Cyprus island on the map of Europe. Detailed map of Cyprus in Russian. Resort cities of Cyprus and their features

Size matters. The area of ​​the island is 9,251 sq. km. This is simply a huge territory compared to such micro states as Monaco (2.02 sq. km) or Malta (316 sq. km).

In the list of countries with the smallest territory, Cyprus ranks 12th between Brunei and Lebanon.

But still, Cyprus is an island and it would be more correct to compare it with similar islands. In these statistics, the results are already much higher. In the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus is the third largest after Sardinia and Sicily. Even the homeland of the Kritomikneg civilization, the island of Crete, is smaller in size than Cyprus.

Looking closely at the world map, you can understand why Cyprus is considered one of the islands with sea water quite comfortable for year-round swimming.

The island is washed by three warm seas: Cyprus, Cilicia and Levantine, in which there are almost no storms.

There are many of us, but he is alone.

The population of the island is 850 thousand people in the southern part of the island and 310 thousand in the northern part. In total, more than 1.2 million people live on the island. One of the smaller Russian cities, such as Samara, can boast approximately the same population.

Neighborhood is a mutual matter.

Looking at Cyprus on the world map, you can see that Cyprus’s closest neighbors are: Turkey (75 km), Syria (105 km) and Egypt (380 km). If there were no sea barrier, then the unofficial capital of the militants from Idlib could be reached in less than 2 hours by car.

Geopolitical incidents.

On the island there is one of the 8 states in the world with an unrecognized status - the Republic of Turkey Northern Cyprus(TRNC). De facto, these countries are independent, but (almost) not recognized by anyone: Abkhazia, Waziristan, Nagorno-Karabakh (recognized only by Armenia), Transnistria, Northern Cyprus (recognized only by Turkey), Somaliland, South Ossetia.

Nicosia is the last divided capital of the world after the fall Berlin Wall. The narrowest section is called the Green Line, which is a UN buffer zone and runs through the whole of Nicosia, separating the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) from the Republic of Cyprus at arm's length.

Difficulties in translation.

In Cyprus - 2 official languages- Greek and Turkish. Proficiency level English Cyprus has one of the highest in Europe - 73%. It is not uncommon to hear Russian spoken on the street, and in a restaurant you will be served a menu in Russian. Russian is not taught in schools like English, but it is one of the most popular languages ​​in language courses.

Russian diaspora.

On at the moment The Russian-speaking population of Cyprus, according to various estimates, numbers from 30 to 50 thousand people. In Cyprus there are Russian newspapers, shops, a TV channel, a radio station, schools, a church, and concerts of Russian stars are regularly held.

Recently, the number of Russians has been increasing due to the influx of highly qualified IT specialists.

Spiritual bonds

The vast majority of Cypriots (94.8% of the population of the republic) are parishioners of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, which has the status of the official state church and has enormous political influence.

Historically, the most important and long-awaited holiday in Cyprus is not New Year and not even the traditional European Christmas, but Easter.

Almost the entire population of the Turkish part of Cyprus is a single Muslim community, constituting a fifth of the total population of the island. The largest Catholic churches in Nicosia and Famagusta have been converted into mosques.

Colonial legacy

Part of the island of Cyprus still belongs to the British crown and has the status of “British overseas territories”. This Earth is home to Britain's troops and its military infrastructure. Their names are Akrotiiri and Dhekelia.

As a legacy from the English crown, Cyprus also received left-hand traffic and unusual “British” format sockets.

Pride of Cyprus

On the list World Heritage UNESCO in the Republic of Cyprus has 3 names. This - Ancient city Paphos, the painted churches in the Troodos area and the Neolithic settlement of Khirokitia.

Commandaria - the oldest of these days existing types wines with a preserved name (this record is even recorded in the Guinness Book).

An endemic grape variety, Xynesteri, grows in Cyprus, from which Cypriots make sparkling sweet and dry white wines.

The island cannot boast of a rich fauna, however, on the map of Cyprus you can see the Troodos mountain ranges, in the forests of which the endemic Cypriot mountain sheep, the mouflon, lives.

Cyprus and the European Union

Cyprus has been using the Euro since 2008. But Cypriots are champions in the EU in their dissatisfaction with this currency. According to a Eurobarometer survey, more than 40% of the population believe that the euro has not brought anything good to the republic.

And about the most important thing!

Cyprus- one of the leaders in the number of sunny days per year in the EU. About 320 days are marked as sunny.

Unusual, but true.

Only 1 in 10 people will be able to find Cyprus on a world map. We hope that after our article the number of people aware of paradise island will increase.

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Do you dream of visiting the ruins of the city of Salamis, visiting Olympus or meeting real chameleons? Then you need to go to Cyprus. Over the years, Cyprus has continued to be one of the most favorite among tourists islands. But not all tourists imagine the location of this magnificent island. Where is the island of Cyprus? Finding it on the map will not be difficult, since Cyprus is in third place among the most big islands Mediterranean Sea. Its area is 9521 square meters. km., length - 240 km, and width about 100 km.

