Blue lakes. Blue Lakes (Kazan): photos, recreation, tourist tips, how to get there

Blue Lake is not just a pretty name.

The water there is truly amazingly blue. This place is located in the forest near the village of Fosforitny, Voskresensky district. After visiting, which we climbed in the morning of the same day, it was very cool to plunge into the clear blue water.

On the way to the lake we saw a crumbling sand quarry.

The forest road is very good in some places, but not so good in others. My little car got through, but it’s better, of course, to go there in a car with a higher seating position.

The air is very clean, there are many pine trees in the forest.

We didn't manage to get lost and soon we were looking at amazing water Blue lake, which reflected the greenery of the trees.

The bottom here is sandy, it is very pleasant to swim. I didn't use Photoshop.

Another look at the forest lake.

Young pine trees growing near the shore.

Pine branch with young cones.

Phosphorite ore was previously mined in these places, as a result of which these lakes with a sandy bottom and crystal clear water were formed, and the banks of the former quarries were overgrown with young trees.

We went there on a weekday, there were not many people - mostly locals. On weekends, I think there are more vacationers. Of course, there is some garbage - where would we be without it in the Moscow region. :(The road is dirt, so it’s not worth driving right after the rains.

UPD: The photographs in this article are from 2009. Those who recently visited those places say that the road through the forest has become very bad, and mud has appeared in the water. Now everything looks something like this:

How to get to Blue Lake

By car: from Voskresensk we reach the village of Fosforitny. Having passed through the village, after the railway crossing, before the gas station, turn left onto a forest dirt road. At the first fork, turn left again and straight ahead for about a kilometer.

GPS coordinates: 55.346523, 38.858044

Blue Lakes(Kazan) is a system of reservoirs on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia. This is also a nature reserve, which is located next to Kazan. About these unique places created by nature, their flora, fauna and interesting facts will be discussed in the article.

General description

"Blue Lakes" (Kazan) is nature reserve, which is located in close proximity to the reservoirs of the same name, has forest and wetlands. Total area The reserve area is 1910 hectares, and the total area of ​​the lakes is 0.3 hectares.

Since 1972, the Blue Lakes (Kazan) received the status of a natural monument of all-Union significance, protected by the state. 22 years later, to strengthen control and increase protection and conservation, the Blue Lakes became a nature reserve. Its territory is home to a wide variety of fish, amphibians and mammals. There are also many varieties of shrubs and trees in these places. Currently, the lakes and the reserve itself are attractions of the city of Kazan.

Lake system

The lake system consists of three reservoirs that are not interconnected. These are the Big Blue, Protochnoe and Small Blue lakes. These reservoirs are oxbow lakes (a section of the former river bed) of the Kazanka River, which flows in close proximity. Near the rivers there are karst sinkholes that formed more than two hundred years ago.

The Blue Lakes (Kazan) do not have land tributaries, so they receive water from underground springs and rivers. Subsequently, water from the lakes flows through channels into the Kazanka River. In the hot season, this water noticeably cools the river, preventing fish from dying, and preventing the Kazanka from flowering. In winter, water from the lakes warms the river and prevents ice from forming on its surface.

The water in all lakes is almost completely transparent, and because of this a lens effect is created. This is an optical illusion in which it seems that the depth of the lake is much less than real. The water in the lakes is hard due to sulfite-sulfate and potassium-calcium salts. These salts make the water in the lakes look like sea water. At the bottom of these reservoirs, there are impressive areas of silt-salt mud, which is blue in color. These dirt have medicinal properties, and it was they who gave the names to the lakes.

Big Blue Lake

The Big Blue Lake (Kazan) used to be called Svetloye. Over a larger area, the lake has a depth of one to three meters, but there are two karst sinkholes in it, which are called the Small and Large Abysses. The depth of the Big is 18 m, and the Small is six meters. At the bottom of these Deeps there are springs that have a temperature of three to seven degrees, depending on the time of year. It is they who warm the Kazanka River in winter and cool it in summer.

