American squadron of Admiral Byrd. Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Sea and river cruises

Could the Earth be a hollow ball, as the inspirers of the hollow Earth theory claim? They say that Admiral Byrd described in his diary a journey to the inner world of the planet, discovering legendary territories. The Hollow Earth theory is a bizarre claim that sounds too amazing to leave us indifferent.

Idea theorists picture our planet with a rich inner world, inhabited by wise inhabitants. This is a huge secret, carefully guarded by insiders and the government. For many, the proposal sounds absurd, although many adherents around the world are sure of it.

Our planet is divided into the surface and inner worlds, where intelligent beings live. Everything we know about the Earth represents only part of the story; the other side is in. We inhabit the surface, but underneath lies an amazingly beautiful world of legendary creatures of "mythology" that live beyond our imagination.

Believers in the inner world of the Earth convince that UFOs belong to the underground inhabitants of the planet, and not to aliens. These machines are piloted by our neighbors, occasionally coming to the surface to evaluate people's activities. They come from places where dinosaurs still roam and cities full of light thrive. The Northern Lights are just a reflection of city lights in the atmosphere.

Sounds strange and rather crazy? Perhaps, but the theory of the hollow Earth has been gathering its adherents throughout human history. It has been going on since ancient times and still lives today. Of course, academic teaching refutes this stupid assumption.

Given the knowledge of seismic waves, gravity, geology and the formation of planets, there is not and cannot be true evidence in favor of a very sophisticated concept.

However, proponents of the idea believe in the hypothetical possibility, largely trusting the records of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. The alleged written evidence in the traveler's diary greatly strengthened the hollow earth theory, giving the idea some confidence. Although the story presented on behalf of Admiral Byrd, as well as the diary entries, look very doubtful.

Admiral Bird and the Hollow Earth Theory.

Admiral Richard Byrd is considered a 20th century adventurer and daring explorer of the frozen desert. He was a fearless man, a US Navy officer and an expert in navigation. In 1926, a traveler flew over North Pole, although I never got to the very center. Three years later, Bird becomes the first pilot to fly south and return.

In the 1920s, there were many lands in the world that had never been seen by people in known history. The most desperate explorers paved the first paths for scientists. Bird traveled to the frozen desert several times, and went to the North Pole again in 1947. It was this 1947 expedition that became key for the formation of many legends, including the Hollow Earth.

In 1947, Admiral Byrd allegedly took another air trip over the North Pole. About this flight, he described in his diary unimaginable events and meeting. It turns out that in this adventure he met the inhabitants of the inner world of the Earth!

Having landed, the researcher talked with a representative of the city of Agartha (sometimes called Ariana). The admiral's interlocutor expressed regret for the invention of the atomic bomb and warned of great danger. He told the researcher a lot and asked him to bring the message to the people of the upper world.

The admiral was a famous military and public figure. It seems unlikely that he could exaggerate his experiences on the expedition. Although it is quite likely that he could have kept it a secret so as not to be branded as a crazy forger. So Richard E. Bird trusted the diary, where .

At the same time, this 1947 journey is doubtful for many, and therefore the question is justified: does the admiral’s diary really reflect the truth? Maybe this is a falsification, embodied by a certain hoaxer and a great adherent of the theory?

There is one major problem with this story based on the official reports. While traveling to the planet's interior, Admiral Byrd commanded a project called Operation High Jump. The truth is that they claim deliberate misinformation designed to hide the real story of a journey into the inner world of the Earth.

The world rulers know about the inner world of the Earth.

Jules Verne, a French writer, wrote “Journey to the Center of the Earth” in 1864, and from then on the idea spread beyond the Vernians.

Surprisingly (or maybe not), proponents of the Hollow Earth theory often call on NASA photos and videos as evidence of their case. Many photographs from space show anomalous formations at the poles. Most can be explained by science, others remain controversial.

Some even claim that NORAD satellites do not fly over the poles because of secrecy. The computer images (supposedly) support the theorists' claims, although experts deny such statements.

