10 largest islands in the world. The title of “World's Largest Island” goes to... Total area of ​​Greenland

There are countless islands in the world. They differ from each other geographical location relatively, methods of formation and sizes. Island territories account for 6% of the Earth's land area. No matter how large the islands are, they are significantly smaller than the smallest mainland. This article provides a list and short description the ten largest islands on the planet in order of increasing area.

10. Ellesmere

Area 196,235 km². The island is located in northern Canada. The length is 830 km, width -645 km. Ellesmere's origin is continental, it lies on the Canadian geological shield. Most of the island is covered with glaciers; Hazen is located in the northern part. The vegetation is dominated by mosses and lichens; trees and shrubs are absent. The fauna is represented by polar hares and Caribou Piri deer. During the summer, many birds nest on the island. The population does not exceed two hundred people. The island belongs to Canada.

9. UK

Area 209,331 km². The island is located in the northeastern Atlantic and is of continental origin. Forests occupy a tenth of the territory. The most common forests are pine and birch. Currently, the island is home to 56 species of mammals. The territory belongs to the state of Great Britain, and is inhabited mainly by the English, Scots, Irish and Welsh.

8. Victoria

Area 217,291 km². Like Ellesmere, Victoria is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The length of the island is 700 km, and the width varies from 564 to 623 km. Victoria is a mainland island by origin. Vegetable world scarce due to harsh climatic conditions. You can find mosses, lichens, and non-flowering plants. Victoria is home to polar bears, arctic foxes, and musk oxen. Seabirds nest on the coast. The population is represented by Eskimos; Anglo-Canadians and French-Canadians serve at the border outpost. The island belongs to Canada.

7. Honshu

Area 225,800 km². Honshu is one of the four major islands of Japan. The length is 1300 km, the width ranges from 50 to 230 km. The island was formed due to the activity of underwater volcanoes. The flora of subtropical forests grows on Honshu: pine, cypress, thuja, oak. In the northern part you can see maple, linden, elm, and ash. The small composition of the animal world is explained by the isolation of the island from the continent. Honshu is home to brown bears, raccoon dogs, wild boars, badgers, and foxes. The population is more than one hundred million people. The island belongs to Japan.

6. Sumatra

Area 473,481 km². The island is located in Western Indonesia, it is part of the Malay Archipelago. Its length is 1790 km and its width is 435 km. By its origin, Sumatra is an oceanic island. Thanks to the humid climate, tropical forests predominate. Oak, laurel, chestnut, ficus and palm trees grow in them. Differs in a wide variety animal world. There are 196 species of mammals and 250 species of reptiles. The territory is densely populated; Indonesians, Thais, Chinese, and Vietnamese live here. Sumatra belongs to Indonesia.

5. Baffin Island

Area 507,451 km². The territory is located in northern Canada. Like other islands of the Canadian Archipelago, Baffin Island is of continental origin. Due to the cold climate, the flora is quite sparse. The animal world is represented by seals, walruses, arctic foxes, lemmings, reindeer and polar bears. The territory belongs to Canada. The majority of the population are Eskimos. English-Canadians and French-Canadians come on duty.

4. Madagascar

Area 587,041 km². The territory is located at southeast coast Africa. The length exceeds 1500 km, the width is 400 km. The island is of mainland origin. Millions of years ago, Madagascar separated from the continent of Gondwana. A tropical climate prevails here. The island has preserved unique representatives of flora and fauna. The symbols of Madagascar are baobabs, fire trees, and pandanuses. Lemurs are considered the most recognizable animals on the island. The entire territory of the island is under the control of the Republic of Madagascar. The majority of the population is Malagasy.

3. Kalimantan

Area 743,330 km². The island is located in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The length is approximately 1100 km. Kalimantan was formed as a result of the movement of continents, and is of continental origin. The average annual temperature is +26°C. The island has high humidity and often rains. These conditions made it possible for numerous plants to develop. There are 2,000 species of trees and palms here. The island is home to rhinoceroses, elephants, and tapirs. Unique animals are flying dogs, dwarf anoa bulls, and Malayan bears. The world of birds and reptiles is diverse. Kalimantan is shared between Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. More than three hundred ethnic groups live on the island.

2. New Guinea

Area 785,753 km². The island is located in the western Pacific Ocean. The length exceeds 1600 km, and the maximum width is about 700 km. New Guinea is of continental origin. The island is dominated by evergreen savannas. They grow ficus, bamboo, mango, breadfruit. There are many reptiles, crocodiles, chameleons, and alligators in New Guinea. The world of mammals has 180 species, most of them are. The island is shared between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Most of the population is Papuans.

