Java island on the world map. Where is it located, coordinates, length, shape. Tours. The island of Java is the unique image of Indonesia. Who discovered the island of Java

March 29, 2016 07:34 pm Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta - Indonesia May 2014


What do we know about the island of Java, what is Java for us? Princess Java tea, the once popular Java motorcycle? For people who know enough about Indonesia, this may seem like an inappropriate joke, but for those who are just getting acquainted with the country, these associations can be a starting point. The Javanese really cannot live without tea; they brew it very strong and then dilute it with water. The raw materials for such tea are, of course, local—there are several regions with tea plantations on the island. And the princess was also not invented by the creators of the trademark; at different times in Java there were dozens of palaces with their own kings, princes and princesses. And the motorcycle...that’s a big joke.

And so, the island of Java for a tourist traveler is a chance to touch the Indonesian reality as it is. These include difficulties with transport and beautiful untouched beaches, these are good-natured, open residents, sometimes meeting foreigners for the first time,


but also difficulties in understanding with them, since very few people in Java know English or other languages ​​other than local languages ​​(Indonesian Javanese).

Java is a land that preserves the memory of ancient civilizations, a land where people still live who preserve the traditions of Javanese palaces and their unique types of art, it is a land of wild nature (jungles, rocky beaches, active volcanoes, waterfalls, turbulent rivers). This is a place where anyone looking for new experiences should definitely go.

General description.

Java is primarily a geographical name - one of the islands of the Big Islands group. Sunda Islands. Its territory is 132,000 km², with a population of 140 million, it is the most densely populated island in the world. True, in Java sometimes it seems that the row of houses along the road does not end. In addition to the island of Java, it is also historical region, the land of residence of the Javanese, covers the provinces of Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta. The island is inhabited by Javanese; Sundanese and Madurzi (among the most numerous ethnic groups) also live on it. In this brief overview of Java, I will focus on the central and eastern parts of the island, where there are the largest number of places worthy of visiting (when speaking about “Java” I will mean this particular part of the island).

Public transport(transpoprtasi umum)

Air(airplane-pesawat, airport-bandara)

There are 4 international airports in Java, and several more serving only domestic flights. Semarang, Yogyakarat, Surabaya equally suitable for entering Java from across the Indonesian border. There is also an airport in the city Surakarta, but it serves much less international flights than those mentioned above. In any case, most often tourists fly to Yogyakarta to be close to famous temples Borobudur and Prambanan. Surabaya is convenient if you want to immediately go to the Bromo and Ijen volcanoes. Semarang and Surakarta can be used as alternative airports.

Sugeng rawuh - welcome in Javanese.


There are two other large international airports in West Java: Jakarta and Bandung. Jakarta has no equal in Indonesia and is a world-class airport in terms of traffic. From here you can very easily find flights to anywhere in Indonesia. As for domestic airports in Java, among them, in addition to those listed, it is also important Malang.

Zhelenodorozhny(train-kereta api, train station-stasiun kereta api)

Java is the only island in Indonesia where train travel is convenient and covers most of the island's territory. Compared to buses, trains are significantly faster. If, say, a bus travels from Yogyakarta to Probolinggo for 10-13 hours, then the train takes 8. For this reason, train tickets run out quickly, so you should buy them in advance. Speaking about possible destinations, I advise you to first of all remember about trains and check the possibility of getting to your destination by train. On different routes there are economy, business and executive class cars. Economy class is like a comfortable train with soft seats. All the way you will sit on a soft bench with two or one other passenger. It is much more comfortable to travel in business and executive class carriages. There you will sit in separate large chairs. All carriages on long-distance trains are air-conditioned - it won’t be hot, so quickly prepare a sweater so as not to freeze. On such trains they sell tea and a standard set for lunch, which is quite fashionable to consider as an option to not go hungry on an 8-10 hour journey.

Buses. (bus-bis, bus station-terminal bis)


Buses in Java are a special story. They go fast, but with one caveat - how fast the congestion of the highway allows... and the roads in Java are not wide... But if you do not have the opportunity to take a plane or train, then you should not be afraid of buses, you just need to choose them wisely. Tariffs for bus tickets This is the first thing you should pay attention to - there are cheap ones, and there are very cheap ones. If we are talking about distances of 100 km (or flights that follow a route of 100 km or more), then all buses must be air-conditioned and smoking is prohibited in them (yes, in small old buses all windows and both doors are open, you can smoke there - that’s Java, real Java). For long distances you can travel in economy class, or you can travel in business class. Speaking of prices, I’ll give an example: 100 km from Surakarta to Semarang in economy class costs about $2, business - $4-5. It is best to leave from bus stations, but all buses, even the largest and business class ones, stop on the road along the route. Local people usually know the places where buses stop in the direction you need. Simply name the city of your destination.

