The “Miracle Bridge” in Vladivostok could collapse at any moment. The chief engineer committed suicide. Russian Bridge in Vladivostok: technical features and interesting facts The bridge to Russian Island is falling apart

Vladivostok, November 8 - AiF-Primorye. The bridge to Russky Island in Vladivostok has been criticized since the very beginning of construction. Some experts questioned the feasibility of such grandiose project. Another fly in the ointment was added by Alexey Mikhailov, an analyst at the Center for Economic and Political Research (EPIcenter).

Why is it needed?

The cable-stayed bridge (like its Golden “brother”, which connected the city center with Cape Churkin) to Russky Island was built as part of Vladivostok’s preparation for the APEC summit. The building is unique. After all, at the Russian Bridge (that’s his official name) the world's largest span among cable-stayed bridges, 1104 meters long, and the first pylons in height - 324 m.

Economist Mikhailov cites other impressive figures: the cost of the structure is about $1 billion. The same amount was spent on the access road (to the airport and the city).

“This cable-stayed bridge is actually very beautiful, floating in the air with a central span of more than 1 kilometer at a height of 70 meters, supported by two pylons 324 meters high. He is probably great at engineering solutions. And it will certainly now become a new symbol of Vladivostok. But... why is it needed?” asks the expert.

The analyst’s main argument “against the bridge” is the same as that of many critics of the structure - it has a small carrying capacity, and the island's population is too small for such costs.

"Bridge with throughput 50 thousand cars a day leads to the small island of Russky with a population of 5 thousand people. And those mostly poor fishermen living in barracks-type houses do not have cars,” says Mikhailov.

In counterbalance to this criticism, the Vladivostok authorities have repeatedly stated that the bridge was built, among other things, for the development of the island, the program of which includes the construction of many large facilities and the creation of infrastructure for 150 thousand people.

The bridge "doesn't pay for itself"

“What’s next for Fr. Russian? Now there are the same 5 thousand residents left without cars. Honestly, is it really worth spending $2 billion to access beaches by car? Is there no way to get there by ferry? After all, it runs every two hours and even transports cars, it’s not that expensive,” the expert continues.

The development of tourism and the construction of new housing on the island are one thing. But perhaps the main argument in favor of the feasibility of the bridge was the Far Eastern Federal University under construction on the same island. After all, it was planned that the united university would become the largest educational institution in the country and even the world. Students from all over the world will come to study there, and the best foreign teachers will teach there. However, the contractor did not have time to complete the FEFU buildings. And the great “relocation plan” failed, and the students remained on the mainland, at least until construction was completed. Nowadays, only nonresident students live on the island, who go to classes in the city every morning.

To all this we can add the island’s absolutely undeveloped road infrastructure. After you leave the bridge, you find yourself on real " Russian roads", having driven along which you need to resort to auto repair services. That’s why most townspeople don’t dare go there. And taxi companies raise prices for trips to the island - up to 1 thousand rubles from the center of Vladivostok.

Alexey Mikhailov compares the Russky Bridge with its “colleague” Golden Gate in San Francisco, USA. Just not in favor of the first one.

“They are similar in basic characteristics. But the Golden Gate was built 75 years ago, is a toll gate and actually handles 120 thousand cars a day. This bridge literally makes half a million dollars every day. Is the Russian Bridge free and how much traffic will it actually carry per day now, after the end of the APEC summit? A couple thousand cars? Or maybe a couple of hundred?” writes the expert.

However, it is worth noting that neither the bridge builders nor the Primorye authorities share the economist’s opinion.

“This will be a comfortable area of ​​Vladivostok, very convenient for living. Children will be able to go to school here, then to university - and will not have to travel anywhere. As for the other territory of the island, it is planned to leave it as a tourist and recreational zone, he believes Governor of Primorye Vladimir Miklushevsky. - Only the coast will be developed - we are talking about boarding houses and holiday homes. Still, the nature of the island must be preserved as much as possible for posterity.”

