The largest volcano in the world, as it is called. Fire element: the largest volcano in the world. Largest volcanic eruption

04/29/2016 at 16:27 · Pavlofox · 26 070

The largest volcanoes in the world

Volcanoes, for all their danger, are one of the most beautiful and majestic wonders of nature. Active volcanoes look especially beautiful at night. But this beauty brings death to everything around. Lava, volcanic bombs, pyroclastic flows consisting of hot volcanic gases, ash and stones can wipe out even major cities. Humanity has seen the incredible power of volcanoes during the infamous eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabiae. And there are many such examples in history.

The largest volcanoes in the world - today we’ll talk about these dangerous but beautiful giants. Our list includes volcanoes of varying degrees of activity - from relatively dormant to active. The main selection criterion was their size.

10. Sangay | Height 5,230 meters

The ranking of the largest volcanoes on Earth opens with an active stratovolcano located in Ecuador. Its height is 5230 meters. The summit of the volcano consists of three craters with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters. Sangay is one of the youngest and most restless volcanoes South America. Its first eruption occurred in 1628. The last one took place in 2007. Now the volcanic activity of the giant from the Equator is assessed as moderate. Tourists who visit the Sangay National Park, where the volcano is located, can climb to its peak.

9. Popocatepetl | Height 5,455 meters

In 9th place among the largest volcanoes in the world is. It is located in the Mexican Highlands. The height of the volcano is 5455 meters. Even in a calm state, the volcano is constantly shrouded in a cloud of gases and ash. Its danger lies in the fact that there are densely populated areas around the volcano, and Mexico City is located 60 kilometers from it. Last eruption The destruction of the giant occurred quite recently - on March 27, 2016, it threw out a kilometer-long column of ash. The next day Popocatepetl calmed down. If the Mexican giant erupts strongly, it will threaten the safety of several million people.

8. Elbrus | Height 5,642 meters

There are large volcanoes in Europe. In the North Caucasus there is a stratovolcano, the height of which is 5642 meters. This is the highest peak in Russia. Elbrus is one of the seven highest mountain peaks planets. Scientists have different opinions about the activity of the giant. Some consider it an extinct volcano, while others consider it a dying one. Sometimes Elbrus becomes the center of small earthquakes. In some places on its surface, sulfur dioxide gases emerge from cracks. Scientists who believe that Elbrus may wake up in the future express the opinion that the nature of its eruption will be explosive.

7. Orizaba | Height 5,675 meters

The seventh place in the list of the largest volcanoes on Earth is, highest peak Mexico. The height of the volcano is 5675 meters. It last erupted in 1687. Now Orizaba is considered a dormant volcano. From its top there are stunning views of beauty. panoramic views. In order to protect the volcano, a reserve was created.

6. Misty | Height 5,822 meters

In 6th place on the list of the largest volcanoes is located in the south of Peru. Its height is 5822 meters. Misti is an active volcano. It last erupted in 1985. In January 2016, an increase in fumarole activity was observed on the volcano - steam and gas vents appeared. This is one of the signs of an impending eruption. In 1998, six Inca mummies were found near the inner crater of the volcano.

An interesting fact is that many buildings in the city of Arequipa, located 17 kilometers from the volcano, are built from white deposits of the Misti pyroclastic flows. That's why Arequipa is called the "White City".

5. Kilimanjaro | Height 5,895 meters

The fifth place among the largest volcanoes on the planet is occupied by the highest point of the African continent -. Scientists have concluded that this giant stratovolcano, 5895 meters high, is potentially active. Now it periodically releases gases and there is a possibility of the crater of the volcano collapsing, which could trigger an eruption. There is no documentary evidence of Kilimanjaro's activity, but there are local legends that speak of an eruption that occurred about 200 years ago.

4. Cotopaxi | Height 5,897 meters

In fourth place on the list of the largest volcanoes on Earth is the second largest peak of Ecuador. This is an active volcano with a height of 5897 meters. The first time its activity was recorded was in 1534. Since then, the volcano has erupted more than 50 times. Kotpahi's last major eruption occurred in August 2015.

3. San Pedro | Height 6,145 meters

An active stratovolcano located in Chile, it ranks 3rd among the largest volcanoes in the world. Its height is 6145 meters. The last volcanic eruption occurred in 1960.

2. Mauna Loa | Height 4,205 meters

The second place among the largest volcanoes in the world is occupied by a volcano located in the Hawaiian Islands. In terms of volume, it is the largest volcano on Earth, containing more than 32 cubic kilometers of magma. The giant was formed more than 700 thousand years ago. Mauna Loa is an active volcano. In 1984, its eruption lasted almost a month and caused enormous damage. local residents and the area surrounding the volcano.