If the Earth were truly hollow, then scientists should know about it. In fact, we are asked to think that only the world's rulers know about this. This opens a glimpse into the final phase of any “good” theory: . That being said, given the technology we have today, keeping the inner earth secret must span countries and governments.

If hiding a secret is indeed a reality, then the next question requires an answer: for what purpose is it hidden from society? Admiral Byrd's purported recording presented the interior earth as an amazingly wondrous place to live, populated by wise beings who could teach us something important.

But maybe not everything is so great? Maybe we are in danger from the inhabitants of the inner land? Perhaps you can get a bunch of wild scenarios from here, but never find the right path to the truth.

Is there proof of the hollow earth theory?

Without any evidence other than dubious NASA images of a dead adventurer's diary that may or may not be real, it is difficult to prove the Earth's inner world theory. Most of us do not have the means to go to the poles and see what is happening there. We trust the government, military and scientific organizations, but this will always give rise to conspiracy theories.

When it comes to Admiral Byrd's diary, we can assume that one of several things is true: perhaps an avid researcher made up the story to gain fame. However, committed by a brave man it seems unlikely that he would do such acts.

Maybe the diary is a complete fake, designed by someone else for reasons known only to them. This clears the admiral's name, but leaves us wondering who the real creator of the diary might be.

Third, maybe it's true. Perhaps he traveled to the inner earth, experienced strange things and returned with a warning, but the government "closed" the topic. Could there be a race of beings living on our planet who know the secret of flying saucers and the wisdom of the ages until our species is ready to accept it? The history of the planet goes back billions of years, the history of man is only small thousands.

Antarctica1947 The Great Mystery of Ufology

In the early 60s, ufologists became aware of excerpts from the diary of the famous American polar explorer Richard Byrd, who at the very beginning of 1947 led a major expedition to the eastern shores. And so, knowledgeable people claim that in this very diary, only in another, classified place to this day, Baird allegedly states that during one of his reconnaissance flights over the icy desert of the Sixth Continent, he was allegedly forced to land... strange aircraft, “... similar, - I quote from the book of the English ufologist Winston Flammel, - on flat british helmets!” What Admiral Richard Byrd describes is simply inconvenient to repeat after him, because even children will not believe it. However, in any case, it becomes clear that even if we exclude from the long list of “observations” some “misunderstanding” that happened on February 25, 1942 over (“Battle over Los Angeles”), then the chronology of “indisputable UFO sightings” is as simple as a damn – the first American to see the CLASSIC “flying saucer” was Admiral Richard Byrd, and it happened not over America, but over the Sixth Continent.

It is with this incident that all stories on the history of UFOs should begin.

Admiral Byrd's Expedition

The background to this story begins, so to speak, in “prehistoric” times. Many knowledgeable experts claim that certain “ancient high cults” are directly involved here - in a word, magic, occultism and other palmistry. More “down-to-earth” researchers begin counting from later dates, and specifically from the year 1945, when the captains of two Nazi internees in Argentinean ports reported to the American intelligence services that “received” them that at the end of the war they allegedly carried out some special supply flights Hitler's Shangri-La - a mysterious Nazi base in Antarctica.

The American military leadership took this information so seriously that they decided to send an entire fleet led by their most competent polar explorer, Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, to search for this very base, which the Germans themselves called “New Swabia.” This was the fourth Antarctic expedition of the famous admiral, but unlike the first three, it was entirely financed, which predetermined the absolute secrecy of its goals and results.

The expedition included the escort aircraft carrier Casablanca, converted from a high-speed transport, and on which 18 aircraft and 7 helicopters were based (it would be hard to call them helicopters - very imperfect aircraft with a limited range and extremely low survivability), as well as more 12 ships, which accommodated more than 4 thousand people. The entire operation received the code name “High Jump”, which, according to the plan, was supposed to symbolize the last, final blow to the unfinished Third Reich in the ice of Antarctica...

So, the 4th expedition of Admiral Byrd, covered by a fleet so impressive for a simple civilian expedition, landed in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land on February 1, 1947 and began a detailed study of the territory adjacent to the ocean.

