Salt lake in Crimea how to get there. Salt lakes of Crimea. When is the best time to come to the lake?



There are few lakes in Crimea, but those that exist are so diverse that a trip through them will be remembered for a long time. You can plan a vacation format to suit every taste: fishing and barbecue near an artificial lake, swimming in a flooded quarry or a photo trip to azure mountain lakes, or perhaps a visit to healing salt lakes or reservoirs where swans nest.


This lake is located between Alushta and Sudak, near the village of Zelenogorye. From the name of the village it is clear that the area is surrounded by mountains, which are reflected in the surface of the lake. Early spring It’s especially picturesque here thanks to the lush grass around. This lake is located at an altitude of 290 meters above sea level. Nearby is the complex of Arpat waterfalls, formed by a river flowing into the lake. You can swim in this lake, which is often done local residents, since the water here heats up faster than in the sea.

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This lake is one of the first impressive sights that tourists encounter when entering Crimea through Kerch. The lake is located on the territory of Opukskiy national reserve and connected to the sea. This salt lake is filled with water of a unique pink color. In summer, however, the lake dries up, leaving whitish icebergs of salt along the shores. weird shape. The lake was formed in the crater of an extinct mud volcano, and the color of the water is due to the growth of algae and crustaceans. In spring, the lake is most picturesque - full-flowing, less aggressive for environment it attracts migratory birds and is surrounded by lush grass, which in summer will be scorched by the sun and salt crystals. In summer, the lake is almost 20 times saltier than the Black Sea.

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Landmark, Lake/Pond

This salt lake is located between Evpatoria and Saki. It is divided into two areas, a saltier one with healing mud and a fresher one in the north; there are usually a lot of swans and ducks, which families with children come to feed. There’s even a gazebo built here, from which you can take pictures of the swans and yourself against their background. However, this fresher area carries a threat - it can flood the southern salty area, and then the unique natural formation will disappear. Previously, salt was extracted from this lake, which was sold all over the world. Now the Solprom enterprise attracts only those who like to travel to abandoned places: the equipment is rusty, the narrow-gauge railway is covered with sand, the salt pools are unkempt.

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This lake is famous for its healing properties, thanks to which Evpatoria acquired the status of a balneological resort. On the banks of Moinaki there are many sanatoriums for the rehabilitation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The water of this lake has a truly unique composition of salts and minerals, and at the bottom there are deposits of healing mud and silt. In the summer you can find groups of people covering themselves with this black-green mud, but it is worth remembering that it is better to consult a doctor before such procedures. The smell that can be alarming when you are near a lake is caused by the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water. There are especially beautiful sunsets over the lake.

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This deepest lake in Crimea even served as a base for the Black Sea Fleet. Its waters mix with the waters of the Black Sea and form very picturesque estuaries. Now this lake is even classified as a man-made bay, since when the naval base was built here in 1961, the isthmus was dug up, and the waters of the Black Sea connected with the water of the lake. It is considered the most picturesque to drive here along the Belyaus spit, then you will find yourself on an absolutely deserted thin strip of beach between the lake and the sea.

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This lake is located in the village of Zaprudnoye, between Yalta and Alushta. The name Jubilee has long been forgotten because of the beautiful color of this mountain lake, and it is located at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level. The lake is fed by underground springs, so the water here is always clean and cool. Around the forest and high mountains, so there is almost no wind here, and in summer it is not so hot. Near the lake there is a tourist parking lot and places for recreation.

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In Crimea there is another lake with turquoise water, but it is usually called marble or Martian. Marble - in honor of the legend of a flooded quarry, during work on which an underground source was damaged, and water filled the entire volume of limestone rock damaged during mining. Martian - for the unusualness of the landscape and the color of the water, which together create a picture of truly extraterrestrial beauty: loose white limestone shores, on which there is practically no vegetation, and bright turquoise water in a reservoir of almost regular rectangular shape. This lake is really worth seeing, but it is not recommended to swim in it - there is absolutely no infrastructure for this, and it is deep - to the bottom of 16 meters.

