in the animation system is the animation service manager. He reports directly to the General Manager.

As a generalist, the manager of animation activities is called upon to identify, satisfy and develop the socio-cultural interests of different groups of the population, develop targeted animation programs and social technologies for their implementation, stimulate innovative movements in the field of tourism, manage the economic mechanisms for organizing animation activities, and introduce effective pedagogical methods. development of cultural and aesthetic creativity.

Each department has specific responsibilities, but there are events that are prepared by all members of the animation team together.

Sports department– headed by a sports chief instructor. The work of this department is the most active and intense. Throughout the day, animators are in direct contact with tourists, every 30 minutes they offer guests various sports activities (aqua and step aerobics classes, skating and skiing, paintball, fishing, shooting range). Each sports animator conducts a strictly defined number of classes and must be well aware of the rules of the games and competitions being organized, as well as be able to conduct safety briefings. All sports animators must have appropriate training, always be fit, slim, cheerful, and sociable.

Show animation department. Professional dancers, musicians, and artists are recruited. The department also constantly employs a professional choreographer, who often combines the duties of director of evening entertainment programs, DJ, decorator and costume designer. Other animators are involved in work as needed. Show programs most often include humorous skits, excerpts from famous musicals, and dance performances. A striptease show is sometimes organized to entertain guests. The show animation department is responsible for holding discos (for both adults and children), teaching vacationers dance movements, performing songs and conducting other musical and entertainment events.

Mini club– an important department of the animation service. The main responsibility of the mini-club animators is to organize an interesting, complete rest for children, giving parents the opportunity to find entertainment to their liking. For each age group, it is advisable to draw up a program in advance and select age-appropriate games and entertainment. The animators of this department have a great responsibility for the lives and health of children. In addition to the entertainment function, mini-club animators also perform an educational function, so they must know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to answer children’s questions, explain the rules of the game, and tell something interesting.

Becoming an animator is not easy. An animator must initially possess certain work skills and abilities, and must also be psychologically prepared for this work.

6. Development of animation programs for various categories of tourists

In my work I will try to develop an animation program for adults and children. Because most often tourists at the Heliopark Country Resort hotel are families.

So, for the animator, the main task is to keep the child as busy as possible in order to give parents the opportunity to relax peacefully without worrying about him.

Animation program (for 1 day):

For preschool children:

After breakfast, parents take their children to the mini club.

10.00 – 11.00 – children sculpt various figures from clay under the supervision of teachers.

11.00 – 12.00 – a drawing competition is announced. The guys draw on a specific topic. Then everyone is awarded prizes.

14.00 – 17.00 – children go on a fabulous journey. Animators stage the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” Children take part in this, they are given roles and words. Parents are welcome to attend this event.

19.00 – children's disco, where animators hold various competitions, in which prizes are awarded for winning.

For teenage schoolchildren:

10.00 – 12.00 – sports games in the pool. For example, “Who's Afraid of the White Shark?”, “Floating Bucket” - two buckets float around the pool. At the “start” signal, all participants (two teams) begin to throw balls into their bucket. One player (on each team) stands next to the bucket and throws all the balls that do not go into the bucket back. The winner is the team that throws all the balls into its bucket the fastest.

14.00 – 15.00 – a “knight’s tournament” is held on the street. Participants stand on a log and fight with pillows. Whoever resists is the winner.

15.00 – 17.00 – game “Clever and smart girls”

19.00 – children's disco.

For youth:

10.00 – 12.00 – water polo and volleyball are held in the pool. There is a football tournament on the site. If you wish, you can form teams and take part in paintball.

14.00 - 17.00 – all participants are divided into teams, and KVN is held. A specific topic is given and the teams come up with performances with the help of animators.

19.00 – 20.00 – horse riding is organized.

20.00 – disco.

For adults:

10.00 – 12.00 – women can take part in aqua and step aerobics. The men go fishing.

14.00 – 17.00 – rock climbing training takes place in the hall. At the same time, people can take part in karting on the site. Or rent rollerblades/skateboards.

19.00 – 21.00 – literary evening in the hall by the fireplace. At the same time, animators perform a performance in the hall, and guests take part in it.

23.00 – disco. Animators organize competitions, such as “Miss Hotel”.

For families:

“Neptune's Day” in the summer, building a snow fortress, creating an ice sculpture, playing snowballs in the winter.

You can also prepare a program in the form of a ritual holiday “Russian loaf”. Wooden benches and tables are placed in the clearing. In the center there is a Russian stove, which is heated with wood. Girls in elegant sundresses with kokoshniks greet guests with bread and salt. Tourists prepare pies, bagels, gingerbreads, loaves, and try hot cakes

7. Conclusion

The global growth and development of tourism around the world has a great influence on the content and organization of professional tourism education.

According to experts, at present, the inclusion of animated programs of a cultural, educational, sports, tourist, and entertainment nature in the content of tourist routes and trips, and in the work of hotels increases their prestige and demand in the tourism services market.

While having fun, a person or a group of people satisfies their spiritual needs, evaluates their own personality, and analyzes their role on the scale of various subsystems. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.

