The volcano with the most activity. The most active and dangerous volcanoes in the world. There are four of them in total

Active and extinct volcanoes have always attracted people. People settled on the volcanic slopes to engage in agriculture, because the volcanic soil is very fertile.

Today, the majestic geological formations attract crowds of tourists who want to admire their beauty.

Those thirsty for extreme sports are not stopped even by the most dangerous natural objects– active volcanoes.

How many volcanoes are on Earth is not known for certain, despite the fact that volcanologists have been trying to establish their exact number since the advent of such a science as volcanology - the bottom of the World Ocean has been studied too little so far, where many more undiscovered ones may be hiding. The Smithsonian Institution has cataloged 1,532 volcanoes. These data are considered the most complete to date.

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List of active volcanoes in the world

Today we will look at where there are active volcanoes in the world. Most of them are located along the coast. This zone is called the Pacific Ring of Fire. The second most volcanic activity zone is the Mediterranean belt.

There are about 900 active volcanoes on land

About 60 geological formations on earth explode every year. Let's look at the most dangerous ones that are active, as well as a few impressive ones that are dormant.

Merapi, Indonesia

Merapi is the most impressive, receiving a nickname that in Russian would sound like “Mountain of Fire”. It is located on the island. Java, reaches a height of 2914 m. Large-scale emissions occur every 7 years, and small ones twice a year. Smoke is constantly coming out of its crater. One of the most significant tragedies associated with the activity occurred in 1006. Then a fierce disaster destroyed the Javanese-Indian state of Mataram.

In 1673, another powerful eruption erupted, as a result of which the towns and villages located at the foot were destroyed. In 1930, volcanic eruptions killed 1,300 people.

The last Merapi eruption occurred in 2010, when the evacuation of 350 thousand people was required. Some of them decided to return and died in the lava flow. 353 people were injured then.

In that last disaster, Fire Mountain ejected a mixture of ash and gas at a speed of 100 km/h, with temperatures reaching 1000°C.

Sakurajima, Japan

Sakurajima is located on the island. Kyushu. The mountain once stood separately, but during one of the eruptions it joined the Osumi Peninsula with the help of lava. It rises to a height of 1117 m. It consists of three peaks, the highest of which is the northern one.

The activity of Sakurajima increases every year, and until 1946 there were only 6 emissions. It has been erupting continuously since 1955.

Note: One of the largest disasters occurred in 1914, when a disaster claimed the lives of 35 people. In 2013, 1097 minor emissions were recorded, and in 2014 - 471.

Aso, Japan

Aso is another volcanic giant of the island. Kyushu. Its height is 1592 m. It is a caldera, in the middle of which there are 17 cones. The most active of them is Nakadake.

Aso last erupted lava in 2011. Since then, about 2,500 tremors have occurred here. In 2016, the ejection process was accompanied by an earthquake.

It is worth noting: Despite the danger associated with the extreme activity of Aso, about 50 thousand people live in the caldera, and the crater itself has become a popular site active tourism. In winter, people ski on the slopes of Aso.

Nyiragongo, Republic of Congo

Nyiragongo refers to mountain system Virunga is the most active in Africa. The height is 3470 m. In its crater there is a huge seething lava lake, the largest in the world. During an eruption, lava flows out almost completely, destroying everything around it in a matter of hours. After that, it fills the crater again. Due to the military situation in the Republic of Congo, the crater has not yet been sufficiently explored.

Since the end of the 19th century alone, 34 eruptions of the formidable Nyiragongo have been recorded. Its lava is very liquid because it does not contain enough silicates. For this reason, it spreads quickly, reaching speeds of 100 km/h. This feature makes Nyiragongo one of the most dangerous on the planet. In 1977, a huge mass of lava hit a nearby town. The cause was a rupture in the crater wall. The disaster claimed the lives of several hundred people.

In 2002, another large-scale eruption occurred, then 400 thousand people were evacuated, 147 of whom died. Despite the fact that this Nyiragongo is considered the most dangerous in the world, about half a million people live in nearby settlements.

Galeras, Colombia

It rises above the Colombian town of Pasto, with about 500 thousand inhabitants. Galeras reaches a height of 4276 m. In recent years, Galeras has been constantly active, throwing out volcanic ash.

One of the largest eruptions was recorded in 1993. The disaster led to the death of 6 volcanologists and 3 tourists located in the crater. The disaster came unexpectedly, after a long calm.

One of the most recent eruptions occurred in August 2010. Colombian authorities periodically evacuate local residents as Galeras becomes active.

Colima, Mexico

Colima is located on the coast Pacific Ocean. Consists of 2 peaks, one of which is extinct. In 2016, Colima became active, releasing a column of ash.

The last time he reminded himself was January 19, 2017. At the time of the disaster, a cloud of ash and smoke rose 2 km.

