The largest cave in Vietnam. Son Dong Cave in Vietnam: description, location, interesting facts and reviews. Unique climate and landscape

Man strives into space, sinks to the bottom of the oceans, but still does not fully know what is under his feet. Do you think we've explored the entire planet? Whatever the case. Now you will learn about an amazing and gigantic attraction, discovered relatively recently, and in geological terms, just a couple of minutes ago.

This is Son Doong Cave in Vietnam.

The cave, striking in size and amazing in beauty and diversity, is located in the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in the central part of Vietnam, in Quang Binh province, about 20 km from the border with Laos.

Son Doong Cave on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 17.543586, 106.143941
  • The distance from the capital of Vietnam Hanoi is approximately 400 km in a straight line
  • The nearest airport is Dong Hoi about 50 km

Shondong Cave consists of 150 grottoes of various sizes. The maximum height of the vaults reaches 200 meters, and the width reaches 150 meters. The length is about 9 kilometers. The total volume of underground premises is estimated at 38.5 million cubic meters. The approximate location of the grottoes is shown in the figure below.

We mentioned above that the cave was discovered literally “the other day.” This happened in 1991, when a local resident was the first to find it. The discoverer was unable to get inside due to the strong roar of the underground river, the rather steep descent inside and the presence of the instinct of self-preservation in this man. Only 18 years later, in 2009, this Vietnamese became the guide of a group of scientists from Great Britain. Researchers went down inside, took measurements and declared Shondong Cave to be the largest on the planet. Formally, this year can be considered the year the cave was opened to humanity.

In general, Son Dong (literally Hang Son Doong) translated means “cave mountain river" And there really is a whole river there, sometimes reminiscent of stormy streams in the mountains. During the rainy season, this river floods most of the caves. This is how, over millions of years, streams of water washed away limestone rocks in the mountains. The cave is believed to be approximately 5 million years old.
But this is not the only thing that amazed scientists. They literally found themselves in another world, with its own climate, its own flora and fauna. Remember how in the movie “Journey to the Center of the Earth”?

Amazing phenomena were discovered in Shondong Cave. Huge and incredibly shaped stalagmites, some of them up to 70 meters high. Here you can find a very rare geological formation - stone pearls in limestone layers.

The vaults of the cave collapsed in two places, allowing sunlight to penetrate inside. As a result, stunning oases of life underground were formed. This is a whole jungle in the depths. There are even trees up to 3 meters high. Flying foxes, monkeys and birds live here. And several new species of animals have recently been discovered.

Another one interesting feature Shondong caves - clouds. Have you heard, real clouds are forming under the cave arches in some places. This is due to high humidity and large temperature differences.
The first tourist excursion to Son Doong Cave took place in early August 2013. Only 6 people (including from Russia), having paid $3,000 each, got inside one of the most amazing caves peace. To begin with, they lowered themselves 80 meters underground using ropes. Then in one of the grottoes they broke a whole camping and began to wander through the incredible cave.

This attraction is not yet very visited due to its inaccessible location and the need to obtain special permission. For example, from March to August 2015, only 500 tourists received permission to visit Son Doong Cave.

To increase the tourist flow, the possibility of developing infrastructure and laying a 10 km long cable car to the cave is being studied. But the defenders wildlife stood up to defend the cave. They believe that the increasing number of tourists will cause serious damage to the microclimate and ecosystem of Son Doong. So now this is another hard-to-reach and even extreme attraction for the elite.

  • there are rumors that during the Vietnam War this cave served as a bomb shelter, but there is no reliable information about this
  • In 2011, the cave appeared in National Geographic magazine
  • During the rainy season (from September to March) access to the cave is closed

Shondong Cave photo

Son Doong Cave - the largest in the world

There is such an interesting pedestal in Shondong Cave
The sun's rays make their way into the cave

Crystal clean lake inside the cave

History of the discovery

The belated acquaintance of the Vietnamese and world community with the huge cave is an excellent confirmation that we do not know everything about planet Earth. There are vague rumors that during the Vietnam War, Son Doong was used as a reliable bomb shelter, but the official year of opening is considered to be 1991. It was then that a local resident, trying to hide from the rain, dived into the thickets and unexpectedly found himself in a cave of stunning proportions. He did not dare to get further from the entrance: an incomprehensible, frightening noise was heard from inside. As it turned out later, it was emitted by the waters of an underground river.

For many years, the discoverer did not dare to return to the cave, and finding it in the jungle was problematic, but in 2009 he became a guide for a British expedition of speleologists. The first attempt was unsuccessful: progress was hampered by a calcite wall 60 m high. The next year, researchers found a way to overcome it, took all measurements and announced a new world record.

