Giant rings in the Bosnian mountains. The pyramid complex in Bosnia is older and more interesting than the pyramids in Giza?! Pyramid of the Sun and others

Based on materials from the journals “Archaeology” and “Science” (USA).

Science and life // Illustrations

Osmanagic near the stones, which he considers to be the building blocks of the pyramid.

"Pyramid of the Sun".

In souvenir shops, leather slippers with the image of a stepped pyramid, pyramidal ceramic piggy banks and pear moonshine in pyramidal bottles are in demand.

Semir Osmanagic, a Bosnian amateur archaeologist (he is an economist by training, graduated from the University of Sarajevo, but works in the USA - he has a construction business), claims to have discovered pyramids in Bosnia, erected by an unknown civilization 12,500 years ago using “vibration technologies, inherited from the inhabitants of Atlantis and Lemuria."

While visiting the medieval town of Visoko, about 30 kilometers northwest of Sarajevo, in April 2005, he noticed a high tetrahedral hill near it settlement. The edges of the 360-meter-high hill are oriented exactly to the four cardinal directions. Interested in this relief feature, Osmanagic found four more pyramidal structures in the vicinity of Visoko. He believes that they are all artificial structures. Previously, an amateur archaeologist visited the ancient ruins of the Mayan civilization, spent 15 years studying the pyramids that remained from it in Central America and wrote the book “The Mayan World,” which, however, professional archaeologists and historians called “unscientific fiction.”

To confirm his guess about the ancient pyramids in the heart of South-Eastern Europe, the archaeologist began excavating the largest hill, which he named after the example of the Mayan pyramid “Pyramid of the Sun” preserved in Mexico. He gave three more lower pyramidal elevations the names “Pyramid of the Moon”, “Pyramid of the Dragon” and “Pyramid of the Earth”, and the fifth hill became the “Pyramid of Love”. Conducting research in this area, riddled with mines after the collapse of Yugoslavia and the civil war (the town was near the front), is very unsafe and therefore work is proceeding slowly. The excavations are financed by local authorities, the Republic of Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are not enough funds, but the discoverer promises that he will soon be able to present to the world unambiguous evidence that he is right.

At a depth of 18 meters (corresponding to sediments 10-20 thousand years old), workers hired by Osmanagic stumbled upon what appeared to be slabs of sandstone and a conglomerate resembling concrete. In addition, the excavation organizer speaks of “millions of forty-ton megaliths.” He published (so far only in Serbian) the book “Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”. Osmanagic said his theories were supported by satellite photographs and radar images. If the discoverer is right, the ancient history of Europe will have to be rewritten, since 12,500 years ago, according to official history, the only inhabitants of the Balkans were people of the early Stone Age, who did not know how to build not only pyramids, but even houses and lived in caves and huts. All that remained of them were primitive stone tools and gnawed bones of the animals they hunted.

The town of Visoko with a population of 20 thousand now receives up to 12 thousand tourists on some days, eager to see with their own eyes the new wonder of the world and look into the four pits on the edges of the Pyramid of the Sun. Residents are enjoying the tourism boom that has revived Visoko, where the only industrial enterprise still operating is a tannery, and the main occupation of the townspeople is shuttle trips for cheap goods to Turkey. Almost a third of the town's residents are unemployed. The peasants discovered that it was much more profitable to provide their fields for parking for tourist buses and cars of individual tourists than to sow wheat. A local café serves triangular-shaped pizza, the 28-room Hollywood Hotel has been renamed the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Motel, and T-shirts with a pyramid design, badges and postcards are selling briskly. Reports from the excavation site were shown by the world's largest television channels. Such attention is flattering to the residents of the small republic, which is still recovering from the civil war. Curator of local local history museum says: “Not everyone believes in our pyramid, so well, some don’t believe in God either.” According to the remark of one of the Bosnian archaeologists, the faith of the pyramid here has become equivalent to patriotism - whoever does not believe is an enemy of his country.

However, two dozen Bosnian historians and archaeologists signed an open letter to the government demanding that the excavation permit issued to the amateur be revoked. In their opinion, unprofessional excavations in search of dubious traces of an ancient supercivilization destroy the real historical heritage. In the Visoko area there are medieval burials, remains of Neolithic, Roman and medieval buildings. Near the town, several years ago, in collaboration with German archaeologists, the remains of the largest Neolithic village in southeastern Europe were discovered. It is suspected that the area may contain the remains of an ancient city mentioned in Byzantine chronicles. The authors of the letter claim (although there is no documentary evidence of this) that through the efforts of Osmanagic, the medieval cemetery has already been destroyed.

Supporters of Osmanagic report a visit to the area near Visoko by the Egyptian geologist Ali Abdallah Barakat, who testified that the five surrounding hills cannot be natural formations, but are giant pyramids. In addition, the geologist found between the huge stones, which Osmanagich considers to be blocks of the pyramid, the remains of a cement mortar connecting them. Opponents of the sensation turned to the leading archaeologist of Egypt, Zahi Hawass, asking how competent Barakat was in assessing the pyramids, and received the answer that the geologist had nothing to do with the pyramids, had not studied them and was not an expert in this field. And geologist Stjepan Coric, working at the University of Vienna (Austria), having examined the formations excavated on the “Pyramid of the Sun”, came to the conclusion that this is the so-called breccia, geological sedimentary rock - the dried, cracked and raised by tectonic forces bottom of the lake that existed there

seven million years ago. The breccia has since been covered with sediments, which were revealed by the Osmanagich excavation. The pyramidal shape of several hills is also attributed to this geological uplift.

In 1994, near the town of Visoko, 22 km. from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were fought fighting between Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. During artillery shelling, city residents heard a strange hum and “vibrations” that emanated from Mount Visočica, as if there was emptiness inside it.

For centuries in Bosnia, this mountain was shrouded in an aura of legends and secrets. For many generations, the inhabitants of Visoko used skillfully ground stones with strange patterns, which were found in the vicinity of the mountain, to decorate the facades of houses and hedges.

But talk about the mysterious mountain did not go further until the summer of 2005. Semir Osmanagic, an independent researcher who devoted 15 years to studying the pyramids, did not come to Visoko Latin America. In August 2005, after taking the first dirt trucks, Osmanagic made a daring assumption that Mount Visocica is nothing more than a huge pyramid, 220 meters high!

Large-scale research and excavations in Visoko began on April 14, 2006, when dozens of volunteers began excavating Mount Visoko at several points. A few days later, under a meter-long layer of earth, huge man-made stone blocks were discovered, joined to each other. Sensation followed one after another. On stone slabs began to come across on all sides of Visočica. Aerial photography indicated “geophysical anomalies”: the two sides of the mountain were absolutely straight and formed equal angles. Satellite and helicopter photographs have added new arguments in favor of the existence of the tallest and first pyramid in Europe.

Mount Visocica began to be called the Pyramid of the Sun, in the manner Mexican pyramids, with which it has much in common due to the truncated top.