Vesuvius, Italy

Vesuvius has 3 cones. Strong eruptions alternate with periods of low-power activity. Releases huge amounts of ash and gases. In 79, Vesuvius shook all of Italy, destroying the cities of Pompeii and Stabia. They were covered with a thick layer of ash, reaching up to 8 m. The city of Herculaneum was flooded with mud flows, as the eruption was accompanied by mud rains.

In 1631, there was an eruption that claimed the lives of 4,000 people. It turned out to be weaker than in 79, but since then the slopes of Vesuvius have been inhabited large quantity people, which led to such victims. After this event, the volcano became lower by 168 m. The eruption of 1805 destroyed almost all of Naples and claimed the lives of 26 thousand people.

The last time Vesuvius erupted lava flows was in 1944, leveling the cities of San Sebastiano and Massa. The number of victims was 27 people. After this, the volcano subsided. To monitor his activities, a volcanological observatory was built here.

Etna, Italy

Etna is the highest volcano in Europe. It is located in the northern hemisphere in the east. Its height changes after each eruption, now it is 3429 m above sea level.

Etna has, according to various estimates, 200-400 side craters. Every 3 months an eruption occurs from one of them. Quite often this leads to the destruction of villages located nearby.

Despite the dangers, Sicilians densely populate the slopes of Etna. A national park was even created here.

Popocatepetl, Mexico

The second highest peak in Mexico, its name means “smoking hill.” It is located 70 km from Mexico City. The height of the mountain is 5500 meters.

Over 500 years, Popocatepetl erupted lava more than 15 times, the last time this happened in 2015.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

This is the most high peak. Its height varies between 4750-4850 m above sea level. The slopes are covered with side craters, of which there are more than 80.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka reminds itself every 3 years, each of its activities lasts several months and is sometimes accompanied by ashfalls. The most active year It turned out to be 2016, when the volcano exploded 55 times.

The most destructive disaster was in 1938, when the activity of Klyuchevskaya Sopka lasted 13 months.

Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA

Mauna Loa can be found in the central part of the island of Hawaii. It rises 4169 m above sea level. Mauna Loa is of the Hawaiian type.

Its characteristic feature is lava outpourings that occur without explosions or ash emissions. Lava erupts through the central vent, cracks and fractures.

Cotopaxi, Ecuador

Cotopaxi belongs to the Andes mountain system. This is the second highest peak, rising to 5911 m.

The first eruption was recorded in 1534. The eruption had its most devastating consequences in 1768. Then the release of lava and sulfur was accompanied by an earthquake. The disaster destroyed the city of Latacunga and its surrounding area. The eruption was so strong that traces of it were found in the Amazon basin.


There are about three dozen volcanoes on the island. Among them, some have long been extinct, but there are also active ones.

This island is the only one in the world where so many geological formations are located. Icelandic territory is a real volcanic plateau.

Extinct and dormant volcanoes

Volcanoes that have lost activity are either extinct or dormant. They are safe to visit, which is why these sites are more popular among travelers. On the map, such inactive geological formations are indicated by special icons: black stars, in contrast to active ones, marked with red stars. More for the locations of these fiery mountains There are letter designations “vlk” or “vk”. For mud volcanoes, which send messages about their activity in the form of flows not of magma, but of mud - “mud”. Examples of dormant and extinct volcanoes - see below.

What is the difference between an extinct and dormant volcano? Extinct species have not been active for at least 1 million years. Presumably, their magma has already cooled and will not explode. True, volcanologists do not rule out that a new volcano may form in their place.

Aconcagua, Argentina

Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Andes. It rises to 6960.8 m. The mountain was formed at the junction of the Nazca and South American lithospheric plates. Today the slopes of the mountain are covered with glaciers.

Aconcagua is of interest to climbers as the highest peak in South America, as well as the highest extinct volcano.

Kilimanjaro, Africa

If someone is asked to name the most high mountain Africa, then he will name the most famous mountain on the African continent. It consists of 3 peaks, the highest of which is Kibo (5,891.8 m).

Kilimanjaro is considered dormant, with only gases and sulfur coming out of its crater. It is expected to become active when the mountain collapses, leading to large-scale eruption. Scientists consider the peak of Kibo to be the most formidable.

Yellowstone, USA

Yellowstone is located in the national park of the same name. The peak belongs to supervolcanoes, of which there are 20 on Earth. Yellowstone is extremely dangerous because it erupts with incredible force and can affect the climate of the planet.

Yellowstone has erupted three times. Last eruption took place 640 thousand years ago, at the same time the caldera depression was formed.

At this volcano, lava accumulates in a special reservoir, where it melts the surrounding rocks, becoming thicker. This reservoir is very close to the surface, which worries volcanologists.

