An unusual place story. The most interesting places on the planet. In search of the paranormal

Many people think that since modern technologies have allowed us to begin exploring the Moon and Mars, launching spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, then there are no longer any secret and unexplored corners on Earth. In fact, this is completely true.

But today there are quite a lot of areas on the globe that remain, for one reason or another, little studied, where a person’s foot has stepped at most a couple of times. We have collected 10 of the most unexplored corners and places of our planet.

1. Northern Columbia Mountains

Multi-tiered mountain ranges with a system of caves, picturesque areas and dense vegetation are unlikely to be suitable for your solitude, since they serve for the solitude of other people - namely Colombian drug dealers. Having captured this completely unexplored territory, they keep it in complete submission, thanks to the fact that the mountains are very difficult to storm, and the lush year-round green vegetation provides excellent cover.

However, dedicated scientists, who conduct scientific expeditions there at their own risk, talk about new unique discoveries in the animal and plant world, especially in isolated intermountain valleys.

2. Angel Falls

Also known as Kerepakupai vena, meaning "Waterfall" deepest place" This is the tallest continuous waterfall in the world. It is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, in the territory National Park Canaima. Water cascades from the top of Auyantepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepuis - its name means “mountain of the devil” in Russian.

The water falls from a staggering height of 979 m. The waterfall was named after Jimmy Angel, the US pilot who was the first to fly over this waterfall. This place remains one of the most inaccessible on Earth due to dense jungle and lack of means of transportation.

3. Papua New Guinea

An open but unexplored land that amazes with its landscapes, diversity of fauna and other natural beauties, also pleases researchers with discoveries in the human world. The whole point is that more and more new tribes and cultures are found there, most often cannibalistic, which, by the way, interfere with the exploration of this territory.

If you still decide to admire the pristine beauty of nature without smoking chimneys, admire the rivers without waste flowing into it and still go to Papua New Guinea, then remember that you will have to be extremely careful in this little-explored area - the population is unfriendly, and if help comes, it will be extremely untimely.

4. Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland has the second largest ice sheet in the world (after Antarctica), and the island is used as a testing ground for fundamental research on glaciers: glaciologists here study glacier dynamics, microbiologists study ancient life trapped in ice. However, the most significant aspect remains the study of the paleoclimatic aspects of the research, since the ice has air inclusions that can provide information about the atmosphere of the past. In total, six deep wells have been drilled in Greenland, and the least explored place is Northern region Greenland, the Lincoln Sea and other surrounding Arctic waters. Throughout their history, only a few ships have visited here, among them were our nuclear icebreakers. But this entire icy desert is gradually melting, and at current rates the shield will disappear in 2,000 years.

5. Tristan da Cunha

Temperate warm climate, rich fauna and flora, south Atlantic Ocean– what could be better than solitude and quiet old age? In addition, it is extremely difficult to get here, there is no way by air - only by sea, and only on certain days when the sea is calm and there is no danger of running into a rocky ridge.

However, there is Internet on the island, there is radio communication, so everything you need for happiness to modern man can be found there. Disadvantages - about 300 more people have chosen such a heavenly place; you will have to put up with this company, as well as the fact that you will have to produce food yourself - catch fish with homemade nets or plow on plantations like those same 300 people.

6. Amazon Rainforests

7. Tibetan plateau

To travel 20 days on foot, travel 81 days and not see a single person, do you think this is only possible on the surface of the Moon? No, this Tibetan plateau is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. With the exception of a handful of monks in certain areas, you risk running into no one here at all, even if you move permanently to a small village.

Cartographers still do not have a general map of the area, and if we talk about blank spots anywhere, then only about Tibet. The championship is held by the border mountains of Gankar Punsum; having chosen these heights, you will have to get to the nearest settlement about a month and a half without the possibility of using any transport.

