Palm Jumeirah is an elite island in Dubai, UAE. Artificial palm island jumeirav dubai emirates uae artificial palm island

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The man-made island is a triumph of engineering and a vivid symbol of the country's wealth.

Palm Jumeirah is an island wonder of the world created by human hands. artificial island, repeating the outlines of a palm tree with sixteen symmetrical “leaves”, where the expensive villas, hotels, a water park and many kilometers of beaches are direct proof of the greatness of the Emirate. It’s worth visiting here if only to appreciate what science, progress and money are capable of.

The man-made archipelago of Palm Jumeirah is small compared to its two sisters - Palm Jebel Ali and Palm Deira - but the first of its kind, and is a famous symbol of the United Arab Emirates along with the Sail Hotel (Burj Al Arab) and Burj Khalifa.

History of creation

In 2001, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashi al Maktoum decided to expand coastline and create a paradise resort in the waters of the Persian Gulf, without using concrete or metal structures. At first, creating a structure that could withstand waves and storms using only sand and boulders seemed an impossible task, but they were not going to give up.

Photo: Palm Jumeirah Project

Construction of Palm Island has begun. A five-kilometer breakwater appeared, designed to protect the island from the Shamil storm. Then the construction of the island itself began, “leaf” by “leaf” - slowly and with difficulty a huge island appeared.

An additional complication was created by the fact that the sand Arabian deserts not suitable for construction - it is too small and easily washed out. Therefore, tons of sand had to be extracted with enormous effort from the bottom of the Persian Gulf and delivered to the coast. This very sand and stones used in construction would be enough to build a 2.5 meter wall around the globe.

Photo: Construction of the island

After 5 years, human talent, perseverance and science won. Palm Island was ready to welcome residents already in 2006. Luxurious villas and hotels took their place on the “leaves”. On the trunk of the palm tree there are restaurants, parks, shopping and entertainment complexes, water parks, and beach clubs. Three months later, an amazing coral reef with two submerged F-100 aircraft was added to this splendor to attract divers and strengthen the island's barrier reef protection.

The Palm Jumeirah breakwater reaches three meters in height and eleven and a half meters in length.
The size of Palm Jumeirah reaches 5.72 km².
Houses and villas were sold out in a record three days (the buyers were celebrities who wanted to retire to paradise island).
The construction of Palm Island cost seven billion dollars.
Palm Jumeirah is visible from space with the naked eye (along with the Chinese Wall).

Photo: Palm Jumeirah

Photo: Hotel Atlantis

The downside of luxury

Despite the grandeur and beauty of the island, environmentalists were not too happy about such changes in the flora and fauna of the Persian Gulf. After all, such changes are undoubtedly fraught with consequences. Authorities have responded to numerous demands to secure sea ​​creatures and built up part of the coast with artificial reefs, in addition, they promised that it would soon be planned to transfer the “palm trees” to environmentally friendly energy sources so as not to pollute environment.

Stagnation of water in the bays of the archipelago remains a significant problem. The breakwater is vital for protection, but it undoubtedly interferes with the renewal of water. Despite attempts to cope with this problem, visible results have not yet been achieved.

Last but not least is durability. How long can such a huge, but, oddly enough, fragile Palm Island of Jumeirah stand under climate change, rising water levels and raging waves that wash away the sand right from under our feet? The creators of the projects reassure investors that there is nothing to worry about in the next 800 years, and they can safely acquire a piece of heaven on earth.

How to get there

You can get to Palm Jumeirah by taking a taxi, renting a car, or riding the monorail overpass (the first monorail in the Middle East).

Many people have heard on TV about the construction of three islands in Persian Gulf. In 2008, architects created a fourth island. Now let’s learn more about each of them. All peninsulas (connected to the shore) are shaped like palm trees, which are considered the national trees of the United Arab Emirates. On each of the palm trees there is a crescent moon visible on top. It has several meanings. Firstly, the crescent is a symbol of all Muslims, and secondly, on the peninsulas they play the role of breakwaters. Also designed for 100% protection barrier reefs. Surprisingly, the reefs repeat Arabic inscriptions - quotes from works written by the ruler of Dubai.

