Rivers lakes reservoirs. Rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, underground waters of the Tula region. Where do oxbows come from?

Moscow - famous city, decorated with majestic buildings, green gardens and ancient winding streets - a living embodiment of bygone times. But the Russian capital is famous not only for its architecture.

Nature is generous to these places, and numerous reservoirs located in the most beautiful areas complete it unique look. Let's get acquainted with them and open a list of water bodies in Moscow - ponds, lakes and canals.

Troparevsky Pond

In the territory landscape park « Teply Stan", in the south-west of the capital, there is an artificial reservoir - Troparevsky Pond. It appeared in the post-war period, occupying a ravine located at the source of the river. Ochakovki. And although the dry formulation “Moscow water bodies” does not suit this charming body of water at all, let’s start the description with it. Troparevsky Pond is the only flowing pond in a vast area where you can enjoy a good rest in nature. The Ochakovka River and the Kukrinsky Stream, flowing into the pond, do not allow the water to stagnate. The shore of the reservoir is adequately landscaped: the coastlines have been updated, the embankment has been restored, benches, sunbeds and bridges have been installed on the beach, there are cozy cafes, free Wi-Fi operating in the beach area, boat and catamaran rentals.

Safe access to the water and regular monitoring of its condition allow families to spend weekends here with their children. Those who wish in the coastal zone are provided with leisure: There are playgrounds for children, volleyball and football fields.

Golitsynsky pond

On the right bank of the Moscow River, Moscow reservoirs are represented by the Golitsyn Pond. Located in the famous park named after. Gorky, he is favorite place rest for Muscovites. This magnificent corner of nature will bring unforgettable pleasure to everyone, because it has everything you can dream of. The embankment of the pond has been restored and improved; in the immediate vicinity of the water there are comfortable sun loungers, wooden benches and tables. On the beach you can successfully combine relaxation with work: the range of services includes free Wi-Fi. This body of water is the most romantic in Moscow. Here you can ride a boat and feed the feathered inhabitants - ducks and swans, who are accustomed to humans and gladly accept his treats.

Golitsynsky pond rich in a variety of fish, once released for cleaning purposes. Once established, silver carp reach significant sizes. Fishermen are frequent visitors here, as fishing is allowed. Golitsynsky Pond is one of the most picturesque corners of the capital, successfully combining the beauty of Russian nature with the achievements of civilization.

Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond

This reservoir is one of the oldest and most famous in the list of “Moscow Water Objects”. It is located in the floodplain of the river. Serebryanki near the place where in the 17th century stood the estate of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I the Great. It was the founder of the Romanov dynasty who connected the river with two small reservoirs with dams, thereby surrounding it with water on all sides. In this pond, Tsarevich Peter first sailed on a small boat, which was later jokingly called the “grandfather of the Russian fleet.”

This historical place today is a monument landscape art. The reservoir and the coastal area were cleaned and restored, the dams were replaced with bridges, children's swings were installed, basketball and volleyball courts were built, the banks were strengthened and beach area. The sandy beach, two boat stations, sports equipment rentals and sports facilities have long been appreciated by vacationers. For those arriving by car, there are two comfortable parking areas. The beach area is fenced with a decorative grille, ensuring the safety of vacationers.

Patriarch's Ponds

The list of water bodies in Moscow would be incomplete without the famous Patriarch's Ponds. Despite the plural, today it is one body of water, surrounded by a small, neat park. Patriarch's Ponds is a surprisingly quiet place in the very center of the capital, with rich history and literary fame. In addition, it seems to be created for walking, relaxing and thinking.

Fish were introduced into the reservoir, which was improved and cleaned in 2003. Besides her, swans and ducks have taken root here. The pond was surrounded, the park was reconstructed and this quiet corner into a cultural heritage site.

Chistye Prudy

Moscow is a diverse city. In the hustle and bustle of a huge metropolis there are many surprising things quiet places, filled with old Moscow energy. For example, Chistye Prudy - located in the middle Chistoprudny Boulevard a pond guarded by centuries-old linden trees, elegant chestnut trees and trimmed lawns.

Surrounded by old buildings and well-fitted modern buildings, the pond and the adjacent park are a historical place that preserves the memory of bygone times.

Vorontsov Ponds

The decoration of the South-West of the capital is a park with 5 reservoirs located on the territory of the Vorontsovo estate. These are well-groomed scenic spots, occupying almost 40 hectares - a real earthly paradise. Trees preserved from the 18th century frame a cascade of reservoirs, fortified coastline, excellent park interior, several cozy cafes and playgrounds are good at any time of the year. Vorontsovsky ponds are an excellent place for active recreation.

