Where is Mount Kailash located on the map. The first European on the holy Mount Kailash in the legendary country of Shambhala. pyramids and the "City of the Gods"

There are many unique places in the world with unusual properties. One of these “places of power” is Mount Kailash in the high mountain valley of Tibet. Pilgrims come here to the southwest of China to make a ritual circuit around the mountain - Koru

Scientists are still arguing about the history of this amazing mountain. Is Kailash an artificially created pyramid or a mountain of natural origin? Today there is no reliable information about this, as well as how many years ago Kailash was born and why it has the shape of a pyramid, the edges of which accurately indicate parts of the world. It is also surprising and inexplicable that the height of the mountain is 6666 m, the distance from Kailash to the Stonehenge monument is 6666 km, and the same to the North Pole, and to the South Pole – 13,332 km (6666 * 2).

Kailash is a place shrouded in thousands of secrets and legends. And until now, the top of the sacred mountain has not been conquered by anyone. Kailash does not allow mere mortals to reach the peak, where according to legend the gods live. Many tried against all odds to get there. But no one was able to overcome the invisible wall, which, as would-be travelers claim, appeared on their way, preventing them from reaching the sacred peak. Kailash seems to push them away, allowing only those who really believe to perform ritual kora.

The 4 greatest rivers of Asia, possessing powerful energies, originate from Kailash. It is believed that when a person circumambulates Kailash, he comes into contact with this power. Kailash is a very powerful center of power. It carries the energy of dissolving everything old. The one who does kora is filled with energy and vitality to help people.

It is a custom to circumambulate Kailash. A custom of faith that contains enormous power. In Kailash they say that the one who goes through the kora with faith and a feeling of unity with God gains special divine power here.

The large kora around Kailash takes 2-3 days. Throughout the entire journey, a person passes through the strongest energy centers where divine flows are felt. Kailash is like a temple. All stones on the path have a certain charge. Pilgrims believe that demigods or supreme souls live in the stones. According to ancient legends, many divine beings who visited here once turned into stones. And now these stones have special divine power.

The first day of the kora is anticipation, lightness, elation. On the second day, you pass the highest and most difficult pass – Death Pass. They say that during this period you can experience death. For example, a person may fall and go into a trance. Many people say that during such a trance they felt their body at the very top of Kailash.

The Drolma-la pass symbolizes new birth. People try to leave something personal in this place. It is believed that this is how a person clears his karma. This is a symbol of leaving the past, a certain dark, negative part of the soul. Having thrown off everything unnecessary at this pass, it becomes easier and freer to go further.

Around Kailash you can walk either along the outer circle - the large one, or along the small one - the inner one. Only those who have walked around the outer one 13 times are allowed to enter the inner one. They say that if one immediately goes there, high divine energy will block the person’s path.

There are beautiful lakes on the inner crust, the water in them is sacred. On the shores of these lakes there is a monastery. People believe that the enlightened still live there. And if someone is lucky enough to meet them, he will be blessed.

When a pilgrim passes the kora, he turns to higher powers and addresses them with prayer. Kailash is the symbol of the supreme deity. And the external journey to Kailash is actually an internal journey to one’s deity.

There is a belief that the god Shiva lives on Kailash. For Hindus, Shiva is the power and energy capable of creating and destroying worlds. They believe that there are three main forces in the universe: creation, maintenance and destruction. The power of Shiva is the connection with universal energy.

On the way of a wanderer, obstacles often appear, both physical and spiritual. Kailash tests a person’s strength and points out weaknesses. Overcoming all difficulties in pilgrimage is the best way to purify and change.

When a pilgrim leaves Kailash and descends lower, he understands that he doesn’t need much to be happy. We have air that we can breathe, we have food, a roof over our heads - and this is enough for external material happiness; everything else must be sought within.

For millions of years people have been coming here and bringing prayer into their hearts. Lake Manasarovar, like Kailash, is revered as sacred. To his right is the peak of Gurla Mandhata. According to legend, she was a king in a past life. Then there was no water here and the king began to pray. One day, God heard his prayers and created a lake from his mind. This lake is the sacred Lake Manasarovar.

Another lake near Kailash, called Rakshas Tal, is considered cursed. It is separated from the sacred lake by a narrow isthmus. Surprisingly, with such a close location, these two bodies of water have huge differences. You can take a dip in the sacred lake, there is fish there and you can drink the water from it. The water in this lake is fresh and is considered healing. Lake Rakshas Tal, on the contrary, is salty and you cannot plunge into it. And places where there is a source with dead and living water nearby have been considered places of power since ancient times.

Kailash also has another sacred lake - Gaurikund. According to legend, it was created by Shiva for his wife Parvati. She helped people a lot, which left her body very exhausted. Having bathed in this lake, Parvati acquired a new body, and since then no one else can touch its sacred waters. There are many legends about the death of people who touched Gaurikund Lake.

There are 4 caves in the vicinity of Kailash. One of them, Milarepa's cave, is located southeast of Kailash next to the sacred path. According to legend, the great yogi Milarepa placed two stone blocks at the entrance of the cave, on which he installed a huge granite slab. This slab cannot be moved by hundreds or even thousands of people. And Milarepa carved it out of granite and laid it with the help of his spiritual power. And it was in this place that he achieved his enlightenment.

There is a legend that Milarepa and the Bonn priest Naro Bonchung fought for power over Kailash. During the first confrontation between supernatural forces on Lake Manasarovar, Milarepa stretched his body across the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung stood on water surface above. Not satisfied with the results, they continued the fight by running around Kailash. Milarepa moved clockwise, and Naro Bonchung moved counterclockwise. Having met at the top of the Dolma-la pass, they continued the magical battle, but again to no avail. Then Naro Bonchung suggested climbing to the top of Kailash on the day of the full moon immediately after dawn. Whoever rises first will win. On the appointed day, Naro Bonchung, riding his shamanic drum, flew to the top. Milarepa was resting calmly below. And as soon as the first rays of the sun reached the peak of Kailash, Milarepa grabbed one of the rays and instantly reached the top, gaining power over sacred mountain.

Kailash has prayer flags hanging everywhere. These are protective symbols. People hang them to achieve success in some good endeavors. These flags are also called "Wind Horses". The symbol of prayer flags is a horse carrying a jewel on its back. It is believed that it fulfills wishes, brings well-being and prosperity. The flags are made of five primary colors, symbolizing the five elements of the human body. Mantras are applied to them, which are activated upon contact with the wind and carry encrypted messages throughout the world.

Kailash is a place of spiritual power that awakens believers and purifies their minds. People flock here to say the prayer that everyone carries in their hearts. It is believed that the one who makes this pilgrimage will be cleansed of all his sins and learn the secret of the universe.

