Lakes of Russia. The deepest lake in Russia. Names of lakes in Russia. The largest lake in Russia. List, names, descriptions, maps and photos of the largest lakes in Russia

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TOP Russian lakes with unusual names

Russia can confidently be called a lake region. Of course, there are countries with a large number of freshwater bodies of water, but for a Russian person nothing can be more beautiful than their native expanses. In addition, almost all of our lakes have original, distinctive names.

"Gechepsin". This lake is located in the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Lefkadia valley. Translated from Adyghe, this reservoir is called “a well, the water in which is suitable for washing.” Why this name was chosen - history is silent. We can only make assumptions. Thus, the water in the lake could be soft and clean, or “Gechepsin” was specially created for various bathing procedures.

"Dead Lake" In the southern part of Eastern Siberia, next to Lake Baikal, the Dead Lake is located. This is a pond with clean water, however, no one swims there, because it is mostly swampy, and its banks are mostly peaty and unsteady. This lake also has another name - “Warm Lake”. It's all about the gas, the bubbles of which rise from the bottom to the surface.

"Stinking Lake"“Smerdyache Lake” is located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. The reservoir got its name from the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. In 1985, a hypothesis was put forward about the meteorite origin of the lake, which was later confirmed. According to scientists, the meteorite that formed the “Smerdyache Lake” collided with the Earth about 10 thousand years ago.

"Svetloyar". To see Lake Svetloyar, you need to get to the Voskresensky district Nizhny Novgorod region. According to legend, it is under the water of this reservoir that the magical city of Kitezh is hidden. Only righteous people, bright people, are worthy to hear this holy city. They say that from the bottom of the Svetloyar a roar is sometimes heard, similar to the ringing of bells.

"Tsagan-Khag". This lake is located in the Republic of Kalmykia. Its name is translated from Kalmyk as “white silt”. Most likely, there is no legend here, only observations. “Tsagan-Khag” is located on a salt marsh area and periodically dries out. It is during these periods that white salt forms on the surface of the reservoir, which in ancient times was most likely mistaken for silt.

Lake "Boiling" On Sakhalin, on the island of Kunashir, there is Lake Boiling. According to legend, this reservoir was formed as a result of a volcanic explosion. The lake received its name “Boiling” due to the fact that its water is heated by volcanic gases. Here you can often observe volley emissions of boiling water, which are echoed by jets of sulfur and hydrogen sulfide gases.

"Bottomless Lake" It would seem that there is nothing easier than measuring the depth of the lake. However, this is not the case with the Bottomless Lake, the depth of which is still unknown. Hence the name. This reservoir is located in the Moscow region, near the Vertlinskoe highway. Another feature of the “Bottomless Lake” is that it does not have solid shores (you can swim only from the pier), but, nevertheless, it never changes its round shape.

Lakes of Russia are one of the national treasures of our Motherland. They can be large and small, freshwater and salty, deep and shallow. Let's figure out what largest lakes in Russia and why!


The Caspian Sea is

Not only in Russia, but throughout the entire Earth. It is located on the border of Asia and Europe and washes the shores of 5 countries (Kazakhstan, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan). The area of ​​the Caspian Sea is approximately 371,000 square kilometers, with a maximum depth of 1025 meters. The waters of this lake are salty. According to one theory, the Caspian Sea got its name thanks to the ancient tribes - the Caspians, who lived on the southwest coast.


This is the deepest (about 1640 meters) lake on our planet, located in eastern Siberia. The area of ​​Baikal is more than 31,700 square kilometers and it is the largest reservoir of fresh water (90% of Russia's fresh water reserves). It is also worth noting that the waters of this lake are unusually clean and transparent, and in ancient times they were considered healing.


Lake Ladoga lies on the territory of the Leningrad region and Karelia. Its area is more than 17.6 thousand square kilometers, and its greatest depth is 230 meters; it is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and the Neva originates. It is home to about 60 species of fish, half of which are of industrial importance.


This lake is located on the territory of Karelia, Vologda and Leningrad regions. The area of ​​Lake Onega is about 9,700 square kilometers, with the greatest depth being 127 meters. “Onego-father” - that’s what people call this lake. It is famous for its clear water and abundance historical monuments located on its banks.