The eruption is stopped by flows of water that cool the magma bubble and break out in the form of geysers.

Since there is still a lot of energy left inside the bubble, it is expected to burst out in the near future.

The US authorities are taking all measures to prevent the eruption of Yellowstone, because it could claim the lives of 87 thousand people. One of the projects is the installation of a geothermal station, but this will require drilling wells, which could provoke a disaster not only in the country, but also on the entire planet.

Elbrus, Russia

The Caucasian peak today is attractive to climbers. Its height is 5621 m. It is a dormant formation in which volcanic processes occur. The last eruption supposedly took place 1.7 thousand years ago; 500 years ago it released a column of ash. The activity of Elbrus is evidenced by geothermal springs located nearby.

Scientists disagree on when to expect the next eruption, but what is certain is that it will lead to a mudslide.

Big and Small Ararat, Türkiye

Greater Ararat (5165 m) is located on the Armenian Highlands, 11 km from it is Little Ararat (3927 m). Greater Ararat always accompanied by destruction. The last tragedy occurred in 1840 and was accompanied by a strong earthquake. Then 10,000 people died.

Kazbek, Georgia

Kazbek is located in Georgia. Locals They call it Mkinvartsveri, which translates as “ice mountain”. The height of the giant is 5033.8 m.

Kazbek is not active today, but is classified as potentially dangerous. It last erupted in 650 BC.

The mountain has very steep slopes, and mudslides are possible.


Volcanoes are among the most attractive tourist sites. Today they are no longer so dangerous, since their activity can be predicted by volcanologists. Research is underway to harness the energy of geological formations for the benefit of humanity.

When trying to go to the top of a volcano, especially an active one, it is necessary to collect information about its condition and listen to the forecasts of seismologists, since tragic incidents among tourists occur frequently.

We bring to your attention interesting video about active volcanoes of the world:

According to a register of active volcanoes compiled by scientists from the University of North Carolina, it was found that out of 1,500 dangerous craters, 50 erupt and 11 are of special concern. Oddly enough, the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull, whose eruption paralyzed the sky over all of Europe for several days, is considered a “supporting character” in the world.

In just three days, it released 140 million cubic meters of gas and dust into the atmosphere. The column of smoke rose to a height of 10 km, in which the air is so electrified that incredible lightning can be observed every 15 minutes.

In the list of the most dangerous volcanoes, scientists included the Philippine Pinatubo, which in 1991 released so much gas and ash into the atmosphere that changes were noted in the planet’s climate over the next two years. Also included here are the Italian volcanoes Stromboli and Etna.

As the Italian newspaper La Repubblica reports, according to the European Space Agency, up to 500 million people live in the immediate vicinity of volcanoes. 90% of the 1,500 active volcanoes are concentrated in the 40,000-kilometer "ring of fire" in the Pacific Ocean.

The publication recalled that a week ago the deepest volcanic eruption took place at a depth of 1,500 meters under water in the area of ​​Fiji and Samoa. To observe the volcano, it was necessary to construct a camera that could withstand the melting temperature of lead. But the “coldest” vent is located above the ice shell in the Antarctic region.

Eruptions usually begin with deep "breathing". The earth around the volcano seems to be retracted. Then the mountain begins to tremble, special sensors record the shaking of the soil. Then there is a dull sound that comes from the depths.

However, the most dangerous volcanic eruption could happen very soon, scientists worry. The recently awakened Eyjafjallajökull is not so scary (his behavior already seems stable). However, the Katla volcano, located 20 km away, is of concern: it is five times larger and 100 times more powerful than Eyjafjallajokull, capable of erupting up to a billion cubic meters of lava per second. Data obtained from observation equipment indicate that the volcano will soon awaken. A rapid eruption is also indicated by a change in the direction of flow of local rivers.
“History indicates that it is very rare that Eyjafjallajökull comes to life without awakening the Katla volcano,” says a report from the Global Alliance for Disaster Reduction at the University of North Carolina.

In the event of an eruption, scientists predict, we can expect a phenomenon called “volcanic winter”: a cloud of ash reflects the sun’s rays at a height, preventing them from reaching the surface of the earth.
Experts see the reason for such massive manifestations of volcanic force in the melting of ice, which probably weakened the pressure of the surface layers of the Earth, allowing magma to rise to the top.
"In the coming years, we expect more frequent and more powerful eruptions in Iceland. Global warming is leading to melting of the ice. This phenomenon also affects the movement of magma under the surface of the Earth," explained geologist Freysteinn Sigmundsson.

But the current eruption is not capable of affecting the Earth's climate, even if someone believes that the cloud released by the volcano could contribute to a decrease average temperature on the planet. Because the Icelandic volcano is much weaker than the Philippine one, which ranks 6th out of 8 possible.

