Map of the fighting in Syria on September 22. The number of combat sorties of the Russian Aerospace Forces during the operation in Syria has been announced. Launches of “Caliber” from the submarine “Veliky Novgorod”

Current information from Syria indicates growing tension in this country on a number of fronts. As before, such developments are associated with the activity of terrorist elements. They attack government troops again and again, without thinking at all about the consequences of their criminal activities. Simply put, the war continues.

Syria news today, 09.22.2017

The UN Secretary General's special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said that the negotiations in Astana led to a significant reduction in violence in this country.

“The Astana process and the so-called meetings in Amman have led to a significant reduction in violence in Syria,” the special envoy said during a speech at a high-level meeting held as part of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

He stressed that Astana has almost completely fulfilled its goal of de-escalating the conflict, and now the time has come for political negotiations in Geneva.

The day before, it was reported that participants in the negotiation process in Astana to resolve the Syrian crisis reached an agreement on the creation of four de-escalation zones.

Russia supports efforts Saudi Arabia to create a single representative delegation of the Syrian opposition for negotiations in Geneva. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Gennady Gatilov.

During a high-level meeting on Syria on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, Gatilov noted that it is necessary to support efforts to form a single representative delegation of the opposition, which could enter into negotiations with the official authorities of Syria in Geneva.

“We support the relevant initiatives of Saudi Arabia,” the diplomat emphasized.

As previously reported, in August a meeting of the three main opposition groups in Syria was held in Riyadh: “Moscow”, “Cairo” and “Arriyadh”. The meeting participants were unable to agree on the creation of a single delegation. The next round of consultations is due to take place in October.

A few minutes ago, news appeared that the leaders of the Islamic State signed an agreement with representatives of the Syrian army to evacuate all their fighters from the last areas of territory occupied by terrorists in the east of Hama province. Thus, in the coming hours, the remainder of the so-called “Akerbat cauldron” will cease to exist.

According to war correspondents working in this region, ISIS has already begun withdrawing its armed forces from the settlements of Sokha, Abu Khubaylat, Akash, Al-Barghout and Umm Mill, which are located along the strategic highway M-45.

The headquarters of the government forces explained that about 1,000 militants and members of their families should be transported on provided transport from Hama province to Deir ez-Zor. Also, the command of the SAR Armed Forces confirmed the signing of the said deal with terrorist field commanders this evening.

The evacuation of IS members and their relatives is expected to be completed by the end of this week. At the same time, settlements in the east of Hama, which at this time are still controlled by the forces of the Islamic State, will be finally transferred to government control.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said the Syrian crisis remains the worst in recent memory, despite a decline in violence in the country.

During a high-level meeting on Syria, held within the framework of the 72nd UN General Assembly, Grandi noted that 5 million Syrians still cannot return to their homes.

He also emphasized the importance of the initiative of the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, to hold a second Syrian donor conference in Brussels, scheduled for next spring.

It was previously reported that negotiations in Astana on Syria led to a significant reduction in violence. This was stated by UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, speaking at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

The predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are trying to maximally expand their zone of control on the left bank of the Euphrates near Deir ez-Zor in order to prevent the Syrian army from entering there. On September 20, 2017, the SDF, with the support of American coalition aircraft, pushed back the militants of the territory. the Islamic State group (IS, banned in Russia) to the southeast and northwest.

The area occupied by the Kurds is located just opposite the town of Hisham, which was taken the day before by government troops, and is notable for its oil fields. As a result of the SDF offensive on September 20, they managed to take control of a significant part of two large fields in the region - At-Tabiya and Al-Isba.

The Syrian army lays claim to these same oil fields, so tensions between the Kurds and government forces immediately began to rise. Army sources from the field report that both the Kurds themselves and the American special forces accompanying them are opening (possibly warning) fire from the Kurdish positions.

The Kurds’ push towards oil fields did not go unnoticed by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Military Department spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that the SDF is transferring reinforcements from Raqqa to Deir ez-Zor without encountering resistance from IS terrorists, thereby hinting at possible unspoken cooperation between the SDF and IS. “Russian unmanned aerial vehicles and reconnaissance have not recorded a single clash between ISIS* and the “third force” of the SDF over the past week,” Konashenkov said. Pro-Kurdish sources have already called such accusations “disinformation.”

The latest news coming out of Syria now is again and again filled with alarming data. As you might guess, the terrorist groups that exist on the territory of the country a large number of, they don’t even think about laying down their arms. On the contrary, in certain areas there is an increased intensification of militants.

Russian military personnel from the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties met with a group of Syrian scouts in one of the schools in Aleppo and shared with them their survival skills in field conditions.

At the master class, children were shown how to tie knots, move loads with minimal effort, and stop venous and arterial bleeding. According to center representative Nurmagomed Gyulov, the tents had to be erected right in the city center, in the backyard of the school. This is due to the fact that Aleppo scouts cannot yet set up camp in the forest, since it is unsafe outside the city limits due to minefields.

The detachment where the Russian military held a master class was created more than 20 years ago. He did not stop working even when there was fighting in the city. There are 300 children in it. There are many orphans.

The Syrian Scouts are the oldest children's organization in the country. It was founded in 1912 and is part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said the Syrian crisis remains the worst in recent memory, despite a decline in violence in the country.

During a high-level meeting on Syria, held within the framework of the 72nd UN General Assembly, Grandi noted that 5 million Syrians still cannot return to their homes.

He also emphasized the importance of the initiative of the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, to hold a second Syrian donor conference in Brussels, scheduled for next spring.

