Beautiful places in Crimea that are worth visiting. The most beautiful places in Crimea with photos and descriptions. Tarkhankut and his Cup of Love

Today Crimea has become very popular among tourists. Perhaps this was due to joining Russia. Either way, there's a lot to see. Agree, it would be stupid to just lie on the sand near the sea for your entire vacation, when there are so many unique and interesting things around. Many compare Crimea with Greece, due to the fact that there is almost everything here, from noble estates and palaces, to wonderful large museums and galleries, but let’s talk about everything in turn. Here you will learn about them and their stories.

The most beautiful places in Crimea. top 10

So, we have selected the 10 most interesting and visited places on the Crimean peninsula. Of course, there are many more attractions here, but we’ll limit ourselves to ten. And here you can explore the resorts of Crimea.

  1. Valley of Ghosts

This place is located on the western slope of the Demerdzhi Mountains. Nature has done a wonderful job here, creating natural mountain slopes, cornices and niches. The Valley of Ghosts is of particular interest at sunset and dawn. In person it looks very interesting and beautiful.

  1. Balaclava Bay

It is located near the city of Sevastopol. Many years ago, the path for tourists here was completely closed, because... there was a submarine base here. Here you can also take a look at the oldest fortress, which is called Chembalo. A visit to Balaclava Bay will be interesting for any tourist. In principle, it is not empty today, and is visited by numerous tourists from all over the world.

  1. Cape Tarkhankut

This place attracts many divers and windsurfers. It is worth noting that this is where the cleanest water is in Crimea. There are excellent natural paintings here that you can admire for hours.

  1. New World

This place in Crimea is one of the most visited by tourists. The New World gained fame for many reasons. Here is the "Tsar's Beach". It was named so because Nicholas II loved to relax here. The shore on the beach is sandy, and the water washing it is warm and clean. It is noteworthy that you risk visiting the filming location of the films “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Amphibian Man”, as well as the famous comedy “Three Plus Two”. This place is very interesting, and over the years it has become more and more visited.

  1. Cape Meganom

This unusual place Local residents call it “Crimean Tunisia”. It received this name because it is always very hot and sunny here. Also, it is worth noting that this cape is a small separate peninsula. Despite the fact that this place is popular in Crimea, the beaches here are empty, and most of the territory is still not inhabited by people.

  1. Vorontsov Palace

This place is a kind of park where a large number of architectural monuments. Walking here is a pleasure. There are fountains all around, ducks and swans swimming in the lakes, fresh clean air. Yes, this place is very visited by tourists. It is worth remembering the chief architect of the palace, Edouard Blore. Later he took part in the design Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. The Vorontsov Palace is worth a visit to the large library. Rare historical books, documents and much more are stored here.

  1. Chersonese Tauride

This is an ancient ancient city that has survived to this day, quite well compared to others ancient cities. Here every tourist will see with his own eyes Zeno’s tower, chapel, crypts, city gates, etc. You can walk around the quarter where people lived several centuries ago. It's really very interesting here. This ancient city located in Sevastopol, namely, in Kamysheva Bay.

  1. Khan's Palace. Bakhchisaray

This palace is very remarkable and beautiful. You won't waste your time. Also here in local restaurants you can taste traditional dishes Tatar cuisine. After your meal, you can take a walk to the lavender plantations, where you will enjoy the most beautiful fields of Kazanlak roses and lavender.

  1. Koktebel

This place is very beautiful. Mostly creative people gather here - artists, poets, musicians. You can spend a lot of time admiring local natural scenes. It is also worth noting that a jazz festival takes place here every year. This is also a very interesting event.

  1. Livadia Palace

This huge palace was built a long time ago specifically for members of the royal family. Today this place attracts many tourists. The majestic building is very beautiful and unusual

These are not all the most Beautiful places Crimea. There are many of them, and it is worth choosing time for each of them. Don't forget to take your camera with you, because... There will be something for you to capture. Yes, the Crimean peninsula is very beautiful and unique. Why go abroad when we have such beauty close by?

A list of little-known but very picturesque places in Crimea. Not only tourists, but also local residents rarely get there.