1. Llullaillaco | Height 6,739 meters

In first place among the largest volcanoes in the world is the active Startvolcano. It is located on the border of Argentina and Chile. Its height is 6739 meters. The giant's last eruption took place in 1877. Now it is in the solfata stage - from time to time the volcano emits sulfur dioxide gases and water vapor. In 1952, during the first ascent of Llullaillaco, an ancient Inca sanctuary was found. Later, archaeologists discovered three child mummies on the slopes of the volcano. Most likely they were sacrificed.

This is interesting. The Yellowstone caldera, which measures approximately 55 km by 72 km, is called a supervolcano. It is located in Yellowstone national park USA. The volcano has not been active for 640 thousand years. Under its crater there is a bubble of magma more than 8 thousand meters deep. During its existence, the supervolcano erupted three times. Each time this caused major cataclysms that changed the appearance of the Earth at the site of the eruption. It is impossible to predict when the supervolcano will wake up again. Only one thing can be said with certainty: a cataclysm of this magnitude can bring the existence of our civilization to the brink.

What else to see:

Volcanic activity is one of the forces of nature that can change the face of the Earth. And at the moment, underground forces continue their titanic work. Created from many layers of lava, monstrous sizes, largest volcanoes in the world hiding under water surface or hang over nearby cities.

Which ones are considered the largest? Scientists have not yet come to the conclusion unanimous opinion. Some believe that the rating should be based on altitude above sea level. Others say that it is necessary to take into account the area over which lava flows spread, forming a new surface. The third is that the human factor is most important: the danger to human settlements.

10. Etna - height 3295 meters

Most high volcano in Europe it is located on the island of Sicily and is still active. The last eruption began on December 25, 2018. Due to frequent eruptions, it is impossible to accurately determine its height - it is constantly changing. For example, over the past 30 years, Etna has “lost” more than 20 meters in height. Currently it rises above the island at 3295 m.

The mountain is famous for its bad character - its slopes are dotted with craters, from where lava steadily pours out every couple of months. About once a century, eruptions occur on a larger scale, posing a direct danger to human settlements inhabiting the slopes. However, this does not stop stubborn people - due to frequent eruptions, the soil on the slopes of the mountain is rich in elements useful for plants, allowing them to reap large harvests.

9. Erebus - 3794 meters

If other volcanoes are located in the inhabited part of the world, then Erebus is located on the uninhabited continent of Antarctica. This is the largest active volcano in the southern polar region. Despite the lifeless ice expanses surrounding it, Erebus leads a very active life. And him geographical location- exactly above several faults in the earth's crust - contributes a lot to this.

Even though people don’t live near Erebus, it still affects their lives in a negative way. From the depths of the volcano, streams of gases contained within the Earth periodically burst out, mainly methane and hydrogen, which destroy the ozone layer. It is believed that the thinnest ozone sea is exactly in the area where the volcano is active.

8. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - 4835 meters

Like Etna, the height of Klyuchevsky volcano is constantly changing. Although it lost about 15 meters after the eruption five years ago, it still remains the highest active volcano in Russia and Asia.

Although, compared to other peaks of Kamchatka, Klyuchevskogo Volcano loses in frequency, it successfully compensates for this in power. For example, the 1938 eruption lasted 13 months and caused the formation of several craters up to 1900 m high. And the 1980 eruption tore off and threw into the air to a height of more than 500 m a block of ice with an area of ​​at least half a kilometer.

But the most spectacular and most terrible eruption was in 1994, when an impressive column of ash more than 12 km high rose above the volcano, and a plume of volcanic ash extended from the eruption site for many tens of kilometers and disappeared somewhere in the ocean.

7. Orizaba - 5636 meters

“The top of the volcano must touch the sky itself,” the ancient Incas probably thought and gave it the name Citlaltepetl, or “Star Mountain.” It is the tallest active volcano in North and Central America, and the third highest peak in the region. It can be seen from afar - many miles before the coast, the cone of Orizaba can be seen from the side of the next Gulf of Mexico to the port of Veracruz ship.

Although the volcano is now sleeping, its calm is deceptive - it led a very active existence from the moment the conquistadors came to these places until the 19th century, and in recent years, the station located at its foot has recorded constant internal activity.

6. Elbrus - 5642 meters

The most high mountain at the same time it is the largest volcano in Russia and Europe. Glaciers descending from the snow-covered surface give rise to several significant rivers that feed the plains of the Caucasus region.

In addition to its beauty, the snow-white cone with two peaks and a small saddle between them is distinguished by its meek and peaceful character. Elbrus has been dormant for a long time, and its last eruption was more than 5,000 years ago. Despite the external severity, climbing Elbrus is easy and simple - the climbing routes to the top of the sleeping patriarch are among the easiest.