The island of Cyprus is located in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, which is territorially dominated by Asia. However, the island has close economic, historical and cultural ties with Europe and is part of the European Union and the Schengen area.

Island on the world map

Finding the island will not be difficult, knowing the distance from Cyprus to the nearest countries. Detailed geographical location will give you a map of the world. Looking at the map you can identify your neighbors famous island, which are:

  • is the closest neighbor of Cyprus, the distance to which is 75 km.
  • Syria, located 100 km to the right.
  • , which is 350 km away by sea.

It turns out that Cyprus is a connecting link between three continents. The island unites countries not only due to its geography. About 36% of the territory is a Turkish state called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, officially recognized by Turkey. Akrotiri and Dhekelia occupy 3% of the island's area. They contain military bases subordinate to Great Britain. The Republic of Cyprus itself makes up 60% of the southern part of the island. Between northern and southern part passes the buffer zone (Green Line), controlled by UN troops. On the map it stands out as a bold line or dotted line, being one of the most unique zones in the world.

The island unites several countries and cultures on its territory, which undoubtedly affected its history, traditions, and social life. Wonderful nature, seascapes, historical monuments And national parks make Cyprus an attractive destination for travelers from all over the world.

You can get to the island by water or by plane. When going on a cruise in the Mediterranean, it is worth knowing that Larnaca and Limassol are the two largest and busiest sea ​​ports Cyprus. There are also two airports on the island to accommodate travelers - in Paphos and Larnaca.

The island is washed by three seas: Cyprus, Cilicia and Levantine, and the Asia Minor peninsula is located nearby.

Where is the island of Cyprus on the map? The coordinates of the island on the map are 35°10’00” north latitude and 33°21’00” east longitude. Having found the point of intersection of these coordinates, we obtain the location of the island of Cyprus.

Climate of Cyprus

Cyprus is inimitable and unique, and leaves an indelible impression on the soul of every tourist. You already have an idea where the island of Cyprus is located on the world map. Now it’s worth getting acquainted with its climate in order to avoid mistakes in choosing the season and get the most out of your upcoming vacation.

The simultaneous belonging of the island to Asia and Europe made its climate special and unique.

Of course, the Mediterranean Sea has a great influence, providing the island with a mild winter. However, the climate here cannot be considered tropical Mediterranean. differs significantly from other neighboring countries. Asia did not have a strong influence on the climate of the island; it is unique in its own way.

The peculiarity of the local climate is:

  • minimal temperature fluctuations, leading to a soft and imperceptible change of seasons;
  • high humidity, making it easy to tolerate intense heat;
  • 330 days a year, pleasing with sunny weather.

The period from May to October is the six-month beach season on the island. The sea water heats up to +28ºС, and the air temperature is +30-35ºС. At the end of the rainy season, strong winds cause sea storms.

In winter, Cyprus offers wonderful resorts for lovers ski holiday. Spring - best time for lovers of excursions, since they will be able to more than enjoy the nature of the island before the peak of tourists arrives.

Thus, you can holiday in Cyprus all year round. The combination of clean mountain air, sea ​​water and the hot sun is useful for tourists of any age.

Island attractions

The island of Cyprus is a territory of the Eurozone. Holidays here are quite attractive from the point of view pricing policy And .

Tourists who visited this beautiful country, offer to enjoy its natural beauties:

  • the Troodos mountain range;
  • Cape Greco and the wonderfully pristine Fig Tree Bay;
  • Petra tou Romio, which is the rock and bath of Aphrodite.

Will not leave visitors indifferent National Park Cavo Greco, aquarium and dancing fountains in Protaras. History buffs will definitely see the Tomb of the Kings, the Temple of Apollo, Kolossi Castle, Eroskipos, Limassol Castle and the Amathus polis.

The territory of the island is literally dotted with monasteries: St. George Alamanu, Virgin Kykkos, Stavrovouni and Liopetri, Neophytos the Recluse and other saints. Cat lovers are keen to visit the monastery of St. Nicholas. He is Orthodox and there can be about 100 cats on his territory at the same time. According to legend, it was these animals that saved the island and its inhabitants from an invasion of poisonous snakes in the 4th century.

Cyprus Hotels

For wealthy people, there are luxury hotels on the island that have their own beach and offer all-inclusive meals. Most often these are five-star hotels on the seashore, the cost of a holiday in which is quite high.

Young people and middle-income people prefer to holiday in 2- and 3-star hotels, which are located further from the sea, but the cost of a room is much lower. Only breakfast is offered for meals. But this does not frighten tourists, since outside the hotel you can always find some cozy cafe or restaurant and enjoy the dishes national cuisine. According to survey results, the most popular among holidaymakers are: The hotels Royal Apollonia 5*, Crystal Springs 4* and Cavo Maris Beach 3*.

Tour costs

By looking at where the island of Cyprus is located on the world map, you can once again be convinced that you can only get there by using the services of airlines, or by sea transport. To visit the country you need a visa, and Russian citizens can obtain it using a simplified procedure.