Borisov Ponds

Moscow's water bodies complement Borisov Ponds- the reservoir, named after Boris Godunov and existing for several centuries, is the largest in the capital. Its area covers almost 86 hectares.

The beach on the northern shore is excellently landscaped, however, the water of the pond contains harmful substances that do not allow swimming, as prohibited signs indicate. However, swans and ducks live on the pond, and on the clean sand of the beach you can have a great rest while sunbathing.

Moscow channels

Having listed the main artificial reservoirs of the capital, let us remember the water arteries - canals. Here they are:

Channel named after Moscow.



Krylatskoye (rowing canal).


The capital is also rich in natural reservoirs. are represented by the White, Holy, and Black lakes, connected by man-made channels that form the Kosinskoye Three Lakes. White Lake is the largest in the complex, reaching an area of ​​27 hectares and a depth of 19 m. Black Lake is connected to White Lake by an artificial channel. The muddy bottom and spring recharge are good conditions for fish reproduction. famous for its healing water containing many chemical elements. Lakes of Moscow - excellent places for recreation and fishing.

In one article it is impossible to talk about all the reservoirs of the capital; we have listed only the most famous of them.

Climatic conditions and the amount of precipitation are pleasant
for the formation of a developed river network in the region.

In the Tula region there are 1682 rivers and streams, both constantly flowing and
drying out, with a total length of 10,933 km.
Most rivers are less than five kilometers long.
They make up about 77% of the total number of watercourses.
For example, in the Upa basin there are 458 of them, in the Don basin there are six, and in the Krasivaya Mecha basin there are four.
Rivers and rivulets are distributed unevenly. Their greatest extent is
Leninsky district - 729 km, in Venevsky - 590 km, Yasnogorsky - 517 km.
But in the Novomoskovsky district - 190 km, in Kamensky - 145.
There are 190 rivers in the region with a length of more than 10 km.
Rivers ranging in length from five to ten and from 10 to 100 km constitute, respectively,
13 and 11%, and more than 100 km - only 0.3%.
Thus, almost all of them belong to small rivers rivers of the region,
with the exception of Oka, Upa, Don and Beautiful Sword.

The average density of the river network is 0.4 km/km2 and varies from 0.03 to 2.78 km/km2.
The river network of the Tula region belongs to two basins: Oka River with Upa and
tributaries - to a closed area of ​​​​internal flow (the Caspian basin itself).
The Don River and its tributaries - the Azov-Black Sea basin.
The rivers of the region belong mainly to the Oka basin, which occupies 75%
territory of the region; the Don basin accounts for 25% of the territory.

The Oka basin includes: includes the Upa with its tributaries, Zusha (upper reaches),
The Chern with its tributaries Rozka and Ugot, Snezhed, Ista and Istichka, Bobrik, Left Hand,
Right Hand, Vyrka, Skull, Krushma, Vashana, Vyperka, Book, Curiosity, Book,
Besputa, Bolshaya Smedva, Sturgeon with tributaries Venevka and Mordves,
Pronya (upper reaches).

The Don basin includes: The beautiful Mecha with the tributaries Kamenka, Turdei, Gogol,
Semenek (mouth), Ptan (upstream); Nepryadva with the tributaries Fern and Sitka;
Vyazovka ("Vyazovnya, Yazovna" (upper reaches)), Bolshaya and Malaya Sukromka, Mokraya Tabola,
Donets. The Upa River with its numerous tributaries constitutes an independent
large swimming pool.