All stages of construction are personally supervised by the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed. Where did it all start? Everyone knows that the entire economy of the UAE is based on oil production. But the sheikhs were not satisfied with this situation. Therefore, Dubai began to turn into the most best resort in the world. If you look at the whole situation from the outside, it is clearly visible that the finances are not wasted. Dubai today is considered one of the most fashionable tourist places all over the Earth.

The palm islands have captivated the world with their uniqueness. This is the only project of its kind in the world, on which more than $7 million was spent. Interesting fact is that the Palm Islands are in second place after Chinese wall visible in space.

Jumeirah Island

The very first was created Palm Jumeirah (2001). It is a trunk with a top of 17 branches. The crescent breakwater is 11 km long. It is planned to build 28 hotels on it. The project was implemented over the course of five years. The main buildings were built and the infrastructure formed. Currently, the construction of residential buildings and landscaping of the Island is underway. In the first phase, 1,400 mansions and 2,500 apartments have already been commissioned. There are plans to build 32 hotels. The most popular place Jumeirah became the Atlantis complex. It consists of two huge towers, between which there is a bridge. The length of the beaches is 78 kilometers. The construction of villas and mansions has not yet been completed, but most of them have already been sold out. The island is very popular among residents of Great Britain. Jumeirah can be called an elite place. Many celebrities consider it a great success to buy real estate here. Immediately after the buildings were occupied in the first phase, the problem of delivering residents to their homes arose. But today it was successfully resolved by moving people on a special airship and on a monorail. Despite its size, this palm became the smallest of the four.

Jebel Ali Island

The project began to be implemented a year after Jumeirah Island. Jebel Ali is 50 percent larger than its sister and has an unusual shape. There are no real estate sales yet, as the wait will be quite long. Therefore, they plan to focus on recreation and tourism. It is planned to build a large number of houses and villas for tourists on Jebel Ali. The project also includes the creation of custom-made houses. According to forecasts, 1.7 million people will be able to simultaneously live on the Island in 2020. Now, first of all, infrastructure is being created. Residential buildings will be built last. There are plans to build four recreational parks on the crescent. In one of them they will build seawater aquarium, where you can watch whales, dolphins and other inhabitants of the sea. Jebel Ali is located 20 kilometers from Jumeirah. You can get there by boat. The designers want to build a road line between the Islands that will connect not only the Islands, but also the Dubai shopping center.

Deira Island

In 2004, construction began on the Palm of Deira. This project plans to build the world's largest man-made Island. He is several times larger than his older sisters. The designers calculated that by the end of construction, a million people could live on the Island. Deira consists of a rather thick trunk and 41 branches. The top is also bordered by a breakwater - a crescent. Due to the large scale, construction was divided into several stages.

Mir Island

At the moment this is the last project. It was completed in 2008. Why "Mir"? The project consists of 300 islands, repeating the outlines of different world countries. Together they make up a whole world map. You can, of course, only see it from a great height. "Mir" is located near Palms. Each Island represents the traditions of the country it depicts. So this complex is a small copy of the world. There is all the infrastructure a person needs here, villas and houses have been built. Flowers bloom around and trees grow. “The World” is a corner of heaven on Earth. The ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed, planned to build such a large-scale project. Officially, the construction is carried out by a Dubai company, but in reality, foreign construction companies are in charge. You can get to the Islands only by air and water. But this is not such a problem. After all, if a person can afford to buy a house for 20 million, then it is quite possible that he will buy himself either a yacht or a helicopter. Tourists will be able to visit the Islands on a high-tech airship of the latest design.

Cons of the Palm Islands

Unlike the creators, biologists do not share the enthusiasm for such large buildings in the bay. There are fears that construction will have a negative impact on flora and fauna. The Dubai government listens to the opinions of scientists and tries to create favorable living conditions for aquatic inhabitants.

Dubai - amazing place in the middle of the desert, in which achievements scientific and technological progress The 21st century is intertwined with ancient culture. One of the most ambitious projects of the emirate was artificial islands.

