Weekend in Gaeta. The fortified city of Gaeta, in the Italian province of Latina Gaeta Italy reviews from tourists

Gaeta is an ancient town located in the harbor of the same name Tyrrhenian Sea, and is the most popular on the Riviera de Ulysses. It is unapproachable, but at the same time very picturesque place was inhabited as early as the 8th century BC.

The legendary hero of the Trojan battles Aeneas found refuge here, and it was on these lands that his beloved nurse Caeta was buried, after whom the city was named. Gaeta later witnessed many historical events. This city saw the rise and decline of the Roman Empire, suffered numerous barbarian raids and Saracen oppression, was subject to Byzantine rulers and was itself a royal residence.

Cuisine and restaurants

It is worth trying typical Gaeta products such as Olive di Gaeta, White Pizza (Pizza bianca), Spagnoletta tomatoes, Puntarella chicory salad, Alici salate anchovies and Salsiccia al vino bianco e coriandolo - salsiccia cooked in white wine with coriander.

Morning in Gaeta

Popular hotels in Gaeta


Gaeta attracts many tourists not only with its legendary sights. After all, these are, first of all, kilometers of magnificent beaches, the coastal waters of which are so clean and rich in flora and fauna that they have long been a protected area, and the World Organization of Ecologists has taken control over their welfare. Beach holidays in Gaeta are one of the best in all of Italy, and the neighboring town of Cassino has one of the largest Tyrrhenian coast water parks - Haway Park.

Maps of Gaeta

Entertainment and attractions in Gaeta

Such rich history could not help but leave its mark on the architecture of Gaeta; there are ruins of fortifications and water supply systems built during the Roman Empire. Another fortress reminds of the Middle Ages, which at one time was a barracks and even a prison, but now protects old town from the influence of new times. From the sea side, the harbor was reliably protected by an ancient fort.

There's another one in town ancient castle, presumably built back in the 6th century. It consists of two parts - the older Anjou, built by the French, and the Argonne - built in the 16th century, created as the residence of Charles V. Today, this building houses the buildings of the Nautical School.

IN historical center Gaeta is ancient Cathedral, built back in the 12th century and is an excellent example of Gothic architecture of that time. A unique holiday candle with illustrations from the earthly life of Jesus Christ is still preserved here. No less attractive is the Cathedral of St. Francis, at the entrance to which there is a statue of a monk looking over the entire city and protecting it from troubles.

The Cathedral of Annuciata is even more elegant and majestic, and not far from it there is an ancient and very unusual chapel, nicknamed by the locals the “Golden Grotto”. It was erected on a huge stone that broke off from Mount Orlando - iconic place for all Christians.

According to legend, at the moment when Jesus Christ was crucified, in some places powerful mountains split in two, and Orlando suffered precisely this fate. The edges of the fault completely coincide, and at the foot of the mountain there is a handprint preserved on the stone.

Now pilgrims from all over the world flock here, especially since the monk Francesco Neri, canonized as a Saint, spent a significant part of his life in a small depression of the mountain, a kind of bed. Later, it was on Mount Orlando that the tomb of the legendary consul of the Roman Empire Lucius Plancus was erected.

In addition, from the foot of the mountain originates Cape Monte Orlando, on which the most picturesque natural park, one of the favorite vacation spots for both tourists and local residents. In fact, this cape is an island connected to the coast by a thin isthmus.

Gaeta has an advantageous location in one of the richest regions of Italy, with the capital just over a hundred kilometers away, and Naples even less. History buffs will not be left indifferent by the ancient Pompeii, a museum city that experienced the threatening power of Vesuvius. You can also go on a sea excursion from Gaeta and visit the Pontine Islands.

Weather in Gaeta

The natural conditions of these places are unique. The sea is always calm and clear and warms up quickly; the swimming season here begins in May and lasts until October. The days are sunny, but there is no sweltering heat, which is very conducive to both sunbathing and active recreation and numerous excursions.