(Kailash), gangkar tise, precious snow mountain.
"Strangers have rarely visited this wild land. In places we could look across the border of Tibet and see Mount Kailash. Although the height of Kailash is only about 6,700 meters, Hindus and Buddhists consider it the most sacred of all the Himalayan peaks. Near it is big lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and a famous monastery; At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia"

Tenzing Noghrei, conqueror of Everest ("Tiger of the Snows", ....
According to sacred geography Bona, in the center of the country Olmolungring stands the great space mountain yundrung - gutseg. This mountain is known by many names: Kailash.
“The entire landscape was dominated by the 25,000-foot peak of Gurla Mandhata. Also impressive was the sacred Mount Kailash. Being 3,000 feet lower, it stands in divine solitude - outside the Himalayan range. When we first saw Kailash, our Tibetans threw themselves down and began to pray. Buddhists and Hindus consider this mountain to be the home of the great gods, and the greatest dream of all believers is to make a pilgrimage to it at least once in their lives. They often spend years walking thousands of miles to reach Kailash. On the way, pilgrims live on alms in the hope that in. "The reward of the next reincarnation will make them more decent people. On the approaches to Kailash, you can see huge piles of stones everywhere over the years: each pilgrim, following ancient traditions, adds new stones to these piles." Heinrich Harrer. Seven years in Tibet", 2001.
Asia's most sacred mountain, Kailash (6,714 m)* rises alone above the high plateau of western Tibet. The snowy peak of Kailash with a regular pyramidal shape is visible from afar and dominates the surrounding mountains. In the region of Kailash there are no mountains comparable to the peak; here it reigns supreme. Of the nearby peaks above Kailash, only the peak of Gurla - Mandhata (7694 m), but it is located a hundred kilometers to the south.
Kailash (like the mythical polar mountain Meru from Indo-Aryan myths), unites, according to the Tibetans, three cosmic zones: sky, earth and the underworld and is, therefore, the world mountain for all of Asia. In the text “Kailas Samhita” this mountain is described as follows: “and the holiest of all mountains, of all peaks is Mount Kailash. On it, dressed in silver light, lives the terrible and merciful god - Shiva, who contains all the forces of the universe, giving birth to life of earthly creatures and destroying them."
Mysteriously, Mount Kailash is associated with the mystical ancient symbol of the swastika. On the “South Face of Kailash” - the southern side of the pyramidal peak, the edges of which are oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points, there is a vertical crack, which is crossed approximately in the middle by a horizontal one. At a certain angle of the sun's rays, these cracks resemble a swastika pattern.
In the Bon tradition, this mountain is known as the "Nine-Storey Swastika Mountain". Nine swastikas taken together symbolize the 9 paths (chariots) of Bon. The number 9 in sacred meaning symbolizes completeness and completeness.
Victoria Le Page writes in the book “Shambhala - the Enchanting Truth” (1996) that “Kailas is known from Bon as a nine-story mountain corresponding to the nine worlds.”
The famous American Shambhala researcher Edwin Birnbaum analyzes in his book “The Path to Shambhala” (1980) an ancient image of Shambhala in the form of a square, on which a nine-story mountain is placed in the center: “around the internal space there are eight squares, designed like 8 petal areas around the central parts of Shambhala. In the very center, instead of a palace, we see a mountain with the throne of the king of the country of Olmolungring on the top. The nine levels of this sacred peak, each level of which are dotted with openings of sacred caves of meditating lamas, symbolize the nine paths of bon leading to enlightenment. the king of Shambhala may have similar symbolism to the teachings kept in this Buddhist kingdom."
The central image of the mountain is strikingly reminiscent of the image of the mountain in the center of the ancient Tibetan map from the Tibetan-Shangshung dictionary, which became famous thanks to the work of Tibetologists b. Kuznetsov and L. Gumilyov.

Kailash is a place of pilgrimage for Hindus and Buddhists.
Since ancient times, Mount Kailash has been ranked among the holy places. Hermits, first Bon priests, later Buddhist monks, constantly lived in the caves on its slopes in solitude and in search of enlightenment. Indians and Tibetans equally revere this mountain; according to ancient legends, this mountain was the seat of the main gods of Hinduism and Buddhism.
For Hindus, Kailash is the place of residence of Shiva the destroyer. According to their tradition, “on Kailasa dwells one of the Gods who, along with Brahma and Vishnu, are part of the Supreme Triad (“trimurti”) - the formidable Shiva, who maintains order in the universe with his “tandava” dance. When does the next universe end its journey of life? - kalpa (4,320,000,000 years), Shiva, with a blow of his trident, destroys the decrepit universe, making way for a new one... but Shiva, as a great ascetic yogi, spends most of his time in the deepest meditation on snowy peak huge mountain."
The name of the mountain sounds in Tibetan as gangkar tise, and in colloquial speech as Ganga Rimpoche (“Precious Snowy Mountain”). Hindus believe that Kailas is the cosmic center of the universe, and the nearby sacred lake Manasarovar was created by the god Brahma.
It is believed that a pilgrimage around the mountain promises all sorts of benefits in this life, so hundreds of pilgrims annually go around Kailash, trampling a noticeable path in the stones on the mountain slopes.
The tradition of pilgrimage around the sacred mountain has ancient roots; the ancient ritual appeared in pre-Buddhist times and is also present in Hinduism. It is a known fact from Tibetan history that during the reign of Janchuba Gyaltsen (1358-1364), rest houses were built along the pilgrim routes around the sacred mountains of the kings and Kailas and warehouses with provisions were created. On the roads to Kailash, which passed through districts filled with bandits, military posts were established to protect the pilgrims.

The veneration of Mount Kailash as the abode of Shiva among Hindus is reflected in temple construction. The cult complex in India on Ellora in the spurs of the western ghat is world famous, the crown of which is the temple of Kailas Natha (“Lords of Kailas”), carved from a monolithic rock in the 8th century. the complex includes 34 Buddhist, Hindu and Jain caves. The unique Kailash Nath temple, completely carved out of rock by the hands of stonemasons, is compared in terms of the complexity of the work to such a great creation of mankind as the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Ancient stonemasons did a colossal job, first making an 80-meter trench in the shape of the letter “U” with a depth of 30 m, and then turning the monolith that remained inside into a carved stone temple(length 60 m, width 32 m, height 29 m. the entire stone building of the temple along the perimeter is covered with ornamental friezes on the theme of myths about the life of Shiva and her wife Parvati, who live on top of the sacred Kailash.
The trail around Kailash is 56 km long (according to other sources, 53 km) and can be completed in one long day, or in three easy days. The trail passes through a pass at an altitude of 5700 meters above sea level.
It is believed that the “Kora” - the sacred circumambulation around Kailash - eliminates all life’s sins. Most Buddhist pilgrims do three rounds of the kora. The most aspiring and dedicated ones undertake 13 rounds of Kailash, after 12 times they receive the right to walk around the mountain in an inner circle about 25 km long, this kora passes near the very “Heart” of Kailash. Sometimes you can find a real ascetic on the outer crust - a devotee performing 108 circles around the peak! This is approximately 3-4 years of life.
It is believed that one round cleanses the sins of one life, 108 rounds guarantee enlightenment. Kora on a full moon counts as three. Bark in the year of the horse - for 13.