8. Mariana Trench

Almost the entire bottom of the World Ocean can be called the least explored space on our planet. However, the most mysterious known point is the oceanic deep-sea trench in the west Pacific Ocean. The depression was named after its nearby Mariana Islands, and its deepest point, the Challenger Deep, is located in the southwestern part. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level. Only 3 people have visited this place: Jacques Picard and Donald Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960, and James Cameron on the bathyscaphe Deepsea Challenger in 2012. The pressure at this depth is 1,106 times the pressure at sea level, but 20 thousand microorganisms were discovered at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. Fauna collected included isopods and six species of shrimp-like amphipods. Further study of the depression, according to scientists, can tell us more about the adaptation of organisms to high pressure and, perhaps, even reveal the secret of the origin of life.

9. Cape York Peninsula

The natural reserve on the northern peninsula of Australia is also famous for the fact that it is extremely difficult to reach, only by air. Large flat areas, where absolutely no one lives, are interspersed with small settlements of aborigines, who are extremely unfriendly to tourists trying to penetrate their protected area.

It is not called a reserve for nothing - only there you can meet up to 150 various types animals and plants that are found on Earth only in Cape York and nowhere else. Beautiful hilly landscapes and ocean bays still attract extreme tourists, who say that traveling to Cape York is very expensive due to the absolutely undeveloped infrastructure of this part of the mainland.

10. Naica Crystal Cave

This is a giant cave of natural crystals, including some of the largest ever found. It is located adjacent to the city of Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The cave was discovered by miners during excavations of a new tunnel in 2000. It has the shape of a horseshoe. Temperatures reach up to 58 °C (136 °F) and humidity ranges from 90 to 99 percent. Without proper protective equipment, people can only stay inside for about ten minutes due to the high temperature. It is noteworthy that access to the cave is provided through the pumping activities of the mining company. If it stops, the cave will again plunge under water.

July 2, 2016

We bring to your attention ten fantastic places on planet Earth that will amaze you with their unique, perhaps one might even say unearthly, beauty. Everyone should definitely visit these mysterious and amazing corners of the planet at least once in their life.

The most unusual places on earth

1. Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island, Chile. Easter Island or Rapa Nui is an object world heritage UNESCO and is famous mainly for its main attraction - the stone Moai statues. There is probably no more mysterious, mysterious, even mystical island in the world. The impressive monuments of Moai sculptures instill in the viewer incredible delight and unjustified fear, indescribable joy and an inexplicable feeling of anxiety. Everyone should definitely visit Easter Island and become immersed in the fascinating history of the Rapa Nui people.

2. Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon, USA.Antelope Canyon is probably the most beloved and popular tourist attraction in the United States. Antelope Canyon received its quaint name due to the color of its rocks: reddish-red hues reminiscent of the color of an antelope skin. Over the centuries, water and wind created that fantastic relief that today is impossible to stop admiring. The play of intricate shapes and graceful lines of the canyon rock walls is an extraordinary and unforgettable sight.

3. Zhangye Danxia, ​​China

Zhangye Danxia, ​​China. Zhangye Danxia is rocks, but the rocks are not simple, but colorful! Variegated rock formations were formed due to various natural anomalies. The result is truly stunning - bright rainbow colored stripes adorn the mountains. To believe in the existence of such fabulous landscapes you need to see them with your own eyes; the picture that opens is truly breathtaking.

4. Petra, Jordan

Petra, Jordan. Ancient city Petra is considered one of the wonders of the world. The city is located in the narrow Siq canyon. At one time, the city of Petra was the richest and most prosperous shopping center. Now Petra is not only architectural monument, but also a vast tourist area that attracts crowds of foreign visitors. The main advantage of Petra is the facade of the Al-Khazneh temple building, carved from a single rock. Petra makes an indelible impression; be sure to visit this amazing city.

5. Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Phi Phi Islands, Thailand. The Phi Phi Islands are truly heaven on Earth. More impressive landscape beauties cannot be found in the whole world. Beautiful beaches, clear turquoise waters and stunning cliffs covered with dense tropical greenery make this an ideal holiday destination.

Caño Cristales means crystal river in Spanish. Thanks to the various types of mosses and algae growing on the bottom, the illusion is created that the waters of the river are colored in different colors: red, blue, green, yellow and even black. Therefore, Caño Cristalis is sometimes called the river of five colors. It’s a real miracle to see such indescribable beauty with your own eyes.