Some European archaeologists were very skeptical about the excavations and the very idea of ​​a pyramid in Bosnia, and none of them bothered to visit Visoko. But every day Osmanazic had more and more supporters. Two famous scientists from Egypt: geologist Barakat and archaeologist El Hadidi admitted that the stone blocks with which the entire pyramid of the Sun is laid out are very ancient and, most importantly, of artificial origin. Having a length of 2 to 3 meters, the blocks are concrete, the composition of the mixture is significantly different from the modern one. The version about concrete was confirmed by a number of Bosnian institutions, including the Construction Institute in Sarajevo. The Bosnian Institute of Geodesy made a sensational statement that all 4 sides of the pyramid are oriented to the cardinal points, with the northern one directed towards the North Star. It is known that the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico are also oriented.

Further research using radar and thermal photography technologies revealed new "geologically anomalous zones" on the outskirts of the city of Visoko. They turned out to be three pyramid-shaped hills, where in the first days of excavations, stone blocks of artificial origin were found.

Thus, in May 2006, the world became aware of the discovery of new pyramids: the Moon, the Dragon and the Love (very romantic names), and also that they do not fit into the understanding of the pyramids known to us, since they are hills of natural origin, which ancient architects gave it a pyramidal shape, laying out the walls with artificial slabs and numerous terraces.

On the plateau around the Pyramid of the Moon, identical stone slabs are laid out evenly, very reminiscent of modern city paving stones.

Even greater controversy arose about the age of the pyramids and their builders. Semir Osmanazic, a staunch supporter of alternative history, from the first days of excavations estimated the age of the pyramids at 10-12 thousand years, but the most outrageous thing for official archeology was his statement about the builders of prehistoric statues - Atlanteans or Hyperboreans, the existence of which Osmanazic has no doubt.

To the surprise of skeptics, scientists have established, taking into account the local climate, the age of the soil layer at 8-12 thousand years, which covers all the pyramids, where 1 cm of soil was formed every 200 years and reached from 40 cm to 1.5 meters today. But few people drew conclusions from a laboratory study, which revealed only the number of millennia that the pyramids have been abandoned, while the date of their construction could be much earlier than 10 thousand years BC!

Another piece of evidence was excavations at the junctions of the sides of the pyramids, which showed the presence of even angles, the so-called “ribs,” which could not have formed naturally, geologically, and on 3 objects at once.

By the fall, a project was developed to completely clear one side of the Pyramid of the Sun and two “ribs”, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2008. This may seem like a very long time, but just to clear one side of the pyramid it will be necessary to remove thousands of tons of soil, the work of hundreds of volunteers and huge cash costs. As can be seen in the photographs, the pyramids are overgrown with trees and grass, which makes work very difficult. Volunteers lower carts loaded with soil to the bottom at a large slope; heavy equipment is not used for excavations for obvious reasons.

With the onset of cold weather in 2006. excavations stopped until the spring of 2007, but clearing of the tunnels, opened in May, did not stop during the winter. The entrances to the tunnels were discovered several kilometers from the pyramids and they were immediately convinced that they all led under their base. The height of the tunnels is human height, and as you approach the pyramids, their walls become more and more smooth, and well-preserved stonework is visible at the bottom.

In June, a large smooth stone with writing resembling runic symbols and the modern letters E and Y was found in the tunnel. But the most inexplicable thing is the absence of dead animals and insects in the tunnel: logically, rodents, beetles, etc. could live in the remaining voids. the earthen rock should have left their traces, but none were found.

After turning to archives and military departments, skeptics’ assumptions about the construction of tunnels in the Middle Ages or during the war of 1992-1995. disappeared, since there are no historical references to them in the archives, the military also rejected the hypothesis of their communion. Rumors about the construction of tunnels by the NATO military were not confirmed. Tunnels can lead to the interior rooms (halls) of the pyramids.

In one year, the small provincial town of Visoko was visited by 250 thousand tourists from all over the world. Archaeologists, geologists, independent scientists and researchers from Austria, Egypt, Turkey, Serbia, Italy, USA, England, Germany, France, Jordan, Syria came to Visoko in order to support Osmanazic and his sensational discovery, refute it, or even slander him . The world scientific community is split into two camps: those who recognize the existence of pyramids in Bosnia and those who do not. Every month there are fewer and fewer of the latter.

From Vladivostok to Bosnia there are more than 13 thousand km. and, it would seem, nothing can connect us, if not for Mount Pidan, which, like the pyramids in Visoko, is located at the same 43 degrees North latitude, which confirms the theory about the interconnection of megalithic structures throughout the world.

By the spring of 2007, the Archaeological Park of the Bosnian Pyramids was visited by 250 thousand tourists from all over the world, the photograph of the Pyramid of the Sun was included in the list of the 10 most important photographs of 2006 by National Geographic magazine. News channels in most countries around the world reported the discovery of pyramids in Bosnia. Semir Osmanazic became a hero to millions and one of the most recognizable people in Europe.

Small European state Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12 years ago torn apart by bloodshed civil war, received another reason to finally unite and forget the horrors of the past for the sake of the right of their country to be considered the edge of the great pyramids.

The second year of excavations began in April, although they did not stop in the tunnels during the winter. The study area covered five pyramids and the area around it, a large complex of tunnels. As in 2006, the tactics of spot excavations were used: at each site (with the exception of tunnels), areas of different sizes are selected for detailed study. This technique helps to assess the enormity of the structure, provide irrefutable evidence to skeptics, and also draw up models and maps for excavations in subsequent years.

In May, many man-made stone constructions with ornaments were found, as well as mysterious lines and stripes reminiscent of gutters in the masonry. If the ornamentation on small stone tiles was part of the decorative cladding of the pyramid, then these lines defy explanation; they indicate a hitherto unknown culture.

At the same time, well-preserved and smoothly polished multi-ton slabs of the Vratnica hill were found, which, without having a pyramidal shape, is a complex structure of stone-concrete blocks, identical to those found on nearby pyramids. The gateway is a prehistoric temple or palace complex.

In June, another controversy flared up around the discovery: a group of cultural scientists and archaeologists from Bosnia and Europe called for stopping the excavations, as this could cause harm medieval monuments Highly. Behind statements of this kind stood the archaeological lobby, which from the very beginning was skeptical about the very fact of the presence of pyramids in Bosnia. The “armchair archaeologists,” as Osmanacic called them, only spent 15 minutes in the Archaeological Park to make statements about the absence of pyramids in Bosnia. I wonder if all the great archaeologists really made their conclusions in 15 minutes?!

A big victory was the support of the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then the president of the country himself, who visited the Archaeological Park and allocated a line item in the budget to provide financial assistance in the excavations.

But the biggest scientific findings and announcements were made in the second half of the summer. In July, two Russian scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences flew to the Archaeological Park for a week-long visit: the director of the Schmidt Institute of the Earth, a former participant in the Apollo space project, a world-famous specialist in the study of pyramids using the geophysical method, academician Oleg Borisovich Khavroshkin, and a specialist of the Schmidt Institute of the Earth on anomalous seismology and geophysics, professor Vladislav Tsiplakov.

