The highest rock. The largest, tallest and deepest. Grand Canyon, USA

There are many amazing and impressive places on our planet created by God. Here are some of the most stunning places in the world.

Great Barrier Reef It is rightfully considered one of the seven wonders of the world, attracting crowds of tourists to Australia.

The total area of ​​the Great Barrier Reef exceeds the area of ​​Great Britain and is equal to 348,698 sq. km. Its length along east coast Australia – more than 2,000 km.

Big barrier reef consists of 2,900 reefs, ranging in size from 0.01 sq. km to 100 sq. km, and more than 300 shoals or islands consisting of coral fragments; and another 600 high islands, most of which are surrounded by their own reefs.

Colca Canyon(Columbia) - the deepest canyon on Earth
The canyon is located in southern Peru and runs through mountain system Andes, its depth reaches 3400 m.

The world's tallest rock walls Mount Thor are located in Auyuittug National Park (Canada) - the largest cliff in the world. Mount Thor is 1250 meters of almost vertical rock

Morecambe Bay– The largest swamp in the world is located in Great Britain.

Isaouane-n-Tifernine- the highest sand dunes on Earth are located in the Sahara (Algeria). Their wave height is 465 meters, length – 5 km. The nearest oasis is 100 km. Less than 2.5 cm of precipitation falls here per year.

Mera Peak(Nepal) - the highest cliff in the world with a height of 6604 meters high.

Merah Peak is the highest trekking peak and is very popular. From its top there is a panorama of 5 of the six most high peaks world: Everest, Lhotse, Kanchenjunga, Cho Oyu and Makalu.

Krubera-Voronya Cave(Georgia) – the most deep cave in the world, its depth is 2190 meters deep. The cave is located in Abkhazia in the Arabica mountain range. The entrance to it is located at an altitude of about 2250 m above sea level in the Orto-Balagan tract.

Angel Falls(Angel) – the most high waterfall on Earth is located in the Venezuelan wilderness and can only be reached by air.

The height of Angel is 979 meters (according to some sources 1059 meters), the height of the continuous fall of water is 807 meters. The waterfall is named after the pilot James Crawford Angel, who flew over the waterfall in 1935.

We have already looked at the highest blank wall near skyscrapers, here it is, and now let’s move on to natural objects.

Mount Thor ( official name Thor Peak is a granite peak recognized as the highest vertical slope in the world. The slope is located in national park Auyuittuq on Baffin Island (Canada). The height of the peak is 1250 meters, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees.

Take a look and find out more about it...-

The height of the peak reaches 1250 m, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees. For comparison, for example, the Burj Khalifa reaches a height of 828 meters, the Eiffel Tower - 324 meters, the CN Tower - 553 meters, and the Empire State Building - 381 meters.

Photo 3.

Mount Thor, of course, is not the most high mountain in the world, but despite its rather remote location, it is very popular among numerous climbers and thrill-seekers who come to this place to overcome difficult route climb, listen to the sound of the blizzard and merge with pristine nature.

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Tor Peak is made of granite and is part of mountain range Baffin, and those, in turn, are part of the majestic mountain range of the Arctic Cordillera. Mount Thor is Canada's most popular peak.

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The first to reach the top of the slope were members of the Alpine Club of Canada. This happened in 1965 under the leadership of the famous climber Pat Baird. And in the summer of 2006, with the help of special climbing equipment, the first successful descents from the steep slope of Mount Tor were carried out.

Photo 6.

The most favorable months for climbing Tor Peak are July and August. Conquest is impossible without good preparation and a serious approach. For a successful climb you need experience, special equipment, and also do not underestimate the importance of logistics and good weather conditions.

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I can also remind you of some interesting rock formations: look at this spectacular one or like this

Unlike mountains, rocks are not covered or only slightly, with rare exceptions, covered with vegetation, which is dominated by mosses and lichens. Essentially, these are blocks of stone with steep slopes and all kinds of protrusions. Just like many other geological formations, nature created them over millions of years, thanks to which they received the most incredible shapes and sometimes colors, so there is something to see here.

Protruding above the sea or valley, the rocks form landscapes of absolutely incredible beauty. Among them there are also those that can outshine the most fantastic scenery. These 9 rock formations are a clear example of the fact that nature itself is the most skilled craftsman.

