White Pyramid of Xian. The secrets of the Chinese pyramids - why are tourists not allowed there? Miracles and Transfiguration of Christ

What secret is hidden in the Chinese pyramids? (Video)

The Valley of the Pyramids is located in the central part of China with dozens of huge man-made structures that can outshine the glory of the Egyptian ones. On a flat plain, in the middle of carefully cultivated fields, tall - more than 60 meters - architectural structures are piled up.

As an ancient Chinese legend says, more than a hundred pyramids built in this country testify to the visit of our planet by aliens, “who roared down to Earth on iron dragons.” Three Chinese pyramids twice the size of the Great ones Egyptian pyramids, By appearance are very reminiscent of similar structures in Central America. For many years, the communist authorities of the PRC hid the existence and location of the “Chinese wonders of the world.”

1912 - Australian traders Fred Mayer Schroeder and Oscar Maman, driving caravans, headed to the Chinese province of Shanxi, which has long been famous for its silk products. Along the Mongol-Chinese border, the merchants moved with the Mongol abbot of the local monastery, who said: “We will pass very old pyramids. Our oldest books, written 5,000 years ago, refer to these pyramids as ancient. There are 7 of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China Xian Fu (this is modern Xian).”

Further in his diary, Schroeder wrote: “After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something rising on the horizon. At first glance it looked like a mountain, but as we got closer we saw that it was a structure with four regularly beveled edges and a flat top. We approached them from the east and saw that there were 3 giants in the northern group, and the remaining pyramids successively decreased in size until the smallest one in the south. They extended for 6 or 8 miles across the plain, overlooking the cultivated land and villages."

According to the Australian, great pyramid was about 1,000 feet high (about 300 meters, almost twice the height of the Cheops Pyramid) and almost 1,500 feet at the base (almost 500 meters, twice the height of the Egyptian Cheops Pyramid). The four sides of the pyramid were strictly oriented to the cardinal directions and each side had a different color: black meant north, green-blue - east, red - south and white - west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth.

Once on the edges of the pyramid there were steps leading to the top, but now they were littered with fragments of stones that had fallen from above. The building itself, like most buildings in the Middle Kingdom, was made of adobe. Along its walls stretched huge gutters the size of mountain canyons, filled with stones. Trees and bushes grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to natural object. There were several more pyramids nearby, but much smaller in size.

The traders, one of the very few Europeans lucky enough to see the pyramid complex in Shanxi, have not been heard from since that time. And Schroeder’s diary entries and article were found in 1963 by a New Zealand aviator, Captain Bruce L. Cathy, who devoted the rest of his life to searching mysterious pyramids and information about them. Before this, by chance, he came across photographs of the Eurasia Airlines pilot, Count Wulf Dieter Castel, who flew over Chinese territory in 1933–1936.

Once, flying over the province of Shanxi, near the city of Xi'an, the count discovered 16 pyramids, one of which was very tall and stood out among the rest with its exceptional whiteness. Castel took several photographs and, upon arriving home, tried to publish them in the newspaper. But then amazing things began to happen: as soon as the photographs got to the editorial office, they were lost for some reason, or for some unknown reason the equipment suddenly broke down, or the editor categorically refused to print the photographs.

Only in 1937 did one newspaper decide to print photographs of the mysterious Chinese pyramids, but in the alarming pre-war situation the sensation went unnoticed. Then a newspaper editor dies of a strange illness, and then unclear circumstances Wulf Dieter Castel was killed in his home.

But Katie decided to go all the way: after writing his will, the captain took a plane to Central China. From a bird's eye view, he took several photographs of the Valley of the Pyramids and suddenly discovered that all the instruments in his plane suddenly stopped working, smoke and flames appeared, after which the pilot was forced to jump with a parachute. The wounded Katie was found by local residents and taken to the police. He had to prove during numerous interrogations that he was not an English spy.

The aviation captain was expelled from China, having taken a receipt from him stating that he would never cross the borders of the Middle Kingdom again. But Katie managed to safely hide the films and, returning home, published sensational photographs. After this, he received an official letter from the Chinese government, in which the pilot was explicitly asked to forget about everything he had seen, because “there were and are no pyramids in Shanxi province...” Despite this, the fearless captain continued his research, but soon died under fire. truck wheels under rather strange circumstances.

A message from Chinese archaeologists also appeared in the world press. After a series of earthquakes, they discovered that in one of the regions of their country, on south coast Lake Dongting (southwest of the city of Wuhan), due to the shift of rocks, three cone-shaped pyramids appeared on the surface. The height of the largest of them reached 300 meters, the other two were 157 meters each. Not far from the base of one of the round pyramids, scientists found a buried passage that led them to underground labyrinth, and then into a huge hall, the walls and ceiling of which were covered with incomprehensible drawings.

The Chinese communist authorities immediately filed a refutation, and fast-growing coniferous trees and shrubs were planted on the slopes of the pyramids, thereby giving the ancient buildings the appearance of natural hills covered with forest. The plants also prevented erosion of the clay walls. But the German archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff and his colleague Peter Krass from Austria nevertheless described the Valley of the Pyramids and managed to photograph the very Great White Pyramid, which is located north of the city Hsi Kin (modern transcription - Xi'an), on the banks of the Wiho River; in close proximity to it lies the town of Peimyaotsun.

This pyramid can be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids. Archaeologists managed to learn from local residents that once upon a time, according to legend, the top of this structure was covered with gold and marked the “middle of the world.”

The giant ancient pyramids were made from unfired clay mixed with various local additives. Moreover, many pyramids contained a certain chemical element unknown on Earth. None of the analyzes carried out was able to unravel its secret, moreover, this was hampered by the high level of radiation that “guarded” the Chinese pyramids. The ancient builders apparently had a secret when stones softened with a solution of plant extract became soft, like plasticine, and after sculpting and drying, they completely restored their properties.