Being at the excavation site of O.B. Khavroshkin made a sensational statement: “we have stone blocks not of natural, but of artificial origin.” Thus, for the first time, Russian scientists confirmed the existence of pyramids in Bosnia. Having taken samples for research in Moscow, scientists declared the authenticity of the discovery of the pyramids and gave the Archaeological Park greater scientific status.

In the fall of 2007, the scientific report “Seismoacoustic fields and signals of the Visoko area: tunnels, pyramid-like formations” was presented to the public.

"A description of the area of ​​​​the city of Visoko and pyramid-like rock formations is given in the report of S. Osmanagich. As the experience of studying the Egyptian pyramids as geophysical systems has shown, their seismoacoustic fields are highly informative. New data were obtained from recordings of seismic fields and signals in the CPC tunnels and near the Pyramid of the Sun, and also at the well (Pyramid of the Month). The seismic velocities of the underlying rocks were determined, and the spectral analysis of noise indicates the possible existence of hidden cavities. Active and passive seismic of all pyramid-like structures revealed some of their features that are partly similar to the Egyptian pyramids: seismic-acoustic emission, slight focusing of the signal. along the base-top path; a stable set of frequencies of spectral peaks."

In August, Egyptologist and pyramidologist Nabil M.A. Swelim (Dr. Nabil M.A. Swelim) from Cairo, world famous for discovering four pyramids in Egypt including the 20 meter pyramid of Abu Rawash, after long work on excavations, stated:

“In Visoko we have the largest pyramid in the world, whose amazing and complex architectural design is of great importance to the whole world.”

A month before the end of excavations at the base of the Pyramid of the Moon, where no excavations had been carried out before, at a depth of one meter, well-preserved stonework was uncovered, which in terraces goes back to the pyramid itself. And in the Vratnitsa temple complex, new stone blocks were discovered, strongly reminiscent of the blocks from which the great Egyptian pyramids.

On October 27, the second season of excavation of the pyramids in Visoko ended, except for the tunnels. By the end of 2007, the Archaeological Park was visited by more than 400 thousand people from 80 countries. The ambassadors of Italy, Austria, Germany, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Poland, Croatia, Serbia and Greece to Bosnia and Herzegovina visited the excavation sites, expressing great interest on behalf of the leaders of their states in the discovery of the pyramids. The Chinese Ambassador came to Visoko twice to meet with Semir Osmanazic.

Yakovenko Maxim

The “Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids” is and will be, due to its uniqueness, an important exam for scientists and tourists from all corners of the Earth. To reveal all the secrets, you will need the experience, knowledge and creativity of people open to the unknown. But let's analyze together some of the reactions of those experts scientific community, who were among the first to express their attitude towards the project, refusing to support any kind of research.

Professor Garrett G. Fagan from the American University of Pennsylvania state university stated in the London Times: "The excavations will destroy the archaeological sites of Visoko. It would be if someone gave permission to raze Stonehenge to the ground to find the mysterious labyrinths of lost ancient wisdom underground."

Professor Garrett, known as the "defender of traditional archaeology," is waging a real crusade against new and fresh knowledge in archaeology. He attacks independent researchers like Mr. Graham Hancock with no respect, calling them his favorite term "pseudoarchaeologists."

Professor Garrett's stunning Times article appeared on April 15th, 2006, just as we were starting our excavations at the Pyramid of the Sun. A month later Federal Ministry Culture formed a group of experts who confirmed that the excavation site is located hundreds of meters from the medieval town of Visoki and does not in any way threaten the archaeological memorial.

Has Professor Garrett sent an apology to our Foundation, to the Times in London or to the general public? No, he didn't. What happened to his moral and scientific integrity?

Archeology professor Curtis Runnel, an expert on the ancient history of the Balkans and Greece at Boston University, said: "The Balkan peninsula and mountain range were covered by glaciers between 27,000 and 12,000 years ago... the region had a very cold and dry climate..." Thus, the specialist wants to emphasize that under the given climatic conditions in central Bosnia, it was impossible for society to develop to such an extent as to build the pyramids.

But there is one fact that everyone can check for themselves: Firstly, the current territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina was never covered by glaciers during the last ice age. All areas north of Austria (Germany, Poland and the Scandinavian states) were only partially covered by ice sheets, while Bosnia and the Adriatic Sea remained ice-free. Secondly, the Balkan Peninsula was not only free of glaciers, but also very favorable from a climatic point of view. The average temperature was only 5 C degrees lower than today. And it should not be surprising why the Balkans were a protected cultural oasis for Europe.

Professor Anthony Harting, President of the European Association of Archaeologists, in a letter to the editors of Time magazine, describes Osmanazic's pyramid hypothesis as "absurd" and "misleading" and expresses his concern about Bosnian cultural heritage being at risk from the plunder of unauthorized research ( i.e. in danger due to the study of the pyramids.

Professor Harting, please take a closer look at the aerial photograph of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid has a geometric shape. Does it remind you of a cylinder, a circle, an irregular hill, or a pyramid formed by four triangles? Why should we call something "absurd" that we can see with our own eyes? Visocica hill, or better yet, the “Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” is a pyramid.

Let's look at the topographic or satellite map, showing the three sides of the pyramid (east, north and west). I think this should be enough to attract everyone's curiosity, including yours.

When considering the fact that all four sides of the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" are oriented in four coordinate directions (like the greatest pyramids of the world), it becomes obvious even to a student that we are faced with a hypothesis that is not "absurd" as some would like to believe.

Continued criticism of our research as a robbery attempt, an untested or unapproved project, was completely unfounded. Because the Foundation daily informs the world community about the progress of excavations, reports and reports. There is no "robbery" here, just science and exploration. Perhaps Harting finds our concept of open research inconvenient? We recognize that the Bosnian Pyramid Valley is part of the world's cultural heritage and not the private property of some scientific elite. The door is open to everyone, we welcome everyone without charging any entrance fee.

Robert Schoch, Professor of Natural Science at the College of General Studies at Boston University, concluded that “for every piece of evidence that Mr. Osmanazic suggests about artifacts, there is a geological explanation.” ".

Now let's take a closer look at the following examples that will help you make the best decision regarding who and what to believe. Should we believe the American geologist, famous in the archaeological community for his theory regarding the earliest age of the Sphinx, or common sense?

Let's start with an image showing the stone blocks located on the north side of the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun". From the observer's position, we can see that what we have in front of us is a rectangular geometric shape with a straight and even surface on all sides, each of which slopes at an angle of 90 degrees. The connections of the blocks form a straight line. Four levels of stone blocks are visible, a common method for constructing monuments. Who created all this? Of course people, not Mother Nature. According to the final analysis of the Tuzla Faculty of Construction, we have to deal with high-quality building materials.

Now let's take a look at the stone blocks of the terrace found on the south side of the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon". At the top of the Pyramid of the Moon, various levels of stone can clearly be seen, with undulating erosion on the surface, similar to the stone blocks found in other areas of the pyramid; At the bottom of the prehistoric structure we dug up a large stone block made of high quality concrete. Between the stone levels and between the blocks, binding material was found here and there. According to physical, chemical and macroscopic analysis, this material is identical in composition, which is proof that both structures (the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon) were built by the same builders who used the same construction method and material at the same time .