“Look at any photograph, tourist brochure: if there is a bridge in the city, then it will certainly be there. The bridge is a kind of monument, an architectural decoration of the city, an achievement of its inhabitants. San Francisco - Golden Gate, New York - Brooklyn Bridge, Hong Kong - Stonecutter Bridge - expresses his opinion Director of the branch of JSC USK MOST in Vladivostok Alexey Baranov. - And one more undeniable advantage, purely practical. By connecting the mainland with Russky Island, the bridge opened up new development prospects. Many cities in Russia, including Vladivostok, suffer from heterogeneity of style: in different periods, under different governments and cultures, they built differently and did not always care about compatibility. And the facade of the city must be properly planned once and for all, only then will it be beautiful. Of course, the city cannot afford to rebuild existing neighborhoods. But in Russky there is a chance to start with a clean slate, ending up with a large and harmoniously built-up area, very promising for development.”

By the way

The issue of building a bridge to Russky Island was raised in the first half of the 20th century. The first project was completed in 1939, the second in the 1960s. However, neither one nor the other was ever implemented. At the beginning of October 2007, NPO Mostovik won the tender to design a bridge crossing to Russky Island. The contractor was JSC USK MOST. Construction of the bridge began in 2008; on July 1, 2012, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev opened working traffic on the bridge, and a month later, on August 1, the bridge was opened for personal transport.

A major scandal, risking to develop into corruption, is breaking out in Vladivostok. There, because of the rain, a bridge literally crumbled, which is a section of the road for the construction of which 29 billion budget rubles were allocated. According to local residents, the rain was quite ordinary - “medium intensity”, which means the bridge collapsed due to a construction defect. The reasons for such a rapid destruction of a large infrastructure facility built for the APEC summit have yet to be established, but now we can assume that the matter is most likely due to the carelessness of the general contractor, corruption and disregard of officials, as was the case with the notorious “dancing bridge” in Volgograd.

"Just a light rain"

As it turned out, the soil under the newly built section of the highway had crawled. During the day, the soil under the road continued to shift downward, and this may continue in the event of rain expected in Vladivostok this coming weekend.

As a result, several tons of soil buried the garages with cars and, presumably, one boat inside: the road runs almost along the shore of Patroclus Bay.

“When I was standing there, I actually heard the wire breaking and the stones crunching,” a local resident writes about the situation on an online forum. - Creepy and scary. They forbade the children to go to the sea.”

“But it was just light rain of medium intensity for two days,” another eyewitness reports.

Local deputies drew attention to the situation with the highway. “I was at the site of the landslide,” City Duma deputy Alexander Yurtaev told PrimaMedia. - My point of view: the builders tried to make the wall more vertical because of the garages below. The route itself is straight, there are almost no storms on it, and it turns out that the entire flow of water flows directly towards the gabion mesh. And it was still light rain. What if an ordinary coastal typhoon charges? The asphalt had to be laid with a slight slope in the opposite direction so that the water would drain away. And the slope itself should be planted with grass and turf to support the stone laying. This road actually cut off our access to the beach. But the road could have been built differently, through Sakhalinskaya, and then the recreation area of ​​the microdistrict would have been preserved. Unfortunately, the situation has become emergency. Now, in order to remove the consequences, we will have to remove more than 40 meters of asphalt, since there is emptiness underneath, and do everything all over again.”

Local residents sent a collective letter to the governor of the region, Vladimir Miklushevsky, since, in their opinion, the construction of the road practically destroyed the beach, which turned into a rocky desert.

The retaining wall was installed directly on the garage

Representatives of the general contractor who built this section of the road, CJSC Pacific Bridge Construction Company (TMK), stated that the eight-kilometer section of the route where the soil collapse occurred was supposed to be put into operation only on July 1, but the cars of citizens could move along it, since it “It was convenient for them, but everyone turned a blind eye to it.”

Currently, traffic along the unfinished section of the highway is blocked by piles of soil piled up after the incident. The asphalt is covered with large faults and cracks over several tens of meters. Use this part of the road local residents now they are afraid. At the same time, TMK press secretary Olga Zarubina assured the portal that the incident will not affect the timing of putting the route into operation.

As a local resident named Alexey told reporters, the landslide could have been caused by the fact that builders began installing gabions of a retaining wall directly on the roof of his garage. According to the man, he warned the foreman that the garages were 40 years old and might not hold up. However, the builders did not pay attention to his remark.

ZAO TMK stated that a special commission is investigating the causes of the landslide and they will be named later. It is clear that one of the main reasons for the incident was the rains that continued in Vladivostok since June 9.