Kailash and lake Manasarovar.
In front of Kailash lie two sacred lake- twin raksas tal (Tibetan name lanak-Tso) and manasarovar (mapam Tso. The water of the first of them is black, the second is white like milk. According to legends, in the white lake lies a magic key that opens the secret door of Mount Kailash leading to the valley sages inside the mountain - to Shambhala.
Lake Manasarovar with fresh water at an altitude of 4700 m is known as the lake of the great nagas. According to legend, the great nagas - the supernatural Mahatmas of Shambhala - like to rest on the large flowers and lotus leaves floating on the water surface of this lake. Their figures with a radiant halo around their heads are often seen by local residents.
Lake Manasarovar is sacred in Hinduism, as in Buddhism - its waters flow in the shadow of the great Kailash. This is a lake born in the mind of a god. It was created to show the power and greatness of the manas (mind) of the god - Brahma. Initially, the lake was called Manasa - Sara, in Tibetan the name of the lake sounds like madro, “Lake of Cool Waters” or mapam Tso, “invincible lake”.
The Indian poet Kalidasa wrote in the 3rd century AD. BC: "When the earth of Manasarovar touches the body, when anyone bathes in it, he will go to the paradise of Brahma. Whoever drinks its water will go to the heaven of Shiva and will be freed from the consequences of the sins of 100 of his lives. Even the beast that bears the name of Manasarovar , will go to the paradise of Brahma. His waters are pearls."
Lake Manasarovar is the highest freshwater body of water on earth. But the water in it is not just fresh; analyzes confirm that it is unusually pure and has remained so for many millennia. Manasarovar is surrounded by eight Buddhist monasteries. According to religious beliefs, the lake together with the monasteries is an image of the great wheel of life with eight spokes. Believers perform parikrama here, a sacred circumambulation that takes four to six days.
Tradition says that this is where the earthly paradise is located, and in it grow herbs that cure all diseases of the spirit and body. Indeed, many species of medicinal plants grow in the vicinity of Manasarovar; There are also healing radioactive springs here. The lake itself is rich in trout, carp and other freshwater fish.
Manasarovar is the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. Kailash and Manasarovar are called the ideal sacred couple: male and female principles, father - heaven and mother - earth. It is believed that in order for the pilgrimage around Kailash to be harmonious, it is necessary to first make a “Kora” - a sacred circuit around the lake.
Near Lake Manasarovar, the ruins of one of the cities of the Guge (Shang-Shung) state are known - Yanpachan (ancient Indian city of Vaishali) of the strongest Himalayan Tibetan state, the other two were called Purang and Maryul.

Unconquered Kailash.
What awaits climbers at its summit?
Mount Kailash is shrouded mystical legends. According to legend, a person who sees the abode of Shiva will face inevitable death. Pyramid-shaped mountains have a bad reputation among climbers - they are believed to bring misfortune. According to yogis, triangular slopes concentrate negative energy.
For religious reasons, all ascents to Kailash are officially prohibited and nothing is known about the facts of registered ascents to this mountain. With the exception of the founder of the Bon Tonpa religion, Shenrab, who supposedly descended from heaven to the top of Kailash, and Minarepa, who reached the top by grasping the first morning ray of sun, no one has ever set foot on the top of this mountain.
In journalistic publications about the sacred Mount Kailash there are reports of the ascent to it and the subsequent death of four climbers. But the retellings of this incident do not indicate what year it happened, nor the names and nationalities of the victims. I was unable to find any documentary evidence of this story, as well as official evidence of ascents to Kailash.
The book of Tibetologist E. N. Molodtsova “Tibet, Tibet” (2001) reports that “many non-believing Europeans tried to climb Mount Yungdrung Gutseg, but they all failed in this endeavor, no one reached its peak. Upon return the sacrilege immediately died a terrible death. Perhaps this was due to the special energy vibrations of this sacred place.”
However, the reliability of this message is questionable. Considering how zealously believers protect their shrines, it is difficult to imagine that anyone would dare to break the ban and secretly conquer the peak.
Once, while talking with the Nepalese Lama Rangrig Rinpoche, I asked him if he knew about the facts of climbing Kailash. He replied: “Buddhists are not allowed to climb Kailash, but miraculously a minarepa flew there. Those who have been at the top, who have walked around Kailash 13 times, completed the kora, have the right to climb to the inner kora; it is physically impossible to climb further.”
In 2000, Spanish climbers, for a fairly large amount of money, received Chinese authorities permission to conquer Kailash. A special expedition was equipped, which established a base camp at the foot of the mountain. However, many believers public organizations, as well as a number of famous climbers, spoke out against this step, and the Spaniards had to retreat. The Spaniard Jesus Martinez Novas announced plans to climb to the top in 2002, but his ascent never took place due to protests from believers. A partial ascent to the top of Kailas from the south-eastern side to an altitude of 6200 m without permission from the authorities, according to Nirvana Tour, was made in September 2004 by a Russian expedition consisting of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Yu. Zakharov with his son. The ascent took place without high-altitude equipment, and was stopped due to extremely unfavorable conditions. weather conditions, the peak remained unconquered.
Its participants say about this ascent: “until now, for religious reasons, no one has made such an attempt. We not only climbed Kailash, but also made the so-called “Inner Kora” (circumvention counterclockwise of the sacred place) in the style of the Bon tradition - But judging by all the available data, no one has ever set foot on its summit. Thus, Kailash still remains unconquered; no one knows what mysteries its peak conceals.
While climbing at night, Pavel woke me up, informing me that there were light phenomena of natural electricity in the sky that were stunning with their unusual beauty. I didn’t want to get out of the tent at all, and I didn’t have the strength, but curiosity took over - indeed, every three to five seconds spherical, bright flashes similar to those depicted by the Tibetans in the Tigle iconography - luminous rainbow spheres - flashed in the sky. The size of a soccer ball. Here it is appropriate to recall an even more interesting phenomenon, which is already more difficult to explain from a scientific point of view - during the day, you just had to close and open your eyes, looking at the sky, you could clearly see luminous stripes, making up a huge grid covering everything around and consisting of hundreds of... swastikas . This is such a mysticism, I would not have seen it myself, I would never have believed it. In general, these are the only unusual phenomena that happened to us at Kailash, except for the sudden change in weather at the time of ascent."
Kailash is supernatural and legendary.
Believing people are characterized by belief in the supernatural properties of Kailash. Many ancient texts repeat the ideas that existed in ancient times that: “no mortal dares to climb the mountain where the gods live. He who sees the faces of the gods must die”*. Probably from this belief comes numerous references to fatal diseases of climbers who dared to approach the sacred peak and home of Shiva.
Legends also say that the legendary black stone “Chintamani” (Sanskrit - Tchintamani) from Orion is kept in the cave labyrinths in Mount Kailash. This ambassador from a distant star system contains a certain substance that supposedly helps store vibrations distant worlds. He gives rays that penetrate all oceans and mountains for the benefit of people.
According to one legend, recorded by N. Roerich, this stone was in the center of the shield of the son of the sun, who descended to earth to help people. When unexpected darkness swallowed up the sun, the son of the sun despaired, dropped his shield and it broke as it fell on the ground. The stone from the broken shield, which has the power of the world, went to King Solomon. This stone was owned in turn by King Solomon, the rulers of China, India, and Tibet. The black stone had miraculous properties that could change the world: “stone.

Mount Kailash (Kangrinboche) is surrounded by many myths and all due to the fact that no human has yet set foot on it; the peak remains unconquered even in the 21st century. Mount Kailash has great religious significance in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and the Tibetan Bon tradition.
So, for a long time there was an article on the site written by the author, “Marisa263”, in the comments you can see the indignation of visitors pointing out many inaccuracies and frankly fictitious facts. I decided that simply rewriting the article was not very interesting; it was better to go through each point and refute or confirm them. Under each point, I added the facts I found and my thoughts on this matter.