Entrance to Son Doong Cave

The Underworld of Shondong

Phong Nha-Kebang National Park is open on the site of karst underground passages. Shondong is part of a complex system of labyrinths running through the limestone rock that extends to the border with Laos. The cave was formed about 5 million years ago thanks to the painstaking work of the river, which made a passage in the rocks. The result was a gigantic tunnel, consisting of 150 halls, up to 200 m high and up to 150 m wide. In some places, the upper ceilings collapsed, and the sun's rays began to enter the cave, provoking the appearance of real underground gardens. Interest in Shondong arose after photographs of Karsten Peter, acting on behalf of National Geographic magazine, were published. Huge halls, calm waters of an underground river 2.5 km long, soaring domes, stalagmites up to 70 m high, green slopes of limestone rocks - all this could not fail to attract the attention of potential tourists.

From nearest tourist sites Shondong is separated by a 10 km jungle walk. Travel to the cave is only possible outside the rainy season, which lasts in Central Vietnam from October to February, otherwise underground river may overflow its banks and make certain sections of the route impassable. The giant was opened to visitors only in 2013. On the first visit, only 6 people visited it, including guests from Russia. Each had to pay $3,000 for a week's accommodation in a tent in the cave. In subsequent seasons the tariff did not change, but despite high prices, the line of people wanting to get inside is not getting shorter. In 2015, from March to August, 500 travelers received permission to visit Son Doong.

Attractions of Phong Nha Ke Bang Park

Tourists who are not included in the coveted list should not be upset: in addition to Son Doong, there are many interesting things to do in Phong Nha-Kebang. Even before the official survey, in 2003, the property was listed World Heritage UNESCO as a unique network of caves with a total length of more than 126 km. Some of them were specially equipped for visiting. In Thienduong, which stretches 31 km in length, wooden walkways and stairs were built in 2010, and electricity was installed. Visitors drive to the parking lot, then walk 1.5 km to the cave entrance or drive along in rental golf carts. The cave is famous for its luxurious stalactites and stalagmites of complex shapes. Travelers sail to Phong Nha by boat, exploring numerous halls and passages for 2 hours. The cost of a visit to Thienduong averages 6 US dollars, to Phong Nha - about 2, depending on how full the boat is.

Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

How to get to the national park

IN national park Phong Nha Ke Bang is visited annually by almost a million Vietnamese and 90 thousand foreigners, who fly to the provincial capital of Dong Hoi from Hanoi by plane, spending about 1.5 hours on the road. From there to the beginning walking route it takes just over 1 hour to get to the cave in a roundabout way highway. Another popular option to get to Dong Hoi is to take the railway that connects Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City along the North-South route. Vehicles travel from the Vietnamese capital for 10 hours along the Ho Chi Minh Highway, which skirts the northern borders of the park.

Prospects for the development of Son Doong as a tourist destination

Entrepreneurs calculated that until the visit becomes widespread, the project will not bring any tangible profit. To do this it is necessary to build hotel and take you to Shondong cable car length 10 km. Environmentalists were categorically against the business proposal: they wrote public letters demanding that construction be prevented. For now, the issue of increasing the accessibility of Shondong remains open. Judging by the fact that the remaining caves successfully survived the expansion of the flow of tourists, Shondong will soon face the same fate.

"Save Shondong" T-shirts

Or a car, while others choose hitchhiking. Often independent travelers are faced with a choice of where to stay and what to see along the way between major cities. Here are some cool ideas.

Dalat waterfalls

Dalat(Đà Lạt)– the richest mountain region in Vietnam with waterfalls. The biggest and beautiful waterfalls in the vicinity of Dalat are surrounded by fences and ticket offices, equipped with roads and trails for tourists, paid entertainment and cafes.

Waterfall Pongour is located 45-50 km from Dalat city on the road on the way to Ho Chi Minh City. This wide waterfall one of the most beautiful, consists of 7 cascades flowing into the lake. If you have time along the way, it is worth stopping by the Gowgah waterfall. This is a small, but free waterfall, not very popular among tourists.

If you like comfortable relaxation and additional entertainment, go to waterfalls Prenn(about 10 km from Dalat) and Datanla(about 5 km from Dalat). Prenn Waterfall is located on the territory beautiful park with sculptures, bridges, benches and a temple, and from additional entertainment You can ride a boat, an elephant or an ostrich. This is a favorite waterfall for tourist buses, so there are a lot of people here. Datanla Falls consists of three cascades, and to get down to the lower levels, you can take a cable car, ride a trolley and ride an elevator in the middle of the jungle for an additional fee. Datanla Falls is on the way to Prenn Falls from Dalat, so you can plan both falls in one day.