1986 - photographs of Chinese pyramids again appeared in the world press, this time taken during World War II by American military pilot James Gaussman. He mentioned Death Valley, located in Sichuan province, which he flew over before he saw the pyramids.

It is also called the Valley of Black Bamboo. People disappear there, planes crash. And only recently a very strong magnetic field was discovered in this deadly valley. Perhaps it is a special protection so that no one finds the way to the Great White Pyramid, the essence and purpose of which earthlings are unlikely to be able to unravel in the near future.

1996 Oct 15 ZetaTalk stated that the Chinese pyramids were built by the same aliens from the Twelfth Planet who built the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Guatemala and other countries.

1997 - a certain Dr. Mark Carlotto saw in photographs taken by the Viking probe in the Cydonia region on Mars, the same “man-made” pyramids, one of which was very similar to the Great White Pyramid of China. This time, the Chinese authorities promised the world community to organize an expedition to Shanxi province, although without excavations or any research. And in Munich, Walter Hein’s book “The Face of Mars” was published, in which the author supported the idea of ​​​​the Martian origin of the Chinese pyramids.

2004, summer - researcher Chris Mayer from America visited Shanxi and visited the top of one of the pyramids, taking a number of photographs. Some of these pyramids are now in poor condition, since local peasants for many years took earth and clay from their slopes for rural needs.

Several versions of the purpose of the Chinese pyramids have been put forward: the first is that they are the tombs of emperors, dignitaries, nobles and military leaders; the second is part of the gigantic Feng Shui system.

Perhaps there is some kind of geometric correspondence between the pyramids in different parts of the world. There could be a connection between the Mother of all pyramids of China and the great pyramid of Cheops, since both are based on the number 16,944. For example, the distance between the pyramids in Shanxi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt, calculated in degrees of arc magnitude, gives the number 16,944. As a result of various mathematical combinations, the number 16,944,430 invariably comes up.

Moreover, as already mentioned, all the pyramids are located in accordance with astronomical landmarks. Also, scientists could not help but notice that one of the pyramids near the city of Xi'an is surprisingly similar to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan in Mexico, and the other is similar to the famous building in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings.

But each group of pyramids as a whole contains all the harmonic relationships that give them the opportunity to resonate in unison with light, magnetic and other existing fields. It is now known that if you build electronic stations in different parts of the globe, geometrically corresponding to each other in phase, then it is possible to maintain a connection between two points across the globe. Perhaps these ancient structures were erected for the same purpose.

It is possible that inside the pyramids there were special devices for such communication. Or maybe this did not require any electronic devices, except for the pyramids themselves, which by their design made it possible to directly exchange thoughts if the priests were located in special rooms inside the pyramids. Contact could not be limited to the Earth and was possible under certain conditions between different dimensions or through parsecs of outer space, and the globe was used as a transceiver.

So far, no one on Earth has been able to understand and decipher this complex energy network, which may have been left to us millions of years ago and is still active on a cosmic scale.

Not long ago, the Chinese government declared the area adjacent to the Great White Pyramid a closed area for "national security reasons" due to the construction of launch pad for launching rockets that put artificial Earth satellites into orbit. And one of the leading archaeologists in China, Professor Khia Nai, believes that these pyramids are not being explored today because “this is work for future generations.”

Sklyarenko Valentina, Syadro Vladimir

Most are familiar with the pyramids in China, have read snippets of information about them, and have seen some photographs. But some details about their study archaeological excavations- this is nothing. China maintains an information curtain about them. Or maybe this is a peace agreement? There is no need for the average person to know too much. So that there are no unnecessary questions. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with photographic material and official information about the appearance of these pyramidal mounds.

Original taken from maximus101 in Pyramids of China

The name “pyramids” stuck to the burial mounds of Chinese emperors and their dignitaries. This is largely justified, since these burial mounds had the shape of a truncated pyramid, although there were other options for burials of the Chinese nobility. Chinese earthen mounds were built using a special technology that made it possible to maintain the shape of these structures for a long time. During the construction of the pyramids, the earth was not just poured in - it was carefully compacted, so the strength of the earthen building was close to concrete. This made it possible to maintain clear edges of structures even after millennia. Not only pyramids were built using this time-tested technology. In China, most buildings were built, essentially, from earth - palaces, pagodas, and houses ordinary people. Great Chinese Wall, for most of its length, is also made of compacted earth, only in later times it began to be built from stone and baked bricks.

I have already touched on the topic of the Chinese pyramids, in the story about the tomb of the First Chinese Emperor - Qin Shihuang. This is a continuation, here we will talk about the imperial mausoleums of the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD)
Elderly Chinese women look at the tombs of their great ancestors.

The burial mound of Emperor Qin is the starting point for the construction of pyramids in China. His pyramid was not only the very first, but also the largest. The pyramids of subsequent emperors, primarily the Han state, were close in size to the tomb of Qin Shihuang, but no one managed to surpass it.

To begin with, you need to do small excursion into the history of Chinese burials. Although Qin Shi Huang was the builder of the largest pyramid, it was not he who outlined the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding giant earthen mounds over graves in China. It is worth noting that most scientists are inclined to think that the “mound theme” was not originally inherent to the Chinese. The burials of the ancient Chinese Shang-Yin dynasties did not have any impressive above-ground structures, and the Zhou dynasty that replaced them also did not try very hard in this direction. Most likely, the idea of ​​burial mounds came to China from the North, from numerous nomadic tribes.

Throughout the entire belt of the steppe zone, from Crimea to Altai, everything was in order with mounds; nomads - Scythians, Sakas, erected them in considerable quantities. Of particular note here are the huge mounds of the Tagar culture of the 5th-6th centuries BC in modern Khakassia. Outwardly, they are very similar to Chinese earthen pyramids.