During the month, about 50 thousand photographs were taken, or rather 49,563 (data taken from the Brooker Cast geophysical yearbook). Aerial photography covered 60% of the territory that interested Baird, the researchers discovered and mapped several previously unknown mountain plateaus and founded a polar station. But after some time, the work was suddenly stopped, and the expedition urgently returned to America.

Map of Admiral Byrd's expedition

For more than a year, no one had absolutely any idea about the true reasons for Richard Byrd’s hasty “escape” from Antarctica; moreover, no one in the world then even suspected that at the very beginning of March 1947 the expedition had to engage in a real battle with the enemy , whose presence in the area of ​​her research she allegedly did not expect. From the moment of its return to the expedition, it was surrounded by such a dense veil of secrecy that no other scientific expedition of this kind was surrounded, however, some of the more nosy newspapermen still managed to find out that Byrd’s squadron did not return in full force - it was allegedly off the coast of Antarctica lost at least one ship, 13 aircraft and about forty personnel... Sensation, in a word!

And this very sensation was properly “formatted” and took its rightful place on the pages of the Belgian popular science magazine “Frey”, and then was reprinted by the West German “Damestish” and found a new breath in the West German “Brisant”. A certain Karel Lagerfeld informed the public that, having returned from Antarctica, Admiral Byrd gave lengthy explanations at a secret meeting of the presidential special commission in, and its summary was as follows: the ships and planes of the Fourth Antarctic Expedition were attacked ... by strange “flying saucers” that “ ...emerged from under the water, and moving at great speed, caused significant damage to the expedition.”

According to Admiral Byrd himself, these amazing aircraft were probably produced at Nazi aircraft factories camouflaged in the Antarctic ice, whose designers mastered some unknown energy used in the engines of these devices... Among other things, Byrd told high-ranking officials the following:

There is nothing particularly surprising about France. Despite the fact that this country belonged to the so-called capitalist camp, at that moment the Communists, led by Maurice Thorez, were in full control of its government, and even when the rights of the Communists were subsequently significantly curtailed, France still had relations with the Soviets, if not friendly, then trusting - Anyway. In order to realize this fact, it is enough to note that when in 1966 (even two whole years after the death of Thorez, the permanent member of parliament) France left, Lyndon Johnson had a private conversation with his special assistant for national security issues M. Bundy literally stated the following:

“Despite all the disadvantages, there is still one wonderful moment in this story: now our military secrets, which we shared with these French, will no longer go straight to the Russians...”

Another interesting detail: in the immediate vicinity of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica there is a group owned islands- Kerguelen, Crozet and Saint-Paul. All the islands are uninhabited, and the last one, among other things, has very convenient bays with calm waters, perfectly suitable for anchoring ocean-going ships. After the war, both the Americans and the British repeatedly turned to De Gaulle with a proposal to provide them with these islands to create their military bases, but the communists, firmly entrenched in the French Provisional Government, and then in the government of the newly formed Fourth Republic, rejected these proposals outright (*37 ). It is officially unknown whether Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin made such proposals for his part, but until his death in 1953, Soviet ships could often be seen in various French Navy bases around the world, and especially in Haiphong, New Caledonia and Caribbean Sea. So we won’t find anything surprising in the message that in 1946 one of the new destroyers of the “Antarctic Navy of the USSR” was observed in the waters of the French island of Kerguelen...

By the time of the attack on the USSR, ANNENERBE had more than fifty scientific institutes under its jurisdiction, the activities of which were coordinated by Professor Kurt Wurst, a man who, according to Schellenberg, was “... the famous scientific rogue of all times and peoples, posing as a recognized expert ancient cult texts...” At the Nuremberg trials, when the case of the leaders of “ANNENERBE” was heard (those, of course, few who, for some not entirely clear reasons, did not have time to hide in other “friendly” countries and fell into the hands of the allies) , it turned out that by the end of the war, huge sums of money had gone through the channels of this organization in an unknown direction - something like 50 billion gold Reichsmarks. When the investigators asked Wurst’s assistant, Reinhard Zuchel, what exactly this fantastic money was spent on, he, pretending to be “a crazy guy,” only kept repeating something about SHAMBALA and AGARTHA... (*42) . What these same SHAMBALA and AGARTA were was clear in principle to some of the most enlightened investigators, but it still remained unclear what exactly the golden Reichsmarks could have to do with these rather vague things... Zuchel was never “talked to” until the very end of his life, which came under very strange circumstances a year later.