At the base of the pyramid there is a vertical stone wall. It was excavated under a meter of earth in the northwestern part of the Pyramid of the Moon. The sandstone level is located directly above the vertical wall level.

And so we ask Professor Schoch once again: Builders are people or Mother Nature?

Thousands of people had the opportunity to verify that the huge and massive stone blocks, part of the terrace located on the western part of the Pyramid of the Moon, are the result of human activity. So why does Dr. Schoch claim this is the work of Mother Nature?

Paul Heinrich, a geologist with the Louisiana Geological Survey at Louisiana State University, says: "It resembles a hill made up of tilted stone slabs. Osmanazic interprets the natural origin of the predominant sandy stones held together as individual building blocks of a pyramid..."

And further... “Other incredible interpretations of Osmanazic,” continues Heinrich, “...extend to the origin of spherical stones that have the shape of artificially made stone balls, and to the so-called tunnels, which, according to Osmanazic, are only part of the discovery...” Heinrich continues: “...Osmanazic includes old mines (mining in this area has been going on for over 1000 years) or caves in his discovery...”, concluding words: “The best analogy I can give for this is Himara: a mythological creature assembled into one from various parts. Components that are not related to each other in this case- artificial creations and natural ones, mistakenly put together."

When I read these types of statements, one question always comes to mind: How many important archaeological sites around the world are declared natural formations thanks to such “experts”?

Has no one thought of turning to masons who work with the material every day before coming to a conclusion about the natural or artificial origin of stone slabs? We have dozens of masons in our area and each of them confirmed that the material found was without a doubt concrete. The final results confirming the theory of the artificial origin of stone blocks were provided by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Tuzla (GIT), having conducted studies of various samples from two locations (Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon). Dr. Heinrich must have extremely excellent vision to come to such a serious conclusion that: "compressed rock layers were formed under the influence of groundwater... ", without visiting the object itself! In contrast, we have the conclusions of the GIT from Tuzla and the Egyptian geologist Dr. Aly Barakat. Ali Barakat spent more than five weeks on the pyramids, he completely agrees with the experts from Tuzla, that the binder material and stone slabs are very similar to the material that was used in the construction of ancient Egyptian temple complexes.

Professor Heinrich says that "the so-called tunnels..." that I discovered could be "anything...". Tunnels cannot be “so-called”! If only he had resorted to the well-known method of visiting archaeological sites, he would have known that the tunnel system actually existed. It consists of underground intersections at 45 and 90 degrees, ventilation outlets that provide fresh air. These are all signs that we are facing a complex and important prehistoric complex.

But Heinrich instructs that “the so-called tunnels... old mines or natural caves..." The erroneous assumption that these are "mines" has been rejected many times already by a group of experts from Zenica, Breca and Banovici, who already in April 2006 confirmed that these are not mines, but tunnels made by people for unknown purposes. In addition, I would like to remind everyone of our theory that a complex of tunnels connects all the pyramids of the Visoko valley.

In the next image we see children from Visoko inside the “holes”, thus the entrance to the tunnels has been known for several decades, so it was not Mr. Osmanazic who discovered the “so-called” tunnels. Anyone can determine the artificial origin of these “holes” and conclude that these are not natural holes.

In addition, inside the tunnels we found various megalithic slabs (megaliths) processed by man in the distant past; perhaps they served as a place for religious ceremonies.

Another superficial solution by Professor Heinrich concerns the stone spheres that were found in various parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which he defined as "natural" stones.

If Professor Heinrich goes back to his early school days, he will find that natural materials were never found in spherical shapes, as in this case granite stones. Granite stones can never be found in a perfect spherical shape. Let's take a look at the stone balls found in the town of Teochak in Tuzla.

Eight such spheres were found (the same size, perfect shape, made of granite). I would suggest that Heinrich visit Bosnia first before coming to any conclusions. What about the stone spheres found in Maglaža or in Zavidovići, where the Archaeological Foundation of “Bosnian Stone Balls” was recently opened. These stone spheres are a prehistoric phenomenon, objectively speaking, the product of human intervention. It seems that geologists have been instructed in advance that everything is done by Mother Nature, while common sense has to overcome their clichés and superficial assessments.

Our answer to all scientists and researchers, including our opponents, is very simple - with our common work, excavations and analysis, we will prove our hypotheses. We welcome everyone to the Bosnian Pyramid Valley Archaeological Park!

Semir Osmanagic

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There is a pyramid in Bosnia and Herzegovina that is one and a half times higher than the Cheops pyramid and four times older than it.

The Pyramid of the Sun, called Mount Vysocica, is located near the town of Visoko, 22 kilometers from Sarajevo. Its height reaches 220 meters, and its age is more than 20 thousand years. Its artificial origin is supported by the correct geometric shape, a certain orientation in space, the presence of a network of underground passages, and the use in construction of an artificial material resembling concrete blocks. The smooth edges and almost perfectly straight edges of the mountain make a strong impression. Researcher Semir Osmanagic has been excavating the pyramid and underground passages for more than ten years.

But how was such a grandiose object not noticed before? And how was it not noticed until recently in a well-studied by geologists Chelyabinsk region mysterious ancient city Arkaim? Not even just a city, but a country with many cities? We noticed it by chance while viewing the results of aerial photography. Something similar happened with the Bosnian pyramids - once an American friend working at NASA showed Semir Osmanagic a space image of the area of ​​​​central Bosnia. He looked for a long time at the surroundings of the town of Zenica, where he was born and lived before the collapse of Yugoslavia, and suddenly was stunned: three mountains near the neighboring town of Visoko looked like regular squares with diagonals intersecting at right angles.

Osmanagich spent many years researching pyramids all over the world and wrote several books. There was no doubt - there were pyramids in Bosnia! In 2005, he began trial independent excavations.

By the summer of next year, the scientist managed to prepare well - he managed to hire workers and bring the necessary equipment. On the site of the western slope of Vysochitsa, he organized an exhibition, presenting the first finds: stone blocks, photographs of paved paths lying under the soil layer of the mountain. The first like-minded people appeared. The guess about the artificial origin of Vysocica was confirmed by Bosnian scientists - archaeologist Silvana Chobanov, geologist Nadzhia Nukic, historian Muamer Shekhovich. Geologist Abdullah Berokyat, invited from Cairo, confirmed that the blocks have traces of artificial origin.

Dr. Johann Müller from the German National Institute of Prehistory, who conducted research in the territory of Visoko for four years, concluded that human civilization in these ancient places in the Balkans dates back at least 7 thousand years. Osmanagic previously estimated the age of the pyramid he found at 10-20 thousand years.

An interesting fact was “planted” by the Japanese: their satellite “Terra” discovered that at night Vysochitsa cools faster than the neighboring mountains. And during the day it warms up faster. This can be explained by the fact that the man-made mountain is composed of heterogeneous stones, while the neighboring ones consist of monolithic rock, which affects the heat transfer properties.

