Tyrrhenian coast. Holidays on the Tyrrhenian Sea. What straits are there in the Tyrrhenian Sea

The Tyrrhenian Sea is one of the most popular resort areas in Italy. The main advantages of this place are sandy beaches, picturesque towns and pristine nature.

Tyrrhenian Sea

Finding a body of water on the map will not be particularly difficult, since it is located between large islands - Corsica, the Apennine Peninsula, Sardinia, as well as the legendary Sicily. On the south-eastern side are the Aeopian (or Aeolian) Islands, on the west - the Balearic Sea. This water area belongs to, which, in turn, belongs to the ocean. This region is adjacent to West Side Italy.

The water area is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by several straits: Corsican (in the north), Sardinian (in the south), Bonifacio (in the west), Messina (in the southeast) and Sicilian (in the southwest). total area water area is 214 thousand square meters. m.

The Tyrrhenian Sea washes the shores of such tourist areas, like Tuscany, Lazio, Calambria and, of course, Campania. During the times of the ancient Romans, this water area was called the Lower Sea, while the Upper Sea was classified as the current basin. On the territory of the reservoir you can find such picturesque islands as Salina, Vulcano, Stromboli, as well as the Aegadian Islands

The entire coastline belonging to this water area is rich historical heritage. The reservoir was named after one of the peoples who inhabited this territory. It included the Etruscans - the ancient Greeks who came here from Lydia.

As a result of the forced relocation to Tuscany, the new residents decided to name the nearby sea in honor of their leader, Prince Tyrrhenus. For the same reason, historians began to call the local population Tyrrhenians. The Lydians lived in this area for several centuries. On this moment the largest ports here are Palermo, Cagliari, Bastia (France) and Naples.

Sea map

Tyrrhenian bottom relief

This water area is remarkable for the fact that underneath it there is a fault formed between two continents - Africa and the territory of Europe. This means that the reservoir is located in a zone of seismic activity. For the same reason, this area is characterized by a chain of seamounts, as well as volcanoes that are still active today.

The most famous volcano Here, of course, Vesuvius is considered, whose lava buried the legendary city of Pompeii. No less interesting volcanic formations include Vulcano and Stramboli. The latter remains active for 3,000 years. Eruptions in this place occur with an enviable frequency - up to 4 times per hour, and their strength varies noticeably among themselves.

The sea itself is located in a basin. Its deepest point is located at a fairly deep depth - 3830 m. The average values ​​reach 1519 m.

Hydrological regime of the Tyrrhenian Sea

Passing in this region the currents form a general cyclonic circulation. As for the climate, it is typical of the Mediterranean. Typically, the weather here is warm with a light breeze. But the wind direction here is quite changeable.

Summers on the Tyrrhenian Sea are hot, and winters remain mild throughout the season. In August, the water temperature reaches a maximum of +25 0 C. On February days, the temperature drops to +13 0 C. The salinity of surface waters is in the range of 37.7-38 ‰.

Fauna and flora of the Tyrrhenian

Since this body of water has little contact with the ocean, the area is characterized by a mild climate, low river flow, and high salinity. This kind of climatic conditions contributed to the development of numerous plants and animals found throughout the territory Mediterranean Sea. However, phyto- and zooplankton live here in small quantities.

Sights of the Tyrrhenian Sea

This area can confidently be called one of the most popular places For beach holiday. A variety of resorts, golden sands and numerous hotels are available to travelers from May to September. Sea passenger traffic is very developed, thanks to which tourists can easily get to anywhere on the mainland and to local islands.

The main attractions are the following cities: Anzio, Terracina and Sperlonga. During the reign of the Roman emperors, the city of Anzio served as the residence of august persons. Also to the ruins of the city of Pompeii, where excavations are still being carried out.

Lovers of castles and temples are recommended to visit another ancient area - Mirathea. You can enjoy the thermal baths by going to picturesque island Ischia. In general, holidays on the Tyrrhenian Sea remain affordable for most tourists.

From Moscow to Rome or Naples it is only a three-hour flight. Then a short and easy transfer, and your vacation on the Tyrrhenian coast can be considered to have begun. And the Tyrrhenian coast includes hundreds of kilometers of beaches, amazingly beautiful nature, clear sea, small picturesque towns, each of which has its own personality, most interesting culture, history and traditions.

The beach season here lasts from May to October; the temperature, as a rule, is a couple of degrees higher than at Adriatic coast. The proximity to the coast of cities such as Rome, Naples, Pompeii allows you to coincide with a vacation on the coast of an extensive and very eventful excursion program, and the opportunity to visit the islands of Ischia and Capri (so beloved by the honored Bolsheviks and writer Maxim Gorky) make the vacation even more multifaceted. Main resorts Tyrrhenian coast Anzio, Sabaudia, San Felice Circeo, Terracina, Sperlonga, Gaeta, Formia, Baia Domizia are considered. Each of them is good in its own way; a holiday in any of them will bring a lot of pleasure.

