Where to visit in Crimea in winter. Winter holidays in Crimea: immersion in a magical winter fairy tale, as well as unique landscapes. Transition from decline to prosperity

The sights of Crimea in winter are just as colorful, beautiful, and popular as in the summer, which most tourists choose for their vacation. But it is during the cold season that you will fully enjoy the beauty of the peninsula: almost all attractions are open to the public year-round, and you won’t have to stand in endless queues. You can leisurely look at everything that attracts attention and arouses interest. In addition, prices are much lower than at the height of the season. If you have already seen Summer, Autumn, and Spring Crimea, then be sure to visit the peninsula in winter and enjoy the unusual beauties of Winter Crimea.


The weather is good even in the middle of winter; the temperature rarely drops below zero. The gentle southern sun warms the air well and the day is quite warm. Winter comes in the second half of December, and spring arrives at the end of February. Temperature indicators:

  • On the South Coast the thermometer shows about +4 °C;
  • In the north of the peninsula – approximately +2 °C;
  • In the area Big Yalta the temperature may rise to +15°C.


If you have a desire to see the sights of Crimea, then first of all visit the legendary Ai-Petri. From December to March, this legendary mountain Crimea is covered with snow, it becomes a ski resort. In winter, life is bustling here, even more than in summer. There are several trails for skiers on the plateau, and there are rope tows. You can rent special equipment and ride:

  • On a snowboard;
  • On skis;
  • On a snowmobile;
  • On a sled.

There is a school on Ai-Petri where you can get training or use the services of an individual instructor.

In winter, the best way to go up is by cable car. Its length is 1670 meters.

If you decide to stay on Ai-Petri, you can rent housing in the village of Okhotniche. The cost of living is high, and the conditions leave much to be desired.

Ai-Petri is not the only place in Crimea where ski slopes. The Angarsk Pass is also famous for this, but there are no lifts there.


Magnificent, shrouded in secrets, Demerdzhi attracts vacationers with its accessibility and quaint beauty. When you find yourself in the Valley of Ghosts, you begin to understand the greatness of nature; only she could try so hard and create a bizarre forest with stone giants. Even the snow covering the ground does not hide the stone statues, but only gives them some gloom.

Mysterious caves

Numerous caves and grottoes are incredible and beautiful sights of Crimea. There are thousands of caves on the peninsula. Some of the most visited are:

  • Marble;
  • Emine-Bair-Koba;
  • Emine-Bair-Khosar;
  • Stalactite;
  • Red.

During the season, the caves are literally packed with people, so it’s hard to see everything you want. In addition, the air temperature is quite low, only +10 °C, so it is more comfortable to visit them in winter, when you are wearing warm clothes.

Marble Cave is recognized as the most beautiful and visited cave in Europe. It is located in the Chatyr-Dag mountain range. Here you can admire the amazingly beautiful crystals:

  • Stalactites;
  • Stalagmites.

In 1988, the Onyx-Tour speleological center opened there. After the completion of scientific research, routes with safe pedestrian paths and lighting are equipped.

Medieval Mangup

This unique cave city of Crimea is located at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level. Trade routes ran through it, and its location made it possible to control local population. Founded in the 6th century, Mangul was the main city of the small principality of Gothia.

Walking through this attraction, you will see many monuments, gravestones Karaite cemetery, on which inscriptions are still preserved. From majestic city What remained were caves carved into the rocks around a large plain, and the ruins of a three-story palace.

Once you reach the Outer Cape Cave, which consists of a tower with defensive structures and living quarters, you will be treated to a magnificent, unforgettable view.

Chersonese Tauride

If not in winter, you will have the opportunity to explore deserted Chersonesos. This complex is a Crimean nature reserve, which consists of:

  • The ruins of an ancient Greek metropolis, built 2.5 thousand years ago;
  • Archaeological Museum, which is more than a hundred years old.

