Mysterious underground tunnels. Underground tunnels under all continents and oceans of the earth. Ancient people were waiting for a nuclear strike

Is there life underground? There is no clear answer to this question. However, a recently discovered underground map of our planet, which was compiled about five million years ago, has confirmed the version of the existence of a high-tech civilization that lived in the bowels of our planet.

The conversation on this topic first began in 1946, after journalist and writer Richard Shaver told the world about his contact with alien underground inhabitants. According to him, he spent several weeks underground, among mutants similar to demons, such as those described in legends and myths.

Of course, one could attribute this story to the journalist’s “sick” imagination, but hundreds of readers supported his story, saying that they also communicated with these creatures and saw their technological wonders. And what is most surprising: this technique not only provided the underground inhabitants of our planet with a comfortable existence, but also made it possible to control our consciousness.

In turn, Jan Paenk, a researcher from Poland, claims that on our planet, in its depths, there is a whole world - a network of tunnels through which you can get to any country in the world. These tunnels are literally burned into the ground, and their walls are frozen rock, something like glass. Similar tunnels have been discovered in South Australia, Ecuador, New Zealand and the USA. According to Paenka, UFOs fly along these underground highways, plowing the bowels of the Earth. In New Zealand, he even managed to find one miner who told him that while driving drifts, local miners came across two tunnels, but someone from above ordered the entrances to them to be urgently concreted.

For the first time, they became interested in underground communications in fascist Germany, when in 1942, on the orders of Himmler and Goering, an expedition, which included the most advanced minds, went in search of an underground civilization in the Baltic Sea to the island of Rugen. The expedition was led by Professor Heinz Fischer. Hitler was simply sure that some parts of the earth consisted of voids in which representatives of a super-developed civilization lived. The Germans thought that if they could install radars in the right place, they would be able to track the exact geographical position enemy.

What the Nazis managed to find is not known for certain, but almost every nationality has myths that the race of the ancients, which has inhabited our planet for millions of years, still exists. In these myths, these beings are presented as infinitely wise, scientifically advanced and culturally advanced. Terrible disasters drove them into underworld and there they created their own civilization, which had nothing in common with people whom they considered dirty, low and wild.

In Hindu mythology, there is a kingdom of Asgarti, which is very similar to the described underground civilization. In this kingdom live nagas - supernatural creatures. Asgarti is described as a kind of paradise underground. It is believed that the sacred text, the Prajnaparamita sutra, was kept in Asgarti, brought to the surface of the earth by the ancient sage Nagarjuna. There, right next to the forest, the great Ganges flows, on one of the banks of which huge remains of marble steps, with a width intended only for giants, are still visible. The sandy shore and forest around this place are covered with the remains of columns, carved pedestals, idols and bas-reliefs that have settled into the ground. The size of the ruins, the carvings on them and other remains ancient architecture- this is something that is grandiose and unexpected even for those who have been to Palmyra or the Egyptian Memphis.

There is a legend about this ancient underground city and its end: when the king of Asgarti was at war, his rival raided the kingdom. In the absence of men, the maharani stood at the head of the kingdom, who desperately defended the city, but it was taken by storm. Then the queen gathered all the daughters and wives of her subjects and locked herself with them in the underground temple. She ordered sacred fires to be lit around the temple and burned alive in one of them along with other women. And when King Asgarti returned from the campaign, he, having defeated the enemy, built an even richer city in front of the burned temple with the hands of prisoners.

Other facts also indicate the possible existence of underground inhabitants. So, in 1977, photographs taken from the ESSA-7 satellite appeared in several magazines and showed a dark spot of regular shape, very similar to a huge hole. It is located in the place where the North Pole should be. Similar photographs were taken from the same satellite in 1981.

Or maybe this is the entrance to the underworld and who are they - the inhabitants of the underworld?

The history of the Earth knows several collisions with meteorites, ice ages, and other cataclysms leading to the death of civilization. The periods between cataclysms are quite sufficient for the formation of a highly technical civilization. And maybe, after all, some civilization managed to survive the “end of the world”? Maybe millions of years ago there lived a certain high-tech civilization, during which a global catastrophe occurred that changed the climate of planet Earth. And what should this civilization do? Logically, most likely, she should have tried to survive. But how? After all, if the surface of our planet is not suitable for further existence, and at the same time, flying to another planet is impossible due to the level of technology, what remains? There is only one thing left - an underground shelter.

And yet, then the question arises, what happened to this civilization, and why the underground inhabitants did not reach the earth’s surface after the climate change. It is likely that they simply could not do this, and the reason for this was their constant stay in conditions of a different gravity and a different climate. After all, underground gravitational pressure is significantly different from normal. In addition, we must not forget that underground there is absolutely no sunlight, even weak. At the same time, artificial lighting does not contain the full spectrum, and prolonged exposure to such lighting may well also cause “weaning” from ground-based light.

Considering that all this happened over thousands of years, it is quite possible to assume that the surviving underground civilization evolved.

Research carried out by NASA specialists together with French scientists confirmed the existence underground cities, as well as an extensive network of galleries and tunnels, which stretches for thousands of kilometers in Altai, in Perm region, in the Urals, in the Tien Shan, in South America and Sahara. Moreover, these are not at all those ancient land cities that were destroyed, but over time were covered with forests and earth. No, these are precisely underground structures and even cities that were erected in a way unknown to us - to humanity - right in the rocks.

Argentine ethnologist Moritz was one of the first to explore tunnels in South America. In Morona-Santiago on the territory of Ecuador, he mapped a system of tunnels he discovered and still unknown to anyone, hundreds of kilometers long. These tunnels extend quite deep underground, creating a gigantic labyrinth that clearly has no natural origin.

A huge hole has been cut into the rock, from which a descent on successive horizontal platforms leads into the depths, to a depth of almost 240 m. There are also rectangular tunnels that turn at an even right angle. In the tunnels, the walls and ceilings are so smooth, polished, perfectly even, as if covered with varnish. There are also rooms approximately the size of a theater hall in which furniture was discovered: a table and seven chairs made of a material similar to plastic. Here Juan Moritz found a huge number of metal plates with engraved writings, some of them engraved with space travel and astronomical concepts. All these plates are absolutely identical, as if they were “cut” out of metal according to measurements made using high technology.

Juan Moritz's discovery undoubtedly lifts the veil on the mystery of those who built the tunnels, their level of knowledge and era.

Another expedition - Anglo-Ecuadorian - in 1976, on the border of Ecuador and Peru, explored one of the underground tunnels in Los Tayos. And a table with chairs with backs more than two meters was also found there. But the most interesting was another room - obviously the library, which is a long hall with a rather narrow middle passage. Along the walls were shelves with ancient thick tomes, each containing about 400 pages. The pages of the books are made of gold and filled with a font that is incomprehensible to humans.

