There were no grand ones here. The majestic city of Petra: what mystery lies in the ancient rock. Moon on the right side

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's give the correct spelling.

Wasn't here MAJESTIC MOUNTAINS and rocks surrounded by clouds; it was an ordinary Russian expanse: fields, meadows, rare villages with thatched and wooden roofs.

In this sentence:

majestic – an adjective formed with the suffix –ENN–;

surrounded - full participle with a prefix and a dependent word;

straw - an adjective formed using the suffix –ENN–;

wooden - adjective, word exception (NN, although formed using the suffix -YANN-).

Answer: 1234.

Answer: 1234

Rule: Task 15. Writing N and NN in words of different parts of speech


Tra-di-tsi-on-but is the most difficult topic for students, since justification for writing N or NN is possible -but only with knowledge of the morphological and verbal laws. Ma-te-ri-al "References" summarizes and si-ste-ma-ti-zi-ru-et all the rules of topics N and NN from school textbooks and gives additional information from V.V.’s reference books. Lo-pa-ti-na and D.E ​​Ro-zen-ta-la in the volume that we don’t need to do to complete the Unified State Examination.

14.1 N and NN in denotative adjectives (formed from the names of nouns).

14.1.1 Two NNs in suffixes

In suf-fi-sahs with-la-ga-tel-nykh written-she-xia NN, If:

1). sa N: tumaN+ N → tu-maN-Ny; kar-man+N → kar-man-Ny, kar-ton+N → kar-man-Ny

old (from star-ri-Na+N), car-tiny (from car-ti-Na+N), deep (from deep-Na+N), di- co-wine (from di-ko-vi-Na+N), not a dozen (from dozen-Na+N), true (from is-ti-Na+N ), corvee (from bar-schi-Na+N), communal (from commune-Na+N), long (from length+N)

Note: the word “strange”, from the point of view of the modern language, does not have the suffix N in its composition and is not related similar to the word “country”. But it is possible to explain the thread of NN: a person from a foreign country is considered differently-minded, alien, in a hundred -ron-nim.

These-mo-lo-gi-che-ski can be explained by using the word “under-lin-ny”: under-lin-noy in Ancient Rus' na-zy-va- It was true, which under-su-di-my said “under the lengths” - especially the lengths fell or Knu-ta-mi.

2). -, -HE N: klyuk-ven-ny (klyuk-va), re-vo-lu-tsi-ON-ny (re-vo-lu-tion), solemn-stven-ny (tor-same-stvo).

Exception: wind-rE-Ny (but: without-wind-rEN-Ny).


There are words-names that are attached, in which N is part of the root. You need to memorize these words. They are not made from the names of real beings:

crimson, green, spicy, drunk, porky, red, rosy, young.

14.1.2. N

N, If:

1) when-la-ga-tel-noe has the suffix -IN- ( go-lu-bi-ny, we-shi-ny, so-lo-vy-ny, tiger-ri-ny). Words with this suffix often mean “whose”: go-lu-bya, mouse, nightingale, tiger.

2) when-la-ga-tel-noe has suffixes -AN-, -YAN- ( dog-chA-ny, leather-skinny, sheep-sya-ny, earth-lya-Noy). Words with this suffix often mean “made from something”: from sand, from leather, from oats, from earth.

Exceptions: glass-lyan-ny, tin-vyan-ny, de-re-vyan-ny.

14.2. N and NN in suffixes of words derived from verbs. Full forms.

As you know, from verbs there can be forms and participles, and adjective names (= from verb-gol- nye pr-la-ga-tel-nye). Pra-vi-la na-pi-sa-niya N and NN in these words are different.

14.2.1 NN in suffixes of full participles and from-verb adjectives

In suffixes of full participles and from-verbal adjectives NN is written if it is observed AT LEAST ONE of the conditions:

1) the word about-ra-zo-va-but from the word-go-la perfect look, WITH OR WITHOUT APPENDIX, for example:

from the verbs buy-drink, you-ku-drink (what to do?, perfect form): purchased, you-purchased;

from the verbs throw, for-throw (what to do?, perfect form): abandoned-for-abandoned.

The prefix does NOT change the type of participle and does not affect the writing of the suffix. Any other prefix gives the word a perfect appearance

2) in the word there are suffixes -OVA-, -EVA-, even in words of a non-complete type ( ma-ri-no-VAN-Ny, as-fal-ti-rO-VAN-Ny, av-to-ma-ti-zi-rO-VAN-Ny).

3) with a word that is derived from a verb, there is a behind-the-si-my word, that is, it forms a participial turn, For example: mo-ro-zhen-Noe in ho-lo-dil-ni-ke, va-ren-nye in bu-lyo-ne).

NOTE: In cases where the full participle is transferred in a specific sentence to the name of the adjective ga-tel-noe, na-pi-sa-nie doesn’t-me-et-sya. For example: Excited With this co-publication, the father spoke loudly and did not hold back his emotions. You-de-linen word - participle in participle, excited how? this co-general. Me-nya-em pre-lo-zhe-nie: His face was excited-but-vaN-Nym, and there is no longer any participle, no expression, because the face cannot be “excited,” and this is an adjective name. In such cases, they talk about the transfer of participles into pri-la-ga-tel-nye, but on the basis of NN this fact doesn't have any influence.

More examples: De-voush was very or-ga-ni-zo-vaN-Noy And vo-pi-taN-Noi. Here both words are adjective names. De-vush-ku is not “ob-ra-zo-you-va-li”, and it is always remembered, these are constant signs. From my preposition: We hurried to the meeting, or-ga-ni-zo-vaN-nuyu partners. Mom, raise Naya in strictness, and raise us just as strictly. And now you-de-linen words are participles.

In such cases, in the explanation for the task, we write: pri-la-ga-tel-noe, ra-zo-van-noe from par-participation or pri-la-ga-tel-noe, pere-shed-neck from the par-part.

Illustrations: unexpected, not-ga-given, not-seen-given, not-heard-of, not-cha-yan-ny, honey-lax- ny, ot-cha-yan-ny, sacred, desirable..

Note to the fact that words have left the list of exceptions count-ta-Noe (mi-well-you), de-la-Noe (equal-spirit). These words are written jokes according to the general rule.

Let's add some more words here:

bitchy, pecking, chewed eva/ova are included in the composition of the root, these are not suffixes to write NN. But when the prefix appears, they joke according to the general rule: Chewed-up, under-co-van-ny, pecked-out.

the ra-ne-ny pi-shet is one N. Compare: Wounded in battle(two N, because of what appeared behind my word); from-ra-nEN-ny, perfect appearance, there is an attachment).

clever, it is difficult to determine the type of word.

14.2. 2 One N in verb-gol-nyh pri-la-ga-tel-nyh

In suffixes from-gla-gol-nyh with-la-ga-tel-nyh write-shet-xia, if:

the word about-ra-zo-va-but from the word of a not-so-ver-shen-type, that is, it answers the question what's wrong with the object? and with the word in the pre-lo-same there are no words behind it.

tu-she-Noe(his tu-shi-li) meat,

stri-zhe-nye(they cut) their hair,

boiled(his wa-ri-li) potato-fel,

lo-ma-naya(her lo-ma-li) line,

stained(his mo-ri-li) oak (dark in the re-zul-ta-th special processing),

BUT: as soon as these words-at-la-ga-tel-nyh appear for-my word, they immediately move into order when -chastiy and pi-joking with two N.

tu-shEN-Noe in the spirit(his tu-shi-li) meat,

stri-women not long ago(they cut) their hair,

steamed(his wa-ri-li) potato-fel.