Yesterday it was reported that negotiations in Astana on Syria had led to a significant reduction in violence. This was stated by UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, speaking at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

Review of the map of military operations in Syria for today, 09/22/2017

The day before, news appeared that the leaders of the Islamic State signed an agreement with representatives of the Syrian army to evacuate all their fighters from the last areas of territory occupied by terrorists in the east of Hama province. Thus, in the coming hours, the remainder of the so-called “Akerbat cauldron” will cease to exist.

According to military correspondents working in this region, ISIS has already begun to withdraw its armed forces from the settlements of Sokha, Abu Khubaylat, Akash, Al-Barghout and Umm Mill, which are located along the strategic highway M-45. The headquarters of the government forces explained that about 1,000 militants and members of their families should be taken on provided transport from the province of Hama to Deir ez-Zor. Also, the command of the SAR Armed Forces confirmed the signing of the said deal with terrorist field commanders this evening. ABOUT

The evacuation of IS members and their relatives is expected to be completed by the end of this week. At the same time, settlements in the east of Hama, which at this time are still controlled by the forces of the Islamic State, will be finally transferred to government control.

The leaders of the Islamic State are taking desperate steps to stop the advance of the Syrian army in the province of Deir ez-Zor, which has already occupied three-quarters of the region. During the latest hostilities, units of the Syrian Armed Forces liberated the city of Al-Tabani, located on the western bank of the Euphrates River.

The difficult situation for the terrorists forced them to throw the last remnants of armored vehicles into battle. ISIS fighters regrouped and launched a counterattack on the positions of al-Baath party militia fighters tasked with defending the city of al-Tabani, while personnel units continued to carry out Operation Big Dawn.

However, the Syrian military rose to the occasion, detecting the enemy attack in a timely manner. Deployed Grad multiple rocket launchers covered the concentration of terrorist armored vehicles with rocket fire. During further clashes, the enemy forces were repulsed and partially scattered. The militias did not give up a single meter of liberated territory to the jihadists.

During this battle, security forces destroyed a battle tank and two homemade armored personnel carriers with makeshift armor. In addition, over 10 IS militants were eliminated.

The operational situation in Syria is developing favorably. Over 84% of its territory has been liberated. The main actions are now taking place in the Deir ez-Zor area, Hama and eastern Homs. You can find out more detailed information about the events taking place in Syria from our daily report.

  • Deir ez-Zor Province:

Syrian units successfully crossed the Euphrates River, launching an offensive on its eastern bank. During the fighting, the village was liberated. Marat, and also the defense was broken through " Islamic State"to the east of this village. Yesterday government troops stormed a nearby village. Mazloum, located near the strategic oil fields of Al Omar.

Drones are hindering the crossing of the Syrian military in every possible way ISIS, . True, terrorists are unable to change the situation for the better. These attacks are generally not decisive due to their low effectiveness.

Video: ISIS drone bombs Syrian crossing on the Euphrates

Meanwhile, northwest of Deir ez-Zor, jihadists launched a counteroffensive. An IS gang, reinforced with armored vehicles, attacked the recently liberated city of Al-Tabani.

The terrorist attack was thwarted by fire MLRS BM-21 "Grad", which destroyed several “black” combat vehicles. While repelling the counterattack, two armored vehicles and one tank were shot down and more than 10 militants were eliminated. ().

In turn, fighters of the 5th Army Corps and the Republican Guard are now carrying out an operation to liberate Sakr Island. A large Syrian landing force was landed on it, commanded by Major General Isaam Zahreddin .

At the moment, the Syrian Armed Forces control approximately 60% of the territory of Saqr Island, while IS militants hold its northern part, fighting in conditions of complete encirclement.

« Syrian Democratic Forces» ( SDF), realizing the threat to their plans, also launched an offensive in Deir ez-Zor. At the same time, the terrorists offer almost no resistance to them, leaving populated areas without a fight.

During this operation, the Kurds occupied the villages of Bir Hunaizir, Bir Maskarat Kalsh and Bir Al Hukuma, located along the M7 highway.

Video: Footage of the bloodless SDF offensive in Deir ez-Zor

During their advance, the Syrian Democratic Forces managed to get ahead of the Syrian army units, occupying the Tabiye and Al-Isba fields. ISIS fighters, not accepting the fight, left the area. Thus, a threat of collision has arisen between the SDF and the SAR armed forces, which are located several kilometers from each other.

  • Hasakah Province:

The Islamic State, taking advantage of the fact that the main forces of the Kurds were transferred to Deir ez-Zor, launched a surprise offensive in the province of Hasakah. A series of attacks occurred east of the city of Al-Shadadi.

This attack killed 13 SDF fighters. However, the terrorists did not stay long, soon leaving the area and returning to their original positions along the Khabur River.

Meanwhile, an incident involving Syrian and American military personnel occurred in the center of the city of Qamishli. The SAR armed forces patrol did not allow a convoy of Humvee armored vehicles moving through the checkpoint, forcing it to look for workarounds. There was no clash between the parties.

Video: A column of American armored vehicles arrived in Qamishli

  • Homs Province:

Yesterday, government troops achieved another success in the east of Homs. Units of the 5th Army Corps attacked ISIS positions in the area of ​​the villages of Al-Mazbel and Masadeh, located near the commanding heights of Jabal Al-Shumriya.

Within a few hours of the start of the assault, the Syrian army took full control of these settlements. Fierce fighting is currently taking place near Mount Jabal Al-Shumriya.