The Palm Islands are an archipelago of artificial islands created by human hands on Earth. Between the islands there are also artificial archipelagos “World” and “Universe” made up of small islands. This entire creation can be seen from the Moon with the naked eye.

Let's start with the palm islands. They are located in the UAE, in the emirate of Dubai. The archipelago includes three large islands, each shaped like a palm tree.

Palm Jumeirah is the smallest and most original of the three islands. This is the first palm island and a great achievement in the history of world architecture. Construction of the island began in June 2001, and in 2006 it was opened for development.

It consists of a trunk, 16 leaves, and a surrounding crescent moon that forms an 11-kilometer breakwater. Diameter - 6 km. The Crescent is a barrier that surrounds and protects the Palm from the sea waves. Hotels are located on it.

For example, here is the Atlantis Hotel - one of the most interesting, popular and controversial hotels in the Emirates.

Under construction:

Almost like a mirage:

Night view of the Atlantis Hotel:

The "crown" of Palma consists of 17 "branches" - microdistricts, rushing into the sea. On the branches there are exclusive villas, differing in size and design:

Residential areas include approximately 8,000 two-story detached houses. 2007:

"The Trunk" is central part Palm trees, where there are parks, shopping centers, restaurants and high-rise residential buildings.

Construction of the central part - the “trunk”:

The size of the island is 5 kilometers by 5 kilometers and its total area is more than 800 football fields. The island is connected to the mainland by a 300-meter bridge, and the crescent is connected to the top of the palm tree by an underwater tunnel. The value of Palm Jameira is estimated at approximately $14 billion.

Construction started in October 2002:

This is how the island was supposed to look like:

The man-made artificial island was commissioned for development at the end of 2007. It is 50% larger than Jumeirah. More than 1,000 bungalows supported on stilts in the Polynesian style are planned to be built along the coastline:

But not everything is so rosy here: currently, due to low demand for real estate, most construction work on the Palm Jebel Ali has been temporarily suspended.

This is the largest artificial island of the three. Its construction began in November 2004.

A few numbers. Deira will be 8 times larger than Palm Jumeirah, and 5 times larger than Palm Jebel Ali. The distance from the shore to the top of the “crescent” is 14 km, the width of Palma is 8.5 km. The branches of the Palm will have different lengths and will be 400-850 apart. A crescent with a total length of 21 kilometers will be largest breakwater in the world.

It is interesting to watch the process of constructing an artificial island:

The Deira Palm will be buried at a depth of 5 to 22 meters.

It will take a billion cubic meters of stones and sand to create the “trunk”, 41 branches and a protective crescent. The length of the branches varies, the distance between them will be from 840 to 3,340 meters.

Once completed, Palma Deira will become the largest man-made island in human history, which will serve as a habitat for 1 million people. The work is planned to be fully completed by 2015, although this date is not final.

A few photos of what Palma Deira will look like:

As can be seen on the map, between the Palms there are also artificial archipelagos “World” and “Universe” made up of small islands.

This is an artificial archipelago consisting of several islands, general form reminiscent of the continents of the Earth (hence the name - “World”). It is located 4 kilometers from the Dubai coastline.

The artificial islands in the World archipelago are created mainly from sand from the shallow coastal waters of Dubai. Finding a place for this project was difficult, because the coastline was already occupied by the Palm Islands. Then it was decided to build islands 4 km from the coast.

Construction of artificial islands. Sand was dredged from the bottom of the Persian Gulf and sprayed over the construction site to create the islands:

The total area of ​​the Mir archipelago is 55 sq. km. That makes him largest artificial archipelago in the world. The size of the islands ranges from 14 thousand to 83 thousand square meters, the width of the straits between them ranges from 50 to 100 meters with a depth of up to 16 meters.

The "World" is connected to the mainland only by water and by air. From big waves The islands are protected by an artificially constructed breakwater:

In April 2004, the first island emerged from the water, called “Dubai”. Unlike the Palm Islands, the Mir archipelago is not connected to the continent and there are no bridges. All construction material was delivered by sea.

Breakwater creation:

By May 2005, 15 million tons of stone had been dumped into the bay.

In the future, it is planned to expand the archipelago by creating new islands under the “Universe” project (see map above).

