China Inner Mongolia Erlian Huoto. Chinese border. Day and night. Conditions for unhindered transportation of goods between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Erlianhot, a city in Northern China, in the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, near the border with the Mongolia. The final point of the Ji'er (Jining - Erlian) railway (the Chinese part of the Moscow - Ulan-Ude - Ulaanbaatar - Beijing highway).

Erlianhot city is the largest border city located at the junction of the Sino-Mongolian border. Currently, in connection with the expansion of trade and economic ties between the two countries, a new railway checkpoint is being constructed.

But this is not what this city is famous for. Dinosaurs are amazing animals of antiquity. They left us with many doubts and mysteries. 70 million years ago, in the area where the city of Erlianhot is now located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there was a world of dinosaurs. The existence of this species of ancient animals can be judged by the numerous deposits of their remains.

Erlianhot is located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, bordering Mongolia. This is one of the areas in Asia where the remains of ancient dinosaurs and their eggs were first discovered. That’s why the city is also called the “homeland” of dinosaurs. 70 million years ago, during the last Cretaceous period, there were many lakes in this area and dense forest grew. All this created favorable conditions for the existence and reproduction of dinosaurs. Then there was a paradise for this type of animal.

Since the 90s of the last century, 6 large-scale expeditions and diggings were organized in the Erlianhot region, during which paleontologists and geologists from China, Russia, the USA and Canada took part. Fossil dinosaurs belonging to more than 10 species have been discovered, such as duckbills, etc. Discovered a large number of relatively complete dinosaur skeletons and their eggs. This is truly a treasure trove of dinosaur species at the world level; these exhibits have attracted the attention of both paleontologists and tourists from around the world.

Approaching the city of Erdianhot, from afar you can see the giant “city gates”, which are formed from the highly elongated necks of two dinosaurs. True, these are not real dinosaurs, but sculptures of them. Gates in the shape of “dinosaurs” stand over the state highway 6 kilometers from the city. They are said to be the world's largest dinosaur sculptures. They were made according to the reconstructed fossil specimen of the Wanlong dinosaur, the second largest dinosaur currently discovered in the world. Each of the two “dinosaurs” that form the gate is 34 meters wide and 19 meters high. The span between the “dinosaur” sculptures is 80 meters. The giant "dinosaur" gate reminds visitors that they have already arrived at " motherland» dinosaurs.

On the side of the road on both sides of the “city gate” there are 48 sculptures of various kinds of dinosaurs. The image of these sculptures resembles living animals. And the diversity of their species is so great that it simply arouses admiration among visitors.

Once in the city of Erdianhot, a number tourist sites, associated with the life of ancient dinosaurs, gives city guests an idea of ​​what the “native land” of dinosaurs is. The city has a park and square dedicated to dinosaurs. There are various sculptures of ancient animals that show how giant animals lived 70 million years ago. In 2002, the museum, also dedicated to dinosaurs, underwent reconstruction, which allowed it to expand and increase the exhibition related to dinosaurs. The museum exhibits different types dinosaurs, their eggs, as well as the remains of other mammal species discovered in Erlianhot. A visit to the museum certainly generates more interest in the discovered dinosaur remains. To satisfy their interest, tourists can go to the reserve, which is located 20 kilometers from the city of Erlianhoto in the valley of the same name. This is the largest dinosaur cemetery discovered to date in Asia. It is from here that reports of the discovery of these ancient monsters continue to come today. In August 1999, Chinese scientists discovered the remains of a new species of dinosaur here. Experts called it the “Inner Mongolia” dinosaur. In 2000 and 2001, specialists from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Museum discovered a vast layer here containing a large number of skeletons and bones of dinosaurs. In June of this year, the world's largest bird-dinosaur was discovered here. This "cemetery" of dinosaurs constantly gives scientists surprises. It has also become a place that attracts the attention of dinosaur lovers and tourists. In order for tourists to get better acquainted with the dinosaur “graveyard” located in the Erlianhot Valley, under the leadership of the city authorities, the construction of a geological dinosaur park is in full swing. The city administration allocated 5 million yuan to protect the excavations and build pavilions at the site of the discovered dinosaurs. The successful archaeological work on dinosaurs in Erlianhotou is of great interest to tourists.

So, already 36 hours on the road. I left Ulan-Ude by bus for Mongolia yesterday at 7.30 am, in Ulaanbaatar I almost immediately took a train to the Chinese border town of Erlian (Erenhot), from there, after going through all the passport and customs procedures, I took a bus to Jining, and now I’m rolling towards Datong in a seated train carriage. This is short, now about everything in detail and in order.