The national reserve is a story that everyone who truly loves the peninsula should touch. Many experienced scientists work on its territory. It is in winter, when the influx of tourists is small, that you can calmly talk with archaeologists, historians, and museum experts.

Luxurious palaces

In winter, you can truly enjoy visiting ancient palaces, feel the spirit of the past and learn how aristocrats lived. You don't have to stand in lines or jostle in large groups.

Be sure to visit:

  1. Vorontsov Palace, built at the beginning of the 19th century. This monument of palace and park art belonged to Count Mikhail Vorontsov. The neo-Gothic style is amazing. The northwestern part of the palace is made in the Tudor style. Southern part with the “Lion Terrace” is a monumental staircase with six white marble lions standing in pairs. Now the palace has become a museum. In the palace and park complex Such popular films as “Sky Swallows”, “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Sappho” were shot with lakes.
  2. Livadia Palace, located near Yalta, was built at the beginning of the twentieth century. At one time it was summer residence the last Emperor of Russia Nicholas II. The snow-white building is famous for its unique setting. The famous Yalta Conference is held in the palace.
  3. is located northeast of Yalta. This romantic castle belonged to Emperor Alexander III.
  4. Swallow's Nest is a symbol of Crimea, which is displayed on souvenir products; almost every resident of the CIS recognizes its photo. A snow-white castle is built on the very edge high cliff. Sports lovers will certainly appreciate the road to the building, which consists of a huge number of steps.
  5. Bakhchisarai architectural complex, a cultural and architectural monument - Khan's Palace. It is also called the “Garden of Eden on earth”; there is also a famous fountain, glorified by A.S. Pushkin. All buildings are decorated with paintings and openwork stucco. By visiting the exhibition, you will become familiar with the ancient history of Crimea.

If time is not limited, add to this list the Lighthouse Church, where those who died at sea are commemorated, and Dulber, an oriental-style castle-sanatorium.


When listing the attractions of the peninsula, one cannot help but recall the tasting complex of the Massandra winery. In winter, you can safely walk around all the objects, taste wines, and buy the varieties that suit your taste.

Waterfalls and hot springs

The waterfalls of Crimea freeze in sub-zero temperatures and resemble huge ice sculptures, which present a stunning picture.

  • The giant Wuchang-Su is the most big waterfall peninsula, located seven kilometers from Yalta;
  • Dzhur-Dzhur is the most abundant, deep waterfall, located near Alushta;
  • In the area Grand Canyon there is a rock covered with moss, along which water flows - this is the unusual Silver Streams waterfall.

The hot thermal spring of the Arabat Strelka will help you warm up; its year-round temperature is 42 °C.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Having visited the garden in winter, you will fully experience the charms of the spring fairy tale that reigns here on the South Coast. During the cold season, the flowers of more than half of the tropical plants bloom, and those that bloom in summer or spring will delight you with rich green colors.

Yalta embankment

This is undoubtedly the most visited and famous street in Crimea; even in winter it does not suffer from a lack of attention. On sunny winter days the air warms up so much that you can walk in a T-shirt or light blouse.

Crimea in winter is great place for relaxation, if you are interested in culture, architecture, history, this is an endless source of creative ideas and a region with which you will irrevocably fall in love.

Winter Crimea is no less interesting than summer Crimea. During the cold season, you can see and appreciate a huge number of attractions on the peninsula. Having your own or rented car provides excellent opportunities for inspecting them.

So, where is the best place to go in Crimea in winter?

Yalta embankment in winter

The most crowded place in summer and the most deserted outside tourist season. In the cold season, from the Yalta embankment it’s nice to watch the waves crashing on stones and concrete or take pictures against the backdrop of palm trees covered with snow.

You can get to the shore of the most famous Crimean resort by buses No. 1, 3, 29, 122, 30, 132 or by car.