“The soil in the first few months after the construction of the road is very unstable and is susceptible to crumbling when abundantly moistened,” Oleg Skvortsov, president of the association of road research organizations, commented on the situation. - When the soil is overgrown with grass and stabilized, it is difficult to move the soil mass. It is difficult to say why the accident occurred. Both the designers and the builders could have made a mistake, but here we need to deal with the situation on the spot.”

It is still unknown who will compensate for material damage to garage owners and whether they will compensate them at all. According to unofficial information, the garages were located on a slope under the road illegally, so local residents can only count on payments for cars buried underground.

The route Novy village - De Vries Peninsula - Sedanka - Patroclus Bay, 42 km long, should connect Vladivostok airport and the bridge to Russky Island. According to the builders, due to the fact that the road will be of “continuous traffic,” that is, without traffic lights and ground pedestrian crossings, the travel time from the airport to the island, which always took at least an hour and a half, will be reduced to 20 minutes. The highway was planned to be put into operation in 2011, but the timing was revised. 29 billion rubles were allocated from the budget for the construction of the facility.

Everyone dances

Let us note that last year a scandal erupted around another bridge - in Volgograd. It took 13 years to build, the facility cost the budget 12.3 billion rubles. The bridge was opened to traffic in October 2009, and in May the following year, strong vibrations began to be observed on the bridge, due to which local residents dubbed it “dancing”. Traffic in the area was blocked.

During the investigation into the reasons for the fluctuations, it turned out that the cause of the incident was corruption: violations of 152 million rubles were identified, and the project turned out to be 1.5 billion rubles more expensive than its true cost. Thus, during the control event it was established that the administration Volgograd region a significant increase in costs for the resettlement of citizens from the construction zone was allowed. The share of such expenses in the estimated cost of construction increased from 2.9% to 9.1% and exceeded 1.1 billion rubles.

Last November, it was reported that experts had strengthened the “dancing bridge” with counterweights to dampen vibrations. The cost of the work amounted to 112 million rubles.

“We can now guarantee the safety of traffic on the bridge. We are now confident that the bridge will never “dance” again, as it did on May 20 last year,” the then governor of the region, Anatoly Brovko, told reporters.

Based on materials:

The Russian Bridge in Vladivostok is cable-stayed and connects the Nazimov Peninsula and Cape Novosilsky on Russian Island, separated by the Eastern Bosphorus Strait. The bridge appeared as part of the APEC summit in 2012. The Russian Bridge is a complex and unique object in the entire practice of bridge construction in Russia and the world.


Construction of the Russian Bridge in Vladivostok began in September 2008, although the question of its construction arose at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first draft was drawn up in 1939, and the second in 1960. But both remained unfulfilled. It was only in 2008 that the final design of the cable-stayed bridge was approved.

During the construction of the bridge, different positions were expressed regarding the feasibility of its appearance. Some said that the work was economically unjustified, since only five thousand people live on Russky Island. Others insisted that the construction of a bridge to Russky Island would be an impetus for the development of the island and the creation of large economic and cultural centers.


The Russian Bridge is one of the most grandiose in the world. One of the reasons for this is that the length of the bridge in Vladivostok on Russky Island more than three kilometers. The road surface of the structure is supported by diagonal cables. They, in turn, are attached to two pylons, each reaching a height of 324 meters.

The entire structure weighs 23 thousand tons. Its spans reach a kilometer. On top of the bridge you can see stretched cables painted in the color of the Russian flag. Lanterns are installed along the railings. At the descent from the bridge you can see cannons - the remains of the Novosiltsevskaya battery.

Inside each pylon there are stairs hidden, along which you can get to observation decks, but they are only accessible to bridge maintenance personnel and only occasionally to photographers. From a height of 300 meters there is a breathtaking view: endless Pacific Ocean and below Vladivostok in barely noticeable outlines

Technical features

The cable-stayed bridge system across the Eastern Bosphorus was designed by the best engineers in Russia and abroad. The cables consist of parallel strands ranging from 13 to 85, each individually protected against corrosion. The shell is made of two layers: the inner one is made of dense polyethylene, the outer one is thinner.

The decorative shell has a spiral-shaped collar - it provides protection from vibrations generated by simultaneous exposure to rain and wind.