Taimyr Lake is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the Taimyr Peninsula and is the northernmost in the world. For most of the year, this lake is covered with ice. Due to fluctuations in water levels, the area of ​​this lake can change and reach 4,560 square kilometers, and the maximum depth can reach 26 meters. The flora of Taimyr is represented by Arctic fish species.


This lake is located on Far East Russia and borders China. The greatest depth of Lake Khanka is about 11 meters, and its area is 4,070 square kilometers. Due to its location, it attracts a large number of tourists who can get acquainted with the culture and customs of two countries at once. About 75 species of fish live in the waters of this lake, and even some of them are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.


Chany is a salt lake located in the Novosibirsk region. The area of ​​the lake, according to various sources, varies from 1400 to 2000 square kilometers, and its greatest depth is 7 meters. There have long been legends about this lake, one of which says that a huge snake lives in it, devouring people and livestock. Of course, there is no scientific evidence or information for this; perhaps this is just a legend created to attract tourists.


This lake is located in the Vologda region. The area of ​​this lake varies, mainly due to its low banks, and is approximately 1,284 square kilometers. The average depth of White Lake is about 5-7 meters, but due to underwater holes it can reach up to 10-12 meters. This lake is home to about 29 species of fish, making it a fisherman's paradise.


Topozero is located in the north of Karelia, in the Loukhsky district. The lake has a winding coastline, and its area is 986 square kilometers, with a maximum depth of up to 56 meters. Topozero – favorite place kayakers, and especially fishermen.


This lake is located in the Novgorod region of Russia. The area of ​​Lake Ilmen is 982 square kilometers, but depending on the water level it can vary. Its maximum depth can reach up to 10 meters. Many legends are associated with the name of this lake, among which there is a myth about the Scythian princes Ruse and Slovene, who named this lake in honor of their sister, Ilmera.

This is not the entire list of lakes located on the vast territory of our Motherland.

Caspian Sea- lake, the largest in the world in terms of area and volume of water. Its waters wash the shores of five states, including southern Russia. . The salinity of most of the sea-lake is approximately three times less than that of the ocean; in the northern part (the coast of Russia), the water in the lake is almost fresh. In this part of it, the lake is rich in fish, especially sturgeon: a total of 101 species of fish, as well as many freshwater fish - such as roach, carp, pike perch. The lake is the breadwinner!

Length coastline The Caspian Sea is estimated at approximately 6500 - 6700 kilometers, with islands - up to 7000 kilometers.

130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, nine of them have a delta-shaped mouth. The largest rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea: Volga, Terek (Russia), Ural, Emba (Kazakhstan), Kura (Azerbaijan), Samur (Russian border with Azerbaijan), Atrek (Turkmenistan)

The most important dangers for the Caspian Sea are associated with water pollution as a result of oil production and transportation on the continental shelf, the flow of pollutants from the Volga and other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, the life of coastal cities, as well as the flooding of individual objects due to rising levels of the Caspian Sea .

Famous Lake Baikal- the biggest freshwater lake Eurasia. The deepest lake in the world is 1642 meters deep.

The water reserves in Baikal are simply gigantic - 23,615.39 km³ (about 19% of the world's lake fresh water reserves - all fresh lakes in the world contain 123 thousand km³ of water). In terms of water reserves, Baikal is second only to the Caspian Sea.

336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal

In winter, the surface of Lake Baikal freezes almost completely; there is only a small section 15-20 km long, located at the source of the Angara.

Lake Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals

Ladoga And Lake Onega- the largest in Europe.

Their waters flow into Lake Ladoga large rivers: Svir, Vuoksa and Volkhov, several dozen medium-sized rivers and more than a hundred small ones. Only one flows out of the lake - the Neva.

Lake Ladoga has an abundance of islands, the number of which exceeds 650

Lake Onega- one of the largest freshwater reservoirs in Europe. Its area is about 10,000 square kilometers, length up to 248 kilometers, width up to 80 kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 30 meters.

The lake is famous for its huge number of islands, especially in the northern part. Their total number reaches 1369

Lake Elton

Lake Elton is one of the most interesting natural sites in the territory Volgograd region. A salt lake of enormous size, comparable only to the Israeli one Dead Sea, located in the middle of the Pallasovskaya steppe.