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    Church of San Francesco in Gaeta

    Gaeta, Chiesa di San Francesco

    The imposing and formidable silhouette of the Gothic Church of San Francesco is so strongly associated with Gaeta that without its profile it is impossible to imagine a view of the city. The Church of San Francesco has deservedly won the right to be a symbol of the city and one of its most attractive attractions.

  • Ah, this Italian Gaeta, covered in centuries-old legends, full of Mediterranean colors, filled with the aromas of the sea, flowers and Neapolitan cuisine! Here, every stone preserves the spirit of ancient Italy, so while walking through seaside embankment or winding along the narrow cobbled streets, you feel involved in history with all your soul. Despite the destruction the city suffered in the 20th century. (the Second had a particularly negative impact on the architectural appearance of Gaeta world war), many have been preserved here historical monuments of global significance. Others were carefully restored, and over time the city took on its modern, tourist-attractive appearance. Today, the sights of Gaeta are ready to tell about their glorious past to all tourists who come to the Riviera di Ulisse. To do this, you just need to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the city, look carefully and listen.

    Today, the sights of Gaeta are ready to tell about their glorious past to all tourists who come to the Riviera di Ulisse.

    Religious monuments

    As in any pious Italian city, here they are visible and invisible! Sanctuary of Santissima Annunziata, Temple of San Francesco, Cathedral of St. Erasmus and Marciano, Temple of Santissima Trinita, Churches of St. Domenic, St. Paul the Apostle, St. Charles... The main one among the Roman Catholic churches of Gaeta is the Cathedral of Sant'Erasmo. The very first church on this site was built in the 7th century, then the cathedral was rebuilt several times, and modern building in the neo-Gothic style appeared as a result of reconstruction in the 18th century. Next to the cathedral there is a 12th century bell tower, soaring to a height of 57 m.

    Inside the church are ancient Roman sarcophagi discovered during excavations at Minturno.

    In the very center of the city stands the ancient Byzantine church of San Giovanni a Mare. Despite its rather modest appearance and laconic architectural forms, the temple makes a pleasant impression. In addition, fragments of 15th-century frescoes have been preserved inside, and the exterior is enlivened by the bell tower and the original dome with hanging arches and mosaics.

    The temple of Santissima Trinita on the “broken” mountain deserves special attention, surrounded by mystical legends and real stories. The church is located near a chasm allegedly formed at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The beautiful religious legend still attracts tourists and pilgrims from all over the world.

    Other attractions

    Gaeta Castle (or Aragonese Castle) is a witness to ancient events associated with the period of the Gothic wars. Over the centuries of its existence, the citadel has changed several guises, serving as a military fort, being a royal residence and even a soldier's barracks.

    Nowadays the Maritime Financial Police School is located within the castle walls.

    Gaeta also has its own nature reserve- Monte Orlando Park, located in the protected area of ​​the cape of the same name. Tourists with free time can rent a bicycle or simply stroll around the many hiking trails mountains of Orlando, admiring the views of the sea. At the top of Monte Orlando is the mausoleum of the ancient Roman politician Lucius Plancus, who chose Gaeta to spend a quiet old age. This is a Cyclopean structure dating back to 22 BC. e., almost untouched by the merciless time. Near the mausoleum you can visit an unusual monument - an underground military battery built at the end of the 19th century.

    Those interested in museum and church culture can visit the Diocesan Museum, housed in the Palazzo de Vio. His collection includes large number exhibits on religious themes from closed and destroyed churches, including church utensils and paintings by local artists.

This one is beautiful resort town is located in central Italy in the province of Latina. Located on the Gulf of Gaetana, 70 km from Naples and 110 km from Rome, on a small rocky cape on the Tyrrhenian Sea coast. The population is 21,522 inhabitants (this is data for 2004). Off the coast of Gaeta, the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea have been declared a marine reserve. Also located in the town since 1967 naval base NATO.