5. Kilimanjaro - 5885 meters

The magnificent and handsome Kilimanjaro is the calling card of Africa, its most big volcano. The sleeping giant is actually three volcanic cones that are visible from almost anywhere in neighboring Tanzania and Kenya.

Unlike many of the volcanoes in the ranking, Kilimanjaro is the most famous volcano in the world, a typical stratovolcano. If you ask a child to draw it, most likely, he will draw a conical mountain, from the top of which ash, burning gases and very viscous lava are erupting, which quickly hardens, growing the cone higher and higher. This is a stratovolcano. The size of Kilimanjaro is 4800 km3, and its height is 5885 m. The last time the volcano was active was at the dawn of mankind - 360,000 years ago.

4. Ojos del Salado - 6,893 meters

If the second and third places in the ranking are the largest volcanoes in the world, if you count from the seabed, then Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world located above the surface of the sea. It rises 6,893 m above the ground. giant mountain located on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Although the last active volcanic eruption occurred before the invention of writing by mankind - no data about it has been preserved - however, Ojos del Salado cannot be called sleeping in the full sense of the word. In the depths of a huge mountain, a mysterious hidden work seems to be taking place, the echo of which reaches the inhabitants of the earth in the form of clouds of steam and ash. The last such activity took place as recently as 1993.

3. Mauna Loa - 9800 meters

Mauna Loa is an underwater volcano, the summit of which (along with five others) gave rise to Big Island archipelago of Hawaii. The size of Mauna Loa is 40,000 km3, the area is 75,000 m2, and the height (if you count from the seabed) is as much as 9,800 m. And it is the highest active volcano in the world - the last eruption of Mauna Loa was only 34 years ago, in 1984 year. In just the last 170 years, Mauna Loa has frightened people with its activity, throwing out lava 33 times.

2. Mauna Kea - 10058 meters

“Sister” Mauna Loa rises almost 4267 m above sea level. Doesn't seem like much, right? However, there is more potential hidden in Mauna Kea than meets the eye - its foundation lies deep under the water column at a depth of more than 6000 m. This makes Mauna Kea. If it were entirely located on land, it would break the record of all the highest volcanoes in the world, beating the “terrestrial” favorite Ojos del Salado by almost 3000 m.

The summit of Mauna Kea has very low humidity and almost never clouds - now home to one of the largest observatories in the world.

Mauna Kea arose above the earth's hot spot - a place where hot and molten magma rises up from the Earth's mantle layer. Over millions of years, the outward molten rock created the surface of the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano; this means that it has been inactive for more than 4,000 years, and the hot spot for magma reaching the surface has shifted. However, inaction does not mean that he will doze forever.

1. The largest volcano in the world: Tamu Massif - 4000 meters

“How, just 4000 meters - and the largest volcano in the world?” - the reader may be indignant. Yes, Tamu's height is not very impressive. But let's take a closer look at it from all sides.

Most of the largest natural objects in the world were discovered by humanity long ago, at the dawn of its existence. But the Tamu massif - the largest volcano on planet Earth - managed to hide from people for many years.

It is amazing that humanity knew more about the huge volcanoes on Mars than about giant mountain right under your nose. The reason for this is both the remote location (it is located more than 1,600 km east of Japan) and the depth. Its top is immersed in the thickness of the World Ocean for 2000 km. And only in 2013, scientists found out that amazing the mountain of lava on the ocean floor is actually a single volcano.

Its volume is approximately 2.5 million km3, and its area is more than 311 km2. Fortunately, it has been dormant for a long time - Tamu's last eruption was about 144 million years ago.

The most dangerous volcano in the world

The Yellowstone supervolcano is considered the most active and dangerous today. Located in a US national park, it poses a huge threat not only to the state of Wyoming, but to the entire planet. It is believed that the eruption of the Yellowstone Volcano could lead to climate change throughout the Earth.

As a result of the disaster, more than 70% of the US territory will be destroyed. Magma and ash will cover the area with a 3-meter layer. Losses will amount to more than 10 million lives, and the territory will become uninhabitable due to high levels of radiation.

Today, visits to the park are limited; entry into some areas is completely prohibited. Scientists are carefully examining the caldera; an eruption could begin in the coming decades.

Volcanic activity is one of the forces of nature that can change the face of the Earth. And at the moment, underground forces continue their titanic work. Created from many layers of lava, monstrous sizes, largest volcanoes in the world lurking under the surface of the water or hanging over nearby cities.

Which ones are considered the largest? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus. Some believe that the rating should be based on altitude above sea level. Others say that it is necessary to take into account the area over which lava flows spread, forming a new surface. The third is that the human factor is most important: the danger to human settlements.