DIFFERENTLY: the participles (on the right) and the participles (on the left) have different meanings! Big-shi-mi letters-va-mi you-de-le-ny stressed vowels.

called-brother, called-sister- a person who is not in a biological relationship with a given person, but agrees to the brotherly (sisterly) from-no-she-niya voluntarily. - to the address I called;

imprisoned father (playing the role of ro-di-te-la same-ni-ha or non-ve-sty at the wedding ceremony). - like a wife at the table;

given (property, yes-my ignorance of her family for life in marriage) - given a chic look;

narrowed (as they call it, from the word fate) - narrowed skirt, from the word narrow, make narrow)

Forgiveness Sunday (re-li-gi-oz-ny holiday) - forgiven by me;

pi-sa-naya kra-sa-vi-tsa(epi-tet, phrase-zeo-logism) - pi-san-naya mas-lom kar-ti-na.

14.2.3. Writing N and NN in complex adjectives

In the context of a complex word, the na-pi-sa-nie from the-gla-gol-no-go with-la-ga-tel-no-go doesn’t change:

A) the first part of the ob-ra-zo-va-na from the verbs of a not-so-very-shen-type, which means we write N: smooth-to-kra-shE-Ny (kra-sit), hot-che-ka-ta-Ny, do-mo-tka-Ny, motley-ro-tka-Ny, evil-tka-Ny (weave); goal-but-kro-E-Ny cut), evil-to-va-Ny (to-to-to), small-lo-ez-zE-Ny (to drive), small-lo-ho- yellow (to walk), small-no-she-ny (but-sit), small-salty (salt), finely crushed (crushed), fresh- Slaked (ha-sit), fresh-mo-ro-zE-Ny (mo-ro-sit) and others.

b) the second part of the compound word about-ra-zo-va-na from the pre-sta-voch-no-go-gla-go-la of a very-very-shen-no-type, which means we write NN: smooth O painted ( O beautiful), fresh behind mo-ro-wives-ny ( behind freeze) etc.).

In the second part of complex forms, N is written, although there is a prefix PERE-: gla-same-new-per-re-gla-same-new, la-ta-new-per-re-la-ta-new, but-she-new-per-re-no-she-new, sti- ra-Noe-pe-re-sti-ra-Noe, str-la-Ny-per-re-str-la-Noe, what-pa-Noe-per-re-shto-pa-Noe.

Thus, you can complete the task according to the following algorithm:

14.3. N and NN in short adjectives and short adjectives

Both participles and adjectives have not only full, but also short forms.

Right: In short phrases, one N is always written.

Right: In short adjectives the writings are as N as in the full form.

But in order to apply the rule, you need to differentiate between adjectives and participles.

DON'T TEA short adjectives and participles:

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what? ka-ko-va? how are you? what? how-are-you?, brief participles - what’s been done? what's the matter? what is done? what have we done?

2) by value(a short adjective has a relation to the action, you can replace it with a verb; a short adjective gives a character -te-ri-sti-ku defines the word, does not communicate about the action);

3) according to the name of the word(short adjectives do not and cannot have, short adjectives do have).

Brief participa-tionsBrief adjectives
na-pi-san (ras-skaz) m. genus; what's done? by whom?the boy is ob-ra-zo-van (what?) -from the full form ob-ra-zo-van-ny (what?)
na-pi-sa-na (book) female; what's the matter? by whom?de-voch-ka ob-ra-zo-van-na (ka-ko-va?) - from the full form ob-ra-zo-van-naya (which one?)
na-pi-sa-no (so-chi-ne-nie) middle birth; what was done? by whom?the child is ob-ra-zo-van-no (what?) - from the full form ob-ra-zo-van-noe (what?)
ra-bo-you na-pi-sa-ny, plural. number; what have we done? by whom?children are ob-ra-zo-bath-ny (who are you?) - from full form are ob-ra-zo-bath-ny (what?)

14.4. One or two Hs can also be written in na-re-chi-yah.

In na-re-chi-yah, -O/-E is written with as many N as there are in the original word, For example: calmly with one H, since in pr-la-ga-tel-nom calm suff-f-fix N; slowly with NN, because in pr-la-ga-tel-nom slow NN; enthusiastically with NN, because in part PASSIONATE NN.

Given the seemingly uncomplicated nature of this rule, there is a problem with the development of speech, briefly some participles and short participles. For example, in the word so-medi-to-che (N, NN)o it is not possible to choose one or another spelling WITHOUT knowing than this word appears in a sentence or word.

DIFFERENTLY short adjectives, short participles and adverbs.

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what? ka-ko-va? how are you? what? how-are-you?, brief participles - what’s been done? what's the matter? what is done? what have we done? in speech: how?

2) by value(a short adjective has a relation to the action, you can replace it with a verb; a short adjective gives a character -te-ri-sti-ku defines the word, does not communicate about the action); what it means is a sign of an action, how it happens)

3) by role in the sentence:(short adjectives and short participles are often used to say

from-no-sit-xia to the verb-go-lu and is-la-et-sya about-the-s-t-tel-stvom)

14.5. N and NN in nouns

1.In nouns (as well as in short adjectives and speeches) the same N is written as in with-la-ga-tel-nyh (at-cha-sti-yah), from which they are formed:

captive (captive)neft-tya-nick (neft-tya-noy)
arrangement (development)go-sti-ni-tsa (go-sti-ny)
iz-gnan-nik (iz-gon-ny)vet-re-nick (vet-re-ny)
leaf-vein-ni-tsa (leaf-vein-ny)pu-ta-ni-tsa (pu-ta-ny)
vo-pi-tan-nick (vo-pi-tan-ny)spice (spicy)
humanity-ness (gu-man-ness)pes-cha-nik (sand-cha-ny)
height (elevation)smokedness (smoked)
balance (balance)delicious mo-ro-zhe-noe (mo-ro-zhe-ny)
devotion (pre-given)tor-fya-nik (tor-fya-noy)

From the names of pri-la-ga-tel-nyh ob-ra-zo-va-nas and words

related/ik from related, third-party/ik from third-party, unified-mysh-lenn/ik from unified-mysh-lenn-ny, (evil-intentioned /ik, co-intended-lenn/ik), stav-lenn/ik from stav-len-ny, drowned-lenn/ik from drowned-len-ny, numeral/ik from numeric-len-nyy, co- domestic/ik from co-patriotic) and many others.

2. Nouns can also be derived from verbs and other nouns.

NN is written, one H is included in the root, and the other in the suffix.N*
sham/nickname (from moshna, which means bag, wallet)toil/enik (from toil)
friend/nickname (from friend)tormentor (from torment)
malin/nick (ma-li-na)powder/enitsa (from powder)
name/nickname (names)childbirth (give birth)
cheater/nickname (from-me-on)brother-in-law
nephewvar/enik (va-rit)
demonBUT: given (from given)

Note to the table: *Words that joke with N and at the same time are not derived from adjectives (participants) in Russian there are only one language. They need to be taught by heart.

NN is also written in words traveler(from pu-te-she-stvo-vat), predecessor(precede)

Everything is subject to man, even taming wildlife. Challenging it, people build cities on rocks and mountain slopes, in fact, cities that are fantastic in their beauty, and looking at them will take your breath away.
They look like illustrations from fairy tales and look unreal and enchanting. How I want to see this beauty for real, and you can do it right now!

Rocamadour, a city in France

In the deep valley of the Alzou River, reminiscent of a canyon, lies the picturesque town of Rocamadour, attracting traders, pilgrims and guests from all over the world. This village seems to be something transcendental and incredible. Having seen it in person, I would like to ask the question: “Who could have thought of settling on a steep cliff almost nine centuries ago?” The village was built on rock stupas and it seems that it is located vertically. There are only two streets here, and along long, rather steep stairs you can walk up the mountain, looking at the quaint “toy” houses, buildings, chapels and ancient churches. The chapel of Notre-Dame de Puy houses the Black Madonna and the relics of Saint Amadour.
Local residents say that the relics periodically perform miracles and at this moment the bell begins to ring. At the very top of the rock rises the Rocamadour Castle, and a large staircase leads to it, passing between 14 intermediate platforms, symbolizing the fourteen stops of Jesus Christ going to the crucifixion. At the very top, where the stairs lead, a Calvary cross was built, and according to tradition, pilgrims come here, making their entire difficult journey on their knees, stopping at each platform for prayer.

