Do the graves in the cemetery glow? Why do we see lights in the cemetery? Known Cemetery Light Sightings

What can glow at night? The cemetery is a mysterious place; explanations for this phenomenon were given entirely mystical. or that these are unrestrained souls of suicides living between worlds, or those who did not have time to finish some business on earth.

It's not just the cemetery that lights up at night. Will-o'-the-wisps are often found in thickets or swampy areas, and also terrify eyewitnesses. Although it is easy to explain the swamp glow - the decay of organic matter is always accompanied by a glow.

So why does the cemetery glow at night, how is this phenomenon explained? And why do lights come in different colors? After all, if we accept the hypothesis that this is phosphorus, which is released during the decomposition of organic remains, then the light should be constant, greenish, and fade as the burial site “ages.” And the lights in the cemetery tend to wander, appearing either above the surface of the earth or at the height of human growth. Their colors can be white and green, red and blue. One can guess. That the multi-colored glow has different origins.

Legends were formed depending on the color of the lights. Small, clean, light or blue lights, as they believed in Ukraine, standing motionless above the ground are the souls of babies who died unbaptized. The tall lights rising up are the souls of girls who decided to commit suicide because of a “sin” they committed. If you go to this fire and succumb to temptation, you will destroy your soul and will also lure travelers.

A bright fire that constantly stands over one place - white or the color of a flame - is evidence of the burial of a large sorcerer. Such lights are often found in desert areas or on the very outskirts of the cemetery, near abandoned plots. What can glow with blue fire? The cemetery is not intended for burying suicides, so similar lights can be seen on its outskirts.

The British preferred to avoid lights of any color. For them, such a phenomenon was considered a harbinger of death.

You committed a sin, and the forces of hell sent the soul of a wicked man for you.

What is shining in the cemetery, if we look at what is happening not from the point of view of mysticism, but look for a scientific explanation? Surprisingly, scientists still have not given a definitive answer to this question.

There are many theories. Phosphorus compounds that are released from graves as they decompose. But the experiment was carried out - rotting organic matter was placed in a hole approximately the same depth as the grave and covered with a layer of earth - there was no glow.

Methane released again from decay. But again, such a fire quickly disappeared when the gas burned out.

The rotting is not of bodies, but of rotten bodies; the coffins are made of wood. Some studies of old burials have confirmed this theory.

Other versions of the glow are also available. Since they tried to avoid cemeteries at all times, animals went there to die. And it is not the buried organic matter that glows, but the one located on top of the burials.

In old cemeteries, colonies of fireflies gather at night, and they emit such a glow. Therefore, when a person approaches, the lights change shape, move away, and beckon.

The lights above the monuments are reflections from clouds, which, in turn, glow due to distant lightning and moonlight.

Even the explanations involve cell towers, radiation and flying planes! Considering when people started seeing lights in the cemetery, the airplane explanation is “very credible.”

English scientist Jack Pettigrew interestingly explained that the light in the cemetery was shining. After analyzing many cases, he summed it up - this is a mirage that occurs due to distant strong light sources. He didn’t say anything about the sources – where they came from.

Experiments and experiments could not fully explain why the cemetery glows. Are the lights in the cemetery, which are seen by brave souls who visit this sad place at night, really evidence that the souls of the dead are making themselves known in this way?

There are many folk signs that have been known since ancient times. Many of them are related to the behavior of birds. The titmouse is considered a good and kind bird, therefore the signs associated with it promise good...

The leadership of the American Association for Supernatural Research has established a foundation whose sole task will be to study the phenomenon of lights over graves. In recent years, this strange phenomenon has been increasingly observed in cemeteries around the globe. People of official science have long “found” a logical explanation for the anomalous glow, but numerous experiments do not confirm the scientists’ hypothesis.

From time immemorial, the unpredictable and inexplicable appearance of so-called demonic lights has caused superstition, complicating the scientific study of these anomalies. Will-o'-the-wisps have given rise to a great many legends and traditions.

Centuries ago, travelers reported that, having lost their way in the swamps, they found a safe path thanks to a blue glow moving low above the ground. Other travelers claimed that the mysterious lights, on the contrary, tried to lead them into deadly swamps. For this reason, the attitude towards this phenomenon has always been twofold and very wary. It is still unknown why will-o’-the-wisps try to save some people, while they try to bring death to others.