10. Etna - height 3295 meters

The highest volcano in Europe is located on the island of Sicily and is still active. The last eruption began on December 25, 2018. Due to frequent eruptions, it is impossible to accurately determine its height - it is constantly changing. For example, over the past 30 years, Etna has “lost” more than 20 meters in height. Currently it rises above the island at 3295 m.

The mountain is famous for its bad character - its slopes are dotted with craters, from where lava steadily pours out every couple of months. About once a century, eruptions occur on a larger scale, posing a direct danger to human settlements inhabiting the slopes. However, this does not stop stubborn people - due to frequent eruptions, the soil on the slopes of the mountain is rich in elements useful for plants, allowing them to reap large harvests.

9. Erebus - 3794 meters

If other volcanoes are located in the inhabited part of the world, then Erebus is located on the uninhabited continent of Antarctica. This is the largest active volcano in the southern polar region. Despite the lifeless ice expanses surrounding it, Erebus leads a very active life. And its geographical position - exactly above several faults in the earth's crust - contributes a lot to this.

Even though people don’t live near Erebus, it still affects their lives in a negative way. From the depths of the volcano, streams of gases contained within the Earth periodically burst out, mainly methane and hydrogen, which destroy the ozone layer. It is believed that the thinnest ozone sea is exactly in the area where the volcano is active.

8. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - 4835 meters

Like Etna, the height of Klyuchevsky volcano is constantly changing. Although it lost about 15 meters after the eruption five years ago, it still remains the highest active volcano in Russia and Asia.

Although, compared to other peaks of Kamchatka, Klyuchevskogo Volcano loses in frequency, it successfully compensates for this in power. For example, the 1938 eruption lasted 13 months and caused the formation of several craters up to 1900 m high. And the 1980 eruption tore off and threw into the air to a height of more than 500 m a block of ice with an area of ​​at least half a kilometer.

But the most spectacular and most terrible eruption was in 1994, when an impressive column of ash more than 12 km high rose above the volcano, and a plume of volcanic ash extended from the eruption site for many tens of kilometers and disappeared somewhere in the ocean.

7. Orizaba - 5636 meters

“The top of the volcano must touch the sky itself,” the ancient Incas probably thought and gave it the name Citlaltepetl, or “Star Mountain.” It is the tallest active volcano in North and Central America, and the third highest peak in the region. It can be seen from afar - many miles from the coast, the cone of Orizaba can be seen from the side of a ship traveling through the Gulf of Mexico to the port of Veracruz.

Although the volcano is now sleeping, its calm is deceptive - it led a very active existence from the moment the conquistadors came to these places until the 19th century, and in recent years, the station located at its foot has recorded constant internal activity.

6. Elbrus - 5642 meters

The highest mountain is at the same time the largest volcano in Russia and Europe. Glaciers descending from the snow-covered surface give rise to several significant rivers that feed the plains of the Caucasus region.

In addition to its beauty, the snow-white cone with two peaks and a small saddle between them is distinguished by its meek and peaceful character. Elbrus has been dormant for a long time, and its last eruption was more than 5,000 years ago. Despite the external severity, climbing Elbrus is easy and simple - the climbing routes to the top of the sleeping patriarch are among the easiest.

5. Kilimanjaro - 5885 meters

The magnificently handsome Kilimanjaro is the calling card of Africa, its largest volcano. The sleeping giant is actually three volcanic cones that are visible from almost anywhere in neighboring Tanzania and Kenya.

Unlike many of the volcanoes in the ranking, Kilimanjaro is the most famous volcano in the world, a typical stratovolcano. If you ask a child to draw it, most likely, he will draw a conical mountain, from the top of which ash, burning gases and very viscous lava are erupting, which quickly hardens, growing the cone higher and higher. This is a stratovolcano. The size of Kilimanjaro is 4800 km3, and its height is 5885 m. The last time the volcano was active was at the dawn of mankind - 360,000 years ago.

4. Ojos del Salado - 6,893 meters

If the second and third places in the ranking are the largest volcanoes in the world, if you count from the seabed, then Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world located above the surface of the sea. It rises 6,893 m above the ground. The giant mountain is located on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Although the last active volcanic eruption occurred before the invention of writing by mankind - no data about it has been preserved - however, Ojos del Salado cannot be called sleeping in the full sense of the word. In the depths of a huge mountain, a mysterious hidden work seems to be taking place, the echo of which reaches the inhabitants of the earth in the form of clouds of steam and ash. The last such activity took place as recently as 1993.