Indeed, the blocks from the slope of Vysochitsa differ in composition from the rocks of the nearby mountains, where their chronological succession is observed, and the blocks that served as building material seem to have been made artificially and at the same time. Hydrological studies have shown that rainwater flows evenly along the various faces of the discovered pyramid, while from the neighboring mountains it flows along the curvilinear beds of spontaneously arising streams.

There is also a sacred argument: the Pyramid of the Sun is not the only one in the area. In total, Osmanagich “calculated” nine pyramids, and three of them - the Sun, the Moon and the Dragon - were lined up in an order characteristic of similar complexes in other places on the planet.

Radiocarbon dating has shown that the labyrinths of the pyramid are approximately 20 thousand years old! Almost five times older than the most ancient Egyptian one. But about 4.6 thousand years ago, the next civilization, for mysterious reasons, closed all the passages, filling them with stones and rubble.

This is confirmed by the different composition of the rocks in which the tunnels were punched and those that walled up the catacombs. By the way, this required thousands of tons of stone! But what the ancient people wanted to hide remains a mystery. One can only assume: for some reason they did not want anyone to find an underground passage into the pyramid.

The first stop during the excursions organized by Osmanagic is in a small underground hall, which bears the name “Megalith K1”. There is a huge boulder on the floor near the excavation wall. This is the same megalith. The weight of the stone is four tons. On its surface, the then inhabitants left 25 mysterious symbols, which have not yet been deciphered. It turns out that a very ancient civilization existed on the territory of present-day Bosnia.

Eight perpendicular workings located very close to each other were discovered in a 15-meter-long section of the main tunnel. It’s hard to imagine how they passed through the loose conglomerate, because they should have collapsed right away! Since it is impossible to dig them up with shovels, some kind of high technology was probably used - acoustic or mental.

The mystery is also in how the tunnels are filled. If they are filled with debris, then over time it should sag. But this did not happen - the material tightly fills the excavations to the very top, like a cork - a bottleneck. It seems that the soil was fed into the tunnels under enormous pressure, filling all the voids.

Radiocarbon dating shows that the Bosnian pyramid is at least 25 thousand years old. In addition, in the pyramid of the Sun, in Visoko, an energy beam was discovered, about 4 meters in radius, with a frequency of 28 kHz, emanating from the center of the pyramid. This phenomenon was recorded independently by four scientists.

Dr. Osmanagic suggests that this beam of energy is the reason for the construction of the Pyramid of the Sun. It was an inexhaustible source of environmentally friendly energy for the ancient inhabitants of Bosnia. This theory has found many confirmations given in the book Giza Power Station by Christopher Dunn, published in 1998.

However, in addition to the energy anomaly, the pyramids are fraught with a lot of mysterious things. Here are some facts about them:

These are the very first pyramids in Europe.

They are the largest and widest in the world. Aerial and space footage shows that the four faces of the four pyramids are perfectly aligned with the sky and face north, south, east and west, the distance between the pyramids is the same (about 2.2 km), and the tops of three of them form a perfect equilateral triangle. Their orientation to the cardinal points is the most accurate, although the pyramids in Peru, Egypt, Guatemala and China are also aligned to the cardinal points.

The concrete foundation of the pyramids is incredibly high quality and strong, much better than modern ones in all respects. The geologists who conducted the research also confirmed that the pyramid consists entirely of blocks that were processed by hand. Between fitted close to each other flat parts blocks, you can see a connecting conglomerate consisting of quartz and mica.

These pyramids are among the oldest known on the planet today. Under the so-called Pyramid of the Sun there is a huge network of tunnels and rooms, the construction of which can be attributed to the prehistoric period. Of course, this is typical for pyramids.

All the pyramids in Giza and the entire complex are connected by underground passages to the Nile River; in Teotihuacan there is a four-chamber cave with passages underground; underground labyrinth step pyramid in Saqqara, underground tunnels Chinese pyramids- in all such buildings, tunnels connect strategically important points, for example, wells, with certain rooms.

The purpose of these rooms is unclear, but current excavations allow us to confidently assert that the tunnels were not mines or mines, since no tools, coal, gold or other minerals suitable for mining were found in them.

The only thing that was found in the underground catacombs of the Bosnian pyramids were giant ceramic blocks weighing over nine tons each.

Dr. Osmanagic had the opportunity to receive many guests in the town of Visoko: scientists, specialists in various fields who wanted to see the amazing pyramids with their own eyes and see with their own eyes the anomalies present in these places. Among them was, for example, the British scientist and inventor Harry Oldfield, who used a special camera and managed to record the notorious electromagnetic waves over the Visoko hills. The luminaries agreed that the pyramidal structures in Bosnia and other countries, the youngest of which are more than ten thousand years old, cannot be built at the present time, even with the use of all the technologies available in the twenty-first century.

And science is also unable to explain this fact. “Despite initial skepticism, our work is now supported by hundreds of scientists from different countries world, we have archaeologists, physicists, chemists, electrical engineers, mathematicians on our side,” rejoices Dr. Osmanagic.

Perhaps now is the time to turn to the history books, otherwise the gap between the old paradigm of thinking and the new will become so great that the conflict between these camps will continue to promote denial and rejection of ancient technologies, rather than promoting them.

“We urgently need to change our misguided view of ancient culture and technology,” says journalist and author Philip Coppens. “It seems to us that we have become smarter, but in fact our ancestors deeply understood the essence of nature and the Universe, just like Nikola Tesla, whose ideas were not realized only because they were not suitable for the economic model that dominated the earth.”

From Coppens’s point of view, our distant ancestors possessed an amazing technology for obtaining energy, which in our time can already be measured, but still, as in the time of Tesla, defies understanding.

This is a pyramid complex in Bosnia. For many centuries they were buried under a layer of soil as much as 18 meters, and although the photographs clearly show that these were natural hills, excavations began not so long ago. Semir Osmanagic is an independent researcher who has spent 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America. Based on external data, he assumed the existence of a pyramid. And in August 2005, after taking the first dirt trucks, Osmanagic made a bold statement that Mount Visocica is nothing more than a huge pyramid, 220 meters high!

Large-scale research and excavations in Visoko began on April 14, 2006, when dozens of volunteers began excavating Mount Visoko at several points. A few days later, under a meter-long layer of earth, huge man-made stone blocks were discovered, joined to each other. Sensation followed one after another. Stone slabs began to be encountered on all sides of Visočica. Aerial photography indicated “geophysical anomalies”: the two sides of the mountain were absolutely straight and formed equal angles. Satellite and helicopter photographs have added new arguments in favor of the existence of the tallest and first pyramid in Europe.

“We have evidence that Mount Visocica is in fact a giant stone pyramid, the only one in Europe. Nearby there are four more pyramidal buildings,” said S. Osmanagic.

In addition to the pyramid, at a depth of 18 meters, scientists discovered the remains of labyrinths and certain objects, which prove the existence in this area of ​​​​an ancient settlement of representatives of an unknown civilization. In particular, archaeologists found blocks of sandstone, which is not found anywhere else in the area, and came to the conclusion that the ancient builders specifically imported the stone for the construction of a religious structure. “According to the history of Bosnia, such structures could not have appeared in the last 500, 800 or two thousand years. This indicates that we are talking about some kind of super-civilization that existed on this territory earlier,” Semir Osmanagich reassures all lovers of archaeological discoveries.