The color of the lights can be soft blue, dull yellow, greenish and transparent white. Mostly, an ominous glow appears at night in cemeteries and swamps, and less often it can be observed in fields. Sometimes it does not look like a candle flame, but sometimes it resembles a ball in its shape. The lights, as a rule, burn at the height of a raised human hand and spontaneously move from side to side.

Moreover, many who have witnessed this phenomenon claim that will-o-the-wisps move as if endowed with consciousness. They can float in the air strictly above the path, cross the river on the bridge, fly into the cemetery through the gate...

European legends say that demonic fires represent the souls of children, drowned people and unfortunates who died a violent death. It is believed that these spirits, stuck between the world of the living and the world of the dead, try to lure people into swamps or other dangerous places. The British believe that will-o'-the-wisps are harbingers of death. If they were noticed at the house of a sick person, it meant that he would soon die.

Our ancestors also believed that we were talking about the spirits of the dead, especially if a glow appears over the grave. Slavic legends say that special vigilance should be shown after midnight: they say, at this time spirits are especially active. Slavic myths also say that will-o-the-wisps can indicate places where treasures are buried, but it is better not to touch the treasures hidden there, since they are cursed and can only bring misfortune to a person.

Known Cemetery Light Sightings

In the eighteenth century, a Scottish priest told an amazing story. The house of this confessor was located not far from the church cemetery. One chilly autumn night, the altar server went outside and suddenly noticed a luminous point behind the fence of the churchyard. Our hero believed that grave robbers had come to the cemetery with a lantern. The shepherd decided to quietly follow the alleged robbers.

When the priest carefully approached the cemetery, he was surprised to find that there were no thieves with a lantern there, but a yellowish light the size of a fist was floating in the air. Then this light suddenly headed to the side, left the cemetery and flew through the woods to one of the local farms. The intrigued confessor followed him. The light approached the farm, circled around it, and then went back to the cemetery and disappeared into the crypt there.

A day later, the owner of this farm invited the shepherd to perform the funeral service for his daughter who died of scarlet fever. The altar boy, who reasonably connected this event with the mysterious will-o'-the-wisp, asked the cemetery watchman who owned the above-mentioned crypt. As you might guess, its owners turned out to be the family of a farmer whose child had died. It turns out that the spirit of her ancestor came for the sick girl.

In the Australian state of Queensland you can find railway station Alexandria, which enjoys a bad reputation among locals and travelers. So, in 1940, a local resident, driving past an abandoned cemetery here in a car, saw many glowing bluish-green balls above the rickety crosses. The road passed very close to the churchyard, and when the car approached it, all the balls suddenly flew towards the car at once. The frightened driver stepped on the gas, but the lights were almost behind him. Only when the car approached the nearest town of Baulia did the pursuers fall behind.

In our country, a similar phenomenon also occurs. For example, the St. Petersburg Malookhtinskoe cemetery, founded in the seventeenth century and closed for burials six decades ago, is known for the fact that the air glows over the old graves at night. And Igumenskoe cemetery at Russian island Valaam attracts lovers of mysticism because on especially dark nights one can observe a bright green radiant light flowing from underground and rising to a meter height.

What are American specialists planning to do?

According to the official scientific version, will-o'-the-wisps are nothing more than phosphorus compounds formed underground as a result of rotting corpses, leaking out and burning upon contact with air.

However, some researchers have experimentally proven that such a theory is incorrect. The gas released by rotting remains and plants simply cannot make its way through the two-meter thickness of the earth. Scientists specially took containers with phosphorescent gas and buried them in the ground. Even if the vessel passed gas abundantly, no glow was observed above the ground, and when a lit match was raised into the air, nothing happened.

And how can demonic lights move sideways over vast distances, continuing to burn just as brightly all this time? And then also clearly have consciousness?

American researchers paranormal phenomena They intend to find a quiet cemetery, where will-o'-the-wisps appear especially often, and install there the most modern and expensive equipment, which will allow them to record the phenomenon as comprehensively as possible and prove its mystical nature. And perhaps we can understand something else...

American Research Association anomalous phenomena has established a foundation that will research the phenomenon of glowing over graves. Recently, such phenomena have been observed more and more often, and in different parts of the globe. Until recently, they tried to explain them by natural causes, but experiments did not confirm this...