Azenhas do Mar, a city in Portugal

Azenhas do Mar is a town on the rocks, located on a picturesque sea ​​coast Lisbon region, stands for "sea mill". Many years ago there was an Arab occupation here - that’s when the history of this city, imbued with antiquity, began. At that time, the Azenhas water mills appeared and the city was given its current name. Azenhas do Mar is located on a cliff, washed below by the waves of the ocean, and at first glance it may seem that the city is built into the rock.
It seems that some houses are balancing on the edge of an abyss, and a little more and they will collapse into the ocean. Tourists are attracted not only by the endless beaches with pure water, but also pools created in the rock by nature itself. In the thirties it was opened here tram line, and a line of tourists flowed here. Here you need to enjoy the magnificent views and the famous red wine of Culares in Portugal. There are grape plantations in this city, and in order for a seedling to take root in the sandy post, it has to be buried to a depth of 10 meters.

Ronda city in Spain

Everyone knows that Andalusia is one of the most colorful and vibrant regions in Spain. Experienced tourists rent a car and go to independent travel away from traditional routes in search of something new and surprising. Here, high in the mountains, the most beautiful city of Ronda literally “floats” above the El Tajo gorge. In that the oldest settlement left their riches historical heritage Romans, Celts, Phoenicians and Arabs. At first glance, absolutely everything here delights: a frightening concentration of attractions and incredible landscapes that will take your breath away. And all this splendor is located on an area of ​​481 sq. km.
Ronda is a city of “white houses” where you can enjoy magnificent views from almost anywhere. This city is the birthplace of bullfighting, and here you can see the oldest bullring in Spain, which was built in 1784. The famous Pedro Romero, the founder of modern bullfighting, performed in this arena and, according to ordinary people, he has 5,600 killed bulls. In this city, stereotypes are erased, and there comes an awareness of traditions, the depth of the culture of Spain, and the way of life of many generations of real Andalusians. Be sure to visit the arena, the museum of bullfighting and bullfighters to “taste” the spirit of real Spain.

Ronda's calling card is the famous New Bridge, built in the very deep place gorge (98 meters), and the narrowest. Construction took 37 years. Ronda is fraught with a mixture of cultures and traditions of many peoples. This is a city that does not obey logic, but at the same time, alluring, mystical, soaring like a bird over the abyss. Small private museums, cozy antique shops - here tourists will fully experience the local flavor.

Piodan city, Portugal

Piodan is a region in Portugal, a village with an ancient history that fits perfectly into the landscape of the highlands of the Serra do Azor ridge. This place with marvelous landscapes, pastures, spring water sources is reminiscent of a Christmas picture, and when the lights come on in the village in the evening, these mountain slopes present an amazingly beautiful picture. There is an abundance of slate here, which became the main material in the construction of houses in this mountain village, which is pierced by narrow winding streets.
It feels like everything around is done in the same color - the streets are paved with slate, the houses are built from it, although everywhere you can see windows and doors painted bright blue. This is a tradition and distinctive feature of a mountain village, with which a lot is associated interesting stories. The building material is dark in color, so the houses here are also brown. For a long time, this place served as a reliable refuge for those who were hiding from justice. According to some reports, one of the murderers of Pedro I’s beloved took refuge here from the royal wrath in the 14th century.

Italy, Riomaggiore

This bright, incredibly beautiful Riomaggiore - a town on the rocks, shimmering in the sun with multi-colored colors, is comfortably located on an elevated rocky coast in the territory of the Five Lands Park. Here, in every narrow street, winding among houses built one above the other on coastal cliffs leading to the sea, there is an atmosphere of medieval antiquity. During numerous wars the village was impregnable fortress for enemies, since the houses here were built according to a stepped system, and it was almost impossible to capture them. But today this makes living a little dangerous for people, since there is still a chance of falling from a cliff and getting hurt.
The oldest building dates back to the 13th century. Many stone staircases and winding streets give the town on the cliff a unique flavor, where facades of different colors create a bright contrast with the blue Mediterranean sky and the emerald-turquoise sea. Car traffic here is difficult and has long been completely prohibited. You will walk around the city along narrow streets and stairs that smoothly climb steep rocky slopes. In the town's world-famous restaurants you will enjoy classic Italian cuisine and seafood. If you decide to have an unforgettable wedding, then Riomaggiore is your dream city! In such a romantic place, you can easily find a cafe for a wedding with a stunning view, or a small restaurant for a romantic dinner.

Castellfulit de la Roca in Spain

Man sometimes builds truly incredible cities, choosing a place that looks absolutely unsuitable for life. Imagine a sheer cliff 50 meters high of basalt origin, the length of which is almost a kilometer. There is only a single narrow street on it, along which houses are built on both sides. The street ends almost at the edge of the plateau. Imagine this is most of the town of Castellfulit de da Roca, an amazing Catalan town with incredible charm, home to just 1,000 people. Many of the old town's houses, located on the very edge of a basalt cliff formed from two colliding lava flows, are built from volcanic rocks.
The buildings are located along a narrow fishing rod, like two snakes crawling side by side. The city is a natural landmark of the region, towering above the surrounding landscape, and medieval houses still stand today, retaining their grandeur and strength, because the building material was volcanic rock itself! On both sides of the rocky hill there are sheer cliffs, washed by two rivers, on the banks of which residents have laid out pretty vegetable gardens. The settlement is located in a volcanic region, on the territory of which there are about 70 volcanoes. Today, some of them still spew mud and ash. But what a view from the windows!

Italy, ancient city of Manarola

The Chique Terre National Park includes five small towns, of which Manarola is the oldest. Tourists are attracted by colorful, bright buildings, with modern buildings perfectly adjacent to ancient architectural structures, which are more than 500 years old.
This seaside fishing town in Liguria sits on a cliff overlooking the wild sea coastline. There is a church built back in 1338, and there are vineyards that produce wonderful wines. The small harbor of Manarola complements the picturesque picture of colorful houses; these houses on the very seashore are built above a gorge on rocky slopes. The absence of a beach does not prevent divers from exploring the caves, undersea world and rock crevices.

Ancient city of Wadi Davan, in Yemen

Wadi Davan is located in the desert country of Yemen, located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula on high, dry mountains with jagged peaks and numerous plateaus. There are no permanent rivers in the country, but in high mountain regions there are seasonal river valleys called wadis. The houses here are built of clay bricks on several floors, and the floors are made of wood.
Wadi Dawan is an impressive place in its magnificence, and at first sight it takes every tourist's breath away. Numerous towns and villages here are much better preserved than in other regions of Yemen. Among the sand-colored clay houses, anyone will be surprised by the multi-colored multi-story building, and each village of Wadi Dawan will reveal something new and unusual to the tourist. But not everyone will decide to visit here - in recent decades, Yemen has been a hot zone for terrorists.

Small town of Vernazza, Italy

IN Italian province There is spice small town on the rocks of Vernazza, where a peaceful atmosphere of calm and sweet bliss always reigns. A small picturesque bay is surrounded by majestic cliffs, where colorful houses, closely huddled together, look out into the sea. Tourists claim that it is Vernazza that personifies a cheerful, vibrant Italy, filled with romance - the kind that one wanted to see. Many antiques have been preserved here architectural buildings, which get along well with modern buildings Vernazzi.
But the picture of universal integrity and harmony only enhances the stunning impression of the surroundings. This quiet town is home to less than a thousand people, so you will find peace and quiet here. There are no cars in the city, so you won’t find such clean air anywhere else in Italy. People don't come here for beach holiday, but for the pure ecology of nature and architectural attractions. Vernazza is one of the five cities that make up national park Cinque Terre, where menacingly overhanging cliffs, bright houses and the azure sea will forever leave the best impressions.