Some European archaeologists were very skeptical about the excavations and the very idea of ​​a pyramid in Bosnia, and none of them bothered to visit Visoko. Professor Garrett, known as the "defender of traditional archaeology," is waging a real crusade against new and fresh knowledge in archaeology. He attacks independent researchers like Mr. Graham Hancock with no respect, calling them his favorite term "pseudoarchaeologists."

“Professor Garrett's stunning Times article appeared on April 15th, 2006, just as we had begun excavations at the Pyramid of the Sun. A month later, the Federal Ministry of Culture formed a group of experts who confirmed that the excavation site was located hundreds of meters from the medieval town of Visoki and did not pose any threat to the archaeological memorial. Has Professor Garrett sent an apology to our Foundation, to the Times in London or to the general public? No, he didn't. What happened to his moral and scientific integrity?”

Archeology professor Curtis Runnel, an expert on the ancient history of the Balkans and Greece at Boston University, said: "The Balkan peninsula and mountain range were covered by glaciers between 27,000 and 12,000 years ago... the region had a very cold and dry climate..." Thus, the specialist wants to emphasize that under the given climatic conditions in central Bosnia, it was impossible for society to develop to such an extent as to build the pyramids.

“But there is one fact that everyone can check for themselves: Firstly, the current territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina was never covered by glaciers during the last ice age. All areas north of Austria (Germany, Poland and the Scandinavian states) were only partially covered by ice sheets, while Bosnia and the Adriatic Sea remained ice-free. Secondly, the Balkan Peninsula was not only free of glaciers, but also very favorable from a climatic point of view. The average temperature was only 5 C degrees lower than today. And one should not be surprised why the Balkans were a protected cultural oasis for Europe.”

Professor Anthony Harting, President of the European Association of Archaeologists, in a letter to the editors of Time magazine, describes Osmanazic's pyramid hypothesis as "absurd" and "misleading".

“Professor Harting, please take a closer look at the aerial photograph of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid has a geometric shape. Does it remind you of a cylinder, a circle, an irregular hill, or a pyramid formed by four triangles? Why should we call something "absurd" that we can see with our own eyes? Visocica hill, or better yet, the “Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” is a pyramid.”

“Let's also look at a topographical or satellite map showing the three sides of the pyramid (eastern, northern and western). I think this should be enough to attract everyone's curiosity, including yours. When considering the fact that all four sides of the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" are oriented in four coordinate directions (like the greatest pyramids of the world), it becomes obvious even to a student that we are faced with a hypothesis that is not "absurd" as some would like to believe. »

“Let's start with an image showing the stone blocks located on the northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. From the observer's position, we can see that what we have in front of us is a rectangular geometric shape with a straight and even surface on all sides, each of which slopes at an angle of 90 degrees. The connections of the blocks form a straight line. Four levels of stone blocks are visible, a common method for constructing monuments. Who created all this? Of course people, not Mother Nature. According to the final analysis of the Tuzla Faculty of Construction, we have to deal with high-quality building materials.”

“Now let's take a look at the stone blocks of the terrace found on the south side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. At the top of the Pyramid of the Moon, various levels of stone can clearly be seen, with undulating erosion on the surface, similar to the stone blocks found in other areas of the pyramid; At the bottom of the prehistoric structure we dug up a large stone block made of high quality concrete. Between the stone levels and between the blocks, binding material was found here and there. According to physical, chemical and macroscopic analysis, this material is identical in composition, which is proof that both structures (the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon) were built by the same builders who used the same construction method and material at the same time ."

“Has it really not occurred to anyone to turn to masons who work with the material every day before coming to a conclusion about the natural or artificial origin of stone slabs? We have dozens of masons in our area and each of them confirmed that The material found is undoubtedly concrete. The final results confirming the theory of the artificial origin of stone blocks were provided by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Tuzla (GIT), having conducted studies of various samples from two locations (Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon).”

“Dr. Heinrich must have extremely excellent eyesight to come to such a serious conclusion that: “compressed rock layers were formed under the influence of underground waters ...”, without visiting the object itself! In contrast, we have the conclusions of the GIT from Tuzla and the Egyptian geologist Dr. Aly Barakat. Ali Barakat spent more than five weeks on the pyramids, and he fully agrees with the experts from Tuzla that the binder material and stone slabs are very similar to the material used in the construction of ancient Egyptian temple complexes."

A complex of underground passages and tunnels was discovered under the pyramids. In June, a large smooth stone with inscriptions reminiscent of runic symbols and the modern letters E and Y. After turning to archives and military departments, skeptics’ assumptions about the construction of tunnels in the Middle Ages or during the war of 1992-1995. disappeared, since there are no historical references to them in the archives, the military also rejected the hypothesis of their communion. Rumors about the construction of tunnels by the NATO military were not confirmed. Tunnels can lead to the interior rooms (halls) of the pyramids.

The most incomprehensible is the covering of the lower “steps” discovered by archaeologists, which obviously (and very likely intentionally) has an uneven upper surface. On the one hand, these irregularities are somewhat similar to those that occur when concrete hardens if it is first covered with a film and sand is thrown on top. On the other hand, the shape of the “cracks” in this layer and the presence of small even “steps-ledges” do not exclude the version of the tiled covering. Although it remains unclear why the “tile” had such an uneven top surface, and how exactly such a result was achieved.

At higher levels, the upper surfaces of the terraces are more cobblestone-like, being paved with ordinary cobblestones (the stone appears to be volcanic origin). At the same time, it is very similar that the steps of the terrace (despite the very dense layers of rock) seemed to be “built” one directly on top of the other - the covering at times goes under the layered structure of the mountain. The “pavements” are not well preserved everywhere. From time to time you come across significantly damaged areas and just individual tile blocks.

Even greater controversy arose about the age of the pyramids and their builders. Semir Osmanazic, a staunch supporter of alternative history, from the first days of excavations The age of the pyramids was estimated at 10-12 thousand years, but the most outrageous thing for official archeology was his statement about the builders of prehistoric statues - Atlanteans or Hyperboreans, the existence of which Osmanazic does not doubt.

To the surprise of skeptics, scientists have established, taking into account the local climate, the age of the soil layer at 8-12 thousand years, which covers all the pyramids, where 1 cm of soil was formed every 200 years and reached from 40 cm to 1.5 meters today. But few people drew conclusions from a laboratory study, which revealed only the number of millennia that the pyramids have been abandoned, while the date of their construction could be much earlier than 10 thousand years BC!

Rays emitted by pyramids. Research.

The Bosnian pyramid fired an energy beam into space.

A team of physicists recorded an energy beam emanating from the top of the Bosnian so-called. "Pyramids of the Sun".