Climate of Gaeta

Beautiful Mediterranean climate, very mild, as on the entire Odyssey coast: in summer it is hot and dry - in July average temperature+26C, and in winter it is quite warm - in January up to +10C. The beach season here starts in May and ends in early November. The sea here is warm, during the season the water temperature ranges from +20C to +24C.

History of Gaeta

The city of Gaeta has a rich and glorious historical past. The origins of the town are lost far in time. It was here, as Virgil writes, that the ship of Aeneas, who fled from Troy, landed. During the trip, Caeta, the beloved priestess of Aeneas, died and was buried on this land; in fact, the city was named after her. The harbor was built and developed by Antonin Pius. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Gaeta remained loyal to Constantinople for a long time, unlike its neighbors, but in the 8th century it had a republican structure.

Since 915, the town was ruled by dukes, who recognized the pope as their sovereign. In 1140 it became part of the possessions of the rulers of Sicily, at this time much was done to strengthen port city. Gaeta became the scene of a fierce war for the Neapolitan throne in the 15th century. Besieged many times, it held off the onslaught of the Spaniards, Austrians, and French. From the 10th century until 1860, the unification of Italy, Gaeta belonged to the Kingdom of Naples. Nowadays it is a famous seaside resort town, a center of tourism and recreation.

Sights of Gaeta

Gaeta is an ancient medieval city in which many architectural and historical monuments have been preserved. Holidays here give tourists the opportunity to get acquainted with history ancient civilization, and not just enjoy swimming in the sea. Old churches and ancient cathedrals have survived to this day in the Baroque style. The entrance to the bay is protected by the city's ancient military fort. The beautiful decoration of Gaeta is the Cathedral, it was built by order of Ferdinando Bourbon.

Many ancient Roman villas are located on the ledge of Mount Orlando, and here is one of the holy places of the Broken Mountain - Montaña Spaccata. When Jesus Christ was crucified, many mountains were split in different parts of the world. Mount Orlando split into three galleries; a chapel was built at the site of the split in the 15th century. In the ancient part of the city there is a cathedral; it was founded in 1106 by Pope Paschal II, it was completed in 1278 and was greatly modified in the 18th century. There are many other churches in Gaeta - the Byzantine San Giovanni a Mare, built in the 10th century, and the Gothic Annunziata, built in 1320, as well as many others that are worth seeing for a vacationer.

Excursions in Gaeta

The fact that Gaeta is very close to all cultural and historical monuments makes it very attractive to tourists. You can easily visit the most interesting places Italy: Rome, which is the cradle of ancient Roman civilization, Naples, Capre, Pompeii, as well as the unique provincial towns of Latina and the Pontine Islands, which are located nearby. Here you can see the villas of emperors, residences of patricians, Gothic temples, churches and chapels, of which there are many in the Lazio region.

It is worth visiting one of the most picturesque places in this region, the town of Cassino, where the Haway Park water park is located. It will give adults and children an unforgettable experience water activities: "Kamikaze" is an open waterslide with a couple of high-altitude jumps, two spiral slides also open, many slides with a shallow pool for children, waterfalls, creeks, an artificial river, a sports pool, a jacuzzi and hot tubs, and much more.

Gaeta is great place to spend your holiday, this is for real paradise, because there are not only wonderful beaches and warm seas, but also many places where you can and should go on an excursion.

Things to do in Gaeta

Gaeta is one of the most visited resorts in Italy. Going on holiday to this city is like visiting a medieval city. There are narrow streets, alleys, ancient walls, Norman bell towers, Christian churches and large castles - all this creates an atmosphere ancient city. Gaeta also has a modern district called Borgo or Spiaggia, created by local fishermen and farmers. It is here on Independence Lane (Indipendenza) that there are many souvenir shops and shops where you can buy something as a souvenir. Like many centuries ago, fishermen in Gaeta go to sea every morning, and in the afternoon you can buy fresh fish at the market.

All conditions have been created here for lovers of scuba diving, which is facilitated by the very comfortable sea ​​bay. You can successfully combine a beach holiday with sports: there are all conditions for playing tennis, you can go horse riding in Fondi, which is 25 km from the resort, and for golf lovers there is a wonderful course in Castel Voltumo.