3. Mauna Loa - 9800 meters

Mauna Loa is an underwater volcano, the peak of which (along with five others) gave rise to the Big Island of the Hawaiian archipelago. The size of Mauna Loa is 40,000 km3, the area is 75,000 m2, and the height (if you count from the seabed) is as much as 9,800 m. And it is the highest active volcano in the world - the last eruption of Mauna Loa was only 34 years ago, in 1984 year. In just the last 170 years, Mauna Loa has frightened people with its activity, throwing out lava 33 times.

2. Mauna Kea - 10058 meters

“Sister” Mauna Loa rises almost 4267 m above sea level. Doesn't seem like much, right? However, there is more potential hidden in Mauna Kea than meets the eye - its foundation lies deep under the water column at a depth of more than 6000 m. This makes Mauna Kea. If it were entirely located on land, it would break the record of all the highest volcanoes in the world, beating the “terrestrial” favorite Ojos del Salado by almost 3000 m.

The summit of Mauna Kea has very low humidity and almost never clouds - now home to one of the largest observatories in the world.

Mauna Kea arose above the earth's hot spot - a place where hot and molten magma rises up from the Earth's mantle layer. Over millions of years, the outward molten rock created the surface of the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano; this means that it has been inactive for more than 4,000 years, and the hot spot for magma reaching the surface has shifted. However, inaction does not mean that he will doze forever.

1. The largest volcano in the world: Tamu Massif - 4000 meters

“How, just 4000 meters - and the largest volcano in the world?” - the reader may be indignant. Yes, Tamu's height is not very impressive. But let's take a closer look at it from all sides.

Most of the largest natural objects in the world were discovered by humanity long ago, at the dawn of its existence. But the Tamu massif - the largest volcano on planet Earth - managed to hide from people for many years.

It is amazing that humanity knew more about the huge volcanoes on Mars than about the giant mountain under our very nose. The reason for this is both the remote location (it is located more than 1,600 km east of Japan) and the depth. Its top is immersed in the thickness of the World Ocean for 2000 km. It was only in 2013 that scientists discovered that the stunning mountain of lava on the ocean floor was in fact a single volcano.

Its volume is approximately 2.5 million km3, and its area is more than 311 km2. Fortunately, it has been dormant for a long time - Tamu's last eruption was about 144 million years ago.

The most dangerous volcano in the world

The Yellowstone supervolcano is considered the most active and dangerous today. Located in a US national park, it poses a huge threat not only to the state of Wyoming, but to the entire planet. It is believed that the eruption of the Yellowstone Volcano could lead to climate change throughout the Earth.

As a result of the disaster, more than 70% of the US territory will be destroyed. Magma and ash will cover the area with a 3-meter layer. Losses will amount to more than 10 million lives, and the territory will become uninhabitable due to high levels of radiation.

Today, visits to the park are limited; entry into some areas is completely prohibited. Scientists are carefully examining the caldera; an eruption could begin in the coming decades.

The volcanoes of the world are of great interest not only to geologists, but also to ordinary people. Their role is very important both for the climate and for various processes occurring within the earth’s crust. The largest volcanoes are scattered throughout the globe.

A volcano is a mountain with a hole at the top - a crater. A volcano is formed when a powerful flow of magma erupts from the deep layers of the planet. This movement of magma is called a volcanic eruption. Eruptions are often accompanied by explosions due to the presence of flammable gases in the magma.

Planet Earth consists of several layers:

  • earth's crust;
  • upper mantle;
  • lower mantle;
  • core.

In the direction from the earth's crust to the core, the temperature increases and reaches such high levels at which rocks begin to melt, forming liquid magma. The upper mantle is the layer in which magma is formed. The lithospheric plates of the earth's crust move across the surface of these liquid rocks.

As they move, faults form at plate boundaries, which leads to the emergence of volcanoes. Therefore, the formation of volcanoes occurs precisely in places of active internal movements of the Earth.

Based on their shape, volcanoes are divided into the following categories:

  • Thyroid- flat volcanoes: frozen, spread lava resembles the shape of a shield.
  • Stratovolcanoes- volcanoes with the classic shape of a mountain with a hole at the top - a crater.
  • Gaps and cracks- faults in the earth's crust with liquid lava coming out of them.
  • Calderas (supervolcanoes)- depressions formed by the failure of a volcanic mountain into the earth's crust.
  • Dome volcanoes- volcanoes with frozen pieces of lava above the vent in the form of a dome.
  • Slag cones- volcanoes with a cone shape. Pieces of slag solidify around the vent, forming a cone. Thus, the volcano “grows” higher and higher.
  • Complex volcanoes- combinations of several types of volcanoes.

There is also a conditional division of all volcanoes according to the degree of their activity:

  • active;
  • conditionally active;
  • sleeping.

There is also a classification based on the place of origin.

They are:

  • ground;
  • underwater.