Elephant Falls(about 30 km from Dalat) – very powerful waterfall, which we recommend going to for lovers of silence and solitude with nature. They don't go here tourist buses, and the flow of people is much less. There are only a couple of cafes near the ticket office, and from the entrance to the waterfall you will have to go down huge stones with additional support on iron railings.


Pongur Falls: 20,000 vnd ($0.9)

Prenn Falls: 40,000 vnd ($1.8)

Datanla Falls: 30,000 vnd ($1.3)

Elephant Falls: 20,000 vnd ($0.9)

Phong Nha Ke Bang Caves

Phong Nha-Kebang (Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng) – national park, a UNESCO heritage site, famous for its many caves, including the largest cave in the world Shondong. However, access to it, like to some other caves, is limited - you can only get there as part of multi-day tour for people in good physical shape. The tour is provided by the only company Oxalis, and its price is $3000. Current information can be found and . But there are also caves open for independent exploration.

Caves Phong Nha And Tienshon available for inspection by water. At the box office you can purchase tickets for your favorite water transport to visit one or two caves at once. For independent visit other caves you will need a bike. Lovers of active walking should go to the cave Paradise, 1 km out of 31.4 kilometers of which is open for independent travel along a road paved for tourists. From the entrance to the cave you can walk 1.5 km along forest climbs or, for an additional fee, drive part of the distance in an electric car to save time and effort for the climb.

Thrill seekers and extreme sports enthusiasts will be interested in Dark Cave, where the entire path is illuminated by a lantern on the forehead, and this path passes through narrow tunnels. To enter the cave you will have to cross the river using a zipline, and at the end of the cave walk you can swim.

Those who want to get everything quickly and at once can visit both caves (Paradise and Dark Caves) in one busy day. Along the way, if you have time, you can stop by a cave Eight ladies- a monument to the victims of US military bombing.


Phong Nha Cave: 150,000 vnd ($6.5) + water transport fee

Tien Son Cave: 80,000 vnd ($3.5) + water transport fee

Paradise Cave: 250,000 vnd ($11)

Dark Cave: 350,000 vnd ($15)

Cave of Eight Ladies: free

Bajo Falls

25 kilometers from Nha Trang, on the way to Zoklet beach, there is beautiful place to relax in nature, hide in the shade from the hot Vietnamese sun, or, conversely, sunbathe under its rays and swim in the cool water. You can come here for just a few hours, or you can stay for the whole day. From the entrance to the waterfalls there is a 1 km long paved jungle path. Worth stocking up drinking water, so as not to overpay for it on the territory. For clothing, it is advisable to have not only flip-flops and a swimsuit, but also comfortable shoes. Bajo Falls consists of three levels, and the name of the waterfall translates to “three lakes.” To climb to the upper level, you will have to climb over the stones, focusing on the red arrows. The beauty of nature and the special atmosphere of solitude can be felt even on the path on the way to the waterfalls, so if you don’t have the strength to climb the rocks, enjoy the beauty on lower level, the most convenient for swimming.

Price:50,000 vnd ($2.2)

Views of the sea coast

Vietnam stretches along the sea coastline, and the mountain climbs offer unimaginable, breathtaking views. One of the most popular viewing platforms is Haivan pass, located near the Vietnamese pillbox, where everyone who travels from Da Nang to Hue or to reverse direction. However, this place is far from the most picturesque, if only because of the crowds of people and fences.

It would be much more pleasant to spend an extra day in Da Nang and devote it to a trip around the peninsula Son Tra (Sơn Trà). Traveling around the peninsula on a bike will not leave you indifferent, revealing on one side the wild jungle of the reserve, and on the other – the endless sea, changing around every new turn.

Another attractive viewing point will be Cape Dailan– the most eastern point not only Vietnam, but throughout South-East Asia. Part of the beach here is occupied sand dunes, and a sea lighthouse is blinking on the mountain. Entrance fee: 20,000 vnd ($0.9).

Tea plantations

Tea plantations in the vicinity of the dam Kau Kau(Đập Cầu Cau)– very picturesque and cubby. The mountain multi-tiered pyramids of tea trees are mesmerizing. Here you can take a boat ride and, after enjoying the nature around, have a snack in a cafe. Tea plantations are located not only around the lake, but also stretch for many kilometers along the Ho Chi Minh City highway. This is far from the best popular place at independent tourists, probably due to its remote location, so don't be surprised if you find yourself the only visitor there.