Monasteries on the rocks of Meteora, Greece

One of the most striking attractions of Greece are the Meteora monasteries, “crashed” into steep cliffs. The name Meteora itself translates as “hanging” in the air. Exactly this exact description six amazing monasteries in Greece. Back in the 11th century, hermits from Byzantium climbed a steep cliff to be alone with God, and already in the 14th-15th centuries real monasteries were built. The natural safety from enemy invasion and the grandeur of this place made it possible to create a large monastic community, where to this day you can see with your own eyes 6 monasteries on the tops of the cliffs of Thessaly.
This geological phenomenon in the northern part of Greece is surprising because 60 million years ago, under the influence of winds, water and temperature changes, massive stone pillars began to appear, as if hanging in the air among the clouds. Even modern climbers do not risk climbing the almost vertical round rocks, although if you raise your head up, you can see a temple at the top of almost all the pillars. It is difficult to even imagine what colossal work was invested in the construction of these temples and monasteries in such extreme conditions.

The capital of Bolivia is the highland city of La Paz.

La Paz is the highest capital in the world and is the commercial and political center of Bolivia. The city center is located at an altitude of 3650 meters, and international Airport– 4082 meters. La Paz is called the beating heart of Bolivia, and this place is unique in that it is located in a huge “cup” of a river bed that dried up millions of years ago. For almost 500 years, the city of La Paz has been steadily creeping up along the slopes of the canyon. It feels like the city wants to look beyond the sharp edges of the canyon in order to fully enjoy the purest air of the Andes and look at the fluffy clouds reflected in the motionless surface of Lake Titicaca. In this daunting city you need to stroll leisurely along the cobbled stone slabs squares.
Among the majestic cathedrals and buildings of the Spanish era, you can find peasant women in bright woolen robes and national bowlers. The high-altitude location of the capital will tire even experienced tourists, so it’s better to choose walking routes to the central part of the city. There are many in the city interesting museums, where you can get acquainted with the culture of the country. The area around the capital is also called “Little Bolivia” due to the variety of magnificent landscapes. The famous “Valley of the Moon” Valle de La Luna is a peculiar labyrinth of rock towers, picturesque cliffs and small canyons.

City on the rocks of Pitigliano, Italy

The cities built on steep cliffs amaze with the contrast between the creation of man and nature itself. People settled here for a variety of reasons, but in most cases it was for safety and protection from the enemy. Pitigliano is a small Etruscan town in Tuscany, located on a high hill, 300-663 meters above sea level. Rocks surround this city on three sides, which the Etruscans made impregnable to enemies. This interesting town, located in the tuff zone, rises on a plateau formed by 3 rivers.
Pouf is a rock that is formed from volcanic ash, so Patigliano is one of the most beautiful places in Italy, attracting tourists. This unique city of Tuscany is filled with palaces, towers, various medieval monuments, and when you walk along the narrow streets, you realize that everything here is shrouded in an indescribable atmosphere. Patigliano is also known as little Jerusalem - there is a synagogue here, and many Jews live here who managed to survive during the war.

City on the mountain Mont Saint Michel, France

The castle of Mont Saint-Michel is one of the most popular attractions in France, which captivates with its fabulous view and unusualness. After all, this is a monastery built in a rock, sticking out of the abyss sea ​​water, looks truly stunning and magnetic. At the top of the cliff, which is about 80 meters high, the walls of an ancient abbey reach into the sky. At an altitude of 155.5 meters above sea level, there is a spire, at the end of which stands a golden figurine of an archangel with a sword.
The castle of Mont Saint-Michel is protected on all sides by the sea, and a dam leads to the mainland. Victor Hugo was here, and, impressed by what he saw, he called this place “The Pyramid in the Ocean.” There is only one street leading deep into the island, on both sides of which there are toy houses huddled together, dating back to the 15th-16th centuries. There are many things associated with this place amazing legends, so it’s better to see this place for yourself and solve the mysteries of the island. Moreover, twice a year this place becomes an island, and during high tides the water rises 10 meters. The most dangerous scoundrels and criminals lived in the castle for half a century and is popularly called the “provincial Bastille.”

Greece, Santorini town on the mountain slopes

The island of Santorini is beautiful, mysterious place, whose name is associated with many legends. Some call it Pompeii Aegean Sea, other - lost Atlantis, but numerous tourists recognized this island as the most romantic. The wonderful Santorini archipelago, consisting of 5 islands, appeared 3500 years ago as a result of a volcanic explosion.
This enchanting island, thanks to its unique geography, is unlike any other place on Earth. It is famous for its unique architecture and beaches with colored sand due to the volcanic properties of the soil. The city itself is located on a place with a special geological structure, conditioned volcanic activity– this is its distinctive feature. On a steep coastline Snow-white houses rise above each other, where, finding yourself in an interweaving of arches, blocks and streets, it’s easy to get lost. In the picturesque city of Santorini, history buffs are recommended to visit the local museums: Archaeological and Museum of Prehistoric Thera. What is there: business centers, sanctuaries, theaters, ruins of ancient buildings, houses and graves of different eras, hot springs.

The only things better than mountains are mountains,

Which I haven't been to yet...

Vladimir Vysotsky

There are many poems, songs and stories about mountains. Of course, everyone who has ever seen the mountains will remember their grandeur and beauty for the rest of their lives. Many try to conquer them, and many simply look and admire this magnificence and miracle of nature...

We present to you a small photo selection of some of the most famous, majestic and beautiful mountains of our planet...


There are many mountains and extinct volcanoes. Most high mountain on the territory of modern Armenia is Aragats, whose height is 4094 meters.

Mount Ararat is an ancient extinct volcano, last eruption which was in 1840. It consists of two mountains that merged at the base: Masis (Greater Ararat) and Sis (Little Ararat) and this is the most high point Armenian Highlands.

Ararat is famous not only for its natural beauty and greatness, and also thanks to biblical legends. It was on this mountain that Noah's ark ended up after the waters of the global flood subsided.

Altai Mountains

Altai is a land of incomparable mountains, magnificent in its beauty. The Altai Mountains are a system of the highest ridges in Siberia.

For more than a century, the harsh and beautiful peaks have been attracting scientists, travelers, tourists, photographers, artists, climbers, as well as pilgrims, since many of the local mountains are local shrines.

The Alps are located in Central Europe and are in the territories northern Italy, southern Austria, the southern half of Switzerland and eastern France.


The Swiss mountains are, first of all, of course, the Alps, majestic and fabulously beautiful, sharp peaks covered with snow, and slopes with green meadows.

In addition, the Swiss mountains are a real oasis for skiers, snowboarders and other winter sports enthusiasts.


Dolomites - that's what they call it mountain range in northeastern Italy. Its length is more than 150 km and its height is more than 3300 meters.

The presence of dolomite in the structure of the mountains gives them a special charm - in the rays of the rising and setting sun, the rocks acquire unusual shades, from cream to pale pink.

The Carpathian mountain system stands in the center of Europe and belongs to the northern branch of the Alpine fold belt.

The Ukrainian Carpathians are located in the western region on the border with Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Romania. On the tops of the mountains there are meadows - alpine meadows, where you can see many species of plants.


In the north-east of Tanzania, in the desert plain, is the highest peak in Africa - the incomparable volcano Kilimanjaro. It is located above the Masai plateau.

The top of a dormant volcano with a snow-white cap that sparkles in the rays of the bright African sun.

Perhaps that is why the locals called it Kilimanjaro, which means “sparkling mountain” in Swahili.