  • Hama Province:

Northern Hama

The jihadist offensive in northern Hama has failed. This was largely facilitated by the use Russian Aerospace Forces , which literally destroy concentrations of manpower and armored vehicles.

Video: Footage of the work of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the north of Hama

Subsequently, the Syrian army launched a counter-offensive, regaining all the areas lost in previous battles.

Eastern Hama

Yesterday it was reported that between the leaders of IS gangs operating in rural areas of Hama and representatives Sun SAR an agreement on evacuation was reached. The militants have already begun to leave the village. Sokha, Abu Khubailat, Akash, Al-Barghout and Umm Mil.

The agreement provides for the removal of about a thousand jihadists and members of their families to Deir ez-Zor. At the same time, all villages in the east of Hama occupied by ISIS will be transferred to government control. ().

  • Idlib Province:

Under mysterious circumstances, the largest plant blew up " al-Qaeda» for the production of bombs. The explosion occurred near the city of Mashon in Idlib province.

As a result of the incident, seven militants of the group were killed. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham" There is currently no information about what caused the explosion.

  • Damascus Province:

Tonight, an Israeli Air Force strike drone launched a missile attack on the outskirts of the airport in Damascus. The echo of explosions was heard throughout the Syrian capital.

The UAV fired two missiles, however, and did not escape retaliation. Syrian air defense crews carried out a successful launch, shooting down an Israeli drone. ().

Video: Syrian military shoots down Israeli drone

Video: Military situation in Syria 09/21/2017 (Russian translation)

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Morukc Umnaber/dpa

Syria, September 22. Five SDF fighters were killed by IS in Raqqa, in Homs 14 opposition fighters defected to the SAA, five civilians Salamiya suffered from ISIS attacks. This is reported by a military source (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouk(Ahmad Marzouq).

Russian Aerospace Forces: strikes at ISIS in the province of Deir ez-Zor.

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: they shell militant positions in Damascus and Aleppo, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces they liberate settlements in Deir ez-Zor from IS.

"Islamic State": Killed five SDF fighters in Raqqa, continues to shell Salamiyah.

"Faylaq ar-Rahman": Opposes SAA in Damascus.

Syrian Free Army(FSA): opened fire on SAA positions in Hama.

Kurds: suffer losses in clashes with IS in Raqqa.

Syria, September 22. The SAA, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is advancing in Deir ez-Zor, the SDF announced the liberation of 95 percent of the city of Raqqa from ISIS, and an ammunition depot of the Syrian Army exploded in Aleppo. A military source reports this Federal agency news(FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouk(Ahmad Marzouq).

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Russian Aerospace Forces: provide support to the SAA in Homs and Deir ez-Zor.

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: they strike militant positions in Damascus and Aleppo, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces they advance in the east of Homs and Deir ez-Zor.

"Islamic State": losing positions in Homs and Deir ez-Zor, putting up fierce resistance to the SDF in Raqqa.

"Faylaq ar-Rahman": opened fire on the SAA in Eastern Ghouta.

Kurds: claim liberation of 95 percent of Raqqa city.

Damascus Province

Local sources in Eastern Ghouta continue to record clashes between government forces and radical opposition groups. Ghouta Media Center writes that Syrian Arab Army(SAA) is firing rockets at militant positions in the areas Jobar And Ain Tarma. Source in social network Twitter (@Dimashq_news) reports that the SAR army is striking at the radicals’ deployment zones in the village of Sakba.

It was previously reported that in response to intense shelling by the Syrian army, the group "Faylaq ar-Rahman" opened fire on the positions of the SAR army in the Jobar and Ain Tarma areas.

Aleppo Province

An explosion occurred at an ammunition depot in the Al-Arqub neighborhood of Aleppo. Syrian Arab Army(SAA), says a military source on Twitter (@Ferrapeechr1). The reasons for the incident are currently being established. Earlier it was reported that several explosions occurred in the administrative center of Aleppo province, triggered by rocket attacks by militants in the Al-Hamdaniya region.

In the west of the region, the Syrian army is attacking militant zones in the area of ​​the village of Ar-Rashidin. A local source writes about this on his microblog on Twitter (@3bdalrhmnbashah).

Homs Province

In the eastern part of Homs province, the Russian Aerospace Forces continue to support the promotion Syrian Arab Army(SAA), striking terrorist zones "Islamic State". According to one of the military sources on Twitter (@IvanSidorenko1), battles between radical Islamists and the SAR army are taking place in the Musherif area not far from Jubb al-Jarra. In addition, the Damascus Now news agency reports on its Facebook page ( that thanks to the effective work of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian army was able to drive ISIS out of the Al Mashrifa al-Shamaliya area and regain control over this territory.

The Russian Aerospace Forces continue to ensure the advance of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Deir ez-Zor and clearing the nearby suburbs of terrorists "Islamic State". A military source on the social network Twitter (@C_Military1) writes that with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian army was able to take control of the village of Khasham. Earlier it was reported that the settlements of Halabiya and Zalbiya came under the control of Bashar al-Assad’s army. Therefore, support Russian aviation allowed government troops to strengthen their positions and liberate the northwestern bank from IS Euphrates.

Clashes between the (SDF) and People's Self-Defense Units(YPG) on the one hand, and the terrorists of the Islamic State on the other. This was reported by the Raqqa 24 news agency. At the same time, a military source on Twitter (@markito0171) notes the fighting in the city between train station and the stadium.