1. Greenland

Area 2,130,800 km². Greenland is located in the northeast of, and is the most big island on the ground. The length of the island is 2600 km, width - 1200 km. The island is of mainland origin. The subarctic climate on the coasts turns into a marine one. In the south you can see dwarf birch, rowan and willow. Closer to the north, the surface is covered with mosses and lichens. Among the animals, the musk ox is isolated, polar bear, polar wolf, arctic fox. Walruses and harp seals set up rookeries on the coasts. Bird markets are organized by eider ducks and gulls. The island belongs to Denmark. The population, represented by the Greenlandic Eskimos, lives on the west coast.

This article lists the largest islands on Earth, some of which, in terms of area and population, could easily pass for an entire continent. Most of the islands in this ranking are widely known, but there are also some that you may not have heard of. Islands in this list They are distinguished by a special flora and fauna that is unique to them, which attracts tourists from all over the world and allows them to be considered as honeymoon destinations.

10. Ellesmere Island, Arctic Ocean

With an area of ​​122,000 sq. km:

  • tenth largest island in the world,
  • third in Canada
  • most northern island Arctic archipelago.

Much of Ellesmere Island is covered by the famous mountain range Cordillera. Second by size national park Canada is located on this island.

9. Victoria Island, Arctic Ocean

This island is located in the Canadian Arctic archipelago. Victoria Island has an area of ​​135,000 sq. km and is the second largest in Canada. It is named after Queen Victoria and is amazing in beauty. The island boasts a mild climate and offers tourists a break from the busy world in the lap of wild nature.

8. Great Britain, coast of North-West Europe

Most big Island British Isles, it covers an area of ​​143,000 square meters. km. The UK had a population of approximately 61 million in 2011, making it the third most populous island after Java and Honshu. It is surrounded by 1000 small islands and is famous for its history, magnificent architectural monuments and beautiful ecology.

7. Honshu, Japan Pacific Ocean

Honshu is the most populous island in Japan. Pay attention to . It includes the largest cities in Japan:

  • Kyoto,
  • Tokyo,
  • Osaka.

It is the second most populous island after Java. According to 2005 estimates, the population was 103 million. The island is almost 1,300 km long and 50 to 230 km wide, with a total area of ​​143,500 sq km, about 60% of the total area of ​​Japan.

6. Sumatra, Northeast Indian Ocean

This island, located in Western Indonesia, is part of the Sunda Islands. Sumatra has an area of ​​294,283 sq km and a population of more than 50 million people. Medan is the largest city of the island, has 4,300,000 inhabitants. Its landscapes are marred by two geographical regions: the swampy plains in the east and the Barisan Mountains in the west.

The wild and mountainous island has large natural resources. The main attraction of Sumatra is natural beauty: volcanoes, lakes and jungles.

5. Baffin Island, North Atlantic Ocean

The largest Canadian island, which lies in Nunavut. Its area is 315,312 sq km, the population in 2007 was about 11,000 people. The Alpine mountains are distinguished by high peaks and ridges, however, plateaus are also present. The Barnes and Penny ice caps are the largest on the island. Baffin Island is a spectacular wilderness, the spectacular homeland of the Eskimos and an Arctic land open to brave souls and extreme sports enthusiasts.

4. Madagascar, Indian Ocean

This island is island state V Indian Ocean, officially known as the Republic of Madagascar ( formerly Malagasy Republic). It covers an area of ​​434,500 sq km, making it the 47th largest country in the world and the fourth largest island.

Due to its long isolation from adjacent continents, it is home to animals and plants that exist nowhere else. Various ecosystems of the island are under threat of extinction due to environmental hazards.

3. Borneo, West Central Pacific

It is not only the third largest island in the world, but also the largest in Asia. It is divided between three countries:

  • Indonesia,
  • Malaysia,
  • Brunei.

Almost 73% of the island is Indonesian territory. This island is home to one of the world's oldest species of rainforest (about 140 million years old). Borneo has an area of ​​462,365 sq km, representing 1% of the world's land but containing almost 6% of the world's biodiversity. Amazing land, similar to an island in the clouds.

2. New Guinea, Southwest Pacific

The second largest island, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, covers an area of ​​138,500 square meters. km. The island's population is 11,306,940 people. The land on it contains an uninterrupted chain of mountains with peaks over 4,000 meters, which are crowned with ice caps.

The country's climate is mainly tropical, with average annual maximum temperatures between 30 and 32 degrees in the lowlands. While daytime temperatures in the highlands are usually above 22 degrees all year round. The island is distinguished by colossal biodiversity, it contains more than 5% of the total number of species inhabiting our planet.