"We don't expect anything like this from Eyjafjallajokull. Its eruption level is too low to influence the climate," explained Olav Hija from the Norwegian Institute of Meteorology.
At the same time, it is possible that the next 12-14 months Northern Europe will observe unusual sunsets of an intensely red color.

Volcanoes are beautiful, but at the same time they are scary. They frighten with their power and the fact that they can become the culprits of death and destruction. And although volcanic eruptions are not a frequent occurrence and are under the control of scientists, many active volcanoes still pose a danger to people living near them. Here are the 10 most active volcanoes on Earth.


Mauna Loa is one of the largest volcanoes on Earth in terms of volume and base area. It is also one of the five volcanoes that form the Hawaiian Islands. This is an active volcano that has been erupting for approximately 700,000 years. The last eruption of the volcano occurred on March 24, 1984.

Taal Volcano is located on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, about 50 km from the capital Manila. This is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines and has erupted many times. The last eruption was in 1977.

Ulawun is one of the most active volcanoes in Papua New Guinea. And one of the most dangerous. The first eruption was recorded in 1700. Since then, 22 eruptions have been recorded. So in 1980, an eruption devastated an area of ​​20 square meters. km.

It is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa and one of the eight volcanoes in the Virunga Mountains. It has erupted at least 34 times since 1882. Nyiragongo's last destructive eruption occurred on January 17, 2002, when lava destroyed approximately 40% of the city of Goma.

Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia, which has erupted regularly since 1548. The volcano is located near the city of Yogyakarta and thousands of people actually live on the slope of the volcano.

Galeras has been active for at least a million years. It is located in southern Colombia, close to the border with Ecuador. Today it is the most active volcano in Colombia. After a 10-year sleep, the volcano woke up in 1988, and in 1993 a disaster occurred that resulted in the death of six scientists and three tourists.

Sakurajima is an active stratovolcano and former island. It is often called Vesuvius of the East. A cloud of smoke is almost always visible above the volcano. The danger of the volcano is that densely populated areas of the city of Kagoshima are located next to it.

Popocatepetl is an active volcano and the second highest peak in Mexico (5426 m). Residents of Puebla, 40 km from the volcano, enjoy the magnificent view of its snow-capped peak. The last major eruption was in 2000. Fortunately, scientists were able to warn the government and people were evacuated from the dangerous area.

This is the most dangerous and active supervolcano, the eruption of which will lead to catastrophic consequences. A Yellowstone eruption could lead to species extinction and even the end of the world.

Undoubtedly, active volcanoes in the world are one of the most fascinating and beautiful and at the same time terrifying natural phenomena. These geological formations played a key role in the formation of the Earth. Thousands of years ago there were a huge number of them throughout the planet.

Today there are few volcanoes that are still active. Some of them frighten, delight and at the same time destroy entire settlements. Let's figure out where the most famous active volcanoes are located.


A typical stratovolcano (has a layered, conical shape) with a height of 6739 m. It is located on the border of Chile and Argentina.

Such a complex name can be interpreted in different ways:

  • “water that cannot be found despite long searches”;
  • "a soft mass that becomes hard."

On the side of the Chilean state at the foot of the volcano there is National Park with the same name - Llullaillaco, so the surroundings of the mountain are very picturesque. While climbing to the top, tourists encounter donkeys, many species of birds and guanacos living in natural conditions.

There are two routes to get to the crater:

  • northern – duration 4.6 km, the road is suitable for traveling by car;
  • southern – duration 5 km.

If you plan to walk, take special shoes and an ice ax with you, as there are snowy areas along the way.

Interesting fact! During the first ascent in 1952, an ancient Incan repository was discovered on the mountain, and in 1999, the mummies of a girl and a boy were found near the crater. According to scientists, they became ritual victims.

The most powerful eruptions were recorded three times - in 1854 and 1866. Last eruption active volcano happened in 1877.

San Pedro

The 6,145-meter-high giant is located in the Andes, in northern Chile near Bolivia on the Western Cordillera. The peak of the volcano rises above the longest body of water in Chile - Loa.

San Pedro is on the list of the highest active volcanoes. It was possible to climb to the crater for the first time in 1903. Today it is a unique attraction in Chile, which attracts thousands of tourists from different corners peace. In the 20th century, the volcano reminded itself of itself 7 times, the last time in 1960. For more than half a century, San Pedro has resembled a bubbling cauldron that could explode at any moment. At the foot there are signs that warn that climbing to the crater is only possible with a mask that protects against toxic emissions.


  • San Pedro is one of the few giant volcanoes that has remained active to this day. Many giants are considered extinct.
  • San Pedro's neighbor is the San Pablo volcano. It is located to the east and its height is 6150 m. The two mountains are connected by a high saddle.
  • Residents of Chile tell many legends associated with the San Pedro volcano, since each eruption in the past was considered a heavenly sign and had mystical significance.
  • For the descendants of migrants from Spain and local indigenous residents, the volcano is a source of constant and considerable income.