Lake Elton appears to be the largest and richest of all salt lakes known in the world. The thickness of the salt layer has not yet been precisely determined. But the most important thing about Elton is its healing properties. Once upon a time there was even a Museum of Abandoned Crutches: people who came here on crutches returned home after a month or two, leaving their crutches in a local sanatorium

It has long been noticed that by the end of summer the surface of the lake turns a mysterious purple-golden color.

Lotus Lake

In Russia, lotuses grow in only two places - in Astrakhan region and in the Far East. Lotus Lake (or Goose Lake) is a unique body of water, covered with a carpet of rare pink flowers all summer. This lake is located on one of the most picturesque islands Peter the Great Bay

A wonderful legend is told about the lake. As if there used to be a valley in its place where the village was located. There was a well in the middle of the village. One day, water began to flow from this well, which flooded the village. It is believed that the waters of Lake Baikal broke through, with which Gusinoye is connected by a huge underground canal. They say that even wrecks of ships that sank in Lake Baikal are found here. And the endemic omul is also found in Lotus Lake.

The most beautiful and amazing lakes, is not it?

There are more than two million freshwater and salt lakes in Russia. The largest lakes in the European part of the country include Ladoga (17.87 thousand km²) and Onega (9.72 thousand km²) in the north-west, Lake Peipus (3.55 thousand km²) on the Estonian border, as well as the Rybinsk Reservoir ( 4.58 thousand km²) on the Volga north of Moscow.

Narrow lakes from 160 to 320 km in length, located behind dams on the Don, Volga and Kama. In Siberia, similar artificial lakes are located on the upper Yenisei and its tributary the Angara, where the 570 km long Bratsk reservoir is one of the largest in the world. But they are all insignificant compared to Lake Baikal, the largest reservoir of fresh water on the planet. 636 km long and with an average width of 50 km, Baikal's surface area is 31.72 thousand km² and its maximum depth is 1642 m.

There are also countless smaller lakes, located mainly in the poorly drained lowlands of the Russian and West Siberian Plains, especially in the more northern regions. Some of them reach significant sizes, in particular, Lake Beloe (1.29 thousand km²), Topozero (0.98 thousand km²), Vygozero (0.56 thousand km²) and Lake Ilmen (0.98 thousand km²) on the territory of the European north-west of the country, and Lake Chany (1.4-2 thousand km²) in south-west Siberia.

List of the largest lakes in Russia

We present to your attention the 10 largest lakes in the Russian Federation with descriptions, photos and geographical location on the map of the country.

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is the world's largest inland body of water (area: 371 thousand km²). It is called a sea, not a lake, because the ancient Romans, who arrived in this region, discovered that its water was salty, and called it a sea after the Caspian tribes who lived near the shores of the lake. The Caspian Sea borders the following five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran. Main river The lake is fed by the Volga, which provides about 80% of the inflow of water from the Caspian Sea, and the remaining 20% ​​comes from other smaller rivers.

The Caspian Sea is rich in oil and natural gas deposits, but their extraction is under development. The extraction process is also hampered by the problem of separation natural resources lakes between the five countries bordering it. The Caspian Sea and the deltas of the rivers flowing into it are home to about 160 species and subspecies of fish from 60 genera. About 62% of species are endemic.


Baikal is the deepest (1642 m), oldest (25-35 million years) and most voluminous (23.6 thousand km³) of all the lakes in the world, it is a superstar reservoir in the fields of hydrology, geology, ecology and history. Today Lake Baikal contains about 20 percent of the fresh water on the Earth's surface, which is comparable in volume to the entire Amazon River basin. Baikal has 27 islands, including one more than 70 km in length (Olkhon Island).

The shores of the lake are home to more than 1,500 species of animals, 80% of which are found nowhere else on the planet. The most famous representative of the Baikal fauna is the seal, which lives exclusively in fresh water. According to some reports, the population of seals is about 100,000 individuals. Also near the lake there are such large predators as wolves, which occupy the top positions of the Siberian food chain, feeding on deer, birds, rodents and smaller predators.

Ladoga lake

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, located in northwestern Russia, 40 km east of St. Petersburg. The area of ​​the lake is 17.87 thousand km², the volume is 838 km³, and the maximum depth at a point west of the island of Valaam it reaches 230 m.