Coastal cliffs washed by waters Atlantic Ocean, stretch along the coast for 8 km. In different areas, the height of the rocks varies from 120 to 214 meters. It is believed that the cliffs were formed more than 300 million years ago. From these " stone giants“A truly stunning view opens up, which over 1 million tourists come to admire every year.

White Cliffs of Dover, UK

Framing coastline The Pas de Calais cliffs are part of the North Downs. The height of the rocks reaches 107 meters. They are composed of chalk and flint, thanks to which they can be seen from the French Cape Gris-Nez, and among sailors they have won fame as a symbol of the coast of England.

Preikestolen, Norway

A giant cliff overlooks the Lysefjord. The height of the rock formation is 604 meters. Its top is a natural observation deck, with an area of ​​approximately 25 by 25 meters. The cliff offers a magnificent view that will take the breath away even of seasoned tourists.

Cliff of Cabo Girao, Portugal

This steep rock is located on south coast island of Madeira. Cabo Girao is considered the second largest cliff in the world. Its height is 589 meters. There is an observation deck at the top of the cliff, giving tourists the opportunity to “soar” above the ocean.

Kalopapa, Hawaii

At the northern tip of Molokai, on the Kalopapa Peninsula, lies one of the most... scenic spots in Hawaii - National historical park Kalopapa. One of the pearls of the park are sea cliffs over 1000 meters high. They can only be reached on foot or on horseback. For their efforts, tourists will be rewarded with magnificent views of the surrounding landscapes and the endless Pacific Ocean.

Thor Peak, Canada

This granite peak is recognized as the highest vertical slope in the world. It is located in Auyuittuq National Park on Baffin Island. The height of the peak is 1250 meters, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees.

Half Dome, USA

The rock rises 1450 meters above Yosemite Valley. The monolith consists of granite. Half Dome is one of the largest monoliths in North America, and his image is often used as a logo by various organizations. The Half Dome view is also printed on California driver's licenses.

Etretat, France

The cliffs of Etretat became business card town of the same name. Their height ranges from 80 to 120 meters. Nature has carved several unique arches into them. Due to the extraordinary whiteness of the chalk rock, the rocks can be seen far out to sea.

Grand Canyon, USA

Without this natural attraction, the list of incredible rock formations would be incomplete. The canyon on the Colorado Plateau is a real time machine in which you can travel through several geological periods at once. In the canyon, 446 km long, there are “traces” of four geological eras of the Earth.

Over the 10 million years of its creation, nature has formed a gorge up to 1800 meters deep, filled with clusters of rocks of the most incredible shapes and colors. Best View opens on them with glass observation deck“Heavenly Path”, protruding beyond the edges of the canyon by 20 meters and rising above it at an altitude of 1220 meters.

We have already looked at the highest blank wall near skyscrapers, here it is, and now let’s move on to natural objects.

Mount Thor (officially known as Thor Peak) is a granite peak recognized as the highest vertical slope in the world. The slope is located in Auyuittuq National Park on Baffin Island (Canada). The height of the peak is 1250 meters, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees.

Take a look and find out more about it...

The height of the peak reaches 1250 m, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees. For comparison, for example, the Burj Khalifa reaches a height of 828 meters, the Eiffel Tower - 324 meters, the CN Tower - 553 meters, and the Empire State Building - 381 meters.

Photo 3.

Mount Thor, of course, is not the highest mountain in the world, but, despite its rather remote location, it is very popular among numerous climbers and thrill-seekers who come to this place to overcome a difficult climbing route, listen to the sound of a blizzard and merge with the pristine nature.

Photo 4.

Thor Peak is made of granite and is part of the Baffin mountain range, which in turn is part of the majestic Arctic Cordillera mountain range. Mount Thor is Canada's most popular peak.

Photo 5.

The first to reach the top of the slope were members of the Alpine Club of Canada. This happened in 1965 under the leadership of the famous climber Pat Baird. And in the summer of 2006, with the help of special climbing equipment, the first successful descents from the steep slope of Mount Tor were carried out.

Photo 6.

The most favorable months for climbing Tor Peak are July and August. Conquest is impossible without good preparation and a serious approach. A successful climb requires experience, special equipment, and the importance of logistics and good weather conditions should not be underestimated.

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An unusual and slightly mysterious rock, of enormous size, is located in the middle of the waters Pacific Ocean, many millions of years ago, this place was the most active volcano, but with the passage of time, only a rock remained, which is called the Pyramid of Ball.