The Socotra Islands are a World Heritage Site. They are quite inaccessible and suitable only for ecotourism. Restaurants, hotels and high level of service? Forget about it, because the first roads were built here just a couple of years ago. However, visiting Socotra will be the most unforgettable trip of your life if you decide to endure the discomfort. Being here is like being on another planet. Flora This land is unique: you will not see a huge number of plants growing on the island anywhere else. Such exceptional flora originated here due to the island's isolation and suitable climate.

8. Uyuni, Bolivia

Uyuni, Bolivia. Uyuni is the biggest salt lake in the world. But interesting feature The beauty of this lake lies not only in its scale. Uyuni is a solid salt marsh with a smooth mirror surface on which you can drive a car. In fact, Uyuni is a huge block of salt. The lake has high economic value for Bolivia due to the extraction of its colossal salt reserves. Here salt is used not only for food, it is even used as a building material. Therefore, travelers have the opportunity to stay in a real salt hotel.

The wonderful Kliluk Lake is located in British Columbia. The waters of the lake are rich in various minerals and when evaporated, many spots of minerals are formed on the surface, which, depending on the time of year, turn into different colors - an incredibly amazing sight. In addition to its magical view, Kliluk is also famous for its healing properties.

With progressive science, many secrets of the Earth have already been discovered. We have already reached the surface of the Moon and explored other planets. But there are still some of the most mysterious places on Earth that have yet to be explored. Here is a list of the best undiscovered places on Earth.

Unfavorable conditions and destructive natural forces make some places the least explored. On the other hand, it is protection. Because this will help preserve even a few places in their original form.

The most mysterious places on earth

The endless island of Greenland

Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is also the northernmost country in the world. 80 percent of Greenland is covered in ice. This is the exact reason why Greenland remains the least explored and least populated. By 2016, living on this big island only 56,250 people.

Some of the ice sheets on this island are 3,200 meters thick. The island also contains glaciers, deep rivers, ice, sun, hot springs and Northern lights. In case of transport, there are no roads or railway networks in Greenland, and to get through you can choose a snowmobile, boat, plane or helicopter.

Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part on Earth, located in the western Pacific Ocean. This deep, crescent-shaped trench was formed in the ocean millions of years ago. Given the depth and high pressure in the Mariana Trench, this dangerous place to explore it.

So far, there have been only two successful manned descents into the depression. The first descent was made by Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh in 1960. The second mission was carried out by famous Hollywood director James Cameroon in 2012.

The Mariana Trench is home to many rare minerals and ocean creatures. Bottom Mariana Trench contains fossils.

Unclimbed peak Kankar Punsum in Bhutan

Kankar-Punsum is the most high mountain, not passed in the world. It is located in Bhutan. Even at the most high peak, Mount Everest has already been successfully climbed by many people. But no one has ever managed to reach the top of Kankar Punsum.

In total, four expeditions took place there. In 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994 respectively. But all these expeditions were unsuccessful due to heavy snowfall and unstable conditions. in 2004, the Bhutanese government restricted mountaineering in Kankar Poonsum due to spiritual beliefs. So, the mountain became unclimbed and unknown.

Lifeless Deserts

This known fact that deserts are the least studied due to poor weather conditions. Sahara is the most big desert in the world. It covers more than 200 million square miles. The Sahara is located in Africa and is the largest and hottest desert in the world.

Deserts receive very little rainfall per year. Dramatic temperature fluctuations are also very common in deserts. The days can be quite hot. But the nights are very cold. This makes for very harsh conditions for animals, plants and humans. Although, some animals and plants can be found in deserts. Such animals are highly technologically advanced to live in harsh conditions.

Unknown Deep Caves

There are a large number of unexplored caves located throughout the world. Too difficult to explore many caves due to unbearable weather conditions and sharp rocks

Also some underwater caves in the world are unexplored, even there is no marine life due to the deadly conditions. Flooded, Yucatan Cenotes, cave networks in Mexico are the best example for this. The Crystal Caves and Snow Caves have become too dangerous for expeditions due to unprecedented changes.