El Misti

Among all the active volcanoes in the world on the map, this one is rightfully considered the most beautiful. Its peak is sometimes snow-covered. The mountain is located near the city of Arequipa, its height is 5822 meters. The volcano is notable for the fact that at its summit there are two craters with diameters of almost 1 km and 550 m.

There are unusual parabolic dunes on the slopes. They were the result of constant winds between El Misti and Mount Cerro Tacune, and they stretch for 20 km.

The first active action of the volcano was recorded during the migration of Europeans to Latin America. The most severe, destructive disaster occurred in 1438. In the 20th century, the volcano showed varying degrees of activity several times:

  • In 1948 for six months;
  • in 1959;
  • steam emissions were observed in 1985.

Scientists in Peru concluded several years ago that the seismic activity of the volcano is gradually increasing. This leads to earthquakes, which are not uncommon in this area. Considering that El Misti is located near large settlement in Peru, this makes it a fairly dangerous active volcano.


Located in Mexico, the highest point reaches 5500 m above sea level. It is the second highest mountain peak in the state.

The Aztecs believed that worshiping the volcano would bring rain, so they regularly brought offerings here.

Popocatépetl is dangerous because many cities are built around it:

  • the capitals of the states of Puebla and Tlaxcal;
  • the cities of Mexico City and Cholula.

According to scientists, the volcano has erupted more than three dozen times in its history. The last eruption was recorded in May 2013. During the disaster, the airport in Puebla was closed and the streets were covered in ash. Despite the hidden danger, thousands of tourists come to the volcano every year from different countries world to admire the scenery, listen to the legend and enjoy the grandeur of the mountain.

Volcano Sangay

Sangay rightfully belongs to the top ten active volcanoes, which are the most powerful in the world. The mountain is located in South America, its height is 5230 meters. Translated, the name of the volcano means “fear-inspiring” and this fully reflects its behavior - eruptions are frequent here, and sometimes stones weighing 1 ton fall from the sky. At the top of the mountain, covered with eternal snow, there are three craters with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters.

The age of the volcano is about 14 thousand years; the giant has been particularly active in recent decades. One of the most destructive activities was recorded in 2006; the eruption lasted more than a year.

The first ascent took almost 1 month, today tourists travel comfortably by car, and people cover the final stretch of the journey on mules. The journey takes several days. In general, the journey is assessed as quite difficult, so few people decide to climb to the crater. Tourists who conquer the mountain smell a strong sulfur smell and are surrounded by smoke. As a reward, an amazing landscape opens up from the top.

The volcano is surrounded by the Sangay National Park, whose area is more than 500 hectares. In 1992, UNESCO added the park to its list of endangered sites. However, in 2005 the object was removed from the list.

Interesting fact! The park area contains the three highest volcanoes of Ecuador - Sangay, Tungurahua and El Altar.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

The volcano is the highest on the Eurasian continent - 4750 meters, and its age is more than 7 thousand years. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is located in the central part of Kamchatka; there are several other volcanoes nearby. The height of the giant increases after each eruption. There are more than 80 side craters on the slopes, so several lava flows are formed during an eruption.

The volcano is one of the most active in the world and makes itself known regularly, approximately once every 3-5 years. The duration of each activity reaches several months. The first happened in 1737. Throughout 2016, the volcano was active 55 times.

The most serious disaster was recorded in 1938, its duration was 13 months. As a result of the cataclysm, a 5 km long crack was formed. In 1945, the eruption was accompanied by a serious rockfall. And in 1974, the active actions of Klyuchevskaya Sopka led to the explosion of the glacier.

During the 1984-1987 eruption, a new peak was formed, and ash emissions rose 15 km. In 2002, the volcano became active; the greatest activity was recorded in 2005 and 2009. By 2010, the height of the mountain exceeded 5 km. In the spring of 2016, another eruption occurred over several weeks, accompanied by earthquakes, lava flows and ash emissions to a height of up to 11 km.

Mauna Loa

The eruption of this huge volcano can be observed from anywhere in Hawaii. Mauna Loa is located in an archipelago formed as a result of volcanic activity. Its height is 4169 meters. The peculiarity is that the crater is not round, so the distance from one edge to the other varies between 3-5 km. Residents of the island call the mountain Long.

On a note! Many tour guides on the island take tourists to the Mauna Kea volcano. It is indeed slightly higher than Mauna Loa, but unlike the latter, it is already extinct. Therefore, be sure to specify which volcano you want to see.

Mauna Loa is 700 thousand years old, of which 300 thousand it was under water. The activity of the volcano began to be recorded only in the first half of the 19th century. During this time, he reminded himself more than 30 times. With each eruption, the size of the giant increases.