From time immemorial, a strange light phenomenon has been associated with ghosts. Thus, a mysterious phenomenon has been observed for many years near the town of Asheville ( South Carolina). It was called “Lights of Brown Mountain.” Hundreds of people saw the mysterious glow on the mountainside.>>>

David Mull, who lives a few miles away, has been recording his sightings since the 1980s, as well as collecting information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses. In November 2000, a research team led by Joshua Warren managed to capture this phenomenon on video. The shooting took place in the area of ​​Highway 181 north of Morganton. In the frames taken with an infrared camera, luminous spherical objects are clearly visible. Here they appear, now they arrange a “dance” around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an orderly chain, they move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs... Meanwhile, David Mull and other observers believe that the spherical lights on the videotape have nothing in common with the descriptions of previous eyewitnesses. According to the testimony of the latter, the phenomenon was simply spots of flickering light at the foot of the mountain. There was even an assumption that Warren’s video was nothing more than a fake... By the way, the Lights of Brown Mountain are mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon has been seen here since time immemorial. The lights are the souls of warriors who died on the mountain during a battle between Aboriginal tribes, and now they wander, restless, and cannot find peace for themselves... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls mourning their murdered fiancés ...

Thanks to these legends, the Lights of Brown Mountain have become an integral part of modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written that is called “The Legend of the Brown Mountain Lights.” In addition, one of the latest films in the series “The X-Files” is dedicated to the phenomenon. At the Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C., greenish glows were recorded three times over war graves over the course of a month. At the Fiura family grave in Augusta (USA, Georgia), every night one of the tombstones emits a greenish light. This always happens at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Fiura family, named Josephine, who died in 1899, poisoned her two brothers and sister and committed suicide... At the Radi cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), a glow was repeatedly observed above mass grave Soviet soldiers. The head of the local Club of Lovers of the Unknown, Janis Perkman, saw it with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not record anything - it did not have enough sensitivity.

Similar phenomena occur in Russia. Thus, multiple cases of glowing over graves were recorded at the Malookhtinskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg, founded in the 17th century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason is the sabbaths that Satanists regularly organize here. Strange phenomena are also associated with the grave of actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. On the night before the ninth day after his death, a strange swaying cloud was captured over the grave mound. And now a mysterious glow can be observed on frosty nights. At the Igumensky cemetery (Valaam island), on dark nights you can observe a radiant light green light that seems to flow from underground, rising to a small height—up to a meter. Sometimes he wanders around the cemetery in the form of a light, shapeless spot.

For a long time, they tried to explain the phenomenon of glow over graves by the fact that phosphorus compounds are released during the decomposition process. However, scientists have proven that the phosphorescent light from the remains cannot penetrate the thickness of the earth (as a rule, the depth of the graves is at least two meters). Many experiments were carried out in which a wooden box with big amount phosphorus. But no glow appeared above. So we still have to lean in favor of the irrational version - in this way, they say, the dead make themselves known...

Outskirts Shelomy village(Novozybkovsky district, Bryansk region) has become a place of pilgrimage for lovers of mysticism for several months now. People come with whole families to see with their own eyes a mysterious glow over the graveyards and luminous balls appearing out of nowhere.

Local residents assure that this continues almost every evening, but not everyone manages to see the unusual phenomenon with their own eyes. One of those who was convinced for herself that the stories about the Shelomov poltergeist are not fairy tales - the head of the regional department of culture Olga Sannikova.

Shelomy village cemetery

“When I first saw the multi-colored glow over the old cemetery and the mysterious balls that were either approaching each other or moving away, I felt quite creepy,” Olga Vladimirovna told our editorial correspondent. The woman admitted that she tried to find an explanation for what was happening, but so far she has not succeeded.

“There is an opinion that the luminous balls seen in the distance are the headlights of passing cars,” explained Olga Sannikova, “but I still think that this is not so.” It doesn't look like car headlights at all. Mysterious balls appear out of nowhere and also suddenly disappear, sometimes they freeze for a while, sometimes they merge with each other, sometimes they move away to a considerable distance.

The head of the Shelomovsky rural settlement, Alexander Atroshenko, also sees something mystical in what is happening. I myself have never been able to see the luminous balls that people keep repeating about. local residents, however, he believes that it is impossible to rationally explain what is happening, and the fact that several people witnessed the unusual phenomenon at once deserves attention.

Alexander Viktorovich said that the first burials in this cemetery took place back in the 18th century. According to local legends, three women are buried here, who during their lifetime gained fame as possessors of occult knowledge. The last burial here was about a year ago.