For lovers nightlife there are many nightclubs, bars, beach discos. During the day there are many different attractions: you can rent a boat or scooter, or even water ski or parachute if you wish.

In Gaeta there is a huge selection of hotels, 3 and 4 stars; vacationers can find apartments to stay in ancient buildings; on the seashore you can stay in one-story bungalows or in multi-story buildings. One of the most famous hotels is Villa Irlanda Gaeta 4*, it was built back in 1912 by Count Stenbock, cousin of Nicholas II. It is located 100 meters from the sea and is surrounded by a large park of 60,000 sq.m.

Another equally famous hotel is GRAND HOTEL LE ROCCE 4*, this is a complex of several buildings that fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. The services offered by the hotel will satisfy even the most demanding tourists. Well, if you really want privacy, then the bungalow is right on seashore is provided by the Aeneas Landing 3* hotel, located a couple of kilometers from the city of Goeta. The SERAPO 3* hotel is very popular, because it is located on the beach of the same name in Gaeta, and this is the center of the city, therefore it has no end to clients all year round, and rooms must be booked in advance.


If you have the opportunity, then you should spend your holiday in Gaeta at least once. Even the first Roman emperors came here. Nowadays, excellent conditions have been created here for a wide range of vacationers, and the convenient location, wonderful climate, historical and cultural monuments, folk traditions, make Gaeta a truly wonderful resort, one of the best in Europe. Having been here, you will not regret spending time here.

The beaches are separated from each other by rocky capes with watchtowers; here and there there are secluded coves and creeks. For many years now local beaches awarded the highest category “Blue Flag” from the Italian “League for Environmental Protection”.

Historically, the city was formed from the houses of fishermen and farmers. Its main street, Via Indipendenza, is full of old craft shops. The new houses are located between the Sant'Erasmo quarter and the old town.

According to the layout, Gaeta is a typical medieval city, built around the Angevin-Aragonese castle (“Castello Angioino-Aragonese”), consisting of two buildings surrounded by cylindrical and conical towers. The San Erasmo quarter is an alternation of narrow streets, tunnels, a Norman bell tower and fortress walls.

Churches and holy places

The city has many churches of great cultural and historical value: the Cathedral of San Erasmo, which houses a collection of paintings from the 17th century; the Norman bell tower, the churches of Santissima Annunziata with the adjacent “golden cave”, San Giovanni a mare, Sorresca, San Francesco, San Domenico.

Church of Santissima Annunziata and Cathedral of San Francesco

In the immediate vicinity of the quarter is the sanctuary (church) of Santissima Trinita, erected on the top of Monte Orlando, part of regional park"Riviera Ulysses" Once you get here, be sure to check out the “Turkish Cave” and the “Broken Mountain,” which attract numerous Christian pilgrims.

The Gulf of Gaeta is surrounded from above by the slopes of the Monti Aurunci mountains, gradually turning into hills. The coast is interspersed with rocky peninsulas, and near Gaeta itself it is literally dotted with bays, coves and picturesque cliffs.

Gaeta is an excellent place for yachting. For mooring and parking, you can use the Baze Nautica Flavio Joya marina.

Broken Mountain

“The Broken Mountain” in Gaeta is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena west coast Italy. Legend has it that it split when Jesus Christ died. Inside the long crack is a staircase of 270 steps leading to the Crucifixion Chapel, built in the 16th century.


Olives from Gaeta

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Local olives are known far beyond the borders of the province and are considered its gastronomic heritage. They are grown in small communities: Formia, Itri, Minturno, Fondi and Spigno Saturnia. The local subspecies “Itrana” is excellent for both table olives and the production of olive oil. This variety of olive is distributed throughout Lazio and Latina, where it is grown mainly in the highlands. They ripen late and are harvested no earlier than March-April, when they acquire a red-black color. The shape of the fruit is slightly oblong, the taste is wine-like.