Ball's Pyramid or Ball's Pyramid is a small uninhabited volcanic island, approximately 20 kilometers southeast of Lord Howe Island. This is the highest rock on our planet - a block of stone that unexpectedly grows out of the water surface of the southern part Pacific Ocean and keeping amazing secrets.


Coordinates: 31°45?20.06? S ; 159°14?54.82? e.d. Ball's Pyramid is located 700 km northeast of Sydney, approximately 20 kilometers southeast of Lord Howe Island.

The largest rock on Earth is a volcano that died out about 7 million years ago and is gradually being destroyed by waves and winds. To date, only about 3% of the volcano's mass has been preserved. This is the rock itself, as well as several small rocky islands nearby.


Ball's Pyramid, discovered in 1788, is named after its discoverer, the commander of the ship Seplai, Henry Lidgbird Ball, who transported settlers to Norfolk Island. Large island nearby received the name of the first lord of the British admiralty, Lord Howe. This small island, 11 km long and shaped like a crescent, was a paradise for explorers.

Ball's Pyramid "waited" for almost a hundred years after its discovery until the first recorded landing in 1882. The first person was Australian geologist Henry Wilkinson. And conquering the summit was a very difficult task. The first attempt by the Sydney group, consisting of traveler Dick Smith and several scouts, ended unsuccessfully - they returned after the fifth day. On 14 February 1965, a group of climbers from the Sydney Climbing Club, including Brayden Allen, John Davis, Jack Pettigrew and David Witham, reached the summit. Then in 1979 Dick Smith returned with climbers John Worrell and Hugh Ward and also made it to the top. But he not only conquered the peak, which had previously not allowed him to approach it, but also planted on the peak the flag of the Australian state of New South Wales, which was issued to him personally by the state’s Prime Minister, Nevinn Vran, and declared the island the territory of Australia (a formality that, apparently, no one has done this before). There were several successful attempts to conquer it until 1982, when a law was passed prohibiting climbing. And in 1986, another law was passed that prohibited visiting the island. Since the 1990s, visits have become strictly limited, requiring special permission, however, some ascents have occurred.


In 1931, aviator Francis Chichester, flying over the rock, exclaimed: “It pierces the air like a broad, primeval stone dagger.” And indeed this is the highest rock, 400 m wide at the base and 550-562 m high (readings vary here). It looks like a sail rushing into the sky, although it remains only a point in the ocean. Be that as it may, the highest volcanic cliff is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Flora and fauna

First let's look at some black and white pages neighboring island Lord Howe. Wild animals, which had never seen people and did not know their treachery, lived on this island in huge numbers. But after the discovery, a black page began in the history of Lord Howe Island. Ships began to come here, where hungry sailors easily and immoderately obtained game. For example, the white plume bird was completely exterminated.

In 1834, the first settlers settled on the island, bringing with them their animals and rats. Representatives of the local fauna were unaware of the danger, and these rats destroyed 5 species of birds and brought some species to the brink of survival.

Fortunately, Ball's Pyramid managed to escape these misfortunes, although it is located only 20 km south of Lord Howe.

Off Lord Howe Island, on the border between warm tropical and cold subantarctic currents, is the southernmost coral reef. More than 400 species of tropical and cold-loving fish live here. Here, spotted angelfish and white-striped clownfish scurry among the nudibranchs. An amazing fish, the two-headed wrasse, reaching 76 cm in length, lives only here. And the volcanic plateau, the same remains of a volcano as Ball's Pyramid, represents beautiful place habitat of fish that scurry back and forth among the bizarre underwater arches, columns, caves and grottoes.

The Pyramid of Bol is a wonderful home for thousands of birds. Terns, gannets, petrels, red-tailed phaetons, etc. hatch their chicks here without fear of humans.

In 2000, the insect Dryococelus australis, which was considered extinct, was found on the island.

Dryococelus australis, the giant stick insect (lat. Dryococelus australis) is one of the rarest insects on Earth, 12 centimeters long and 1.5 centimeters wide. Previously lived on the volcanic Lord Howe Island. After the discovery of the island in 1788, by 1918 this large flightless insect, which previously had no natural enemies, was thought to be extinct, destroyed by black rats.

In 1960, climbers climbing Bol's Pyramid discovered several giant stick insects there. However, they were able to find only a few specimens, and the species was then considered extinct again.

In 2001, an expedition was sent to Bols Pyramid, and after two days on the island they managed to find a colony of 20-30 giant stick insects living under a melaleuca bush.