The Fountain of Wealth is the largest fountain in the world. Fahd Fountain - the tallest fountain in the world, Saudi Arabia The largest dancing fountain in the world

Here are ten of the most amazing fountains in the world.

Moonlight Rainbow Fountain (Seoul) - the longest fountain on the bridge

Until 2008, Seoul's Banpo Bridge, which connects the banks of the Han River, was not much different from others. But with the appearance of the unusual “Moonlight Rainbow” fountain, it immediately became one of the main city attractions and even managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. The idea of ​​turning the bridge into a fountain (Banpo also did not lose its function of crossing from one side of the river to the other) did not come to the authorities of the South Korean capital by chance. This was done as part of a large-scale project designed to revive the attractiveness of Seoul in the eyes of tourists. The fountain's jets shoot out on both sides of the Banpo Bridge, throwing out 190 tons of water in one minute. In addition, 10,000 LED lamps color the jets in all the colors of the rainbow. The “Moon Road” fountain is also distinguished by its environmental “friendliness”: water is taken from the river, where it is then returned purified.

King Fahd Fountain (Jeddah) - the tallest

King Fahd's Fountain, or simply the Jeddah Fountain, is the name of the most tall fountain peace. The idea of ​​its construction came to the minds of city authorities in the early 1980s. The city needed a main attraction, and the choice fell on the fountain. His project turned out to be extremely laconic: a thicket made in the form of a traditional incense burner was installed as the base, from which a powerful stream of water was supposed to flow. In 1983, when the fountain was opened, the jet flowed to a height of 120 m, but this was not enough for the authorities. The project was finalized, and two years later the fountain began to throw a column of water to a height of 312 m. In addition to its dizzying height, the fountain is also interesting because it is located in the sea, which is very difficult from an engineering point of view. The Fahd fountain operates continuously, and is turned off only for two reasons: for a routine check or because of strong wind.

The Dubai Fountain complex (Dubai) is the largest and most expensive

The tallest building in the world, a giant aquarium, huge duty free. Dubai authorities love to amaze tourists. In 2009, the city hosted the official opening of the largest and most expensive fountain in the world, or rather, an entire fountain complex located on an artificial lake. His project was developed by a Californian company with the self-explanatory name WET, which previously created the famous Bellagio fountain in Las Vegas. In total, a record $218 million was spent on the construction of the Dubai giant, the size of which is equal to the area of ​​three football fields. After its opening, the Dubai Fountain joined the list of the world's dancing fountains. Its repertoire includes classical, Arabic and pop music, and the fountain “performs” a different dance to each tune. At night, the light show is visible at a distance of up to 30 km and is said to be visible even from space.

Crown Fountain (Chicago) - the most international

In 2004, an unusual art object was opened in Chicago's Millennium Park, combining an interactive fountain and video sculpture. The author of the project was the Catalan artist Jaume Plensa, according to whose idea the fountain was made in the form of two 15-meter towers covered with liquid crystal screens on which images of Chicago residents are projected. It was not decided to show the faces of ordinary citizens by chance, but to demonstrate the “diversity of the city.” For this purpose, 75 public and religious organizations presented their candidates, whose images were used in the work of the fountain. It is interesting that from time to time the lips on the face of one or another city dweller form a tube, and a portion of water is spat out on the audience. At first, the Crown fountain was called the most controversial design of the Millennium Park, but over time they got used to it, and even fell in love with it.

Fountains of Peterhof (St. Petersburg) - the most luxurious

The cascade of fountains in Peterhof is called one of the most luxurious and sophisticated in the world. And this despite the fact that it began to take shape almost three centuries ago. The idea of ​​​​creating the Peterhof fountains belonged to Peter I. The Emperor, who had access to the sea, set out to build on the shores of the Gulf of Finland amazing fountain complex. Work on its construction lasted more than a hundred years, during which the Grand Cascade acquired 64 fountains, 255 sculptures and other numerous decorative elements. The greatest damage to the Peterhof fountains was caused during the Second World War. The four largest sculptures of the complex, among which were the famous “Samson”, “Tritons”, “Volkhov” and “Neva”, did not have time to evacuate, and they disappeared. But later they were restored from surviving photographs. The last large-scale restoration of the Grand Cascade, which lasted seven years, ended with the ceremonial launch of the fountains in 1995.