Price: freeTBut

Suoi Voi Springs

Springs await you 45 kilometers from Da Nang Suoi Howy (Suối Voi)– these are stone pools with cool, crystal clean water, where it’s nice to cool off on a hot day. The springs are located on the territory national park Father Ma (Bạch Mã). The shape of some stones gave the springs a second name - Elephant Springs. On both sides of the stone pools there are awnings that create shade, where the Vietnamese are willing to lay down a carpet for relaxation for an additional fee. Those wishing to have privacy or not have to pay to stay under the canopy can make their way through the deeper rocks to the distant pools. The farther from the first tents, the less noise and people. Moving from Danang to Hue or in the opposite direction can be an excellent occasion to visit the Suoi Voi springs, where you can have a wonderful rest along the way. There are cafes for those who want to refresh themselves.

Price:15000 vnd ($0.7)

Marble Mountains

Marble Mountains(about 10 km from Danang, about 20 km from Hoi An) - “mountains of 5 elements” is a complex of 5 hills, each of which has the name of one of the elemental elements in the eastern horoscope: water, earth, wood, metal and fire. The largest and most interesting to visit is Mount Water. Here you can explore caves with altars and pagodas, climb observation platforms and admire the view of the city and the sea. Part of the ascent can be done by elevator for an additional fee, but the main distances will have to be covered on foot, walking along paths and stone stairs. One of the most interesting caves is the cave Am Hu, its interior arrangement and sculptures symbolize heaven and hell. Marble products and sculptures are sold in the city. Previously, marble was mined in the Marble Mountains, but today its mining is prohibited, and marble is imported from other regions of Vietnam.

Price: 40,000 vnd ($1.8)

Hoi An

Bonus to our “natural” list – Hoi An(Hội An, about 30 km from Don Nang). This is a traditional historical city museum under open air, a UNESCO heritage site. The city has 22 major attractions: museums, ancient houses, meeting halls, chapels, a temple, a Japanese bridge, a traditional workshop and a theater. To visit any 5 attractions, you can purchase a general ticket for 120,000 vnd ($5.3). You can enjoy the atmosphere of the old town for free, walking along its streets, where more than 800 buildings are of historical significance and date back to the 16th-18th centuries, from the times when Hoi An was a large port city. In the evening, the embankment lights up with colorful lights, local barkers invite you to ride on boats, and fruit sellers in a traditional Vietnamese hat and with a wooden rocker on their shoulder offer to take a photo for free (with a subsequent request to buy fruit). Hoi An is also a “couturier city”, famous for its sewing and shoe craftsmen. Many pavilions are open in anticipation of new orders, the turnaround time is 24 hours. A visit to Hoi An can be combined with beach holiday: The beaches are 3-4 km from the center. You can choose housing near the beach, in the old town, or in a residential area in between. It is convenient to get around the city by bicycle: you can rent one, and they are often provided free of charge in hotels and hostels.

Price: For any 5 attractions 120,000 vnd ($5.3)

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During our three month trip to Vietnam we had the opportunity to visit amazing place– Phong Nha-Kebang National Park with some of the largest and most beautiful caves in the world. I will tell you about what to see in the national park, how to get to Phong Ni, I will give all the prices, give reviews about hotels, show a lot of photos and tell you about the largest cave in the world - Son Doong.

Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park (Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng) is located in central Vietnam in Quang Binh province. This unique natural attraction of our planet, located on an area of ​​123.326 hectares, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. National name The park is home to the famous Phong Nha underground river cave and the surrounding Ke Bang forest. Here, 465-250 million years ago, karst mountains and an extensive network of caves were formed. By the way, Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam contains the largest caves in the world (not to be confused with the longest and deepest).

What to see in the national Phong Nha Ke Bang Park?

  • Phong Nha Cave.
  • Paradise Cave.
  • Lady Cave.
  • Dark cave.
  • Swallow Cave.
  • Son Doong Cave.
  • Tulen cave system.
  • Botanical Garden.

Official website of the national Phong Nha Ke Bang Park:

Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park with caves and attractions on the map of Vietnam:

Now let’s take a closer look at each cave and place.

Phong Nha Cave: description, photo, cost, reviews

Phong Nha Cave (Phong Nha,Phong Nha Cave) - one of the most famous caves in Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam, through which an underground river flows. Phong Nha was explored in 1990-1992. and its length was 7.729 meters. Since 1995, 1.2 km have been open for tourists to explore. During the war with the United States, the cave was used as a military hospital, shelter and storage. It is part of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

  • Coordinates: 17.582149, 106.28263.
  • How to get there: You can get to Phong Nha Cave (and through it) by boat from the pier in the village of the same name.
  • Cost of visiting Phong Nha Cave: entrance – 150,000 VND ($7.5) per person (children under 1.3 m free) + dragon boat (max 14 people) – 320,000 VND ($16) per company. You can take special guided tours on kayaks, dragon boats or pirogues and swim another 1300 meters, which, accordingly, will cost more.