They travel to many cities public buses varying degrees of comfort. IN big cities like Jogjakarta, Semarang, Surabaya they are more comfortable and go more often, but in small ones there is practically no need to rely on them. Even in big cities they run until a maximum of 8 pm and do not cover a significant part of the city.

Ferries, ships(ferry-kapal ferry, boat-perahu)

The only ferry. Which arrives to Java from other islands runs along the Bali (Gili Manuk port)-Java (Ketapang port) route. This is a very popular way among travelers to get to Java or Bali, respectively. For a ridiculous $0.6 you will get on a ferry that will arrive at the neighboring island in an hour and a half. You can transport a car by ferry (in fact, bus routes from Java to Bali or other Lesser Sunda Islands also use this crossing).

While traveling in Java and smaller neighboring islands You can use ferries or high-speed boats. For example, if you want to visit a not very popular, but heavenly place with the amazing beaches of Karimunjawa, then the cheapest way is to take a ferry from the city of Jepara and for $5 get on a ferry that will take you to the Karimunjawa archipelago in 5 hours. Ferries also operate between Javai and Madura Island, connecting several ports. These ferries are more likely to serve local population, but sometimes particularly curious tourists climb there, far from the tourist spots.

Motorcycles and pedicabs, motorcycle taxis(pedica-becak, motorcycle taxi-ojek)

In Java, the traditional form of transport - the rickshaw - is still preserved. In big and small cities, people still actively use the services of such transport. Of course it's fun and interesting to ride a rickshaw. The fare ranges from 10 to 100 thousand, depending on the distance. You are unlikely to pay more than 100 thousand because drivers often simply refuse to drive if the destination is very far away (pedaling with a load of 2 people is not an easy task), but be careful because drivers like to inflate prices for tourists: do not pay more than 25 thousand for the distance you would walk in an hour.

In Indonesia, another type of transport that is exotic for us, motorcycle taxis, is very popular. At any bus or train station you will definitely be attacked with offers of “ojek, becak”. We have already dealt with the bechaks above, but what about the ojeks. This transport should not cost more than becak, but it is faster. If you speak Indonesian, you can download the Gojek smartphone app - it's like an Uber taxi, only instead of a taxi there are motorcycles. For the most part, this type of transport is very convenient since motorcycles are more maneuverable and cost less in traffic jams than cars; and it is also cheaper than ordinary taxi.

Transport rental.(car-mobil, motorcycle-scooter-motor)

In some cities in Java you can rent a scooter or car. This is not difficult to do in Yogyakarta. In other cities and localities, renting a car is easier than renting a moped, but most likely you will be offered to rent a car after paying the driver’s fees and gas costs. The cost of renting a moped per day in Jogjakarta is about $5, a car from $30 per day.

Money and prices.(money-uang, price-harga, how much it costs-berapa harganya)

In the photo about $4000 or 60,000,000 rupees

As in all of Indonesia, in Java the Indonesian rupiah is in use, its approximate exchange rate is 1 $ - 13,000, and all visitors are happy that by changing 100 dollars you become a millionaire. Regarding withdrawal of money from bank cards and foreign currency exchange it is worth making a few notes. If you want to change dollars, then you should have 50 and 100 bills with you; for them you will get the highest rate; 20, 10, 5 bills are accepted at a reduced rate. It is also important what series of your banknotes - banknotes printed earlier than 1996 do not change, anywhere and in any way. ATMs of various Indonesian banks can be found even in the most remote areas. From my own experience and from the stories of others, I know that the least problems occur when withdrawing from ATMs of CIMB NIAGA Bank. All ATMs in Indonesia have a limit on cash withdrawals per transaction - sometimes 12,500,000 sometimes 1,500,000 rupees, CIMB - 1,500,000.

How to communicate with people/the Internet can help

Most Javanese do not speak English, but almost all speak Indonesian (the national language of Indonesia)

and a few phrases in Indonesian will be very useful, say, at the market or while looking for transport.
Prices at the market and in souvenir shops for foreigners are, of course, too high. Sometimes they are slightly overestimated, sometimes three times. To get a price close to the original price, it’s worth taking time and of course it’s better to do this with at least some Indonesian words. It is understood that the ability to communicate using gestures is a universal skill, but very often the Javanese do not know how to count in English, what the names of certain fruits are, or what else you will need... it is best to download a couple of useful applications on your phone, at the same time I highly recommend buying a local SIM map and 3G Internet will always be at hand.