1. Greenland, North Atlantic

Greenland is the largest non-continental island in the world. Located within the Arctic belt. The island has an area of ​​3,500,000 square meters. km, but is the least populous country with a population of 56,452 people. Greenland is an independent country within the Kingdom of Denmark. More than three-quarters of the island is covered by the only modern ice sheet outside Antarctica.

What is an island? For many this is resort areas like the Maldives, Sicily or Crete. For others, pictures from action-packed adventure films appear before their eyes. Indeed, the islands of the world are full of secrets and mysteries, and scientists never tire of publishing unusual facts about these small pieces of land, surrounded by water on all sides.

So the youngest island recently came of age. He is 21 years old. He was born in July 92 after a volcanic eruption near Bogoslov Island in the Aleutian Islands archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Its length is 400 meters and its height is 90 meters.

TOP 10: largest islands in the world

However, the island cannot always be measured in hundreds of meters. There are many on the world map that represent entire maritime states.

Let's talk about the latter. . By tradition, we’ll start with the last line of the hit parade.

10th place - Ellesmere Island

10th place goes to the Canadian island Ellesmere. This part of the land with an area of ​​203 thousand square meters is located in the Arctic Ocean.

9th place - Victoria Island

In 9th place is another Canadian island with beautiful name Victoria. Its area is slightly larger than the previous one - 213 thousand square meters. It is located next door, in the ice of the same Arctic.

8th place - Great Britain island

8th place is rightfully given to the island Great Britain. It is located on an area of ​​230 thousand square kilometers. Washed by the Atlantic Ocean. From unusual facts It is worth noting that a huge number of people live on this island. More than 60 million islanders are on the island of Great Britain.

7th place - Honshu Island

7th place on the list Japanese island Honshu. It has an area of ​​just under 230 thousand square kilometers in the Pacific Ocean. The largest Japanese cities are located on the island of Honshu: Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, etc. According to the latest data, its population exceeds the British one. About 100 million people.

6th place - Sumatra island

By the way, Indonesia is called the “country of a thousand islands”. Scientists have counted more than 13,500 islands on the territory of the state. 12,000 of them are uninhabited. Moreover, most of these small pieces of sushi don't even have geographical names.

5th place - Baffin Island

5th place was taken by another Canadian island - Baffin Island. It is located on an area of ​​507 thousand square kilometers in the Arctic Ocean.

4th place - Madagascar island

In 4th place is the island, which became especially famous after the animated film of the same name. Madagascar. It occupies just under 600 thousand square kilometers in the Indian Ocean.

The most interesting things are ahead. Let's move on to the top three. Who is on the list of the three most large islands peace?

3rd place - Kalimantan island

3rd place goes to the island of Kalimantan, or Borneo in other words. It is also located in the Indian Ocean and belongs to three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Its area is 743 thousand square kilometers.

2nd place - New Guinea island

New Guinea takes silver. It occupies 786 thousand square kilometers in the Pacific Ocean. By the way, from the point of view of the residential area geographical feature, this island could claim first place. Two countries have spread their possessions on this piece of land: Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

1st place - Greenland island

The title of "World's Largest Island" goes to amazing country— Greenland . Its area is 2 million 131 thousand square kilometers. The island is located off the northeastern coast of America. It is separated from Canada by the Smith and Robson Straits in the northwest, the Baffin Sea and Davis Strait in the west, and the Labrador Sea in the southwest. On the northern side, Greenland is washed by the Arctic Ocean, or more precisely, the Lincoln Sea. To the northeast of the island is the Greenland Sea, to the southeast is the Denmark Strait. On the south side is the Atlantic.


The climate in Greenland is different: marine, subarctic, arctic and even continental arctic. Cyclone is the most frequent guest on the island. This means that there are constantly strong winds, sudden changes in weather and precipitation.

The average temperature on the coast in winter is from - 7 to - 37 degrees Celsius. In the interior of the island the conditions are quite harsh: up to -47. In summer, the temperature does not rise above +10 along the entire coast, and in the depths it remains below zero.

Flora and fauna

Plants here can only be found in areas free of glaciers. On these tiny pieces of the island there are birches, willows, rowan trees, alder and even juniper. As for animals, they are exclusively northern on the island. No surprises: polar bears, bowhead whales and seals, walruses, polar wolves and reindeer.

How could this place get a name that literally translates as “green land”?

Legends of history

The island of Greenland was discovered by the Vikings. They came here in the 10th century. There are even several legends about how the name appeared. Some believe that in medieval times the island had a completely different climate, warm. Blooming greenery gave this name to its land. Others express their opinion about the cunning of the first settlers. Allegedly, they gave the island such a fabulous name to attract people here.