Our review: The pleasure began as soon as we got on the boat. We floated along the river along the village for about 5 km. Local residents took seaweed from the water and put it in their boats. We never understood for what purpose. Looking up from their work, some of them looked warily at the foreigners, but most of them simply smiled. Vietnamese tourists on oncoming boats constantly waved at us and posed for the camera. In general, the atmosphere in the national Phong Nha park has not yet been spoiled, which is very pleasing! At the entrance to the cave, our boatmen, two young Vietnamese women, turned off the engine, removed the rain awning and took up the oars. We were lucky, we arrived at a time of day when the influx of tourists was subsiding (we bought tickets and gathered fellow travelers on the boat at about 10.00-10.15). When we sailed 1200 m through the illuminated cave, we met several boats, but when we turned around, there was no one coming towards us. On the way back, we were dropped off at an underground beach to walk around the dry grotto, after which we walked out of the Phong Nha cave on foot (to the side of the river) and climbed to the next Tien Son cave. The boat remained waiting at the shore.

Photo of Phong Nha cave:

First we traveled by boat.

Our fellow travelers

We sailed to the cave

Conclusion: if you come to the national Phong Nha-Kebang Park, then Phong Nha Cave with an underground river is definitely a must see.

Tien Son Cave: description, photo, cost, reviews

Fairy Cave, Tien Son, Đ ng Tiê n Sơ n) - was found in 1935 and first studied by the French archaeologist Madeleine Colani (the same one who studied). Beautiful cave with many interesting stalactites and stalagmites.

  • Coordinates: 17.580478,106.281534.
  • How to get there: by boat with a joint tour of Phong Nha Cave.
  • Cost of visiting Tien Son Cave: entrance 80,000 dong ($4) per person + surcharge for waiting for the boat after visiting the previous cave - 30,000 dong ($1.5) per group (!). Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at the pier in the village.

Our review: The entrance to Tien Son is located just above Phong Nha Cave. The climb up is quite steep and difficult. But the views are wonderful. Along the way there will be a small temple, a ticket checking point and several points selling drinks. Tien Son is a dry cave. The walk takes place on good quality wooden flooring. Literally immediately after the entrance, the path forks. It is recommended to start the inspection from the right path (if you are careful, you can see the corresponding sign). In the Tien Son cave, as in the previous one, stalactites and stalagmites are beautifully illuminated. Along the way there are benches to rest. The tour of the cave ends with a round observation deck. We return back along another path. If you walk slowly, a walk in both directions will take an hour and a half (at a gallop you can do it in half an hour) plus 20-30 minutes for the ascent and descent.

Photo of Tien Son Cave:

After leaving the wet Phong Nha cave there was a sharp climb to Tien Son with magnificent views:

Temple between the entrances to Phong Nha and Tien Son caves

Here is the cave itself.

Entrance to Tien Son Cave

On the descent, local Vietnamese asked them to take a photo as a souvenir. If you meet us, say hello from us! 😉

Conclusion: if you have an hour or two of time and a maximum of $5.5, then of course visit the Tien Son cave.

Paradise Cave: description, photo, cost, reviews

Paradise Cave (Paradise,Paradise Cave, Thien Đườ ng)– one of the largest caves in Vietnam. It is located at an altitude of 191 m, has a length of 31.4 km, a width ranging from 30-100 m, at its widest point - 150 m, a height of 60-80 m. Paradise Cave is considered the longest dry cave in Asia.

  • Coordinates: 17.5192, 106.22305.
  • How to get there: You can get to Paradise Cave as part of a tour or on a rented bike (with a driver or on your own).
  • Working hours: in summer - 6.30-17.00, in winter - 7.30-16.30.
  • Cost of visiting the cave:
    • Admission for adults – 250,000 dong ($12.5).
    • Entrance fee for children 1.1-1.3 meters tall is 125,000 VND ($6.25).
    • Admission for children under 1.1 meters tall is free.
    • Electric car, ticket for 4 people. one way – 60,000 dong ($3).
    • Electric car, ticket for 4 people. round trip – 100,000 dong ($5).
    • Electric car, ticket for 6 people. one way – 90,000 dong ($4.5).
    • Electric car, ticket for 6 people. round trip – 150,000 dong ($7.5).
    • Electric car, ticket for 8 people. one way – 120,000 dong ($6).
    • Electric car, ticket for 8 people. round trip – 200,000 dong ($10).
    • Golf cart for 14 people. – one way – 210,000 dong ($10.5).
    • Golf cart for 14 people. – in both directions – 350,000 dong ($17.5).
    • Bike parking – 5,000 ($0.25).
    • Cars and buses with up to 16 seats – 15,000 ($0.75).
    • Buses with more than 16 seats – 20,000 ($1).