1 Mount Kailash and its height

Statement No. 1. “Mount Kailash is one of the mysterious places in the world, its height is 6666 meters.”
Wikipedia gives a different figure of 6638 meters with a link to Peakbagger.com. It is also said that scientists disagree between 6638 and 6890 meters, depending on the method of measurement.

2 On the opposite side of the Earth is the skeleton of Easter

Statement No. 2. On the opposite side of the Earth from Mount Kailash is the Easter Island, which is famous for its stone idols.
Probably everyone remembers from the geometry course that two points on a sphere can be connected by a segment; this segment is called a chord. So the chord connecting Easter Island and Mount Kailash really runs close to the center of the Earth,
It’s difficult to say exactly through the center, but it can be argued that the Easter skeleton is on the opposite side of the Earth.

3 People age faster near Kailash

Statement No. 3. that near Kailash people age faster (12 hours are ticking approximately 2 weeks), this is evidenced by the growth of hair and nails.
In fact, it is a fact known to science that the growth of nails and hair slows down in the cold, which probably explains the observation.

4 Mount Kailash remains unconquered

Statement No. 4. She has not yet allowed a single climber to reach her peak, those who tried to “throw off” the mountain. The religious texts of Buddhism and Hinduism say the following about Kailasa: “No mortal dares to climb the mountain where the gods live; he who sees the faces of the gods must die.”
In fact, in 2000, a Spanish expedition received permission to conquer Kailash from the Chinese authorities. The team set up a base camp at the foot, but they never managed to set foot on the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the expedition's path. The Dalai Lama, the UN, a number of major international organizations, millions of believers around the world protested the conquest of Kailash, and the Spaniards had to retreat

5 You can’t swim in Lake Rakshas Tal
Statement No. 5. Near the mountain there are two lakes: Manasarovar (living and clean water) and Rakshas Tal (in Tibetan, Lhanag Tso, "Lake of the Demon"). In Lake Manasarovar (fresh), which is located at an altitude of 4560 m above sea level, you can swim, drink water, it is considered sacred, and it is calm at any time of the year in any weather. Rakshas (), 4515 m above sea level. It is considered a lake of dead water, which cannot only be drunk, but also touched, and at any time of the year and in any weather there is a storm on this lake. Perhaps, according to the beliefs of the local population, this is so, but there are photos of tourists not only touching, but also bathing in Lake Rakshas Tal.

6 Kailash and the image of the swastika

Statement No. 6. Mount Kailash is broken by two huge ridges - cracks, which, especially in the evening hours, with the help of the shadows from the rock ledges, form a huge image of a swastika.
I added a photo in the evening hours, added a photo where there is less snow, what can I say, the slope is riddled with cracks, the cross is visible, well, there is no swastika, but if you want, you can probably find a swastika in the abundance of cracks.

7 Kailash is a pyramid

Statement No. 7. The fact that Mount Kailash is a pyramid (which, like other pyramids, is clearly oriented to the cardinal points) is no longer an innovation. All scientists who have visited Kailash have no doubt about its pyramidal nature.
I am attaching a screenshot from google maps, with a compass needle and axes marked, everything is obvious here. Like the Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia, the mountain is a natural geological formation known as a flatiron.

8 Mount Kailash - artificial formation

Statement No. 8. Many scientists consider this mountain to be an artificial formation, with some voids inside (at the level of the middle and at the foot), which was built by someone, for something and with a specific purpose.
It is difficult to prove as difficult as it is to refute without special research, so I will express my opinion - this is a mountain, a natural formation.

9 From Mount Kailash to the Stonehenge monument (England) – 6666 km.

Statement No. 9. From Mount Kailash to the Stonehenge monument (England) – 6666 km. To the North Pole – 6666 km. From the mountain to the south pole two times 6666 km.
The photo speaks for itself.

10 Sarcophagus of Nandu

Statement No. 10. Sarcophagus of Nandu, a structure adjacent to Mount Kailash. After some research, scientists have proven that this sarcophagus also has cavities inside. Where, according to the ancient legends of China, all the teachers of the world are in a state of samadhi (deep meditation): Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Zarathustra, Confucius and other sages that were ever sent to the world. And they stay there in order to serve as a continuation of the gene pool of humanity in the event of the collapse of civilization.
The research data are not given, which means it is impossible to verify them, just like point 8.

Mount Kailash is a mysterious and incomprehensible secret of Tibet, a place that attracts thousands of religious pilgrims and tourists. The highest peak in its region, surrounded by the sacred lakes Manasarovar and Rakshas (living and dead water), the peak unconquered by any climber is worth seeing with your own eyes at least once in your life.

Where is Mount Kailash?

The exact coordinates are 31.066667, 81.3125, Kailash is located in the south of the Tibetan Plateau and separates the basins of the four main rivers of Asia, water from its glaciers flows into Lake Langa Tso. Photo high resolution from a satellite or airplane they resemble an eight-petaled flower of regular shape; on the map it does not differ from the neighboring ridges, but significantly exceeds them in height.

The answer to the question: what is the height of the mountain is disputed, the range called by scientists is from 6638 to 6890 m. On the southern slope of the mountain there are two deep perpendicular cracks, their shadows form the outline of a swastika at sunset.

The sacred meaning of Kailash

Mount Kailash is mentioned in all ancient myths and religious texts of Asia, it is recognized as sacred among four religions:

  • Hindus believe that at its peak is the favorite abode of Shiva; in the Vishnu Purana it is indicated as the city of the gods and the cosmic center of the Universe.
  • In Buddhism, it is the seat of the Buddha, the heart of the world and the place of power.
  • Jains worship the mountain as the place where Mahavira, their first prophet and greatest saint, gained true insight and interrupted samsara.
  • The Bon people call the mountain a place of concentration of vitality, the center of an ancient country and the soul of their traditions. Unlike believers of the first three religions, who make a kora (purifying pilgrimage) after sun exposure, Bon followers go towards the sun.

Parascientific concepts about Kailash

The mystery of Kailas worries not only scientists, but also lovers of mysticism and transcendental knowledge, historians searching for traces of ancient civilizations. The ideas put forward are very bold and bright, for example:

  • The mountain and its surroundings are called a system of ancient pyramids destroyed over time. Supporters of this version note a clear step pattern (9 ledges in total) and the correct location of the faces of the mountain, almost exactly coinciding with the cardinal points, like the complexes in Egypt and Mexico.
  • E. Muldashev's theory about the stone mirrors of Kailash, the gates to another world and the artifacts of ancient humanity hidden inside the mountain. According to him, this is an artificially constructed, hollow inside object with an original height of 6666 m, the concave sides of which bend time and hide the passage to a parallel reality.
  • Legends about the sarcophagus hiding the gene pool of Christ, Buddha, Confucius, Zarathustra, Krishna and other teachers of antiquity.

Stories of climbing Kailash

It is pointless to ask the question “who conquered Kailash”; due to religious reasons, the indigenous people did not attempt to conquer the peak; all officially registered expeditions with this focus belong to foreign climbers. Like other pyramid-shaped ice-covered mountains, Kailash is difficult to climb, but the main problem is the protest of believers.

Having difficulty obtaining permission from the authorities in 2000 and 2002, the Spanish groups did not go further than the camp set up at the foot of the camp; in 2004, Russian enthusiasts tried to make the climb without high-altitude equipment, but returned due to unfavorable weather. Currently, such ascents are prohibited at the official level, including UNN.