Of the mobile providers that provide 3G mobile internet I advise simPati/Telcomcell, by purchasing a SIM card for a price of about $10, with an Internet reserve of 2GB for a month, you will use a network with the best coverage among all possible operators.

It seems to me very important to point out one feature of the Javanese that distinguishes them from the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space. Javanese people are very soft by nature (like all generalizations, this does not pretend to be universal), they are not used to being at knifepoint, even when bargaining at the market or deciding conflict situation. If you think that their service is not of high quality or they are trying to deceive you, you should not attack them, the only thing you will achieve is a break in contact, they will close like snails and you are unlikely to achieve anything. Balance helps to resolve the issue in your favor, rather a request than a demand, rather a smile than a grin - even when demanding a refund for bad service, it is better to smile and put pressure on the self-esteem of this person than to blame him and threaten with violence.

The main Indonesian island has 120 million inhabitants, 120 active volcanoes and at least one wonder of the world. Java changed rulers and religions like gloves. History looks at the tourist here from all sides: in the form of the grandiose ruins of the Hindu temple of Prambanan, the smiling stone Buddhas of the grandiose Borobudur stupa, royal palace in Yogyakarta, ancient mosques and Dutch armories.

The island of Java has dense tropical vegetation, crystal clear ocean waters, temples of unprecedented beauty, a somewhat difficult climate and... various disasters are not uncommon. The island of Java has long been known for its earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. If we take into account the size of the island of Java and divide its territory into approximately one hundred and twenty parts (the approximate number of volcanoes on the island), then we can confidently say that main island Indonesia - Java is completely strewn with volcanoes. In addition, many of the volcanoes of the island of Java (there are over thirty of them) emit acrid smoke and smog, often stretching for several hundred kilometers. The peaks of the volcanoes, close to purple in color, emit tons of gray-black ash and toxic gas vapors. All this boiling “hell” sometimes descends on villages, washing away and taking them with it from the face of the earth. And the hot dust burns the lungs even at a distance of tens of kilometers from the eruption site.

Most active now active volcano in Indonesia it is Merapi, on the island of Java. It was not for nothing that thousands of local residents of the island of Java in 2006 managed to collect their belongings and livestock in time and wait out the moment of volcanic activity away from the volcano.

In Java, incredible luxury coexists with appalling poverty, pastoral rural landscapes coexist with ultra-modern megacities, corners of the pristine jungle coexist with rice fields. Holidays on the island of Java can combine walks through bustling cities and hikes in the jungle.

And, despite the fact that the “wrath of the Gods” sometimes falls on the island of Java, Java is still called paradise. All the volcanic ash that covers the earth, the monsoon showers that then irrigate it, the sun that nourishes the earth with its warmth - all this contributes to the growth of lush, rich vegetation on the island. Not so long ago, in the bright thickets of tropical forests there were tigers, rhinoceroses, wild buffalos, crocodiles, pythons, squealing monkeys, jumping coconut squirrels and flying foxes. But now there is no such abundance anymore. Although some things can still be seen on the island of Java.

The island of Java is simply a real priceless treasure for nature lovers, for people interested in culture, religion, and linguistics. After all, the volcanoes of the island of Java are not all that this region is rich in. On the island there are nature reserves with rare animals and tropical forests untouched by humans. Also, the Javanese language is of great interest. It is an ancient branch of the Austronesian group of languages. His vocabulary includes many words borrowed from the languages ​​of different countries and peoples - Dutch, Indian, Arabic, Portuguese, Malay and English.

The temples of the island of Java are truly beautiful. But they are of other religions - Hindu, Buddhist. And the Javanese, unfortunately, have not practiced them for a long time. Today, the temples of Java are simply museums and memorials. Local residents visit them very rarely. Today they look down on them, considering their religion more, so to speak, advanced. So, without tourists they look completely lonely and forgotten. The only thing that sometimes walks around the nearby island of Java are the local goats in search of tasty grass and bushes.

The island of Java is the administrative, cultural, historical and political center of the country, it is here that the capital of Indonesia Jakarta, the famous volcanoes Krakatoa and Mont Bromo, the Ujung Kulon national reserve with Javan rhinoceroses, and the ancient cultural center country - the city of Yogyakarta, famous for its universities, art galleries, craft workshops, and, of course, the grandiose temple complexes of Prambanan and Borobudur.

The city of Surabaya is also located here - an industrialized city, the second largest in Indonesia, located in the eastern part of the island of Java. There is a large one here seaport, the country's metalworking and machine-building enterprises, as well as oil refineries and chemical plants, are concentrated.