In Kazan, in winter, Blue Lake is loved by numerous tourists who practice winter swimming, as well as divers. IN New Year For fun, the bottom of the Great Deep is decorated with a Christmas tree and diving to it is carried out, while drinking champagne. In Kazan in winter, Blue Lake is also popular among fishing enthusiasts. However, they catch fish not in the lakes themselves, but next to them, in the Kazanka River. In places where warm water from the lakes it flows into the river, where fish are collected, which is what fishermen take advantage of. Clean air, absolutely clear water and light frost are conducive to this type of outdoor recreation.

Diving enthusiasts also dive into the lakes at night. It is at this time of day that, under the light of lighting equipment, the water acquires extraordinary shades. And when you are underwater, the view of the starry night sky through the transparent lens of the water surface is especially mesmerizing.

Protochnoe and Small Blue Lakes

Small Blue Lake (Kazan) and all tourists will enjoy a holiday on it, just like on the Big Lake. Despite the fact that it is significantly smaller in area, it is just as picturesque. There are several small waterfalls on it, and on the shore there are changing cabins and small bridges for the convenience of diving into the reservoir. The Small Lake is connected to the Large Lake by bicycle and pedestrian paths that pass under the bridge over the Kazanka River.

In the photo of the Blue Lakes (Kazan) you will not see much difference between these bodies of water. They are all equally beautiful and fascinate with their extraordinary beauty.

The flowing lake is the smallest in area and the shallowest of these three reservoirs. Because of this, the temperature in it is slightly higher. Nevertheless, all lakes are popular with tourists all year round. Not far from the lakes there are sanatoriums and recreation centers where you can stay for relatively little money.

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Blue Lakes (Kazan) is very rich and diverse, some of its representatives are listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan. In areas adjacent to lakes, trees such as:

  • Aspen.
  • Birch.
  • Pine.

In the immediate vicinity of the lakes, about a hundred species of coastal, aquatic and terrestrial plants grow, such as:

  • Meadow bluegrass.
  • Sedge.
  • Lake reed.
  • Rogoz.
  • Buttercup.

The fauna of these places is as diverse as the flora. In the waters of the lakes there are: water scorpion, planaria, and among amphibians - snakes, frogs and toads. Along coastline You can meet beaver, muskrat, and catura (water rat). Here you can also see a wide variety of birds: tits, jackdaws, bee-eaters and greater spotted eagle.

Blue Lakes (Kazan): how to get there

The Blue Lakes are located on the outskirts of the city, so the trip to them will take some time. If you travel by public transport from the city center, you will need to take a bus following route No. 40. Only on this bus can you get to the Blue Lakes without transfers. You will need to get off at the final stop - the village of Shcherbakovo.

When getting to the Blue Lakes by private vehicle from the city center, you will need to drive along Mira Street and then turn onto the M-7 federal highway. Having reached the bridge over the Kazanka River along the highway, you will need to use the asphalt ramp in front of the bridge, which leads to the Small Blue and Protochnoye lakes.

Driving over the bridge will help you get to the Great Blue Lake. However, it is worth considering that it is prohibited to drive too close to bodies of water, and the car will have to be parked in advance.

You will have to walk to the lakes themselves, along a dirt road. Getting to the reservoirs will not be difficult at all, as there are signs along the entire route. If you come to Kazan, then after the attractions located in the city center, be sure to come here. Amazing nature, wonderful places and the purest surface of lake waters will delight your imagination with their beauty.

Blue lakes are an incredible beauty created by nature. Wonderful places to unite with nature, seek harmony and beautiful photos. Crystal clear water and greenery await you.

There are several blue lakes: there is a large one, and there is a small one. We will tell you about the most popular one, the small lake.

The lakes are crystal clear because they are of karst origin (springs come out of the ground), so the temperature in them always remains at +4 degrees Celsius. Both in winter and in summer it is favorite place swimming walruses, and simply people who lack the instinct of self-preservation.