The main resorts of the Tyrrien Sea on the Lazio Riviera

Sabaudia - unique city, appeared on the map of Italy at the request of its then leader, Mussolini in 1933. It took only 253 days to build this resort. In the city center, on Commune Square, there is a 45-meter tower that was erected in just 18 days. Young architects, the authors of the project, embodied their wildest fantasies when creating Sabaudia and implemented many avant-garde solutions. This resort, which literally arose unexpectedly and is still one of the elite resorts in Italy, still amazes with its rationality and reasonable beauty. Sabaudia is surrounded by flowers and greenery, as it is surrounded by national reserve Chicheo, which is one of the attractions of Italy.

Anzio is located just 40 km from Rome. The city is famous for the fact that at the time it was the residence of the Roman emperors and a favorite vacation spot of the Roman patricians; apparently, already in those days the wonderful climate of this place was appreciated. In addition, Anzio is known throughout the world as the birthplace of the Roman emperors Nero and Caligula. The ancient philosopher Cicero wrote: “I prefer Anzio to Rome!” The whole life of this town is closely connected with the seaport, which was not only important transport hub, but also largely determined the course of business and commercial activity in the city. Today Anzio - small town, which has lost its former commercial importance, but has not lost the quality of a wonderful resort. Wide sandy beaches, diving schools, tennis courts, well-developed infrastructure, a significant number of comfortable hotels make this city no less attractive than in the days of the Roman Emperors. The opportunity to visit nearby Rome and Naples adds to the attractiveness of this city in the eyes of tourists.

Terracina offers golden sandy beaches, azure seas, bright blue skies and magnificent scenery so characteristic of the Tyrrhenian coast. This city is replete with unique monuments of antiquity: the famous Appian Way, the Temple of Jupiter, built by the mysterious Etruscans in the 4th century BC. e., Cathedral. These priceless monuments of bygone eras are of interest to all civilized humanity.

Sperlonga is one of the seven the most beautiful places Italy. This is - literally - White City with picturesque winding streets, medieval towers, big amount observation platforms, very beautiful coastline. Thanks to the many caves and grottoes located in the vicinity of the city, Sperlonga received its name. And it owes its architectural appearance to numerous pirate attacks. Caves and grottoes attract tourists, and attract even more tourists picturesque beaches in the vicinity of Sperlonga.


Speaking about the Tyrrhenian coast, one cannot fail to mention widely famous island Capri, Paradise Island. Its climate is comfortable, its landscapes are picturesque, its villas are charming. But the most remarkable thing is the sea around the island. It's transparent. Well, that is, completely transparent. For 8-10 kilometers. The Roman emperors Tiberius and Augustus once spent time here. Much later, in different years, V. Lenin, M. Gorky, N. Aseev, A. Chaliapin, I. Bunin lived here. Anyone who has visited the island of Capri will agree that outstanding Russians understood a lot about relaxation. However, they are not alone: ​​Arab sheikhs and Hollywood directors enjoy their holidays in Capri...

Popular hotels in Tyrrien Coast

The main resorts of the Tyrrien Sea in Calabria

Praia a Mare: From here begins the famous Riviera dei Cedri (“Citron Coast”) - the only place in Europe where rare relatives of oranges and lemons grow - citrons.

Scalea is located 109 km from Cosenza on the top of a cliff, almost vertical. Lower Scalea is a modern seaside resort with a well-developed tourist structure and a huge number of hotels.

Cirella has many historical monuments that are worth visiting. Not far from the shore there is small island, decorated with the ruins of an ancient watchtower.

Diamante, a former fishing village located in the very center of the Riviera dei Cedri, is one of the most “painted” cities in the world: the walls of the houses here are decorated with more than 150 works of famous artists, making the city a real open-air museum.

Belvedere Marittimo: with observation platforms The Old Belvedere offers an impressive panorama of the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the surrounding mountains. Tourists eager for ancient monuments will certainly be interested in local castle, icons of the church of Santa Maria del Popolo and a wooden crucifix from the 17th century, kept in the church of Santo Crocifisso.

Modern Cetraro grew up on the site of ancient Citririum, a city that received its name because of the citron plantations that surrounded it. The churches of Ritiro (Chiesa del Ritiro), San Francesco and San Benedetto (a copy of the basilica in Montecassino) will attract the attention of history buffs here.

Not far from the entrance to the town of Guardia Piemontese are the ruins of an old castle, the “Bloody Gate” (Porta del Sangue) and the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle (Chiesa di Sant’Andrea Apostolo). After driving a few kilometers inland, you can reach Terme Luigiane, the most famous thermal resort in Calabria.

Fuscaldo consists of two parts: the old Fuscaldo adorns the top of one of the hills, and the young one - Marina di Fuscaldo - stretches along seashore, delighting vacationers with spacious beaches and a well-maintained city promenade.