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This is an artificial lake - favorite place rest for fishermen. Several species of freshwater fish have been released into the lake, and there are comfortable picnic pavilions and bridges for fishing around it. Near the lake there is a unique rock called Red Stone, around which the vineyards of Massandra stretch. The landscapes and views of this lake are peaceful and relaxing. However, there is an entrance fee here, as this is the territory of a private fishing club.

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This lake was made famous by political bikers from the Night Wolves group, who for several years in a row organize a motorcycle rally here in August with a concert and show program. The lake was created as a reservoir, later fish were put in there, and now fishing and even organized holiday with tents. In the background by the lake is an abandoned quarry building, which adds to the atmosphere of the place.

Why is Koyashkoe (Opukskoe) lake in Crimea called “pink”? Does it actually turn pink and when does this happen? Excursion route to Lake Koyashskoe.

Koyash Lake is located on the territory of the Opuk Nature Reserve on Kerch Peninsula, somewhere between (about 60 km) and (about 100 km). At first glance, it is unremarkable: some four kilometers in length, no more than two in width, depth - a maximum of a meter. But its fame miraculously spread throughout Russia: few have seen, but everyone has heard that there is a unique “pink lake” in Crimea. So bright that you can see it from an airplane.

Is this really so, and is Lake Koyashskoye worth it to get to the Opuksky Nature Reserve through off-road conditions and drought? We'll figure it out.

How Photoshop deceived a KP correspondent

I’ve been meaning to write about Lake Koyashskoe for a long time, but I put it off: the site already has an article about it. And it seemed that it was quite enough.

What prompted me to this matter was a wonderful review about a vacation in Crimea from Komsomolskaya Pravda. It’s an ordinary matter, only lazy people don’t write nasty things about Crimea at the height of the season - the topic is already very hot. It is enough to buy a ticket to one of the run-down sanatoriums in Saki, and then have a long and figurative indignation about why in the west of Crimea it is not as beautiful and well-groomed as on the South Coast. Cypresses, magnolias and palm trees do not grow. This is a mess, don't you agree?

But the description of the excursion to Lake Koyash impressed even me, who had read a lot about the Crimean “empty beaches” and the lack of running water in the taps:

It turns out that the Koyashskoye “pink” lake in Crimea is entirely fictitious, a fake.

Red-pink algae on the shore of the lake / Photobank Lori

“The photos on the Internet are fantastic: the lake is pink, like a flamingo, and across the narrow isthmus of lime-green land from it is the turquoise sea. Another shot: rotting tree trunks protrude from bright crimson water, and on them are ugly growths of salt, like monstrous mushrooms. Third: hands full of pink salt..."

This is how almost all tourists imagine Koyash Lake, as Komsomolskaya Pravda special correspondent Ulyana Skoybeda describes it.

Only they, unlike the journalist, for some reason know: in order to catch a body of water in a bright pink color, you need to come to these parts at a certain time.

Otherwise the output will be something like this:

“Koyash Lake... is not pink. It is gray, the dried salt around the perimeter is gray-white, the steppe is also gray. There are no salt “mushrooms”. The only thing that is crimson here is the small vegetation along the shallows... but this, to put it mildly, is far from what Photoshop promises. All the “beauty” smells like rotten cabbage and sulfur ointment for scabies.”

Is Lake Koyash really turning pink?

Of course, it turns pink. Photos on the Internet may add contrast and “tighten up” the colors, but not so much that gray water is passed off as bright fuchsia. And there is also pink salt on the shores of Lake Koyash, no worse than the Himalayan salt.

For example, like this - not without Photoshop, but realistically:

Koyash lake and salt crystals in Crimea

So why does this one turn pink but not everyone sees it? There are two reasons why water takes on a tint:

  • Dunaliella salina algae- developed at the bottom, thanks to volcanic origin reservoir During the period of active flowering (late April, May, early June), Dunaliella salina produces the substance beta-carotene. This is what turns the water and salt crystals pink. Blooming "dunaliella" not only blooms, but also spreads the smell of violets around.
  • Artemia colonies- another inhabitant of Koyash Lake, improving the hue of the reservoir. Without a magical algae bloom, he wouldn't be able to cope alone. But as a “dietary supplement” it also does its job well and sometimes colors the water at the most unexpected times (for example, in August).