How to get to the Blue Lakes in Kazan

If you travel from the city center, you will have to travel by train, with transfers. By metro you need to get to the station. Aviastroitelnaya, then near the metro station at the Ulitsa Pobezhimogo stop, take bus 20, which goes towards the village of Shcherbakovo. That's what we need. Take a closer look at the map at the beginning of the article. You can also get there by bus number 40, which you can take to the North Station metro station.

Tourist comment: The bus runs quite rarely; the bus arrives at the North Station and is packed. In the morning and evening, a break of 30-50 minutes, in the afternoon 60-80 minutes. We went on a weekday. The wait for the bus towards the lakes at 10 am was about 40 minutes; in the evening at 4 pm we waited for the bus back for more than an hour. In 30 degree heat, under the sun, on the side of the highway.

It’s better, of course, to go to the blue lakes in your own car, call a taxi or find travel companions in a Blablacar.

For those with cars: Lake coordinates 49.171262,55.91645 , you can type it into your navigators. In a nutshell, we always go straight: Ibragimov Avenue - Kopylova - Leningradskaya - Kamchatskaya and straight, straight, straight. Target highway M-7. There is a good paved parking lot next to the flowing lake.

We are going to Blue Lakes

And here is the same indicating sign standing near the bridge. It is written on it, who does not see, "Blue Lake, recreation area" and an arrow to turn around.

TO Blue Lake There is a road, so it’s almost impossible to get lost there (unless you try really hard and turn somewhere). There are streams everywhere and a lot of greenery. It’s very nice to be in such beauty in nature.

The entire lake consists of many underground springs that frolic everywhere here. Here is a photo of one of them that shoots right out of the ground. Moreover, the pressure is not weak.

Round timber steps and wells.

Yes, this is also a very important point. There is a parking lot and trash cans. The first is free and unprotected, the second is required to be used for its intended purpose. Please maintain cleanliness and order.

In addition to the lake itself, you will be greeted by small ponds and an incredibly beautiful forest.

And so, we got to the Blue Lakes themselves. For those who like to swim, there are places for changing clothes (or undressing, depending on your preference). For those who like to just relax and admire the beauty, there are benches along the entire perimeter of the lake. There is a wooden bridge for taking photos. There are beautiful wooden gazebos upstairs. By the way, the lake is deep. It can’t be compared, of course, with its larger version, where local divers dive very often, but that’s okay too.

Top view:

Frequently asked questions

When is the best time to go?

It is best to visit this place in the summer (when everything is already green) or in the winter (when the snow is already permanent). In the off-season it is possible, but not recommended. There are a lot of people there on holidays (especially May), keep this in mind.

Is it possible to go there for barbecue?

Yes, there are barbecue areas nearby. You can become savages at Lake Protochnoye, which is next to Golubye. Please respect yourself and others - clean up after yourself after a good rest!

Should tourists even go there?

Yes and no. If you've already watched everything, everything, everything, then it's worth it. It is purposeful to go there to see, if you have not yet seen all the other attractions, we would not recommend it.

Now a few words on how to leave there. It's simple. Leave there the same way you came. By bus and with transfers! Worth a visit Blue Lakes? If you love beautiful nature, clean air and interesting places, it’s definitely worth it. Good luck!

Kazan is a city where between Orthodox churches Muslim minarets are visible, and there are many unusual landscapes in the area. This locality almost the same age as Moscow. But Kazan is famous not only for its architecture: there are many reservoirs here, and in some there are legends and even hidden treasures. We are talking about Lake Kaban. But Kazan is not famous for this body of water, but for the Blue Lakes. They attract divers because they have really clear water.

General description

The name Blue Lakes in Kazan refers to three reservoirs of karst origin. This complex is located on an area of ​​about 19 square kilometers and is a natural monument.