With a request to explain what was happening from a religious point of view, we turned to the rector of the Temple of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khoneh, Vladimir Pokhozhay. The priest did not comment on this phenomenon, saying only that he himself went to Shelomy and did not see anything unusual there. If inexplicable phenomena do exist, their nature needs to be studied,” explained Father Vladimir.

By the way, on the World Wide Web there was a completely rational explanation for the glow over burials: when human bones are destroyed, the phosphorus released passes through the soil layer and creates a slight glow in the dark. It turns out that this phenomenon is not so rare. So, in Washington, at Arlington Cemetery, greenish glows were noticed three times over military graves within one month.

Local residents who came to the cemetery in the village of Shelomy to look at the phenomenon

Those who witnessed this phenomenon claim that the glow has no obvious source and does not illuminate surrounding objects. Sometimes it wanders around the cemetery, moving low above the ground as a shapeless light spot.

Search engines for the query “glow over a cemetery” return dozens of photographs taken in different parts of the world. But it has not yet been possible to photograph the “Shelomov poltergeist”. In any case, no one presented such photographs to the public. Eyewitnesses say that the camera, set to a mysterious glow, ends up photographing the darkness.

Meanwhile, local residents seem to have become so accustomed to what is happening that, when they see the mysterious balls once again, they treat them as something ordinary. Well, for those who want to see this unusual phenomenon with their own eyes, the locals give advice: come to Shelomy not as soon as it gets dark, but later, and do not leave after 10-15 minutes, but wait longer.

Newspaper "Bryansk Region"

Photo: Newspaper "Mayak" ( Bryansk region. City of Novozybkov")

The American Association for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena has established a foundation that will study the phenomenon of glow over graves. Recently, such phenomena have been observed more and more often, and in different parts of the globe.

Until recently, they tried to explain them by natural causes, but experiments did not confirm this...

From time immemorial, a strange light phenomenon has been associated with ghosts. Thus, a mysterious phenomenon has been observed for many years near the town of Asheville (South Carolina). It was called the “Brown Mountain Lights.” Hundreds of people saw a mysterious glow on the mountainside. David Mull, who lives a few miles away, has been recording his observations since the 1980s, and also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses. In November 2000, a research team led by Joshua Warren managed to film this phenomenon in the area of ​​Highway 181 north of Morganton. In the footage taken with an infrared camera, luminous spherical objects are clearly visible. So they arrange a “dance” around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an orderly chain, they move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs... Meanwhile, David Mull and other observers believe that the spherical lights on the videotape have nothing in common with the descriptions of previous eyewitnesses. According to the testimony of the latter, the phenomenon was simply spots of flickering light at the foot of the mountain. There was even an assumption that Warren's video was nothing more than a fake... By the way, the Lights of Brown Mountain are mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon has been seen here since time immemorial. The lights are the souls of warriors who died on the mountain during a battle between Aboriginal tribes, and now they wander, restless, and cannot find peace for themselves... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls grieving for their murdered fiancés ...

Thanks to these legends, the Lights of Brown Mountain have become an integral part of modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written called “The Legend of the Lights of Brown Mountain.” In addition, one of the last films of the series “The X-Files” is dedicated to the phenomenon. At the Arlington Cemetery in Washington, greenish glows over the military were recorded three times over the course of a month burials. At the Fiura family grave in Augusta (USA, Georgia), every night one of the tombstones emits a greenish light. This always happens at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Fiura family, named Josephine, who died in 1899, poisoned her two brothers and sister and committed suicide... At the Radi cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), a glow was repeatedly observed over the mass grave of Soviet soldiers.

The head of the local Club of Lovers of the Unknown, Janis Perkman, saw it with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not record anything - it did not have enough sensitivity.

Similar phenomena occur in Russia. Thus, multiple cases of glowing over graves were recorded at the Malookhtinskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg, founded in the 17th century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason is the sabbaths that Satanists regularly organize here. Strange phenomena are also associated with the grave of actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. On the night before the ninth day after his death, a strange swaying cloud was captured above the grave mound. And now a mysterious glow can be observed on frosty nights. At the Igumensky cemetery (Valaam island), on dark nights you can observe a radiant light green light, which seems to flow from underground, rising to a small height - up to a meter. Sometimes he wanders around the cemetery in the form of a light, shapeless spot.