Official sources claim that in early spring In 1945, Hitler, after some hard thinking, approved the project plan, previously developed by his occultist henchmen, providing for the concealment of the most valuable, secret, esoteric relics of the Third Reich. Among the items allegedly most valued by Hitler himself was an ancient spear, currently known as the “Spear of Cassius Longinus” (this spear, according to a persistent legend, was made 5 thousand years ago from a meteorite, belonged at different times to King Solomon, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne , Napoleon Bonaparte, and besides, he himself was killed on the cross (*43)). Professor Brian Cetius, author of the Encyclopedia of the Occult World, argued that Hitler seriously believed that with the appropriation of the Spear of Longinus, he had the key to world domination in his hands. Whether this is true or not, some more or less competent researchers have every reason to believe that Hitler himself had nothing to do with this (*44).

As already mentioned, all the problems of studying the history of the German race were taken upon solely by Himmler, who had more imagination than many other leaders of the Reich. Very significant sums of money were spent from the state treasury on the antics of this “hussar”, and they liked it less and less, especially since Himmler’s research (their results) almost did not at all correspond to his optimistic statements about the significance of the German peoples in world history. In another conversation with the same Speer, Hitler once again remarked, this time sarcastically:

“It’s not enough for us that the Romans erected their gigantic structures when our ancestors lived in primitive huts... so Himmler also orders to dig up these clay villages and comes into idiotic delight at the sight of every clay shard and every stone ax that was dug up! By this we only show the whole world that we threw stone darts and danced around the fire like savages, while Greece was already at the highest stage of its cultural development... We have every reason to remain silent about our past, and Himmler talks about it to the whole world, completely not understanding what a disservice he is doing to the entire German people. I can imagine what contemptuous laughter these revelations evoke in the Roman Mussolini!”

In 1938, the all-powerful Himmler managed to win over Reichsmarschall Goering, Admiral Raeder and some other people from the top leadership of the Reich in order to obtain Hitler's consent to send a large expedition to Antarctica. There is a version that Professor Wurst convinced Himmler that Antarctica is the legendary one sought by all the scientists of the world, which was considered the ancestral home of the entire Aryan race. It is not clear how the tight-fisted Hitler managed to extort funds for this expensive action, but in the spring of 1938, the first Nazi expedition under the command of Captain Adolf Ritscher, the former head of the 3rd operational intelligence department of Admiral Canaris, set off for Antarctica.

Much has been written about Admiral Canaris and his intelligence (Abwehr), but almost no one has ever attached importance to his involvement in Hitler’s (Himmler’s) attempts to “colonize” Antarctica. However, many materials declassified in recent years indicate that the sad end of the spy admiral was predetermined precisely by his overly heightened awareness of some secret matters, and to a large extent “Antarctic secrets.” And although Ritscher, who returned after the first campaign, reported that he “fulfilled the mission entrusted to him by none other than Marshal Goering himself,” it was Canaris who took upon himself the “technical support” of the expedition (*45). Many sober-minded researchers, in their numerous works, subsequently admitted that they could not find a more or less reasonable (and at the same time technically competent) explanation for the interest that the leaders of Germany had shown the day before in this distant and lifeless region of the globe, although this interest was surprise at the exceptional (*46). However, for some reason they stubbornly avoided the reasons for the interests that guided the Americans themselves, sending their own expeditions to the same Antarctica at the same time. The third expedition of Admiral Byrd, for example, carried out “hot on the heels” in West Antarctica, set itself, as is known, the task of establishing American sovereignty over the Wedell Sea located in Antarctic Peninsula and the land of Mary Baird, where several years earlier the same Baird had discovered huge deposits of coal.