The bus to UB departed on schedule, there were no signs of trouble, everything went according to plan. I met my classmate on the bus, we haven’t seen each other for a very long time, it was nice to meet and remember our student days. We crossed the Russian border normally, but trouble happened at the Mongolian border. There, at customs, some guy appeared - a Mongol with a bandaged head. No one attached much importance to this, but the bandaged head was remembered. He turned out to be the cause of all our troubles - it turned out that he ran into our bus while we were all going through inspection at the border, planted something (some prohibited things, contraband - I don’t know what exactly) under the back seat and was gone. Everyone crossed the border safely and were about to go further to Altan-Bulag for lunch when the mask show began. Three times all passengers on the bus were forced to get off, once we went through the passport control procedure again, and the drivers wrote an explanatory note twice. As one of the drivers later said, this was the first time in his memory.

Due to a two-hour delay at the border, we arrived in Ulaanbaatar very late, and I was also not sure about the departure time of my train to Erlian - different times were written on various travel websites, and I did not find a normally working website of the Mongolian railway . I caught a taxi as quickly as possible, again got pretty nervous in Ulaanbaatar traffic jams (the time was 19.45, and according to some sites, the train to Erlian leaves at 20.00), drove to the railway station, got to the ticket office - and breathed a sigh of relief. The Ulaanbaatar – Erlian train departs at 20.45 and arrives in China at 10.25 the next day. Ticket to compartment carriage costs 70 thousand tugriks. The carriages are clean, the service is good, and you even get free tea and coffee.

About crossing the border. Mongolian border guards enter the train, do not particularly inspect them, just take the passports and give them back with stamps. And in Chinese Erlian you just get off the train and go through the train station passport control. Very quickly - no more than five minutes, and you are already officially on the territory of the People's Republic of China.

Erlian is a city in the development of which the Chinese are investing a lot of money and great hopes. On the other side is the Mongolian Zamyn-Uud, but it’s like a village compared to Erlyan. The Chinese in general are always committed to developing border cities; you don’t have to look far for examples; just compare the development of Manchuria compared to Transbaikal or Heihe compared to Blagoveshchensk. There are also plans to develop tourism in Erlian, and everywhere this city is positioned as the “capital of dinosaurs.” There is a dinosaur museum, and large figures of dinosaurs can be found in the steppe just outside the city.

I didn't plan to spend the night in Erlian, I wanted to move faster to Datong, but the only bus leaves there early in the morning every day. The train is also daily, but also early in the morning, and the time was already around 11 am. I knew that I could first take a bus to Jining and then take a train to Datong, but I couldn’t find out from passers-by where the bus station was (they don’t speak English and are generally afraid of foreigners).

So, while turning down swooping taxi drivers with offers to take me to Jining for “only” 200 yuan, I ran into Stefan, a traveler from Brussels, Belgium. As it turned out, we arrived on the same train, and he had exactly the same plans - to get to Datong by nightfall. Before this, Stefan lived for more than a month in Mongolia in a family of reindeer herders. The two of us started looking for a bus station and found it half a kilometer from the train station. The most interesting thing is that the person who showed the way to the bus station, escorted Stefan to the ATM, where he withdrew money, and even explained to the cashier that we needed tickets for the next bus to Jining, turned out to be a taxi driver! Absolutely disinterestedly, before this, both Stefan and I rejected his offers to go in his car to Jining. Behavior atypical for taxi drivers. Then it turned out that he managed to talk to the bus driver and tell him that we need to find something in Jining later Train Station and take tickets to Datong. We found out when we arrived - the bus driver gestured to us at one passenger (a guy about 25 years old) so that we should follow him. It looked a little strange, but Stefan and I still went after this guy. We walked about a kilometer and came to the railway station. He helped us buy tickets to Datong, moreover, he talked with the station employees, and they “watched” us for the hour before the train departed. They “kept guard” in a good sense, they were just watching to make sure we didn’t miss the train. When the time came, another station worker approached us and led us past almost by the hand. huge queue to board the train, took him to the desired carriage and only after that calmly left. It was all cute and funny when they passed us from hand to hand like that, explaining everything only with facial expressions and gestures.

The bus from Erlian to Jining takes five hours, and the train from Jining to Datong takes just over three hours. Late in the evening we found ourselves in ancient city Datong. The hostel is located in the very center of Datong, a place in a six-bed room cost 40 yuan.

Stefan and I were the only travelers in this hostel - there were two Chinese people living with us in the room, Jang and Jason, they were almost locals. Jason (he, of course, has a Chinese name, but he said to call him Jason) showed us once again an example of Chinese hospitality and friendliness - he said that the next day he would take us to the Yunnan Caves (the main attraction in the vicinity of Datong) in his car.