A representative of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) writes on the Kurdish Self-Defense Units Twitter account (@QSD_Jabha) that 95 percent of the city of Raqqa has already been cleared of ISIS terrorists.


The Iraqi army managed to liberate 30 settlements in the province from Islamic State terrorists Salah ed-Din, reports Damascus Now news agency on its Twitter (@now_damascus). This means that 60 percent of the region is now under the control of Iraqi government forces.

ISIS suicide bomber blows himself up among fighters "Hashd al-Shaabi" in the village of Uvezhil in the northeast of Ash Sharkat, a military source writes on Twitter (@e0p6CCzmVbI5uM0). Data on the losses of the people's militia detachment are not reported.

Syria, September 22. Black Sea Fleet hit "Caliber" positions of militants trying to capture Russian military police in Hama, the SDF promises to completely liberate Raqqa in a month and a half, "Faylaq ar-Rahman" is shelling SAA positions in Damascus. A military source reports this Federal News Agency(FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouk(Ahmad Marzouq).

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Russian Aerospace Forces: strikes at Jabhat al-Nusra in Idlib.

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: they are confronting militants in Damascus, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces they are striking militants in Idlib.

"Islamic State": Opposes SDF in Raqqa, fires rockets at Salamiyah.

Tahrir al-Sham: canceled Friday prayers in Idlib.

"Faylaq ar-Rahman": Fights with the SAA in Eastern Ghouta.

Kurds: announced plans to completely liberate Raqqa from IS in a month and a half. / Federal News Agency

Damascus Province

A source in Eastern Ghouta writes on his Twitter account (@SyrianNews2) about clashes between Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and militants of the group "Faylaq ar-Rahman" in the regions Jobar And Ain Tarma. Earlier it was reported that government troops were shelling the fortifications of the radical opposition. Failak al-Rahman militants returned fire at the SAR army's locations.

Militant helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the city of Beit Jinn, a Syrian journalist writes in his Telegram channel (@ammarjohmani).

Idlib Province

Militants of the radical Tahrir al-Sham coalition canceled Friday prayers in the village of Maaret al-Numan and several others settlements x Idlib province. This was reported by a local source on the social network Facebook (@smatel2007).

A local source on Twitter (@ammarjohmani) reports that the Syrian Air Force, together with the Russian Aerospace Forces, is striking at the zones of radical Islamists in the city of Jisr al-Shughur. Besides, air force Allies attacked militant positions in the area of ​​the Kansafra settlement, writes one of the sources on the social network Twitter (@laith45).

Fierce fighting continues in the administrative center of Raqqa province between Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) and "Islamic State". According to a military source on Twitter (@Q_Alenezy), Kurdish militias are trying to break through ISIS defenses in the area children's park and the stadium. The Al Fardos Mosque is at the epicenter of the confrontation.

The command of the Kurdish militia said that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will completely liberate the city of Raqqa from ISIS terrorists within the next month and a half. The words of SDF representatives are quoted by ANF News. It was previously reported that 70 percent of the territory of the provincial administrative center is under SDF control. The rest of the city is occupied by radical Islamists ISIS, who are fiercely resisting the advance of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Hama Province

Terrorists in eastern Hama province "Islamic State" continue to fire rockets at the city Salamia, reports a military source on Twitter (@nH______A). As a result of the attack by radical Islamists, at least five civilians in the village were killed. Earlier it was reported that soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) discovered an ISIS weapons and ammunition warehouse in the vicinity of Salamiyah.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation It is reported that the Black Sea Fleet submarine Veliky Novgorod fired Caliber missiles at the positions of militants who participated in an attempt to capture military police in Hama. It is noted that as a result of the salvo, a militant training base was destroyed, as well as control posts and several armored vehicles.


Iraqi army soldiers together with militias "Hashd al-Shaabi" continue to liberate settlements in the vicinity of the city from Islamic State terrorists Hawija. The Military Telegram channel (@teamsmediawar_1) reports that several more settlements have come under the control of pro-government forces. Earlier it was reported that fighters of the Iraqi army and militia units drove IS terrorists out of two villages in the suburbs of Hawija.

The Telegram channel (@teamsmediawar_1) writes that the Iraqi Air Force is striking positions of Islamic State terrorists in the area east of Shirkat. There is no data yet on the losses of radical Islamists.

Syria, September 22. In Deir ez-Zor, the effective work of the Russian Aerospace Forces ensured the liberation of the northwestern coast from IS* Euphrates, three FSA militants were neutralized in Hama, several dozen more Turkish troops arrived in Idlib military equipment. A military source reports this Federal News Agency(FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouk(Ahmad Marzouq).

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Russian Aerospace Forces: continue clearing the Akerbat pocket from IS, ensure the advancement of the SAA in Deir ez-Zor, and strike at An-Nusra in Idlib.

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and allied forces: they are confronting militants in Damascus, Aleppo and Homs, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces they are advancing in Deir ez-Zor, they have concluded an agreement with the Islamic State in Hama.

"Islamic State": destroys oil fields in Deir ez-Zor, leaves the vicinity of Akerbat.

Tahrir al-Sham: lost a militant in Daraa.

Syrian Free Army(FSA): fighting with the SDF in the north of Aleppo, continues fighting with ISIS in Daraa, lost three militants in Hama.