In the old days, the tribes inhabiting this area, who had never seen snow, thought that it was covered with silver.

Caucasus Mountains

Mount Fisht

Fisht is one of the most famous and beautiful peaks Western Caucasus. In clear weather it can be seen from Krasnodar, Sochi, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Armavir and Timashevsk.

The extraordinary Mount Elbrus, attracting climbers, ski lovers and active rest, is actually a volcano.

Scientists call this mountain a stratovolcano, which means that from time to time streams of lava erupt from the vent, which, due to their density, do not spread over long distances, but solidify not far from the eruption site. Therefore, Elbrus “grows” every time and today is considered the highest mountain peak in Europe.


McKinley is a double-headed mountain located in Alaska and is the most... high peak North America. Stands in the center of Denali National Park.


Mountains occupy 80% of Chilean territory. These are two parallel ridges - the Main and Coastal Cordillera. The tallest mountain point Chile - Ojos del Salado.


Mountains, canyons, hills and sky-high peaks, the Sierra Nevada Mountains surround the center of the California Valley, protecting it from the hot desert winds.

Lowest point in California geographical level in Death Valley and the highest mountain peak in the United States - Whitney.

Logan - highest mountain In Canada. Worth in national park Kluane is in southwestern Canada in the Yukon in the mountain range - St. Elias Range.

Canadian Rocky Mountains, Appalachians, Long Range, Carlton, Cordillera, Colonels, Mackenzie - this is only a small part of the mountain splendor of Canada.


The Fan Mountains are located in the southwest of the Pamir-Alai near the Zeravshan and Gissar ranges. Fans are attracted primarily by the excellent sunny and stable weather in July - August.

The main wealth of the Fan Mountains is, of course, lakes. There are more than thirty of them here. Large and small, deep and shallow, legendary and lost in inaccessible gorges.


Some of the most famous incredible wonders of the world are considered Himalayan mountains. The point is not only in the greatness of this creation of nature, but also in large quantities the unknown that these gigantic peaks contain.

The Himalayan massif passes through the lands of five countries - India, Pakistan, China, Nepal and the Kingdom of Bhutan. The eastern foothills of the range border the north of the Republic of Bangladesh.


Despite the dense population of Japan, a large area is occupied by masterpieces of nature - the mountains of Japan. They took a third of the country's surface. Here you can see the most amazing reliefs - from lowland forests to mighty highlands.

In addition, Japan is famous for its volcanoes, of which there are more than 200, 160 of which are considered extinct.

The undisputed symbol of the country is sacred mountain Fuji. This is the most beautiful and famous mountain in Japan, which was sung in ancient legends and tales.

In addition to her, the mountains Ontakesan, Hakusan and Tateyama are also highly revered.

Start + First quests

Coming out of the dean’s office, Artem looked at the treasured “brick” in his record book. Well, the session is closed. There are two months of summer ahead. Classmates happily walked towards the nearest bar. After watching them with a sad look and sighing heavily, Artyom decisively moved in the opposite direction. There was work ahead. Taking a shortcut through the courtyards, he stopped at a colorful poster that adorned the wall. shopping complex. A huge spaceship surrounded by bright stars. His armor was dotted with meteorite craters here and there. Some segments of the casing were smoked from fires that had raged at one time. The main engine nozzles had long since gone out, but the ship still continued its journey through space. "The ark". Place of his future work. Virtual world“The Ark” has become an excellent alternative for those players who are tired of sugary elves, brutal orcs and dwarves puffing beer fumes through their beards. There were no majestic castles, no gingerbread houses and other fantasy delights. There was a giant colonial ship here. Its numerous decks and compartments, abandoned hangars and destroyed greenhouses. And all this is populated by mutated flora, aggressive xenofauna, crazy Rambots, combat cyborgs and deadly viruses. Numerous NPCs played the role of descendants of the surviving crew. Well, the players were those failed colonists whose bodies were immersed in cryo-compartment capsules.

Also behind the “Ark”? - Lost in thought, Artem didn’t even notice how he entered the trading floor. And he practically ran into the sales assistant.

Walking towards the ill-fated cryogenic compartment in the morning, Artem still didn’t decide what to do. On the one hand, if you complete the bartender’s task, then as a reward, in addition to experience and money, Ferum will activate the “basics of cooking” skill for you. With its help you can cook level 1 food. Hunger is one of the important characteristics of a character that needs to be monitored. As soon as hunger reaches the so-called “red” zone, stamina automatically begins to decrease. With it, the speed of movement also drops, which in the conditions of the Ark often means death. And considering the prices of store-bought food, this skill should be one of the first to discover. But despite the arguments of reason, Artyom was disgusted by the very thought of completing this task. If you hand over the bartender to the sheriff, then instead of cooking, the scanning skill opens. Which, with subsequent levels, is divided into the “bioscanning” and “mechanism scanning” branches. Which won't hurt at all in the future. Some players advised not to bother with this task, but simply buy these skills. But for Artyom, who came to the game to earn money, the idea of ​​spending money where he could get it for free was also not acceptable. In general, having not made a choice, Artem decided to first complete the sheriff’s task of exterminating the rats.

Yesterday's corridor was met with silence. Only the sound of the doors closing behind me. Artyom involuntarily looked around. The door looked pretty shabby. The bottom is densely dotted with deep scratches and dents. It was as if rats had repeatedly tried to break into the living compartment. The corridor itself was deserted. Only some small debris littered the floor. Carefully moving forward, Artyom reached a crack in the wall, near which Lector’s corpse lay yesterday. The body was no longer there, only small shreds remaining from the suit and heavily gnawed boots. In the depths of the breach, the eyes of the rats glowed red, waiting for their next victim.

Remembering the last battle, Artyom began to think. Yesterday, after killing a couple of rats, I was on the verge of death. The damage done by the knife was too small. It is necessary to somehow increase it, or after each battle you will have to sit for a long time, waiting for regeneration. Now it’s time to see what I hurriedly scooped into my pockets yesterday in the smoke-filled cryogenic compartment. Thanks to the skill “melee weapon-1”, you can use any suitable objects as a weapon. And he definitely remembered at least one rather long, jagged fragment of the capsule.

There were three such fragments. I wrapped them halfway with wire scraps and formed handles. I admired the result:

Homemade knife. Level-1. Type: one-handed. Damage: 1-2. Durability 10/10

Immediately I received a notification:

Congratulations, you have independently discovered the skill “Create Items-1”.

A pleasant surprise. Not only did you not have to spend money on unlocking the skill, but you also earned experience for each knife you created.

Armed with two knives, Artyom approached the gap step by step. Trying to take small steps to disrupt the agro zone of only one of the rats. The creatures didn't move. Only the red eyes continued to glow in the darkness. Finally the invisible barrier was passed. Immediately there was a disgusting squeak and a rat rushed out of the gap at him. He stepped back a little so as not to aggravate the others and lunged towards the approaching creature. The vile creature squealed and tried to bite her hand, but was met with a blow from the second knife. Working furiously with two knives, Artyom furiously chopped up the squealing creature. Torn flesh squelched wetly under the blows. With a final squeak, the rat collapsed to the floor.

And then everything went like a conveyor belt. Approaching the hole, grabbing the rat and moving away, then beating it in a safe place. Each killed rat regularly lost its tail. A failure in the well-established work of exterminating rats occurred on the seventh corpse. Artyom habitually extended his hand, touching only the dead creature. It just as usual disintegrated into dust, leaving behind a tail. What was unusual was that more than one tail fell out. Next to him lay a piece of meat. In confusion, he picked up the piece and turned it over in his hands, reading the description given by the system:

Piece of meat. Level: 1. Type: resource. Description: a piece of meat, although a little tough, but suitable for cooking.