As you know, the Americans have not taken out a single ton of coal from Antarctica in their entire history; the Germans were not interested in it either (the Saar coal basin, seized in 1935 under the pretext of demilitarization, more than provided absolutely all the Reich’s needs for this type of fuel and was even exported to some other countries). But the German “researchers” in 1938-39 were so hasty in “annexing” territories covered with many kilometers of ice to their distant Reich that this actually looks too suspicious.

Antarctic explorer Admiral Bird and conspiracy theories around his expeditions

YtAQ 35.36 Admiral Byrd, Floyd Bennett Tri Motor, and Map of South Pole
Richard Evelyn Byrd is an American aviator and polar explorer who was the first in history to fly over the South Pole in 1929.
Four major Antarctic expeditions under his leadership (1928-1930, 1933-1935, 1939-1941 and 1946-1947) discovered and explored vast areas. In 1929, the Little America base was founded on the coast of Antarctica. Baird gave the name to a number of areas of Antarctica (for example, Mary Baird Land). During the expedition of 1933-1935, he discovered Mount Sidley from the air, which, as it later turned out, is the most high volcano continent.
The crew of Bird's plane, the first to fly over the South Pole; Byrd's 5-month winter alone in Antarctica Richard E Byrd Revisiting old hut at the site of the original Little America

Richard Bird spent the winter of 1934 alone at the Bowling Advance Base meteorological station, 196 kilometers from Little America. Enduring temperatures ranging from -50 to -60 degrees Celsius, within five months he suffered from poor health and required medical attention. He was subsequently treated: doctors discovered he had carbon monoxide poisoning, as well as some mental disorders. Having recovered, Bird took part in the third US Antarctic expedition of 1939-1941 (as a result of which Bird’s pilots managed to make detailed maps almost all of West Antarctica), as well as in expeditions of 1946-1947 and 1955-1957.
Richard Bird has undertaken a number of research projects. For example, during the 1939-1941 expedition, he discovered that the Earth's south magnetic pole had shifted about a hundred miles to the west compared to 1909. He also took many measurements and photographs from the air
*************Richard Byrd *********************** Bird and President Delano Roosevelt

Later he became a rear admiral in the US Navy. An American Antarctic research station and the American National Polar Research Center were named after Bird. In 1964, a crater on the Moon was named in honor of Richard Byrd

In 1946-1947, the US Navy conducted the Antarctic Highjump Expedition (OpHjp, “high jump”, official name- English The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947. The expedition leader was retired Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, and Task Force 68 was commanded by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen. The operation began on August 26, 1946 and ended at the end of February 1947, six months ahead of schedule due to the early arrival of the Antarctic winter (according to the official version). Task Force 68 consisted of 4,700 men, 13 ships and several aircraft. The main scientific goal of the expedition was the establishment of the Antarctic research station "Little America IV".
This expedition by Bird was quite strange because it gave rise to a lot of information regarding the fact that during Bird's flights in Antarctica he allegedly discovered secret base Nazis under the ice of glaciers and came into contact with aliens. Apparently this clean water fiction. The formation of these fictions is described in books (see Judging by information circulating on the Internet, excerpts from Richard Bird's diaries began to surface approximately in the mid-1990s. Moreover, some claim that they appeared at the instigation of the rear admiral’s wife, others - that the fragments were made public at the instigation of his daughter.