Kurds: shell FSA positions in Aleppo, seize oil tanks in Deir ez-Zor. / Federal News Agency

Damascus Province

The Israeli Air Force carried out at least three air strikes on a military airport "Mezze" in the southwest of the city of Damascus. According to the Al-Masdar News news agency, an Israeli drone attacked a Syrian airbase. After the third strike, the drone was shot down by forces air defense Syrian army.

In Eastern Ghouta, meanwhile, the confrontation continues between Syrian Arab Army(SAA) and the radical opposition. According to a military source on Twitter (@abonorx1), government forces are firing rockets at militant positions in the areas Jobar And Ain Tarma.

Aleppo Province

Syrian Arab Army(SAA) is striking at the positions of radical formations in the area of ​​​​the city of Kharetan, writes Smart News Agency.

In the north of Aleppo province, confrontation has resumed between Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) and pro-Turkish Free Syrian Army(SSA). Smart News Agency reports that Kurdish paramilitary fighters are shelling the positions of the “free army” in the city area Azaz. Earlier it was reported that as a result of a shootout between Kurds and Turkish-controlled militants in the village of Tvekhina, a woman was killed and two other civilians were injured.

Homs Province

In the city area Ar-Rastan In the north of Homs province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) recorded clashes between the Syrian army and radical militants. According to the human rights organization, Syrian Arab Army(SAA) conducted artillery shelling of anti-government formation zones in the vicinity of Ar-Rastan. Later, the militants responded to the actions of the SAR army by opening fire on the locations of government troops.

In the east of the province, the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, continued to clear out forces "Islamic State" territories inside "Akerbat Cauldron".

Syrian Arab Army(SAA), with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, freed from "Islamic State" northwest coast Euphrates. A military source on Twitter (@IvanSidorenko1) reports that the settlements of Halabiya and Zalbiya have come under the control of the SAA. Thus, the effective actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces allowed the Syrian army to get close to the positions Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) advancing from the north of Deir ez-Zor province.

Kurdish fighters seized control of the Koneko and Isba oil storage tanks, ANF News writes.

At this time, IS radical Islamists are destroying oil fields in the village of Tabia Jazira. A military source on Twitter (@Arabs2014) writes that Islamic State terrorists blew up and set fire to several oil deposits in the Koneko field.

Daraa Province

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) writes on its website about skirmishes between radical militants and government forces in Daraa province. According to the human rights organization, the rebels opened fire on government troops. In addition, according to information posted on the SOHR website, as a result of an explosion near the village of Dail, one of the militants of the Tahrir al-Sham coalition, controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra*.

In addition, in the province of Daraa, the confrontation continues between Free Syrian Army(SSA) and "Islamic State"*. Earlier it was reported about clashes between opponents in the vicinity of the village of Gillen in the southwestern part of the region, when the “free army” lost at least 13 militants.

Idlib Province

Several dozen more military equipment of the Turkish army arrived in the territory of Idlib province. A source on the social network Twitter (@AkEl_Saruman) writes that 10 tanks and 10 armored personnel carriers of the Turkish Armed Forces crossed the Syrian-Turkish border.

In the south of Idlib, the Syrian Air Force, together with the Russian Aerospace Forces, strikes the positions of Tahrir al-Sham militants. The local Twitter channel (@draasnn) reports that allied aircraft are bombing supporters' deployment zones Jabhat al-Nusra in the outskirts of the city Kafr Nabl.

The SAA command and militants of the Islamic State terrorist group entered into an agreement under which the terrorists pledged to leave the territory "Akerbat Cauldron"- the last part of the province of Hama they held. Al-Masdar News reports that militants have already begun to leave the settlements of Sokha, Abu Khubaylat, Akash, Al-Barghoutyah and Umm Mil. According to the agreement, more than a thousand IS fighters and their families will be transported from Hama to Deir ez-Zor.

At this time, in the north of Hama, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is confronting armed opposition militants. According to Smart News Agency, in a shootout between government forces and Free Syrian Army(FSA) three militants were killed. Clashes were recorded in the area of ​​the village of Az-Zalakiyat, located 21 kilometers from the administrative center of the province.

The Israeli Air Force attacked a military airfield near Damascus Defense Forces

Syria , September 22nd. The Israeli Air Force carried out airstrikes on the Mezze military airfield near Damascus, IS* and the SAR authorities entered into an agreement under which the terrorists will leave the territory of the Akerbat pocket. A military source reports this Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and allied forces: with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, they broke through the defenses of IS terrorists and entered the territory of the island of Saqr, located east of the city of Deir ez-Zor, liberating the village from IS Hammat al-Shamiya in the province of Deir ez-Zor, they fired at militant positions in the area of ​​the city Ar-Rastan in the north of Homs province, carried out several strikes on militant positions in the city area Kafr Nabeel in Idlib province, conducted a night raid, attacking militant positions in cities Al-Latamina And Kafr Zita in the province of Hama.

"Islamic State": entered into an agreement with the Syrian government, according to which terrorists will leave the territory Akerbat boiler V central parts provinces of Homs and Hama, repelled an attack by the SAA southeast of the city of Deir ez-Zor.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF): captured the Syrian oil fields of Tabia and Al-Isba east of the city of Deir ez-Zor, discovered a terrorist tunnel in the Mansur area in the city of Raqqa.

Air Force: carried out several airstrikes along the Syrian-Iraqi border south of the city Abu Kemal.

Israeli Air Force: At least 3 airstrikes were carried out on the Mezze military airfield southwest of Damascus.

According to the Al-Masdar News news agency, IS and the Syrian authorities have concluded an agreement according to which the terrorists will leave the territory Akerbat boiler in the central parts of Homs and Hama provinces.