The lake depression appeared under the influence of glaciers. Northern Shores mostly high and rocky, and separated by deep, ice-covered bays. Southern Shores have many sandy or rocky beaches, mostly low, slightly concave, overgrown with willow and alder. In some places there are ancient coastal embankments covered with pine trees. The largest tributaries are the Volkhov, Svir and Vuoksa rivers.

48 were found in the lake various types fish, of which the most common are roach, carp, bream, pike perch, perch and smelt. Of the 48 species, 25 are of commercial importance and 11 are classified as important food fish.

Lake Ladoga also serves as a key stopover for migratory birds along the North Atlantic Flyway, which typically mark the arrival of spring.

Lake Onega

Lake Onega is the second largest lake in Europe, located in the north-west of the European part of Russia, between Lake Ladoga and the White Sea. It covers an area of ​​9.72 thousand km², 248 km in length and up to 83 km in width. The greatest depth is about 127 m.

The lake basin was formed by the movement of the earth's crust and glaciers. High rocky shores in the north and northwest they consist of layered granite and are covered with forest. There are deep bays in Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga and Pevenets. The southern shores are narrow, sandy, often swampy or flooded. Lake Onega has about 1,650 islands covering a total of about 260 km², usually in the northern and northwestern bays.

The lake is home to more than 40 species of fish, including vendace (a small member of the salmon family), smelt, burbot bream, pike, perch, roach and salmon. Many fish species have significant economic value.


Taimyr is the second (after Baikal) largest lake in the Asian part of Russia, located in the central regions of the Taimyr Peninsula. It is located south of the Byrranga Mountains, in the zone.

The lake and tundra zone is popular place for birds such as geese, swans, ducks, buzzards, peregrine falcons and snowy owls. Lake Taimyr is home to a large number of fish, including grayling, muksun, char and whitefish. Although the area is relatively remote, stocks of certain commercial fish species are still being depleted.

Taimyr is famous for the largest population of reindeer in Eurasia. Animals such as argali, arctic fox, wolf and lemmings are also found in this region. In 1975, the area was reintroduced.

Since 1983, the lake and its surroundings have been included in the Taimyr nature reserve. Scientists have discovered plutonium in the lake sediment, which is believed to have entered Taimyr via wind-blown radioactive particles from nuclear tests conducted on Novaya Zemlya during the Cold War.


Lake Khanka has an area of ​​4 thousand km², of which approximately 97% is located in Russia. The maximum depth of the lake is 10.6 m, and the average volume is 18.3 km². The lake is fed by 23 rivers, 8 of which are in China, and the rest in the Russian Federation. The only outflow is the Sungacha River, which flows east to the Ussuri River, which forms the international border, and flows north where it joins the Amur River.

Khanka is famous for being home to the highest diversity of birds in the entire temperate zone of Eurasia. At least 327 species of nesting, wintering and migratory birds have been observed in the lake area.

Lake Peipus-Pskov

Lake Peipus-Pskov is the largest transboundary and fifth (after Ladoga, Onega, Swedish Vänern and Finnish Saimaa) largest lake in Europe, located on the border between Estonia and Russia. It takes up 3.6% of total area basin of the Baltic Sea. A total of 30 islands are located on Lake Peipus, and another 40 in the delta of the Velikaya River. Most of them rise only 1-2 m above the water level, and often suffer from floods.

About 54 species of coastal aquatic plants grow in the Lake Peipus basin, including reeds, calamus, reeds and various grasses. The waters of the lake are home to 42 species of fish, such as smelt, vendace, bream, perch, pike, roach and whitefish. Wetlands provide important nesting and feeding sites for migratory birds such as swans, geese and ducks that migrate from White Sea To Baltic Sea. The region is home to one of the largest swallow colonies in Estonia.


Uvsu-Nur is the largest lake in Mongolia in terms of surface area (3.35 thousand km²), as well as the largest salt Lake in the country. The Uvs-Nur basin is one of the most important biodiversity poles in Eurasia. Although most of the lake is in Mongolia, its northeastern shores are located in the Tyva Republic of the Russian Federation.