Fountain of Wealth (Singapore) - a fountain built according to Feng Shui

“Bagel with legs” and “basketball hoop”. All sorts of nicknames were given to the famous Singapore fountain of wealth, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world in 1998, but was later stripped of this title. In fact, the design of the structure is symbolic. The four pillars of the fountain correspond to the four peoples and four major religions of Singapore, and the ring, equal in size to the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, represents the Indian sacred symbol of the Mandala and promotes unity and peace. Bronze was chosen as the material because, according to Chinese belief, its combination with water paves the way to success. Singaporeans believe that walking around the small fountain three times clockwise with one hand in the water will bring good luck and prosperity. By the way, especially so that everyone can do this, the jets of the large fountain are turned off three times a day.

Bellagio Fountain (Las Vegas) - America's most famous dancing fountain

In the most wasteful and gambling city in America, Las Vegas, there is one completely free attraction. And, moreover, one that can be compared in popularity with the famous casinos of the gambling capital of the United States. We are talking about the dancing fountain Bellagio, which has been featured in numerous films and TV series. The Bellagio Fountain was launched on October 15, 1998, the opening day of the nearby hotel-casino of the same name. The construction of the fountain cost $40 million, but the money was not wasted, as the Bellagio managed to become a must-see for all tourists who come to watch daily performances accompanied by classical music, as well as compositions by Elton John, Madonna and Whitney Houston. By the way, a romantic legend is also associated with the fountain: they say that if you propose marriage near the Bellagio, the marriage will be long and happy.

Floating fountains (Osaka) - the most airy

Tourists come to Osaka, Japan to see unusual floating fountains that have been around for five decades. No, scientists have not yet succeeded in defeating the force of gravity. But the fountains really seem to be suspended in the air. The idea of ​​their creation belonged to the American architect of Japanese origin Isamu Noguchi, and the opening was timed to coincide with the 1970 World Exhibition in Osaka. The main theme of the exhibition was progress, so it was necessary to create something that would capture the imagination of those gathered and demonstrate the achieved technological level. The secret of the fountains lies in their support, which is hidden under the water and at the same time is absolutely transparent, which creates the illusion that the structure is supported by the pressure of water and floats above the ground. Despite the fact that the fountains were built more than 40 years ago, they still look impressive and modern.

Mercury fountain (Barcelona) - the most poisonous

Looking from a distance at the small fountain, which is kept today under protective glass in the Barcelona Foundation-Museum of Joan Miró, you cannot say that it is distinguished by anything special. But in fact, it is unique in its kind. Instead of the usual water, mercury flows through the fountain - the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature. The author of the mercury fountain was the American sculptor Alexander Calder, who received an order for its creation from the Spanish Republican government. The fountain was first shown to the public in 1937 at the World Exhibition in Paris, and then it was transported to Barcelona. At first, no precautions were taken for fountain visitors. And only in the 1950s, when the toxicity of mercury and its vapors was proven, the fountain was enclosed in a protective sarcophagus. So today, examining it does not pose any danger.

Trevi Fountain (Rome) - the most visited

Rome is often called the capital of fountains, where the title of king is firmly entrenched in the legendary Trevi. It is one of the main attractions of the Italian capital, as well as one of the most visited fountains in the world. Its impressive composition was created between 1732 and 1762 by the architect Nicola Salvi. But in fact, the fountain on the site of the current one has existed since the time Ancient Rome. In the 20th century, Trevi became a real celebrity. He starred in many films, and in “La Dolce Vita” Federico Fellini became a full-fledged hero. In addition, a number of beliefs are associated with the Trevi Fountain. So, whoever throws one coin at him will definitely return to Rome. Two - a love meeting. Three - wedding. Four is wealth. Five - separation. It is not surprising that this allowed the fountain to claim the title of one of the most profitable in the world. His annual income to the city treasury is about €700,000.

🔆 One of the most beautiful attractions in any city is the impressive fountain - almost always a favorite place for citizens and tourists. Singing jets of water, light and impressive sculptures have made many fountains famous throughout the world. Often a fountain is a kind of business card cities. The following list of the largest fountains on the planet is compiled taking into account the height of the water jets:

10. Musical fountain in Xi’an (China) – 25 m

The tallest fountain in Asia covers an area of ​​17 hectares. Water jets, accompanied by the sounds of music, rise to a height of up to 25 meters and are illuminated by more than 1,500 thousand colored spotlights. Video of the largest musical fountain:

9. Trevi Fountain in Rome (Italy) – 26 m

Singing fountain in Rome with many magnificent sculptural groups, towering above visitors, can claim not only one of the largest fountains, but also one of the most beautiful fountain compositions in the world. The Italian fountain, one of the oldest in the world, was put into operation in the 60s of the 18th century.

8. Buckingham Fountain, Chicago (USA) – 40 m

The fountain, located on Lake Michigan, represents four US states in its composition and uses 5.7 million liters of water to operate.