The lakes got their name because of the salt mud, which is blue in color and found at the bottom. All year round, the temperature in reservoirs is stable, ranging from +3 to +7 degrees. Therefore, few people dare to swim in such cold water even on a hot July day.

The average depth of the lakes is about 3-4 meters, but due to the optical effect of the lens it seems that they are very shallow. For this reason, divers come here, but there is one feature that not all newcomers know about. The silt that is at the bottom has a light gray color, and if you accidentally catch it, you can forget about the transparency of the water for a long time. Divers who constantly come here adhere to a certain tradition - they lower a decorated Christmas tree to the bottom of the Big Lake, which can be seen even from the shore.


One of the Blue Lakes of Kazan is called Bolshoye or Svetloye. The depth in it is from 1 to 3 meters. However, it has two:

  • Big Deep with a depth of 18 meters;
  • Small Abyss is 6 meters deep.

In the Great Funnel, keys were found that were saturated with gypsum. Around the deep place bridges are equipped, here you can meet cold water lovers and athletes preparing to dive into the Great Deep. Professional and amateur divers come here to dive in winter, and even at night. This lake has one outlet in the form of a small waterfall into the Kazanka River.

Small and Big lake connected to each other by a dirt path where you can not only walk, but also ride a bicycle. The path is located under the bridge, along the mouth of the Kazanka River.

Maloe and Protochnoe lakes

Maloe Goluboe is much smaller in size than Svetly, and its depth is up to 4 meters. It has two drains into Kazanka, one of which is in the form of a waterfall. There are also equipped places for diving and descent.

Protochnoye is even smaller in size than the Small Lake, with a depth of up to 3 meters and 1 outlet into the river. It is in this reservoir that the water is warmest.

History of appearance

The photo of the Blue Lakes in Kazan is, of course, impressive. After all, the cascade of reservoirs is surrounded by dense forest and is located in a state reserve. There are many wetlands in the area. The total area of ​​the protected area is 1910 hectares, and the lakes are 0.3 hectares. The lakes received protective status in 1972, and in 1994 they were given the status of a protected area. The lakes are actually the beginning of a shallow branch of the Kazanka River.

It is believed that several hundred years ago the soil in these places subsided, and the resulting bowls filled with water. This is how the lakes appeared. By the way, the trunks of ancient trees are still visible from under the thickness of the water.

Flora and fauna

The lakes are home to frogs and crustaceans, and there is a lot of algae here. There are no fish today, although old-timers say that previously there were pike in these waters. There have been many attempts to introduce fish into the lakes, but the water here is too cold and salty for freshwater fish.

In the protected area there are many birch trees and there are about 97 species of plants, some of them are included in this category: floating manna, water pine and others.

There are unique animals in the waters - the water scorpion and the milky white planaria, the golden bee-eater. Beavers, muskrats, and grass snakes are sometimes found on the banks.

Water composition

If you decide to go on vacation to the Blue Lakes of Kazan, then it would be a good idea to know the composition of these waters. Analyzes carried out more than once show that local waters are saturated with soluble chemical salts, accounting for about 2500 milligrams per 1 liter of water. For example, in the same Volga river there are only 150 grams of them for the same amount of water.

Most of these salts come from gypsum. In confirmation of this, on the leaves of plants growing on the coastline, you can sometimes notice even with the naked eye a light white coating - gypsum crystals.

The water itself is slightly sticky and has absolutely no odor. And the pungent smell of hydrogen sulfide comes from the sludge. Studies of this density have confirmed that the sludge can be used as sulfur mud. It was not possible to determine exactly how hydrogen sulfide is formed, but most likely it is created due to the fermentation of sulfates.

The water flow of all three lakes is about 550-600 liters per second, Svetloye Lake accounts for about 250 liters.

scuba diving

Scuba diving enthusiasts dive into the Great Blue Lake. Divers say that incredible landscapes open up underwater, almost futuristic views, the sky with stars can be seen through the thickness clear water, if diving at night. It is at night in clear weather that the moon and stars shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

This place is considered ideal for underwater filming. Many people come here to test out their newly acquired cold water diving equipment. Here it immediately becomes clear how good the new regulator or batteries in the camera are.