The most devastating disasters occurred in 1926 and 1950. The volcano destroyed several villages and a city. And the eruption in 1935 was reminiscent of the plot of the legendary Soviet film “Crew”. The last activity was recorded in 1984; lava poured out of the crater for 3 weeks. Several earthquakes occurred in 2013, indicating that the volcano may soon show what it can do again.

We can say that scientists are showing the greatest interest in Mauna Loa. According to seismologists, the volcano (one of the few in the world) will continuously erupt for another million years.


Located in the republic of the same name, on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea. This is the highest point of the state - 4040 meters. The foot of the mountain and its lower part are covered with tropical forests, there is no vegetation at the top, and there is a small amount of snow.

In the territory West Africa this is the most active volcano of all active on the mainland. Over the past century, the giant has manifested itself 8 times. Each eruption resembles an explosion. The first mention of the disaster dates back to the 5th century BC. In 1922, volcanic lava reached the coast Atlantic Ocean. The last eruption occurred in 2000.

Good to know! The optimal time for climbing is December or January. In February, an annual competition is held here - “Race of Hope”. Thousands of participants climb to the top, competing in speed.


Tallest volcano on the territory of Indonesia (its height reaches 3 km 800 meters) and the most high point Sumatra. Located in the central part of the island, in south direction from Padang city. Not far from the volcano there is Keinchi Seblat Park, which has national status.

The depth of the crater is more than 600 meters; there is a lake in its northeastern part. A strong eruption was recorded in 2004, when a column of ash and smoke rose 1 km. The last serious disaster was recorded in 2009, and in 2011 the activity of the volcano was felt in the form of characteristic tremors.

In the summer of 2013, the volcano emitted a column of ash 800 meters high. Residents of nearby settlements hastily packed their things and evacuated. The ash colored the sky gray and the smell of sulfur was in the air. Only 30 minutes passed, and several villages were covered in a thick layer of ash. Concerns were raised about tea plantations, which are located near the volcano and were also damaged by the disaster. Fortunately, heavy rain fell after the event, and the consequences of the eruption were washed away.

This is interesting! The climb to the crater takes 2 to 3 days. The route is laid through dense forests, most often the road is slippery. To overcome the path, you will need the help of a guide. There have been cases in history when travelers disappeared while setting out on their own. The best place to start your climb is in the village of Kersik Tua.


Active volcanoes on every continent (except Australia) attract the attention of scientists and tourists. Even in Antarctica there is one of them - Erebus. This volcano is located south of other objects that are the object of research by seismologists. The height of the mountain is 3 km 794 m, and the size of the crater is a little more than 800 m.

The volcano has been active since the end of the last century, when a station was opened in the state of New Mexico, its employees monitor its activities. A unique phenomenon of Erebus is the lava lake.

The object is named after the god Erebus. The mountain is located in a fault zone, which is why the volcano is recognized as one of the most active in the world. The gases released cause serious damage to the ozone layer. Scientists note that this is where the thinnest layer of ozone is.

Volcanic eruptions occur in the form of explosions; the lava is thick, hardens quickly and does not have time to spread over large areas.

The main danger is ash, which makes air travel difficult because visibility is sharply reduced. A mud flow is also dangerous, as it moves at high speed, and it is almost impossible to escape from it.

Erebus is an amazing natural creation - menacing, magical and enchanting. The lake in the crater attracts with special mystery.


Located in Sicily, in the Mediterranean Sea. With a height of 3329 meters, it cannot be classified as the highest active volcano in the world, but it can confidently be considered one of the most active. After each eruption, the height increases slightly. In Europe it is largest volcano, its top is always decorated with a snow cap. The volcano has 4 central cones and about 400 side cones.

The first activity dates back to 1226 BC. The most terrible eruption occurred in 44 BC, it was so strong that the ash completely covered the sky over the capital of Italy, destroyed the harvest on Mediterranean coast. Today Etna is no less dangerous than in prehistoric times. The last eruption occurred in the spring of 2008 and lasted almost 420 days.

The volcano is attractive for its diverse vegetation; here you can find palm trees, cacti, pine trees, agaves, spruce trees, biscus trees, fruit trees and vineyards. Some plants are characteristic only of Etna - stone tree, ethnian violet. Numerous myths and legends are associated with the volcano and the mountain.


In the territory Hawaiian Islands it is the most active volcano (although far from the highest in the world). In Hawaiian, Kilauea means highly spreading. Eruptions have occurred continuously since 1983.

The volcano is located on the territory National Park volcanoes, its height is only 1 km 247 meters, but it compensates for its insignificant height with activity. Kilauea appeared 25 thousand years ago; the diameter of the volcano’s caldera is considered one of the largest in the world - about 4.5 km.