Probably the first earthen building of this kind in China was a very impressive burial mound from the 4th century BC. Principality of Zhongshan, which is located just south of Beijing. Zhongshan for the Chinese was a barbarian kingdom, because its basis was made up of the so-called “White Di”, tribes with an currently unknown ethnicity, perhaps they were Indo-Europeans and were related to the Yuezhi and Tocharians. I once posted photos Chinese mummies from Tarim, among them there were many people of Indo-European origin.

One way or another, it was the Chinese who brought the idea of ​​mound-building to complete perfection, building countless burial pyramids for their nobility.

This story focuses mainly on the Han Dynasty pyramids located near ancient city Xi'an.
Map of burials around Xi'an.

Han burials are indicated by blue-gray “mounds.”

Burials of the Tang era, respectively, have red icons.

You can see that the Han pyramids run in an arc from West to East along the Weihe River. Each mausoleum had its own huge burial city - lin and, approximately the same in plan, as well as at the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

Many people lived in such a city; during Han times, emperors, sometimes by force, moved many aristocrats and their servants there. This was done in order to control the latter by the imperial power, plus they had to take care of the mausoleums of the former Han rulers. Warriors, artisans and wives, the deceased emperor, and the entire harem were moved there. In ancient times, they would all have been buried alive along with the deceased master, but starting from the Han Dynasty, human sacrifices became rare, of course, a couple of beloved concubines were still buried where to go. But the entire imperial harem and servants continued to live, only next to their master’s pyramid. Sometimes the population of the funeral city could reach up to 50,000 people, like Emperor Wu Di’s in the Maoling Mausoleum.

And this one " City of dead“had fortress walls, and real ones at that. Each mausoleum is a separate fortress, judging by the map, the burial cities formed a real defense belt, the fortress walls of large and small mausoleums closed together, forming a protective arc covering the capital - the city of Chang'an from the North. It was from the northern steppes that the Huns invaded China. The dead emperors continued to defend their capital, both symbolically, influencing the imagination of the nomads with their gigantic pyramids, and actually, covering the entire surrounding capital region with the walls of mausoleums.

I didn’t have the opportunity to visit all the pyramids at once, since there are a great many of them and they are located at a very decent distance from each other.
Therefore, I chose two large burial complexes for a quick inspection - this is the complex of Emperor Jing-di - Yangling (there will be a separate post about it), and the pyramid field of Emperor Xuan-di - Duling.
I caught several large pyramids by chance; I was photographing them while passing by on a bus. First of all, it is worth noting the largest Han pyramid - the Maoling Mausoleum of Emperor Wu Di (141 BC to 87 BC), this mausoleum was worth a special visit, if only for its size.

Pyramid of Maolin.

The Maoling Pyramid has a base of 240 by 240 meters and an approximate height of 50 meters. This is the largest mound after the burial mound of Qin Shihuang. She can be seen from tens of kilometers away, but it is better, of course, to come closer, especially since her burial city has the most a large number of accompanying burials, about 175.

The pyramid of Emperor Jingdi, its base is 160 by 160 meters.

And the pyramid of the empress in the Jing-di complex is almost identical in size.

A very mysterious two-stage pyramid of Canlin.

It seemed to be intended for the young Emperor Pindi (ruled from 1 BC to 5 AD) Only 6 years old! At the age of 14, Pin-di had already died, or he had been helped to do so. The pyramid is huge - the base is 220 by 233 meters, the upper platform of the pyramid is 50 by 60 meters.
A monstrous mound literally hangs over the suburb of Sanyang.

The beginning of our era is the reign of Wang Mang, the great “temporary worker” and reformer, who founded his own Xin dynasty, which really ended with him. He was credited, and not without reason, with poisoning the young Emperor Pingdi. Perhaps Wang Mang decided to make amends by building a huge tomb for Pindi, or maybe he was preparing it for himself. Who knows…

The Duling complex of Emperor Xuandi, which I decided to visit specifically, is located outside the main “protective” line of Han burials, which runs to the north. It lies south of modern Xi'an, but not very far, almost immediately beyond the ring road, so getting to Dulin is easier than getting to all the other Han pyramids.
Now on the territory of the funeral city of Duling there is a park for Chinese workers, there is even an entrance fee - 5 yuan.

From a distance, the pyramid looks impressive, but when you get closer, it is difficult to find it in the dense plantings. The park here rises in ledges from north to south. The pyramid stands on top of the plateau. It is not clear how natural the surrounding terrain is; perhaps the base of the pyramid is also man-made. Chinese mounds overgrown with trees are sometimes difficult to find - it’s like in a fairy-tale story with sailors who landed on the back of a huge whale, thinking that it was an island. It’s the same here, you’re looking for a burial mound, not realizing that you’ve been wandering along its overgrown slopes for a long time, since such large-scale objects are hard to perceive up close.

The mound itself is devoid of vegetation and has the clear shape of a truncated pyramid.

View of the park from the top of the pyramid. Below are steles erected by late Chinese emperors as a sign of respect for Xuan Di.

The Xuandi pyramid has a base of 168 by 168 meters, which is much less than in Maoling and Kanling. By the way, I wonder why... After all, Xuandi was a very powerful emperor, under him the Han state reached its peak.

View from above the emperor's pyramid, with the step pyramid of his wife visible in the distance.

The pyramid of Xuandi's wife is much more interesting than the mound of the emperor himself, although it is somewhat smaller (base 150 by 140), but it looks more impressive thanks to the well-preserved steps. Empress Step Pyramid.

Way up.

The steps are clearly visible even after thousands of years...

During my stay there, a funny man constantly walked along the edge of the upper platform. Apparently, he was performing some kind of ritual known only to him. So I walked and walked around the square, and it was a decent size, 48 by 43 meters. At the same time, he muttered something to himself on the tray - apparently, there are enough “moved” people on the pyramids in China itself. The rubbish on the top indicates that the Chinese like to picnic here.

This is not a feather grass steppe, but the top of a step pyramid.

Crane- a small ant compared to the huge burial mound.