Palaces of the southern bank

It is especially pleasant to visit palaces in winter south coast Crimea - Livadia, Vorontsovsky, Yusupovsky (you can read how to get to the Yusupov Palace in Crimea), Massandrovsky. For those who want to learn more about the Massandra Palace in Yalta, it is worth reading the contents. You can visit all of them on your own. There are absolutely no queues near them and you can spend enough time contemplating the places where Russian aristocrats and tsars loved to relax, and examine ancient interiors and monuments.

Livadia Palace in Crimea in winter

You can get to the palaces by excursion buses from the Yalta bus station or by car, following the signs on Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway.


The mountainous Crimea is replete with caves and whole cave cities. The temperature does not change all year round and is + 10°C. Of greatest interest to travelers are:

Mangup-Kale- a plateau on which Tauris, Goths, Khazars, Byzantines and Tatars settled. In its caves the remains of various tools of labor and life of all these peoples were found. In winter, you can wander around them without unnecessary fuss and haste.

Mangup-Kale Cave

To get to Mangup you need to take buses and cars from Sevastopol or Yalta along highways T0105 or T0117.

Kyzyl-Koba- one of the largest karst caves Europe. Its volume is more than 200,000 m2, and its area is about 52,600 m2. A river flows in the cave, the vaults of which are “decorated” with stalactites and stalagmites.

Caves of Kyzyl-Koba

You can get to the entrance to the cave along the M18 highway, which connects Simferopol and Alushta. You need to get off the bus in the village of Perevalnoye.

Emine-Bair-Khosar- a cave discovered in 1927 and examined in the 80s of the last century. It conceals many secrets: the bones of mammoths, cave lions, rhinoceroses and other animals that lived in Crimea 1-2 million years ago. You can get to the cave on foot from the bus and trolleybus stop in the village of Perevalnoye or by car by turning from the above-mentioned settlement towards the village of Mramornoe and climbing to the top of Mount Chatyr-Dag.

Caves of Emine-Bair-Khosar

It is better to go to all caves with a guide, who will protect tourists from accidents and tell a lot of interesting things about each of the objects. There are also caves in the Baydar valley with a center


In winter, during frosts, Crimean waterfalls partially or completely freeze and present an unusually beautiful sight. 7 kilometers from Yalta is the largest waterfall of the peninsula - Wuchang-Su.

Wuchang-Su Waterfall

Its ice sculptures reach a height of 90 meters. You can get to the natural monument by bus No. 30 (stop “Waterfall”) or by car, moving along the road T0117 towards Bakhchisarai.

This is what the waterfall looks like in summer

Mount Ai-Petri

Ai-Petri is the most high point Crimea. In winter it becomes covered with snow and turns into ski resort. IN good weather Beautiful winter landscapes open from the top. You can get to the mountain by driving along the T0117 road by bus, which goes to Bakhchisarai or by car. To drive to the very top, it is better to use an all-terrain vehicle (jeep). But you can use

Mount Ai-Petri in winter

What to do on Crimean mountains in winter?

Ride on…

In addition to Mount Ai-Petri, there are several other places for winter fun in Crimea. On the Angarsk Pass, at an altitude of 752 meters above sea level, there is a ski school. It offers rental of skis, sleds, ATVs, snow scooters and many other pieces of equipment for winter holiday. The institution also conducts skiing and snowboarding courses for tourists of all ages.

On video recreation in the mountains of Crimea in winter:

There are 2 types of slopes near the school: for beginners and experienced skiers. There are separate tracks for snow scooters and sleds, and marked routes for ATVs.

Get to the Angarsk Pass You can take buses and trolleybuses that run between Alushta, Yalta and Simferopol. To get there by car you need to follow the M18 highway to the village of Perevalnoye. The distance from the settlement to the capital of Crimea is 30 km, to Alushta – 12 km.

Angarsk Pass in Crimea

Ride horses

Horseback riding is an excellent way to visit the sights of Crimea and go to places that are impossible to reach by car and difficult to reach on foot.