During this day, I have already traveled 467 km through the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

Representatives of the republican media, including the Buryad Unen newspaper and the Buryat branch of ITAR-TASS, visited Inner Mongolia at the invitation of the administration. The republic's television was represented by our film crew. A small city with big ambitions. This is how Chinese Erlian can be briefly described. It is located on the border with Mongolia and is the main supplier of consumer goods to this country. From here, the children of the steppes bring home almost everything - from clothes to building materials. However, a small Mongolia is not the ultimate dream for ambitious Erlan residents. Here they want to repeat the success of border Manchuria and are trying their best to attract Russian tourists. First of all, from Buryatia and Irkutsk region. - Jang Guo Hua, first secretary of the Communist Party of Erlian: “We are trying to improve the level and quality of services, building hotels, new markets and other facilities.” At a meeting with Buryat journalists, the first secretary of the Erlian Communist Party, Jan Guo Hua, was verbose. Which, in general, is not surprising; there is something to talk about. GDP growth, development of international trade and tourism. From a remote town on the outskirts of China, Erlian is gradually turning into an oasis in the desert. Over the past four years, its population has grown from 25 thousand to 100 thousand people. And this is just the beginning. The city fathers intend to implement serious plans thanks to the advantage geographical location. The distance from Ulan-Ude to Erlian through Mongolia is almost the same as to Manchuria. However, from Manchuria to Beijing there are as many as two thousand kilometers, and from Erlian only seven hundred. - Jan Guo Hua: “If we transport good quality goods from all over China to Erlian, and the Russians buy here and take them home, it will be much more convenient. There is a reduction in transport costs." Another fact will help reduce the cost of transportation to Russia. Wagons carrying timber and other raw materials from Russia usually return empty. In the near future they will bring Chinese goods to our country. - Alexander Krokhalev, consultant to the administration of the Irkutsk region: “Overloaded Russian stations are “Zabaikalsk - Manchuria”, sea ​​port"Vladivostok-Nakhodka". Therefore, development through Mongolia would be the optimal cost-effective cargo turnover.” If Manchuria has become a large clothing market for Russians, then in Erlian they intend to focus on more serious things - industrial and automotive equipment, loading and unloading terminals. Although going there to buy clothes is also profitable. Very low prices and decent sellers. The only drawback is the language barrier. But he too will soon be eliminated. Traders who speak Chinese and Mongolian will begin to be taught the great and powerful. Over the next 10 days, a Russian-Chinese phrasebook and a city plan will be ready, and signs will appear on the streets that will point our tourists in the right direction. The Year of China in Russia continues. As part of it, we will continue the story about the trip of Buryat journalists to Erlian. About the sights, economic and cultural features of this Chinese city see the reports of Larisa Irintseeva in the next issues of the Orient Express program. Larisa Irintseeva, Vyacheslav Tsybikov from Erlyan

Track widths based on Chinese gauge. On the Mongolian side of the border is the city of Zamyn-Uud, connected by rail and highway to Ulaanbaatar. Near Erlyani, especially near the salt lake Eren-nur to the east of the city, there are numerous locations of more than 20 species of dinosaurs. The most important find is the skeleton of Gigantoraptor, more than 8 meters high (found in 2005). Here in 1893, during the second Sino-Tibetan expedition of Grigory Potanin, Vladimir Obruchev conducted research, and in 1921, the American paleontologist Roy Andrews found the remains of giant reptiles for the first time in Asia north of the Himalayas. Today there is a dinosaur museum in Erliani (7 km from the center) and the city bears the unofficial title of the Chinese “dinosaur capital”.

Two languages ​​are used in everyday life in Erliani - Mongolian and Chinese. All official signs are on them. The Mongolian language in Erliani uses two scripts: Cyrillic and Old Mongolian script.

The climate of Erlani is continental, dry: the average annual precipitation is 142 mm.

How to get there


Flights of the Mongolian airline HunnuAir from Ulaanbaatar to summer time daily, in winter on Tue, Wed.


Erlian City Station

  • Erlian Station(二连火车站) - the initial station of the Chinese railways at the junction with them of the Trans-Mongolian Railway, here the railway gauge of the “Russian” standard - 1520 mm - leading from Mongolia ends, and the Chinese gauge of 1435 mm begins. In Erliani, Russian/Mongolian rolling stock cars traveling deep into China change bogies. Pass through Erlian international trains Moscow - Beijing, Ulaanbaatar - Beijing, Ulaanbaatar - Hohhot, Ulaanbaatar - Erlian. The international ticket office is located in the building opposite the station and opens at 9:00. It is recommended to arrive after 10:00 to avoid the crowds of locals.

Hitchhiking - exits from the city

Departure south to Jining (Ulanchab) - Beijing

Highway (国道) G 208 / G 55 goes from the border with Mongolia, skirting the center of Erliani from the west under the name Èr guǎng gōnglù (二广公路) (in the southern part of the city the street leading to the exit to Beijing is also called 伊林大道 (Yīlín dà dào)).