7. Singing fountains in Barcelona (Spain) - 54 m

This amazing complex was opened in 1929 and holds about 3 million liters of water. The number of water-color combinations is amazing - about 7 million. Video of singing fountains in Barcelona:

6. Bellagio Fountain in Las Vegas (USA) – 80 m

Not only singing, but also dancing fountain The new Bellagio complex opened in October 1998. It occupies a 10-acre artificial lake and consists of more than 1,000 water jets.

5. Fountain-volcano in Abu Dhabi (UAE) – 92 m

The fountain is designed in the shape of a volcano, and the water flowing from the crater at night creates the complete illusion of hot lava.

4. Singing fountain in Sharjah (UAE) - 100 m

The bright colors, beautiful music and impressive size of this fountain located in the Khalid Lagoon is a grandiose, unforgettable sight. During the day, the fountain is hidden under a layer of water, and at night it sparkles with a storm of colors, which are clearly visible from the entire embankment.

3. Jet d’Eau fountain in Geneva (Switzerland) – 140 m

The tallest fountain in Europe. Located on Lake Geneva. The speed of the fountain jet reaches 200 km/h, which is 500 liters of water per second.

2. Burj Khalifa fountain in Dubai (UAE) – 152 m

It occupies the second place of honor among the highest and also musical fountains in the world. This original fountain complex is located on an artificial lake and is illuminated by 25 color and 6600 spot spotlights. His repertoire consists of classical, Arabic and popular contemporary music. Video of the Burj Khalifa fountain in Dubai:

1. King Fahd Fountain in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) – 312 m

As the main attraction of the city of Jeddah, the fountain was opened in 1983; it became the tallest in the world a little later, when its design was finalized, as a result of which the water jet began to reach 312 m in height instead of the original 120 m.

A worthy place among large fountains is occupied by the Great Cascade of Peterhof, the largest fountain in Dubai and some large singing fountains, popular in recent years, attract attention.

There are no structures like the Grand Cascade in world art. In the eighteenth century, the Great Cascade was called a little differently - the Great Grotto with Cascades. It stands out for its powerful water decoration, enormous size and rich sculptural decoration. It was Peter I who had the idea to erect a grandiose fountain structure at the entrance to his seaside residence. This completion of the prospect of the front entrance turned out to be very impressive.

The appearance of the Grand Cascade is not accidental. This triumphal monument was erected as a reminder of the victory in the Northern War. The stone mass was literally cut into the earthen slope. Like a monolithic buttress, it strengthens the mountain with the palace standing on it.

The facade of the grotto is divided by arches. Above the grotto is a marble balustrade and an elaborate cornice. The side cascades, built on both sides of the grotto, are stepped - seven steps eight meters wide on each side. The steps are decorated with vases, bas-reliefs, brackets, and statues.

A “Basket” fountain was built in front of the arch. At the foot of the cascades there is a ladle with a statue of Samson rising above it. From this bucket originates a channel leading to The Gulf of Finland, thus connecting the Grand Cascade and the sea.

Construction of the cascades and grotto began in 1715. The original project was modified several times. The Grand Cascade was launched in August 1723, but not all work was completed. They continued as early as 1724. The cascade was restored several times in the future, and in 1947 the restorers had to completely restore the upper part of the cascade and the marble balustrade destroyed by the war.

In Russia, besides Peterhof, there are other attractions on the website. There is a detailed article about the most beautiful places in Russia.

The largest fountain in Dubai

There is a fountain in Dubai that is recognized not only as the largest among the singing fountains in the world, it ranks second in terms of the height of its water jets. In other words, among large fountains, this one takes second place. Its name is Burj Khalifa.

This magnificent fountain complex is built on an artificial island and illuminated by thousands of spotlights. The fountain “dances” to Arabic, classical and modern popular music.

The created engineering miracle was built at the very tall skyscraper world - at the Burj Khalifa tower. The design was entrusted to WET Design, which had previously designed another grand dancing fountain in Las Vegas. Its name is Bellagio. The opening took place in the spring of 2009. A year later, it was decided to increase the height of the fountain from one hundred and fifty-two meters to two hundred and seventy-five meters. About two hundred and eighteen million dollars were spent on the creation of the Burj Khalifa.

The fountain complex is capable of demonstrating breathtaking water extravaganzas. Water jets combined with spotlights present more than a thousand different combinations. All this happens to the music, creating a romantic atmosphere.