How to get there

Flights from major international airlines fly to Jakarta, the capital of Java. The most convenient flights from Moscow are Singapore Airlines via Singapore, or Transaero + Garuda. The flight from Jakarta to Yogyakarta or Surabaya is 1 hour 10 minutes.


Java is the most populated island in the world, with about 125 million people, 60% of Indonesia's population.


The island of Java is the economic and geographical heart of the archipelago, Indonesia's most populated island, but a third of its territory is still occupied by impenetrable jungle.

Java is separated from the island of Sumatra by the Sunda Bay. There are at least 16 peaks in Java whose height reaches 3000m. Active volcanoes (and there are about 17 of them) united in Java into the most active volcanic chain in the world. Semerenu, the main giant among all the volcanoes of Java, erupts most often.

The territory of Java is divided into three provinces: western, eastern and central. West Java attracts tourists with the ancient capital of the Sundanese Cirebon, a gorgeous beach in Pandaran, famous volcano Krakatoa, the virgin jungle of the national park and the Bogor Botanical Garden, which contains the most diverse and bizarre forms of equatorial flora.

In Central Java you can see material traces of various cultures and peoples: temples and ancient buildings, ancient capitals of Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim kingdoms, modern centers of Yogyakarta and Solo. But even here, in the central regions of the Dieng plateau, areas of virgin nature have been preserved


Tropical climate with fairly even temperatures throughout the year: 28-32°C. Climatic conditions differ in different islands, but in general two seasons can be distinguished: rainy - from November to February and dry - from March to October. Humidity is quite high, averaging from 75 to 95%.

History of the city

Since ancient times, the island has been a “melting pot” in which various peoples, cultures and religions mixed. In the Middle Ages, the island was divided into dozens of kingdoms and sultanates. Descriptions of the wars between them make up most of the content of Indonesian history textbooks. In between wars, the Javanese built grandiose temples and palaces, created unique forms of theater and music, and developed literature.


Jakarta(until 1949 - Batavia) - the capital and the most big city Indonesia, located on the northwestern coast of Java. This is a city of an original mixture of numerous buildings of the 17th-18th centuries, canals and many “national” quarters, each of which has its own unique appearance. One of the centers of old Batavia is the stone-paved square of Taman Fatahila in the Kota district, surrounded by old buildings overlooking the banks of the canal. Nearby are: the Jakarta Historical Museum in the building of the former city hall (1627), the ancient cannon "Si Yago", the museum of dolls and ritual accessories "Wayang", the Chicken Market Bridge drawbridge (XVII century), the Bahari Museum observation tower, the ancient port of Sunda Kelapa and the Chinese district of Glodak with the oldest temple in the city - Jine Yuan (XVII century). The second recognized center of the capital is Medan Merdeka Square (Freedom Square) with the 132-meter National Monument (Monas), the National Museum of Indonesia with unique historical and ethnological collections, the Museum of National History and the Museum of the Institute of Indonesian Culture and many other historical monuments. Also, at your leisure, you can visit the Taman Mini park (“Indonesia in miniature”), where traditional dwellings are presented (life-size with all interior details preserved), characteristic of all 27 provinces of Indonesia; Taman Impian Jaya Ancol Park (Anchol Dream Park) - an amusement park with many attractions: water slides, cars, roller coasters and much more; Taman Safari - a safari park in the suburbs of Jakarta will allow you to see in close proximity the Sumatran tiger, llamas, bulls, giraffes, bears and other animals from America, Europe and Asia.

It is considered the third largest Buddhist-Hindu temple complex in the world, behind Angkor in Cambodia and the Burmese Shwedagon. It is believed that if you can touch the little finger of the Buddha located in the mortar by reaching through one of the carved holes, then good luck awaits you.

The temple complex is located on a plain dotted with the ruins of ancient buildings and known among local residents as the “Valley of the Kings”. Prambanan is considered the most exquisite of Indonesian historical monuments. The largest temple building, located in the center, is dedicated to the god Shiva.

Kraton- the Sultan's palace complex, which the Javanese call the “navel” of the world. The palace was for them the center not only of the sultanate, but of the entire Universe. It contains the personal chambers of the Sultan and his family members, a repository of royal regalia, a majestic throne room, chambers for contemplation, pavilions for performances, and a mosque.

From Jakarta, it is best to escape to neighboring (55 km) tranquil Bogor, famous throughout the island for its impressive botanical garden. An hour's train ride from the metropolis - and you are in the former summer residence of Dutch and British rulers. It’s cool and quiet here, rooms in hotels and guest houses are much cheaper, and if you’re lucky, then with a gorgeous view of the mountain valley. Locals call Bogor “the city of rain”, and indeed, it is guaranteed to rain in the afternoon, so strolling through the garden is best done on a cool morning. The Botanical Garden has trees that look like bell-bottoms, an orchid garden, a Mexican garden and other natural “installations”. Deer roam in the nearby Royal Park. Idyll.