A similar extensive network of tunnels was found in the Volga region in the famous Medveditskaya ridge. There, the tunnels have a circular cross-section and are located at a depth of up to 30 meters from the surface. It is likely that the Medveditskaya ridge is a node, a crossroads where tunnels from different parts are connected. The researchers concluded that from this intersection you can get to both Crimea and the Caucasus, but also to the north of Russia, New Earth and even to the expanses of the North American continent.

Crimean speleologists recorded a giant cavity under Ai-Petri, in addition, tunnels were found connecting the Caucasus and Crimea. In the Caucasus near Gelendzhik, in a gorge there is a vertical mine more than a hundred meters deep. It has a special feature - smooth walls. Scientists came to the conclusion that both thermal and mechanical effects were exerted on the rock walls at the same time, which is still impossible to achieve today; moreover, there is an increased background radiation in the mine. It is likely that this is one of those vertical shafts that lead to a horizontal tunnel leading from here to the Medveditskaya ridge.

Many scientists and researchers from different countries They believe that on our planet Earth there is likely to be a global unified system of many kilometers of underground communications. It is located at a depth of several tens of kilometers from the surface and consists of tunnels, as well as small settlements, junction stations and huge cities with a perfect life support system. For example, a system of holes made for ventilation makes it possible to maintain a constant temperature in underground rooms that is quite acceptable for living beings.

In addition, according to researchers, these data, obtained over the years, indicate that on our planet Earth, long before us, humanity, there existed, or perhaps there were, several civilizations with a very high level of technology. In addition, some of the modern researchers believe that these underground tunnels that were left by these very ancient people, and today are quite often used for underground movements of unknown flying objects, as well as for the life of the civilization that coexists on planet Earth at the same time as us. It’s just that our levels of living are different: we live on, and they live underground.

It is likely that all this is just mythology, fiction, or maybe it’s just some kind of theory, which may not be true...

Every year the earth disappears from under our feet more and more often. Potholes suddenly appear on roads, in fields, in the courtyards of houses and even under the houses themselves.

The year 2003 in the Moscow region was marked by a mysterious event. In Lake Bezdonnoe, the driver of the Vereshenskaya rural administration, Vladimir Saichenko, found a regular life vest US Navy with an identifying inscription stating that this property belonged to sailor Sam Belovsky from the destroyer Cowell, which was blown up by terrorists on October 12, 2000 in the port of Aden. Tragically, 4 sailors died and 10 were missing, including Sam Belovsky.

Photo: In May 2010, a huge, almost perfectly round sinkhole, 20 m wide and 30 m deep, suddenly appeared in Guatemala, swallowing a three-story house. Authorities blame the incident on heavy rainfall. (Guatemala's Presidency, Luis Echeverria/AP)

But like a life jacket from Indian Ocean could he get into a lake lost in the vastness of Central Russia, having covered 4000 km in a straight line in three years? What was his path? Hence; there are some unknown underground paths, tunnels, apparently connecting fairly remote parts of the Earth’s continents. But by whom and when were they created, and for what?

Photo: A huge sinkhole appeared on a street in Schmalkalden, Germany, in November 2010. (Jens Meyer/AP)

It has been repeatedly noted by various researchers on different continents that in addition to subway tunnels, bunkers, mines, and other various caves created by nature, there are underground cavities created by civilizations that preceded humanity. There are gigantic underground halls, the walls of which are processed by mechanisms unknown to us, as well as linear structures - tunnels. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by an increase in the frequency of finds of fragments of these tunnels on different continents.

In the photo: A recent photo from Sochi, taken in March 2013. When one of the tunnels at one of the construction sites suddenly collapsed, a nearby house began to slant backwards. No one lives in the house. (REUTERS/Nina Zotina)

The main difference between ancient tunnels and natural and modern underground objects is that, oddly enough, ancient objects are distinguished by the perfection and amazing precision of processing of the walls of the cavities (as a rule, they are melted), ideal directionality and orientation. They are also distinguished by their enormous, cyclopean size and... antiquity beyond human understanding. But it cannot be said that they all appeared at the same time. Let's consider the available real information about ancient tunnels and workings.

Photo: A firefighter is lowered into a 10m deep hole that unexpectedly opened on a road in Harbin, China. Two people were killed in this incident and two others were injured... (Quirky China News / Rex Features)

In Crimea, the Marble Cave is well known, located within the Chatyr-Dag mountain range at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. When descending into the cave, numerous visitors are greeted by a huge hall in the form of a pipe about 20 m in size, currently half filled with boulders that collapsed as a result of numerous earthquakes, and filled with karst deposits. Few people pay attention to the fact that initially it was a tunnel with perfectly smooth walls, going deep into the mountain range with a slope towards the sea. The walls are well preserved. That is, in front of us is part of a tunnel leading to nowhere and starting at an altitude of about 1 km from the level of the Black Sea. As follows from the latest reports from Crimean speleologists, a huge cavity has been discovered under the Ai-Petri massif, picturesquely hanging over Alupka and Simeiz. In addition, tunnels connecting Crimea and the Caucasus were discovered.

In the photo: April 2011: road collapse in the Beijing area. A truck fell through the hole, but the driver was rescued and no one was injured. (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/Rex Features)

And in the Volga region there is just the well-known Medveditskaya ridge, examined in sufficient detail by Kosmopoisk expeditions starting in 1997. An extensive network of tunnels was discovered and mapped, surveyed over tens of kilometers. The tunnels have a circular cross-section, sometimes oval, with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, maintaining a constant width along the entire length, and a direction at a depth from the surface of 6-30 m. As they approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels increases from 22 to 35 meters, further - 80 m and already at the highest elevation the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning under the mountain into a huge hall. Three seven-meter tunnels leave from here at different angles. Becomes incomprehensible; that the Medveditskaya ridge is a junction, a crossroads where tunnels from other regions, including the Caucasus, converge.

In the photo: March 2013: a huge hole in the ground in the town of Guangyuan, China. It is now 24.9m in diameter and local residents fear it will continue to grow and swallow neighboring houses. (AFP/Getty Images)

In the Caucasus, in a gorge near Gelendzhik, a vertical shaft has been known for a long time - straight as an arrow, with a diameter of about one and a half meters, a depth of 6 or 100 m. In addition, its feature is smooth, as if melted walls. The study of their properties showed that the walls were subjected to a simultaneous thermal and mechanical effect, which created a crust 1-1.5 mm thick in the rock, giving it extremely durable properties that cannot be created even with today’s development of technology, and the melting of the walls indicates its man-made origin.

Known; that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued on the construction of a tunnel across the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland by rail with the island. Sakhalin. Over time, the secrecy was lifted, and Doctor of Physical and Mechanical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in her memoirs to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much building as they were restoring an already existing tunnel, laid in ancient times, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait. Mention was also made of strange finds in the tunnel - incomprehensible mechanisms and fossilized remains of animals. All this later disappeared in the tunnel. secret bases intelligence services

In the photo: Gas crater in the Karakum Desert, which is called the Gates of Hell. This strange cave has been burning for more than 40 years. It was discovered in 1971 by Soviet geologists when the ground at the site of their development suddenly collapsed, leaving behind a hole 70 m in diameter. Since the crater is filled with potentially poisonous natural gas, the decision was made to set it on fire. Scientists believed that it would burn out in a few days, but the fire still does not subside. (Amos Chapple/Rex Features)

The American continent is also rich in reports of the location of ancient tunnels. Andrew Thomas, a famous researcher, is convinced that ancient underground vertical and horizontal tunnels, again with burnt walls, have been preserved under America, and some of them are in perfect condition. The tunnels are straight as an arrow and penetrate the entire continent. One of the nodes where several mines converge is Mount Shasta in California. From it the paths lead to the states of California and New Mexico.