When to go on an excursion to Pink Lake

I repeat again - from mid or late April to early June every year. The algae "dunaliella salina" blooms at about the same time as all self-respecting spring flowers. The Nikitsky Garden alternately delights guests with festivals of tulips, lilacs and irises. People from all over Crimea come to the Opuksky Nature Reserve to photograph Schrenk’s tulips. And at this time the lake is already pink.

April 2019: Koyash Lake is already turning pink

At the same time, Shrenk's tulips bloom on Opuka

May 2019: even pinker / Photobank Lori

On May holidays Many excursions to Opuk are organized from, Simferopol and, of course, Kerch. This best time, so that you can wander around the reserve without the sweltering heat, and catch the rich color of pink Koyash Lake.

The worst time to travel is midsummer.

Since the lake is shallow (1 m deep), by July it is already dry under the scorching sun, and the steppe winds carry salt throughout the surrounding area. By the way, this is why the land around the reservoir is unsuitable for cultivation. And local residents, in turn, consider the end of June, July and August unsuitable for traveling to Lake Koyashskoye.

In September, when the air temperature returns to human levels, excursions resume. But the pink color of the reservoir can no longer be seen: all that remains is to enjoy the reserve, the Cimmerian settlement and the Ship Rocks.

But what will happen to Lake Opuk (Koyash) in October:

Koyash Lake - how to get there

They say that Koyashskoye Lake is “very conveniently located on the Kerch Peninsula.” To be honest, it is difficult to find a more godforsaken place in Crimea. The village closest to the reserve is Maryevka. There are more Borisovka And Yakovenkovo, but that won't help much. It’s still better to focus on Maryevka - the barrier of the Opuksky Nature Reserve is closer to it. From the Kerch bus station you can get to commuter bus No. 78, travel time is just over an hour and a half.

What’s worse is that there are only three flights a day: the earliest at 4:45, and then only at 13:00 and 16:40, when it’s already too late to get to Lake Koyashskoye.

I recommend everyone else to either go with organized excursion(no one will let you walk around the reserve on your own anyway) or. This entertainment will cost from 2100 rubles/day. You will only need a license and at least three years of driving experience. For a company of 3-4 people, this is a reasonable choice.

How to dress and what to take to the lake

The most important thing is to wear comfortable shoes (you will have to walk through the territory of the reserve or along the sea for at least 6 km) and hats (the sun is especially merciless there, getting a sunstroke is a matter of half an hour). This is a serious matter, don't joke about it.

If you dream of thoroughly running along the bottom of the lake and doing beautiful photos, you will also need replacement rubber shoes. Something like special slippers, which are sold in, will do to protect against sea ​​urchins. Well, or slates with thick soles that fit tightly on the foot. Otherwise, the salt of Lake Koyash will simply corrode your sneakers, and you will have nothing to go back to.

You'll still need some stock drinking water and a light snack in your backpacks. There will be nowhere to buy either one or the other, but you will soon want to eat and drink (especially drink!).

If you are driving, take beach and swimwear. There is an opinion that the most beautiful photos of Lake Koyash are taken at sunset. Therefore, the trip route can be drawn up as follows: arrive at the place around 12-00, take a walk, look, evaluate the color of the water, and then go to the beach. The coast there is fabulous, almost deserted. Well, the Ship Rocks, of course, are one of the attractions.

Return closer to sunset and, if everything goes well, take the best pictures. However, in this case, you will have to organize an overnight stay in the vicinity of Pink Lake.

Where to stay in Maryevka/Yakovenkovo ​​2019

For those traveling from afar, it is advantageous to stay overnight in the area of ​​Lake Koyashskoye in order to devote the whole day to excursions and give the driver a rest. In both Maryevka and Yakovenkovo, of all the offers - only private sector on the spot. If anything, Yakovenkovo ​​is more interesting, because the sea is closer and the view is more beautiful.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Koyash salt lake - nature reserve Opuk

Among the various attractions of Crimea, they are in great demand natural places. Among such objects is the pink lake, which has another name - Koyashskoe. This place is considered beautiful at the time of sunset or dawn, when couples in love try to visit this place and make a wish. There is one that says: once having been here, couples in love will live together forever, without knowing any problems or hassles.