The Russian Bridge was built in conditions of strong winds, a humid climate and sharp changes temperatures As a result, the cables, thanks to special steel, are able to withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +40 degrees, and their service life is up to one hundred years. The aerodynamic cross-section of the structure makes it resistant even to squally winds, which often occur in Vladivostok.


The bridge to Russky Island allows residents to go there on weekends. The structure is designed for passenger vehicles and small trucks.

The roadway has four lanes for traffic - two in both directions. Drivers who find themselves at a height of 70 meters are breathtaking from the expanse of water stretching below and the cables hanging from above. Pedestrians are prohibited from entering the bridge.


The lighting equipment for the bridge to Russky Island was completed at the beginning of 2013. The main task of the lighting is to create the illusion of a bridge floating in the air and at the same time highlight its main elements - giant supports and cables, painted in the colors of the Russian flag.

The lighting equipment is secured in such a way as not to create difficulties during operation. Lighting not only illuminates the bridge, but also significantly transforms appearance in the dark.

Bridge for tourists

Cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait- This is the largest cable-stayed bridge currently built. The central channel span has a length of 1104 m, and the length of the cables is 580 m. The height above the water surface (under-bridge clearance) is 70 m.

Parameters of the cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island – stroyone

No. Basic technical parameters cable-stayed bridge
1 Bridge layout: 60+72+3x84+1104+3x84+72+60 m
2 The total length of the bridge is 1885 m
3 Total length including overpasses - 3100 m
4 The length of the central channel span is 1104 m
5 Total width of the roadway – 21 m
6 Number of lanes – 4 (2 in each direction)
7 Underbridge clearance - 70 m
8 The height of the pylons is 324 m
9 The longest / shortest cable stay - 579.83 / 135.771 m
10 Construction cost: $1 billion.

The new bridge will connect the mainland and island parts of Vladivostok and will become an important link transport system Primorsky Krai. Construction of the cable-stayed bridge began in 2008 and ended in July 2012.

Climatic conditions

The builders worked in extreme conditions weather conditions. The wind speed reaches 36 meters per second, the storm wind raises waves up to six meters, the thickness of the ice reaches 70 centimeters. The temperature in winter drops below minus 36 degrees, and in summer it rises to plus 37.

Technology in the construction of a cable-stayed bridge

About 320 modern units were involved in the construction of the bridge to Russky Island. For the construction of the pylons, unique Kroll tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 and 20 tons, capable of growing to a height of 340 meters, were used.

When installing the channel span structure, Russian-made derrick cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 400 tons were used. To lift the first ten sections on Russky Island in a record short terms was installed.


The approaches to the bridge are overpasses with a total length of more than 900 meters. Trestle supports are rack-mount, with a height of 9 to 30 meters. The spans are steel-reinforced concrete, consisting of metal boxes with inclined walls and a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

Bridge supports

Bridge piers M1 on the Nazimov Peninsula and M12 on Russky Island are among the most massive and complex in design. Their height is about 35 meters. “First” and “twelfth” serve as transitional supports. They take on the horizontal load from the stiffening beam.

When constructing the bridge pier grillages and pylons, the builders used class B35 self-compacting concrete with sulfate-resistant Portland cement. It protects the foundation from exposure to aggressive environments and protects reinforcement from corrosion.
During the construction of bridge supports and pylons, a Geda high-speed passenger-and-freight elevator was used, which lifts up to two tons of cargo. The lift speed is 65 meters per minute.

Artificial peninsulas

For the construction of the M6 ​​pylon, an artificial peninsula was poured on the Nazimov Peninsula, from which wells were drilled for the supports. The construction of the pile foundation of the M7 pylon on Russky Island began with water on a temporary working metal island.

The artificial peninsula was filled after the construction of bored piles and installation of sheet piling. It is designed to protect ships with a displacement of up to 66,000 tons from piles, ice movements and wave action.

The total volume of rock and loose soil moved during the construction of technological sites on Russky Island and the Nazimov Peninsula is 1.5 million cubic meters.

Pylon foundation

Pile base pylon

Drilling and concreting piles from the water in marine conditions was carried out for the first time in the practice of Russian bridge construction. The depths in the work area in various areas ranged from 14 to 20 meters.