The entertainment industry, by solving multifaceted problems, inherently shapes and develops personality. By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a work unit.

The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated link in the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, and labor resources.

So, based on this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    In the modern world, in conditions of fierce competition in the tourism services market, it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without organizing animation activities in it.

    Animation in hotels plays a great role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the hotel, thereby creating the prerequisites for the repeated arrival of guests, which significantly helps to increase the image and income of the hotel.

8. References

    Brymer R.A. "Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry", Moscow, 1995

    Garanin N.I., Bulygina I.I. "Management of tourist and hotel animation", Moscow, 2004

    Gulyaev V.G. "Organization of tourism activities", Moscow, 1996

    Zorin I.V., Zorin A.I. “Professional education and career in tourism”, Moscow, 2005

    Kotler F. “Marketing. Hospitality and tourism", Moscow, 1998

    Fundamentals of tourism activities. Textbook for students of tourist lyceums and colleges, Moscow, 2001

    Self-instruction manual “Profession animator”, Moscow, 2005

    Chebotar Yu.M. "Tourist Business", Moscow, 2000

    hotels (catering services, souvenir kiosks, sports and animated complexes etc.), ... service V hotels and restaurants); 5. Mastering a new type of activity. To improve the organization of activities hotel complex ...

  1. Animated programs in the hospitality industry

    Abstract >> Physical education and sports

    Most of them are young people. Considering program tourism and animated service V hotels, we can conclude that... tourist services are impossible to imagine hotel complex without organization in it animated activities. 3. Sports and fitness...

  2. The role of cultural events in the provision of additional services in hotels and tourist

    Abstract >> Management

    The impression the client receives from hotel complex. The task of the head of this service is to control... . In this chapter, looking at program tourism and animated service V hotels, we conclude that...

  3. Work on organizing recreation and entertainment in hotel

    Abstract >> Physical education and sports

    1: Creating a favorable climate in hotel Chapter 2: Animated service V hotels Conclusion Literature Introduction When researching... services it is impossible to imagine hotel complex without organization in it animated activities. In modern...

  4. Advertising on hotel enterprise

    Abstract >> Physical education and sports

    Shockwave, which provides streaming playback animated videos and sound (you can download... service guests, automates administrative, marketing, financial, economic and economic activity hotels And hotel complexes ...

Animation is a relatively new area of ​​resort activity, which involves the personal participation of tourists in game and theatrical show programs, sports and cultural and entertainment events. This phenomenon is the result of competition between resorts seeking to diversify their clients' holidays. Animation teams work with tourists throughout the day: in the morning they invite them to game and sports programs, in the afternoon to theatrical performances, in the evening they organize colorful shows, birthday celebrations, acquaintance evenings, dance evenings, etc. For children and teenagers, game programs, water attractions, excursions, horseback riding, competitions, demonstrations of feature and animated films, and various clubs are offered. This activity is especially popular on vacation in Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Cyprus. In the process of interaction between tourists and hotel staff, the guest’s attitude towards the hotel, the routine established in it, the service, the comfort created specifically for him, and therefore the mood for relaxation, is formed. The friendliness and professionalism of the entire hotel staff receiving guests largely determines whether a tourist will want to come to this hotel again.

It depends on the qualifications of the animation specialists: how long will the tourist remember this rather short-term vacation in this hotel.

Animation is an entire industry in hotel services, an integral part of the entire service of a club-hotel (restaurant, sports ground, swimming pool, etc.). Animators are essentially the same entertainers who are hired to ensure that none of the guests get bored. In a word, an animator is the soul of society, a person who must maintain the public's mood at the highest level. It’s not for nothing that the word “anima” itself, translated from Latin, means “soul”, “spirit”. But here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it and do everything to ensure that guests are satisfied with their vacation and the work of the animation team. Animators will equally interest both children and adults. Children will happily accept the fun game, and adults will happily remember their childhood by participating in interesting competitions. The animators' performances are especially interesting because they involve viewers of the program in exciting interactive action. Animator training is carried out today by many organizations, because this is really the profession that is needed in the field of holidays.

Together with the animators, there are singers, professional dancers and musicians, who are often specially invited and paid for by the hotel administration for the evening. Well-developed club recreation systems require a large number of specialists in the field of animation activities. By and large, the activities of an animator are aimed at developing the creativity of tourists, enriching the content of animation activities, searching for new forms of work taking into account modern demands, and using material and expressive means to the fullest extent. And if you equip tourism workers with interesting and exciting programs that take into account age and psychological characteristics, local traditions and traditions of other countries, this will make tourism mass, capable of involving all social strata of the population, including young people, in its sphere. Considering program tourism and animation services in hotels, we can conclude that in the modern world, in conditions of fierce competition in the tourism services market, it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without organizing animation activities in it. In the modern world, in conditions of fierce competition in the tourism services market, it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without organizing animation activities in it.

Animation in hotels plays a great role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the hotel, thereby creating the prerequisites for the repeated arrival of guests, which significantly helps to increase the image and income of the hotel.