If you superimpose a tectonic map onto a topographic one, then, as a rule, the channels
rivers coincide with the lines of tectonic faults in the earth's crust
This can also be seen in the Tula region.
In the western peripheral part of the Tula dome-ring structure along its
the Oka flows along the ring fault, and in the eastern part of this structure it also flows along a similar
The Don flows through the fault.
The relief of the region determines the flat type of rivers. They all have a low drop.
For the Oka from Belev to Aleksin it is 18 cm per km; for Upa on everything
length - 21 cm per km.
The river regime of the region is determined by its position in the forest-steppe zone,
temperate continental climate and underlying surface.
Rivers have a mixed type of feeding- snow, rain, groundwater -
with a predominance of runoff due to melt water.
Rivers in winter feed mainly on groundwater; summer and autumn -
rain and ground; in spring - mainly by melt water.
The main place of nutrition belongs to snow, which accounts for 60 - 80%,
and for rain and ground nutrition - 20 - 40%.
The distribution of runoff within the year is uneven: about 70 - 80%, and sometimes more
The annual flow volume takes place in the spring in March April.
The layer of spring runoff varies across the territory from 88 to 74 mm.
The rivers of the Tula region are at their deepest during high water.
The opening of the rivers begins in late March - early April.
Ice drift lasts three to eight days, and the spill persists for 10 to 20 days.
The most important indicator of river water availability is low-water flow.
The volume of low-water flow of 50% supply, formed within
region, is 67 mm of the runoff layer, and for 75 percent supply - 57 mm.
It varies for individual districts of the region (for a 50% supply of the year)
from 22 to 146 mm.
In summer, the lowest water level is established on all rivers, rising in
period of short showers. The minimum limit falls on July - early August when groundwater runs out and intense evaporation occurs.
Large rivers become very shallow, small rivers dry up.
At this time they provide about 10% of the annual flow.
In September and October due to decreased evaporation and increased humidity
air, river levels rise.
The water resources of small rivers currently account for 75 percent
provision of 1.3 km3 of water. Depending on the natural conditions for individual
In rivers, the distribution of annual flow has some specific features.
Thus, the rivers of karst areas (Zusha, Chern, Plava, etc.) have lower spring
levels and higher summer ones.
Their minimum flow reaches 1.8 l/sec/km2, which is 0.8 l/sec/km2 more
zonal. The total volume of the average annual flow of rivers in the region reaches 11.4 km3.

Rivers freeze in the second half of November- first small, then large.
However, this may occur earlier or later than this date.
Sometimes due to thaws accompanied by heavy precipitation,
winter floods are observed with water rising to three and a half to four meters.
The duration of freeze-up is about 100 - 135 days.
The thickness of the ice reaches 50 - 80 cm. In severe frosts, small rivers freeze to the bottom.

The rivers of the region are characterized by low flow speeds (from 0.1 - 0.5 to 1 - 1.5 m/sec). Depths rarely exceed six to ten meters.
Due to erosion processes developed in their basins, large amounts of water are washed into river beds.
amount of fine earth.
In the Oka and Don it contains 100 - 205 g/m3, and sometimes rises to 300 - 350 g/m3.
The discharge of industrial wastewater greatly reduces the transparency of water and gives it a specific odor in some areas.
The average annual water flow in the rivers of the region ranges from 144 to 450 m3/sec.
Need to mark, that the water balance of the region is 50 percent and 75 percent
supply for 1977 was positive and only for a few watercourses
(rivers Tulitsa, Voronka, Turdei) there was a water shortage, however, this balance
The Tula region subsequently deteriorated significantly due to the development
economic complex.
The largest and most widely known rivers in the region include Oka, Upa, Don,
Beautiful Mecha
And Not straight.

Reservoirs are natural or artificial accumulations of water, which can be of a permanent or temporary nature, decorative purpose and located in parks and gardens. The flow of reservoirs is slow or absent.

Rivers are classified as watercourses because they have a constant, sometimes strong, current.

Natural bodies of water: lakes

Ponds are fresh water bodies. To simplify the drainage of excess water, artificial drains are formed. Ponds are often found in rural areas. Here they have a certain economic role - raising fish, storing water for irrigation, and sometimes doing laundry.

There are two types of ponds: dug and dam. The inhabitants of reservoirs are protozoa, algae, and fish. Special ponds are created for breeding valuable species of fish - trout, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon. Reservoirs are specially cleaned and their own ecosystem is formed.

The importance of reservoirs

Reservoirs are artificial reservoirs formed to store water on an industrial scale. There are channel and lake reservoirs, depending on their origin. They can also be covered, open or dammed.

The largest in the world are Rybinsk - in Russia, Smallwood - in Canada, Nasser - in Egypt and Sudan. The creation of such reservoirs has enormous consequences, but not always positive ones. The main one is a radical change in the landscape. This applies to both fauna and flora. They have a negative impact on fish spawning conditions.

Not the best consequence of the creation of such reservoirs is the siltation of reservoirs. The process represents the formation of large sediments at the bottom. at the same time it decreases. This process has been studied in detail because it harms the ecosystem. The inhabitants of reservoirs may change.

Where do oxbows come from?