As professionals and instructors say, whoever was able to dive in the Blue Lake of Kazan will be able to dive under water anywhere. Training takes place here almost every week.

How to get there

Blue Lake Kazan is located near the M17 highway. You can get here by your own or public transport.

If you travel on your own from the city of Kazan, you should take the bus following route No. 35 from the Tukaya Square metro station. Having reached the “Solnyshko” or “Golubyatnikova” stop, you need to change to bus No. 40 and go to final stop- the village of Shcherbakovo. Then walk, following the signs.

How to get to Blue Lake (Kazan) by car? You need to take the M17 highway and exit at kilometer 808 to the village of the same name. Continue to the bridge. The descent to Maly and Protochnoye is located in front of the bridge, to Svetloye - behind the bridge. You can go down in front of the bridge, walk near two small reservoirs and follow the path to the Big Lake.

Hello friends! Blogger Kazanets is in touch.. I recently discovered the zen of the blue lake... for 3 weeks in a row my friend Ilyas and I have been going swimming in the morning. We wake up with an alarm clock around 4am and a banzai. ;)

There is not a single day that you remember how cool it was watching TV all day...

I remember the action, the thrill, the thrill, the extreme, the travel...

Today is August 15... and this is the 19th day in a row of swimming in the blue lake at dawn... If I knew such a person six months ago, who of his own free will gets up at 4 in the morning and goes swimming in icy water... the diagnosis of “psycho” would be the most harmless. :)

August is a special month for me in terms of movement... what is the first parachute jump worth... in August I became a vegetarian, I haven’t eaten meat for 2 years... Yes, at all... And chicken too... No, I don’t eat fish either... Yes , I'm an alien :)

Well, in addition, I went to CrossFit. Today will be the 5th revival of the Phoenix Trenka.

Video about the blue lake and how to get there - see the bottom of the article.

I was on a big one for the first time this time, when we drove through Dublgis on the first day. At first they thought that we were lost, but as it turned out, everything was fine and it was a blast.

Big Blue Lake

1. Honestly.. I didn’t know about the big one... and like many people I thought that there was only one lake - the small one. Let's go by car. We were in the center at 5 a.m. in the morning. The roads are empty, like rush hour in the USSR... the main thing is to catch the “green wave”...

2. On the first day, the navigator took us to the Great Blue Lake. We drove to the village. Kadyshevo.

3. It was a drop-dead morning... I wanted to eat and sleep to fully enjoy the morning rays of the sun... The last time at 4 in the morning I fully got up even under Gorbachev..

4. At this sign we turn right...

5. Following local signs we get to a small parking lot next to the cottages. And we switch the mode to VAZ 210 on foot.

6. After this waterfall you need to stay to the right of the reservoir all the time.

7. Here begins a network of lakes with an uneven soulless path...

Yes... mosquitoes have no soul... here they are some kind of demons of hell... on the way back they were already running.

8. Along this path you need to reach a large tree and turn left. Further across the bridge... and you are there.

9. As it turned out, we were not the first to come here... a duck a la “Bruce Willis” swims alone without looking back...

10. Shepherd Alma in the role of aroma control at the entrance to the bridge... By the way, in comparison with the small one, this is a bit wild... less equipped. Although there are more people here, at least in the morning.

11. And here is the big blue one... of karst origin, the date of formation is 200 years ago. The color of the water is determined by blue silt mud. Depth - 18 meters, water temperature + 4C all year round. To say that it’s cold is a blatant lie... If your hardening record before was “ate 2 ice creams in a row while lightly tapping your teeth...” or “went without a hat in the winter” - then it will be really cold... :)

In short, on my first run I could only plunge headlong into the water and fly out of the water, as if my lower back had been dipped into liquid nitrogen...