Hmm... A piece of meat. I wonder what the bartender had about the requirements? Hastily began to leaf through the quest log. “Bring ten pieces” and not a word about whose meat it should be. Has there really been a third way out of this difficult situation? But for this we need to get nine more.

Cheerful, Artyom enthusiastically set to work on the next rat. One tail fell out again. And with the next one too. During the fight with the tenth, a homemade knife broke. He simply crumbled into dust at the next blow. Having mentally punished himself to always monitor the strength of his weapons and clothing in the future, he spent the rest of the battle with only a knife. Finally, the tenth rat crumbled into dust, leaving only its tail in Artyom’s hands. The message that appeared made me think.

Obtained the required number of items (rat tail 10/10). Present them to the sheriff of compartment No. 317 to receive a reward.

But still he decided to continue the rat genocide. After all, you still need to check the version about meat for the bartender.

There are no more rats in the gap. Or they were far enough away not to react to Artyom approaching closely. I had to climb there myself. A real hole began in the gap. The space between the two corridors was filled with various structural braces and sealing material. It was through the seal that the rats made their way through. He got down on all fours and held the knife in front of him and crawled down the hole. The darkness and narrowness of the hole made him feel all the delights of claustrophobia. Added to this was the fear of running into rats in cramped spaces. Therefore, having fallen out of a hole into some corridor, Artyom smiled happily.

The corridor clearly had a technical purpose. Bundles of wires and fiber optic cables snaked overhead. Batteries of different-sized pipes stretched along the walls. At regular intervals there were niches filled with shelves. Having walked about fifty meters along this corridor and having obtained a couple more tails, Artyom came out to a small platform in the center of which stood the ledge of a large hatch with a locking wheel at the top. It was moved to the side and through the gap one could see the brackets of the stairs going down. Without thinking, Artyom dived into the hatch and began to quickly descend.

Below there was a similar platform and a battle was raging on it. About a dozen rats surrounded a player and attacked furiously. However, the player himself did not care at all. Armed with a piece of pipe with barbed wire wound around it, he spun around like a snake, dispensing blows right and left. At the same time, he still managed to bawle some kind of children's song without worrying about his breathing at all.

Stand up children, stand in a circle

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle.

The words of the song, the squeaking and squealing of rats, the slurping sounds of a trumpet hitting living things, all this created an indescribable sound cacophony. And even though you couldn’t tell by the stranger’s appearance that he needed help. Artyom could not remain a bystander and, uttering some kind of war cry, rushed to the rescue.

The last pair of rats had not yet received damage from an unfamiliar player, so they easily switched to the approaching Artyom. When help appeared, the stranger only shook his head and stopped singing. His pipe continued to pound on the rats' backs with the frequency of rain. One of them fell with a squeal. The second one fell to pieces almost immediately. By this moment, Artem had also finished off his first opponent. The experience gained in rat control tactics during the morning made itself felt. Artyom constantly moved, preventing the creatures from attacking at the same time. And focusing all the damage on one of them. Having finished the last one, he looked back at the player. I was surprised to realize that the one he rushed to help turned out to be a girl. If this is, of course, applied to a player playing for the cyborg race. But despite belonging to the “weaker” sex, she wielded her improvised bat masterfully. The rough mechanism that replaced her left hand was some kind of analogue of a stun gun. The discharges that periodically burst from him caused the rats to freeze and convulse. Those few that did break through close to her, powerlessly scraped their teeth, unable to bite through the skin. Probably some kind of protection was in effect.

Finally, the last creature let out its death squeak and collapsed onto the dirty floor. There was an opportunity to take a closer look at the stranger. Pale, almost bluish skin. The head, smooth as a billiard ball, is covered with the ligature of an intricate tattoo. The right eye was replaced with a cyber prosthesis, which immediately reminded Artyom of the first cameras. It was made in the form of the same accordion. And he was in constant motion, now retracting, then, on the contrary, moving apart for more precise focusing. The rest of the facial features were simply lost against the background of this flickering.

Thank you, of course, for your help, but I could have done it myself - and for clarity, I twirled the pipe. There was a roar of cutting air.

You're welcome. There was no time left to think, I saw how they had already surrounded you.

I have second-level nanobots, “steel skin”. The damage is almost non-existent. All the money was gone, there wasn’t even any left for weapons. And I specifically pulled the rats into a pile so that I wouldn’t have to run after each one later.

Artem was even slightly offended by this statement. He thought he was rushing to help, but it turns out he was almost in the way. Turning to the corpses of his rats, he touched his hand, collecting loot. This time luck was on his side and he acquired another piece of meat.

Sorry, I got excited. It’s not often that you come across selfless help here. - the girl had already collected her share of the spoils and now stood with her hand outstretched.

World? My name is Blonde.

Funny nickname considering the bald head. Artem smiled and shook the outstretched hand.

And I am Temnik.

How did you even end up here? I don’t think I saw you at the entrance to our sector.

I'm looking for meat.

Is hunger pressing? - The Blonde asked with sympathy - I’ll wait now - and began to rummage enthusiastically in a small backpack.

Here you go, this is a standard ration. Just enough for a day. - She handed Artem a brownish-brown briquette.

Uh...uh, thanks of course, but I don’t need meat for food, but for a task. At first I hunted in the upper corridor, but there were no rats there, so I had to climb here.

Told the Blonde about the rat hole. At the same time, sharing your problem with the assignment. The Blonde had a completely different starting scenario. Having entered the game, she found herself in a hospital room, where she lay after unsuccessful operation for the implantation of an ocular prosthesis. According to the scenario, something went wrong during the operation and she lost her memory. In general, she didn’t have such an extreme start as Artem’s. And she killed rats for their tails. They not only brought in money, but also raised the reputation of the head of the repairmen.

I want to open the “transport” skill, but without a high reputation, only for money.

So they walked on, talking and gnawing on rations. And destroying the rats encountered. The mountain of tails grew. Meat pieces were also added. There were already eight of them, ten minutes later another one was added. And then the corridor ended. They approached a rubble blocking further path. Some boxes, the remains of shelves, strips of metal, plastic panels - everything was dumped into a huge barricade. There was no question of getting through it. Even Artyom with his physique could not penetrate into the narrow gap remaining under the ceiling.

How much meat is still missing? - the Blonde asked busily.

One. - Artyom looked sadly at the rubble.

So we will look for a workaround. It's like rats sneaking through. So there must be another way.

They walked slowly back along the corridor, carefully examining the walls. The workaround was noticed together. More precisely, it was suggested by a rat leaning out of a ventilation duct running under the ceiling. The rat twisted its nose and, not detecting any danger, jumped onto a nearby shelf, from it to the floor and cheerfully scampered along the corridor. But they didn’t let her go far. The electric shock made her freeze, and two knives and a baton crumbled into dust. To study the find in more detail, I had to climb onto the rack.

You know, it wasn’t the rats that broke the panel. It was unscrewed by someone. Look, they even put the bolts back on so they wouldn’t get lost. - With these words, the Blonde climbed into the hole up to her waist.

Well, what's there?

You can't see a damn thing. Now I'll set up the flashlight. - She rummaged in her prosthesis. And a bluish beam of light cut through the darkness of the corridor.

The beam of light, although narrow, was quite bright. The blonde disappeared into the pipe again.

Now everything is clear. There's a fan in front, apparently the panel was removed to gain access to the mechanism for repairs.

Is it possible to get through?

The blonde looked doubtfully at the frozen blades - I’ll try. - With these words she completely disappeared from sight. For several minutes her concentrated panting could be heard from the hole, and finally she was heard

Crawl here.

Without keeping himself waiting, Artyom easily pulled himself up on his hands and crawled into the hole. The flashlight beam darted from wall to wall, allowing for good orientation. Working with my elbows, I quickly reached the fan. The gap between the blades allowed further penetration.

