Skyrim where the moon pine cave is located. New places and access to the northern shore. There are nine capitals

This mod replaces the standard map with a new, improved map with beautiful textures and detailed roads. Below are 3 variants of the mod: "Classic map" - a standard map with different variations (previous version of the mod), " Clear map" - a more picturesque, detailed map with an "autumn" atmosphere and "Paper map" - a map with high resolution and paper textures. IMPORTANT!!! The "Paper Map" map option is for Skyrim only; Solstheim is not included in this option.

The archive will contain 4 folders that correspond to the description below
Mod options
I.Paper map - a map with paper textures. Attention! This option does not support the "Map without clouds" and "New objects" options.
II. Classic map - a map from the previous version of the mod.
1) All roads (everything is clear here)
2) Main roads (everything is clear here too)
III. Clear map - a map with clear, "autumn" and "live" textures
1) Paved roads - roads with stone textures
2) Standard roads - roads with standard textures


There will be 4 folders in the archive - “Optional”. It will include 3 options:
I.Solstheim - Map for the island of Solstheim.
II.Map without clouds - Blank card Skyrim without clouds (clouds along the edges of the map are preserved).

III. New objects - this option adds new objects to the Skyrim map


If you have the following line "uLockedTerrainLOD" in your Skyrim.ini file, the map will not load properly. Remove this line from your .ini for this mod to work properly
- Another possible parameter in Skyrim.ini that will prevent the map from working properly is the line "fMapWorldTransitionHeight". If you have this line in the Skyrim.ini file, then delete it
- If you have the line "sMapCloudNIF=0" in Skyrim.ini, please remove it or the Optional Clear Map module will not work

Additional map settings

- Add the following lines to the Skyrim.ini file in the . If you don't have a section, you can create one at the very bottom of the Skyrim.ini file (Not in Skyrimprefs.ini), the Skyrim.ini file is usually located at: \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\

(loads objects like waterfalls, etc) (may not work for some people (due to conflicts and other things) (does not affect the "classic maps" mod option))

(reduces map blur, very subtle difference) These settings are not supported by the "Clear" and "Paper" card options.

(possibility to rotate the camera 360 degrees)

(gives you a bird's eye view, looking straight down rather than at an angle)

(changes, min/max scale height when zooming in/out. (Change the values ​​to your liking))

(this is to adjust the mouse speed and increase the speed. (Change to your liking))

I. - select 1 of the mod versions.
II. - select files from the folder optionally (optional)
III. - Upload files from folders to the Data folder (upload optional files after the main ones)

Attention! If you used the "Map without clouds" option in the previous version of the mod and want to install an updated version of this option, then before installing, delete the file along the path Data/textures/sky/

Finally, I would like to add that in the “Paper” version of the map, the inscriptions of the regions (Winterhold, White Coast, Rift, etc.) will be on English, because These are textures, but all markers are also in Russian.

Requirements: Skyrim v1., DLC Dragonborn (for the Solstheim map)

What's new in version 9.0.1

There are so many locations in this game that it is quite difficult to visit each one. Their total number exceeds 450, however, without all sorts of tricks and tricks, it is usually possible to open about 330-350. In order to really go everywhere, you will have to use special codes.

But the map is incomplete!

Why is it so difficult to calculate? The fact is that not all locations are marked. Their list includes numerous altars, all kinds of ruins, so-called “failed experiments”, animal lairs (polar bears, for example), hunting camps, prisons (abandoned and guarded), caves, sanctuaries, graves, temples (usually inactive ), even mushroom circles, boats and fallen trees.

Of course, this does not mean that all camps and castles turned into ruins by time are absent from the map. It's just that small locations are usually not marked. On the one hand, the map has been simplified, but on the other, you can never say with certainty that you have visited absolutely every nook and cranny of the virtual world.

But the Skyrim map with all the locations exists. Only it’s not in the original version of the game. The problem will be solved by a code that is very easy to install. However, you need to remember: once it is activated, you cannot return the old card.

What kind of locations are there?

Locations in Skyrim can be divided into several types. The most basic ones are cities. They have the ability to use a mini-map, which shows buildings and other objects in more detail. You can travel between cities not only on foot, but also by hiring a cab driver.