Java is Indonesia's most populous and diverse island. He took a little from different parts of this country, which allows the tourist to collect a lot of impressions and experience a wide variety of emotions in a short time. Java excites, relaxes, amuses, but leaves no one indifferent. Here, vast plains and terraces used for agriculture border bustling cities and filthy villages. The island has very beautiful temples, huge stone Buddhas, mosques, ancient armories and unusual colonial-era architecture. Numerous stories are not able to fully convey emotions, but they can spur the interest of future travelers.

Geographical features

Java – large island part of the Greater Sunda Islands. The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located here. The area of ​​the island is 132 thousand km². It is very densely populated, with a population of more than 140 million people. The island has an elongated shape and is almost parallel to the equator. A third of the territory is occupied by dense mangrove jungle. Mountain ranges stretch along the entire island from west to east; among them you can find 120 dormant and active volcanic craters. The highest point is located at the peak of the Semeru volcano, 3676 m high. More than a quarter of the volcanoes are constantly active. This is not always accompanied by destruction and lava flows; some craters simply release a small stream of steam several times a year. Major eruptions occur once every seven years.

The surface of Java is dotted with rivers that feed huge fields and serve as a source drinking water. The largest riverbeds are famous for Solo, Chimanuk, Brantas.


Java is located in the tropical zone, the weather here is constant throughout the year. The climate on the island is humid and hot, the air temperature is between +26...+29°C, and its humidity is 75-95%. Largest quantity precipitation occurs in November-February, but even at this time you should not refuse a trip. There are no prolonged rains or prolonged cloudy weather. All moisture falls to the ground in 1-3 hours. The island's average precipitation is 1100 mm per year. Moreover, in the east this figure is 900 mm, and in the west it reaches 3000 mm.

Population and religion

The island's inhabitants are divided into three main ethnic groups:

  • Javanese;
  • Sudanese;
  • Madurese.
They created three language directions of the same name, although most residents understand and speak Indonesian. In remote villages, local dialects and dialects can be found.

In terms of religious composition, Java is predominantly Muslim (87%), with Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists and Hindus also found. However, none of these religions can be found here in their pure form. They are very closely intertwined with each other and with ancient animistic beliefs. Thus, Muslims partially perform the rituals of Buddhism or Hinduism. Some temple buildings contain a base in the style of Hindu architecture, and the top and roof are Buddhist. Hindu roofs have settled on some mosques.


The island, like most tropical countries, sells a huge amount of fruit. Their prices are quite reasonable. Local cuisine It is considered the most Europeanized, so you won’t find much exoticism here. The dishes use spiced rice, beef, legumes, vegetables and chicken. Popular drinks include ginger tea, coffee, cane juice, Tuak beer, and Arak vodka.

Unique Jakarta

The largest and very interesting city is the capital Jakarta. It is very diverse and densely populated. Here, a variety of buildings, including those from the colonial era, mix with local neighborhoods near picturesque canals. On central square There are several unusual buildings located close to the waterways of the city. There are exhibitions nearby historical museum. A little further there is an exhibition of Wayang dolls, a Chinese district, a temple and a port.

To continue exploring the sights of Jakarta, you will have to go to the second city center (Medan Merdek Square). There is a huge monument and museum with the largest historical and ethnic collections.

Those wishing to take a break from historical excursions should go to the south, where several entertainment and educational parks are located:

  • Jaya Ancol Park;
  • Water Palace;
  • Ragunan Zoo;
  • entertainment center Taman-Ismail-Marzuki;
  • miniature park Taman Mini;


The hearts and minds of travelers traveling beyond the borders of Jakarta are captivated by equally striking attractions. The most monumental, striking in its size, is the Borobudur temple complex. It is listed as a UNESCO heritage site and is the basis of a cosmopolitan Buddhist model. Travelers and pilgrims start in Borobudur from the base of the hill along a long, winding staircase. It offers beautiful views of the terraces and buildings.

Many tourists are attracted by the “Valley of the Kings” - a plain covered with ruins, in the center of which there is another temple complex- Paramban. This historical monument recognized as the most exquisite on the island.

The Javanese themselves honor and invite tourists to admire the Sultan's palace in Yogyaart - Kraton. They call it the “navel of the world.” Visitors can see how the Sultan’s life was organized, the furnishings of the rooms, and adjacent buildings. In accordance with the preferences of the Sultan, the decor contains many elements of animism and Hinduism.