The lake is not too deep. Its maximum depth is one meter. Its length is 4 kilometers and its width is 2 kilometers. The small pink lake attracts many tourists who rejoice at the sight of such a unique area.

Where is the pink (Koyashskoe) lake located?

The location of the lake is convenient for visiting. It is located in the eastern part of the peninsula between Feodosia and Kerch, in the Opuksky Nature Reserve. This is where another name comes from – Opukskoye. In its beauty this is the most unique place in Crimea.

Reasons for the formation of the lake

There are several reasons for the formation of this natural reservoir. One of them may be a mud volcano, which consisted of algae. Denaliella Salina algae causes the water to turn pink. The lake has a pleasant aroma due to the violet scent emitted by the algae. If you look at the reservoir from afar, you might think that it is part of the sea. In fact, this was the case before. However, in recent years, due to the surf, a separate lake has formed, which acquires a pink color.

Properties of Koyashskoye Lake in Crimea

Pink Lake is considered a source of brine and mud, which has healing properties. At the bottom of the reservoir there is mud, which is taken for treatment in sanatoriums. It contains highly sulfide deposits, which have a positive effect on the body during the treatment of various diseases. Medical professionals claim that lake mud is useful for joint diseases, skin diseases or during heart treatment. Large reserves of lake mud make it possible to treat thousands of vacationers every year.

When is the best time to visit Koyash Lake

Koyashkoe Lake changes its color all year round. Because of this, tourists who want to see it may not adjust to the time of year or certain days of the month. However, you should know that the flowering of the reservoir and its pink coloring occurs in the summer, specifically in early June. It can be almost reddish in color. During this time period the lake really lives up to its name due to the maximum algae bloom.

Due to its shallow depth in the summer, the lake can dry out, forming small islands. If tourists want to enjoy the beauty of this object, then it is best to order a helicopter service and look at it from above. Sometimes couples in love order balloon and soar over the lake, enjoying its beauty.

In summer, when the water dries out, salt is formed. The lake area is covered with white fine salt, which is unsuitable for cooking, but is used to treat various diseases.

How to get to Koyash Lake

It is most convenient to go to Lake Koyashskoe from Kerch. In this case, you need to get to settlement, which is called Maryevka. It’s not difficult to get through Simferopol to the village of Lenino, and then focus on the village of Maryevka. From this village you need to walk about 6 km towards Mount Opuk. Next to this mountain there is a pink lake.

Cost of visiting the reservoir

You can visit the pink lake completely free of charge. To enter the territory of the Opuk Nature Reserve, you will need to pay a fee:

Adult ticket: 200 rub.
Child: 100 rub.

Walking through the protected area, you can enjoy clean fresh air and beautiful views. Also, the cost of such a trip will depend on the chosen route. When planning your route, you can additionally consider a hike to the Elken-Kaya rocks, which are located in the vicinity of Mount Opuk.

By visiting such an object, you can not only enjoy the beauty, but also take gorgeous photographs as a keepsake.

Address: Crimea, Leninsky district, Opuksky reserve


Among many unique natural phenomena, which are very difficult to find in other parts of the world. One of these places is the pink-colored Koyash Lake. People come from all over the world to see it, because it’s hard to imagine more beautiful and unusual landscapes. Hurry to see the rare beauty of nature in Crimea, especially since visiting the lake is cheap, and its mud and salt have a healing effect.

Koyashskoye Lake is located in Eastern Crimea on the Kerch Peninsula in the Opuksky Nature Reserve, for which it is also called Lake Opuksky. It has small area(only 5 km2), and its depth is 1 m, but more unusual place difficult to find in Crimea. Everyone who has been here has a question: Why is Koyash Lake pink? The fact is that in its place once upon a time there was a mud volcano in which the algae Dunaliella Salina developed. It is because of this that water and salt acquire the pink color and violet smell that distinguishes the algae.