I think I hear a rat squeak! We'll get your last piece soon. - The Blonde’s voice was joyfully excited. She quickly moved along the pipe towards the blockage. Artem had no choice but to follow her and try to keep up. The thought of being alone in the dark made me shudder. But then light appeared ahead, penetrating through another removed panel. At the same time, a noticeable narrowing of ventilation was visible. And it is hardly possible to penetrate further. For a moment, the light obscured the silhouette of the Blonde slipping out. A couple of moments later Artyom got out too. They were on the other side of the rubble. On this side it was flatter, which allowed rats to penetrate the air duct without problems.

The corridor stretched for another ten meters, and then its walls diverged to form a small, round room. And from there came a rather loud rat squeak. The rats made a similar squeak when rushing to attack. After exchanging glances, the pair of friends cautiously moved forward. The view that opened up caused the Blonde to sigh in amazement. Artem was more eloquent:

I think I now understand the saying about locomotives that should have been killed while they were dummies.

Most of the room was occupied by a rat. More precisely, even so - RAT. The hefty creature was almost as tall as Artyom. Long incisors protruded thirty centimeters from the mouth. Powerful claws on the paws and a thick, tuberous tail. Like her smaller relatives, she was practically hairless. Festering boils and oozing sores littered her skin. The monster stood at the far wall and was clearly waiting for something. She didn’t even react to the frozen players.

The blonde slowly pulled off her backpack. After rummaging through it, she pulled out two syringes. She handed one of them to Artyom.

Now the time has come for the “heavy artillery”. This will double our regeneration, but only for a couple of minutes. Therefore, during this time it is advisable to finish off the creature. This is probably the boss rat.

After taking the stimulant and checking the condition of the weapon, the couple screamed and rushed at the rat. The creature instantly reacted to their approach. Letting out a loud squeak, she sharply struck with her tail. Having knocked down Artyom with a blow, she turned her head and grabbed the Blonde with her teeth. Jumping to his feet, Artyom managed to notice the sparks of the discharge hitting the rat in the face. And the Blonde did well, she didn’t get confused.

Get the creature! - and Artyom’s knives rip open the wrinkled skin with a crash. The blonde wastes no time in stroking her back with her pipe. Tail strike again. But this time the players were on their guard and the shot went wide. The discharge hits the rat, causing it to fall to the floor in convulsions. Until the effect wears off, Artem perforates the exposed belly with knives. The rat came to his senses and the wide shovels of his front incisors pierced his leg. Despite the injected stimulant, your health immediately drops by a third.

Banzai!! - the Blonde's pipe falls on one of the monster's paws. The crunching of bones is clearly audible. This slightly reduces agility, making the rat more clumsy. Artem immediately changes tactics. Run up, hit, move to the side, hit again, dodge the tail. And circle and circle around, not allowing you to use your teeth again. The next discharge hits the rat in the head and, shuddering, it falls dead.

Congratulations! received by you new level. Current level: 3. Skills available for learning: resource collection-2, pistols-1, equipment-1, melee weapons-2.

Activate resource collection immediately, the rest can wait for now. Judging by the Blonde, she also received a level and is now studying the available skills. Walking around the dead rat and again amazed at its size, Artyom went to the far wall of the room. He was wondering what this creature was watching there. Once there was a passage here, but now the path was blocked by a powerful lattice welded from thick rods. With a cell size of fifteen centimeters. She clearly served as an obstacle to something big. Further inspection was interrupted by the Blonde.

It’s time to start dividing the pie,” and rubbing her hands in anticipation, she moved towards the rat, while quietly humming:

Give me your hands

Give me your lips

But seeing Artyom’s dumbfounded look, she fell silent in embarrassment. And she touched the prostrate body with the most serious expression on her face. This victory brought the long-awaited tenth piece of meat, as well as thirty credits for each. A message about replenishing the account came with a pleasant jingle. Still standing near the bars, Artyom smiled contentedly. My leg was stabbed with pain. The system duplicated the message about the damage received. He turned sharply, his eyes darting around in search of the enemy. Easily slipping between the bars of the grate, a beetle slightly smaller than a palm scurried towards him. Most of all he resembled an ugly ant. An unnaturally large head, half the size of the body, armed with sharp mandibles. Not risking bending down, Artyom simply kicked the bug away. To his surprise, this brought an unexpected result. The overgrown ant died. After his death, the players received a crushed, chitinous shell as a trophy.

The shell of a nomadic termite. Type: quest.

And then came the description of the quest.

Quest available: "Thermite threat". Description: Until recently, the leader of a rat pack blocked the path of nomadic termites. But he fell in battle and now nothing stops termites from attacking the residential sector. It is necessary to warn the residents of Compartment No. 317 about the approaching enemy. Requirements: Deliver the nomadic termite shell and present it to the sheriff. Reward: 50 credits, 150 experience and 10 reputation points with Compartment No. 317. Accept? Not really.

And the rat turned out to be not even a rat at all, but quite a guard dog. And I kept wondering how she managed to eat so much in such a small room.

We can talk about this on the way back, but for now there’s no need to linger here. - Artem pointed to another termite crawling through the grate.

The return journey was much faster. And it was much easier. Despite the fact that they were delayed, putting the unscrewed duct panels back into place. As the Blonde explained, you shouldn’t make life easier for insects.

Having got out into the familiar technical corridor, they did not climb, following Artyom’s example, through a rat hole, but went forward. After meandering a little and going down a level, they reached a wide gate. An old, faded inscription informed about the entrance to the technical sector of compartment No. 317. With a strained creaking, the doors parted, letting friends through. If Artyom more or less got acquainted with the upper level yesterday, then everything here was a wonder for him. Walking along the corridor, following the Blonde, he only had time to turn his head. Here was the kingdom of mechanisms and cyborgs who ran it all. From all sides came grinding and heavy blows, the screeching of saws and grinders. From time to time the horns were blaring and you had to give way vehicles. The wide corridor was filled with people. Mostly, of course, they were cyborgs, but there were also players of other races. And there were many more different shops, stalls and just street vendors than in the central hall where Artyom visited. Various parts lay in heaps along the walls, pieces of plastic panels, parts of droids, and some kind of control panels. It seemed you could buy anything here. The blonde gave brief explanations as she walked, pointing her finger: armorsmiths, gunsmiths, there are garages and droid repair shops here, don’t pay attention to the transport - here there is an exit to the main tunnels. Finally they stopped at the largest pile of parts. Leaving Artyom standing, the Blonde dived into the slightly open door. While waiting for the girl, he looked around. Several players were interestedly digging through the laid out trash, looking for the necessary parts. Sometimes there was a cry of joy when another find was pulled out. All this was accompanied by questions: - Is this really...? Same …!! To which the seller only smiled proudly, looking at his neighbors with an air of superiority. Suddenly, a wild scream from the Blonde was heard from the open door. Jumping in surprise, Artyom grabbed the knives and rushed to the rescue. But the picture I saw made me stop. It was not clear who needed help, or if it was needed at all. The blonde joyfully circled around the hall, clutching some cyborg in her arms. Seeing Artyom, she left the unfortunate master alone, now circling with her partner. It was so unexpected that Artyom didn’t even have time to put his weapon away. So he circled, with knives clutched in his hands. However, this did not bother the blonde at all. She was filled with joyful emotions.

I managed! You understand? Now I can create my own transport!

It must be said that although there was transport in the game, it could only be used in main tunnels. These tunnels passed through the entire Ark, entangling it with a thread of transport highways. They were not passable everywhere. Decks had collapsed somewhere. And in some it was impossible to get through from bandits of all stripes. Mostly players were guilty of this, but there were also gangs consisting exclusively of NPCs. But despite the difficulties, in sectors already inhabited by players, main tunnels were used to quickly move between locations. Some clans have occupied the niche of transportation, operating regular passenger flights. And they willingly used such services, even though the prices were rather high. And not everyone can create their own transport. Some people don’t have enough experience to discover the required skill, while others are simply lazy. So, the discovery of the skill was truly an event.