The lake is shallow, very salty, and is the remnant big sea that existed several thousand years ago. The basin covers an area of ​​about 70 thousand km² and is one of the best preserved natural steppe landscapes on the continent. It is here that the northernmost part of the desert and the most South part tundra

Reed and freshwater river deltas serve as resting and nesting sites for numerous migratory birds. More than 220 species of birds can be found around the lake, including black stork, osprey, white-tailed eagle, whooper and black-headed gull. About 29 different species of fish live in the waters of the lake, one of which is suitable for human consumption. The mountainous region is home to Mongolian gerbils, wild sheep and Siberian ibex.


Although Lake Chany is not very well known outside of Siberia, it is one of the largest lakes in the country. Chany is a shallow lake with salty and constantly fluctuating water, the level of which can change from season to season and from year to year. The lands of the lake basin serve as pastures for cattle.

The vats play an important role in the region's fisheries. The most common species are silver carp, carp, ide, and perch. Recently, there has been a tendency to deplete the lake's fish stocks.

Lake Beloe

In terms of area, Beloe is second (after Onega) natural lake Vologda region, and third (after the Rybinsk reservoir). It is one of the ten largest natural lakes in Europe. The lake has a relatively round shape with a diameter of 46 km. Its area is 1.29 thousand km², and the basin area is about 14 thousand km².

The lake is famous for its fish stocks, the most famous delicacy being Belozersk smelt. The food supply and high oxygen levels create favorable conditions for the life of many species. The following types of fish are common in the waters of the lake: perch, pike, bream, ruffe, sabrefish, roach, bleak, burbot, chub, rudd, whitefish, ide, tench, asp, dace and gudgeon).

Table of the 10 largest lakes in Russia

Lake name Area, km² Volume, km³
Dimensions, km Maximum depth, m
Average depth, m
Caspian Sea 371000 78200 1200 by 435 1025 208
Baikal 31722 23615 636 by 79.5 1642 744,4
Ladoga lake 17870 838 219 by 125 230 46,9
Lake Onega 9720 285 248 by 83 127 30
Taimyr 4560 12,8 - 26 2,8
Khanka 4070 18,3 90 to 45 10,6 4,5
Lake Peipus-Pskov 3555 25 width 50 15 7,1
Uvsu-Nur 3350 35,7 85 to 80 20 10,1
Vats 1400-2000 - 91 to 88 7 2,1
White Lake 1290 5,2 46 by 33 20 4

This list of 50 stunningly beautiful lakes will undoubtedly add to your knowledge and broaden your horizons! This is a list of the world's most famous lakes, but some may be unfamiliar to you.

Lake Victoria
69,485 km2 (26,828 sq mi). The largest lake in Africa. It is a border lake, and.

Lake Tanganyika
32,893 km2 (12,700 sq mi). The lake is not only the 6th largest lake in the world, but it is also the second deepest lake in the world at 1,470 m (4,820 ft) and the longest lake in the world at 676 km (420 mi). Lake Tanganyika is divided between four countries - Tanzania, Democratic Republic Congo, Burundi, Zambia.

Moraine Lake, Canada - Moraine Lake

Lake Pinatubo, Philippines - Lake Pinatubo
Formed only recently (in 1991) after the monsoon, this crater lake is located on the top of Mount Pinatubo, active volcano in the Philippines.

Lake Annette, Canada - Lake Annette

Laguna Colorada, Bolivia - Laguna Colorada, Bolivia
Situated 4,200 meters above sea level in southwestern Bolivia, Laguna Colorada gets its bright red color from pigment deposits and algae beneath its surface. This is an extremely shallow lake with average depth 50 cm.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia /
Located in Croatia, the Plitvice Lakes are actually 16 separate bodies of water, divided into upper and lower basins by natural dams made of moss and algae.

Spotted Lake or Kliluk (Spotted Lake), Canada
In Osoyoos, British Columbia, a natural phenomenon, a 38-acre lake that has one of the highest concentrations of minerals in the world.

Dead Sea, Jordan /
The name can be deceiving - in fact, it is the world's deepest hypermineralized lake. It has a salt concentration 8 times greater than the ocean, making it extremely difficult to drown in.

Sheosar Lake, Pakistan
Lake of the Deosai National Park, in the alpine steppe of the Tibetan Plateau.