Will artificial islands wash away? The Mir archipelago, despite the fact that it is completely surrounded by water, is designed very reliably - artificial islands can disappear under water no earlier than in 900-4,000 years, Arabian Business reports.

The islands of the Mir archipelago will have the most luxury houses planets. Not everyone can buy an island: the development company Nakheel itself sends out invitations (50 per year) to the wealthy elite.

The price of one island reaches $38 million and varies depending on location, size, and proximity to other islands.

Access to all 300 islands will be by sea or by air, regular ferries, as well as private yachts and boats.

Russian money bags have already bought up all of “Russia” - one of the largest archipelagos in the World. The developer's representative, Hamza Mustafal, says that one Russian developer bought two “Russian” islands at once - Rostov and Yekaterinburg. The Siberia Island was bought by an unnamed Russian woman who plans to sell it in parts.

According to the plans of the creators, the World archipelago will become an elite community, which will consist of selected inhabitants of the Earth, service personnel and tourists, the total number of which will not exceed 200,000 people.

More recently United Arab Emirates were known to the world for their deserts and the presence of such valuable raw materials as oil. But some time passed and everything changed. Now everyone is fascinated by the images of Arabian beauties and secretly dreams of getting there, seeing these cosmic wonders with their own eyes, and world celebrities and tycoons are fighting for every square meter in Dubai. The reason for everything is gigantic buildings of indescribable beauty. All the biggest things on our planet (fountains, hotels, towers, parks) are located in the UAE. One of these wonders is rightfully considered to be artificial islands in the shape of date palms on the coast of the Persian Gulf - Jebel Ali, Jumeirah and Deira.

Palm Jumeirah in the UAE is located in the Dubai Marina area, see how it is located on the map relative to other artificial islands:

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Construction of Palm Jumeirah began in 2001. One and a half ten thousand builders were brought in for the work and lived there. The work did not stop for a minute, shift after shift, day after day, month after month, and in 2006 the island was ready. The material used was stone and sand, which was mined from the bottom of the bay. The entire island consists of a main trunk and 17 palm leaves. A crescent moon was also built around the palm tree - a symbol of all Muslims, which also serves as a breakwater and protects the island from high waves and storms; its length is 11 km. Thus, the total area of ​​​​Jumeirah exceeds 25 square meters. km., which is equal to 800 football fields.

After work on the island was completed, the architects began developing the area. Soon they grew up on the sand luxury villas, hotels, shopping centers, not to mention palm trees and other plants. Most of the Palm Jumeirah properties have already been purchased and occupied. The architecture is made in different styles: from Arabic to European.

Atlantis The Palm is the most luxurious hotel in the world.

Jumeirah Island is actually a peninsula, as it is connected to the mainland by a 300 m long bridge. So that the inhabitants of the island can quickly move around the territory, a tunnel was built under water. And for implementation transport communication Jumeirah and the mainland built a monorail.

The scale of the island is so large that you can even see it from space.

How does construction happen on water?

Singapore, China and even Holland have stepped far ahead in capturing part of the reservoirs for construction. But it is quite difficult to surpass Dubai in this regard. The spectacular and completely man-made Palm Jumeirah archipelago, home to the fabulously wealthy, is built on 110 million cubic meters of sand dredged from the sea.

Palm Jumeirah was conceived as an idea to further enrich the UAE. Jumeirah Island in Dubai, built in the shape of a palm tree, has gained fame as a superstructure, the appearance of which in the Persian Gulf is considered a miracle. Even the engineers who worked on this project questioned the possibility of its creation. But, despite this, everything possible was done to ensure that it became a monument to luxury living for the whole world. The construction of the Palm Island began after the first conquest of nature by man in Dubai - the construction of the Burj Al Arab dream hotel, which is a tower on an artificial island located 300 meters from the shore.

The fact is that there was a certain problem for mass tourism, since the coastline suitable for recreation was only 72 km. Sheikh Mohammed decided to build an island off the coast, designed to increase the natural coastline of the coast several times. Thus, the idea was born to create an island in the shape of a palm tree as a symbol paradise peace. Besides, a big plus This shape increased the coastline by as much as 56 km compared to the traditional round island.