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Tiella is a dish from the cuisine of fishermen; it probably owes its name to the vessel in which it was prepared. This pie was perfect for taking with you to sea, as it does not spoil for several days.
This is a closed pizza stuffed with olives, fish (anchovies, sardines, octopus, squid), and vegetables. Another filling option is cheese (ricotta or marzolina) and vegetables, as well as tomatoes and onions.

How to get there

By plane
Gaeta is located approximately 120 kilometers from Rome. The closest airports are Fiumicino and Ciampino airports.

By train
Trains from Rome and Naples, as well as some express trains from Milan, Bologna, Florence or Trieste and Venice stop at Gaeta Station. The schedule can be checked on the Italian website railways www.trenitalia.it

By car
From Rome, take the Grand Raccordo Anulare towards the south (Naples) and then take the SS 148 Pontina.


Gaeta is a large seaside city in the Italian region of Lazio, located 80 km northwest of Naples on the shores of the Gulf of Gaeta. The picturesque fortress city is located on a small rocky cape. According to the latest census, it is home to about 22 thousand people. Since 1967, a NATO naval base has been located here.

The history of Gaeta goes back centuries. The first mentions of the city are found among the ancient Romans, who believed that it was founded by the ancient Greek hero Aeneas. They also explained the origin of the name Gaeta - Caeta was the name of the nurse of the Trojan hero, who, according to legend, was buried at the seaside. During the Roman Empire, Gaeta with her beautiful landscapes and the climate was mild popular place rest of the patricians. At the same time, the first harbor was built here.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Gaeta remained subordinate to Constantinople for some time, then, in the 8th century, it became a powerful republic that competed with Amalfi and Pisa, and from the beginning of the 10th century, dukes loyal to the Pope gained power in the city. Even later, in 1140, the city became part of the Norman rulers of Sicily, who spent huge amounts of money on strengthening its port. In the 15th century, Gaeta even became the scene of a fierce struggle for the Neapolitan throne, and was subsequently besieged more than once by the Austrians, Spaniards and French. In 1861, the city became part of the united Italy.

Today Gaeta is a sea and fishing port, as well as a recognized tourist resort.

Gaeta, like many other Italian cities, seems to consist of two cities - one, ancient, has retained its historical appearance and cultural and architectural monuments, and the second, by and large, does not differ from other modern metropolises. In the very center of the old part of the city stands the Cathedral, the construction of which began in 1106 and was completed almost two centuries later. Today it houses the relics of Saint Erasmus and the personal standard of John of Austria from the Battle of Lepanto. A little to the side stands a 57-meter bell tower - an elegant example of architecture.

Of the other religious buildings, of which there are almost a hundred in Gaeta, it is worth visiting the Byzantine temple of San Giovanni a Mare of the 10th century, the Gothic church of Santissima Annunziata of the 14th century with its Golden Grotto chapel, the churches of Sorresca, San Domenico, Santa Lucia and Santa Caterina d'Allesandria. And on Mount Orlando stands one of the sanctuaries of the Christian world - the chapel of Santissima Trinita.

The medieval Angevin-Aragonese fortress, probably built back in the 6th or 7th century, deserves special attention; many dramatic events in the history of the city are associated with it. Monuments of ancient Roman architecture have also been preserved in Gaeta, for example, the mausoleum of Lucius Plancus from the 1st century BC. and the mausoleum of Lucius Sempronius Atratinius. And on the steep slopes of Monte Orlando there is a Medieval Quarter with characteristic buildings from the 11th to 13th centuries.

Nature lovers will love the visit natural park“Monte Orlando”, located on the cape of the same name and including part of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The park is under the patronage of the international environmental organization WWF.

Gaeta is located on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea at a sufficient distance from large cities, which makes it ideal place For beach holiday. The beaches around the city, such as Serapo or San Agostino, are famous for their golden sand and clear sea. And Gaeta itself is considered one of best resorts coast of the Riviera di Ulisse. There are great opportunities for different activities here. aquatic species sports - from scuba diving to windsurfing.