Our reviews: Before you pay for tickets to the cave, you need to decide whether you will walk 1.5 km from the ticket office to the stairs or travel this distance in an electric car (buggy). You will have to pay extra for the easy way. We were caught in a very heavy downpour on the way, so we took a transfer. The cashier handed out plastic tickets, which we put into the turnstiles immediately after the ticket office. Then we got into the car, and after 5 minutes we were dropped off. Then we had to climb on foot. There are two ways to the cave: along the ramp and along the stairs. It takes longer to walk along the ramp (570 m), but it is easier. True, I experienced slight discomfort when my feet were at an acute angle to my leg for half a kilometer. Stairs are usually used on descent. It seemed to me that the climb to Paradise was easier than to Tien Son. Doubts about the need to visit the Paradise Cave disappear from the first minute. It immediately becomes clear that it is huge. For one and a half kilometers you walk along a wooden deck, along which benches are placed every few meters. We spent about 2 hours in Paradise Cave, observing stalactites and stalagmites of various shapes, harmoniously illuminated by lamps and spotlights. If you are in a hurry, you can do it in an hour. We had plenty of time to observe these wonderful creations of nature in a calm rhythm. In the opposite direction you return the same way, there is an opportunity to “consolidate” what you saw. 🙂 There are toilets at the top of the cave and at the bottom at the foot, in the parking lot there are tents with drinks, snacks and souvenirs, and at the top at the entrance to Paradise there is a restaurant with reasonable prices.

Photo of Paradise Cave:

On the way to the cave we saw magnificent scenery.

Rice fields

On the way we got caught in a heavy downpour. After purchasing a ticket, we went to the cave in an electric car.

The top is a map of the entire cave, the bottom is the part accessible to tourists.

Stalactite and stalagmite

Conclusion: definitely go!

Lady Cave: description, photo, cost, reviews

Cave of the Lady (8 Lady, cave of the Eight Youth Volunteers, Hang 8 Cô TNXP)– dedicated to the memory of eight youth volunteers aged 18-20, martyrs of the cave, who hid and tragically died here in 1972.

  • Coordinates: 17. 502626, 106.26021.
  • How to get there: You can get to the cave on a rented bike (with a driver or on your own).
  • Cost of visiting the Lady Cave: for free.

Our review: In a small cleft in the rock there is a place of worship and remembrance, typical for Asian countries. Along the way you can admire nature to your heart's content.

Photo of Lady Cave:

Road to Lady Cave

Conclusion: If you don’t come here, you won’t really lose anything.

Dark Cave: description, cost, photo

Dark Cave (Dark Cave, Toi, Ti) andChay River– the tour was created for those who want to feel like a pig swimming in the dark in a puddle of mud! 🙂 You need to visit in swimming suits (or something that you are not afraid of getting dirty). You will be given flashlights, vests and sent to the Dark Cave (there is no lighting there). The only problem is that the cave is wet and dirty. Finally, they will give you the opportunity to rock, swim in the turquoise river and jump into the water with a Zip-line (like a bungee).

  • Coordinates: 17.57472, 106.251798.
  • How to get there: as part of organized tour, by boat or motorbike.
  • Cost of visiting the Dark Cave: entrance – 350,000 Vietnamese dong ($17), for children up to 1.4 m tall – 150,000 dong ($7), if you chose a boat (max 14 people), then you need to pay another 500,000 dong ($25).

River Chay

Kayaking at the Dark Cave

Swallow Cave: description, cost

Swallow Cave (Swallow, Swallow Cave, Hang En Cave, En, Hang Én)– has been explored by speleologists since 1994. It is a relatively young cave compared to others in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park. Swallow is the third largest cave in the world (after its neighbor Shondong here in Vietnam and Deer Cave in Malaysia). Every year, during the rainy season, its size still increases. Parameters of the large entrance into a cave (out of three available): 120 meters high and 140 meters wide.

  • Coordinates: I haven’t been able to determine yet whether there is a point on the map.
  • How to get there:
  • Cost of visiting the Swallow Cave:
    • The company Oxalis : the price of the tour is 6,000,000 Vietnamese dong ($282) for 1 night and 2 days. Provides frequency 3-4 times a week from January to August.
    • At Phong Nha Ke Bang Tourism Center (the one that organizes visits to Phong Nha, Tien Son and Temnoy caves): the cost of a 2-day tour is 4,999,000 VND ($235), minimum 2 people, you need to book 1 day in advance, you can do it at the ticket office at the pier.
  • Official site excursions to the largest caves in the world:,

The largest cave in the world, Shondong: description, cost

Son Doong (Mountain River cave,hang Sơ n Đ oò ng) - the largest cave not only in Vietnam, but throughout the world. Previously, the Deer Cave in Mulu National Park in the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Kalimantan (Borneo) was considered such. A mountain river flows here with waterfalls and the jungle grows. Most Big hall has a length of 5 km, a width of 150 m and a height of 200 m. It is believed that the 80 m high stalagmites found here are the tallest in the world. Research into Son Doong Cave in Vietnam began in 2009-2010, and tourist groups began to be admitted only in 2013. The path to Son Doong runs through the village of Ban Doong and the neighboring Swallow Cave.