Boundless Amazon, South America

With a total area of ​​2.5 million square kilometers, the Amazon contains half of the tropical forests on Earth. Rich biodiversity and availability large quantity rare species make the Amazon popular for scientific expeditions. But the mysterious Amazon is a dangerous habitat.
There is no dry season in the Amazon rainforest; it rains throughout the year. Heavy rain in the Amazon rainforest begins in February. This leads to a sharp rise in the water level in the river and severe flooding. In such conditions, transport across rivers also became too dangerous due to extreme river currents.

The Amazon is also dangerous because of deadly animals such as jaguars, rattlesnakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, poisonous frogs, piranhas, black caimans and anacondas, which can even harm humans. Additionally, lack of access to healthy food and clean water makes an expedition into the Amazon rainforest too dangerous.

Icy Antarctica

Antarctica is the coldest place on the surface of the Earth. It is a dry, cold, windy continent. The climate in Antarctica varies dramatically from -10 degrees Celsius to -30 degrees Celsius under normal conditions. The lowest recorded temperature in Antarctica is -89 degrees. This harsh climate of Antarctica itself makes for dangerous research conditions.

The maximum wind speed recorded in Antarctica was 200 mph in 1972. The ice in Antarctica is 2 miles thick. It reflects the unbearable climate conditions on the continent. Heavy snow, glaciers, crevasses and other potential hazards in Antarctica. Therefore, this place is very difficult to explore.

Let's look at the most unusual corners of our planet. We will talk about unusual landscapes that evoke admiration just by their appearance - these are real wonders of nature.

Let's start with the most unearthly part of our planet - the Dry Valleys in Antarctica. This desert is unique in that it is dry place on the ground. There has been no precipitation here for several million years. This place is closest in climate to Mars, and therefore is of particular interest to NASA. Mars rovers are tested here and large-scale research is conducted in all directions. This is the only part of Antarctica that is not covered with ice. In the valleys there is a frozen lake with extremely salty water, mysterious bacteria and organisms were discovered under the ice - this discovery served as confirmation of the theory that life exists on Mars

In second place is the island of Socotra - the landscapes of this island are unique and look more like alien ones. The island has been geographically isolated from Africa for 6 million years and is home to many extremely rare species of flora and fauna - a third of which are endemic and can only be found here. Despite the hot and dry climate, many amazing and beautiful plants grow here, many of which are about 20 million years old.

Next on the list of “The most unusual places on Earth” is the Rio Tinto quarry in Andalusia, Spain. The huge quarries of Rio Tinto create a surreal, lunar-like landscape. The quarries are named after the river of the same name, which flows here and washes minerals out of huge craters. Mining has been carried out here for many centuries, so the river is painted a bright red-orange color, its acidity and saturation with metals is simply off scale. Currently, mining in this region has ceased, and Rio Tinto attracts crowds of tourists and photographers to Andalusia.

Let's move on, I still have something to surprise you with :) I bet that you have never heard of Spotted Lake, much less seen such stunning landscapes. The lake is located in British Columbia, Canada. Depending on weather conditions and the time of year, the lake crystallizes and turns a certain color. Many “spots” – circles of minerals – form on the lake. This is the world's largest concentration of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt), calcium and sodium, as well as silver and titanium. This place is sacred to the indigenous Indians of Canada, and is famous for its medicinal properties- for this he was given the name Kliluk.

Another unusual landscape is the world's largest salt lake, the Salar de Uyuni. This is a beautiful area with a huge salt desert, active volcanoes, large islands cacti and geysers. You can ride on the surface of the lake in a jeep and admire the unusual, sometimes unearthly beauty of this place. The Uyuni salt marsh is clearly visible from space and is one of the points for satellite calibration.