The epic construction began in 2001 and was scheduled for completion in 2006.

During this period, an island was to be built in the sea, where luxury hotels, villas and shopping centers would be built. Such a task seemed very bold, but not for Sheikh Mohammed. He was not stingy at all and invested a lot of money in the work of the best consultants from around the world, as well as in paying for the ever-increasing needs of construction. Mohammed's idea was to build an island from natural materials, using sand and stones, rather than reinforced concrete structures. Such requirements created additional difficulties for builders. Every day they had to fight natural forces, as the water mercilessly eroded the stones and sand that were poured to build the island. Extensive research has been carried out on the effects of tides, rogue waves, storms and even global warming. The so-called storm Shamal, which occurs in these places, also caused concern for the creators of such a project.

Interestingly, the rock and sand needed to build the island could be enough to build a wall 2.5 meters high that would encircle the globe

Dutch engineers were brought in to build all the necessary structures, since Holland had already managed to recapture 35% of its territory from the sea. Construction work was going well until the World Trade Center towers in the United States were attacked by terrorists. As a result, the flow of tourists to the Middle East abruptly stopped. Beaches, hotels and restaurants were empty, but no one stopped work on the creation of Palm Jumeirah. Moreover, the project specialists were determined to leave at any moment.

To protect against the destructive effects of waves, Palm Island had to be protected by breakwaters. To construct them, tons of sand and stones were poured onto the bottom of the Persian Gulf, including huge blocks weighing about 6 tons taken from 16 quarries throughout the UAE. They are held together only by their mass and are not fastened with iron or concrete. Every meter of the breakwater is carefully checked by divers to prevent the destruction of this protection. This powerful wave barrier extends 11.5 kilometers rises to 3 meters in height. During its construction, the builders encountered the Shamal storm, which raged for 3 weeks in 2002. They had no choice but to see whether the still unfinished breakwater could withstand the load. This downtime led to a creative solution - to continue to build a separate breakwater and the palm island itself. Such work was quite difficult, since without a ready-made breakwater the island was defenseless against the destructive effects of the sea.

Construction site on Palm Jumeirah, Dubai

Construction was also complicated by the fact that it was important to respect the given outlines of the island, which was not so easy, because the branches of the palm tree are curved into a complex shape and it was very easy to get lost. But what helped here was Dubai’s access to the world’s only private artificial satellite, which constantly took pictures during the work so that the drawing of the island and the outline of the palm tree were correct. During the work, many unexpected problems arose. For example, it turned out that the water near the island stagnated, but on the paradise island this was unacceptable. A solution was found quickly and two breaks were made in the breakwater, allowing the water to be renewed.

The world's first artificial Palm Island grew in the Persian Gulf in 2 years. It took several more years to build 4,500 hotels, buildings and shopping centers. The process was not even hindered by two strong earthquakes that occurred not far from the construction site with a shock force of about 6 points.

It was assumed that 120 thousand people would populate Jumeirah Island, but after the presentation finished project to the public, all the houses were sold out in 3 days

For the sake of celebrities and the richest people on the planet, it was decided to increase the number of buildings. This did not go unnoticed by nature - the artificial island that appeared in the bay affected the coastline of the mainland. The movements of the waves here have changed and there is a real danger that it will be washed away, so the creators have to constantly monitor the sand.

Jumeirah inspired the Sheikh to build two more of the same islands in the shape of a palm tree, which, together with other structures, lengthened the coast of Dubai from 72 km to 1,500 km.

With all the luxury and construction costs, Palm Island and other structures built on water make environmentalists worry. They argue that such environmental interventions lead to chaos for marine organisms and their habitats, and also destroy food for fish - coral reefs. Building on water also carries risks for residents, because these layers are not as stable as solid soil. Recently, there have been reports that Dubai's Palm Jumeirah archipelago is actually sinking. And yet, in the near future, progress may go even further and even more luxurious underwater houses may appear in the UAE. The Water Discus Hotel off the coast of Dubai will consist of an underwater and surface disk, which will be connected by a vertical shaft. But how all this will affect the oceans and underwater ecosystems remains to be seen.