The largest fountain in the world

Often a fountain becomes the calling card of a city, favorite place its residents and tourists. If you rank the largest fountains in the world, taking the height of its jets as a criterion, then the King Fahd Fountain will be in first place. Its water jets rise to a height of three hundred and twelve meters.

This fountain was installed in the city of Jeddah in 1983 and has since become its main attraction. It did not immediately win the championship among fountains in terms of height. Initially, the project was drawn up so that the jet rose only one hundred and twenty meters. After finalizing this project, the fountain became the largest in the world.

It is a gift from the King of Saudi Arabia to the city. It was built on the shores of the Red Sea. The design height of the jet is two hundred and eighty-five meters; the fountain’s water reaches a maximum of three hundred and twelve meters only in calm weather.

Due to the fact that the fountain uses sea water, problems such as grains of sand and sea salt arise. The power plant and pumping station are located at a depth of about thirty meters under water. Water flows through pipes three hundred and fifty meters long, the diameter of which gradually decreases from eight hundred millimeters to one hundred and twenty-six. Water rushes through the pipeline at tremendous speed, and when leaving the nozzle, it rushes upward at a speed of three hundred seventy-five kilometers per hour.

This grandiose fountain is illuminated by five hundred powerful spotlights located on artificial islands. The maintenance and operation of the King Fahd Fountain is carried out by ten specialists. For three weeks every year, all systems undergo preventative maintenance. In addition, the fountain does not work in case of change north wind strong south wind, as this may result in sea ​​water to the garden royal palace Salam.

There is another “champion” among fountains - a chocolate fountain, which was installed in the window of one of the Las Vegas hotels in 2007. Its height exceeded eight meters, and the mass of chocolate circulating in it was about two tons.
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Just the other day we told you about the tallest building, which is the Burj Khalifa Tower, located in the city of Dubai. As it turned out, directly next to the skyscraper there is a fountain, which is also the largest and most expensive of its kind in the world.

Its length is as much as 275 meters, while at the same time it can lift up to 83,000 liters of water into the air to a height of 150 meters! True, the maximum height is only available when using powerful air pressure devices, which are rarely used even during various holidays, since in order for them to work, it is necessary to increase the pressure in the system, and this takes a fairly long period of time.

The system uses 6,000 light sources, including 25 color spotlights. In addition, in the air, a fountain can create a variety of combinations of water jets, thereby creating various shapes. The rays of light can be seen several tens of kilometers from the performance itself.

Construction of the facility began in 2008. Its design was carried out by the famous American studio WET, and construction fell on the shoulders of the local investment company Emaar Properties. The total cost of the project is estimated at $218 million. Less than a year later its official opening took place.

Currently, the performance at the fountain can be seen in weekdays, and on weekends. This spectacle is very beautiful, so it certainly attracts a crowd of onlookers. It is interesting that jets of water almost always accompany musical compositions, of which there are about 20 pieces.

By the way, they say that this fountain can be seen even from space.

“Rainbow Fountain” is another record holder; it is considered the longest fountain bridge in the world, its length is 1140 meters. By the way, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is one of the main attractions of Seoul.

Water flows on both sides of the bridge, which is 570 meters long. Thus, the total length of the fountain is 1140 m. The jets shoot not upward, but sideways, as if forming an arch. You can go down one tier below and find yourself inside an almost real waterfall!

Thanks to a special program and special lighting, the effect of dancing jets is created, each of which is about 20 m long. Spectacular shows are periodically held here, so many powerful pumps and a huge number of multi-colored lanterns were installed on the bridge. The water itself is taken directly from the Han River. You can see what comes out of this in the photographs below.

This building is part of a project to revive the tourist attraction of Seoul. In addition to the fountain, the parks adjacent to the river were landscaped.

Fountains have been around throughout history architectural element in gardens, squares and centers of many cities. They decorate and highlight the beauty of buildings, and in themselves represent an attraction for tourists, because against their background they look very beautiful pictures. Let's take a look at the list of the 10 most expensive fountains in the world!

1. Buckingham Fountain. $750,000

Buckingham Fountain is a major landmark located in Chicago, USA. It opened in 1927 and cost $750,000 to build. Moreover, it is one of the largest fountains in the world and inspired the creation of the Latona Fountain in Paris. The style used here is Rococo (similar to a wedding cake), and pink marble from Georgia was used for the construction. Buckingham Fountain is also famous for its large volume of water and is famous for its light shows. Notably, the four seahorse sculptures symbolize the four states surrounding Lake Michigan: Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois.