Looking at Lake Koyashskoe, it seems that it is part of the sea - only a thin sandy isthmus separates the reservoir. Millions of years ago this was true, but under the influence of the surf a separate lake was formed. It is salty and even resembles the Dead Sea in Israel. By the way, there is another pink lake in Crimea - Sivash, not far from Yevpatoria in the west. It is also very beautiful; people often come there for therapeutic mud treatments.

When is the best time to come to the lake?

The peculiarity of this place is that its color changes throughout the year. If you are wondering when Koyashskoe Lake turns pink, you will be pleased to know that any vacationer can see this phenomenon, because the peak flowering period occurs in spring - summer. In July, the water acquires its brightest, almost red hue. However, it is difficult to recommend a specific period for visiting when Koyash Lake turns pink, because at different times of the year the water and surrounding nature are different:

  • In April and early May, the water takes on a pink tint, and meadows bloom around Lake Koyashskoe. This amazing time, which happens only a few weeks a year. The grass is green all around, wildflowers and tulips are blooming. The color of the water may not be very bright, but nature is at its most beautiful at this time.

  • In summer, Lake Koyashskoye looks completely different: the heat dries up the water, leaving only small areas with bright pink liquid. The grass dries up around, and in place of the lake, only salt remains, which the wind carries across the steppe. During this period, the landscapes here resemble a desert, but very strange. The ground is covered with white salt with a pinkish tint. When you walk along it, footprints form, as if in the snow. But be careful - there are sources of dirt under the salt. In addition, on Lake Koyashskoye you can find many crystals and even salt icebergs that take on bizarre shapes.

How to get to Koyashskoye Lake

The most convenient way to get to Pink Koyash Lake is from Kerch. If you come to Crimea through the ferry, be sure to visit it. Auto travelers will be able to do this without any problems - they just need to get to Maryevka (via Kamysh-Burshtun or Gornostaevka). You can also get there by bus from the Kerch bus station. We need route No. 78, which goes to Maryevka. Having reached the final point, walk 5-7 km towards Mount Opuk, next to which the lake is located. By the way, if you get off one stop earlier, in Yakovenko, you can walk along the shore of the Opuksky Nature Reserve, enjoying the unique nature of this place.

What a tourist needs to know

  • Lake Koyashskoye has become the abode of many rare waterfowl; only in summer do most of them leave the salt waters. If you are interested in watching them, it is better to go to the lake in spring or early autumn.
  • The salt, mud and brine of the lake are healing, so you can arrange beauty treatments on the shore of the lake.
  • Visiting the lake is not free - you will need to pay for the entrance to the Opuk Nature Reserve. In 2016, the cost was 200 rubles for adults and 100 for children.
  • There is something to see in the area of ​​​​Lake Koyash: in addition to the reserve, there are also Elken-Kaya rocks and ruins ancient city Cimmerick.

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In this post:

Lakes of Crimea - salty, fresh, mountain, forest...

Holidays in Crimea are a real holiday for me. I love the peninsula for its huge number of different attractions and the warm Black Sea. I also really like the Crimean lakes. They amaze with their beauty and healing properties. It is to the lakes that I decided to dedicate this post.

Pink (Koyashskoe, Sasyk) lake in Crimea

This is the most beautiful body of water on the entire peninsula, and maybe even in the whole world. It has an unusual pink color. At the same time, it tends to change color not only depending on the time of year, but also the time of day. Another feature of the pink lake is its healing properties. It is small and shallow, the depth is one meter. Another feature of it is its location. Previously, there was a mud volcano in this place and algae grew in it, which affected the color and smell.

This is special and one of the most large lakes peninsula. Its area is 2560 square meters, while three quarters of the territory is land. And this is the main feature of Sivash. It is similar in color to Pink Lake, but much saltier. A huge number of tourists come here every year, and not only to admire the unique, inimitable beauty. Residents appreciated the healing properties of the lake different corners countries. It perfectly removes toxins.