For lovers of natural parks, Surabaya has two natural reserve, which collected 200 species of orchids, many birds and animals.

From here, excursions to the active volcano Bromo begin, from the upper hills of which you can look into the constantly smoking crater.


Java is a hub of industry and cultural attractions. Over the last decade, beach infrastructure has begun to develop here. Most suitable for beach holiday are the southern and western parts of the island. People come here to swim, sunbathe, dive and windsurf. The beaches are very wide, covered with snow-white fine sand with islands of palm trees. They are washed by transparent azure waves.

Near Badung there are the most prestigious beaches: Karang Bolongi Anyer. A mountain panorama appears before the eyes of vacationers on Asnieres beach, and there is also an old lighthouse nearby. Entertainment options on site include water skiing, parasailing, and boat rides.

In western Java, on Tanjung Lesung beach there are many resort complexes With closed beaches, among which there is also a paid public area. All beaches are well equipped.

For lovers of solitude and have a relaxing holiday love Carita Beach. It is quite quiet, protected from strong tides and waves. The area is popular with tourists with children and snorkelers. Very close to the shore there are bright fish and small corals. From the beach you can admire the panorama of the Krakatoa volcano, which is beautiful in the midday sun and in the rays of sunset. Most vacationers take wonderful pictures from here.

How to get there?

In the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, there is a large international airport. There are flights from Moscow to Jakarta with transfers in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok or others major cities. Among the airlines' offers, you can choose the one that suits you based on price, flight duration or number of transfers. Within the island there are flights from Jakarta to Surabaya or Yogyakarta. The flight duration is about an hour.

To visit Indonesia, Russian citizens only need to apply for a visa for 30 days according to a simplified procedure upon arrival or in advance at the consulate. You will need a photo and a passport, the validity of which exceeds the end date of the trip by at least 6 months.

The Greater Sunda Islands, which form the Malay Archipelago, include the island of Java. On the map it can be found in the northeastern Indian Ocean.

It is not known exactly where the island of Java got its name. According to one of existing versions, it comes from the Proto-Austronesian word for "house". According to another, the consonant name of the island is found in the manuscripts of the early Indian epic. There is also the opinion of some experts that “Java” is a derivative of the word “Jau”. From Sanskrit it can be translated as “barley” or “lying in the distance.”


The island of Java (see photo below) was formed, according to scientists, approximately six to seven million years ago. During the same period, the entire Malay Archipelago appeared.

Java is considered to be the tip protruding above the water mountain range, which stretches from Burma to the Sumatra islands, passing through the Nicobar and Andaman Islands. Many years ago, seismic and volcanic processes provoked the subsidence and uplift of the continent that previously existed in this place. As a result of all this, the island of Java appeared. The landscape of its central part is decorated with mountain range, stretching from west to east. The island of Java has volcanoes in this part of the territory. In total there are more than one hundred and twenty of them, among which there are thirty active ones. The most high volcano recognized as Semeru. Its height is 3676 m. It is highest point islands. Other, most significant:

Bromo - 2329 m;
- Merapi - 2914 m.

The latter of these two volcanoes is one of the ten most active on our planet. In 1006, its catastrophic eruption destroyed life on the island for three centuries. Fertile soils turned into desert. Java Island - "Valley of Death". So, without a doubt, one could call it in those days.

Unfortunately, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions often occur in these places to this day. The consequences of such seismic activity are very sad. They lead to numerous destructions and casualties.

Unlike the central part of the island, the coastal areas are swampy lowlands. Here is located large number lakes and many rivers flow through.

The island of Java has a rather winding coastline. In its bends there are a large number of convenient bays and bays, allowing ships with different landing positions to moor.

The coast of the island, along almost its entire length, has numerous narrow sandy beaches with small dunes that end in tropical jungle.


The island of Java is located near the earth's equator. This geographical location has a significant impact on the climate of this area. It is equatorial, relatively hot and humid. The weather on the island is characterized by the absence of seasonal temperature changes. It's warm here all year round. The air warms up in the range from twenty-three to twenty-six degrees. Precipitation on the island is usually short-term tropical showers. Their number during the year can exceed 1000-1100 mm. In the northwestern and northern parts of the island this figure is slightly higher. Sometimes it reaches 3000 mm.


Today, Java is home to more than one hundred and forty million people. This allows us to recognize it as the most densely populated island in the whole world.

The majority of Javanese residents are Indonesians. In addition to them, representatives of a number of ethnic groups live on the island, the list of which includes:

- Sundanese;
- Minangkabau.