  • Coordinates: 17.449533, 106.292526.
  • How to get there: only as part of an organized tour.
  • Cost of visiting the largest Son Dog cave in Vietnam: the tour costs 64,500,000 Vietnamese dong ($3,000) for 6 nights and 7 days. There is a maximum of 10 people in the group. Expeditions take place only from February to August. You must register in advance. There is only one company that offers tours to Son Doong – Oxalis.
  • Official site tours to the largest cave in the world:
  • Address tour operatorOxalisV village Phong Nha: Phong Nha Commune, Son Trach Village, Bo Trach District, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam.

Video O cave Shondong:

Caves Tulane: description, cost

Caves Tulane(Tu Lan, Tu Lan)– a system of wet and dry caves of more than 10 pieces (Rat, Hang Ton, Ken Cave and others). Located 70 km from Phong Nha-Kebang National Park near the village of Tan Hoa.

  • Coordinates: I couldn’t find the exact ones, but I put an approximate point on the map.
  • How to get there: only as part of an organized tour.
  • Cost of visiting the Tulan caves: tour prices start from 2,000,000 dong ($93) for 1 day to 14,000,000 Vietnamese dong ($656) for 3 nights and 4 days. Such expeditions are provided only by the tour operator Oxalis.
  • Official site cave expeditionsTu Lan:

Eco-trailMooc Springs

According to the description of the Mooc Springs Eco-Trail tour, you will walk, swim in the river and observe the beauty of nature. It looks like this easy hike is geared towards those with extra time and funds. Located a few kilometers from the Dark Cave.

  • Coordinates: 17.555362, 106.23534.
  • How to get there: as part of an organized tour or on your own on a motorbike (not sure, but perhaps delivery is included in the price).
  • Cost of visit: 80. 000 VND ($4), children under 1.3 m – free. Kayak rental – 100,000 dong ($5) per hour.

Botanical Garden

Little is known about this place. I found a large banner in the center of the village (opposite the cafe marked #1 of those we ate at). The garden is 8 km from Phong Nhi. The advertising photos show places for walking and relaxing, and waterfalls. We weren’t able to visit it ourselves, because... when we got to botanical garden, a heavy downpour began. It can be seen that it was just opened to the public, because despite the weather, the men were still building something there.

  • Coordinates: 17.551865, 106.301278.
  • How to get there: on a rented bike (alone or with a driver).
  • Cost of visit: 40,000 dong ($2).

What to see in 1 day in Phong Nha-Kebang National Park?

If you only have one day left, but want to see a lot of things, but not miss the main thing, then I recommend going to the Phong Nha and Tien Son caves in the very morning (at about seven o’clock). They should be done by one o'clock. Then rent a bike (you can arrange a rental with the driver for an additional fee) and go to Paradise Cave.

How much did it cost us to visit the caves in Phong Nha Park??

We visited 4 caves: Phong Nha, Tien Son, Paradise and Lady. Our expenses for the caves were:

  1. By boat to Phong Nha + Tien Son:
  • Entrance fee to Phong Nha Cave is 150,000 VND.
  • Entrance fee to Tien Son Cave is 80,000 VND.
  • Payment for a boat at the rate for two caves – 350,000 VND/9 people. = 39,000 dong.

Explanation: a boat with a capacity of 14 passengers is paid for in one amount per group. If you are alone, or even four of you (as was the case with us), you can group with other people and companies near the cash register. We teamed up with a group of 5 guys. There were 9 people in the boat. The entire search, discussion, division of funds and payment took 10-15 minutes.

Assembling a team
  1. On a rented bike in Paradise and Lady:
  • Entrance fee to Paradise Cave is 250,000 VND.
  • Buggy for 4 people in both directions – 100,000 / 4 = 25,000 dong.
  • Entrance ticket to the Lady Cave is free.
  • Scooter rental – 90,000 / 2 = 45,000 VND.
  • Gasoline - 1.5 liters for 30,000 (at a gas station) and 1.5 liters for 40,000 (from a granny along the road), 70,000 / 2 = 35,000 dong.

Total for visiting the main caves more or less in a budget way we spent 624,000 dong ($30) per person.