In 1980, not far from the coast of California, a huge hollow space was discovered, extending several hundred meters into the interior of the continent. It is possible that one of the junction stations of the underground tunnels was discovered.

The presence of tunnels is also evidenced by the fact that nuclear tests carried out at great depths at a well-known test site in Nevada gave an unexpected effect. Two hours later in Canada, at one of the military bases at a distance of 2000 km from the Nevada test site, a radiation level 20 times higher than normal was recorded. How could this happen? It turned out that next to the base there was a huge cave, which was part of a huge system of caves and tunnels on the continent.

Photo: A van hangs over a hole in a parking lot in Salt Springs, Florida, in June 2012. (AP Photo/The Ocala Star-Banner, Alan Youngblood)

Of course, the creators used tunnels and halls not only for movement, but also as repositories of valuable information designed for long time. It is clear that these premises are no longer in use.

An expedition of speleologists in 1971 in Peru discovered caves, the entrance to which was blocked by rock blocks. Having overcome them, the researchers discovered at a depth of about 100 m a huge hall, the floor of which was laid out with blocks with a special relief. On the (again) polished walls were incomprehensible inscriptions resembling hieroglyphs. They ran in different directions from the hall numerous tunnels. Some of them lead towards the sea, under the water and continue at its bottom.

Southeast Asia also does not suffer from the lack of ancient tunnels. In Hunan Province of China, on the southern shore of Lake Dongting, southwest of the city of Wuhan, next to one of the circular pyramids, Chinese archaeologists discovered a buried passage that led them to an underground labyrinth. Its stone walls turned out to be very smooth and carefully processed, which gave scientists grounds to exclude their natural origin. One of the many symmetrically arranged passages led archaeologists to a large underground hall, the walls and ceiling of which were covered with many drawings. One of the drawings depicts a hunting scene, and above were creatures (gods?) “in modern clothes”, sitting in a round ship, very similar to a UFO apparatus. People with spears are chasing the beast, and “supermen” flying above them are aiming at the target objects that look like guns.

Photo: A huge crater 20 m wide appeared at night in the courtyard of a house in Leshan, China, in January 2011. The homeowner heard a loud crash outside. When he went out to check, he was amazed to see this hole. (Quirky China News/Rex Features)

Everyone knows the pyramids and ruins of ancient temples on the Giza plateau in Egypt. But little is known about what lies beneath the surface of the earth. Recent research by scientists shows that huge unexplored underground structures are hidden under the pyramids inside the plateau, and scientists suggest that the network of tunnels extends over tens of kilometers and stretches both towards the Red Sea and to the shore Atlantic Ocean. Now let’s remember the results of a study in South America of tunnels going under the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean... Perhaps they are moving towards each other.

The creators of these tunnels may not have been extraterrestrial space aliens, but one of the four ancient highly developed civilizations, mentioned by the Incas, who possessed high technologies that made it possible to create such engineering structures stretching over enormous distances. For there is no need for aliens to create underground tunnels in the event of a threat of cataclysms on our planet, when they could calmly retire to their own, observing the events on Earth from afar.

Photo: In January 2007, a huge crater opened up at a subway station construction site in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The passenger van fell into a more than 40-meter crater. (MAURICIO LIMA/AFP/Getty Images)

We know that every 200 million years global catastrophes occur on Earth with the disappearance of up to 80 percent of the fauna and flora, and the last one was at the border of the Eocene, only 30 million years ago as a result of the fall of successive asteroids. Smaller disturbances of life on Earth in the form of falls of small asteroids and accompanying earthquakes, tsunami waves, volcanic eruptions, surges and floods amounted to 100, 41 and 21 thousand years. Perhaps ancient civilizations, knowing about such cycles and wanting to avoid their consequences, created a network of tunnels and underground structures throughout the Earth, hiding in them so as not to depend in their activities on what was happening on the surface.

An abbreviated summary of an article by Evgeny Vorobyov, academician of the Russian National Academy of Sciences.

Photo based on Internet materials.

Prepared by Devyataeva N.I.

P.S. Read the book:



The fact that underground there is a grandiose branched network of tunnels connecting not only various geographical features, but also continents, many researchers now say. According to most of them, the tunnels were created by some ancient civilization that disappeared from the face of the Earth.

"Metro" for UFOs?

It looks like science fiction, but under the surface of the earth there are not only natural caves, but also real ones underground cities, mysterious vertical shafts, and most importantly, mysterious tunnels, the length of which is thousands of kilometers. According to Polish researcher Jan Paenka, underground there is a very extensive network of tunnels through which you can get to any country.

These tunnels were built using high technologies that are still inaccessible to our civilization. The fact is that they are not pierced in the rocks, but as if burned out in them, this is evidenced by their walls, which are molten rocks. They are smooth to the touch, like glass, and have significant strength. The Polish researcher is not a dreamer, he did not come up with these tunnels; Paenk more than once talked with miners who, while digging mines, sometimes came across such mysterious underground structures. For example, in New Zealand he was able to talk with a miner who said that local miners, while building drifts, accidentally punched holes into two such tunnels. However, one of the high-ranking officials ordered the entrances to them to be urgently concreted. It is worth noting that such tunnels are currently

found in the USA, Ecuador, South Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

In addition to tunnels with “glass” walls, there are often vertical wells, as if melted through the rocks. They are absolutely straight, with a constant cross-section throughout, with a depth of tens to several hundred meters. One of these wells, more than 100 meters deep, is located near Gelendzhik. It has very smooth walls, covered with a thin crust of rocks melted at high temperatures. Studying the well, scientists came to the conclusion that it was created by both mechanical and thermal effects. In their opinion, this is not yet possible with our modern technologies. In addition, an increased background radiation is recorded in this well. Who created these mine-wells and for what purpose? - there are no answers to these questions yet.

However, Jan Paenk believes that UFOs will move through these underground tunnels from one end of the Earth to the other at great speed. This version is also supported by a number of ufologists. More than once, eyewitnesses observed not only fireballs, but also flying saucers flying out of the ground. Some ufologists believe that UFOs simply use tunnels left by some vanished civilization of our planet, others consider them to be involved in the emergence of at least part of these underground communications. There is also a hypothesis that part of the tunnels belongs to some underground civilization, which has coexisted in parallel with us since time immemorial.