Since 1536, Greenland was considered Danish territory. This was due to the fact that Norway was under the yoke of the Danes, and the countries were united into a single state. However, in 1905 Norway gained independence and claimed the island for itself. But Denmark was not going to give up Greenland without a fight. The issue was resolved through the Permanent Court of International Justice. She made a decision: to leave Greenland as a Danish colony.

The largest island in the world, Greenland, belongs to Denmark to this day. 84% of the territory is solid ice. But despite this, the island has settlements. The largest is Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. The city is located on west coast. Just over 15 thousand people live here.

Finding out the exact number of islands on Earth is difficult. It is believed that there are about 2000 islands in the world. They differ from each other in size, topography, climate, flora and fauna. The largest island in the world is named Greenland.

The largest island is Greenland

This autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark is least densely populated area in the world. The population density of the island is 0.028 / km 2, and the number of people living there is 57,728 people. And these, for the most part, are not Europeans, but Greenlandic Eskimos (Kalaallits) or descendants of mixed marriages between Danes and Eskimos. In 2009, the Greenlanders gained the status of a separate people, and Denmark was assigned the protection of Greenland and the management of foreign affairs.

“Sandwiched” between Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, Greenland is not a very hospitable land against the backdrop of even harsher waters. However, this island has long attracted the attention of polar explorers and is currently positioned as a place for adventure tourism.

Total area of ​​Greenland

Greenland covers 2,130,800 km². Moreover, 81% of the island area is covered by ice cover. If we imagine that this ice completely melted, this would lead to a rise in global sea level by 7 meters.

Where did the name "Greenland" come from?

This name, which is more reminiscent of “false advertising,” has generated controversy among researchers. Some believe that during the discovery of Greenland local climate was much milder, and the coastal areas in the southwest of the island were generously covered with vegetation, and according to others, the name "Greenland" was chosen by the discoverer Eirik the Red in order to attract settlers to the island. The source of the second version is the work of Ari the Wise, an Icelandic chronicler of the 11th century. However, the first copy of his work dates back to the 13th century, and it is believed to have been supplemented by various authors. Therefore, one can be skeptical about this explanation of the name “Greenland”.

But Iceland was much more unlucky than Greenland. This land, washed by the warm Gulf Stream, was called “ice” because the settlers landed on it during severe frosts.

Photos and videos about Greenland

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10 largest islands in the world by area

10. Sulawesi – 180,681 km²

The ranking of the largest islands on Earth opens with a handsome Indonesian, who is one of the most popular tourist places. It offers excellent conditions for diving in coral thickets, clean beaches, exotic fauna and lush tropical forests. Those who are more interested in architecture and culture than nature can visit the Rotterdam Fort, the palace and tomb of the Govan kings and take part in the magnificent local ceremonies.

The main religion of the island is Islam, so local residents They do not drink or sell alcohol to tourists.

Another feature of Sulawesi is its unusual shape. Four more peninsulas adjoin this island, making Sulawesi resemble an orchid on the map.

9. Ellesmere – 183965 km²

Like another participant in the ranking of the largest islands in the world (namely Victoria Island), Ellesmere also lies entirely within the Northern Arctic Circle. It is not surprising that it is very sparsely populated - only 146 people. It is also the most mountainous island in the Canadian Arctic archipelago and quite inhospitable, so it’s hardly worth going here for entertainment.

8. Great Britain - 209331 km²

Is the largest island in Europe. Its territory includes England, Scotland and Wales.

Great Britain is a less impressive island than most of the islands on this list. On its territory there is no active volcanoes, exotic flora or ferocious animals. But it does have rolling hills, rocky coastlines, picturesque villages and the best tea in the world.

7. Victoria – 217291 km²

The largest island in the world, of those that are entirely within the Arctic Circle. However, despite its size, Victoria Island is surprisingly small, with fewer than 2,000 people living there.

Instead of people, Victoria was overrun by tens of thousands of caribou and musk oxen, both of which are endemic to Canada.

6. Honshu – 225800 km²

Honshu is the largest of Japan's four main islands. It is also the most densely populated island on the list of the largest islands in the world. The population of Honshu is 103 million people.

It is the second most populous island on Earth after the Indonesian island of Java with its 139 million inhabitants. This is not surprising, given that the metropolis of Tokyo, home to 38 million Japanese, is located on Honshu.

The island has excellent conditions for skiing and mountaineering, because all 30 highest peaks Japan are located on Honshu (including Fuji).