Even experienced travelers will agree that our peninsula is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Guides to Crimea are full of tempting excursions to popular attractions: Mount Ai-Petri, Ayu-Dag, and others are well-known even among those people who have never visited Crimea. But not everyone knows that the peninsula is fantastically abundant beautiful places, where not only a tourist, but also a local resident has never set foot.

In this article we will tell you where to go for original photos and unusual impressions.

1. White Rock (or Ak-Kaya)

A favorite place for cinematographers. Types of Ak-Kai can be seen in such films as “The Headless Horseman”, “The Fifty-Year-Old Captain”, “The Adventure of Cipollino”. It's all about nature, which resembles the Wild West with its landscapes. Snow-white sands and a rock that rises 100 meters above the valley of the Biyuk Kara-Su River. From its top there are unique views of the city of Belogorsk. Once upon a time, the Great Silk Road passed there, and in ancient times people were thrown from the top of the mountain as a sacrifice.

Now the top of the rock can be easily reached by car. This is best done in mid-April, when wild peonies bloom.

2. Koyash Lake

Amazing a natural phenomenon and one of the most striking attractions of Crimea. So bright that it can be seen even from an airplane window. The uniqueness of the lake is that in summer it takes on a bright pink hue, and the concentration of salt in it is so high that the water resembles viscous jam. The lake is located in the Opuksky Nature Reserve, near the city of Kerch.

3. Mount Demerdzhi

Truly a fantastic place. This Mountain chain, which has spread its possessions in the vicinity of Alushta. The mystique of this place is given by the so-called foot of the mountain. A place where you can truly feel free - for this there are several places of power that experienced guides know.

4. Tarkhankut

A wild peninsula located in the western part of Crimea. A fantastic place, pleasing to the eye with its landscapes. Snow-white sand, turquoise water, rocks weird shape, grottos. It's worth going here for beautiful photographs.

5. Cave city Chufut-Kale

It’s worth walking almost 2 km uphill for a tourist to see one of the oldest fortified cities in the Bakhchisarai region spread out in front of him. Ancient ruins, beautiful views, plus mystical places and centuries-old history. Difficulty - below average.

6. Karaite cemetery Balta-Tiymez

This is one of the oldest Turkic necropolises in Europe. Equally sacred and mystical place. Many may think that a cemetery is not at all something worth visiting as part of excursion tour. But Balta-Tiymez is not so much a necropolis these days as historical monument with a centuries-old history. It preserves the memory of valiant warriors and charges visitors with incredible energy.

By a happy coincidence, it is located in the vicinity of the city of Chufut-Kale - both places can be visited in one day!

Ten most beautiful places Crimean peninsula according to guests of the peninsula. The survey was conducted on Kerch crossing, the sample included 1200 people.

The first place was taken by the most beautiful and most recognizable castle of the Crimean Peninsula - Swallow's Nest. Even people who have never been to Crimea can easily recognize this landmark. The castle was built at the beginning of the 20th century on Aurora Rock in the village of Gaspra. It was made in the neo-Gothic style, with loopholes and spiers, commissioned by the German oil industrialist Baron von Stengel.
Today the castle is one of the most visited attractions of the Crimean peninsula. Near Swallow's nest there are several observation platforms, a wishing tree, and painting exhibitions are held inside the castle itself.

The most visited place in Crimea. More than 1.5 million people visit it throughout the year. The length of the embankment is more than 1.5 kilometers. The embankment was founded at the end of the 19th century and was constantly expanded. First, it was raised several meters, then stone fences were built. The Yalta embankment combines almost all the accumulated experience of a park structure: here you can see ancient trees, rose gardens, shady alleys, palm trees, fountains, comfortable benches, landscape design and beautiful views of the sea.
One of the oldest trees on the embankment is the Sycamore, about 200 years old, 32 meters high, with a girth of 5.5 meters. The biggest admirers of the Yalta embankment were Yesenin and Chekhov. The latter, impressed by a walk along the embankment, wrote the work “Lady with a Dog.”

Vorontsov Palace located in the city of Alupka. The palace was built in the mid-19th century by order of Count Vorontsov by the English architect Edward Blore. The palace is made in different styles: from Gothic to Moorish. Each side of the palace has its own style and theme. Also on the territory of the palace there is one of best parks Crimea. Now the Vorontsov Palace operates as a museum, it conducts excursions both in the palace itself and in the courtyard.

