Get to know your native land. Loknya (Pskov region) Paid - take away

(G) (I) Coordinates: 56°50′00″ n. w. 30°09′00″ E. d. /  56.83333° N. w. 30.15000° E. d. / 56.83333; 30.15000(G) (I) PGT with Population Time zone Dialing code Postal code Vehicle code OKATO code

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Loknya- an urban-type settlement in the Pskov region of Russia, administrative center Loknyansky district. Makes up Municipal entity "Loknya"(with the status of “urban settlement” - within the boundaries of the town).

Located 205 km southeast of Pskov. Railway station on the Dno - Novosokolniki line.




1939 I.1959 I.1970 I.1979 I.1989 X.2002 I.2010 X.2010
2194 3421 4277 5262 6061 4898 4449 3872


There is a furniture factory and bakery in the village. Printing house. Previously, there was a butter and cheese plant, a food processing plant and a radio plant.


The village has a railway station of the same name, where ambulances and passenger trains, both Russian and international purposes. Transit routes also pass through the village. bus routes to Moscow, Velikiye Luki, Pskov and St. Petersburg.


  • Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Church(XVIII century), the brother of Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov is buried in front of the church porch.
  • In the area, in the village of Chernushki - memorial at the site of the heroic death of Alexander Matrosov.

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  • // (Retrieved September 28, 2009)
  • Loknya (Pskov region)- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.


Excerpt characterizing Loknya (Pskov region)

Finally, and most importantly, Alpatych knew that on the very day he ordered the headman to collect carts to take the princess’s train from Bogucharovo, there was a meeting in the village in the morning, at which it was supposed not to be taken out and to wait. Meanwhile, time was running out. The leader, on the day of the prince’s death, August 15, insisted to Princess Mary that she leave on the same day, as it was becoming dangerous. He said that after the 16th he is not responsible for anything. On the day of the prince’s death, he left in the evening, but promised to come to the funeral the next day. But the next day he could not come, since, according to the news he himself received, the French had unexpectedly moved, and he only managed to take his family and everything valuable from his estate.
For about thirty years Bogucharov was ruled by the elder Dron, whom the old prince called Dronushka.
Dron was one of those physically and morally strong men who, as soon as they get old, grow a beard, and so, without changing, live up to sixty or seventy years, without a single gray hair or missing tooth, just as straight and strong at sixty years old , just like at thirty.
Dron, soon after moving to the warm rivers, in which he participated, like others, was made head mayor in Bogucharovo and since then he has served in this position impeccably for twenty-three years. The men were more afraid of him than the master. The gentlemen, the old prince, the young prince, and the manager, respected him and jokingly called him minister. Throughout his service, Dron was never drunk or sick; never, neither after sleepless nights, nor after any kind of work, did he show the slightest fatigue and, not knowing how to read and write, never forgot a single account of money and pounds of flour for the huge carts that he sold, and not a single shock of snakes for bread on every tithe of Bogucharovo fields.
This Drona Alpatych, who came from the devastated Bald Mountains, called to him on the day of the prince’s funeral and ordered him to prepare twelve horses for the princess’s carriages and eighteen carts for the convoy, which was to be raised from Bogucharovo. Although the men were given quitrents, the execution of this order could not encounter difficulties, according to Alpatych, since in Bogucharovo there were two hundred and thirty taxes and the men were wealthy. But Headman Dron, having listened to the order, silently lowered his eyes. Alpatych named him the men whom he knew and from whom he ordered the carts to be taken.
Dron replied that these men had horses as carriers. Alpatych named other men, and those horses did not have, according to Dron, some were under government carts, others were powerless, and others had horses that died from lack of food. Horses, according to Dron, could not be collected not only for the convoy, but also for the carriages.
Alpatych looked carefully at Dron and frowned. Just as Dron was an exemplary peasant headman, it was not for nothing that Alpatych managed the prince’s estates for twenty years and was an exemplary manager. He was eminently able to understand instinctively the needs and instincts of the people with whom he dealt, and therefore he was an excellent manager. Looking at Dron, he immediately realized that Dron’s answers were not an expression of Dron’s thoughts, but an expression of the general mood of the Bogucharov world, which the headman was already captured by. But at the same time, he knew that Dron, who had profited and was hated by the world, had to oscillate between two camps - the master's and the peasant's. He noticed this hesitation in his gaze, and therefore Alpatych, frowning, moved closer to Dron.
- You, Dronushka, listen! - he said. - Don't tell me nothing. His Excellency Prince Andrei Nikolaich themselves ordered me to send all the people and not stay with the enemy, and there is a royal order for this. And whoever remains is a traitor to the king. Do you hear?
“I’m listening,” Dron answered without raising his eyes.
Alpatych was not satisfied with this answer.
- Hey, Drone, this will be bad! - Alpatych said, shaking his head.
- The power is yours! - Dron said sadly.
- Hey, Drone, leave it! - Alpatych repeated, taking his hand out of his bosom and with a solemn gesture pointing it to the floor at Dron’s feet. “It’s not that I can see right through you, I can see right through everything three arshins below you,” he said, peering at the floor at Dron’s feet.
The drone became embarrassed, glanced briefly at Alpatych and lowered his eyes again.
“You leave the nonsense and tell the people to get ready to leave their houses for Moscow and prepare carts tomorrow morning for the princesses’ train, but don’t go to the meeting yourself.” Do you hear?
The drone suddenly fell at his feet.
- Yakov Alpatych, fire me! Take the keys from me, dismiss me for Christ's sake.
- Leave it! - Alpatych said sternly. “I can see three arshins right under you,” he repeated, knowing that his skill in following bees, his knowledge of when to sow oats, and the fact that for twenty years he knew how to please the old prince had long ago gained him the reputation of a sorcerer and that his ability to see three arshins under a person is attributed to sorcerers.
The drone stood up and wanted to say something, but Alpatych interrupted him:
- What did you think of this? Eh?.. What do you think? A?
– What should I do with the people? - said Dron. - It completely exploded. That's what I tell them...
“That’s what I’m saying,” said Alpatych. - Do they drink? – he asked briefly.
– Yakov Alpatych got all worked up: another barrel was brought.
- So listen. I’ll go to the police officer, and you tell the people, so that they give up this, and so that there are carts.