Legacy of vanished civilizations

Perhaps UFOs actually rush through mysterious tunnels, but, without a doubt, a significant part of the underground structures we inherited from the disappeared civilizations of our planet. Many researchers have long come to the conclusion that civilizations have arisen on Earth more than once, reaching great heights in their development, but becoming victims of global cataclysms. Most likely, it was their representatives who laid a colossal network of tunnels underground. They could be used as a transport network or serve as shelters from natural disasters or military operations.

It may seem to many that information about tunnels is not specific and is more fiction than reality.

Yes, while there is no information about people who could travel through an underground tunnel from Europe to America, no one has ever organized such trips. However, the tunnels can be traced using geophysical work, detected using special images from space, and their length and direction extrapolated from fragments found at different points.

There are also specific examples of tunnel detection. Here, for example, is what RNAS academician Evgeny Vorobyov writes: “It is known that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued on the construction of a tunnel across the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland by rail from the island of Sakhalin. Over time, the secrecy was lifted, and Doctor of Physical and Technical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in her memoirs to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much building as they were restoring an already existing tunnel, laid in ancient times, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait. Strange finds in the tunnel were also mentioned - incomprehensible mechanisms and animal fossils. All this later disappeared in the secret databases of the special services. "There is an assumption that this mysterious tunnel could well go straight through Sakhalin Island. to Japan, or even further.

There is no doubt about the data of the Kosmopoisk expedition, which since 1997 has been studying the now well-known Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. During the research, the expedition members managed to discover and map a whole network of tunnels stretching for tens of kilometers. Researchers visited these tunnels and saw everything with their own eyes. The discovered tunnels mostly have a circular cross-section with a diameter of 7 to 20 meters, only occasionally there are tunnels with an oval cross-section. There can be no question of the natural origin of these dungeons, because these tunnels throughout their entire length are characterized by a constant width and direction. It was possible to establish that they were laid at a depth of 6 to 30 meters from the earth’s surface.

It is interesting that as you approach the heights on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels increases, first from 20 to 35 meters, then to 80 meters, and already under the mountain itself it reaches 120 meters. A huge hall is formed here, which researchers from Cosmopoisk consider to be a kind of “nodal station”, because from it at different angles three seven-meter-diameter tunnels go into the unknown at once. According to representatives of Cosmopoisk, from this hall you can get not only to the Caucasus and Crimea, but also to Novaya Zemlya, and maybe even to North America.

IN Western Europe, on the border of Slovenia and Poland, is located mountain range Beskids. It is here that Babya Mountain rises (1725 m). You can hear many legends about this mountain from local residents and even learn some sensational details about it. main secret. So one of the locals named Vincent said that in the 60s of the last century, his father took him to Babia Mountain and showed him a certain secret place at an altitude of about 600 meters. There the two of them moved aside an impressive boulder, behind which the entrance to the tunnel was hidden. According to an eyewitness, the tunnel with an oval cross-section was so large that a train could easily travel in it. Interestingly, Vincent noted that the walls of the tunnel were smooth and shiny, as if covered with glass. So, this tunnel clearly had walls covered with molten rocks.

An indicative fact: experts from NASA, together with French scientists, having conducted a series of special studies, have established that under the surface of the earth in South America, the Sahara, Altai, the Urals, the Perm region, and the Tien Shan there is a huge branched network of tunnels and galleries stretching thousands of kilometers . This network contains not only linear workings, but also real underground cities.

Alas, so far the exploration of the mysterious tunnels is mainly carried out by enthusiasts. I have not found data on any serious attempts by scientists to determine their age, however, based on various deposits, stalactites, destruction and a number of other signs, we can safely speak of their extremely ancient origin. Why did the ancients put so much effort into creating such labor-intensive and grandiose underground structures?

While working on this article (at the end of August) in one of the television programs, I heard a report that American journalists managed to film the intensive delivery of huge quantities of food to one of the secret underground cities of the United States. Interestingly, this did not happen before the “end of the world” in 2012. They say that the American government fears a super-powerful solar flare, which could supposedly burn out all life on the surface of the planet. However, most likely, the American elite is preparing for a predicted solar flare that could leave the entire world without electricity. Such a disaster could well cause chaos, anarchy, and popular unrest, which would be better to sit out in well-guarded and well-equipped underground cities.

Here is the answer to the question asked. The ancients could build underground structures to escape from any global cataclysms - a solar flare, an asteroid fall, a sudden cold snap or warming. It is also obvious that dungeons could serve as reliable protection in the event of war, especially with the use of bombs and nuclear weapons. By the way, American and French scientists came to the conclusion that about 25 thousand years ago a real nuclear war took place on Earth. Scientists have found about 100 points on the earth's surface where, in their opinion, nuclear strikes were carried out. There are also hypotheses that nuclear wars occurred on Earth 30 million and 12-15 thousand years ago. There is also a version that a nuclear war on our planet was started by the “gods,” by which we now mean aliens. They waged a war for control of the planet, and its natives had to hide in underground shelters. So, it turns out that ancient civilizations the planets had every reason to “bite” into the ground.

The best "safe" for treasures

It is well known that during wars, popular riots, and just in case, treasures were often hidden in dungeons. Usually these were the dungeons of temples, castles, and some military fortifications. There is no information yet that any valuables have been discovered in the ancient tunnels. True, this does not apply to the tunnels of South America, about which there are real legends.

According to one hypothesis, the disappeared Inca gold (estimated at at least 400 tons) was hidden in the dungeons of the city of Machu Picchu.

The version about the underground labyrinths under the Sacsahuaman fortress is considered more plausible. They tell about the case of two Indian children who got lost in these labyrinths in the 20th century. They disappeared for three whole days, and then came to the surface in the area of ​​​​the monastery Santo Domingo. So, they wandered in the labyrinths under the citadel of the Inca capital, then in the dungeons of Cuzco itself. As a result of these wanderings, they brought to the surface a golden ear of corn - a masterpiece of ancient Incan jewelers. Perhaps this is just a so-called urban legend, although too much information suggests that the treasures were hidden underground in the Cusco area.

However, the so-called Moritz tunnels are of greatest interest to us. They were discovered and mapped in June 1965 in the province of Morona-Santiago (Ecuador) by the Argentine ethnologist Juan Moritz. According to him, it was an unknown system of underground tunnels with a total length of thousands of kilometers. Without a doubt, it was represented by clearly artificial underground structures, they were located at a depth of 240 meters and there was a vertical descent to them, made up of successive horizontal platforms.

So, Moritz went down into the dungeon, where there was a whole network of rectangular tunnels, the walls of which were very smooth, as if polished. The ceilings were no less even and smooth. Tunnels and passages led to underground halls of impressive size and volume. In one of them, later called the “Library,” there was some kind of table and chairs. Some sources say that they were made of plastic, while others say that they were made of something resembling ceramics or modern composite materials.

Most importantly, in this room Moritz discovered books consisting of thin metal sheets measuring 96x48 cm; each of these volumes weighed no more or less - as much as 20 kilograms! It is often written that the leaves of these books were made of gold, but, as we will find out a little later, most likely not from it. On the pages of these books, Juan saw mysterious signs; it was clear that they contained extensive information, probably of some long-vanished civilization.