In August 1945, two German submarines surrendered to the Allies in Argentina, whose crews did not know that the Second World War had ended. Judging by the good condition of the boats, the Argentines came to the conclusion that the boats were settled in some secluded ports. Submarine crews talked cheerfully about a hidden meringue for submarines operating in the Southern Hemisphere "New Swabia" in Dronning Maud Land in Antarctica. It is quite possible that Byrd, who was authoritative in military circles but suffered from a mental disorder, managed to convince the US leadership to send a powerful naval force to the shores of Antarctica in order to verify this information
Bird in 1947 long time reported on the expedition to the Pentagon and left after his death a diary with curious details of the 1947 expedition that were not included in the official reports. And perhaps it simply contains information about what Bird saw on his first polar expedition in 1926, with which “not everything is clear” either, and the journal itself was written under the impression of Bird’s difficult winter alone in Antarctica. In any case, there is no doubt that the seventh chapter from the third part of the diary - the one that talks about Richard Byrd’s meeting with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, was simply invented by an unknown forger much later than Byrd.

On February 1, 1947, an expedition led by Rear Admiral Richard Byrd landed in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land and began studying the territory adjacent to the ocean. The studies were designed for 6-8 months. But at the end of February all work was suddenly stopped, and the expedition urgently returned to the USA.

The idea of ​​such a naval expedition was born in the fall of 1945. Submariners from the crews of several German submarines interned in Argentina told American intelligence agencies that before the end of World War II they allegedly carried out special flights to supply a certain Nazi base in Antarctica.

The Americans took this information seriously. They decided to send an entire squadron led by the most experienced polar explorer at that time, Admiral Byrd, to search for the mysterious base.
Richard Bird knew Antarctica well. In 1929, an expedition under his leadership founded the Little America base in Whale Bay.

In 1929, he and his partner made their first flight over the South Pole. In 1939-1941, he undertook an expedition to the west and south of Antarctica: to the area of ​​the Ross Barrier, Mary Bird Land, Graham Land, and the Edward VII Peninsula. And when World War II began, Byrd commanded the so-called Greenland Patrol and fought the Nazis in the Arctic.

Admiral Byrd is back in Antarctica

At the end of 1946, the admiral was put in charge of a new military and scientific expedition to Antarctica. The American Navy has allocated serious forces for these purposes: an aircraft carrier, 13 cruisers and destroyers, a submarine, an icebreaker, more than 20 aircraft and helicopters and a total of about five thousand personnel.

Over the course of a month, the expedition members managed to take about 50 thousand photographs, map several previously unknown mountain plateaus, and equip a new polar station. One of the destroyers conducted a training bombardment of a pile of ice hummocks with torpedoes. And suddenly the Americans were attacked... by devices resembling “flying saucers.” By the way, such a term did not yet exist.

Bird allegedly reported on the radio that after a short battle, an unknown enemy expelled the envoys. These were two young men, tall, blond and blue-eyed, dressed in uniforms made of leather and fur. One of the parliamentarians in broken English language demanded that the Americans urgently, within a couple of hours, leave the area.

Tragic collision

Bird rejected these claims. Then the envoys retreated towards the snowy ridge and seemed to disappear into thin air. And an hour or two later, enemy artillery hit the cruisers and destroyers. 15 minutes later the air attack began. The speed of the enemy aircraft was so high that the Americans, who fired counter anti-aircraft fire, only managed to keep the enemy away from the targeted firing distance of the ships.

Expedition member John Syerson recalled many years later: “They jumped out of the water like mad and literally slipped between the masts of ships with such speed that the radio antennas were torn apart by the streams of disturbed air. Several "corsairs" managed to take off from the "Casablanca", but in comparison with these strange aircraft they looked like hobbled ones.

I didn’t even have time to blink an eye when two “corsairs”, struck by some unknown rays splashing from the bows of these “flying saucers”, buried themselves in the water near the ships... These objects did not make a single sound, they silently rushed between ships, like some kind of satanic, blue-black swallows with blood-red beaks, and continuously spat murderous fire.

Suddenly, "Murdoch", which was ten cable cables away from us (about two kilometers - author's note), burst into flames and began to sink. From other ships, despite the danger, lifeboats and boats were immediately sent to the scene of the disaster. When our “pancakes” arrived in the battle area, having recently been relocated to a coastal airfield, they could not do anything. The whole nightmare lasted about twenty minutes. When the flying saucers dived under the water again, we began to count our losses. They were terrifying..."