As one of the sources reports on his Twitter account (@jisrtv), SAA artillery fired at militant positions in the city area Ar-Rastan in the north of the province.

Syrian government troops, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, continue to clear the remaining militants "Islamic State"* settlements inside the “Akerbat Cauldron”.

According to Al-Masdar News, the Kurds have seized Syrian oil fields Tabia And Al-Isbah east of the provincial capital.

The SAA, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, broke through the defenses of ISIS terrorists and entered the territory of the island Sakr, located east of Deir ez-Zor, reports Al-Masdar News.

According to one of the sources on its Twitter account (@soundandpic), the BBC international coalition led by the United States carried out several airstrikes along the Syrian-Iraqi border south of the city Abu Kemal.

The SAA, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, liberated a village from IS Hammat al-Shamiya northwest of the village At-Tibni, one of the sources reports on his Twitter account (@IvanSidorenko1).

IS terrorists said they repulsed a SAA attack southeast of the city of Deir ez-Zor, one of the sources reported on their Twitter account (@MorocanArab).

Let us recall that earlier, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Syrian government troops managed to cross the Euphrates and transfer part of their forces to the left bank. At the moment, the SAA is working to strengthen the bridgehead and is developing an offensive deep into the territories that it had previously controlled for several years "Islamic State". As military experts note, Bashar al-Assad’s forces will encounter fierce resistance from terrorists here.

It is also reported that government forces continue to liberate urban areas of Deir ez-Zor from militants. Fighting is currently taking place in the Hawijat Sakr area.

West of town Maarat an-Numan.

Let us recall that during the sixth round of negotiations in Astana, the guarantor countries and other participants managed to reach agreements on the fourth de-escalation zone, which will operate in the province. Monitoring in this de-escalation zone will be carried out by forces from Iran, Russia and Turkey.

According to experts, the process of implementing the agreements reached will be quite difficult, since a significant area in the province, including administrative center controlled by militants Jabhat al-Nusra*, as well as affiliated groups that are part of the alliance "Hayat Tahrir al-Sham".

SDF fighters discovered a terrorist tunnel in the Mansoor district of Raqqa, reports on its Twitter account (

Representatives of the American air force released footage of the destruction of the Syrian Su-22.

As reported "Russian Spring", On June 18, 2017, near the city of Tabqa in the province of Raqqa, the US Air Force shot down a fighter-bomber of the Syrian Air Force.

The Pentagon then accused Syrian aviation of threatening pro-American SDF militants.

The command of the Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Republic and Russia accused the United States of aggression against the forces of the legitimate government fighting against ISIS*.

A number of users managed to copy these frames.

The United States is trying to prevent the advance of the Syrian army in Deir ez-Zor, - Syrian Foreign Ministry

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, at a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, said that the United States is trying to prevent the advance of the Syrian army in Deir ez-Zor.

The ministerial meeting took place on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

“We are pleased to see how our cooperation (with the Russian Federation) is beginning to bear fruit, so that the Syrian people are increasingly convinced that they are writing the last chapter of the crisis,” Muallem said.

“But the Americans still haven’t changed their approach. In Deir ez-Zor they are trying to hinder the advance of our army against ISIS*,” the Syrian minister emphasized.

At the same time, he noted that the meeting on Syria in Astana held in mid-September was successful.

“This achievement is very important, but the question is still whether the Americans are ready to give Russia its due,” said the Syrian Foreign Minister.

“Money or what?” - Lavrov noted ironically.

“You don’t need their money,” Muallem replied with a smile.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

Launches of “Caliber” from the submarine “Veliky Novgorod”

URGENT: The Russian Navy fired "Calibers" at al-Qaeda militants responsible for the attack on 29 Russian military personnel

The submarine of the Russian Black Sea Fleet "Veliky Novgorod" successfully launched "Caliber" cruise missiles at terrorist targets of "Jabhat al-Nusra" in the Syrian province of Idlib.

As the Russian Ministry of Defense clarified, the cruise missiles were launched from the water area Mediterranean Sea at 10:11 (Moscow time), "Veliky Novgorod" was underwater.

The targets of the strike were the targets of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants (Jabhat al-Nusra*, Syrian Al-Qaeda*) in Idlib province. The range to the targets was about 300 km.

“A sudden missile attack in Idlib province destroyed important control points, training bases and armored vehicles of terrorists who took part in the attempt to capture 29 Russian military police in the north of Hama province,” the department said in a statement.

Previously "Russian Spring" reported that

Objective control data confirmed the defeat of all targets, the Ministry of Defense notes.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

Creating a Security Zone

A broken armored group of Al-Nusra in the Nairab area. The militants were caught on the march while transferring equipment to the front in Northern Hama. Strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 5 BMP-1s and one tank in the village.

Plus airstrikes in Northern Hama and Idlebia.
According to the militants, the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force have carried out more than 500 airstrikes over the past few days.

The White Helmets haven't forgotten either.

IN general work the creation of a security zone is underway.

“You are a terrorist, get out!” - Emergency at Erdogan’s speech in New York (VIDEO)

In New York, police detained five people who interrupted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's speech at a Turkish American National Committee event at the Marriott Marquis Hotel.

According to the New York Times, during Erdogan's speech yesterday, one of the men in the audience shouted: “You are a terrorist. Get out of my country!

After this, a brawl began, which was captured by CCTV cameras located in the hall.

The footage shows how the protesters, who were beaten and pushed by those present in the hall, were taken outside by security. Security officials also removed at least one person who was attacking protesters.