Pyramid field in Doolin. Numerous relatives, concubines and dignitaries of the emperor are buried here.

Pyramids of the funerary complex stretching beyond the horizon.

Round mound in the Dulin complex.

And these are the ruins of one of the fortress towers of the funeral city of Dulin. Like all Han emperors, Ling (funeral city) Xuandi was surrounded by many kilometers of fortress walls and had a large population serving the mortuary temples of the former ruler and members of his family.

Pyramid of the Empress.

The Dulin complex includes another large pyramid. This is the burial place of Emperor Xuandi's beloved wife, Queen Xu. She was poisoned during childbirth, and most likely, not without the help of the last empress, whose pyramid rises next to the Xuandi mound. That is why the pyramid of Queen Xu is located at a decent distance from the main complex, about 6.5 kilometers to the southeast. Apparently, the current empress did not allow Xu to be buried in the main complex. There was no way for me to get to the Xu Pyramid; it was already getting dark, and I was somewhat tired by that time, or rather, I almost couldn’t walk.
Therefore, I will use photographs of Chinese photographers.子午谷

You will notice that the Xu Pyramid has a very interesting shape, it is almost a Babylonian ziggurat. It has three large main steps, which, in turn, carry more relatively small steps.

And the pyramid is large in size - the base is 136 by 120 meters and the height is more than 20 meters. Although the mound stands away from the main burial city, it is clear that the emperor spared no effort in building the mausoleum for his beloved wife...

View from the top step of Queen Xu's pyramid.

To the west of the Dulin funerary complex there are several burials from the 14th century - the Ming Dynasty. They are smaller in size than the Han giants, this is understandable; the emperors during the Ming era lived in Beijing and Nanjing, They were buried there. In Xi'an, only relatives of the rulers and local nobility could be buried.

In all burials of the Ming era, there are many stone sculptures- these are the so-called “spirit alleys” of Shen Dao. I photographed the figures of the nearest tomb in the approaching darkness.

One Minsk mound has a very interesting shape: it is round at the base, and at the same time stepped. It’s a pity that because of the darkness I never got to it.

This burial has an impressive “alley of spirits” and is worthy of a separate visit. All Chinese pyramids are located in rural areas, so while searching for burials, you can get acquainted with local settlements, such as this one.

Locals often visit the graves of their great ancestors, so you are unlikely to explore the pyramids alone.

The robbers are present in full force. The large imperial mounds are still being monitored, although I have not examined everything. And the small ones are almost all dug up, it’s just that in a small mound the diggers’ holes are more noticeable. There are these holes almost everywhere.
I saw a pyramid on a peasant’s plot, so he adapted it into a barn, dug a cave in it, such that you can enter without bending and stores various belongings there - rakes, bags of fertilizers. Naturally, it is almost impossible to control what else he digs there.

: Thank you for the tip to this article by Sergei Izofatov. He expressed the version that the soil for the construction of these pyramids was delivered by a super-civilization during excavation. On the one hand, the volume of soil that was used to build the canal, whose length is 2000 km, is too small compared to the volume of the pyramids. And the distances are enormous. But on the other hand, where did they even get this volume of soil for the pyramids? My guess is that this soil was removed from the surface. It is possible that this is clay from the cataclysm. It was removed from this territory because... Previously there were fertile fields here. They were restored and are still in use today. The volume is colossal! It is possible, even according to the version, that the Gods did this: they took metals from the soil and stored the processed soil in pyramids.

22.10.2015 16.08.2016 - admin

White pyramid

USA researcher V. Tied, working on Chinese pyramids, voiced an entertaining story about an unknown pyramid, which later received the name White, and in some places - the Great White Pyramid. These reflections by Thiede were published only in Western countries, in Russia, their translation was made in 1991 only by the Vladivostok newspaper “Nature and Anomalous Phenomena,” a joint publication with the international ufological organization IKUFON.

I'll give it briefly.

“During World War II, US Air Force pilots flew many flights over the Himalayas between India and China, supplying the Chinese army with provisions and ammunition. During one of these flights through a place called "Death Valley", one of the pilots named James Gausman began to experience engine trouble, one of the engines almost stalled, and this was a nightmare in a country where normal weather such: if you fly over the tops of the mountains, you will enter the area eternal ice, and if below between the mountains you are surrounded by thick fog and clouds. When the fuel began to freeze, Gausman decided to go lower, although it was very dangerous. The plane was flying in strange zigzags over the mountain tops towards the base, which was located in the Indian state of Assam. Gausman flew over the valley. And suddenly, right below, he saw a giant white pyramid! It was made of a white shiny material. It could be metal or a type of stone. It was pure white on all sides. At its top was a huge crystal that sparkled like a gem. It could have been an artificial crystal. The crew was amazed by the enormous size of the pyramid. It was not possible to land near her. Gausman circled the pyramid three times. Then he saw the Brahmaputra River under his wing and flew to his base. He is sure that if this pyramid is discovered, it will amaze the whole world.”

Today on the Internet you can find many fabrications about the message given by Tied, up to the following pearls:

“In 1945, American Air Force pilot James Gausman flew across central China. His memories looked absolutely incredible: “After flying through the mountains, I turned left and found myself over a flat valley, in the middle of which there was a white giant pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale as it reflected a very bright white light. It could be metal or a special type of stone that emits pure white light from all directions. We no longer wanted to fly anywhere else, we wanted to land right next to her.”

“For now we can say with confidence that the pyramids surround the city of Xi’an on all sides, moreover, they are even within the city. In the northern outskirts of the neighboring city of Xian, Sanyang, there is a huge valley of pyramids! Stretching from east to west for 50 km, the valley resembles the Milky Way. But it doesn’t stop there: northwest of Xi’an and Sanyang there is another valley of pyramids that are more interesting, ancient, tall and completely unknown to the world. This is where the legendary White Pyramid is located.”