There is another unusual place in Brazil - Vale da Lua, which means Valley of the Moon. It is a water-washed rock formation with natural swimming pools. Vale da Lua is located in the Brazilian Chapada forest and is one of the oldest rock formations on the planet consisting of quartz and crystals.

There are also unusual places in Japan. This Blood Pond, one of famous springs Beppu. There are nine unusual geyser springs in this city, but the most famous among them is the Bloody Pond with hot water bright red color. This color is due to the high iron content in the water. This pond is also the most photogenic among all the sources.

In eighth place on our list stone forest Shilin in China is a stunning example of karst topography. The rocks are made of limestone and were formed by water, which destroyed everything except these tree-like pillars. Since the Ming Dynasty, Shilin Stone Forest has been known as the “First Wonder of the World.”

Another miracle of nature is the Richat Structure in Mauritania. It is also called the Eye of the Sahara. Richat is about 30 miles in diameter and is visible from space. The formation was originally thought to be the result of a meteorite impact, but modern geologists believe that the Richat structure is the result of erosion. The reason for its round shape is still a mystery that scientists around the world are struggling with.

The famous gate to Hell - Darvaz in Turkmenistan, was also included in the list. This place frightens with its power, thousands of tons of lava and heat emanating from the bowels of the Earth. There is a burning crater in the middle of the Karakum desert, its diameter is 60 meters and its depth is 20 meters. At its core, Darvaz is a gas well, and the history of its discovery is quite interesting. Researchers drilled a well here to extract gas, but as a result this huge abyss opened, the gas had to be set on fire so that no one would be poisoned.

Closing the list of the most unusual places on the ground are the ice caves of Eisreisenwelt. These caves are different from any other caves because of their icy strangeness. Once you get here you feel like you're somewhere else fairy tale world. There are many in the world ice caves, but the Eisreisenwelt caves are the largest among them. Their total length is 40 kilometers, and only a small part is open to the public. But even this is enough for thousands of tourists every day to admire the grandeur and unusualness of this place.


Artyom Luchko

Most people tend to think that if modern technology has allowed us to begin exploring the Moon and Mars, sending spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, then there is nothing special to study on Earth. In fact, this is not entirely true. There are still quite a lot of areas on the globe today that remain poorly understood for one reason or another.


Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world (only 2.3 million people live on an area of ​​824 thousand square kilometers). It is located in the south of the African continent and gets its name from the Namib Desert, which is home to a quarter of all cheetahs in the world. (there are about 2.5 thousand of them). The desert land is known for its giant dunes, ancient rock art, meteorite craters and waterfalls, Namibia's landscape is one of the most pristine in Africa. This place is an ideal haven for poachers, so the country’s constitution spells out a program to protect the unique nature reserve, which includes many thousands of kilometers of unexplored desert (including the famous Kalahari).

Greenland ice sheet

Greenland has the world's second largest ice sheet (after Antarctic), and the island is used as a testing ground for fundamental research on glaciers: glaciologists here study the dynamics of the glacier, microbiologists study ancient life trapped in ice. However, the most significant aspect remains the study of the paleoclimatic aspects of the research, since the ice has air inclusions that can provide information about the atmosphere of the past. A total of six deep wells have been drilled in Greenland, and the least explored place is the Northern edge of Greenland, the Lincoln Sea and other surrounding ice-covered waters. Throughout their history, only a few ships have visited here, among them were our nuclear icebreakers. But this entire icy desert is gradually melting, and at current rates the shield will disappear in 2,000 years.

Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha is an archipelago of four islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena. Along with Easter Island and the Pitcairn Islands, it is one of the most remote inhabited places on Earth. To the nearest shore of the mainland - that is, to South Africa - the distance is 2,816 km, and to South America- as much as 3,360 km. There are no mammals on the islands (except for seals on the shore and mice brought by humans), reptiles, butterflies, but many endemic plants. The main asset of the island is the smallest flightless bird on Earth - the “Inaccessible Island Shepherd” or “Tristan Shepherd”. According to the 2008 census, the population of the largest island, Tristan da Cunha, is 264 people. Three other islands - Gough, Nightingale and Impregnable - are nature reserves.