2. Light and music fountain Roshen. $1.5 million

The next fountain on the list of the 10 most expensive fountains is located in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, and is also considered the largest fountain in Europe. The Roshen multimedia fountain is an impressive project with a total cost of $1.5 million. It was opened in 2011 and light and sound water shows with the help of special effects, lasers and 3D projectors create a gorgeous spectacle on the water. Some repertoires include: “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “The Nutcracker” by P. Tchaikovsky and “The Seasons: Summer” by Antonio Vivaldi. To create fountains of this scale, certain complex geographical conditions, but the bend of the Bug River was well suited for such a project. During the winter, this fountain goes completely under water.

3. Fountain of wealth. $6 million

The Fountain of Wealth, in addition to being one of the most expensive fountains in the world, is also one of the most popular structures of its type. It is located in the city of Singapore, which was recorded in 1998 in the Guinness Book of Records, the largest fountain in the world, after all. In addition, it is estimated that the construction cost was $6 million in 1995. The fountain covers an area of ​​about 1,700 square meters and is almost 14 meters high. But the most amazing thing is that the water jet exceeds 30 meters in height! If you go to Singapore, you need to walk around the fountain 3 times, touching the water and Fortune will smile on you.

4. Geneva Fountain. $800,000 per year

The Geneva Fountain is one of the tallest fountains in the world located in Geneva, Switzerland. Although the cost of its construction is unknown, due to its opening in 1891, it is already known that its annual maintenance cost is $800,000. So this is the reason to be included in the list of the 10 most expensive fountains in the world. The Geneva Fountain is a symbol of the city. Five hundred liters of lake water per second fly to a height of 140 meters at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

5. Fountain of King Fadh. $ Price unknown

King Fahd Fountain is a fountain located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Like the Geneva Fountain, the construction cost of this fountain, commissioned in 1985, is unknown. However, being the world's tallest fountain of this style, it is estimated that its annual maintenance price is one of the highest in the world. The water jet of this fountain shoots to a maximum height, according to various sources, either 260 meters or 312 m above the Red Sea.

6. Archibald Fountain. $ Price unknown

The next representative of the list of the top 10 most expensive fountains is located in Sydney, and this is the Archibald Fountain. The construction cost of the structure, which opened in 1932, is unknown, but is considered to be the finest public fountain in Australia. It is assumed that its annual maintenance price entitles it to be one of the most expensive fountains in the world.

7. Bellagio Fountain. $40 million

The Bellagio Fountain is the best free show in Las Vegas, USA. The director's staging of light and music on the water gives a stunning effect. This beauty cost $40 million to build, and since its opening in 1998, it has become great place for weddings in Las Vegas, because the photos against it are beautiful! Additionally, it takes place in front of the Bellagio Hotel and features 30 songs. Here are some of them: “Time to Say Goodbye” by Andrea Bocelli, “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, “Viva Las Vegas” by Elvis Presley, “My Heart Will Live” by Celine Dion and “The Sound of Silence” by Disturbed.

8. Dubai Fountain. $218 million

The next amazing fountain on this list of the 10 most expensive fountains is located in Dubai, United United Arab Emirates. The Dubai Fountain is one of the city's most important tourist attractions and cost $218 million to build! It is located on the artificial lake Burj Khalifa, in the center of Dubai. This fountain is the tallest in the world, delighting hundreds of visitors every day with a fascinating continuous dance, music and light show.

9. Large cascading fountain in Peterhof. $ Price unknown

A large cascading fountain is located at the foot of the central part Grand Palace Peterhof, Russia. This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and majestic royal palaces in the world, meets with its luxury and grandeur, characteristic of Russian Empire. The most famous fountain near the palace is a large cascade built with golden sculptures through which water flows down. The large cascade has three waterfall staircases, two grottoes, 75 fountains and is decorated with 255 bronze sculptures and 29 bas-reliefs depicting scenes from ancient mythology. The decoration of the Grand Cascade used many sculptural forms - statues, bas-reliefs, brackets, mascarons, busts, vases, herms. The length of its facade is 42 meters. Although the price of the creation is unknown, since construction of the palace and its gardens ended in 1721, it is estimated that the luxury and tourist character that defines the fountain makes it one of the most expensive fountains in the world, and its annual maintenance is also expensive.

10. Rainbow Fountain Bridge. $20 billion

The final representative of this list of the 10 most expensive fountains in the world can proudly be declared as the wonderful bridge “Rainbow Fountain” or “Rainbow under moonlight" This magnificent fountain is located in Seoul and is the longest bridge fountain in the world. It set a Guinness World Record with nearly 10,000 LED lights! In addition, it is almost 1,140 m long, and the pumps pump almost 190 tons of water per minute directly from the river without stopping. The construction cost was approximately $20 million.