At the base of each pylon there are 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters. Piles with a non-removable metal shell under the M7 pylon go deep to 46 meters. On the Nazimov Peninsula, the maximum depth of reinforced concrete piles is 77 meters

Pylon grillage

To construct each pylon grillage, approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required. This is the most labor-intensive and critical operation in bridge construction. Tensor sensors are built into the body of the grillage to monitor the condition of this colossal foundation

Self-climbing formwork

The body of the pylons was concreted using individual self-climbing formwork. Seven working levels with a total height of 19 meters allow simultaneous operations to prepare the working seam, reinforcement, concreting, concrete care and finishing on three grips of 4.5 meters each.

The formwork moves independently due to the hydraulic movement of modular elements. The use of self-climbing formwork made it possible to reduce the construction time of monolithic reinforced concrete structures by one and a half times. With a total volume of concrete for each pylon of more than 20,000 cubic meters, this is a significant gain in time.

The span of the cable-stayed bridge Russian Bridge

Reinforced concrete stiffening beam

The anchor parts of the cable-stayed bridge span are located symmetrically relative to the central span and pylons, and have a length of 316 meters. The continuous span structure is made of prestressed monolithic reinforced concrete with a volume of about 21,000 cubic meters.

During the reinforcement process, in addition to conventional reinforcement, plastic channel formers were laid. Steel beams with high tensile strength are pulled through them.

After the concrete gains strength, the reinforcement beams are tensioned using jacks with a force of 300 to 370 tons. Then the voids in the channel formers are injected with a special cement mortar.

Metal stiffening beam

The stiffening beam of the central navigable span of the bridge to Russky Island is all-metal. It is a single box for the entire cross-section with a lower and upper orthotropic plate and a system of transverse diaphragms.

The metal stiffening beam consists of 103 panels 12 meters long and 26 meters wide and two transition panels 6 meters long. The total weight of the panels is 23,000 tons. The length of the stiffening beam is 1248 meters.

Integrated assembly of panels

The enlarged assembly of the panels was carried out on the territory of the production base on the Nazimov Peninsula and in Nakhodka. At the same time, additional operations of adjusting multi-ton panels during installation, which was carried out under conditions of strong wind influence at an altitude of 70 meters above the strait, were completely eliminated.

Taking into account the fact that in total more than 30 kilometers of butt welds of the first category were welded, subject to ultrasonic testing, the time gain was very significant.

Lifting panels

The panels were delivered to the installation site by barges and then lifted by crane to a height of 70 meters. The positioning of the barge under the installation unit was carried out using the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system.

To speed up the construction of the metal stiffening beam, after lifting the twentieth section, double panels 24 meters long were supplied for installation.

Installation of the lock panel

On the night of April 11-12, 2012, an event occurred that bridge builders had been working towards for three and a half years. The last panel of the metal stiffener beam was lifted from the Grigorich pontoon. The lock section connected two 546-meter channel span consoles over the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, and a bridge crossing connected Russky Island with the mainland of the city.

The next day, April 13, Vladimir Putin held a video conference, during which he congratulated the bridge workers on the completion of the installation work and thanked them for the high quality of their work. “I won’t lie, I can’t wait to drive across the bridge,” he admitted during the live broadcast. Then the command was given - and the builders, under the lenses of television cameras, welded the last, “golden” seam.

The bridge over the Eastern Bosphorus Strait uses an improved system of cables with a more dense arrangement of strands in the shell. The weight of the cable-stayed system is 3,720 tons, the total length of the cables is more than 54 kilometers.

The cables consist of parallel, individually corrosion-resistant strands, the number of which varies from 13 to 85. Each such strand consists of seven galvanized wires covered with a sheath of high-density polyethylene.

The compact configuration of the cables using a smaller diameter shell helps reduce the wind load by 25–30%. At the same time, the cost of materials for the pylon, stiffening beam and foundations is reduced by 35–40%.

Cable sheath

The cable shell is made of two layers: the inner one is black, made of high-density polyethylene, the outer one is thinner, painted in the colors of the Russian flag. The decorative shell is also equipped with a spiral-shaped collar designed to protect against vibrations generated by the combined influence of rain and wind.

Comprehensive mechanical protection and monitoring of the manufacturing quality of all cable elements ensure high levels of strength, endurance and corrosion resistance. The estimated service life of the cable stays is at least 100 years.