An amazing reservoir formed on the site of a former quarry. It was named turquoise for the striking color of the water. And if you consider that it is surrounded by relict forest, it becomes clear why the lake is so popular among tourists. The reservoir is quite deep, according to some sources the depth is about 6 – 12 meters. Another striking feature Turquoise Lake– it never freezes, even in the most severe frosts. And in summer it gives pleasant coolness to every tourist.

Saki Lake in Crimea

This lake is especially popular among tourists due to its unique mineral composition. Like other bodies of water in Crimea, it is salty. And it is advisable to take several bottles of fresh water with you so that immediately after medical procedures rinse off. Wash off the salt. As a rule, travelers come here to undergo mud therapy. The lake is located in Saki, in fact it separates resort town from the sea. The pond is large, but shallow.


Bakhchisaray (accommodation for tourists)

Simferopol (accommodation for tourists)

Emerald Lake Crimea

Already from the name it is clear why the lake attracts travelers - with its unusual and very beautiful view. The untouched nature of the reservoir, which has a unique emerald color, attracts more and more travelers every year. This place doesn't even need advertising. Anyone who has visited here at least once will definitely return again and again, inviting family and friends. Such silence, natural comfort and tranquility are difficult to find on the peninsula.

Perhaps this is one of the oldest lakes Crimean peninsula. Scientists have every reason to believe that it arose six thousand years ago. And not in a very ordinary way. In addition, since its formation the lake has changed its composition. Once upon a time it, like most such reservoirs, was salty, because it appeared from sea ​​water. But in the eighties, thanks to human intervention, a breakthrough occurred. The reservoir has partially become freshwater.

Previously, this reservoir also had healing properties. But thanks to the “efforts” of man, he lost them over time. But all the same, travelers fell in love with Lake Adzhigol. For its special appearance, incredible beauty and considerable duration coastline- about four kilometers. The reservoir, located in the vicinity of the village of Primorskoye, has an elongated, oval shape. Unfortunately, it is not worth swimming in it today. A high content of waste water was found here. Coordinates: 45°06’30.8″N 35°27’46.3″E (45.108568, 35.462867)

The most beautiful place V Opuksky Nature Reserve– Uzunlar Lake. Of course, tourists from different parts of the country come here not only to admire the unique landscapes. But also to restore lost health. Both the water and the mud of the healing reservoir provide invaluable benefits to the human body. It is located on the Kerch Peninsula. From a distance you can see an almost fantastic picture: a brown lake is separated by a sand spit from the sea. GPS coordinates: 45°03’36.4″N 36°06’42.8″E (45.060117, 36.111875)

The area of ​​the lake is more than 26 square kilometers. It is relatively shallow, about two meters. This is one of the largest bodies of water created by nature itself. IN summer months The lake is drying up, because the water in it appears solely due to precipitation. And the fewer of them, the more Aktash Lake dries up. Swimming here is not recommended, again due to human “effort”. Thanks to them, the reservoir came to a deplorable state, in environmental terms. GPS coordinates: 45°21’49.3″N 35°46’53.5″E (45.363702, 35.781521)

Oybur Lake in Crimea

This is one of the four largest estuary reservoirs of the Crimean peninsula. Oybur Lake, unlike the reservoir described above, has powerful healing properties. The positive effect of its black mud and blue clay has long been proven by scientists. People mainly come here just to solve certain health problems. The lake has a certain peculiarity - it is, as it were, divided into two basins. One of them contains dirt, and the other contains clay. And only a small sand spit separates them. Most tourists even take the clay home.

GPS coordinates: 45°16’44.2″N 33°04’18.0″E (45.294574, 33.072697)

Lake Donuzlav Crimea

This is the deepest and unique lake throughout the peninsula, but the depth increases gradually - ideal for families with children. It amazes not only with its size and depth, but also with the unique composition of flora and fauna. And also geomorphology. This zone was declared a protected area back in 1947. A reservoir of about 48 square kilometers with a depth of more than 27 meters cannot but cause admiration. Only the depth of the silt is about ten meters. Thanks to its size, more than fifty species of fish live here. The only lake with sea and spring water.