Mariana Trench

Almost the entire bottom of the World Ocean can be called the least explored space on our planet. However, the most mysterious known point is the oceanic deep-sea trench in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression is named after the nearby Mariana Islands, and its deepest point, “Challenger Deep,” is located in the southwestern part. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level. Only 3 people have visited this place: Jacques Picard and Donald Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960, and James Cameron on the bathyscaphe Deepsea Challenger in 2012. The pressure at this depth is 1,106 times the pressure at sea level, but 20 thousand microorganisms were discovered at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. Fauna collected included isopods and six species of shrimp-like amphipods. Further study of the depression, according to scientists, can tell us more about the adaptation of organisms to high pressure and, perhaps, even reveal the secret of the origin of life.


The continent of Antarctica, covered with a thick layer of ice, is also one of the most poorly studied parts of our planet. Research is hampered by the harsh climate, but in the future, with warming, its development is quite possible. There are many abandoned settlements, military and whaling bases in Antarctica and the surrounding islands. Currently, there is no permanent population in Antarctica, but there are about 45 year-round scientific stations, where, depending on the season, live from 1 thousand people in winter and up to 4 thousand people in summer. Studying the ice sheet, which records hundreds of thousands of years of climate and atmospheric composition, sheds light on the Earth's past and future. The least explored part of the continent adjoins the Weddell Sea (West Antarctica). Recently it turned out that there is a hidden pool the size of a small European country (area about 20 thousand square kilometers), and its depth in some places is up to two kilometers.

Gangkhar Puensum

Gangkhar Puensum is the highest unconquered peak in the world. The mountain is located on disputed territory between Bhutan and China and reaches a height of 7570 meters. The mountain was first described in 1922, but the first attempts to conquer it began only after 1983, when mountaineering was allowed in Bhutan. Four unsuccessful attempts were made in 1985 and 1986, but in 1994 Bhutan again banned climbing mountains higher than 6,000 meters out of respect for local faith, and in 2003 mountaineering was banned completely. A Japanese expedition in 1998 decided to summit the peak from the Chinese side, but in the end the climbers were only able to climb the neighboring Liankang Kangri.

Amazon rain forests

Northern Andes

It's hard to say how well the northern Colombian Andes region has been explored because guerrillas and drug lords don't keep official records. This area is known for hiding criminals of all kinds. After all, unexplored mountain ranges, covered with forests and shrouded in fog, are best suited for this. Most of the civilians in the surrounding areas are local tribes. Every time in northern mountains A scientific expedition is sent to Colombia; it discovers previously unknown plants and animals there. In 2006 it was discovered new look birds were the Yariga Atlapete, and in 2010 a new subspecies of the bird, the Lachrymose Mountain-Tanager, was discovered.

Jungle of New Guinea

New Guinea - the last of the little-studied large islands. More than a thousand different ethnic groups and hundreds of different tribes live here, some of which are completely isolated from influence modern world. On the slopes of the Foggia Mountains in western New Guinea in 2005, a group of American researchers discovered a place they called the “Garden of Eden.” An area of ​​about 300 thousand hectares was isolated from the influence of the outside world, and more than 20 previously unknown species of frogs, several species of butterflies, tree kangaroos, and six-feathered birds of paradise were discovered there. (which were previously thought to be extinct), as well as species of palm trees unknown to science and many other plants. At the same time, many animals were not afraid of humans and even allowed scientists to take control of themselves.

Northeastern Siberia

The northeastern part of Siberia, located northeast of the Lena River, is known for its harsh nature and climate. The winters here are long, with severe frosts, and the summers are very, very cool. It is here that the “pole of cold” is located - Oymyakon. North-Eastern Siberia has a complex topography of folded-block areas and ridges. Permafrost is also common in the area. Farming in this region in open ground is impossible, and development natural resources difficult due to climatic conditions, remoteness of the area, lack of a wide network transport routes (first of all railways) . This territory is the most sparsely populated part of Eurasia, and most of the human presence here is associated with the constant search for minerals.