We could give more similar examples, but I think these will suffice.

Yes, in , near Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi province, up to 2 hundred pyramids have been discovered, the height of which ranges from 25 to 100 meters. The only exception is one, which is located north of the others, in the valley of the Jia Lin River. This is the so-called Great White Pyramid. It is huge, the height of this structure is approximately 300 meters, which is twice the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza! She can well be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids.

So, the main thing that the interested world came to is the conviction that the White Pyramid seen by the pilot and the Great White Pyramid are one and the same object. And therefore, in all conceivable information sources, her black and white photograph is also given - in my article it is placed next to the lines of the story about Gausman, with reference to his authorship as a photographer and the date of shooting - 1947!

In my own research, I have long been accustomed to being suspicious of the statements of various authors - regarding the truth of judgments, giving preference only to photographic material. It was the same here, I was struck by the fact that the image of the pyramid in the photograph did not correspond with its description: in the picture the pyramid does not have a top, it is truncated in shape, while the description says: “At its top there was a huge crystal, sparkling, like a precious stone. It could have been an artificial crystal.”

So this absence of the apical pyramidion not only confirmed the truth of the proverb “Trust, but verify!”, but also logically flowed into the thought: “The pyramid seen by Gausmann is located in another place, it still needs to be found”!


As someone who has devoted more than 35 years to aviation, I was interested in Gausmann's flight route.

So, let's figure it out. It was 1947, Second World War– has already ended, but was in China Civil War. Before the defeat of Japan, the then leader of the Kuomintang of China, Chiang Kai-shek, was helped by everyone - both the USA and the USSR, supplying him with weapons, ammunition, food and money. But then Chiang Kai-shek, squeezed by communist troops in the south of the country (the provinces of Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu - note that the province of Shaanxi with its center Xi'an is not on the list, A.M.), had only one supplier left – USA.

But let’s return to Tied’s story, our main primary source.

The direct and return flight route of USA aircraft was laid “through the Himalayas between India and China.” Let us turn to the map, from which it follows that the closest route from India to China passes through the northern Indian states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

And here it is obvious that the USA had to deliver military cargo by sea to the port of Dhaka, and then up the Brahmaputra River to a flight base in the north of the Indian state of Assam. Where the Brahmaputra, starting its journey almost from the foot of Kailash and covering a thousand-kilometer path to the east, turns south and breaks out of the stone bag of the Himalayas into the flat expanse. This place is the final point of Gausman’s route (CPM). Need confirmation? - we read again: “The plane was heading towards the base, which was located in the Indian state of Assam... Then he saw the Brahmaputra River under his wing and flew to his base.”

Now it is important to find, if not the starting point of the route (IPM), then at least one of the intermediate points (PMP). And there is an indication of such a PPM in Tied’s text: “During one of these flights through a place called “Death Valley,” one of the pilots named James Gausman’s engine began to malfunction.” So, we have a new landmark - Death Valley! But this is widely known anomalous place– The Sichuan Basin, stretching 180 km east of Chengdu! In Chinese, the valley is called Heizhu, but the translation means “Valley of Death.” Since ancient times, this place had a bad reputation, and it was considered local residents and the gates to underworld dead, and just a very dark and dangerous place.

Here are a few cases.

1949 The Kuomintang is losing on all fronts. A small detachment of 30 people, lagging behind the retreating army of the Kuomintang general Hu Zongnan, enters the Heizhu Valley. No one else heard from this small detachment.

A little later, three scouts of the People's Liberation Army of China headed from the city of Ganluo towards Heizhu. Only one came out of the valley. He said that he fell behind his comrades and tried to catch up with them all the way, but there was no sign of them.

The saddest of known cases occurred in 1966, and since then not a single year has passed without a group of people disappearing there without a trace. And in 1966, it was a group of military topographers - people with plans of all the nearby areas, who spent half their lives in the forest and knew how to move in it perfectly - all went missing. In 1976, in exactly the same way, a group of foresters disappeared without a trace. The same rare people who managed to get out of this cursed valley, also called the “Valley of Black Bamboo,” have told since ancient times that fog instantly spread, which made them lose the sense of time and made very strange sounds.

Attempts by Chinese scientists to explain the phenomenon of disappearance of people have led nowhere, and we also have absolutely no reason to assume that perhaps in this place there is a junction of parallel worlds of the planet. For our topic, it is more important to identify two points as possible waypoints: one on the western end of the basin (Chengdu), the other on the eastern, thereby obtaining an arrow-shaped corridor, in which Gausmann’s true route should have lay.

Let's calculate the probable flight corridor:

waypoint coordinates routes

Now it is absolutely clear within what framework the desired flight route could lie, and where the White Pyramid could potentially be located. It is clear that due to the imperfection of the on-board navigation technology of that time, as well as the maneuvering of the aircraft due to technical failures of the engine, some deviations from the defined framework are possible. But it's not like that anymore difficult task– study the entire route in detail from the air, especially since the scope of the flight corridor, when approaching the checkpoint, narrows, thereby reducing the absolute value of the possible error in the true route.

At the same time, I would like to provide the known coordinates of the Great White Pyramid (φ = 34.43472, λ = 108.87000 degrees), calculations based on which show that only from Chengdu to it you need to fly to the northeast, to the Xi’an region (historical heading 47 degrees) , another whole 600 km! Those. This statement alone fully confirms the opinion put forward: “The pyramid seen by Gausmann is not the Great White Pyramid of China!”

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White pyramid

Hausdorff’s book, published in 1994 and dedicated to the secrets that the history of China hides, was called “The White Pyramid.” The title of the book refers the reader to a story that happened during the Second World War. During a routine flight from India to China, American pilot James Gaussman experienced engine problems and was forced to descend. He later recalled: “I turned away to avoid a collision with the mountain, and soon a spacious plain opened up in front of us. Directly below us was a giant white pyramid. It looked like some kind of fairy-tale structure. She all sparkled with dazzling whiteness. It could be some kind of metal or a special stone. It was white on all sides. I especially remember its top: there was a huge piece of something that looked like a precious stone, possibly crystal. There was no way for us to sit in that place, although we wanted to do so. We were all amazed by the huge size of this thing...”