Riffelsee, Switzerland
Riffelsee is an incredible sight of mirror surface with the Matterhorn mountain in the background.

Peyto Lake, Canada
Peyto Lake is a glacial lake in Banff National Park, Canada. Rocky Mountains. Billa Peyto belongs to the category of colored lakes. The lake has a bright turquoise color, due to a large amount of icy mountain flour creeping into the lake.

Lake Solbjornvannet, Norway

Mirror Lake, California - Mirror Lake - a small, seasonal lake near Tenaya Creek Canyon in the US National Park, Yosemite.

New Zealand has it too Mirror Lake, which has amazing reflection properties, like a mirror. It is one of the great lakes of Asia: Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan), Wuhua Hai (China), Inle (Myanmar), Biwa (Japan), Tonle Sap (Cambodia) and Lake Toba in Sumatra (Indonesia).

Horseshoe Lake, Canada - Horseshoe Lake

Emerald Lake, Canada - Emerald Lake

Lake Plastiras, Greece - Lake Plastiras - Lake Plastiras, Greece
The artificial lake in Greece holds up to 400 million cubic liters of fresh water and is one of the highest in Europe.

Mystic Lake, Montana - Mystic Lake
The largest lake in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana offers several world famous hiking trails and incredible views.

Yamdrok Tso lake, Tibet - Yamdrok Tso Lake
This lake in Tibet has over 72 km of peaks and is surrounded by snow-capped mountains.

Lake Malawi, Tanzania - Lake Malawi / Malawi and Mozambique 30,044 km2 (11,600 sq mi). The lake is divided between Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. Africa's second deepest lake, this tropical reservoir has more fish species than any other lake on Earth.

Lake Louise, Canada - Lake Louise, Canada

Lake Isabella, Colorado - Lake Isabelle, Colorado
Popular tourist destination, Lake Isabelle has incredible views of the Navajo and Apache peaks.

Crater Lake, Oregon - Crater Lake, Oregon

Barclay Lake, Washington State - Barclay Lake, Washington

Mono Lake, California - Mono Lake
This shallow lake in the Mono County California desert was formed over 760,000 years ago, and has a very similar ecosystem to the Colorada Lagoon.

Ancient underground lake Reed flute, China - Reed Flute Cave. This is a limestone cave in Guangxi, China. More than 180 million years old. Since the 1940s, it has become famous throughout the world due to the colorful caves around the lake.

Lough Ree(Loch RI or Loch Ríbh) is the geographical center of Ireland, the midlands. Lough Ree is the second largest lake on the River Shannon after Lough Derg. Two others large lakes Lough Allen to the north, and Lough Derg to the south. Province of Leinster in County Roscommon lake popular Irish legends about the monster.

Loch Ness(Loch Ness, Scotland) Scotland. Loch Ness (Gaelic: Loch Niche) is the second largest Scottish lake by surface area after Loch Lomond, but due to its great depth, it is Scotland's largest lake by volume of water. The deep, freshwater Loch in Scotland lies approximately 23 miles (37 km) southwest of Inverness. The lake is famous for its Loch Ness monster. Also of interest to tourists is Urquhart Castle east of Drumnadrochit, the lighthouses at Lochend (Bona Lighthouse) and Fort Augusta.

Okanagan Lake is a large, deep lake in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada. The lake is 135 km long and 4 - 5 km wide. His interesting feature the legend of the Demon of Lake Ogopogo or Naitaka, and the famous terraces that were formed due to the periodic lowering of the predecessor, glacial lake Penticton. The maximum depth of the lake is 232 m in the area of ​​Grant Island (called "Whiskey Island" or "Seagull Island" by locals)

Lake Labynkyr(Labynkyr Lake), Yakutia
This mystical lake is located near the Pole of Cold in the territory of Oymyakon uluss. Legends say that a monster lives deep in the water. It attacks dogs, deer and even people. History tells how one day a monster destroyed an Even caravan.

Kanas Lake(pinyin: Kanasi Hu) is a crescent-shaped lake in Altai Prefecture, Xinjiang Province, China. The lake is located in a valley in the Altai Mountains, on the border with Mongolia and. The lake was formed 200,000 years ago, during the Quaternary period, as a result of glacier movement. The Kanas River, flowing from the lake, merges with the Hemu River, forming the Burkin River, which itself is a tributary of the Irtysh River. Ethnic Tuvans and Kazakhs live in the Kanas Valley.