Alien peoples from India, China and Indochina also live here. They all speak Malay, which is recognized as the official language on the island. You can often hear Javanese words in everyday life. There are also Chinese dialects in the conversations of local residents.

What are the main directions of the national economy of which the island of Java is proud? The population of rural areas and small towns is engaged in growing barley, rice, coffee, including such a famous variety as Kopi Luwak. Industry is also developed on the island. Its industries, such as electronics, processing, mining and textiles, employ the population major cities.

Administrative structure

In Java, the largest city in terms of population, importance and size is Jakarta. On the map it can be found in the northwestern part of the island, on the very coast. It is the largest settlement in the Malay Archipelago and is also the capital of Indonesia. Jakarta has a population of 9.6 million. The list of major cities located in Java includes:

- Yogyakarta.
- Bandung.
- Serang.
- Kudus.
- Hook.
- Surabaya.
- Malang et al.
According to its administrative structure, the island is divided into three provinces. These are West, East and Central Java.

Pearl of the Malay Archipelago

Indonesia includes about seventeen thousand islands. However, Java is without any doubt the real queen among them. Despite the fact that this is the most densely populated island on our planet, there are many places untouched by man. A trip to Java will appeal to the most adventurous tourists who want to recharge their batteries and get a real drive. The island offers its guests ancient monuments and huge national parks, volcanoes and rice plantations adjacent to dense forests, areas of savannah and large cities.


Many tourists who want to explore Indonesia first fly to the island of Java. The country's capital, Jakarta, which is a colossal metropolis, serves for many as the starting point from which the path to more interesting and relaxing routes begins.

This city is very complex and ambiguous. But it is from here that, as a rule, tourists begin to explore the island of Java. Only in Jakarta, after visiting the sights and areas, can you feel rich history country, its diverse culture and unusual architecture.

The list of interesting places in the capital of Indonesia includes numerous exhibition centers and parks. But among them there are those that deserve special attention from tourists. This is, for example, the Taman-Mini park. There are 27 pavilions on its territory, each of which displays traditional buildings, interesting decorations and other exhibits presented by various provinces. Here you can admire a miniature that represents Indonesia in every detail.

The Park of Dreams, located in the Anchola area, also attracts tourists. On its territory you can buy bone jewelry, batiks and other creations of local craftsmen.
Jakarta and the Tamaya Ismail Narzuki center are also interesting for guests. On its territory there are many venues, which house five theaters and numerous exhibitions. The complex includes a dance hall and a planetarium.

The main attraction of the capital, of which the island of Java is rightfully proud (see photo below), is the National Monument. It is a tower rising more than 130 m above the surface of the earth. The material for its manufacture was Italian marble. From above, the National Monument is decorated with an imitation flame made of gilding. For Indonesia, this tower is a symbol of the capital.

What else can the island of Java please its guests with? Reviews from tourists recommend including the Istiklal Mosque in the list of must-see sites. It is the largest Muslim sanctuary located in Southeast Asia.


Numerous tourists strive to visit the temples of the island of Java. When exploring Indonesia, it is impossible not to visit Borobudur. It is the third largest Buddhist-Hindu temple in the entire world. In size, Borobudur is second only to Cambodian Angkor, as well as Burmese Shwedagon.

The Indonesian temple is a step pyramid, the height of which is 34 m. It rises on an artificially created hill, embodying sacred mountain Meru (according to ancient Indian legends, it is the center of the whole world). According to teaching, any visitor to Borobudur or pilgrim begins his ascent “from earth to heaven.” Moreover, the road leading to the temple is a spiral. Walking along it, visitors explore the eight terraces of Borobudur and get acquainted with the history of the emergence of Buddhism, carved into one and a half thousand reliefs and stone sculptures.

The architecture of the temple itself indicates the influence of Persian, Greek, Indian and Babylonian architects. This is a majestic structure, from the upper levels of which an exciting and grandiose view opens. There is also a sculpture of Buddha here. There is a legend that whoever can reach his little finger will certainly have good luck.

The island of Java (Indonesia) is rightfully proud of this real wonder of the world. After all, the Borobudur Temple, which was built 1200 years ago, is a beautiful, grandiose and picturesque structure. It survived the eruption of the nearby Merapi volcano, a change in not only the political course on the island, but also the religion. It retained its beautiful view and after the invasions of treasure hunters.


What else attracts tourists to the island of Java? The attractions located on its territory contain another masterpiece in their list, which ranks lower than Borobudur. This is the Prambanan temple complex. Unlike Borobudur, it is located on a plain, which local residents called the "Valley of the Kings". This territory is literally strewn with the ruins of ancient buildings.