Trekking around Kailash

Many companies offer the service of delivery to the starting point of the kora - Darchen and accompanying a guide. The pilgrimage takes up to 3 days, crossing the most difficult section (Dolma Pass) – up to 5 hours. During this time, the pilgrim walks 53 km; after completing 13 circles, passage to the inner ring of the kora is allowed.

Those wishing to visit this place should remember not only good physical fitness, but also the need for a permit - a kind of group visa to visit Tibet; registration takes 2-3 weeks. The policy pursued by China has led to the fact that it is almost impossible to get to Mount Kailash on your own; individual visas are not issued. But there is also a plus: the more people in the group, the cheaper the tour and travel will cost.

Mount Kailash on the map. Description of Mount Kailash

Kailash is a mountain in the Kailash range of the Gangdise mountain system in the south of the Tibetan Plateau in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.
This is the highest mountain in its area; it is additionally distinguished from others by its tetrahedral pyramidal shape with a snow cap and faces oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points. The height of Kailash still remains controversial issue- Thus, it is widely believed that Kailash has a height of 6666 m; Scientists disagree from 6638 to 6890 m, which is due to the method of measuring mountain heights. In addition, the Himalayas are considered young, so their height increases on average, taking into account the weathering of the rock, by 0.5-0.6 cm per year.
Some ancient religions of India, Nepal and China consider the mountain sacred, endowed with divine powers and worship it.
The top of the mountain still remains unconquered.

Mount Kailash on the map

Mount Kailash on the map

Mount Kailash coordinates: 31°04′01″ N. w. 81°18′46″ E d.

Where is Mount Kailash located on the map?

We should look for this mountain shrouded in mysticism on the map to the west of Hindustan in the region of the Himalayan highlands. Among Himalayan mountains Kailash is not the highest. Mount Kailash (from Wikipedia) is “a mountain in the Kailash range of the Gangdise mountain system in the southern Tibetan Plateau in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

This is the highest mountain in its area; it is additionally distinguished from others by its tetrahedral pyramidal shape with a snow cap and faces oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points.

The height of Mount Kailash is still a controversial issue - such is the widespread claim that Kailash has a height of 6666 m; Scientists disagree from 6638 to 6890 m, which is due to the method of measuring mountain heights. In addition, the Himalayas are considered young, so their height increases on average, taking into account the weathering of the rock, by 0.5–0.6 cm per year.”

Video Mount Kailash - the sacred mountain of Tibet's mysteries. Photo report.

Chomolungma. Location and features

The highest peaks in the Chomolungma region

Qomolungma is located in the Himalaya mountain system, namely in the Mahalangur-Himal ridge, which is located on the border of the Republic of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

The height of its northern peak, located in China and considered the main one, is 8848 meters. This is an absolute record among highest mountains There are 117 lands (all of them are concentrated in the region of Central and South Asia). South peak just below, 8760 meters, and it can be called “international”: it is located on the border of two countries.

The mountain looks like a three-sided pyramid. The slope and ridges from the south are so steep that snow and glaciers cannot be held on them. The rock wall also has no snow cover. The remaining ribs, starting from about 5 km altitude, are covered by glaciers.

3D animation of Chomolungma and the surrounding landscape

The part of Everest located on the Nepal side is part of national park"Sagarmatha". This is exactly what Sagarmatha is called the highest peak of the world in Nepali (translated as “Heavenly Peak”). On this side it is obscured by the Nuptse (7879 m) and Lhotse (8516 m) mountains. Beautiful views of it open from the surrounding mountains of Kala Patthar and Gokyo Ri.

Chomolungma - this name is translated from Tibetan as “Mistress of the Winds” - one of ten mountain peaks, the so-called eight-thousanders, located in the Himalayas (there are only 14 of them in the world). Undoubtedly, it remains the most attractive goal for climbers around the world.

Everest panorama

Lhasa - historical capital Tibet - located in a picturesque river valley at an altitude of 3700 meters. The gorge that squeezes the road to Lhasa gradually opens up, and the opening valley is filled with a string of white-walled houses, and around the bend appears a majestic structure rising on a hill above the city - the Potala Palace.

Bird's eye view of the Potala Palace

The 13-storey building, 117 meters high, is the former residence of the Dalai Lama. The palace is visible from anywhere in Lhasa, and because of the towers, terraces and outbuildings, it resembles medieval castle. The name "Potala" is borrowed from Sanskrit, and in Tibetan it sounds like "Potola" or "Puto", which means "mystical mountain". According to Buddhist beliefs, the all-seeing ruler, who embodies wisdom and mercy, lives on Mount Potala, and his viceroy on earth is the Dalai Lama, the Buddhist high priest.

General view of the palace

A Brief History of the Potala Palace

The history of the Potala Palace dates back to the 7th century AD, when King Songtsen Gampo united Central Tibet under his rule and made Lhasa the capital of his powerful state. Having married Wencheng, the daughter of the Chinese Emperor Taizong, the king expanded the palace to 999 rooms. In the 8th century, the building was partially burned by lightning, and its final destruction was completed by internecine wars. The palace acquired its modern appearance in the years 1645-1694. From 1648, the White Palace began to be used as the winter residence of Tibet's spiritual leaders, and the Red Palace was completed by 1694. From the time of Songtsen Gampo, only the cave where the king read sacred texts has remained.

View of the palace from the south

White Potala Palace

The Potala consists of two parts: the walls of the White Palace encircle central part- Red Palace. The white color symbolizes the state, secular power of the Dalai Lama, and, accordingly, the White Palace is considered an administrative building.

It contains office premises government, the Great Eastern and Solar Pavilions, the living quarters of the mentor and deputy Dalai Lama. The Sun Pavilion served as His Holiness’s home and “working office,” and in the Great East Pavilion, the spiritual leader received honored guests and held official ceremonies.

White Potala Palace

Red Potala Palace

The color red is a symbol of the spiritual authority of the Dalai Lama. In the Red Palace, the supreme hierarch of Tibetan Buddhism performed religious rituals and read prayers in the name of Buddha. The Red Palace consists of large and small temple halls, where relics are presented - rare editions of sacred texts, statues of Dalai Lamas and Buddhist saints, mandalas for meditation. The walls of the halls are decorated with wall paintings depicting scenes from the life of Buddha and the most revered bodhisattvas. The guardian gods inspire awe. The deity of wealth holds in his left hand a magical mongoose that regurgitates gold and gems.

Red Potala Palace

(This is how we managed to get so much precious stones to decorate the stupas of the Dalai Lamas!) Memorial stupas are magnificently decorated dome-shaped structures in which the ashes of the spiritual leaders of Tibet rest; the most luxurious of them are the stupas of the fifth and thirteenth Dalai Lamas.

Potala Palace - museum

For a long time, the Potala Palace exists without its owner. In 1959, after the uprising of the Chinese who occupied Tibet, the last Dalai Lama XIV was forced to flee and received political asylum there. Today the Potala Palace is a museum.

View of the palace from the north

Its museum collection, numbering tens of thousands of works of art and sacred objects, can only be compared with the collections of the greatest museums in the world. There is no exact data on how many rooms there are in the palace (presumably there are more than 1000). To symbolically embrace the Potala, pilgrims make a ritual circumambulation, or kora, a circumambulation of the hill with the palace.