Don’t let the young, by historical standards, age of the village of Loknya, Pskov Region, deceive you. He stands on ancient land, that she has seen and absorbed so much over the past millennium. Military and peaceful achievements, surrounded by fascinating nature, left behind a lot memorable places, events and personalities

When a curious person wants to find out information about the Loknyansky district, he usually finds only the most general statistical data. They will talk about the historical childhood of the village, its location and transport links. But she's relatively young Loknya, Pskov region, is old enough for any of its districts to include one of the many historical ones, or simply interesting places. The subject of our today's review was no exception.

History of Lokni

Before appearing on maps in 1901 Loknya, Pskov region the ancient regional center was known - the Trinity-on-Hlavitsa churchyard (now the village of Podberezye). Founded by herself in 947, it can only be called a center with irony, because at that time it was lonely and small in number, at a considerable distance from Pskov. And what kind of areas are there in the 10th century? The main source of income for churchyards was the accommodation of travelers moving goods along the famous route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” With the extinction of the trade route by the 13th century, a large part of the Loknyansky district was included in the Kholmsky district of the Novgorod land, until the 14th century. Due to its location on the western border of the Russian state, which is remembered on the coat of arms of the region, these lands were the first to stand in the way of foreign invaders. And only by 1667, with the end of the Russian-Polish war, the border moved further to the west, allowing Lokna and the Pskov region to breathe a sigh of relief. And already in the 20th century, during the construction of railways, a settlement grew up near one of the stations, which eventually became a regional center.

Attractions Lokni

At first glance, the area does not inspire hope, it is a small-town pastoral, everything interesting should be concentrated in regional center...Nothing like that! From the train station at Loknya railway station, recognized architectural monument, before St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in which Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov was married. Just ten kilometers from the center of the region, in the ruined Brianchaninov estate, there are two buildings, representing a puzzling example of early twentieth-century architecture, using “futuristic” reinforced concrete technology. On the site of the Vlytsa churchyard there is an ancient one, both for Lokni, Pskov region, and in Russia in general, the Transfiguration Church. Built of wood in the 15th century, it was updated to stone in the 1770s to cater for the growing flock. According to legend, it was in it that M.I. was baptized. Kutuzov, and his brother Semyon is buried next to the church porch, as evidenced by a dilapidated granite monument. And as if confirming the glorious tradition of the guards of the Russian land, in the village of Chernushki there is a military memorial on the site of the feat of Alexander Matrosov.

Nature of Lokni

The landscape is characterized by marshy areas with many lakes, occupying mainly western part district. The natural water artery is the Loknya River, originating from Loknovo. And 43% of the land is covered by coniferous-deciduous forests. In them you can find modest-sized populations of forest inhabitants coexisting in a balanced ecosystem, which should be protected in every possible way from the shrinking environment of technological civilization. For example, you should not pick the reserved mushroom - coral blackberry. For the protection of which a covering Loknyu, Pskov region and part of the Novgorod region Polistovsky state reserve. As you might guess, protected species also include two other kingdoms. Fauna numbering 305 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. The flora consists of lichens, mosses and higher plants, a total of 654 species. If you have been wondering since childhood what those protected forests with talking animals and miracles from Russian fairy tales looked like, then you are at the right place. Although silent pikes and unsociable golden eagles can undermine children's fantasies, the wonders of virgin nature still remain here.