5. Sumatra – 443066 km²

Eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis are typical for Sumatra, but this does not stop tourists from wanting to experience the wild and mysterious nature of the jungle. Orangutans, tigers, rhinoceroses and elephants inhabit the forests of Sumatra, and picturesque beaches will give rest to tired travelers. Also in Sumatra there are very developed aquatic species sports including surfing and diving.

4. Baffin Island – 507451 km²

Canada has the longest coastline in the world and an unknown number of islands. The largest of them is Baffin Island. It is distinguished by mountainous, harsh and primitively beautiful landscapes. Almost the entire population of the island, which is over 10 thousand people, lives on the coast. IN central part Only scientific expeditions are sent to the islands to study nature, which is almost untouched by human influence.

3. Madagascar – 587713 km²

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and the largest island in the Indian Ocean. This incredibly diverse area contains 5% of all known animal and plant species.

2. Borneo – 743330 km²

The world's third largest island after Greenland is made up of three countries, although about 73% of Borneo is Indonesian territory. The sovereign state of Brunei makes up just one 1% of the island, and the remaining territory is Malaysian.

Borneo is home to one of the oldest tropical forests in the world. It is also home to many exotic and rare wild animals: proboscis monkeys, gibbons, Malayan bears and saltwater crocodiles that lie in wait in the waters of the South China Sea.

1. New Guinea – 785,753 km²

This island has the most high mountain Oceania and Jaya.

New Guinea is also a world-famous diving destination, with excellent diving conditions throughout most of the year.

The underwater world is teeming with colorful corals and colorful fish. And after the Second World War, in the waters near the island there remained a large number of shipwrecks.

List of islands by area, comparison table

IslandArea (km²)A country
1 Greenland2130800 Greenland, autonomous province of Denmark
2 New Guinea785753 Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
3 Kalimantan748168 Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia
4 Madagascar587713 Madagascar
5 Baffin Island507451 Canada
6 Sumatra443066 Indonesia
7 Great Britain229848 UK (England, Scotland and Wales)
8 Honshu227970 Japan
9 Victoria217291 Canada
10 Ellesmere196236 Canada
11 Sulawesi180681 Indonesia

Counting the exact number of islands on Earth is an incredibly complex process. Every year, several islands appear and disappear on Earth, but the largest of them still remain in their places. These are exactly what we will talk about in our rating.

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Ellesmere Island A country: Canada
Square: 196236 sq.km

Ellesmere Island is the third largest island in Canada and the tenth largest in the world. It is located in the province of Nunavut in Canada. The island is dominated majestic mountains and ice fields. This is the highest mountain region of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Interesting facts about Ellesmere Island:

  • The chain of sedimentary rocks found in the northern regions of the island is more than 100,000 years old.
  • The island has been covered in ice since the last ice age - a third of the island's area is covered by glaciers.
  • The most high point islands - Barbo Peak (2616 m).
  • The population of the island does not exceed 200 people.
* * *

9. Victoria

A country: Canada
Square: 217291 sq.km

Victoria Island is the second largest island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and the eighth largest island in the world. The island has 300-600 km. wide and 400-500 km long, and its area is slightly larger than the area of ​​Belarus.

The island was first discovered by explorer Thomas Simpson in 1838.

Interesting facts about Victoria Island:

  • Victoria Island was named after Queen Victoria, who was the Queen of Canada.
  • In 2006, only 1,875 people lived on the island
  • In the northwestern part of the island there is a crater with a diameter of 24 km, which was formed as a result of a meteorite fall more than 130 million years ago.
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8. Honshu

A country: Japan
Square: 227970 sq.km

Located between Pacific Ocean And Sea of ​​Japan, Honshu is the largest island of Japan. Honshu has great historical significance and is regarded as a mainland in Japan. The maximum width of the island is 230 km, and its length is 1300 km. It is the largest island in Japan, with an area of ​​approximately 60% of the entire country.

Interesting facts about Honshu Island:

  • The island of Honshu is home to many important cities of Japan: Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama and Osaka
  • Honshu is the second most populous island in the world. About 100 million people live on the island.
  • Mount Fuji, sacred to all Japanese, is located on the island.
  • The island is home to Japan's largest lake, Lake Biwa.
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7. UK

A country: Great Britain
Square: 229848 sq.km

Great Britain is the largest island in Europe. It is part of the United Kingdom and includes the autonomous regions of England, Scotland and Wales. 95% of the United Kingdom is on the island of Great Britain.

Interesting facts about Great Britain:

  • The island is the third most populous in the world. About 63 million people live on it.
  • Great Britain is surrounded by a thousand small islands.
  • The UK is the most densely populated area in Europe.
  • The island has a mild climate throughout the year, despite its northern latitude.
  • London is the most Big City UK (approx. 8.5 million people)