Mount Kailash in Tibet is an unusual natural monument, which is one of the mysteries of our time. Researchers have been trying for many years to understand what is hidden behind the monolithic rocks. The most common version is that the hill is a man-made pyramid designed to accumulate energy from space.

Mount Kailash in Tibet, what are they hiding from us?

This peak is part of the mountain system in the south of the Tibetan Plateau. There is no higher hill in the vicinity. It rises above the plain at 6666 m. This number seems to haunt the sacred mountain. A distance of 6666 km separates it from the mysterious Stonehenge, as well as from the Northern and South Pole. It is located on the same line as the Egyptian pyramids and Inca structures.

The mountains hide numerous secrets that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades. Until now, no one has understood why other slopes of the planet do not have such an unusual stepped shape. Each of the four sides of Kailash faces a certain part of the world.

In the photo from above, the rock looks as if it is in the center of a huge stone spiral. All this gave researchers reason to assume that it is the largest store of energy coming from space. The argument in favor of this is that the mountain range is a system of “mirrors”. This is evidenced by the unusual location of the Tibetan hills.

Scientists believe that there are several mirrors in the ridge:

  • western;
  • northern;
  • additional.

They are semicircular stone valleys capable of redistributing the effects of energy flows. As a result, mirrors distort the passage of time.

Did you know that Soviet scientists conducted a similar experiment. The system of mirrors, invented by Nikolai Kozarev, turned out to be capable of distorting space and time. It was located in a spiral and resembled the Kailash mountain range, only in a smaller version. Participants in the experiment talked about being able to look into the past and exchanged thoughts with other experimental subjects.

Mountain or pyramid?

Researchers believe that the Tibetan mountains hide numerous secrets that are now impossible to unravel. One such mystery is what exactly is natural object. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that the rocks are a man-made monument, which is a pyramid.

They were prompted to this conclusion by the unusual stepped shape and the fact that all the faces are directed to different directions of the world. If you carefully study the photo, the rock resembles a pyramid. Around Kailash there are smaller hills that are considered small pyramids.

Not all researchers agree with this statement. Geologists refute the evidence, since the pyramidal shape is also inherent in some other hills of the planet. However, the slope itself is stepped and layered, which is more typical for man-made structures than for naturally formed objects.

Did you know that another mystery that cannot be solved is the image of a swastika that appears on the mountain at certain hours. It forms in river beds and is better visible at sunset due to the play of shadows.

What's inside?

Scientists have been trying for many years to understand what is on top of Kailash, what secrets are hidden inside the mountain range. There is a widespread belief that hidden behind the monolithic rocks is a whole network of interior spaces created by some advanced civilization. In one of the rooms there is the mythical black stone Chintamani, which tracks cosmic vibrations and controls energy flows.

The guess is interesting, but many researchers believe that it is impossible to create such a structure even with modern technologies. In ancient times, building a huge object was unthinkable. Followers of the theory argue that an alien civilization helped in the construction of Kailash.

People who believe in the existence of an incomprehensible universal mind believe that the sacred mountain hides one of the religious leaders inside:

  • Buddha;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Krishna and so on.

According to this view, spirit guides are in meditation and will one day come to earth to help restore the planet.


The sacred mountain has many names. Europeans also call it Kailash. The Chinese language is characterized by the sound of Gandhisishan or Ganrenboqi. In Tibet, the common name is Kang Rinpoche, which translates as “precious snow mountain.”

Climbing history

The sacred mountain attracts thousands of tourists and believers, but so far no one has conquered its peak. Climb to highest point Many people dream of taking an unforgettable photo. Her inaccessibility further strengthens this desire.

Did you know that the history of the conquest of the mysterious Kailash does not go back many years. Italian climber Reinhold Messner received permission from the Chinese authorities to climb in 1985. Shortly before the start of the climb, he himself abandoned it.

Next time, a group of Spanish climbers planned to begin the ascent. In 2000, officials approved the expedition, but it also did not take place. Thousands of believers lined up in a human chain at the foot of the slope and demanded that the climb be prohibited. The Spaniards were unable to climb, and no one conquered the peak.

Four years later, two Russians made a new attempt. The weather got in the way. A hurricane wind and snowfall arose, knocking them off their feet. Believers believe that the rock itself protects itself from the presence of people, creating an invisible barrier with the help of mirrors that mortals cannot overcome. Here time flows differently, so a person lives several weeks in a couple of days.

Thousands of pilgrims annually go around the mountain - the so-called ritual kora. There are 2 route options:

  • Outer bark;
  • Internal.

The easiest route is the External route, which is 50 km long. It can be completed in 2 – 3 days. Along the way, a person overcomes energy channels. Believers believe that the stones encountered along the route are frozen higher beings, which are still endowed with great power.

Did you know that while performing the kora, pilgrims experience spiritual elation; many enter a real religious trance. While walking the route, a person is tested by higher powers. He will encounter obstacles that must be overcome for spiritual purification.

In different parts of Kailash, rebirth and purification of karma takes place. All negative events and actions remain in the past. The believer returns from the path as a completely different person. After the pilgrimage comes an understanding of how insignificant material values ​​are, and what an important role spiritual ones play.

Religious significance

Many religious teachings of the East are associated with Kailash. Most beliefs contain the image of a great mountain, considered the center of the Universe. Sacred rivers that give life originate at its foot. Numerous rituals, legends and tales are associated with the peak. Today, followers of the following religious teachings believe in its highest purpose:

  • Buddhism. Believers believe that Samvara, the wrathful incarnation of Buddha, lives on the slope. According to them, the spiritual leader meditates in order to one day appear to the world. Thousands of Buddhists gather at the slope every year to celebrate Saga Dawa, a day dedicated to Buddha;
  • Judaism. Followers of this eastern teaching are of the opinion that Kailash is the habitat of the supreme god Shiva. In their view, the mountain is the cosmopolitan center of the Universe, and Brahma lives on the nearby Lake Manasarovar;
  • In the Tibetan tradition, Bon, the rock and the lake located on its slope represent the center of the ancient country of Zhangzhung, which became the birthplace of the religious movement. According to believers, it was here that the god Tongpa Shenrab first set foot on earth;
  • In Jainism, the mountain is perceived as the place where the first saint was able to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Followers of the faith perform ritual kora with meditation to achieve Nirvana.

Did you know that the Inner Crust runs through the top of Nandu's Sarcophagus. According to legend, the gene pool of humanity is located inside the rock, and it itself is connected by an underground passage to Kailash.

Kailash in parascience

From the point of view of mystics, the mound should be regarded as the habitat of higher powers. The religious texts of numerous faiths say that no mortal has the right to reach the top. According to legend, anyone who dares to step on the highest point will immediately die or be covered with numerous non-healing ulcers.

Followers of different religions are confident that a higher mind resides within. Many claim that they have repeatedly seen flashes of light, the outlines of which resembled a human being.

The mystical component includes the image of a swastika, which appears due to cracks and rock shadows. Also, not only the mountain itself is revered, but also the reservoirs that are located in its vicinity. This is the lake of life Manasarovar and death Langa-Tso.