Oxbow lakes as natural reservoirs are part of the channel where a river previously flowed. Another name is old speech. Such reservoirs often have weird shape- sickle or crescent, loop, curl. How are oxbow lakes formed? The formation process occurs when, for some reason, the channel straightens, and the previous curl or curvature remains cut off from the main body of water. The main reason is high water, when the river finds a more convenient path.

Sometimes the bends of one river unite - this is how oxbow lakes can also form. This process takes place when there is large quantity sleeves The entrances to the oxbow lake are gradually covered with silt, and the reservoir itself turns into a lake or swamp. If there is food, it can function, but if not, it can dry out. The largest oxbow lakes can be more than 500 meters long.

What do reservoirs feed on?

The type of nutrition is one of the main characteristics of a reservoir. It can characterize its structure and functions.

How can bodies of water feed? Firstly, external surface runoff - rain, other hydro objects. Secondly, which can come close to the surface. Thirdly, artificially - the basin of the reservoir is filled forcibly. Fourthly, replenishment with combined type waters.

Drinking groundwater is the most environmentally friendly because it is clean. If the lake has such nutrition, then duckweed and mud will form in it less often. The most common type of nutrition is combined.

A guarantee of constant filling with water is the forced implementation of this process. Fill the reservoir with either tap or irrigation water. The most common diet is a combination diet. Its sources can be rain, melted snow, groundwater and much more.

Reservoirs and their location on the ground

Reservoirs are hydraulic objects located in a certain area. Where can they form? Places of formation, for example, lakes, may be. The reservoir may be dammed or dug. Power is supplied, as a rule, from the river. Slope, watershed, and floodplain reservoirs are formed on the relief. In such cases, the relief of the lake or pond is clearly visible.

In the floodplain, reservoirs with underground, combined, and channel feeding are formed. They can form in an oxbow where sluices are installed. A dam and pumps can also be located here to use such a reservoir in industry.

Slope reservoirs are formed on the terraces of river valleys. They differ from others only in some design features.

In areas of the watershed, watershed reservoirs are constructed. They can feed on groundwater or artificially. Water can be forcibly supplied from a river or well.

There are also reservoirs in embankments or excavations. They are quite widespread, they are easy to form and organize their nutrition. They can have any area. They are quite expensive to build.

In embankments, reservoirs serve primarily to store water. Such an object could become the basis for a hydroelectric power station.

Creating a decorative pond

Decorative pond - what is it? This is an artificial water body that serves as a decoration for the site, forming its complete appearance. Most often, owners of private houses and summer cottages come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a decorative pond.

Artificial ponds are beautiful and stylish. What do you need to know to successfully create such a site decoration?

Creating a pond with your own hands is a feasible task for everyone. The shape and design of such a cozy corner of the garden can be very diverse. An artificial pond will fit perfectly into any landscape and can become its structural dominant.

To begin, choose a place that is not very close to your home (it is better to consult with landscape design specialists). Close proximity to the house can harm the foundation.

You need to create a project. To do this, determine the shape of the reservoir: oval, rectangle or intricate figure. The project will allow you to determine costs, materials, and location of filtration systems. Next, you should choose high-quality materials - the durability and beauty of the pond depend on them.

When everything is selected and purchased, proceed. Preferably, not on your own, but with the help of qualified specialists. The final stage is decoration with plants. This will complete the image of an ideal pond. You will get a gorgeous pond - the photo below represents one of the possible options for your garden.


Ponds, natural or artificial, are functional but can also be the perfect, beautiful addition to your garden design.

An aesthetic pond near your home will allow you to express your individuality and highlight the style of your garden. It is especially popular to create such elements in Japanese, classic, rustic style. The main thing is to properly design the pond. Sometimes fish live in such reservoirs. The presence of inhabitants of such miniature lakes is a matter of taste for the garden owners.



More than 73.4 thousand rivers and streams flow through the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the total length of which is over 259 thousand km. Almost 160 rivers are more than 100 km long, over 4 thousand rivers are more than 10 km long. In addition, there are about 3 thousand lakes in the republic with a total area of ​​over 2 thousand km 2. The area of ​​more than 40 lakes exceeds 10 km2. They are placed unevenly. Most of them are located in the valleys of the Dnieper, Pripyat, Desna, Orel, Samara, Sula, Khorol, and small rivers of Polesie. Most often they are small and shallow. There are relatively many lakes on the coast of the Black and Azov seas, in the lower Danube.