GPS coordinates: 45°20’31.3″N 33°00’34.8″E (45.342027, 33.009655)

One of the most impressive in size, but shallow lakes in Crimea. The depth is no more than two meters, this contributes to the rapid heating of the water. Main feature of a body of water is its diversity. That is, the color of the water is different in different areas. The water turns red, purple, pink or burgundy. This natural mud bath pleases us not only with its help in treating a huge number of diseases, but also with its unique beauty. Unique view.

This is one of the most charming lakes of the Crimean peninsula. For some reason, travelers call it “Maiden”. Perhaps because of its uniqueness and charm. Or maybe because it, like a girl, can be different in different seasons and weather. clear water can be soft blue or dark green. The purest air of the mountains and surrounding forests gives visitors inner strength. The best thing to do here is to spend time with your family. There are well equipped places to relax.

The mountain lake, named after the village located two kilometers away, is fed from mountain river. Which of course makes it not just unique, but also healing. Everything here brings benefits to the human body. Starting from the reservoir itself and ending with the mountain air, saturated with the aromas of herbs and trees. The color of the lake surface is especially impressive - incredibly emerald. Not every vacationer can swim in it. The water temperature is not higher than 6 degrees. GPS coordinates: 44°54’47.2″N 34°49’06.1″E (44.913108, 34.818362)

The reservoir amazes with its pristine beauty and untouched nature. The lake is surrounded by small mountain slopes with lush vegetation. Unique landscape, the calm surface of the water attracts a huge number of travelers here every year. Water from a natural source can be drunk, it is so pure. Of course, you need to boil it. Great place for fishing, family vacation and camping accommodation. Only here you are filled with peace and free from problems. 44.7640364, 34.0185899

This small lake is called by the aborigines " Emerald bead"(it does not have a name as such). It can rightfully be considered one of the most beautiful lakes in Crimea, of which, by the way, there are more than three hundred on the peninsula. The reservoir is fed from underground sources. That is why the water in it is crystal clear, but very cold. Swimming is not recommended, it may just cause a cramp. In general this perfect place for fishing and have a relaxing holiday in the lap of stunning nature. GPS coordinates: 44°25’21.7″N 34°01’38.1″E (44.422694, 34.027254)

A very beautiful estuary reservoir attracts tourists not only with its beauty, but also with its extraordinary healing properties. It is shallow, about one meter. Healing mud has been gaining its power for thousands of years. Moinak Lake is considered not only one of the most useful and beautiful, but also one of the oldest reservoirs created by Mother Nature. At one time, there were even archaeological excavations. The discovered artifacts are in the Evpatoria Museum.

Mountain lake Kastel in Crimea

Castel is located at an altitude of 515 meters above sea level. It is surrounded by mountain slopes generously covered with vegetation. The lake is fed by a spring, so the water here is crystal clear. Not far from the reservoir, there are many springs with clean drinking water. Therefore, a holiday in this particular place can be called ideal. Fishermen will undoubtedly enjoy an excellent bite, couples with children will enjoy the tranquility, unique surrounding nature. Nice place. GPS coordinates: 44°38’14.5″N 34°21’08.6″E (44.637365, 34.352382)

On the southeastern side of the famous Chatyr-Dag mountain there is one of the smallest but most charming lakes of the Crimean peninsula. This beauty is simply impossible to describe in words. The height above sea level is 850 meters, believe me, it deserves close attention. The depth of the lake is relatively small, about two meters. By the way, the lake received its name (according to legend) due to the fact that Kutuzov’s own wound was supposedly washed in these places after the battle in 1774. GPS: 44.739030, 34.336242

All lakes of Crimea on the map

I guess I’ll end my story here. I selected the best, according to tourist reviews, lakes in Crimea. There are a huge number of them on the peninsula. It is simply impossible to describe everything in one post. I hope the information was interesting and useful for you. And if you have anything to add, write in the comments. By the way, when you decide to go to one of these amazing places– take care of or rent a tent at the campsite in advance.