After leaving Erlani G 208 / G 55 goes to the town of Jining (Ulanchab), where in the southwest of the city at the junction there is a transition to G 6 , and further along G 6 to Zhangjiakou and on to Beijing. Before Beijing the road passes through Badaling.

  1. Take the bus to Erlian Airport, then return back to the highway, about 2 km.
  2. Take city bus No. 5 to final stop in the southern part of the city on Nánhuán lù (南环路), from there go forward along the bus to the traffic light at the intersection with Yīlín dà dào leaving the city on G 208 , turn right, look for a place to hitchhike. Landmark: behind the intersection on the right is a hotel building with the hieroglyphs 利众酒店 (Lì zhòng jiǔdiàn) and in Mongolian Cyrillic “Li Zun buudal” - “Li Zhong Hotel”.
  3. Take a taxi from anywhere in the city to the Li Zhong Hotel, get out on the road, look for a place to hitchhike.

Traveling north to Mongolia

Crossing the border between Erlian and Zamyn-Uud on foot is prohibited; in any case, you will have to either look for free passing transport or cross the border for a fee. You can hire a car to cross the border near two shopping centers Wen Zhou Shang Chang and Yi Wu. Drivers from Mongolia. Also, cars for crossing the border are located right in front of the checkpoint under a rainbow-shaped arch. Fare 100 RMB/10-15$


Money is exchanged mainly at the Bank of China, Qianjin Lu, and traveler's checks there (commission 0.75%). Tugriks can be changed at the entrance to the Personal Market opposite the dinosaur park. ATM accepting Visa/MasterCard cards on the street. Youyi. From the bus station: turn left, walk to Youyi Street, cross it, and go right, ATM a block away on the left at the Bank of China branch. From the railway station - along the street. Xinhua go to Youyi intersection, turn right, ATM is within the block.


The Consulate General of Mongolia operates in Erlyani (Youyi Rd, Erenhot), to the right of the railway station on the street. Youyi, about 10 minutes walk beyond the bus station, on the left side of the street. It is possible to obtain Mongolian visas, but you can try to get them without an invitation. Set of documents: passport, copy of photo page, photographs. Same day processing fee is RMB 495. Open Monday to Friday 8:30-12:00.

PSB (Public Security Bureau) Branch Xinhua St, Erenhot, tel. +86 479 752 1246, for visa extensions. Xinhua Street starts from the railway station and runs perpendicular to the railway track.


  • Dinosaur Park(The Erlian Basin Cretaceous Dinosaur National Geopark), about 7 km NE from the center, has been operating since 2009. Exhibits with bones and eggs of dinosaurs, fossil mammals, petrified trees, a museum of Mongolian history, a mineralogical exhibition, a souvenir shop, a store with drinks and food. There is a golf course. Admission ticket 50 RMB + transport to the golf course. Take a taxi (100 yuan, with a 2-hour wait). The park is located in the Gobi Desert; in the summer, before visiting, you should provide protection from the sun’s rays and stock up on enough drinking water. Not to be confused with the dinosaur park (恐龙广场, Kǒnglóng guǎngchǎng) in the city itself at the corner of Konglong Dajie (恐龙大街) and Qianjin Lu (前进路).

There is also a dinosaur museum in the city on the same Qianjin Lu street, moving from the dinosaur park to the north, a gas station on the left, a gray museum building on the right. Admission is 10 yuan, opening hours are 8:00-11:00 and 15:00-18:00.

"Dinosaur" arch at the exit from the city.

The theme of dinosaurs is widely used in urban everyday life. In the southern part of the city, on the sides of Highway No. 208, leading south for 12 km, there are 90 figures of dinosaurs, and at the exit from the city, the highway passes under the famous arch of two “kissing” dinosaurs of the “wanlong” species, 19 meters high and 34 meters wide meter, installed here in 2007. The span between the “dinosaur” sculptures is 80 meters, and these are the largest dinosaur sculptures in the world.

Where to eat and drink

  • Irish Pub near Erlyani city square. Several restaurants with Mongolian, Chinese and Korean cuisine in the bus station building, as well as grocery stores. In general, the city has an abundance of catering outlets of various ranks and grocery stores.

Where to live

Two cheap hotels near the railway station, to the right of the waiting room. One: 10 RMB\3-4 bed room, 20-25 RMB/single room, 30 RMB/double room. Other: 2 seats/80 RMB, 3 seats/90 RMB. The Railway Hotel (on the left, leaving the station - large dorm/20 yuan).

  • Rui Yuan pei xun zhong xi(二连瑞元培训中心), Swiss The educational center, regular room 118 RMB/night.

Additional Information

  • On the Mongolian-Chinese border between the cities of Zamyn-uud and Erlian, the fee of 5 yuan from citizens crossing the border has been stopped.