There was also gold in the dungeons; Moritz found many different animal figurines made of precious metal, among them the researcher distinguished elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, jaguars and bison. These golden representatives of the animal world decorated the passages and halls. Moritz also saw a lot of interesting things on the floor of the tunnels. For example, in one place on the valley there was a drawing in which a man was floating above a round planet. True, one of the sources does not speak of a drawing, but of a certain stone figurine representing a man standing on a globe.

There are quite a few similar discrepancies in details in this story with the Moritz tunnels. Of course, it is very intriguing, especially after the illumination of it by the famous Erich von Daniken in the book “The Gold of the Gods.” The latter was quite embarrassed with these tunnels and golden books. The fact is that Moritz told reporters that he did not show Däniken the tunnels. After this, many scientists who had a grudge against Erich called him a liar, fabricating cheap sensations.

However, at one time the director of the Archaeological Institute in Quito, Hernan Crespo Toral, called Juan Moritz himself a swindler and an adventurer. The fact is that he only talked about the miracles that he allegedly saw in the dungeons, but did not provide scientists with a single artifact proving his veracity.

Although there is information that Moritz nevertheless transferred to the museum of the Colombian capital of Bogota one of the two golden figurines discovered in the dungeons, which outwardly resembled a model of a supersonic passenger airliner"Concord". According to aviation experts, this figurine is actually a miniature model of an airplane.

By and large, even if this figurine was transferred to the museum, it cannot serve as proof of the reality of the existence of numerous artifacts that Moritz spoke about. It is known that golden airplanes were found in Indian burials in South America. Why not assume that Moritz could have purchased such a figurine from local “black archaeologists”?

It is alarming that Moritz never showed anyone the sensational historical treasures he discovered. Instead of mysterious underground labyrinth he took Erich von Däniken to some secondary cave, and then, in addition, he disgraced him. The Scottish scientist and traveler Stanley Hall also failed to “split” Moritz.

The Scot was literally fired up with the idea of ​​finding a “metal library” and making it the property of humanity. Stanley Hall found Moritz and approached him with a proposal to organize a joint Ecuadorian-British expedition. Moritz accepted this offer. The expedition was prepared on a grand scale; even biologists and botanists were invited to participate. The Ecuadorian military was supposed to protect the scientists. Stanley Hall wanted an internationally respected figure to lead the expedition. He told his colleague Stephen Coppens: “We needed an authoritative figure to lead the expedition, and I invited astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, to lead it. The American immediately agreed to join us.”

So, on August 3, 1976, researchers led by Armstrong went underground. The expedition managed to find a burial cave with a sitting mummy; the botanists were most lucky - they discovered almost 400 previously unknown plants in the jungle next to the cave. What about the “metal library”? Alas, no artifacts that Moritz reported could be found, although it was Juan who was the expedition’s guide... It is believed that Moritz at the last moment decided to remain the sole owner of the secret and, as in the case of Daniken, took the researchers to another cave.

Would you have the nerve to deceive the first man on the moon? And Moritz had enough! Honestly, if the story ended there, I would think that Moritz simply made up all these tunnels and priceless artifacts. However, although Moritz died in 1991, the story of his mysterious tunnels had a continuation, which, in my opinion, gave it a certain veracity.

Moritz once said that a man showed him the mysterious labyrinth of tunnels. After the death of Juan Moritz, who never revealed his secret, Stanley Hall began to look for his guide, and he managed to find him. It turned out to be Petronio Jaramillo. He was a rather simple and open person; he immediately made contact with Hall. It turned out that the Shuar Indians guarding this sacred place showed the entrance to the tunnel to his uncle back in 1946. My uncle was friends with the Indians and helped them more than once, so as a token of gratitude they showed him this mysterious place.

Together with Uncle Petronio, he visited the hall where the metal library was kept. There were thousands of books, weighing up to 20 kg each. Later, he visited this room on his own and with difficulty removed seven books from the shelves; they turned out to be so heavy that he quickly gave up the idea of ​​bringing them to the surface. According to him, the metal pages, covered with writing in an unknown language and geometric symbols, were covered with a green coating. Based on this, it is believed that the leaves of the books were made not of gold, but of copper.

In the second room, Jaramillo saw some quartz tablets; most likely, these were also information carriers, almost eternal, unlike metal books. Wandering through the halls, Petronio saw statues of people and animals, a “warehouse” of some metal bars, and even sealed golden doors, behind which there might have been burials. Perhaps the most intriguing find, besides the metal books, was a large translucent sarcophagus containing the mummy of a giant, which was covered with gilding.

Jaramillo immediately agreed to Hall's proposal to organize a new expedition to explore the tunnels. The expedition was to take place under the auspices of UNESCO and was approved by the Ecuadorian authorities; it seemed that the secret of the “metal library” was about to be revealed. However, it was as if some invisible and powerful forces were preventing this. First, in 1995, a conflict arose between Peru and Ecuador, and the expedition was postponed, then the political regime changed in Ecuador, and Hall was forced to leave this country. In 1998, all plans to find the “metal library” finally collapsed... due to the death of Petronio, who was killed just a few steps from his home. The police thought it was a simple robbery, but was it true? Maybe the secret of the tunnels is actually guarded by certain forces and the murder of Jaramillo was connected with his intention to show the way to them?

Nowadays, unfound metal books are often called the Atlantean library; dozens of researchers and enthusiasts are trying to find it. Unfortunately, their attempts have not yet brought significant results. Moritz said that the mysterious tunnels have a very significant length and pass under the territories of Argentina, Peru and Ecuador. Do they belong to intercontinental tunnels? No one knows about this yet.

Maxim Sirotkin

November 25th, 2012

Very informative material, I recommend it!

Enough has already been written and said about the fact that there is a second life on our planet - underground. But to this day no one can say for sure how true all this is.

The very first such mentions of the existence of the underworld and its mysterious people appeared back in 1946. It was then that journalist and scientist Richard Shaver spoke in a magazine specializing in paranormal phenomena about his personal contact with alien creatures living deep underground. According to Shaver himself, he lived for some time in this underground world, along with mutants similar to those demons described by our ancestors in ancient legends.

Until recently, the facts about the existence of such an underground world with technologies inaccessible to humans were not given much importance, but unexpectedly some scientists confirmed them. Researchers from NASA, together with French scientists, were able to discover in the depths of the earth a whole network of underground tunnels and galleries that extend throughout the world: in Altai, and in the Urals, and in Kyrgyzstan, and in the Perm region, and in South America, and even in Sahara Desert. In this case, we are not talking about any archaeological finds those cities that once existed on Earth, and specifically about underground tunnels with strange structures. But how these buildings were created is still unknown to scientists. And it is likely that we are talking about technologies that are not yet known to humanity.