Now Artyom attacked the Blonde with congratulations. Their fun was interrupted by the grumbling of the old master, whom everyone had forgotten about.

Oh, these young people. They'll have all the dances, but who will talk to the sheriff?

Oh, it's true. We forgot about termites!

Master, how do you know?

The blonde immediately embarrassedly admitted, “I told you everything, I just thought since Master Hephaestus is on the village council, he must also know about the invasion.”

Enough chatter! - the old master was already starting to get angry - well, go to the sheriff. Tell him that we will securely block the entrance. But until the termite queen is destroyed, the threat will remain. Let him call for volunteers.

Finding the sheriff was not the easiest thing. He was not at the post at the entrance to the upper level. Having looked through all the shops in the central hall, they didn’t find him either. The hall was followed by nearby corridors. The valiant law enforcement officer was found only in Ferum’s bar.

Seeing Artyom enter, the bartender’s lips formed a vile grin. With a pleased wink, he asked:

Well, why should I heat up the frying pan? Did you bring some fresh meat?

Brushing aside the question, Artyom hurried to the Sheriff’s table. As we walked, the bartender's face became more and more sullen.

What do I owe? - the sheriff looked up from the magnificent chop. -Have you really saved us from these vile rats?

At the sight of the fried meat, Artyom again remembered his suspicions. He immediately felt nauseous. Unable to explain anything, he simply laid rat tails on the table.

Completed the mission "Gray Invasion". Experience gained. Loans received. Reputation with the settlement "Compartment No. 317" has been increased.

Without really reading into the system messages, Artyom still silently laid out the termite shell on the table. Another message about the completed task was displayed. Seeing the condition of her partner, the Blonde hastened to tell how they got it. As the story progressed, the sheriff's face grew darker and darker.

Damn it! As soon as we dealt with the rats, it was like a new scourge! But if the security turrets coped well with the penetration of rats into the living compartment, then I’m afraid the rate of fire is not enough for termites.

Master Hephaestus promised to reliably block all exits. But he fears that while the queen is alive this will not help much and the residential sectors will be under real siege.

Hearing this, the sheriff stood up decisively - he would have to announce a reward for those brave souls who were ready to eliminate the new threat.

As soon as he said this, the air was torn by the howl of sirens. The text appeared before my eyes:

Attention! The local event "Protection from Termites" has been launched. Restriction: only for players of levels 1-4. You are offered a task to eliminate the threat to Compartment No. 317 from wandering termites. Reward: experience, depending on contribution to the overall victory. 1 credit for each termite destroyed. 1000 credits for destroying a termite queen. The location of the queen has been added to the map.

All players present received the same message. The hall roared approvingly. The noise of chairs being hastily pushed back was heard from everywhere. Players left the bar hoping to be the first to reach the termite queen.

Shall we go too? Building even a simple scooter will require money.

Just a minute. There is still one unfinished business left.

Artem approached the bartender. Ferum's face showed no emotion. He looked at the approaching player with complete calm. But as pieces of meat were laid out on the counter, his human half took on a menacing appearance. And the artificial eye was completely blazing, like an evil demon.

What is this?

Meat, just like you asked. -Despite the confident tone, Artem did not feel confident.

The bartender picked up one of the pieces with his creepy-looking prosthetic. He looked at him carefully.

Did you bring me rat meat? - his gaze became even more ferocious. Artyom began feverishly wondering what was better - to accept a hopeless fight or to run away, hoping for agility in his legs. Something must have flashed across his face, because the bartender burst into deafening laughter. This laughter seemed to transform Ferum. Turned me into a completely different person. Where is that vile guy who gave Artyom the task? Or the sullen killer with a fanatical fire in his eyes who appeared before him a minute ago. There is none of them. An ordinary grandfather sat in front of Artyom, scattering good-natured laughter.

Well, of course it's rat. There are simply no other animals here.

Why then were all these allusions to human flesh?

The appearance of the killer returned again, and his gaze became cold and appraising. - What do you think?

Artyom, who was completely unsettled by all these metamorphoses, shrugged his shoulders.

The Ark set off on its flight a long time ago, and almost anyone was accepted as a colonist, as long as they had arms or legs. They also took prison inmates, giving them a chance to new life. Of course, there was information about each colonist, but you understand that time has destroyed all the archives. And now that the timers on the capsules have begun to go off en masse, it is necessary to somehow check people.

Some kind of brutal test.

Believe me, a real person will always find a way out. But how many scum were discovered. However, I was rambling, you still have to fight termites. Keep the reward.

Completed the "Meat for the Bartender" quest. Experience gained. Loans received. Increased reputation with the settlement "Compartment No. 317". Increased reputation with all playable races. Obtained the "Basics of Cooking" skill. Obtained the "Scanners" skill. A new implant was received (properties unknown).

There were no majesty (1) mountains and rocks surrounded by (2) clouds; it was an ordinary Russian landscape: fields, meadows, rare villages with thatch (3) and wooden (4) roofs.

Task: insert the missing letters, indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

She is a fairy tale; this story is a mystery...a, a mystery...a; the investigation is confused...about the investigator; her farm is neglected...oh, things are scattered; the laundry was bags and arranged...on shelves; she spoke confused...oh, incoherently; he acted scattering...about and wind...about; he looked more concerned...oh; the area is empty...a; the girl is attention; heroes crowned with glory; the queen is somewhat idealized; hair combed to one side; problems studied by scientists; everything is well thought out...about and foresight...about; problem solved; frightened beast; they are scared by this; pasted walls; they were frivolous; thrown scarf; dresses thrown over a mannequin; This is unusual for me...oh; everything was unnatural...oh; organized meeting; sheepskin sheepskin coat; oatmeal porridge; window glass; vulgar joke; simplification; emptiness...emptiness; it is devastated...and also raster...a.

Assignment: do a test work.

1.NN ?

Goncharova’s Petersburg as a city of “art (1) feelings, lifelessness (2) turmoil” does not accept the spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness (4) that prevail in the wilderness.

2.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

Work in the sand(1) quarry was suspended(2) due to the increased(3) danger.

3. Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenNN ?

Those who have been to the villages near Vladimir will remember for a long time the houses decorated with (1) wood (2) carvings similar to thin lace, looking at which you can imagine (3) being in a fairy tale.

4.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

To this day, invoices have been preserved in the archives, presented (1) to the artist for the delivery of (2) oils (3) paints to him.

5.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

And thick milk pouring from a clay (1) jug, and a lush loaf in a wicker (2) basket, and a sliding napkin (3) written out by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.

6.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

The store purchased (1) a batch of leather (2) shoes at lower (3) prices.

7.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

The university building, damaged by a fire in 1812, was restored (1) and partially rebuilt (2) by Domenico Gilardi, who preserved the compositional (3) plan of the architect Kazakov.

8.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

The house stood somewhat away from the forest, the walls here and there were renovated (1) with fresh boards, the windows were painted (2) white, a small porch on the side, decorated (3) with carvings, still smelled of resin.

9.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenNN ?

In the old large hotel (1) on a spacious square, where it was quiet and empty (2), no visitors were expected, but unexpectedly (3) a carriage drove up to the porch.

10.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenN ?

central square was framed by (1) a granite parapet with lion (2) masks and huge polished (3) stone balls.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,3

11.Indicate all the numbers where it is writtenNN ?

Against the scary (1) and menacing background of the sunset sky, the wall of the coniferous forest seemed clearly drawn (3), and in some places the transparent round tops of birches sticking out above it seemed to be visible (3) in the sky with light strokes.