Interesting! According to legend, the volcano is the residence of the goddess Pele (goddess of volcanoes). Her tears are individual drops of lava, and her hair is rivulets of lava.

An amazing sight is the Puuoo lava lake, which is located in the crater. Molten rocks bubble restlessly, creating amazing stains on the surface. Being close to it natural phenomenon dangerous because fiery lava erupts to a height of 500 meters.

In addition to the lake, you can admire a natural cave here. Its length is more than 60 km. The ceiling of the cave is decorated with stalactites. Tourists note that walking through the cave is reminiscent of flying to the moon.

In 1990, volcanic lava completely destroyed the village; the thickness of the lava layer ranged from 15 to 25 meters. Over the course of 25 years, the volcano destroyed almost 130 houses, destroyed 15 km of roads, and lava covered an area of ​​120 km.

The whole world watched the powerful eruption of Kilauea in 2014. The eruption was accompanied by periodic earthquakes. Huge volumes of lava destroyed residential buildings and working farms. Evacuation of nearby settlements was carried out, but not all residents showed a desire to leave their homes.

Which continent has no active volcanoes?

There are no extinct or active volcanoes in Australia. This is explained by the fact that the continent is located far from crustal faults and volcanic lava does not have access to the surface.

The opposite of Australia is Japan - the country is located in the most dangerous tectonic zone. Here 4 tectonic plates collide.

Volcanoes are geological formations on the Earth's surface where magma emerges as lava. These mountains exist not only on Earth, but also on other planets. Thus, the Olympus volcano on Mars reaches a height of several tens of kilometers. Such formations are dangerous not only because of lava, but also because of the release of large amounts of dust and ash into the atmosphere.

Eruption Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull made a lot of noise in 2010. Although it was not the most destructive in terms of strength, its proximity to Europe led to the impact of emissions on transport system mainland. However, history knows many other cases of the destructive effects of volcanoes. Let's talk about ten of the most famous and large-scale of them.

Vesuvius, Italy.

On August 24, 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, destroying not only the well-known city of Pompeii, but also the cities of Stabiae and Herculaneum. The ashes even reached Egypt and Syria. It would be a mistake to believe that the disaster destroyed Pompeii alive; out of a population of 20 thousand, only 2 thousand died. Among the victims was the famous scientist Pliny the Elder, who approached the volcano on a ship in order to explore it and thereby found himself practically at the epicenter of the disaster. During the excavations of Pompeii, it was discovered that under a multi-meter layer of ash, the life of the city froze at the time of the disaster - objects remained in their places, houses with furniture, people and animals were found. Today, Vesuvius remains the only active volcano on the continental part of Europe; in total, more than 80 of its eruptions are known, the very first happened supposedly 9 thousand years ago, and the last occurred in 1944. Then the cities of Massa and San Sebastiano were destroyed, and 57 people died. Naples is located 15 kilometers from Vesuvius, and the height of the mountain is 1281 meters. Tambora, Sumbawa Island. The cataclysm on this Indonesian island occurred on April 5, 1815. This is the largest in number dead people and by volume of ejected material in modern history

eruption The disaster associated with the eruption and the ensuing famine killed 92 thousand people. In addition, the Tambora culture, which Europeans had only become acquainted with shortly before, completely disappeared from the face of the earth. The volcano lived for 10 days, decreasing in height by 1400 meters during this time. Ashes hid an area within a radius of 500 kilometers from the sun for 3 days. According to the British authorities, in those days in Indonesia it was impossible to see anything at arm's length. Most of the island of Sumbawa was covered with a meter-thick layer of ash, under the weight of which even stone houses crumbled. 150-180 cubic kilometers of gases and pyroclassics were released into the atmosphere. The volcano therefore had a strong impact on the climate of the entire planet - the ash clouds did not transmit the rays of the Sun well, which led to a noticeable drop in temperature. 1816 became known as the “year without summer”; in Europe and America the snow melted only in June, and the first frosts appeared in August. The result was widespread crop failure and famine. 27 thousand years ago, a strong volcanic eruption occurred on one of the islands, surpassing even Tambora in strength. Geologists consider this cataclysm to be the last of such force in the history of the planet. As a result of the work of the supervolcano, Lake Taupo was formed, which today is the object of attention of tourists, as it is very beautiful. The last eruption of the giant took place in 180 AD. The ash and blast wave destroyed half of all life on the North Island, and about 100 cubic kilometers of tectonic matter entered the atmosphere. The eruption speed was 700 km/hour. The ash that rose into the sky colored sunsets and sunrises around the world with crimson, which was reflected in ancient Roman and Chinese chronicles.