12. But cold is a relative thing. Do you see the guy in the background?!... He’s already playing for the 3rd round)

13. And the catch is that each time you swim further and further... but there are also those who don’t know what the temperature is there... read on...

14. The story was told by locals... Tajik hard workers came here... they see people swimming... well, one of them undressed, a smile from ear to ear... sparkling with all 3 and a half teeth... he came up from the edge of the bridge and dived straight from it...

A cry of childish surprise, obscenities... and he began to choke) luckily they pulled the poor fellow out... and for a few more minutes he came to himself and asked, “What was that?”... So, be careful.

In the photo above the water is green... you may ask - why the hell is it blue if it is green?)) this is only near the shore... see photos 11 and 12.

Well, let's move on to the small stuff...

Small Blue Lake

This lake has been improved and is more famous. Out of 19 days, 16 went here. It’s psychologically easier to start your hardening here:

  1. Firstly, the depth is much shallower... only 4 meters... :) and the bottom is visible.
  2. Secondly, the distance between the piers means you will stumble a couple of times.
  3. Thirdly, mosquitoes here are much more politically correct.

Well, to put it simply, it’s simply more comfortable and beautiful here (perhaps due to the fact that the turquoise bottom is visible). IMHO.

15. This time we drove across the M7 highway. The time from my house is about 40 minutes.

16. Immediately after the bridge in the direction of. Sviyazhsk has parking, drive down at your own risk under the “brick”. So it’s better to park here and walk further...

17. Travel time to the small lake is about 15 minutes. There is a reason for this - the body will warm up and going into the water (if you are not “bunnies” with cameras, but at least beginner head-dipping beavers) will not be as painful as without warming up...

18. After the descent there will be an information sign - “State natural reserve of regional significance with a complex profile.” THIS IS A RESERVE... protected by the state since 1972. There will be a photo about this in the garden for the pigs, who would at least “oink” for this.

20. I’ll tell you a little about the landmarks... here is the first wooden sculpture-sign made of 3 pillars.

21. I took a photo of myself with my gopro... ;)

23. Water flow from Protochnoye Lake. See next photo.

24. The flow is equipped with 2 bridges. In my opinion, those who are too lazy to spend little money swim here. And by the way, sometimes they create such a trash dump here that you’re shocked. Such bastards are annoying. Here is my question for these pigs: Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink?.. Don’t think that I know the language of pigs - I just used Google Translator.

25. They don’t care about the beaver...

26. Well, God bless them... this rarely happens on a small scale... you have to clean up...

A drop of negativity in the article will be diluted by this “portal” photo...

27. Also along the way there will be a tree leaning across the path..

28. By right side trails - the Kazanka River, into which water from the lakes flows.

29. And here is the small blue lake itself...

30. Unlike the big one, here you can see the bottom and how the underwater springs gush out. By the way, this is the uniqueness of the lakes, since they are fed exclusively groundwater.

31. In the background is a wooden sculpture of the Mermaid.. Do you see the tree that is tilted over the water?! Yogis come here on Mondays... there is one guy who constantly jumps right from the top. Those. he climbs onto the outermost branch, as can be seen in the photo. This is a frame... Watch the video at the end of the article;)

32. I like this lake better... the water temperature is the same +4. The depth is about 4 meters. Blue clay at the bottom. Mirror surface and magnifying glass effect... the distance to the bottom seems smaller than it actually is. Everything here has been improved... bridges, comfortable stairs, benches, locker rooms, a trash can that is constantly cleaned by workers...

33. These birds are often found. I don’t understand who this is... maybe you know? Write in the comments.

34. I saw a woodpecker a couple more times... and once a huge snake :)

How to get to the blue lake in Kazan?

35. The question here is this... there are 2 blue lakes - Big and Small. They are both cool and located close to each other.

It's 100 times easier by car. I advise you to go here only by car, no public transport... because the buzz turns into torment..