Lake Kok-Kol(Kok-Kol lake) Mysterious lake in Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan. From time to time, the mysterious lake makes some strange sounds, and sometimes you can see signs of ripples, as if a huge creature is drifting inside the lake. Locals They believe that the lake is bottomless. Indeed, when hydrographers measured its depth, they could not find the bottom. But, they found many channels. This explains the constant water level, despite the fact that nothing flows from or flows into the lake.

Aral Sea(Kazakh: Aral Tenizi; Mongolian: Aral tengis; Tajik: Bakhri Aral; Persian: دریای خوارزم Daryâ- you Khârazm) - was closed lake between Kazakhstan in the north and Uzbekistan in the south. The name roughly translates to “sea of ​​islands” (more than 1,100 islands were scattered across its waters). The catchment covers parts of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world, with an area of ​​68,000 km 2 (26,300 sq mi), the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since 1960 after the rivers that fed the lake were redirected through Soviet irrigation projects. Drying Aral Sea called "one of the worst environmental disasters planets"

Lake Storshen(Swedish pronunciation: Storsjön, lit. "Great Lake") is the fifth largest lake in Sweden, located in the province of Jämtland (Jämtland). From Storsjön flows the river Indalsälven and the lake contains the main island of Frösön. The city of Östersund is on its east coast, opposite Frösön. Storsjön is considered the birthplace of sea creatures Storsjöodjuret.

Lake Champlain— Lake Champlain lies directly on Burlington, the border between the United States and Canada. At the northern tip is the historically interesting Fort Ticonderoga. Lake Champlain offers cruises and ferries to Vermont and New York.

Lake Natron is saline and soda lake in the Arusha region of northern Tanzania. The lake is located near the Kenyan border in the Eastern Rift Branch of the East African Wetlands of International Importance. Lake Natron is a basin of the Ramsar Valley, fed mainly by central Kenya's rivers and hot springs. The unusual color of the water is created by cyanobacteria. Due to high evaporation, salt-loving microorganisms begin to flourish.

Lake Tahoe, the largest alpine lake North America famous for its cobalt blue waters and surrounding snowy peaks. Lake Tahoe is the state border between the states of California and Nevada, and a popular resort in the Sierra Nevada.

Lake Lucerne— among the most beautiful lakes in Switzerland, it stands out for its amazing panorama of the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, such as the Eiger and Jungfrau. The lake is lined with vintage steamboats that have been sailing here since the 1800s. In spring, the Lake Lucerne basin is fed by Mineralbad streams from the top of Mount Rigi.

Pigeon Lake(Dove Lake) in Tasmania, Australia. Serene Dove Lake is a national park attraction near Cradle Mountain. This lake is the home of the legendary Tasmanian Devil.

Lake Como, Italy - just 45 minutes from vibrant Milan. Lake Como is one of the favorite vacation spots of the rich and famous.

Lake Bled- one of the most charming attractions of the Old Continent. Lake Bled of the Julian Alps (Slovenian: Bled, German: Veldes) is located in Slovenia, near the borders with Italy and Austria.

Lake Synevyr- the largest and most famous lake Ukrainian Carpathians. The lake is located in the Gorgany mountain range, in the upper reaches of the Terebli River. The lake has its own a beautiful legend about lovers.

The list of the most famous lakes in the world can rightfully include the unnamed:

  • Lake Ohrid of the Balkan Mountains (located between the Republic of Macedonia and Albania)
  • Lake Saimaa (Finland)
  • Ladoga/Onega/Chudskoye (Russia)
  • Balaton (Hungary)
  • Annecy (France)
  • Garda / Iseo (Italy)
  • Wastwater (England)
  • Sogne (Norway)
  • Killarney (Ireland)
  • Hallstattersee (Austria)
  • Königsee / Obersi (Germany)
  • Jökulsádlón (Iceland)
  • Laguna Verde (Bolivia)
  • Lençóis Maranhenses (Brazil)
  • Nakuru (Kenya)
  • Tekapo (New Zealand)
  • Lagunas Altiplánicas (Chile)
  • Laguna Bacalar (Mexico) and many others.