The beam radius was 4.5 meters; radiation frequency is 28 kHz, the energy release continues and its energy grows;

At school we were taught that this is impossible, since the force of the electromagnetic pulse comes down from the source that sent it.
This pyramid is (by some estimates) over 10,000 years old and after all these years it appears to be still continues to produce energy!

Three underground chambers and a small blue lake with an ionization level that is 43 times higher than the average ion concentration level outside this location.
This could mean that these rooms are some kind of... "healing rooms"!

Another no less significant and interesting fact, discovered by researchers.

In this place (underground) the level of known harmful radiation is close to zero; researchers were unable to detect absolutely any radiation there (neither from power lines, nor from penetrating cosmic rays!!!).

The information is interesting because the Bosnian pyramid, generally speaking, is little known.-
BUT, there is something unclear regarding the radiation sources of the pyramid, more precisely with the top and bottom of the radiation. We didn’t study this either in information schools or universities....

Bosnian pyramid: Perpetual motion machine, 25 thousand years old

An extensive study has made a stunning discovery: the pyramid complex in Bosnia is the oldest in the world, and these pyramids emit beams of energy in the microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Moreover, modern science is unable to explain the origin of this energy. Evidence of this phenomenon overturns the generally accepted view of the history of Europe and humanity in general, as well as of religion and science.

Radiocarbon dating has proven that the Bosnian pyramid is at least 25 thousand years old. After the discovery by Dr. Osmanagic and his team of scientists from different countries, the most active archaeological excavations in the world are being carried out there, at the Pyramid of the Sun, in Visoko. One of the results of the work was the detection of an energy beam, about 4 meters in radius, with a frequency of 28 kHz, emanating from the center of the pyramid. This phenomenon was recorded independently by four scientists.

Dr. Osmanagic suggests that this beam of energy is the reason for the construction of the Pyramid of the Sun. It was an inexhaustible source of environmentally friendly energy for the ancient inhabitants of Bosnia. This theory has found many confirmations given in the book “Giza Power Station” by Christopher Dunn, published in 1998.

However, in addition to the energy anomaly, the pyramids are fraught with a lot of mysterious things. Here are some facts about them:

These are the very first pyramids in Europe.

They are the largest and widest in the world. Photography from the air and from space shows that the four faces of the four pyramids are ideally oriented across the sky and face north, south, east and west, the distance between the pyramids is the same (about 2.2 km), and the tops of three of them form a perfect equilateral triangle. Their orientation to the cardinal points is the most accurate, although the pyramids in Peru, Egypt, Guatemala and China are also aligned to the cardinal points.

The concrete foundation of the pyramids is incredibly high quality and strong, much better than modern ones in all respects. The geologists who conducted the research also confirmed that the pyramid consists entirely of blocks that were processed by hand. Between the flat parts of the blocks fitted close to each other, you can see a connecting conglomerate consisting of quartz and mica.

These pyramids are the oldest on the planet.

Under the so-called Pyramid of the Sun there is a huge network of tunnels and rooms, the construction of which can be attributed to the prehistoric period. Of course, this is typical for pyramids. All the pyramids in Giza and the entire complex are connected by underground passages to the Nile River; in Teotihuacan there is a four-chamber cave with passages underground; the underground labyrinth of the step pyramid in Saqqara, the underground tunnels of the Chinese pyramids - in all such buildings, tunnels connect strategically important points, for example, wells, with certain rooms.

The purpose of these rooms is unclear, but current excavations allow us to confidently assert that the tunnels were not mines or mines, since no tools, nor coal, gold or other minerals suitable for mining were found in them. The only thing that was found in the underground catacombs of the Bosnian pyramids were giant ceramic blocks weighing over nine tons each.
Dr. Osmanagic had the opportunity to receive many guests in the town of Visoko: scientists, specialists in various fields who wanted to see the amazing pyramids with their own eyes and see with their own eyes the anomalies present in these places. Among them was, for example, the British scientist and inventor Harry Oldfield, who used a special camera and managed to record the notorious electromagnetic waves over the Visoko hills.

The luminaries agreed that the pyramidal structures in Bosnia and other countries, the youngest of which are more than ten thousand years old, cannot be built at the present time, even with the use of all the technologies available in the twenty-first century. And science is also unable to explain this fact. “Despite the initial skepticism, our work is now supported by hundreds of scientists from around the world; we have archaeologists, physicists, chemists, electrical engineers, and mathematicians on our side,” rejoices Dr. Osmanagic.

Perhaps now is the time to rewrite our history books, otherwise the gap between the old paradigm of thinking and the new will become so great that the conflict between these camps will continue to promote denial and rejection of ancient technologies, rather than promoting them.

“We urgently need to change our erroneous view of the culture and technology of the ancients,” says journalist and writer Philip Coppens. “We think we have become smarter, but in fact our ancestors deeply understood the essence of nature and the universe, just like Nicola Tesla, whose ideas were not realized only because they were unsuitable for the economic model that prevailed on earth.”

From Coppens's point of view, our distant ancestors owned amazing energy production technology, which in our time can already be measured, but still, as in the time of Tesla, cannot be understood.

Details about the Bosnian pyramid
V.A. Chudinov

In the article “Commentary on the discovery of pyramids in Europe,” sent to my sites on March 30, 2010, I wrote about the discovery of a pyramid in Bosnia. Now I can present readers with photographs with my comments.

At the same time, I use materials from the article by Maxim Yakovenko “Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2006: Discovery of the Century”, published on the Ukrainian portal “Perunica” with the address, as well as article by Seslav Osmanagich, published there. Subheadings and captions, as usual, are mine.

Pyramid discovery. « In 1994, near the town of Visoko, 22 km. From Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, fighting took place between Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. During artillery shelling, city residents heard a strange hum and “vibrations” that emanated from Mount Visočica, as if there was emptiness inside it. For centuries in Bosnia, this mountain was shrouded in an aura of legends and secrets. For many generations, the inhabitants of Visoko used skillfully ground stones with strange patterns, which were found in the vicinity of the mountain, to decorate the facades of houses and hedges. But talk about the mysterious mountain did not go further until the summer of 2005. Semir Osmanagic, an independent researcher who spent 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America, did not come to Visoko. In August 2005, after taking the first soil samples, Osmanagic made a bold assumption that Mount Visocica is nothing more than a huge pyramid, 220 meters high!»

Rice. 1. General view of the pyramid and my reading of the inscriptions

In Fig. 1 pyramid is visible as a real tetrahedron. Moreover, trees grow on it, and the well-written word YARA is immediately visible, especially the last letter A. If you look closely at the drawing of the trees, you can see a longer inscription: TEMPLE OF YAR MARA. Below you can read the clearings between the trees in reversed color; they form an inscription YARA WORLD. The same inscription, YARA MIR, can be read on the left edge of the pyramid near the top. Finally, at the very top there is the smallest and most low-contrast inscription MASK OF YAR.