Over 23 thousand artificial reservoirs - reservoirs and ponds - have been built on small rivers, the area of ​​which is over 1.5 thousand km 2. Based on the number of ponds and reservoirs, the basins of the Dnieper, Southern Bug and Dniester are distinguished. The largest reservoirs were built on the Dnieper. Their total area exceeds 7 thousand km 2, and the total volume is 30 km 3. The volume of the Ladyzhinsky reservoir on the Southern Bug, Karachunovsky on Ingulets, Pechenezhsky on the Seversky Donets, Krasnooskolsky on Oskol is more than 100 million m 3. About 60 reservoirs have a total volume of 10 to 100 million m3, the rest are classified as small with a volume of 1 to 10 million m3.

Almost all rivers belong to the basins of the Black and Azov Seas, and only 4% belong to the basin Baltic Sea. All large rivers flow from northwest to southeast, which corresponds to the general slope of the surface. Most of them are of the plain type. They have a slope of up to 10 m/km, flow slowly (speed 0.2-0.3 m/s) in wide valleys with gentle slopes, and the riverbeds are winding. Rivers whose sources are in the Carpathian and Crimean mountains, have a mountainous character. Their slopes are 60-70 in the upper reaches and 5-10 m/km in the lower reaches. The current speed exceeds 1 m/s, during floods - 3-5 m/s. They flow in channels with rocky shores, the water flow in them is fast, rapids and waterfalls are frequent. The rivers of the Polesie Lowland, especially the tributaries of the Pripyat, have a slope of up to 10 cm/km.

Melt water plays a major role in feeding lowland rivers. Therefore, spring floods are clearly expressed in them, during which up to 50-80% of the total annual amount of water passes through the rivers. On some small rivers, almost all of the water flow occurs in the spring. In nutrition mountain rivers Rainwater plays a significant role, which is why floods occur at different times of the year.

Rivers in the northern regions freeze at the beginning, and in the southwestern regions at the end of December. The duration of freeze-up ranges from 2 in the south to 3.5-4 months. in the north.

From the book Recreational Fishing [with illustrations] author Kurkin Boris Mikhailovich

DANUBE LAKES There are more than 25 lakes to the north of the Kiliya arm of the Danube. Some of them are of considerable size, for example Yalpukh, Kugurluy, Cahul, China, Katlabukh. Most lakes are connected to the Danube or its branches using channels and canals with

From the book The Great Newest Encyclopedia of Fishing author Goryainov Alexey Georgievich

From the book Magic Isothread author Ivanovskaya T.V.

From the book Catching popular types fish author Kataeva Irina Vladimirovna

From the book Four Seasons of the Angler [Secrets of successful fishing at any time of the year] author Kazantsev Vladimir Afanasyevich

From the author's book

At the lake you will need Thick white cardboard, brown, green threads of different shades, blue, dark blue, gray threads, a needle, scissors. Work procedure 1. Apply a sketch of the design to the wrong side of the cardboard (not forgetting that on the wrong side it should be mirrored

From the author's book

Deep lakes In such reservoirs it is best to fish with a wooden or stable rubber boat. The main elements of equipment are a heavy two-handed fishing rod and a landing net with a long handle. The length of the landing net should be equal to or slightly exceed the length of the rod, and

    - (05/26/1817, Moscow 11/25/1881, St. Petersburg) Studied in architecture. EKS school (later MDAU), in 1838 received the title of architect. pom. 3rd grade In 1839 he was appointed architect. pom. on the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace. In 1845 58 he served as a draftsman on the commission... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Channel named after Moscow in the area of ​​reservoirs ... Wikipedia

    Data in this article is current as of June 30, 2012. You can help by updating the information in the article... Wikipedia

    Rivers of the Moscow region: About 400 rivers more than 10 kilometers long flow through the territory of the Moscow region. All rivers belong to the basins of 4 main rivers: the Moscow, Oka, Volga and Klyazma rivers. Characteristics of rivers Rivers of the Moscow region... ... Wikipedia

    IN this list Channels located in Russia are listed. Contents 1 European part of Russia 1.1 Former channels 1.2 De ... Wikipedia

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    I Moscow river in Moskovskaya and partly in Smolensk region RSFSR, left tributary of the Oka (Volga basin). Length 502 km, basin area 17,600 km2. It originates on the Moscow Upland. Food is snow (61%), ground (27%) and rain... ...

    Moscow. I. General information. Population of M. is the capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the center of the Moscow region. The largest in the country and one of the most important political, scientific, industrial and cultural centers, city hero. M. is one of the largest in number... Great Soviet Encyclopedia