In winter, horseback riding is 1.5-2 times cheaper than in summer. When booking walks with more than 4 tourists, discounts can reach 60%. Also, during the cold season, most guides are left without work and there is a chance to choose a guide who is really smart and knows many legends.

Horseback riding

The duration of horseback riding varies from 1 to 8 hours. Experienced instructors advise beginners to take at least a 1-hour training course for horseback riding before mounting a horse. Find addresses and telephone numbers of cavalry clubs Crimean peninsula easily possible on the Internet.

Thermal (hot) springs

Natural attractions that especially attract tourists during the cold season and provide bright, unusual sensations are thermal springs. In Crimea, almost each of these natural sites has its own legend and is of value, not only as a source of health, but also as a cultural treasure.


20 km from Alushta, near the monastery of the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, the Savlukh-Su spring gushes. Its water has a temperature of +6...8°C all year round and is crystal clear. Microelements contained in water help remove radionuclides from the body.

Thermal spring Savlukh-Su

Thanks to this feature, the source became known after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
You can get to the monastery and the key by bus from Yalta or Alushta. To get to natural object By car you need to take the P34 highway until you reach the sign with the name of the temple.
3 springs at the monastery.

Near the Toplovsky Monastery, along the Feodosia-Simferopol highway, 3 springs make their way through the mountain range: St. Paraskeva, Three Saints, St. George the Victorious.

Source of St. Paraskeva in Crimea

Water from the first helps with eye diseases, and from the latter - with ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The keys are no more than 1 km apart from each other and are connected by forest paths.

Get to the Toplovsky Monastery You can take buses that run from Simferopol to Sudak and Feodosia. You need to get off near the village of Topolevka. A little east of this settlement, near a special sign, you need to turn south when driving. In the village of Pyatikhatka

Toplovsky Monastery in Crimea in winter

In the Krasnogvardeisky district of Crimea, in the village of Pyatikhatka, a spring gushes from a depth of 1190 meters. Its water has a temperature of +60°C. It helps remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body. The composition of the water from the Pyatikhatsky spring differs little from the “mineral water” from Matsesta and Karlovy Vary.

You can get to the village by bus from the Simferopol bus station or by car along the E105 highway, from which you need to turn right (east) near the signs for Mendeleevo and Pyatikhatka.

On video - what to see in Crimea in winter:

Water parks

There are no water parks that operate all year round in Crimea. In all entertainment establishments of this type, the season closes in October. Some businessmen of the peninsula have plans to build indoor water park in Yalta, but the exact location, start and end dates of the construction of the structure are unknown.

But in Crimea there are a huge number of summer water parks, for example a water park in Alushta called. But the information from the article will help you understand which one.

A few words at the end...

Crimea has a huge number of attractions and places that are especially beautiful in winter. The choice of one or more of them to visit depends on the desires and budget of each traveler. Visit any of interesting places, described above, will not leave any tourist indifferent.

They think about how and where you can spend time usefully, actively relax, and not just lie around holidays on the sofa in front of the TV and not sit at the table around the clock hugging your favorite Olivier.

In Russia, for example, great place for winter recreation and a real paradise for skiers and extreme sports enthusiasts are the resorts of the Elbrus region. In summer, lovers of mountaineering and rafting flock to Elbrus. The wonderful mild climate and picturesque views attract tens of thousands of tourists.

Crimea by number winter species recreation keeps up with the Russian tourist Mecca and is ready to offer entertainment for every taste and budget.

How much will it cost for amateurs? winter activities skiing, skating or snowboarding?

Lovers figure skating Two ice skating rinks await:

On Ai-Petri There are several operating cafes, a weather station, and a rescue squad. If you decide to stay in a private estate, it will cost you 200-2200 UAH per person/day. You can rent a house at a camp site for 4 people for 650 UAH per day. Accommodation in a 4-5-bed room at the same camp site will cost approximately 80 UAH per person/day, and accommodation in a 12-bed room (without bed linen) – 60 UAH per person/day.