Large volcanoes of Russia

Volcanoes of the world (the largest are easy to find on special card) are scattered across many countries. Russia is no exception: many volcanoes are located here.

Here are just a few of them:

Information about Russian volcanoes is given in the table:

Volcano name Location Altitude above sea level, m
Karymskaya Sopka Kamchatka 1468
Nameless Kamchatka 2882
Klyuchevskaya Sopka Kamchatka 4835
Zhupanovskaya Sopka Kamchatka 2923
Elbrus Caucasus Mountains 5642
Shiveluch Kamchatka 3307
Kronotskaya Sopka Kamchatka 3528
Tolbachik Kamchatka 3682
Ichinskaya Sopka Kamchatka 3621
Karymshina Kamchatka 1829
Sarycheva Kuril Islands 1496
Tyatya Kuril Islands 1819
Chikurachki Kamchatka 1816

The largest active volcanoes on different continents of the Earth

Active volcanoes pose a huge danger to humanity. Several tons of fiery lava can bury entire cities. In addition, volcanic gases accompanying lava flow have a toxic effect on living organisms. Eruptions change the terrain, affect the climate, and can cause tsunamis.

The largest active volcanoes are located on different continents Lands:

  • South America;
  • Africa;
  • North America;
  • Antarctica.
  • Eurasia.

Examples of the largest operating giants:

  • Llullaillaco;
  • San Pedro;
  • El Misti;
  • Popocatepetl;
  • Sangay Volcano;
  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka;
  • Mauna Loa;
  • Cameroon;
  • Kerinci;
  • Erebus;
  • Etna;
  • Kilauea.

Which continent has no active volcanoes?

The world's volcanoes, the largest and even the smallest, are distributed over almost all continents of the planet.

Australia is a continent on which there are no active, conditionally active, or extinct volcanoes.

The reason for this lies in the relatively flat surface of the earth's crust, without cracks or faults. Australia is located almost in the central part of the Australian tectonic plate. Plate shifting processes do not occur here. Accordingly, there is no outlet for magma: faults in the crust cannot arise.

The largest volcanoes on the planet. Description, history

Volcanoes of the world of various sizes and shapes are distributed throughout the planet. If we do not take into account the likelihood of their eruptions and sad consequences, undoubtedly, these giants are the most majestic creations nature. The largest of them have enormous dimensions: height and volume.

Since ancient times, volcanoes have been a special place for people. It’s not for nothing that the word itself is translated from Latin as “god of Fire” - Vulcan. People worshiped him, honored him and feared him. Songs were composed and pictures were painted about the most destructive and formidable ones. One of the famous paintings is “The Last Day of Pompeii” by the great artist Karl Bryullov.


One of the largest volcanoes, Sangay, is located in South America, Ecuador.

Its height is 5230 m. A representative of stratovolcanoes, Sangai has 3 active craters. The name translates as “terrible”, “frightening”.

This is due to the high activity of the volcano and the destructiveness of its eruptions, the first being noted in 1628. The age of this volcano is considered small - 14 thousand years. The volcano's activity remains very high. The last eruption occurred in 2016. At the foot of Sangay lies beautiful park with the same name.


Another largest active giant is Popocatepetl. Translated it means “smoking hill”. Located in Mexico, near the capital - Mexico City. Height - 5426 m. It has a classic shape, a stratovolcano. In the same area there is another one - Iztaccihuatl (sleeping). There are many romantic legends about these two giants: for the residents, they personify two unhappy lovers.

Popocatepetl is located on mountain system- Cordillera. The foot of the volcano is densely covered with coniferous forest with rare and valuable trees. The middle zone of the volcano is conventionally called “dead”, and the top is covered with permafrost ice.

Popocatepetl - favorite place tourists who prefer extreme species rest.


The largest volcano, Elbrus, is located in the Caucasus and is the most high point in Russia and Europe. Its height is 5642 m. The age of this stratovolcano is more than 1 million years. Thanks to glaciers, the color of the volcano at the top is dazzling white. Below are alpine meadows, and in the lowermost part are coniferous forests.

Whether this is an active volcano or an extinct one, no one can say with certainty. Some say that it went out long ago, others say the opposite. And the main evidence that the volcano is simply sleeping is that the thermal springs heated by the volcano have a fairly high temperature.

From the depths of Elbrus flow mineral waters such resort towns, How:

  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk;
  • Kislovodsk


Orizaba (Citlaltepetl) - one of the highest peaks North America, it is located in Mexico. Its height is 5636 m. There have been no eruptions since 1846. However, the volcano did not completely go out. Orizaba is a representative of stratovolcanoes.