By the end of this tragic day, about 400 Americans were killed, about 20 planes and helicopters were shot down, one cruiser and two destroyers were damaged. The losses would have been even greater, but night had fallen. Under those conditions, Admiral Byrd made the only correct decision: to wind down the operation and return home with the entire squadron.

Ufologists today are convinced that there were alien bases in this sector of Antarctica. In any case, the bases of those who controlled these “flying saucers”. And the aliens reacted accordingly to the arrival of uninvited guests. It is unlikely that the Germans had aircraft with such devastating weapons at that time. And after the surrender of Germany in May 1945, there were no longer any German military personnel left in Antarctica. They scattered all over the world, most of them were in Argentina.

When the American squadron finally reached its shores and the command was informed about the fate of the expedition, all its participants - both officers and sailors - were isolated. Only Admiral Byrd remained free. He was, however, prohibited from meeting with journalists.

Then he began to write memoirs about this period of his life. It was not possible to publish the manuscript, but it ended up in the “high spheres.” Bird was dismissed and, moreover, declared insane. In recent years, the admiral lived practically under house arrest, did not communicate with anyone, and could not even see his former colleagues. He died in 1957. No one remembered the famous polar hero then.

New expedition

It must be assumed that in 1947, senior American leadership treated Admiral Byrd's report with due attention, since in 1948 the 39th operational unit of the US Navy was sent to this area of ​​​​Antarctica. It was equipped with the latest radar equipment and reinforced by naval special forces. Undoubtedly, the Americans hoped to take revenge for the battle Bird lost. But there was no new meeting with mysterious strangers, although helicopters scrupulously examined the coast, and tracked transporters went deep into the continent.

The new expedition managed to explore only some ice caves on the shore. The results were modest. Construction and household waste, broken drilling rigs, some mining equipment, torn miner's overalls. I came across the “Made in Germany” stamp. Surprisingly, not a single spent cartridge case was found related to German weapons from the Second World War.

There was no doubt that the Germans spent more than one year here. But when did they disappear from the icy continent? Where are the mythical underground factories that produced these supposed superweapons? The Americans came across only dilapidated barracks. Admiral Gerald Ketcham, having not met anyone except penguins, ordered to sail home...

Until now, little is known reliably about Admiral Byrd’s expedition of 1946-1947. Information about the presence of military personnel and scientists in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land at the beginning of 1947 is mostly classified. Most likely, the expedition members encountered aliens there. And all materials related to them are classified as secret even today in the United States.

Vasily MITSUROV, Candidate of Historical Sciences

The American Antarctic expedition of 1946/1947 became the most mysterious expedition to the shores of the sixth continent, leaving behind more questions than answers.

The end of World War II challenged the US government a daunting task: how to stop the looming economic crisis.

During the war years, thanks to military orders and Lend-Lease supplies of weapons, fuel and food, the country's enterprises operated at full capacity, and the population was provided with permanent work. As they say, to whom war belongs, to whom mother is dear...

But now the war is over - and the question arose of what to do next.

Where was Hitler hiding?

The victory over Germany and Japan brought moral satisfaction and huge income in the form of reparations paid by the defeated countries, but threatened a new economic crisis. And also the disintegration of a huge army, whose soldiers had nothing to do in the literal sense of the word.

And suddenly US counterintelligence receives information that Hitler and several other leaders of the Third Reich did not die, but are hiding in the Antarctic base “New Swabia”.

According to counterintelligence data, about 1-2 million young German scientists and members of the “Hitler Youth” were previously taken there, who were to recreate a new Aryan race.

Allowing a new revival of an old enemy, American President Harry Truman could not, and immediately gave the order to equip a naval expedition to the shores of Antarctica, codenamed “High Jump”.

The admiral was entrusted to lead it Richard Bird, who was an experienced polar explorer. He already had three polar expeditions under his belt and personally flew an airplane over the Northern and South Poles Earth.