Livadia Palace was built at the beginning of the 20th century for the Romanov imperial family, as summer residence. Nicholas II was in love with this beautiful place Crimean peninsula. The Livadia Palace is also famous for the Yalta Conference of 1945, at which Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt decided on the arrangement of the post-war world and the borders of European states. The conference marked the beginning of the United Nations.

Massandra Palace is located near Yalta, in the village of Massandra. Construction of the palace began in 1881 and was completed only in 1902. During construction, not only the architects changed, but also several rulers of the country. The palace was not destined to become inhabitable. After construction was completed, it was used several times as a country house, but they never stayed overnight, giving preference to the Livadia Palace. Massandra Palace, in addition to its amazing mountain location, has a wonderful park and a beautiful park area.

Perhaps one of the most picturesque corners of the Crimean peninsula. Balaklava is notable for its Balaklava Bay. In addition to its inner beauty, it also has very practical applications. In the harshest weather at sea, when a storm is raging and the sea level reaches 5-6 points, Balaklava Bay is practically calm. Therefore, one of the most convenient and safe anchorages for yachts and boats is located in Balaklava, and this is why the secret facility GTS 825, intended for the repair, maintenance and shelter of submarines, was located in the USSR in Balaklava. The facility was able to survive a direct hit from a nuclear warhead, and after some time release submarines for a retaliatory strike.
Balaclava is also famous Genoese fortress Chambalo, built by the Genoese in 1343 to defend the city.

The most famous mountain of Crimea. The tourist popularity of the mountain was influenced by its close location to Yalta and the construction of one of the largest cable cars in Europe. The height of the mountain is 1234 meters. The visit is usually divided into two stages up the mountain: along cable car, ascending to the Ai-Petrinsky battlements, or a walk along the Ai-Petrinsky plateau with a mandatory visit to a cafe with ethnic cuisine and a descent along the serpentine road to the Silver Gazebo and the largest waterfall in Europe, Uchan-Su.

Chufut-Kale is located 2.5 km from the city of Bakhchisarai. Cave City Chufut-Kale was inhabited even before our era. In the 6th century the city was fortified and made one of impregnable fortresses Crimean peninsula. Handicrafts are developing in the city, books are being printed and coins are being minted. In the 16th century, not far from the fortress, the city of Bakhchisarai grew with the residence of the Crimean khans in the Khan's Palace. Chufut-Kale fades into the background. In the fortress I am making a prison in which noble prisoners are kept, for whom a ransom could be obtained. After the annexation of Crimea to Russian Empire the fortress no longer contains prisoners and Chufut-Kale gradually begins to die. Today Chufut-Kale is a monument to the history of Crimea and one of the most amazing attractions of Central Crimea.

It is located in the vicinity of the city of Sevastopol and is one of the first Greek settlements on the Crimean peninsula. The first buildings in Chersonesus date back to the 5th century BC. It was Chersonesus that became the starting point for the settlement of the Crimean peninsula by the Greeks, in the east and west. Chersonesus also went down in history as the city from which the Baptism of Rus' began. It was here that Vladimir the Great was baptized and ten years later he baptized all of Rus'. Today, the Vladimir Cathedral was erected at the supposed site of baptism. Now Chersonesos operates as a museum under open air. You can walk around Chersonesus either independently or with a guide who will tell you about the life and customs of the ancient Greeks, as well as many amazing stories and legends about the arrangement of the city.

It is located on the rise to Mount Ai-Petri (St. Peter), from the side of the city of Yalta. The name of the Uchan-Su waterfall is literally translated from the Turkic language as “flying water”. The height of the waterfall is about 90 meters, and today it is the most big waterfall Europe. The peak activity of the waterfall occurs in the spring, when the snow on Mount Ai-Petri begins to melt. IN summer time The waterfall is almost dry. A visit to the waterfall is usually combined with a visit to Mount Ai-Petri.

A lot of places, which deserve a position in the list of the most beautiful sights of Crimea, were not included in the top 10, for example in the city of Sudak, and many others. Most likely this happened due to low coverage among tourists and guests of Crimea. Most of the attractions that made it to the top ten are located on, which was massively popularized in the Soviet Union.

The most beautiful places in Crimea on the map