The top of the volcano is covered with glaciers forming a snow cap. Below are forests and alpine meadows: a variety of shrubs and plants. Orizaba - famous tourist center, attracting millions of tourists every year.

El Misti

Another stratovolcano is El Misti, located in South America in Peru. Its height is 5822 m. It is considered active volcano, you can see smoke streaming from its craters. But most of the time he sleeps. Misti has 3 craters, the largest of which is over 100 m in diameter.

The last eruption was in 1985. Despite this, some geologists believe that great danger threatens nearby cities soon. However, this does not stop the flow of tourists and thrill-seekers. There are many hiking trails leading to the top of this volcano.


The world's volcanoes, the largest in particular, are known to many lovers of natural phenomena. Probably everyone has heard at least once about the famous stratovolcano in Africa - Kilimanjaro. Its height is 5895 m, length - 97 km, width - 64 km. The age of the volcano is about 1 million years.

Kilimanjaro is considered an extinct volcano. However, scientists say that the volcano could wake up at any moment. Studies have shown that lava is very close to the earth's crust: at a distance of about 400 m. The last eruption was recorded about 200 years ago.

It is interesting that when climbing a volcano, a person will cross all 7 climatic zones of the Earth.


Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world, located in Ecuador. Its height is 5897 m. It is also a stratovolcano. Located around the volcano national park with the same name. The last eruption was in August 2015.

The eruption that occurred in 1768 caused enormous damage to nearby settlements. Accompanied by a strong earthquake, as a result of which it was destroyed the whole city Latacunga.

Cotopaxi is often called the “face” of Ecuador. Crowds of tourists, photographers and travelers come here. The ideal shape of the volcano in the form of a cone with a smooth crater is the reason for frequent visits to this place.

San Pedro

The San Pedro volcano, located in Chile, is one of the ten largest. Its height is 6145 m. It is classified as a stratovolcano and is active. Consists of basalt and andesite rocks. The last eruption occurred about 60 years ago. Located next to another volcano - San Pablo. They are called twin brothers.

San Pedro attracts many tourists every year. But you should remember that when climbing to the top you must wear a mask that protects against toxic gases. The volcano does not sleep: gases are constantly being released outward.

Mauna Loa

The world's volcanoes, especially the largest, are of great interest to scientists and geologists. Mauna Loa is an example of such a volcano. This is an active shield volcano located in Hawaii. Its size is amazing: if you stand on the top, it is impossible to see the boundaries, since they are hidden behind the horizon. Height - 4169 m. There are 3 craters.

Age - about 1 million years. The last eruption was recorded in 1984. The eruptions of this giant are distinguished by their scale and destructiveness. The erupting streams of fire cause enormous material damage to the surrounding area. Therefore, the activity of the volcano is monitored by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.


The giant stratovolcano Llullaillaco is located between Chile and Argentina. The height of the volcano reaches 6739 m. It is considered active. The last activity was recorded in 1877.

In 1999, researchers, while climbing to the top, discovered 3 mummies of children. It has been suggested that they were sacrificed by the Incas more than half a century ago. The find was transferred to the museum, and the status of the volcano itself increased and acquired historical value.


The only active volcano in continental Europe is Mount Vesuvius, located in southern Italy.

Height - 1281 m. Information about 80 eruptions has been confirmed, the last one was recorded in 1944. The eruptions are particularly destructive: the lava fountain rises to more than 800 m.

Vesuvius destroyed such famous cities, How:

  • Pompeii;
  • Herculaneum;
  • Stabia.

After 1944, the volcano has been relatively quiet, but smoke streaming from the crater can still be seen today. Vesuvius is " business card» Italy. Vacationers consider it their duty to visit this volcano and the national park located on its slopes.


The active stratovolcano Fuji is located in Japan. Its height reaches 3776 m. It has a regular cone shape with a large crater (diameter - 500 m). The last eruption was in 1707. Today the volcano is not active. It has the shape of a perfect cone.

Fuji is the main attraction of Tokyo and the most high mountain Japan. She brought inspiration to many cultural figures, thanks to which many works of art were born. Scenic Spots its slopes attract crowds of tourists every year.


Etna is another large active stratovolcano located on east coast Sicily. Its height is 3350 m. It was formed on the border of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates.

In addition to the main crater at the top, there are also side craters located on the slopes, from which eruptions also occur. The age of the volcano is about 600 thousand years. A volcano formed in place of the sea, literally “rising” from the water. The last eruption occurred in 2017.

About once a century, volcanic activity destroys nearby villages. But despite the great danger this volcano poses, Sicilians are in no hurry to leave their homes on the slopes of the volcano. This is explained primarily by the presence of very fertile lands at the foot of the mountain.