The Loknyansky district is capable of falling in love with anyone who is not indifferent to the wonderful nature, lakes and forests, ancient churches, ancient estates and parks.

There are more than 50 lakes in the area, home to many species of fish, and mushrooms and berries abound in the forests.

In the village of Chernushki, Loknyansky district, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Matrosov performed his famous feat.

In the village of Loknya they are actively developing sports: there is a boxing school headed by V.V. Golik, known not only outside the region, but also at the international level, and the football team also pleases with its successes.


Loknya is an urban-type settlement in the Pskov region, which arose in 1901 in connection with the construction railway. However, the Vlytsa churchyard, which has now become part of the village, is mentioned in the chronicle back in 1488.

At the end of the 18th century in Vlitsy, on the site of a wooden church (15th century) demolished due to dilapidation, the Transfiguration Stone Church was built, the building of which has survived to this day within the boundaries of the village of Loknya. The name comes from the Loknya River, which flows nearby. The word “Loknya”, according to the writer Lev Uspensky, means “damp place”, “swampy place” in translation from Finnish.

Now Loknya is a small village where you can relax from the hustle and bustle big cities and enjoy nature.

How to get there:

The village has the same name railway station, where fast and passenger trains, both Russian and international, stop. Transit bus routes to Moscow, Velikiye Luki, Pskov and St. Petersburg also run through the village.



  • (XVIII century), the brother of Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov is buried in front of the church porch.

The church dates from the 18th century. The church has four altars: the main chapel is Spaso-Preobrazhensky, the left one is Nikolsky, the right one is Ilyinsky and the warm one in the refectory is in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

In front of the church porch, the brother of the commander S.I. Kutuzov, a famous liberal who gave freedom to his peasants long before the abolition of serfdom, was buried.

In the ancient village of Mikhailov Pogost, attention is drawn to a very beautiful church, built in 1864 by the local landowner Alekseeva over the ashes of her husband.

To build the temple in Starye Lipy, brick production was established, which was then transferred through a chain of people to Mikhailov Pogost to the construction site. Built from brick, granite, marble and sandstone, the temple is an excellent example of neo-Russian style. According to local residents, an underground passage was built from the Brianchaninov Palace to the church.


In the area, in the village of Chernushki, there is a memorial at the site of the heroic death of Alexander Matrosov.

Alexander Matveevich Matrosov(February 5, 1924, Ekaterinoslav - February 27, 1943, Chernushki village, Pskov region) - Hero of the Soviet Union, private infantry. Known for his self-sacrificing feat, when he covered the embrasure of a German bunker with his chest. His feat received wide publicity in the Soviet media and became a stable expression in the Russian language. The ashes of the hero rest in the city of Velikiye Luki on the banks of the Lovat River. A monument was erected at the grave. A bronze statue of Matrosov stands on a granite pedestal.


  • Manor Starye Lipa, Loknyansky district, village. Mountain

The estate dates back to the end of the 19th century. In the past, this was the estate of Senator Brianchaninov. This is one of the most luxurious estate ensembles with huge house and with a variety of interiors of exotic styles. There are two preserved from the estate observation towers and a fragment of the two-story east wing.

At that time, the style of historicism dominated in Russia and the Bryanchaninovsky Palace had large number rooms (according to some sources - 120), decorated in the spirit of that time. There were Russian and Greek styles, Egyptian and Byzantine; there were also mirror and glass bead rooms, an extensive library and an exhibition hall, art gallery and a house church.

Next to the palace there was a large glass greenhouse in which amazing and rare flowers brought from Europe were grown. There was an extensive fruit and berry garden.

Where to stay:

Where to eat:

  • Cafe "Podvorye-2"(Loknya village, A. Evstifeenkova str., 467th km) - the cafe offers European, Russian, homemade and mixed cuisine, there is free wi-fi.
  • Cooking RAIPO (Loknya village, Sovetskaya st., 11)
  • Bar "Ball"
  • Cafe "Behemoth"


Sports and military-patriotic work is carried out at a high level in Lokna. Kolos Stadium hosts football teams areas participating in championship or cup games.

The boxing school, headed by V.V. Golik, is known not only outside the region, but also at the international level. It educates ring champions, candidates and masters of sports, winners of many prestigious tournaments. Students of this famous coach are included in the Olympic reserve school and are part of the Russian youth boxing team.


Nature of the region:

The nature of the region is simply magical! There are a lot of beautiful places, lakes, rivers and forests, there is clean air and a lot of greenery. All nature lovers will undoubtedly appreciate this beauty.