According to one of the protest participants, Meghan Bodette, their goal was to “draw attention to the war crimes of the Turkish state and human rights violations against the Kurdish people” in both Turkey and Syria.

Five protesters were "briefly detained," the New York Police Department said. No one was arrested and no one was injured.

This is not the first such incident during the visit of the Turkish President to the United States. In May, near the residence of the Turkish ambassador in Washington, a clash occurred between Erdogan's guards and protesters.

The Turkish leader, who was in the American capital, according to a video from the scene of the incident, personally watched as his guards beat the demonstrators.

The State Department protested to Turkey. Ankara denied the accusations against itself and said that the incident occurred due to the refusal of the US authorities to take the necessary security measures.

Crime and punishment: the best footage of the destruction of terrorists in Syrian Hama

Footage showing how, during an operation to break through the encirclement of militants, a Russian relief detachment strikes Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists (a terrorist organization whose activities are banned in Russia)

Areas of Damascus in the hands of terrorists: Sexual slavery and exorbitant prices for everything

Human rights activists have repeatedly mentioned the difference in prices in the territory controlled by the government and areas controlled by various terrorist groups, but it is impossible to believe such a colossal one as in Eastern Ghouta.

In a militant-occupied suburb of Damascus, prices for essential goods can be inflated by 33 times, and the difference in distance from the seller will be no more than 3.5 kilometers. For example, one kilogram of ordinary salt in Damascus can be bought for 75 liras, and in Eastern Ghouta, where the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other gangs are rampaging, the price for the same weight will be 2500 liras, a gas cylinder, the standard price of which is 2200 liras, in territory controlled by militants costs 65,000 liras. Exorbitant markups apply to absolutely all categories of food and essential items.

Today, the situation of the residents of Eastern Ghouta has reached a critical level; they live in a state of humanitarian catastrophe, provoked by the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra*. The population has difficulty surviving in the face of periodic clashes between militants of various groups, as well as constant robbery by extremists.

The fact is that Nusra terrorists in this area imposed huge duties on merchants and ordinary truck drivers involved in transporting goods, without paying which they cannot import goods into the territory of Eastern Ghouta. All collected cash end up in the pockets of leaders. At the same time, the groups that joined the cessation of hostilities and promised to deal with Nusra in Ghouta are only silently observing the current situation.

According to a resident of the town of Kafer Batn in Eastern Ghouta, who medical workers evacuated to Damascus in serious condition along with her children, in order to feed her five children she had to follow all the orders of the militants, including sexual perversion. For all these humiliations, she received only 200 grams of rice and one flatbread a day, which, of course, was not enough to feed her family. Due to constant torment and lack of food, her eldest daughter committed suicide.

She confirmed that food delivered to the de-escalation zone by UN humanitarian convoys remains with the Jabhat al-Nusra militants and absolutely nothing reaches the population, provided that the warehouses with food packages, around which the militants are on duty around the clock, are overcrowded.

If Nusra terrorists continue their lawlessness and do not stop restricting the population’s access to essential products, then the situation that happened in 2016 in Aleppo will not be far off. There, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants demanded 150 thousand liras for a pack of cigarettes, 11 thousand for one kilogram of sugar, and 150 thousand liras for a liter of diesel fuel. But the apogee of inhumane treatment came when, in order to feed his 4 children, a man gave his daughter to FSA militants. And all this despite the fact that the militants had large reserves of food hidden in their warehouses.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

LIGHTNING: An Israeli strike UAV attacking Damascus was shot down over Syria (PHOTO, VIDEO)

On the night of Thursday to Friday, an air defense unit of the Syrian army shot down a combat drone of the Israeli Air Force, which attacked an unknown object near international airport Damascus.

In response to the air strike, Syrian air defense forces opened fire and shot down an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle in the Al-Kiswah area in Damascus province, SAA media activists and Syrian media reported. They publish photographs of the fire from the site of an aircraft munition explosion near Damascus International Airport, as well as a video of the missile launch. Syrian soldiers from the scene claim that the target was hit with one hundred percent probability. The combat drone, as usual, approached the target from Lebanon.

Official Damascus and Tel Aviv have not yet commented on mutual aggression. Let us recall that both states have been in a state of conflict for many years, since the Israeli armed forces occupied most of the Golan Heights 50 years ago.

In April 2017, the SAR armed forces also opened fire on Israeli drones, after destroying one in March.

In addition, Hezbollah fighters captured one UAV in southern Lebanon in May.

*Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation

Israel attacked a military base near Damascus

It is reported that the Israeli Air Force carried out several airstrikes on the Hezzah military base located near Damascus airport (most likely they again hit Hezbollah’s infrastructure). In response, Syrian air defense returned fire and allegedly shot down an attack drone. According to Sidorenko, Syrian military sources claim that at least 1 missile 100% hit the air target involved in the attack on military base.

There are no reports of losses or damage from the Israeli Air Force attack yet.

Syria: The Russian military is doing a lot of work in the southern de-escalation zone - RV report (PHOTO)

The joint work of the Russian Center for Reconciliation and the Syrian National Reconciliation Committees in de-escalation zones continues to restore the infrastructure destroyed during the fighting and provide humanitarian assistance.

About this in the report "Russian Spring" from the scene.

Officers of the Russian Center for Reconciliation provide assistance in restoring infrastructure, holding meetings of working groups to clarify action plans for restoration and repair work socially significant facilities: hospitals, schools, bakeries, water and energy supply facilities.