The Prambanan complex itself is a collection consisting of three temples, each of which is dedicated to one of the gods - Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. The walls of these amazingly beautiful buildings are decorated with bas-reliefs, the subjects of which are taken from scenes from the ancient Indian epic called the Ramayana.

The year 856 is considered to be the end of the construction of Prambanan. This temple commemorates the victory of the Hindu king Pikatan over the Buddhist king belonging to the Shailendra dynasty.


What other temples does the island of Java offer its guests to explore? The attractions that the Javanese are proud of include the Kraton palace complex. Local residents consider it the “navel” of the world. The palace was not only the seat of the sultanate for the island. The Javanese believed that the center of the Universe was located here.

In Kraton there are:

The chambers of the Sultan himself and his family members;
- throne room;
- pavilions for various performances;
- mosque;
- chambers for contemplation.

In the 19th century the interior decoration of the palace complex was changed. It was given European features. Cast iron columns and Italian marble, furniture and chandeliers in the Rococo style appeared. All these interior details are in strong contrast to the Javanese base of the Kraton.


Not far from the bustling capital Jakarta lies a tranquil town. Just an hour's ride from the metropolis by train, and you are in Bogor, famous throughout the island for its huge botanical garden. Here you can see the largest flower on our planet - “Amorphophaldus titanica”.

Local residents call Bogor “the city of rain”. Indeed, it always rains here every afternoon. That is why in botanical garden It's better to take a walk early in the morning. Visitors will see amazing trees that look like bell-bottoms. There is a Mexican garden, an orchid garden and much more. Deer roam in the royal park next door.

Gunung Halimun

This is one of the most national parks in Java. It differs from all the others in that the road to it is relatively simple. It is enough to drive from Bogor only an hour and a half.

Gunung Halimun Park is worth a visit for those tourists who are lovers of fauna and flora. Here you can see a large number of plants, dozens of bird species, as well as mammals (including the endangered West Javan gibbons).


This city was founded by the Dutch in the 18th century. Tourists who choose it get acquainted with eastern part islands of Java. Malang attracts visitors with its surroundings, where coffee plantations lie comfortably. There are also numerous Hindu temples built on the slopes of Mount Penanggungan, which the locals consider sacred. Not far from Malang are the most famous beaches among tourists, the most popular of which is Balekambang. From the city you can quickly reach volcanoes such as Seperu, Bromo and Ijen. Public transport runs to them from Malang.

Taman Sari

There are also special attractions in Java. One of them is Taman Sari. This is a water castle, built specifically for the Sultan in 1758. Taman Sari is a whole park palace complexes with canals and pools. The castle is laid underground tunnels and special secret rooms are provided.

The mystery of the island of Java has attracted many since childhood. At first, this place on the map seems to us like a kind of mysterious territory, containing secrets of the past and numerous treasures buried in the ground by bloodthirsty pirates. A little later we strive to visit there in search of new impressions and unique photographs.

Section 1. General description of the island of Java

The island of Java is the most famous and fifth largest island of the Indonesian archipelago, which today is home to 130 million people (more than 65%). Hundreds of volcanoes can be seen in this territory, unique landscapes Dieng Plateau, various specimens of flora and fauna, many ancient palaces, temples, mosques and sanctuaries.

Thanks to the tropical climate, there are virtually no temperature changes on the island all year round. The weather here is divided into two seasons: during the first (from March to October) it is constantly dry, and during the second it constantly rains. The atmospheric humidity within the island of Java ranges from 75% to 95%, and the air temperature ranges from +26 C to +29 C.

Section 2. Local attractions

Between the cities of Solo and Yogyakarta there is another architectural masterpiece - the ancient Hindu temple complex of Prambanan.

The city of Surabaya is famous for the Meru-Metiri, Baluran and high active volcano Bromo.

Section 3. Useful information for tourists

The island of Java is quite easy to find on the world map, and it is very simple to plan your route. Transport system It's superbly organized here. Today on the island, namely in the cities of Surabaya, Semarang, Jakarda, Yogyakarta, Bandug, Solo, airports accept international charter flights from all over the world.

The most convenient way to get from Russia is by regular flight via Dubai. It is also possible to get to the island by water. For example, Jakarta, Surabaya, Banten and East Java can be reached by ferry.

Buses are considered the cheapest and most convenient means of transportation here, but a rented car or train ride is perfect for traveling.

The cuisine on the island is adapted to European tastes and consists mainly of beef, chicken, vegetables, rice, legumes and fresh fruit. The most traditional, tasty and cheap food can be found in small cafes. Very popular drinks in Java are ginger tea, tuak juice from palm flowers and palm arak vodka.