Krakatoa, Indonesia. The volcano, located between the islands of Sumatra and Java, produced the largest explosion of its kind in modern history on August 27, 1883. During the cataclysm, a tsunami up to 30 meters high occurred, which simply washed away 295 villages and towns, killing about 37 thousand people. The roar from the explosion was heard on 8% of the entire surface of the planet, and pieces of lava were thrown into the air to an unprecedented height of 55 kilometers. The wind blew the volcanic ash so far that 10 days later it was discovered at a distance of 5,330 kilometers from the scene of the events. The island mountain then split into 3 small parts. The wave from the explosion circled the earth from 7 to 11 times; geologists believe that the explosion was 200 thousand times stronger than nuclear attack according to Hiroshima. Krakatoa had awakened before, for example, in 535, its activity noticeably changed the climate of the planet, and perhaps it was then that the islands of Java and Sumatra separated. In place of the volcano destroyed in 1883 during an underwater eruption in 1927, a new volcano appeared, Anak Krakatoa, which is still quite active today. Its height is now 300 meters due to new activities.

Santorini, Greece. About one and a half thousand years BC, a volcanic eruption occurred on the island of Thera, which put an end to the entire Cretan civilization. Sulfur covered all the fields, making further agriculture unthinkable. According to some versions, Fera is the same Atlantis described by Plato. Someone believes that the eruption of Santorini entered the chronicles as a pillar of fire seen by Moses, and the parting of the sea is nothing more than the consequences of the island of Thera going under water. However, the Vulcan continued its activity; in 1886, its eruption lasted a whole year, while pieces of lava flew straight out of the sea and rose to a height of 500 meters. The result is several new islands nearby.

Etna, Sicily.

About 200 eruptions of this Italian volcano are known. Among them there were quite powerful ones, for example, in 1169, about 15 thousand people died during the cataclysm. Today Etna remains an active volcano with a height of 3329 meters, waking up approximately once every 150 years and destroying one of the nearby villages. Why don't people leave the slopes of the mountain? The fact is that hardened lava helps the soil become more fertile, which is why the Sicilians settle here. In 1928, a miracle also happened - a stream of hot lava stopped in front of a Catholic procession. This inspired the believers so much that in 1930 a chapel was erected on this site; 30 years later the lava stopped in front of it. The Italians protect these places, so in 1981 the local government created a nature reserve around Etna. Interestingly, the calm volcano even hosts a blues music festival. Etna is quite large, exceeding the size of Vesuvius by 2.5 times. The volcano has from 200 to 400 side craters, lava erupts from one of them every three months. The volcanic eruption on the island began in April 1902, and on May 8, a whole cloud of vapor, gases and hot lava hit the city of Saint-Pierre, located 8 kilometers away. A few minutes later he was gone, and of the 17 ships that were in the harbor at that moment, only one managed to survive. The ship "Roddam" escaped from the clutches of the elements with broken masts, smoking and littered with ash. Of the 28 thousand people who inhabited the city, two were saved, one of them was named Opost Siparis, and he was sentenced to death. He was saved by the thick stone walls of the prison. The prisoner was subsequently pardoned by the governor, spending the rest of his life traveling around the world telling stories about what happened. The force of the impact was such that a monument in the square, weighing several tons, was thrown aside, and the heat was such that even bottles melted. It is interesting that there was no direct outpouring of liquid lava; the impact was caused by vapors, gases and sprayed lava. Subsequently, a sharp lava plug 375 meters high emerged from the crater of the volcano. It also turned out that the seabed near Martinique dropped several hundred meters. The city of Saint-Pierre, by the way, became famous for the fact that Napoleon’s wife, Josephine Beauharnais, was born there.

Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. The 5,400-meter-high volcano, located in the Andes, burst out lava flows on November 13, 1985, and the main impact fell on the city of Armero, located 50 kilometers away. It only took 10 minutes for the lava to destroy it. The death toll exceeded 21 thousand people, and in total at that time about 29 thousand lived in Armero. It’s sad, but no one listened to the information from volcanologists about the impending eruption, since the information of specialists was repeatedly not confirmed.

Pinatubo, Philippines. Until June 12, 1991, the volcano was considered extinct for 611 years. The first signs of activity appeared in April and Philippine authorities managed to evacuate all residents within a radius of 20 kilometers. The eruption itself claimed the lives of 875 people, and destroyed naval base The United States and the American strategic air base, located 18 kilometers from Pinatubo. The ejected ash covered an area of ​​the sky of 125,000 km2. The consequences of the disaster were a general drop in temperature by half a degree and a reduction in the ozone layer, due to which a very large ozone hole formed over Antarctica. The height of the volcano before the eruption was 1486 meters, and after - 1745 meters. At the site of Pinatubo, a crater with a diameter of 2.5 kilometers formed. Today, tremors regularly occur in this area, preventing any construction within a radius of tens of kilometers.

Katmai, Alaska.