The Argentine ethnologist Juan Moritz, who not only studied, but even mapped the entire system of tunnels he found in Morona-Santiago, was also closely involved in research into the mysterious tunnels. The entrance to the dungeon he found was cut into the rock and goes down 250 meters. At its different levels there are small platforms from which rectangular regular branches lead, turning only at right angles. Their total length reaches hundreds of kilometers, so they look like a labyrinth. The polished smooth walls are provided with ventilation holes, located strictly periodically and operating to this day.

The identification of such ancient tunnels, which is not an easy task and requires comprehensive knowledge, is carried out by researchers based on the technique of deep work, the mechanisms of transformation of the Earth’s crust, and the formation of underground cavities during the evolution of our planet. It must be said that this procedure is quite realistic, if we take into account one fact: the main difference between ancient tunnels and modern underground creatures, including natural ones, is, oddly enough, that these ancient objects are distinguished by the perfection and amazing accuracy of the processing of wall cavities. Basically, they are melted, with ideal directionality and clear orientation, as well as literally cyclopean sizes and, most surprisingly, an antiquity beyond our understanding.

More than once, researchers have noted that on various continents, in addition to subway tunnels, bunkers or mines, as well as natural caves, there are mysterious underground cavities, the builders of which are civilizations that preceded humanity. The beginning of the 21st century was marked by an increase in the frequency of such finds.

Thus, in Crimea, residents are well aware of the “Marble” cave, which is located as part of the Chatyr-Dag massif. At the very beginning, on the descent into the cave, visitors are presented with a huge pipe-shaped room, about twenty meters long. Stalactites and stalagmites hang from cracks in the vault, captivating your attention. At the same time, almost no one pays attention to the fact that this tunnel had perfectly smooth walls, going into the depths of the mountain with a slope towards the sea. The walls of the tunnel are perfectly preserved: they do not show any traces of erosion from flowing waters, and there are no karst caverns resulting from the dissolution of limestone. It turns out that this is part of a tunnel leading to nowhere. However, given that the Black Sea depression itself was created about thirty million years ago, at the very junction of the Eocene and Oligocene eras, as a result of the fall of a giant asteroid, which cut off and destroyed the Crimean ridge mountain range, we can assume that this Marble Cave- one of the fragments of an ancient tunnel, while its main part remained in the destroyed mountain range.

Every year a festival dedicated to the “Hungry Ghosts” is held in Taiwan. The Thais are sure that on the fifteenth day of the seventh month according to Thai lunar calendar exactly at midnight, the gates of the underworld open and the inhabitants of the underground come into the world of the living, who feast very thoroughly, and two weeks later, already well-fed, they return home, closing the gates to the underworld behind them.

On our planet, in addition to exotic Taiwan, there are several other places where the aboveground and underground worlds are in direct contact.

In Russia, this is the notorious Devil's Glade, hidden in the taiga dense forests in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Once upon a time, in the valley of the Kova River, there were several small villages: Chemba, Kostino and Karamyshevo.

Residents of these godforsaken settlements say that for the first time a hole between two existing worlds- aboveground and underground - was revealed back in 1908, precisely in that year when humanity had not yet recovered from the fall of the Tunguska miracle. Most researchers associate the discovery of such a hole with the arrival of this fiery celestial body, but there is another, directly “opposite” hypothesis put forward geological expedition, subordinate to the All-Russian Institute of Minerals.

Studying many ancient geological structures, the expedition suggested that the existence of inexplicable and strange phenomena in the atmosphere is not associated with the fall of a meteorite, but with the release of a huge clot of energy from the depths of the Earth.

In the year the fireball appeared above the earth, many shepherds living in the surrounding settlements discovered a huge area in the middle of the taiga with completely scorched earth and a fairly large bottomless hole right in the middle. Animals were constantly disappearing into this hole. In connection with this, the road along which the shepherds drove their cattle to pasture was moved to the side three kilometers. But this precaution did not help either. Animals still continued to disappear without a trace in the remote taiga and, as local residents claimed, right in the area of ​​this Devil’s Glade.

The years of World War II and the further difficult economic situation in the country made us forget for a long time about the miracles that were happening in this Devil's Glade. They even forgot what region it was located in, and returned to this issue only in 1984.

This mysterious clearing was again found by an expedition organized by the Vladivostok Association of Ufologists, headed by A. Rempel. And she managed to make quite a lot of interesting discoveries on it.

Nobody doubted that there was something very strange underground, but what? In the clearing, the compass needle behaved very strangely: instead of turning to the magnetic poles, it constantly pointed to the very center of the clearing, and the instruments that recorded large electromagnetic radiation seemed to go crazy, their sensors began to go off scale.

All this obviously pointed to the fact that under the clearing there are some strange physical fields that have a strong impact on the human psyche. So, even at a considerable distance from the clearing, the researchers began to experience attacks of completely unreasonable fear; almost all members of the expedition had severe toothache and swollen joints. Therefore, work at the entrance to the dungeon had to be curtailed.

American farmers at one time also talked about the place where the underground and aboveground kingdoms intersect. On the very banks of the Black River in the area small town In Lions Falls, every now and then an underground door opens in the ground, and then...

Many residents of this town have repeatedly come across an incomprehensible giant animal, very reminiscent of a monster, with a dark brown skin, a round, cone-shaped body, and eyes sparkling like a silver dollar. The monster smells terrible of sulfur. The local police repeatedly tried to catch this creature, but nets and ropes passed through it as if through air, and the monster itself seemed to fall through the ground.

Using dowsing frames, researchers were able to make very interesting discovery, confirming what was said. It turned out that under the thickness of the earth, at a depth of almost two hundred kilometers, there is still a habitat zone intelligent civilization. Of course, it is quite difficult to imagine such a person, whose body consists of protein tissue, living in such a temperature regime at which stone melts. It's not that it's difficult, it's unthinkable. After all, the pressure from rocks at such a depth is able to crush a solid all-metal ball.

But did this representative of civilization really have to be created from protein? Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, being the founder of Russian cosmonautics, at one time created philosophical works in which he envisioned a gradual change in the appearance of the human race over time. In his opinion, in the future we, people, will consist of fields and will begin to directly receive energy from the Sun and Earth. And what prevents such creatures from already living in our underground kingdom, at very great depths, especially since they have enough energy there. Inhabit, build tunnels through which it is very convenient to move from one end of the planet to the other...
At the same time, the question still remains unanswered: how and where did such intelligent creatures end up on Earth?

According to some researchers, life, including intelligent life, arose at the very beginning on the planet Phaethon, the farthest from the Sun, from which only the asteroid belt remains today. Then this life was transferred or arose independently on Mars, and after this planet cooled down and became unsuitable for life, it was our Earth’s turn. And it is quite possible that the descendants of those intelligent beings from distant planets, who acquired certain forms of physical fields, were able to move to our planet, however, having discovered that another - protein life - was emerging on it, they populated the depths of the planet.

In the myths and legends of all the peoples of the Earth there is evidence of an underground civilization parallel to people, the reptilian people. These are the Navi Snakes of the Slavs, Dragons in the legends of China and Asia, and the Nagas of India. There are similar legends among the Indians of both Americas and among the shamans of Africa.