Cost of entertainment on Ai-Petri:

Ski rental – 80–120 UAH/day
- Snowboard rental – 100–130 UAH/day
- Lift – 30–70 UAH/day
- Sled – 30-40 UAH
- Lessons with an instructor – 30–60 UAH/hour
- Ride a snowmobile (up to 6 people) from the cable car to the weather station – 100 UAH
- Trip from the weather station to the ski lift (depending on the distance) – up to 100 UAH

On Angarsk pass You can stay at local camp sites in houses for 5-10 people. The cost of accommodation (facilities in the courtyard) is 105 UAH per person per day. Here, ski and toboggan runs run along the slopes. For lovers of extreme sports and dashing descents, there is a track for skiing on plastic film.
There are two lines of the rope tow for skiers: one for middle-class athletes, and the second for hardened adrenaline junkies. Ski rental is available. A ski school is open for beginners.

Cost of entertainment on Angarsk Pass:

Ski rental – 70 UAH/day
- Snowboard rental – 120–150 UAH/day
- Sled – 50 UAH
- Lift – 60 UAH

In a word, no one will be bored, winter time in Crimea there is something for everyone. Gather a fun group, go with the whole family and don’t forget to bring a good mood! An excellent charge of vivacity and health is guaranteed to you!

Have fun in Crimea at any time of the year!

In winter? Go to Crimea? For residents of northern latitudes, the most familiar tourist destination is hot countries, which provide the opportunity to break the climate circle and soak up a couple of weeks on the shores of the warm sea. If you are not a fan of a lazy holiday under the all-inclusive program and are looking for something non-trivial, you should turn your attention to Crimea.

1 . Lack of crowds of tourists

The peak of activity, when most Russians begin to occupy the Crimean coast, occurs in the summer. From November to March there are practically no people here, which turns winter Crimea into a real find for lovers of a quiet, secluded holiday.

Without the crowd of tourists armed with cameras, noisy guides and annoying traders, many people I know attractions look completely different; beaches, freed from piles of half-naked bodies, are transformed into a colorful carpet of multi-colored pebbles with islands of boulders, and resort towns and hiking trails acquire a unique charm. In addition, in winter you are freed from endless queues at museums, cable cars and ferries.

2. Stunning views

Crimea, as we are used to seeing it in photographs and tourist postcards, is, first of all, an endless blue sea, a sunny coast and mountains covered with greenery.

Winter Crimea demonstrates completely different, somewhat less friendly, but no less impressive beauties: harsh cliffs towering above the steel-colored sea, foggy bays and an immense blanket of clouds, spreading under the feet of those who decided to climb to the top of the mountain - just a few of those. what is revealed to your eyes.

Snow does not always fall in Crimea, but if you are lucky enough to catch it, you become a witness to a real ice fairy tale.

View from Mount Ai-PetriView from Mount Ai-Petri

3. Alpine skiing and snowboarding

However, there are places in Crimea where there is always snow - these are, of course, the mountains. Crimea can hardly be called a ski Mecca, and, of course, it’s not worth going there specifically for skiing or snowboarding. However, winter sports can be a pleasant addition to the winter holiday program in Crimea and give you a couple of days of unforgettable experiences.

Crimea boasts two places for those who like to ride on snow-covered slopes - Mount Ai-Petri and Angarsk Pass. Both of these places are equipped with rope tows, in both of them you can choose a route of a suitable level of difficulty or, provided there is enough snow, go freeride.

In Sevastopol, I managed to find guys who, for a very small amount, organized the transportation of everyone by bus from the city to the slopes, and on the spot provided equipment rental, tea with buns, and even a dry closet.

4. Saving

If your budget does not allow you to celebrate the winter holidays on a grand scale in Europe or Bali, Crimea is an ideal option for economical travel. Winter in Crimea is a low season, which means that prices for tickets and accommodation fall several times.