The Eyjafjallajökull stratovolcano is located in Iceland. Its height is 1666 m. It is composed of basalt and andesite rocks. The last eruption was observed in 2010. Considered valid.

The upper part of the volcano is covered with glaciers with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. km. This is where the name of the volcano comes from, meaning “glacier”. According to scientists, less than 1% of the world's population is able to pronounce the name of this volcano correctly.

Ojos del Salado

This is one of the highest volcanoes on Earth, located on the border between Argentina and Chile. Its height is 6893 m. At the foot of the mountain lies the Atacama Desert.

On one of the slopes there is the highest lake in the world. A representative of complex volcanoes: the shield-shaped base at the bottom turns into a cone at the top. The volcano is considered extinct, but emissions of gases and sulfur are still observed. The last eruption is believed to have been about 700 years ago.

It is noteworthy that in 2007, one of the Chilean athletes climbed to 6688 m in a car. This was recognized as a world record.

Yellowstone Caldera

Yellowstone Caldera is a supervolcano. Located in the USA, Wyoming. Unlike classical volcanoes, it is a caldera - a huge depression that arose due to previous eruptions.

The eruptions are also different for these volcanoes: the supervolcano is located above a fiery point of liquid magma, which melts all the surrounding rocks. The pressure increases and an explosion occurs. The Yellowstone caldera had 3 giant eruptions, the last of which was about 600 thousand years ago.

Yellowstone Caldera is the largest underground supervolcano in the world, which could destroy the United States if it erupts.

Today, the huge caldera is fraught with the danger of another explosion or eruption. The probability is very small, but still there. This could pose enormous damage to the United States. Therefore, special projects have been created to prevent such situations.

Tamu Massif

Tamu Massif - an underwater shield volcano in Pacific Ocean. The extinct Tamu Massif is one of the largest on Earth and in the entire solar system. Its height is about 4 km, and its dimensions are 600 by 450 km. Such huge dimensions have given rise to a number of assumptions that the Tamu Massif is not a volcano, but a volcanic system.

However, the hypothesis was not confirmed: the entire lava flow erupted from one crater. The last eruption was approximately 145 million years ago. The volcano's activity did not last long: it went extinct shortly after its formation.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is one of the largest volcanoes in Kamchatka. It is an active stratovolcano. Its height is 4750 m. It was formed approximately 7 thousand years ago. Belongs to the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. It has 1 main crater with a diameter of more than 600 m, and 80 additional small ones.

The frequency of eruptions is once every 3-5 years. The erupted lava has a high viscosity, so the eruptions are not particularly destructive. The initially conical shape acquires a layered structure, thanks to new eruptions: viscous lava solidifies into a new layer.

Until 1932, eruptions occurred from the central upper crater, after which the side ones, located on the slopes of the mountain, also joined. The last eruption was recorded in 2016, which lasted for several months.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the most active and highest volcano in Eurasia.


Cameroon is an active stratovolcano in West Africa. It is located in the Republic of Cameroon of the same name in the Gulf of Guinea region. Its height is 4040 m. The last eruption was in 2000. The shape of the volcano is dome-shaped, on the slopes there are additional craters and cones. It is composed of basalt and trachybasalt rocks. It is the highest point in the state of Cameroon.

Volcanic activity causes great destruction. This forces the peoples inhabiting the foot of the mountain to leave their homes. Over the centuries, many nationalities have changed here.


Kerinci is a large volcano in Indonesia. Located on the island of Sumatra. Its height is 3805 m. It consists of andesite rocks. It has a crater with a diameter of more than 600 m, in which a temporary lake arose. The last eruption occurred in 2013. Phreatic eruptions occur almost every year: solid rock fragments come out.

At the foot of the mountain lies the Kerinci-Seblat National Park, which is a protected area. It is home to many species of birds and animals that are at risk of extinction.


Erebus is one of the largest volcanoes located in Antarctica. Its height is 3794 m. It is the southernmost active volcano. An unusual and one-of-a-kind lava lake is located on the territory of Erebus.

The volcano belongs to the stratovolcanoes. Its eruptions are accompanied by an explosion, and the lava has high viscosity, which prevents it from spreading, and it freezes on the slopes. The last large-scale eruption occurred in 2011.


It is a shield-shaped active volcano on the island of Hawaii. Its height is 1247 m. It has many side active craters. It is the youngest volcano. The volcano has been erupting continuously since 1983 with varying degrees of intensity. The main part of the volcano is included in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

To prevent explosions and eruptions, the volcano is constantly monitored by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

The world's volcanoes play a huge role for the planet and humanity as a whole. The largest of them determine the terrain and change the climate. And if you do not take into account the danger that threatens during their eruptions, volcanoes can be classified as the most majestic and powerful natural phenomena.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

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