Many researchers both in Russia and in other countries of the world have come across strange underground tunnels, lying at a depth of approximately 200-300 meters, having a regular shape and smooth walls, as if made of fused glass.

The mysterious underground universe exists not only in legends. In previous decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Adventurers and miners are making their way deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Earth, and more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that now almost below us there is a whole network of tunnels, stretching for thousands of kilometers, and also enveloping the entire Earth in a network, as well as huge, sometimes even populated underground cities.

Scheme of an underground city in Turkey

We can say that this mystery has been solved, because modern researchers have already made their conclusion: we are not the only inhabitants on planet Earth. Evidence from ancient times, as well as the discoveries of scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries, claim that mysterious civilizations have existed on Earth, or rather, underground, from ancient times to the present day.

Representatives of these civilizations, for some reason, did not come into contact with people, but still made themselves felt, and terrestrial humanity has long had traditions and legends about mysterious and strange people who sometimes emerge from caves. In addition, at modern people There is less and less doubt about the existence of UFOs, which have often been observed flying out of the ground or from the depths of the seas.

Research conducted by NASA specialists together with French scientists discovered underground cities, as well as an underground extensive network of tunnels and galleries, stretching for tens and even thousands of kilometers in Altai, the Urals, the Perm region, the Tien Shan, the Sahara and South America. And these are not those ancient land cities that collapsed and over time their ruins were covered with earth and forests. These are precisely underground cities and structures, erected in a way unknown to us directly in underground rock formations.

Polish researcher Jan Paenk states that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. These tunnels are created using high technology, not known to people, and pass not only under the surface of the land, but also under the bed of seas and oceans. The tunnels are not just pierced, but as if burned out in underground rocks, and their walls are a frozen molten rock - smooth, like glass, and have an extraordinary strength. Jan Paenk met with miners who, while digging shreks, came across such tunnels. According to the Polish scientist and many other researchers, UFOs rush through these underground communications from one end of the world to the other. (Ufologists have a huge amount of evidence that UFOs fly out of the ground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels have also been discovered in Ecuador, South Australia, the USA, and New Zealand. In addition, in many parts of the world, vertical, absolutely straight (like an arrow) wells with the same melted walls have been discovered. These wells have different depths from tens to several hundred meters.

The discovered underground map of the planet, compiled 5 million years ago, confirms the existence of a high-tech civilization.

For the first time they started talking about the unknown underground people in 1946. This happened after writer, journalist and scientist Richard Shaver told readers of the American magazine “ Amazing stories", dedicated paranormal phenomena, about his contact with aliens living underground. According to Shaver, he lived for several weeks in the underground world of mutants similar to demons described in ancient legends and tales of earthlings.

One could attribute this “contact” to the writer’s wild imagination, if not for hundreds of responses from readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw various miracles of technology, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth with a comfortable existence in its very subsoil, but also giving the opportunity... to control the consciousness of earthlings!

The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Adventurers and miners are making their way deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Earth, and more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that beneath us there is a whole network of tunnels, stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the entire Earth in a network, and huge, sometimes even populated underground cities.

We also have legends in Russia about the mysterious Chud people, who escape persecution into the dungeons of the Ural Mountains.

The existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia was written in his book “The Legend of LSP” by spelestologist and researcher who studies artificial structures Pavel Miroshnichenko. The lines of global tunnels he drew on the map of the former USSR went from the Crimea and the Caucasus to the well-known Medveditskaya ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists, and researchers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

The Medveditskaya Ridge has been studied for many years by expeditions organized by the Kosmopoisk association. The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also used geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

According to the stories of old-timers, the caves are underground tunnels located parallel to each other, with a diameter, according to various sources, from 6 to 20 meters, moreover, having smooth and even walls. It was decided to begin excavation of the tunnels and snow-white flags were placed for orientation. The view from above was as follows: the flags were placed as if by a string! The cave was straight as an arrow. In nature, it is still not clear how smooth underground rivers, faults or cracks. At the very top of the mountain it was discovered that the cave expands to 35 meters, and from this large halls Three more branches go in different directions. And they lead... to UFO landing sites. Thus, it turns out that the tunnels are artificial. But who needed to build such an amazing building? Such precision would be useful if this tunnel were the runway of some underground airfield. But this version also disappears: firstly, before 1942 they did not build underground runways, and shelters for aircraft; secondly, the takeoff of the plane from the tunnel would be greatly hampered by the mountain located in the direction of the exit from the tunnel. Except that it was not airplanes that were flying in the tunnel, but devices with an even better control system than airplanes.

Sablinskie caves

It is also curious that by chance, near one of the villages, builders accidentally dug up an old burial ground, where they found the skeletons of... giants, people 2.5 m tall, who lived here, perhaps for a long time before the modern era. In the village not far from the excavations, they still remember how in former times, during plowing, human skulls “twice the size of usual” were often found in the field. And on the other side of the Medveditsa River, upstream, in the area of ​​the village of the same name, other diggers have already uncovered an ancient burial place of the Lilliputian people, whose height did not exceed 50-60 cm. The question “who was in this area?” - remains open...

A sublatitudinal tunnel stretching from Crimea to the east in the region of the Ural Mountains intersects with another one stretching from north to southeast. Therefore, along this tunnel you can hear stories about “wonderful people” who at the beginning of the last century came out to local residents. “Divya people,” as told in epics common in the Urals, “live in Ural mountains, the exits are in the caves. The culture around them is great. The “Wonderful People” are small in stature, very beautiful, and also have a pleasant voice, only a select few can hear them... An old man from the “Wonderful People” comes to the square and predicts what exactly will happen. An unworthy person hears nothing, and also does not observe anything, but the men in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks are now hiding.”

In South America there is amazing caves, connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chinkanas. Legends of the Hopi Indians say that snake people live in their depths. These caves are practically unexplored. By order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. Dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the Chinkanas. Some tried to penetrate the dark depths out of curiosity, others - out of thirst for profit: according to legend, the treasures of the Incas were hidden in the chincanas. Only a few managed to escape from the terrible caves. But these “lucky ones” were forever damaged in their minds. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, one can understand that they met strange creatures in the depths of the earth. These inhabitants of the underworld were both human and snake-like.

There are pictures of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, based on a thorough analysis of the stories of American speleologists, claims that in the mountains of California there are direct underground passages that lead to the state of New Mexico.

Once upon a time, the American military also had to study mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground mine was produced at a test site in Nevada nuclear explosion. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2000 kilometers away from the explosion site, a radiation level was recorded that was 20 times higher than normal. A study by geologists has shown that near the Canadian base there is an underground cavity that connects to a huge cave system that spans the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underground world of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, the “initiate” can travel to the center of the planet and meet representatives of the ancient underground civilization. But not only wise creatures who give advice to the “initiates” live in the underworld of India. Ancient Indian legends tell of the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas, hidden in the depths of the mountains. It is inhabited by Nanas - snake people who store countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded, like snakes, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot warm themselves and steal warmth, physical and mental, from other living beings.