The pilot flew around the mysterious structure three times, but did not find a place where he could land, so he again headed for Assam, marking the location of the object on the map. This report was first published in the already mentioned book by Bruce Casey. True, it does not say how Gaussman’s report got to Casey, which naturally suggests the presence of some kind of mystery. In an article published in the November 2002 issue of the British magazine Fortean Times, researcher Steve Marshall suggested that the Gaussman report was merely an inaccurate account of an actual and well-documented inspection. this place, which was conducted by Colonel Maurice Sheehan, Director of the Far East Division of Trans World Airlines.

Sheehan's report appeared in the March 28, 1947 issue of The New York Times and was titled "US Air Force Pilot's Report of Huge Chinese Pyramid in Remote mountainous area in the southwest of Xi'an." Since all the previously mentioned "pyramid tombs" are located due north and east of Xi'an, Shihan's report suggests that he has found another, much more impressive one. According to Sheehan, the pyramid he saw seemed "small compared to the Egyptian ones." Here's how the article put it: “He roughly estimates that it is about 1,000 feet high and 1,500 feet wide at its base. According to him, the pyramid is located in the foothills of the Qinling Range, about 65 km from the provincial capital of Xi'an. The second pyramid, as follows from his story, turned out to be significantly smaller than the first. This huge structure, continues Colonel Sheehan, is located at the far end of a rather long valley in hard to reach place. At the opposite end of the valley there are hundreds of burial mounds. They, according to the colonel, can be seen from the canvas railway, laid nearby." A similar story also appeared in the Los Angeles Times under the headline “Giant Pyramid in Western China. According to a report by a Southland Air employee (also March 28, 1947) and in the Chicago Daily News. According to an article published in the English-language North China Daily News on March 31, the size of the pyramid was determined simply by comparing it with the size of a nearby village.

Sheehan also notes: “When I first flew around it, I was struck by its clear pyramidal shape and enormous size. But during the war years I simply didn’t think about it, partly because it seemed incredible that no one in the world knew about something so huge. From the air we only noticed a few paths that led from the pyramid to the nearby village.” It also follows from this text that the colonel saw this structure several years before the publication of his report, during the war years.

On March 30, 1947, a photograph appeared in the New York Sunday News. However, the published photo was cropped so that it did not show the name of the newspaper agency that took it - “NEA Telephoto”; it was preserved in other photographs printed later. However, the photograph did not match Sheehan's description of the White Pyramid. In addition, he said that the pyramid is located at the foot mountain range, and in the photo the structure is located on a flat plain. What to do about it? On the one hand, it seems that Shihan saw the already known pyramid field located near Xi'an, but did not accurately determine its location. But on the other hand, there may be some mystery behind all this, which is reflected in the title of Hausdorff's book and the title of Marshall's article from the Fortean Times.

Chris Mayer also studied dozens of photographs taken from the air and discovered several more pyramids, but they are not located where the White Pyramid is described as being. They lie northwest of Xi'an, none of them are located in mountainous areas south of the capital provinces where Shikhan places the structure he saw. And all the pyramids lie on a flat, open area. Even worse, Mayer determined that where Sheehan said he saw the White Pyramid, there was no area at all level enough to accommodate it.

When Mayer finally had a chance to visit Xi'an, he examined the area, comparing it with the famous 1947 black and white photograph from the New York Sunday News, and came to the conclusion that it depicted... the Maolin Mausoleum. In addition, he came across a tourist guide on English language called "Xian. Historical Landmarks,” published in 2002. In the section about Maolin, he read the following: “In the 1930s, an American pilot photographed the Maolin Mausoleum, believing that he had discovered a pyramid in China.” Thus, despite big list errors in dating (in this edition in English, numbers and dates are very often mixed up), apparently, this book puts an end to the debate about what was depicted in that photograph of 1947.

But was everything explained? Was Shikhan mistaken or not? In personal correspondence with Leslie Carlson in one of his letters, Sheehan suggested that the publication inaccurately stated the dimensions of the pyramid he saw. In his opinion, it would be correct to indicate its height within 500 feet, and this is already quite consistent with the structures that we talked about above. But one problem remains: Sheehan insisted that the object he saw was located northwest of the city. Maybe he was wrong here too? It doesn't look like it at all. Shihan indicated a specific place - at the foot of the Qinling ridge, 50 km from the provincial capital. Mayer also studied this area of ​​the area, but did not find any pyramid in satellite photographs. When he took off from Xi'an, the plane flew right over the area where the White Pyramid was supposedly located. The researcher was never able to notice a valley large enough to erect such a structure on it. Looks like the end of the controversy?

By the way, back on April 1, 1947, the Los Angeles Times published the following article: “Report about a giant pyramid in China is called a mistake. Nanjing, March 31 (Associated Press) - The Central News Agency reported today that the provincial government has officially stated: "After careful examination, it has been proven that the report of the discovery of a giant pyramid in Shaanxi Province has no basis." Perhaps we are dealing with an April Fool's joke, announced too early? Or was the date April 1st a pure coincidence? Perhaps the refusal to acknowledge the existence of the pyramid should be seen as an April Fool's joke? Not very successful, I must say. Something is not clear. Moreover, three weeks later, North China Daily published a long article: a report on a lecture on the history of the city of Xi'an, which was held on April 24 by the Royal Asiatic Society. During the discussion, the issue of the pyramid was raised, but the conversation quickly faded. So, it's still an April Fool's joke? Or an example of the amazing stubbornness of some interested parties who deny the existence of the pyramid and thereby indirectly prove that it does exist somewhere?