This Bosnian pyramid contains more colorful inscriptions than the Giza pyramids (the article "Geoglyphs of Giza" was submitted to my sites on April 2, 2009). It is related to the smallest of the giant pyramids of Giza, namely the pyramid of Mykerinus (Menkaure). In that article I wrote: “ On a platform approximately equal to the area of ​​the pyramid itself, but to the left of it, you can read the inscription YARA TEMPLE. As a matter of fact, this inscription alone changes our understanding of the pyramids: the pyramids are not the tombs of the pharaohs, but purely religious buildings " Now, using the example of the Bosnian pyramid of Mount Vysocica, we are convinced of this once again.

Rice. 2. Semir Osmanagic

First year of excavation. « Large-scale research and excavations in Visoko began on April 14, 2006, when dozens of volunteers began excavating Mount Visoko at several points. A few days later, under a meter-long layer of earth, huge man-made stone blocks were discovered, joined to each other. Sensation followed one after another. Stone slabs began to be encountered on all sides of Visočica. Aerial photography indicated “geophysical anomalies”: the two sides of the mountain were absolutely straight and formed equal angles. Satellite and helicopter photographs have added new arguments in favor of the existence of the tallest and first pyramid in Europe. Mount Visocica began to be called the Pyramid of the Sun, in the manner of the Mexican pyramids, with which it has much in common due to its truncated top" - It is clear that for academic archeology it is much better to draw a parallel with the buildings of any continents, but reading inscriptions in Slavic on Slavic land turns out to be beyond human strength.

Rice. 3. Views of the pyramid from different sides

« Some European archaeologists were very skeptical about the excavations and the very idea of ​​a pyramid in Bosnia, and none of them bothered to visit Visoko. But every day Osmanazic had more and more supporters. Two famous scientists from Egypt: geologist Barakat and archaeologist El Hadidi admitted that the stone blocks with which the entire pyramid of the Sun is laid out are very ancient and, most importantly, of artificial origin. Having a length of 2 to 3 meters, the blocks are concrete, the composition of the mixture is significantly different from the modern one. The version about concrete was confirmed by a number of Bosnian institutions, including the Construction Institute in Sarajevo. The Bosnian Institute of Geodesy made a sensational statement that all 4 sides of the pyramid are oriented to the cardinal points, with the northern one directed towards the North Star. It is known that the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico are also oriented».

The reaction of archaeologists surprisingly exactly coincides with the one they had in Tver, when I showed the inscriptions on the Mary stone in the Tver Museum of Local Lore. In other words, it was the archaeologists who did not approach the stone, although geologists, trace scientists and guests did. But if the inscriptions were really small and not visible from some distance, then it would be strange not to notice the pyramid. Nevertheless, the fact is clear. And the point is not in the pyramid, and not in the fact that it exists in Europe, but in the Slavs. There should be no sensations with finds of antiquities on Slavic territory - this is the unspoken rule of conduct for archaeologists. And besides, it was discovered by a Slav with such a bad Slavic name for the West - Vseslav. Like a representative of all Slavs. Not a German, not an American, not a Frenchman. It's a shame!

Rice. 4. Lines of equal heights on a pyramid

An excellent geodetic processing of pyramid images is the construction of lines of equal height. This figure shows that almost all the faces of the pyramid are flat, but the left side has a protrusion in the middle from the top to the very bottom, and at some distance there are two similar, but small protrusions on either side of the main one. The words are written repeatedly on these protrusions RUS YARA. Thus, these inscriptions refer to the concrete blocks of the pyramid, and not to the vegetation covering its surface. However, the text on the pyramid's surface is identical to the text produced by the vegetation.

Rice. 5. Concrete pyramid blocks

« Further research using radar and thermal photography technologies revealed new "geologically anomalous zones" on the outskirts of the city of Visoko. They turned out to be three pyramid-shaped hills, where in the first days of excavations, stone blocks of artificial origin were found. Thus, in May 2006, the world became aware of the discovery of new pyramids: the Moon, the Dragon and the Love (very romantic names), and also that they do not fit into the understanding of the pyramids known to us, since they are hills of natural origin, which ancient architects gave it a pyramidal shape, laying out the walls with artificial slabs and numerous terraces».

Rice. 6. Concrete block close up

Generally speaking, there were only four Slavic gods up to the Neolithic: Makosh, Mara, Rod and Yar, so in principle the number 4 for pyramids is quite acceptable. Whether they are hills of natural origin is a question. On Kola Peninsula we observed pyramids in the form of hills, and two of them (Yara and Mary) contained emptiness inside, and the other two apparently did not (the ground penetrating radar did not reach them). And only one hill, and even on one side, contained ledges covered with pebbles, so that it vaguely resembled a stepped pyramid. So it is not necessary that all pyramids must contain voids inside.

Rice. 7. View of other pyramids and my reading of the inscriptions

Other pyramids. It is clear that the pyramids were not built individually, so the discovery of two more pyramids was quite natural. All that remains is to read the inscriptions on them in the form of geoglyphs. I can well suspect that if there are only three pyramids, then these are the pyramids of Mary, Rod and Yar, and since the pyramid of Yar has already been discovered, then it remains to find the pyramids of Mary and Rod. And examination of geoglyphs confirms this. On the hill to the left of the pyramids I read the inscription YARA RUS, and at the top right there is a small portrait of Yar, turned to the left, on the central pyramid (of the Moon, and in Croatian - the Month) it is written MARY, and the right hill, in front of which is the Dragon Pyramid, represents the face of a man from the front, where the right eye represents the letter P, the open mouth represents the letter O, and a little to the right and below you can read the letter D. Thus, before us is - GENUS. Thus, the temple of the Sun is the temple of Yar, the temple of the Moon is the temple of Mary, and the temple of the Dragon (and the picture is labeled Earth) is the temple of Rod.

Rice. 8. View of the Pyramid of Mary

« On the plateau around the Pyramid of the Moon, identical stone slabs are laid out evenly, very reminiscent of modern city paving stones. Even greater controversy arose about the age of the pyramids and their builders. Semir Osmanazic, a staunch supporter of alternative history, from the first days of excavations estimated the age of the pyramids at 10-12 thousand years, but the most outrageous thing for official archeology was his statement about the builders of prehistoric sculptures - Atlanteans or Hyperboreans, the existence of which Osmanazic has no doubt" - It is clear that archaeologists cannot hear such statements without shuddering (I remember how warmly the director of the local history museum in Murmansk received us while we asked him about the Sami, but as soon as we asked what he thought about Hyperborea, he immediately became haggard and said , that he doesn’t talk about science fiction topics). - As for the photograph of the Pyramid of the Moon, it is too small to read the inscriptions on it.

Rice. 9. Paving stones around the pyramid

« To the surprise of skeptics, scientists have established, taking into account the local climate, the age of the soil layer at 8-12 thousand years, which covers all the pyramids, where 1 cm of soil was formed every 200 years and reached from 40 cm to 1.5 meters today. But few people drew conclusions from a laboratory study, which revealed only the number of millennia that the pyramids have been abandoned, while the date of their construction could be much earlier than 10 thousand years BC!“- Most likely, this is so. Apparently, all the pyramids were built in the Paleolithic, that is, 10 thousand years BC. Including the pyramids of Egypt and the Kola Peninsula.

Rice. 10. Pyramid edge and clearing another edge