Very interesting certificate of visit mysterious tunnels left famous traveler and dedicated Georgy Sidorov in his book “ The Radiance of the Highest Gods and the Crames»:

“Having had breakfast quickly, we harnessed the reindeer and, jumping on the sled, rushed down the gentle slope. About thirty minutes later it was completely dawn, and I saw a chain of low hills approaching us.

“Here we are at our goal,” Cheldon pointed to the hills with his roller. A little more and we’ll release the deer.

This meant that we would not be here for a day or two, but much longer. Having traveled three or four kilometers, Svetozar stopped the sleigh and, nodding at a boulder sticking out of the snow, said:

You see, if there are such outcrops on the slopes of the hills, remember the shape of the boulder, this is very important, it means the entrance to the underworld is nearby. Look, there is practically only one boulder. Other stones stand at a distance of two hundred or more steps from it. This is also a sign,” Cheldon pointed with his hand at the stones lying in the distance. - Let’s untie the deer, while I dig up the slab covering the entrance to the well.

When I returned, the entrance to the underworld was already open. A flat stone slab, resembling a large shield, was moved aside and gray basalt steps were visible under it.

Welcome! - the keeper pointed at them. - Only I'm the first. And you follow me.

What about the light! - I asked.

This is what I have! - Cheldon pulled out a flashlight from his bosom. “And then you’ll have to walk about five hundred meters without light, no more.” Then everything is illuminated.

I didn’t ask who, I just silently followed Svetozar.

The guardian with a backpack on his shoulders walked ahead and illuminated the road with his flashlight. I, keeping pace, followed him, trail by trail. The steps climbed steeply down, and there was such an oppressive silence around that it seemed that we could hear the beating of our hearts.

Taking my eyes off the steps for a second, I looked at the walls of the tunnel. And he was amazed: they were covered with something smooth and shiny, like glass.

What is this? - I touched the strange substance with my hand.

Obsidian,” Svetozar turned to me. - Once upon a time, a gallery was burned with a laser. Do you see the walls? They are round. This is what remains of the melted basalt. A glass-like substance.

When we walked another couple of hundred steps, a faint light appeared ahead.

See! - the keeper showed. - This is a gallery or a cross-cut. It is fully lit.

How?! - I couldn’t stand it.

You’ll see soon, Svetozar looked at me mysteriously. - Just please, don’t be surprised by anything. A fairy tale has begun for you. And now you - fairy tale hero.

When we entered the gallery, I saw on its ceiling a glass lamp elongated like a drop, in which something was shining dazzlingly. The lamp was suspended from the ceiling, located approximately at a height of three and a half meters. Behind this strange lamp, at a distance of ten steps, another similar lantern shone, followed by a second, then a third, a fourth, and so on - throughout the cross-cut. Thanks to these amazing lamps, the gallery was completely illuminated. Opening my mouth, I looked at the stunning picture and could not understand where I was.

Why aren't there wires going to the lights? - I pointed to the ceiling to Svetozar.

What for? - the sorcerer smiled. - Plasma glows in them. Energy comes from the ether, it is visible and invisible all around!

How does she act? No instruments visible!

And you won’t see it, because the whole structure is field. From the highest dimension, the energy of the ether flows into ours. Hence the bright glow.

“Anyway, it’s a mystery to me,” I said.

You'll figure it out over time. I also rolled my eyes at first. Let's go, let's go and go!

And we walked side by side along the smooth floor of the gallery. After ten minutes I felt that I was not only warmed up, but I felt hot.

What, are you afraid of getting fried? - Svetozar looked at my heated face. “It’s too hot for me too, so I suggest taking off your outerwear here and walking lightly.”

With these words, the sorcerer untied the ties of his fur coat and laid it on the floor. Looking at him, I did the same.

It's actually warm here! - I raised my palm. - Maybe the lanterns are heating?

We just went downhill. This is the natural warmth of our mother Earth. Let's go, they're already waiting for us! It's not good to be late! - Svetozar urged me.

Who? - I rolled my eyes at him. - Isn’t it the Minotaur? This is just the place for him!

Minotaur! Ha ha ha! - the sorcerer laughed. - Do you hear, Dadonych, they called you the Minotaur!

At that moment, someone dressed all in white literally came out of the wall. At the sight of him I recoiled. Cherdyntsev’s eyes were looking straight at me.

“I told you that we would meet soon,” he put his sinewy hand on my shoulder. And you doubted...

But how? - I was perplexed. - Is that possible?!

As you see! - Svetozar pointed to Dadonych. “I told you that our grandfather had a stupa hidden in the snow near his hut.

Don't invent something incredible! - the old man interrupted Cheldon. - No stupa. There's just a lot you don't know, my friend. But this is a fixable matter. In about two hundred years, or maybe earlier, you will learn my tricks.

In two hundred?! - My legs gave way.

What don't you like? This is a normal period.

No matter where you throw it, everything is nonsense! Everything is easy! And in fact? There's a whole time gap here!

“I don’t understand you,” Dadonych took a step away from me. - Don’t you want to live?

Or maybe two hundred years is not enough for you? - Svetozar supported his friend.

And I want to live, and I don’t mind telephoning for a couple of hundred years. I just can't wrap my head around your tricks!

Hearing my last word, Cherdyntsev frowned.

That's what, you say, but don't talk! We are not from the circus! There are two guardians in front of you, stupid! On knees! - Dadonych suddenly shouted. - Now on your knees! Otherwise I will turn you into a frog, and you will croak here for ten years! To meet and see us off.

Not understanding what was happening, I was involuntarily confused. Dadonych looked quite serious, but what kind of strange demand was this?

Let me kneel for him, O Great One? - Svetozar said, lowering his eyes and folding his hands on his chest. - Is he so wild and dark that he won’t understand who he’s dealing with?

And then the stand began to fall.

Look at his face! - Cherdyntsev suddenly pointed at me. - He actually believed my demand! Ha ha ha! - again echoed through the gallery.

This time I crumpled too.

Well, we were joking - that's enough! - Cherdyntsev looked at us, calming down. - I hope you showed Beloslav the ruins?

They were even on the nearby pyramid. On the sloping slope where the observatory once stood,” Cheldon smiled.

Well done! Now it's time to show our future assistant something else. Let's go!

And the old man walked briskly along the gallery. A few minutes later, having passed a lot of intersections, he led us to a massive bronze door.

Open up! - the old man pointed to the closed doors to Svetozar.

Svetozar extended his hand, and the door began to slowly swing open. When it opened, we entered a gigantic hall illuminated by huge lamps.

What is this? - I didn’t understand. -Where are we?

Look carefully, young man,” Dadonych pointed to the floor of the hall.

And then I was dumbfounded. In front of me, cut out of various kinds of minerals and rocks, lay a gigantic map of the earth's landmass. There were oceans and seas on it! It was all! At the sight of such beauty, I grabbed my head. Consciousness refused to believe.”

This review cannot cover the entirety of the topic. I hope it will serve as an inspiration for new seekers.