In many museums, the price in winter is also reduced, and in some places you can get in for free: for example, in winter, free access is open to the territory of Mount Koshka near Simeiz, while in summer there is a booth with a cashier at the entrance, where you will have to leave a certain amount for right to visit this nice place.

5. Storm

Storms are an all-season phenomenon, but in Crimea storms mainly occur in the winter season. Therefore, if you decide to go here in winter, you are likely to witness a picturesque and breathtaking spectacle.

You can admire the violence of the elements without worrying that bad weather has deprived you of another day for swimming - of course, if you are not a fan of winter swimming: the temperature of the Black Sea off the Crimean coast is not very suitable for soaking up the waves.

Probably, one could name a number of other advantages of holidaying in Crimea in winter, but it is better to go there on your own and see everything with your own eyes.

Of course, holidays in winter Crimea can hardly be called popular and suitable for everyone, however, it has its advantages and in some aspects it may well give shape to summer Crimea.

The Crimean peninsula is such a fertile place that it is good here even in winter. On south coast and even more, even snow practically does not fall and the temperature generally does not drop below +5. In general, the subtropical climate makes this region suitable for visiting all year round.

Almost all sanatoriums operate year-round. You can safely go to Crimea in the off-season, here your health will be treated and you can walk all year round. The air temperature is very comfortable to enjoy a trip to the sights, which are not crowded at this time, but are accessible, just like in the summer. How nice it is to look at all the exhibits without rushing and crowding.

Accommodation prices, starting from October, are reduced to the lowest level, so you can relax with your family on a budget. The main thing is to discuss the issue of heating in advance, even at the booking stage. Not all settlements have gas and not every new building has centralized heating. In order not to freeze in the apartment after a walk in the humid air, take care of this issue in advance.

It is developing rapidly here tourist destination to celebrate New Year and Christmas. More and more sanatoriums, tourist centers and mini-hotels began to offer good holiday tours with a decent entertainment program.

In winter, the Yalta embankment turns into a real theater, where the main action is a grandiose storm. You can spend hours watching the vicissitudes of nature and not get tired of the changing scenery, the main thing is not to get too close so as not to get wet.

Among your things, you should definitely take a waterproof jacket and shoes; snow is a rare guest here, but precipitation still falls and it falls in the form of rain. Yes, that’s right, rain is another feature of Crimea in winter.

In the cold season, seagulls and ducks swim very close to the embankments and happily feast on treats - bread and rolls.

In Crimea, trees begin to bloom already in February, almonds blooming in a pink cloud - this is an amazing sight, very beautiful. Already in February you find yourself in early spring and you can bask in the first truly hot rays of the sun.

The warmest places are considered settlements from Foros to Alushta, frosts and snowstorms will not overtake you here, the mountain community reliably protects you from them. Small villages are still better not to be chosen by those people who do not like solitude, because as soon as summer ends, they are empty, you will hardly meet anyone on the streets, and you will not want to walk along unlit streets. Although, if you are a person of science, or a creative person and you want to complete your next creation in silence, then winter Crimea fits perfectly!

On Mount Ai-Petri you can ski, snowboard and sled almost all winter, although there may be no snow at all on the coast. Ai-Petri offers gorgeous panoramas and a fairly developed infrastructure. Crimeans dream that over time there will be tracks here that are at least vaguely similar to the Sochi ones.

In the cold months, the storm season begins, it is interesting to wander along the beach in search of seafood, always curious what will wash up on the shore this time? If you breathe air consisting of droplets sea ​​water, you can get a better effect than from inhalation, it is very useful. Winter aerotherapy energizes and saturates the body with strength.

Going to the mountains is another winter activity; you can go up in a T-shirt; it’s very warm here. Evergreen trees give a feeling of vibrancy, which cannot be said about gray deciduous forests.

Crimea is beautiful at any time and in any weather. If your vacation is in the winter, then the peninsula will be happy to welcome and entertain you. Come to Crimea all year round!