Where to stay and how to book a hotel in Phong Ne

Following advice from outdated reports, some travelers stop in the city of Dong Hoi and spend the day exploring the caves. I don’t recommend doing this, because... you will have to spend time and effort on the road. Tourism in Phong Nha village is developing by leaps and bounds. There are already many hotels, guesthouses and homestays here (although they all call themselves hotels) at affordable prices. And how many of them are still being built! There are still some decent accommodation options 8 km from Phong Nha towards Dong Hoi (Phong Nha Farmstay, Phong Nha Lake House Hotel& Restaurant, Pepper House Homestay), which may not be very convenient due to the distance. There are two ways to find accommodation in the village itself: book in advance or find it on the spot. Both options have their pros and cons. I will share our experience.

Pre-booking hotels in Phong Nha

If you know in advance what day you will be in the national park, then it is best to pre-book a hotel in Phong Ne.


  • No need to waste time looking for housing.
  • You are guaranteed not to be left on the street.


  • Small choice of accommodation, because... Most mini-hotels (guesthouses, homestays) do not work with online booking systems in order to save money.
  • Reservations will have to be made at least a few days in advance, because... During the season, rooms can be snapped up instantly.

I conducted an analysis among various online booking sites and came to a conclusion: local hotels work only with. You can, of course, find it through intermediaries, but there is no point in this.

Search for accommodation locally

This is exactly the method we used when searching for a hotel in Phong Ne, which we regretted at some point. It all depends on the season (low or high), time of arrival (morning or evening), day of the week (weekdays or weekends) and the availability of time and patience.


  • The choice of hotels is much larger than in booking systems.
  • You can check on the spot the quality of the Internet, the absence of unpleasant odors, the freshness of the linen (yes, yes! Some locals sin by not changing it after previous guests) and other bells and whistles.
  • You can bargain, reducing the price well.


  • Inspecting and choosing housing takes time and effort.
  • If you arrive late in the evening (and there are a lot of such flights), you risk not finding a normal room. That's what happened to us. I'll tell you more about this later.

Several reviews of hotels in Phong Ne

We went to Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park from the city of Hue in central Vietnam as a group of 4 people (me with Kostya and my friends and Yulia) by Camel Travel. Not only did we have a late transfer, but the bus also left a couple of hours later. We arrived in the village only at twelve o'clock at night, and we still needed to find two rooms for the night.

HotelPhuong Nam

Son Doong is a cave in Central Vietnam that currently holds the title of the largest cave in the world. It is located in the heart of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh Province, not far from the Vietnam-Laos border. Its dimensions reach record levels - the height is 200 meters, the width is 150 meters, and the length is more than 5 kilometers. The total volume of the unique formation is 38.5 million m³.

The entrance to a cave deep in the jungle has been found for the first time. local resident named Ho Han in 1991, but the roar of the water stream coming from there and the steep descent did not allow him to explore it from the inside. Only in 2009, a group of British scientists led by Howard Limbert managed to discover and successfully study Son Doong in Vietnam, after which they announced the official opening of the cave and confirmed that its dimensions allow it to be awarded the status of the largest on the planet.

“Hang Sơn Đoòng” is translated from Vietnamese as “mountain river cave”. It does have a fast-flowing underground river that floods parts of Shondong during the rainy season. In addition, it has its own jungle, climate and even real clouds, which are formed due to the large temperature difference. The giant underground cavity's two huge windows allow light to flood into many parts of it, creating a lush jungle with 3-meter-tall trees inside.

Shondong is famous not only for its impressive size, but also for the best examples of cave formations on the entire planet. Here you can find interesting ancient fossils, stalactites and some of the tallest stalagmites in the world, up to 70 meters high. A particularly impressive formation is the Dog's Hand and a place called the Cactus Garden. Also in the cave there are examples of giant cave pearls that fill the limestone layers.

The flora and fauna of Shondong is a treasure trove for any scientist. Many rare plant species grow in the cave area, and recently a number of new animal species have even been discovered. Monkeys, hornbills and flying foxes all live in this unusual underground jungle.

The unique cave was formed as a result of a long process of washing away limestone by water flow approximately 2-5 million years ago.

At the beginning of August 2013, the first tourist group went on an excursion to Shondong. To get inside the attraction you need using a ropego underground to a depth of 80 meters. Tourists set up a tent camp there, spending time in the labyrinths underground cave or sitting comfortably by the fire. The cost of such entertainment is $3,000. From September to March, access to the cave is closed due to the rainy season, during which many areas are flooded. The 2015 tour schedule will be posted on the tour website later this year.

The world's largest cave, called Sơn Đoòng, has attracted a lot of attention from many film companies such as BBC, National Geographic, as well as famous Japanese and Brazilian teams. In 2011, she appeared on the pages of the popular National Geographic magazine.