There are nine capitals:

 Solitude - Center of Haafingar, capital of Skyrim;
 Whiterun is the capital of the possession of the same name;
 Windhelm is the capital of the Stormcloaks, located in the center of Eastmarch;
 Winterhold – large city, named after the property in the center of which it is located;
 Dawnstar - capital White Beach;
 Markarth – Center of the Reach;
 Morthal - the capital of the swampy possession of Hjaalmark;
 Riften – the central city of the Rift;
 Falkreath is the capital of the possession of the same name.

In addition to cities, the Skyrim map with all locations includes villages (Dragon Bridge, Kin Grove, Shor's Stone and others), a huge number of caves with a wide variety of names - from Draft Gap and Nightingale Hall to the Liar's Refuge.

There are also settlements that are actually the Night Gate and Old Hroldan taverns. In the endless world of Skyrim, you can visit the “Madman’s Mind” clearing, the Dragon’s Lair (at least ten of them), the Dwemer Ruins and the Giants’ Camps. Large quantity locations include mines, Nord ruins and military forts. Wandering around the map, the player will sooner or later come across Khishiny, Towers (watchtowers and Nordic), as well as Warehouses.


After opening one hundred locations, the player is given the “Explorer” achievement. In addition, there is the “Conqueror of the Deep” achievement. To get it, you need to clear and thoroughly explore 50 dungeons; The “Cleared” checkbox will help you understand whether another underground location has been counted. After it has been added to the name of the dungeon, you can safely move towards further goals.

What if this is not enough?

For the most restless travelers, there are adaptations to the game that add new places, so if the Skyrim map with all the locations is small, there is always the opportunity to add new areas, making the world of Skyrim truly vast.

Coming out on the road in the morning, we headed further east. Almost immediately I met a dark elf peasant - a very nice man. He complained that the Nords consider themselves to be the main ones in Skyrim, but he doesn’t like it. Decided to join the Imperials. Then, we met Faldrus, a Dunmer (dark elf), who can be found in different parts of Skyrim, making a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Azura. And we kept walking along the road, the girls guarded me while I collected flowers and herbs...

I like such an interesting transition, when it’s warm around, the sun is warming up, and suddenly snow begins to be seen along the road and you see such a transition. And I don’t like the cloudy sky and rain on the snow at all, which then began.

We passed by the cave Wolf Skull and went out to the Pond of Clear Pines. The weather may have been cloudy, but what a joy it was to find the chest found here! At such moments, you forget about little things like the weather, and sincerely rejoice at the find. The chest contained: Great Soul Stone, iron boots, 96 gold coins and 4 master keys. A little later we were attacked by a couple of spriggans, from which we got their resin. An alchemist was found nearby, but nothing significant was found. There was a book "De Rerum Dirennis", but I know it. A tap root grew nearby and lay the bag of an apothecary, apparently that same alchemist. In the pharmacist's bag there were interesting things: a saber-tooth eye, a blue mountain flower, a weak potion of magic, and... human meat. What a find!

Then we went to the Lunar Bor cave, near which forestry work is being carried out. Here they found not only a chest, but also a rare, in my opinion, plant - a taproot. Hidden in the apothecary's bag again was human flesh, an extremely rare alchemical ingredient.

And from there, we went straight to the Nordic ruins of Volskigge. Afterwards, we passed by the Lost Echo cave. It seems that this is the only cave I have encountered with an entrance as if into a house. There is a wooden door into the cave, with stone steps leading up to it. Along the way, we began to meet polar bears and snow sabers... Well, and, of course, there were three bandits: a thug and two thugs. It’s not clear where the Strong Lightning Atronach came from, which Serana quickly eliminated. Then the bandits appeared, with whom we warmed up with swords - it even turned out to be beneficial. The snow troll also arrived from somewhere. In general, it was a fun mess.))) They found a corundum vein and the body of a master sorcerer.

We took the wrong direction and went far to the north... But I didn’t regret it. We found a lot of new and interesting things. On the way we encountered a couple of ice ghosts. We found the Frosty Cave. Near it there is a balcony, fenced with a good thick rope, from which it opens beautiful view, and you can see the ruins of some kind of fort below. But no matter how relatively close it is, we can’t get there yet, and there’s nothing to do with it. Then they met a robber and a bandit, in whom they discovered a flawless ruby ​​and several coins.