The cost of a vacation depends on the preferred resort and the time of year in which the trip is planned. Don’t forget about the possibility of purchasing a last-minute ticket, because you can get a visa within a few days. One tourist should set aside about 25,000 rubles for a trip. The cost of such a trip usually includes air travel and accommodation in an all-inclusive hotel. This does not include the cost of excursions, restaurants, tips and taxi rides. These expenses must be taken into account when planning the cost of your upcoming trip.

Transport on the island

While holidaying in Cyprus, you can take advantage of public transport, but much more emotions and impressions will be given to the traveler by renting a car. IN in this case It is better to use the services of trusted car rental companies that provide full insurance. Beginners should remember that on the island of Cyprus, traffic is on the left, but the steering wheel of local cars is on the right.

Cyprus can be classified as one of those resorts that never goes out of fashion. In this amazing region, which deserves to be called a paradise on earth, all conditions have been created for high-quality and complete recreation. 300 days a year, the sun shines on this island, warming with its rays sandy beaches and crystal clear waters Mediterranean Sea.

Cyprus. Island map online
(Use the + and - icons to change the scale of the map, and the mouse to move the map in different directions)

Cyprus. Satellite map
The map can be enlarged or reduced

You can also try Cypriot wines, which are considered one of the best and oldest. In the evenings in Cyprus there is a mass entertainment programs for tourists. For those who love noisy company and music, there are many clubs and discos in Cyprus.

In winter, the temperature does not drop below +15. Cyprus is beautiful all year round. On this island, unique varieties of orchids grow that you will not see anywhere else on earth.

The nature of Cyprus has collected all the best, from beautiful tropical plants, citrus gardens, banana plantations, to olive, grape groves and endless green cedar forests.

The average life expectancy on this island is 85 years. This is facilitated by unique climate Cyprus.

Cyprus is often associated with beaches and white sand, however, few people know that there are also ski resorts in Cyprus. Those who come here with children can visit the Water Park and Dolphinarium.


And if you had an unusual dream while traveling, be sure to look at the online dream book. He will offer possible options for interpreting the images of your subconscious, which will help resolve internal conflicts and contradictions.

But they find it difficult to answer simple questions: what continent does Cyprus belong to, what seas is it washed by, what kind of country is this? Meanwhile, for an attentive tourist, the location of Cyprus on the world map will serve as the key to the mystery and will clarify a lot.

Some numbers and facts

  1. The dimensions of the island are 230 km by 100 km at the widest point, which is smaller than the average region of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation.
  2. subtropical in latitude, but not humid, without sharp changes temperatures and frosts, mild, favorable - the sun shines 300 days a year.
  3. just under a million, of which 50 thousand are Russian speakers.
  4. Türkiye is 70 km from the mainland, Syria is 105 km and Egypt is 350 km.
  5. Cyprus does not occupy the entire island, part belongs to the Turks, the British and the UN.

Interestingly, centuries-old strife has divided the island into 2 main camps. The left side and the bottom, if you draw a diagonal, is the southern, so-called Greek, the same Republic of Cyprus. The upper right part is , which is recognized only by Türkiye, Abkhazia and Azerbaijan.

Europe or Asia

Geographically, the island of Cyprus on the world map gravitates toward Asia; its closest neighbors are Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Syria. Despite the fact that it is now part of the EU and the group of Schengen countries, a full-fledged European country I haven't yet. There are too many disagreements that cannot currently be resolved peacefully.

It is obvious that the location of Cyprus on the map, separating many states from the Mediterranean Sea, did not give rest to the great empires. Before the republic became independent in 1960, it experienced endless influences and trends, some of which persist to this day.
From the ancient Greeks - the cultural image and religion, from the Roman Empire and then Byzantium - the flowering of art and architecture, from four centuries under Ottoman Empire- enmity with the Turks at the genetic level, from Great Britain - driving on the left and, from Europe - the euro, a pragmatic way of life and plans for the future.

While the republic is at a crossroads, unresolved territorial issues with the East are preventing it from becoming Europe, so for many the island of Cyprus on the world map resembles a pinned helpless lizard or a fallen leaf that drifts in a stormy stream and does not know where it will end up.

How a tourist can understand Cyprus

Decoding physical card world tells us that although the island is located in the Mediterranean Sea, it is nevertheless washed by three calm and warm seas: Levantine, Cypriot and Cilician. This means that the water warms up quickly, and there are practically no storms or hurricanes.

There are two along the island mountain range, they dominate the plain and insist on the volcanic theory of the origin of the island - which means it is predominantly black and gray, large, and coastline uneven, indented by bays and rocks. Surprisingly, the Cypriots were able to organize and ski resort on top of a ridge, which is rare for such small islands.

Looking at Cyprus on the map, you can immediately identify tourist areas, they are located near large cities by Cypriot standards by the sea, notice the scarcity of vegetation, which also affects the animal world, and pay attention to the extensive network of roads. For many tourists, such information will help them better plan their vacation and roughly understand what to expect from visiting the country.

The island of Cyprus on the world map is tiny, almost invisible, nestled in the fertile northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea under Turkish resorts, but worthy of visiting by tourists and has rich history, full of attractions.