Kailash raises many questions among researchers, but practically gives no answers to them. The mountain peak is credited with unusual properties; it is believed that it distorts space and time, opens portals to other worlds and controls cosmic energy. Adherents of this theory are confident that the object was erected by an ancient advanced civilization or aliens.

The reality is that no confirmation of any of the guesses has yet been found. Scientists agree that the mountain cannot be man-made or hollow inside, but is an ordinary natural monument. However, the search for the mysterious Shambhala brings many here, and some claim that only here they have found true harmony with the world.

Today I want to talk to you about very interesting mountain in Tibet - Mount Kailash. Today my story will not, as usual, be aimed at some general characteristics, and how nice it is, I want to touch the mysterious side of this mountain, although it’s hard to call it a mountain. Kailash is one of the parts mountain range Tibetan Plateau. Kailash is located on the territory. ( 11 photos)

There have been various controversies surrounding Mount Kailasa for many years. In general, Mount Kailash is a mountain range that stands out clearly among all its other brothers; it is the highest. Kailash has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and its edges are clearly oriented to all parts of the world! And at the top there is a small snow cap. For lovers of rock climbing, I would like to note that Kailash has never been conquered by anyone, not a single person has been to its peak. Mount Kailash coordinates: 31°04′00″ n. w. 81°18′45″ E. d. (G) (O) (I)31°04′00″ n. w. 81°18′45″ E. d.

And so the first mystery is the fact that the edges of Kailash are clearly formed in all parts of the world. Scientists claim that Mount Kailash is not a mountain at all, but nothing more than a giant pyramid. And all the other small mountains are scarlet pyramids, so it turns out that this is a real system of pyramids, which in size is much larger than all those that we previously knew: Indeed, Mount Kailash is very similar to big pyramid, this begs the question - why is it?

Most scientific opinions agree on one point, Mount Kailash is nothing more than the largest point on Earth where energy accumulates! Unique feature The Kailash Mountains is that various kinds of concave, semicircular and flat semi-stone structures are literally adjacent to Kailash. What could this indicate? Soviet times developments were carried out to implement a “time machine” no no, this is not a joke, various kinds of mechanisms were actually invented with the help of which people would be able to finally overcome time. One of our compatriot genius, Nikolai Kozarev, came up with such a thing, a system of mirrors, according to Kozarev’s system, a time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or mirror spiral bent clockwise one and a half turns, inside it there is a person.

According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and, in due course, focuses different types radiation. According to the results of all experiments, time inside this structure passed 7 times faster than outside it. After the experiments carried out on humans, it was decided to close down further development, people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying saucers, and apparently a lot more, because they won’t tell us everything clearly. But the results were stunning: in mirror reflections, people saw the past like in a movie, and it also turned out that with the help of this system of mirrors, people can exchange thoughts at a distance. A very interesting experiment was carried out: people placed inside the sper spiral had to betray the image of the ancient tablets to other people who were at one time in S.

And what do you think, people not only received and were able to reproduce what they saw, but in addition to this they also grabbed several previously unknown ancient tablets, which are, well, impossible to invent. One way or another, the Soviet authorities were afraid of something and the developments were closed. We can see the same operating principle here! The Kailasa system is almost the same only in large scale, just imagine a copy 1.5 km long and half a km wide. In the Kailasa mountain system, in the center of the entire spiral of various mountain ranges Mount Kailash is located. The time warp near Kailash is confirmed by many priests and Buddhists, well, everything is clear with them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet expedition. By the way, Mount Kailash is considered a sacred place by all the peoples who lived here. As well as many other Buddhists and believers, Mount Kailash is a great mountain.

A group of researchers who went to Kailash came close to the mountain and began to perform “Kora”. Kora is a sacred circuit around the entire mountain, after which, according to legend, a person is completely cleansed of the bad karma he has accumulated over several lives. And so all the participants who performed “Kora” in the 12 hours they walked aged for two whole weeks. All participants grew a two-week beard and nails, although they only walked for 12 of our hours! This suggests that human biological activity in this place proceeds much faster. We may not believe it, but people come here to have their lives fly by in a super short time.

Many yogis spend their amazing meditations here for several days. It’s surprising, but if you meet such a person, then endless kindness and light simply sparkle from his eyes; it’s always very pleasant to be around such a person and you don’t want to leave at all. It can be assumed that Kailash is a structure created artificially by someone to collect and concentrate the energy of the future (from space) and passed (from the earth). There are suggestions that Kailos is built in the form of such a crystal, that is, the part that we see on the surface continues with a mirror reflection in the ground. It is also unknown when Kailash could have been created; in general, the Tibetan Plateau was formed about 5 million years ago, and Kayla, well, is very young, about 20 thousand years old.

We can see this kind of plaster in some places in Kailash. You can see the peeling of this kind of coating, which is in no way inferior in strength to concrete. The solidity of the mountain itself is clearly visible behind this plaster. How and by whom these creations were erected, of course, remains a great mystery. It is not clear who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, pyramids from stone. As well as whether these were earthly civilizations, or whether it was the intervention of unearthly minds. Or maybe all this was created by some kind of super smart civilization, possessing some kind of gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep secret.

There is a very interesting geographical feature associated with Mount Kailash! Look, if you take and draw a meridian from Mount Kailash to the legendary pyramids of Egypt, then the continuation of this line will go to the most mysterious one, and the Inca pyramids also appear on this line! But that’s not all, it’s very interesting that the distance from Mount Kailash to is exactly 6666 km, then from Mount Kailash to extreme point The North Pole hemisphere distance is exactly 6666 km. and to the South Pole exactly two times, 6666 km each, note no more no less exactly two times, and what’s most interesting is the height of Kailash is 6666 meters.

Isn't it all very similar to a coincidence? Perhaps inside the mountain is hollow and all the greatest sages who were sent to us on Earth are there in deep meditation, these are Jesus Christ, Buddha and others.. Perhaps a new era of people will appear for whom all those mysteries that we cannot do remain unsolved. If you believe the manuscripts of different nations, this new, sixth civilization will appear, and will differ in the level of intelligence, well, you and I have no choice but to enjoy life. Feel free to comment with your thoughts. Good vibes to everyone.

Kailash is a sacred mountain and “place of power” in Tibet. The snow-capped peak is also known by other names: Kailasha, Kangrinboche, Gangdise. The “Snow Jewel” is shrouded in thousands of secrets and legends and has not yet been conquered by anyone. like a magnet attracts not only believers, but also researchers.


Kailash is part of the Himalayan mountain system and is located in the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The territory is located in southwest China, in Tibet.

There are 4 great rivers flowing in the region: Indus, Ghaghara, Brahmaputra and Sutlej. Followers of Hinduism believe that all these sources originate from Kailash. Satellite images show that waters from mountain glaciers enter the lake, from which only 1 river flows - the Sutlej. So, scientists have proven that beliefs are wrong.

6666 m

Mount Kailash is the highest in its region. However, due to different measurement techniques, the exact extent is unknown.

Approximately this parameter is 6638–6890 m. A common point of view is that Kailash has a height of 6666 m.

However, the statement is wrong. After all, the Himalayas are young mountains and “grow”, on average, half a centimeter per year.

Mystical properties are also attributed to the location of Kailash. After all, the distance from the mountain to the North Pole is exactly 6666 km, to the South Pole - twice 6666 km.