They demand the restoration of schools in the provinces of Quneitra, Es-Suwayda and Daraa (Deraa).

Destroyed school in Izra, Derya province

A school damaged by shrapnel in Quneitra, Quneitra province

School in As-Suwayda, As-Suwayda province

With the direct participation of the Russian side together with local governments southern provinces Quneitra, Suwayda and Dara'a have been restored and schools have begun to function.

School in El Quneitra, El Quneitra province, number of students 430 people.

School in Shahba, Es-Suwayda province, number of students 350 people.

School in Al Qunia, Daraa province, 300 students

Hospitals and bakeries in the provinces of Quneitra, Es-Suwayda and Daraa have been restored and resumed operations.

Clinic in Es-Suwayda

Bakery in Bas, Quneitra Province

Almost 90% of Syrian territory has been liberated from ISIS, - Ministry of Defense

More than 87% of the territory of Syria has already been liberated from ISIS militants, as follows from the infographics of the Ministry of Defense published on the website of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, the official publication of the Russian military department.

At the moment, the only major area controlled by ISIS remains the Euphrates River valley. Over the past few weeks, soldiers of the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, have achieved significant success in liberating the territory from terrorists.

Thus, in Deir ez-Zor on September 5, the Syrian army broke through the more than three-year blockade of the city by ISIS. , having knocked out militants from a number of settlements, and are developing an offensive in east direction.

Arab-Kurdish units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and a coalition led by the United States storm the ISIS outpost on the Euphrates - the city of Raqqa.

Over the past night, the Syrian army cleared about 16 square kilometers and two settlements on the western bank of the Euphrates from terrorists. In Deir ez-Zor, more than 85% of the territory is already under the complete control of Syrian troops, and in the near future the city will be completely liberated.

*Terrorist organization banned in Russia

Türkiye will send troops to Idlib

Continuing the topic about Erdogan’s revelations in the USA
As I wrote 5 days ago, the issue of sending Turkish troops into Idlib is already very clearly on the agenda.

Erdogan said in an interview with Reuters last night that the issue of bringing Turkish troops into Syrian territory in the province of Idlib has already been agreed with Russia, which in principle was obvious after the start of the concentration of Turkish troops in the Hatay region immediately after the signing of regular documents in Astana. According to Erdogan, Turkey will ensure security inside Idlib (which means clearing out Al-Nusra and Co., which are interfering with the truce of pro-Turkish militants with the Syrian government), and Russia will provide an external security perimeter (which is already reflected in increased airstrikes on militant positions in southeast of Idlib). The very question of sending Turkish troops into Idlib has been considered since August, as part of Turkey’s negotiations with Russia and Iran.

Anti-Turkish inscriptions in Idlib. The militants suspect something.

Turkey regards the de-escalation agreement as a promising idea, within the framework of which it is possible to achieve peace in Idlib (and at the same time clear out Saudi competitors, as a result of which militants who are more or less controlled by the Turkish army and the department of Hakan Fidan will become in charge in Idlib). Specific details of the development of the situation in Idlib will be worked out after the meeting between Erdogan and Putin in Ankara.
The issue of sending troops to Idlib will be voted on in the Turkish parliament today, after which the Turkish army will begin operations in the border areas to oust al-Nusra militants.
Behind last 24 hours Several dozen more armored vehicles were deployed to the border, including 10 tanks.

I’m not sure about the novelty of this photo, but let it be for illustration purposes, especially since the M-60s will form the backbone of the armored units that are planned to be introduced into Idlib.

Erdogan spoke less clearly about the Syrian Kurds, since apparently he never received consent from Russia to send troops to Afrin.
However, the Atlantic Council noted that Turkey has long moved away from the policy associated with attempts to remove Assad and is now more likely to interact with him (through Russia and Iran), based on a joint reluctance to see a Kurdish state on Syrian territory.
Erdogan also announced that Turkey is preparing sanctions against Iraqi Kurdistan in the event of a referendum on secession from Iraq.
In general, according to the statements of the Turkish political leadership, it is clear that Ankara has found mutual language with Tehran on the issue of military-political pressure on the Kurds in order to preserve the territorial integrity of Iraq.
At least for now.

Turkish troops on the border of Iraqi Kurdistan. The question of their introduction into Iraq will be decided today.

In addition, Türkiye requires from the United States to extradite Gulen (suspected of organizing the failed coup attempt in 2016) and stop supporting Kurdish terrorists from the YPG. The United States, of course, is unlikely to agree to this.
Erdogan has clearly gotten a taste for his new role and is demonstrating with all his might that he is an independent player who decides for himself how to build relations with Russia and the United States, which is quite unnerving for his NATO allies, who are accustomed to obediently waiting for a guiding and guiding opinion from Washington. But Erdogan, after joining the Russian-Iranian coalition and breaking pots with Berlin, is clearly not ready to put up with such a role, demonstrating independence and a kind of military-political machismo.

In the title photo, a militant in Khan Sheikhoun fires at Russian planes.

PS. And yes, important news from East Hama. Syrian sources report that ISIS militants have requested travel to Mayadin. Approximately 1,000 remaining militants will be taken to the province of Deir ez-Zor to Mayadin. The evacuation of militants from East Hama will take about a week, after which East End The province will be completely liberated and will come under the control of the Syrian government. Similar negotiations are currently taking place with militants in Eastern Homs. If they are also completed successfully, then by the end of September the stub of the Akerbat cauldron will cease to exist.