And then we went to the White Pine tower. I would like to talk about her separately. The tower is abandoned, no one gives tasks here. A couple of polar bears live here. There is also something interesting... I don’t know why two bears need this, but there is venison stew being cooked here and there are 3 logs lying around in case of need. If you walk along the plank bridge, you can get into a niche with a chest in which I found 145 coins and a strong potion of stamina. Next to the chest was a bag with 21 coins and a glass sword.

Coming out of the tower, we were attacked by a spriggan. Already, when it was getting dark, we met a couple of vampires, one of the vampiress was a bloody vampire and she had a flawless amethyst with her. Before I had time to come to my senses, a Werewolf savage jumped out of nowhere at us. All they got from him was torn pants, a skin (I didn’t have one like that yet, it will be for the collection) and... human meat again. Werewolves are werewolves... It's a pity... If I could heal someone, I would certainly do so. But to my honor, I personally didn’t kill Verwolf - either Lidka or Serana killed him. I actually turned around only at the noise from behind. An amethyst was found on the vampire, who had turned into a pile of ash. Somehow today turned out to be a rich day for finds precious stones. With a simple vampire - a guide of shadows, they found 5 gold. All this action took place in some very desolate ruins. The stones were splattered with old blood; nearby lay a deer and the body of a Stormcloak soldier. And with him I found an interesting book, really interesting and which I didn’t have yet - “The Basics of Designing Locks” by an unknown author. When read, your hacking skill increases. But I’ll read it in more detail later.

Continuing our findings, we came across the Sheer Hole, the Lower Sheer Hole, the Ruins of the Widow's Watch and discovered the Crow Hole. We have not yet entered any of the locations. The only exception was the Ruins of the Widow's Outpost, which are a completely destroyed tower with nothing in it!

Already late in the evening we reached the northern shore of the sea. We spotted a sunken ship... Lydia said it was called the "Orphan's Tear". In my practice, there are always sleeping bags in such places. We decided to spend the night there and explore the place at the same time. Robbers settled inside: a marauder and a thug, with whom we had to fight, and then we walked for a long time through the destroyed holds in search of supplies and some gizmos... We found food: cheese and wine, skooma and empty bottles, vegetables and salt were hidden in barrels. They even found one bottle with a weak potion of magic. There is also a chest in which 129 coins, 4 master keys and “Scroll: Firestorm” were placed. We dived several times into the sunken part of the ship... There is a bed, several barrels and another chest, which contained 104 coins, the best potion of strength reserve and "Scroll: Protective Circle". On the shore they found Nordic honey, salmon and all sorts of small utensils. And again a chest with 99 coins.

There are also several plants on the shore, including prickly grass and Nirn roots, which we collected, and a good quality tent-tent, which contained cheese, wine, and 2 sleeping bags.

And then something interesting happened... We sat until dawn and then I felt unwell. When the first rays of sunshine, which I love so much, appeared, I felt sick. Since Lydia had become like family to me, I complained to her. She said she might be wrong, but I might have contracted vampirism. I started looking at Serana unkindly, but she only offered her help. Serana confirmed my illness, said that I had Sanguinare Vampiris, and since I had been infected for a long time, she recommended urgent measures to be taken to prevent me from becoming a vampire. Before going to bed, I drank a potion that healed all diseases and before going to bed I whispered to Lidka that it was time to come up with a separate potion for vampirism.

I felt better and slowly fell asleep...

Dunmer traveler - dark elf.

Lydia and Serana on the road.

Pond of Clean Pines.

Chest on the island of Clear Pine Pond.

Human meat.

Strong thunder atronach.

Ice ghost.

Beautiful pink sunset in the very north.

White Pine Tower.

Finds inside the White Pine tower.

Bridge to the chest.

Tower chest and gifts.

The werewolf is a savage.

Werewolf skin.

Wrecked ship "Orphan's Tear".

In the camp near the ship we collect salmon with Lidka.

On the ship.

Tent on the shore.

I drank the potion before going to bed.