Mathematical connections

The largest megalithic structures The planets and Kailash are related mathematically:

Mount Kailash mathematically accurately unites all the pyramids of the world. One can only guess by whom and why this system was developed.

Mountain or pyramid?

It is believed that Samagora Kailash is a huge pyramid, and not a natural formation. This idea is prompted by a number of factors:

What's inside?

Some scientists are confident that there is a system of rooms located inside Mount Kailash. Hidden in one of the rooms is the mythical black crystal Chintamani, which can make wishes come true. The object transmits vibrations of the Cosmos, which ennoble people and contribute to their spiritual and moral development.

Mystics are sure that ancestors in a state of samadhi are hiding inside. The sages have been preserving the gene pool of humanity since the times. According to another version, Christ, Buddha, Krishna and other great people of the world are in an unconscious state. They live in a tomb connected to the mountain by a tunnel. The prophets will come to their senses in the most difficult time for the planet and help people.

108 pyramids and the “City of the Gods”

The photo from space shows that Kailash is located in the very center of the stone spiral. Scientists believe that a complex of 108, according to other sources 110–115, small pyramids and monuments is concentrated around the mountain.

The structures have different shapes and heights from 100 to 1800 m. The system in size exceeds all known complexes, including those in Egypt, China, and off the island of Yonaguni.

There are several theories for the construction of the Kailash pyramid system:

  1. According to legend, the “City of the Gods” was located near the sacred mountain, built by the Atlanteans and Lemurians. The peoples were forced to move after the reversal of the poles and the death of Atlandis. Subsequently, the population of ancient Tibet began to be called the “sons of the Gods”, and Kailash itself was called the “Mountain of the Gods”.
  2. The system was built to restore life on the planet after the Flood. Biologists note that the schemes of the complex are identical to the three-dimensional structure of DNA.
  3. Other assumptions include the intervention of terrestrial or extraterrestrial civilization. After all, it is extremely difficult to move and lift giant slabs to a height without anti-gravity technologies. And to make screw holes in the mountains you need a device with a speed 500 times greater than that of modern devices.

"Time machine" and energy cocoon

The pyramids in Tibet are interconnected through giant flat-concave structures - “stone mirrors”. The largest of these devices is 800 m high and is called the “House of Lucky Stone”.

And in the “Mirror of the King of Death”, 3 km long, there is the “Valley of Death”, where yoga practitioners go to die.

The “main mirror of time” is aimed at the huge Lebanese and Syrian megalithic structures.

In the west, the “mirror” of Mount Kailash is inclined at an angle of 108°, in the north – at angles of 30° and 78°, which in total equals 108°. This is no coincidence, because the number 108 is sacred. You need to walk around the mountain exactly this many times to heal spiritually and physically. There are exactly 108 beads on a Buddhist rosary.

A number of researchers believe that the “mirrors” of Kailash create a special energy space that can speed up or slow down the passage of time. So, pilgrims walking around the mountain grow a beard and nails within a day. According to the theory, in ancient times the “time machine” was used:

  • for traveling to the future and past;
  • to go to parallel worlds;
  • to communicate with the “mirrors” of other pyramids of the world;
  • to exchange thoughts at a distance.

Other scientists believe that Kailash is the largest accumulator of cosmic energy on Earth. This function is also facilitated by the symmetrical shape of the mountain. “Mirrors” collect the energy of the Cosmos and transmit it to living organisms, including people.

Mystics are sure that Mount Kailash is one of the entrances to the mythical country of Shambhala in Tibet. Recent research has shown that the region mentioned in the Mahabharata may well have existed.

Religious significance

In modern religions, Kailash is considered a sacred mountain and the “heart of the world.” Pilgrimages are made to the place for parikrama, or kora. It is believed that one walk around the mountain removes all sins from a person. And 108 kor grant healing and nirvana. Travelers are affected by divine energy flows from the stones. According to legend, demigods and higher spirits live in stones.

Mount Kailash in Tibet is sacred to followers of 4 religions:

  1. Hinduism. Hindus are sure that the abode of Shiva is located at the top. And the mountain itself is an earthly reflection of the cosmic mountain above, which is located in central point Universe. They say that sometimes a multi-armed creature is seen above.
  2. Buddhism. Buddhists believe that Kailash is the abode of Buddha in the incarnation of Samvara. Therefore, the Donchod Khural holiday, dedicated to Buddha, is celebrated near the mountain.
  3. Jaymanism. Jains believe that their first prophet, Mahavira, achieved insight on Kailash.
  4. Bon religion. Bonians believe that Kailash is the center of life force, the heart and soul ancient empire Shangshung, where Bon originated.

It was on the sacred mountain that Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche, the founder of the tradition, descended from the sky.

Representatives of religions have different views on walking around the Mountain of the Gods. Most of them make the kora clockwise, as if with the sun. Followers of the Bon tradition - counterclockwise, meeting the sun.

Mount Kailash: climbing

Legends and texts say that anyone who dares to conquer Kailash will die. After all, there is no place for mortals on the mountain of the Gods. So, four climbers who tried to conquer the peak grew old and died within 2 years. It is not for nothing that Tibetan lamas do not advise deviating from the sacred path.

Tourists say that when trying to climb the Mountain of the Gods, an invisible wall appears that cannot be overcome. Kailash only allows you to perform kora, or parikrama.

To this day, the peak remains unconquered. In 1985, German climber Reinhold Messner obtained permission to climb. However, the man suddenly changed his mind. Rumor has it that the athlete had a vision.

In 2000, an expedition from Spain received permission, but thousands of pilgrims blocked the team’s path. The Dalai Lama and the UN also opposed the ascent.

In 2004 without permission Mount Kailash A Russian scientist and his son tried to conquer. According to travelers, the weather worsened with every meter: the wind and snow intensified and knocked the family off their feet.

Among those who conquered the top of the mountain are only semi-mythical characters:

  • celestial founder of the Bon Miwoche tradition;
  • Yogi and teacher Milarepa, who grasped the sun.

Swastika and light phenomena

On Mount Kailash in Tibet, fogs and unusual flashes of light are periodically observed. Every second, spheres the size of basketballs form in the sky. Since ancient times, Tibetans have called them tigle and depicted them in pictures. And at night the sky is covered with hundreds of bright stripes, forming a huge grid of swastikas.

On the southern side of Kailash, a vertical crack intersects with a horizontal one in the shape of a swastika. At sunset, with the play of shadows, the symbol becomes noticeable and can be seen for kilometers ahead. That is why Kailash is called “Swastika Mountain”.

In ancient times, the solstice sign signified enormous spiritual strength, movement and life. However, the swastika crack is of entirely terrestrial origin. The fault appeared after a powerful earthquake.

Living and dead water

U Mount Kailash there are 2 reservoirs separated by a narrow isthmus:

From a scientific point of view, such a difference between nearby bodies of water is inexplicable.

The greatest minds on the planet are trying to understand what the Mountain of the Gods is hiding. What is undeniable is that Kailash is a place of spiritual power.

Ritual circumambulation really cleanses the mind and consciousness, brings peace of mind and harmony. Everyone can be convinced of this.

What do you think, dear Reader? What is the power and secret of the mountain? Who lives at the top? And what prevents climbers from conquering this mountain? Write your thoughts in the comments to the article. We are very interested in your opinion.

Many more fascinating mysteries of our unknown planet await you ahead.