Whatever you say, the history of the “White Pyramid” still remains a mystery. It is extremely unlikely that the pyramid could be located where Colonel Sheehan indicates. Therefore, the story about her may indeed be just a hoax, which was supported by the original photograph taken somewhere near the other pyramids. Subsequently, it seems that Casey either invented it himself, or somewhere came across a revised version of this story, in which Sheehan turned into a certain “James Gaussman”. What can I say? Maybe these names are similar if you perceive them by ear, but not so similar as to confuse them. I'm not saying that Casey came up with everything himself, but intelligence agencies are notorious for very often rewriting newspaper articles, changing details and then presenting them as "top secret information." Why do they need this? In short, this happens because the employees of these same services mainly do just that: they read local newspapers, process information and label it “Top Secret”, thereby creating the illusion among officials from Washington that they are not sitting behind the tables and do not read local newspapers, but, on the contrary, secretly meet with their agents at secret hideouts. If this is so, then we can say that in the case of the White Pyramid we are dealing with a falsified report from the spy agency or an April Fool's joke (as you like), as well as an error in observations made by Colonel Maurice Sheehan. Well, if there is no Great White Pyramid in China, at least we know that there are other real pyramids there.

But... this “but” always remains! When journalist Julie Byron wrote an article about the “Mysteries of the Pyramids,” she followed the trail of Colonel Sheehan’s son, Donald. The journalist asked him what his father had seen, and he told her that the colonel had actually seen the pyramid before the newspaper reports appeared, and that several high-ranking airline officials were with him on the 1947 flight. The purpose of that mission was to obtain from local authorities the right to fly airline aircraft over Chinese territory. Donald Sheehan was convinced that the photographs of the structure he saw were taken by his father or one of the people accompanying him. However, the son looked through all his father’s papers, but did not find a photo of the pyramid. However, Donald found three unsigned newspaper clippings that mentioned Colonel Sheehan flying low to photograph the area. And two of these clippings said that the colonel kept these photos at his home; the same was stated in an article from the North China Daily on March 31st. Some of the newspaper clippings contained photographs that belonged to the NEA (Newspaper Enterprise Association), but Sheehan's son could not claim that they were taken by his father or that they depicted the very structure that had caused so much controversy.

As for the NEA company, it is known for another very famous photo: "Weather balloon from Roswell." The inquisitive reader will probably remember that it was this photograph that was at the center of the discussion about the probable crash of an alien ship in the state of New Mexico, which allegedly occurred there ... in early 1947. A curious coincidence, isn’t it?

Overall, it seems that Hausdorff set himself the task of turning the White Pyramid into an even greater myth than it actually is. In particular, Steve Marshall was deeply disappointed by Hausdorff's statement that, according to his calculations, the height of the pyramid is 300 m. This was said in a radio interview that he gave to American journalist Laura Lee in 1997 during a Florida) World Conference on Ancient Astronautics. Forced to confirm such things, which Hausdorff undoubtedly said in a fit of enthusiasm, not guided by scientific data, Marshall continues to rush around with this statement “like a written bag”, instead of once giving it a principled assessment and moving on. And the fundamental assessment is as follows: Hausdorff is the man who proclaimed the beginning of the New Age of Pyramids in China. He is a pioneer in the study of Chinese pyramids, and like any pioneer, he has some quite forgivable shortcomings and mistakes. Ten years after that interview, thousands of tourists can (although they rarely take this opportunity) come to China themselves and see all these amazing buildings. So, a strip of new dawn has finally dawned over these historical monuments. However, this is all just “early morning”.

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As you know, there are many mysterious monuments in the world past civilizations, the purpose of which can hardly be fully explained using only rational concepts familiar to us. The most intriguing among them are the pyramids built in various parts of the planet. Of particular interest is the Great White, discovered only a few decades ago and practically unexplored.

Vision of a mysterious pyramid

Traditionally, the image of pyramids in our minds is associated with the idea of Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, a significant number of them were discovered and studied in Central America. However, the real world sensation was the messages that appeared in the media in the 80s of the 20th century.

They cited the report of the American pilot D. Gausman, which he submitted to the command in March 1945. This message continues to be a sensation today. According to the pilot, while he was returning from a mission, he flew thirty kilometers from Chinese city Xian, his plane, for an unknown reason, suddenly began to lose altitude. When it dropped so low that it was below the clouds that covered the ground, the amazed American was presented with a truly fantastic sight.

Directly below him lay a gigantic white pyramid, shrouded in a strange glow. One got the impression that it was made of some kind of silvery stone or even metal. Having flown around the mysterious colossus several times and taken a series of photographs, the pilot continued his journey, and as he moved away from the pyramid, his car began to gain altitude again.

Skeptics' opinions

The report he presented did not inspire confidence among scientists and, together with the photographs attached to it, lay in the archive for forty years. The pilot’s story seemed too incredible, and the photographs he took generally raised doubts about their authenticity.

According to calculations made on their basis, the height of the structure reached 300 m, and the length of the side of the base was no less than 230 m, which is exactly twice the size of the largest structure in the world - the Cheops Pyramid. And yet, it was precisely this structure, previously unknown to world science - the Great White Pyramid in China, a photo of which is presented in the article - that became one of the main mysteries of the past century. As it turned out later, she was not alone.

For many years, for some unknown reason, the Chinese authorities carefully concealed the presence of pyramids on the territory of their country. They succeeded in this, since satellites did not yet exist at that time, and it was impossible to see anything from space. However, the pyramids turned out to be the very awl that was very difficult to hide.

Enthusiast from New Zealand

Following the American pilot, the aviator from New Zealand, Bruce Katie, told the world about them, who also discovered the Great White Pyramid during a flight in the 60s. In China, as he found out later, at the beginning of the 20th century, two Australian merchants traveled and in their diaries described the structure they saw, but not just one, but more than a dozen. Having found the opportunity to familiarize himself with their records and having managed to obtain appropriate permission from local authorities, Bruce Katie traveled to the area they indicated. There he made sketches, as well as photographs of 16 of which was the White Pyramid.