Armed to the Teeth Science

Officially, the purpose of the expedition was to study the polar regions of Antarctica, train personnel and test equipment in cold conditions and other scientific tricks, as well as declare sovereignty over the largest possible part of the continent, including New Swabia, previously staked out by German explorers.

The tasks are clear and quite achievable. But why then was it necessary to escort a military squadron consisting of the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea, two icebreakers and 13 battleships, about 25 aircraft, including Corsair fighters, seaplanes, flying boats and helicopters?

In total, about 4,700 people took part in the expedition, and on board the ships there were a large number of sled dogs and food supplies for six months.

The start of Byrd's expedition was scheduled for December 1946, the period when the polar summer begins in Antarctica and the length of daylight is 24 hours.

The start of the Highjump expedition went according to plan. Despite some problems with the organization, in January 1947, the squadron starting from Melbourne approached the shores of New Swabia. And here the incredible happened.

Merciless flying saucer attack

The official American press reported a sharp change in weather conditions, as a result of which the squadron, which lost the destroyer Murdoch, 13 aircraft and about 40 military personnel (according to some sources, 68), was forced to turn to the shores of America.

Only in 1976, a secret report by Admiral Byrd became public knowledge, which spoke of an attack on a squadron of aircraft of an unknown type. These unidentified objects in appearance resembled the disks or helmets of the British military.

They emerged from under the water at breakneck speed, moved absolutely silently, and with their rays of red light they literally cut in half the Corsair fighters that were trying to attack them.

Representative of the Soviet government on this Antarctic expedition Konstantin Yalyarashkovsky in the decline of his life he said: during the attack of flying saucers, he was struck by the fact that fascist crosses were painted on their sides. And this is almost two years after the official end of World War II!

The destroyer Murdoch, which tried to attack these mysterious objects, instantly caught fire and sank within 7 minutes, and the sailors who were unable to get out of its holds died.

Meeting with the leadership of the German colony

The next day, Admiral Byrd personally flew out on reconnaissance and... disappeared. Upon learning of this, the Pentagon gave the order to immediately wind down the operation and return to the United States.

However, Byrd soon returned to base and said that flying saucers forced him to land on a flat icy surface, reminiscent of an airfield runway.

According to Richard Byrd, he had a lengthy conversation with representatives German colony, who proposed that the American government provide cutting-edge technology in exchange for resources and non-interference in their lives.

The story seems so fantastic that it is almost impossible to believe in it. But there are many indirect facts indicating that such events took place.

Germans or aliens?

For many decades, supporters of conspiracy theories have been arguing about who put up such fierce resistance to Admiral Byrd's expedition - the Nazis who fled from persecution or representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

The US government could give an answer, but it stubbornly remains silent, officially claiming that the Highjump campaign had to be curtailed due to the sharply changed weather and the approaching polar winter.

However, technological breakthroughs from 1970 to 2000 suggest otherwise. During these years, it was American scientists who proposed to the world to replace analogue technologies with digital ones. There was a computer boom, and landlines replaced mobile phones.

Numerous cases of the appearance of flying saucers in Antarctic regions also arouse genuine interest. American George Adamski, who has repeatedly contacted tall and blond aliens, claimed that they speak... in German.

Expedition "Deep Freeze"

Almost nothing was known about Admiral Byrd for 7 years. They even said that all this time he was in a mental hospital. However, in 1954, the American government organized a new military expedition to Antarctica, codenamed “Deep Freeze”.

This time, on board the ships there are bombs with nuclear warheads, which were allowed to be used in critical situations. Against who? History is silent about this.

The expedition was assigned to lead Richard Byrd, who was declared mentally healthy and competent. The new expedition lasted more than two years and was crowned with success. No one entered into new clashes, and negotiations with Antarctic settlers who were personally acquainted with Admiral Byrd passed in full accordance with expectations.

Apparently, an agreement on mutual non-aggression and cooperation was signed, after which the Americans stopped studying this sector of Antarctica. After returning to the United States, Byrd, no longer needed by anyone, unexpectedly died, leaving a diary, which the official Pentagon immediately recognized as falsified and... classified.