Urban settlement Loknya- the administrative center of the district of the same name, at the same time it is one of the stations of the Oktyabrskaya Railway on the Dno - Novosokolniki line. The settlement is located at the intersection of two highways running from Novgorod and Pskov to the city of Velikiye Luki.


The formation of the current regional center is associated with the laying of the railway track in the direction Dno - Novosokolniki. But in the past, in the area of ​​the village there was a graveyard of Vlytsa, mentioned in an ancient chronicle from 1488. Now the area where it was previously located is part of the regional center of Lokni. Mention of locality was associated with the passage through its territory of Moscow officials heading to Novgorod or Pskov with important decrees.

At one time, Vlitsy was a famous settlement. Its extensive Sunday market and house of worship were often attended by residents from all over the surrounding area. The settlement also hosted a gathering of warriors for further service. The number of visitors increased after a new church was opened in Vlitsy, where events began to take place on a wide scale. religious holidays, baptisms, commemorations and other rituals.

About three centuries later, the wooden church was demolished due to its disrepair. At the end of the 18th century, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Church, built of stone, appeared on the vacant site. Now Vlitsy, once prosperous, has become part of Lokni. The village got its name from the hydronym of the river flowing nearby. According to one version, the word “Loknya” translated from Finnish is called “swampy” or “damp place”.

On the eve of the First World War, the current regional center was both a railway center and a trading place. On its territory there were many shops with food and industrial goods. After the advent of Soviet power, the agricultural sector began to actively develop, and collective farms were formed.

During the Great Patriotic War the village, like the entire region, was under occupation by German troops. Many buildings were destroyed then, and collective farms were ruined. In the post-war period, starting in 1945, construction of the village began. Appeared kindergarten, cinema, residential buildings. Later a brick factory, a sawmill and a wool carding shop were opened.


1. Stone Church of the Transfiguration, built in the 18th century. It was erected at the expense of landowner Maxim Karamyshev and donations from local residents. The temple is visible from afar as it stands majestically on the highest part of Lokni.

2. The pedestal, preserved from the monument erected to Semyon Kutuzov, the brother of the famous commander.

The blog "Get to know your native land" is virtual trip for children in the Pskov region and is the embodiment in the Internet space of the main materials of the project of the Centralized Library System of Pskov “Know your native land!”

This project was developed and implemented in the libraries of the Centralized Library System of Pskov in 2012-2013. - Library - Center for Communication and Information, Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottsev and in the innovation and methodological department of the Central City Library.

The main goal of the project is to give a basic idea of ​​the historical past of the Pskov region, its present, about the people (personalities) who glorified the Pskov region, about the richness and originality of the nature of the Pskov region.

The project united library workers, participants in the educational process and parents with a common goal.

"Cultivating love for native land, to the native culture, to the native village or city, to the native speech - a task of paramount importance and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. Gradually expanding, this love for the native land turns into love for one’s country - for its history, its past and present” (D. S. Likhachev).

Pskov. Ph. Petra Kosykh.
Our region has made a significant contribution to the formation, development and defense of Russian statehood, to the spiritual life of society. The Pskov region, both in the past and in the present, has more than once set an example of understanding all-Russian interests, generated local experience that became the property of society, and put forward bright heroic personalities, prominent scientists, writers, and artists.

Project implementation partners:

City schools:
· Secondary school No. 24 named after. L.I. Malyakova (primary school teacher Valentina Ivanovna Grigorieva)
· Secondary school No. 12 named after. Hero of Russia A. Shiryaeva (primary school teacher Tatyana Pavlovna Ovchinnikova)
· Border - customs - legal lyceum (primary school teacher Ivanova Zinaida Mikhailovna)

Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers:
Pasman Tatyana Borisovna – methodologist in history, social studies and law POIPKRO

Pskov State University
Bredikhina Valentina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Humanitarian Education of Pskov State University.

Blog Editor:
Burova N.G. - manager Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Central City Hospital of Pskov

Currently, despite the fact that the project that originally formed the basis for the creation of this resource has been completed, our local history blog continues to successfully exist and develop. Being at its core an information and educational resource and a good help for those who want to get to know Pskov and the amazing Pskov region (especially for children), - be it the opening of a monument in Pskov or on the territory of the Pskov region, impressions of trips to one of the corners of the Pskov region, the creation of a new local history toy library or photo gallery and, of course, we always inform our readers about the publication of new books about Pskov, designed for young local historians.

The materials on this blog can be used in school classes and at library events, or they can be read just like that - for self-education!

We are waiting on the pages of our blog for all the guys who are not indifferent to the history of Pskov and the Pskov region, and, in turn, we promise to delight our visitors with new materials. By the way, blog updates can be tracked in the section