In China, oddly enough, the locations of these ancient monuments were closed to visitors not only to foreigners, but also to their own citizens. What is used in other countries to attract tourists and make a profit was considered a secret object here.

The beginning of the study of Chinese pyramids

Only in 1994 was some relief made for the Austrian archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff. As a result, in the Qiyanyang region - a vast and sparsely populated area - he discovered an entire valley of pyramids, numbering more than a hundred of these ancient structures. All of them had the correct geometric shape and, despite the fact that they were smaller in size than the tallest one - the White Pyramid (in China), a photo of which the American pilot presented in his report, still reached forty meters.

Official recognition by the authorities of the Celestial Empire of the presence of pyramids on their territory followed only in 2000, and the access of archaeologists to them was very limited on the grounds that they are all located in close proximity to military installations. But nevertheless, even this made it possible to carry out certain studies.

Valley full of mysteries

Place where it is located greatest number these historical monuments, is called the Valley of the Pyramids. More than four hundred of them are concentrated here. Unlike the Egyptian ones, the Chinese and those found in Central America have a truncated top, forming a flat horizontal platform. In China, they are made from a local clay rock called loess.

It is important to note the following fact: despite their impressive size, reaching 50 meters in height or more, all of them, with rare exceptions, are monolithic and, accordingly, cannot be tombs, since they do not have internal cavities. Why, then, were these colossi built?

Among them, a group of 20 structures stands out, arranged in a regular square, the sides of which are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. It has been established that the most ancient pyramid this valley was built in 1032 BC.

Victims of an unknown weapon

The most interesting object of archaeological research was the White Pyramid. In China, the coordinates of this structure (34° 26" 05"" N and 108° 52" 12"" E) have not been a secret since they were published in 1945 by D. Gausman in his report. Excavations have shown that it is the tomb of one of the emperors of the Qin dynasty - Gaozong. It was also established that at least 700 thousand people died during its construction, whose remains were then placed in the walls of the pyramid and tightly compacted with layers of soil. This event dates back to 200 BC.

Such a barbaric custom was not news to archaeologists; they were struck by something else. The fact is that the bones of all the victims were randomly mixed together, as if before death people were torn apart by an unknown force.

Wrath of Mysterious Forces

A more detailed study made some adjustments to the overall picture, but also added more mysteries. It became obvious that the dead were not builders, but an army of servants of the emperor, intended to accompany him on the the afterlife, but they were killed using high-tech weapons unknown to us, traces of which could not be found.

Another one installed interesting fact. As it turned out, the emperor was buried at his request in a pyramid that was built almost a thousand years earlier and did not have an internal cavity. Apparently, the existing channel leading into its depths was made specifically for burial. Was the death of so many imperial servants a reaction of unknown forces to the penetration of the forbidden zone?

Unknown anomalies

In the area where the White Pyramid is located, a large number of anomalous phenomena, beyond explanation. There were, for example, cases of mysterious disappearances of people and unprovoked plane crashes. In addition, very often people who find themselves in this area cease to navigate in space and have

Bearers of ancient knowledge

In this regard, the records of two Austrian merchants who visited this area at the beginning of the 20th century (they were discussed above) acquired new meaning. In their diaries, they describe a meeting with a Buddhist monk, who told them that the White Pyramid in China was built by an emperor - a descendant of the “sons of heaven.” An ancient legend tells how his ancestors flew in on iron fire-breathing dragons and bestowed some secret knowledge on people.

These words have, if not direct, then indirect confirmation. For example, the Chinese professor Wang Shiping made an interesting discovery related to the site where the White Pyramid is located. China is the geometric center of all parts of the world, and, as it turned out, the pyramid is located precisely at this point, which certainly proves the knowledge of the ancient builders about the spherical shape of the Earth, as well as the shape and location of the continents.

If we assume that the “sons of heaven” had real prototypes, then who could they be if not aliens from outer space? The White Pyramid in China, a photo of which puzzled scientists back in 1945, is surrounded by so many inexplicable but documented phenomena and facts that one can’t help but feel as if some extraterrestrial force is erecting barriers to prevent modern people from entering them.

Unexpected and bold conclusions

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the features of the construction of the pyramids located on different continents and separated from each other by thousands of kilometers, scientists have discovered so many common features in them that the conclusion inevitably arises that they are all creations of one highly developed civilization. For example, the White Pyramid in China is in many ways identical to similar structures on the American continent and North Africa.

It is also interesting to note that in many photographs transmitted to Earth from the surface of Mars, hills are clearly visible, their outlines reminiscent of pyramids, exposed to time and natural erosion. If this is true, then, undoubtedly, they are the work of the same builders, by whose will the White Pyramid in China was erected. History, unfortunately, does not always provide comprehensive answers and sometimes forces scientists to be content with only hypotheses. However, they stimulate the inexhaustible enthusiasm of researchers.

What the White Pyramid in China looks like from a satellite

And in conclusion, about one more interesting observation made by scientists in recent years. As you know, researchers today have the most modern technology at their disposal, thanks to which they study the monuments of ancient civilizations, including the White Pyramid in China. A photo from a satellite flying over the place where it is located showed a completely unexpected picture.

It turned out that it is the base in a group of pyramids, its location exactly corresponding to the position of the stars of the constellation Cygnus, which personifies in Chinese mythology eternal life. Previously, they had no idea about this, since it was possible to see the overall picture only from space. Hence the question: who and why needed to create this giant symbol?

The key to the dream

It is very possible that the reason why the Chinese kept their pyramids secret from the rest of the world for a long time is because of some secret knowledge to which they are the key. And it is possible that the solution to this “eighth wonder of the world” can raise world civilization to a qualitatively higher level. new level, opening up hitherto unknown possibilities for people and realizing their dream of immortality.