Gioia Tauro is a three-kilometer sandy beach interspersed with small pebbles. There are several bars, restaurants and showers on its territory. This beach is not covered by rocks, so a refreshing sea breeze constantly blows on it. It is not too crowded and not the most family friendly.

Palmi beach, like Gioia Tauro, is sand and pebble, but unlike the latter, it is literally crowded with people in the summer months. Palmi is surrounded by rocks and mountains approaching the coast, blocking access to the wind, so during the hot season it can be too hot here.

Tropea is a beautiful sandy beach with fine and soft sand.

Capo Vaticano is a 500-meter long beach covered with soft, clean sand. Also, like Tropea, very crowded, without enough parking spaces. Couples and single vacationers come here in search of new acquaintances.

Scylla is a classic sandy beach surrounded by rocks. Refreshing winds are extremely rare here and you can escape the heat only in the sea or a few local bars.

Reggio Calabria is a new artificial beach, the sand for which was brought from Gioia Tauro.

Near the fishing village of Soverato there are kilometers of snow-white sandy beaches. There are both “civilized” areas with bars, restaurants, sun loungers and showers, and secluded areas. A picturesque promenade stretches along the beach.

Tyrrhenian coast enjoys enormous tourist attention among beach lovers who come to the shores in order to spend their vacation as fun and interesting as possible. Meanwhile, such success is quite justified, given the incredible beauty of the natural landscapes of these places, the mild climate, the abundance of water activities and the extremely rich excursion program that this coast, stretching more than 100 km along the vast expanses of the sea, can offer tourists.


One of its main advantages is its relative proximity to such important historical centers as Rome, Pompeii or Naples. Thus, vacationers can not only splash around in the transparent sea waves to their hearts' content, but also diversify their vacation by getting to know the greatest cultural and historical monuments of the past. In addition, travel enthusiasts have great opportunities to take boat trips to nearby islands, including the famous Ischia and Capri, to enjoy incredible natural beauties these places. If you wish, you can make a deep-sea dive in order to get acquainted with the rich underwater world Tyrrhenian Sea. Just like in almost any resort region Italy has a well-developed tourism infrastructure, there is a wide selection of cozy and comfortable hotels, convenient transport connection, discos are open almost 24 hours a day, and numerous bars, restaurants and entertainment venues always welcome guests.

A brief excursion into history

The lands along the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea were inhabited long before our era and many legends and tales are associated with them. Greeks and Romans, barbarians and Saracens, many nationalities have existed here for thousands of years, each of which has left its mark on history. Modern resorts began to be built along these picturesque shores in the 19th century, although most of them have appeared in our days. Today, they enjoy great attention among tourists and almost half of the vacationers visiting Italy prefer the Tyrrhenian coast.


The region is dominated by a pronounced Mediterranean climate with relatively cool winters and hot summers. The high season usually occurs from July to August, when the air temperature stabilizes at around +24 - +28 degrees. Summer months They are dry and have a lot of sunny days, so the weather during this period is stable and easy to predict.

How to get there

At a short distance from the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy, there are several international airports, including Rome and Naples, the flight time to which from Moscow is a little over 3 hours.


All big cities and settlements are connected to each other via bus and train services. There are also ferry services between coastal port cities. In the city, the main means of transportation are buses, minibuses and taxis.

Main cities and resorts

One of the main tourist centers coast is a city located on the shores of the Gulf of Salerno and belonging to the province of Salerno. According to legend, it got its name in honor of the ex-wife of Zeus, who named the city in memory of her. Here, historical buildings and modern hotels, narrow streets and wide equipped beaches are intricately intertwined. Since the urban area has a vertical location and stretches from bottom to top along the mountain slope, a fabulous view of the city opens from almost any point. rocky shores and the smooth surface of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The landscape of the city of Positano looks no less colorful, where romantically minded aristocrats prefer to relax. Not far from it, the coast is skirted by an elegant, called " Sunny Beach"and fully justifies this name. Next to it lies the picturesque village of Vietri Sul Maare, whose fame was brought by masters of processing artistic ceramics, which is largely reflected in appearance churches and some buildings. Among other famous cities, stand out graceful, charming, already belonging to the Riviera, mysterious, picturesque, famous for its white low houses and narrow winding streets, as well as magnificent with its well-groomed sandy beaches.

The resorts of the region enjoy special attention among tourists visiting the Tyrrhenian coast. Thus, the famous Riviera dei Cedri, named after the citron plants, begins in the town of Praia a Mare, where a slave market was located many centuries ago. The main attraction here is the ancient grotto, in the sanctuary of which the miraculous image of the Madonna has been kept for centuries. More than 100 km from the city of Cosenza, on the top of a cliff, is the village of Scalea, descending to the sea in an original spiral. Despite the limited space, it has a developed infrastructure and an impressive number of hotels for every taste and budget. The town of Cirella is attractive for its historical monuments and beautiful views. In the central part of the Riviera dei Cedri, the Diamante resort attracts attention, previously known as an ordinary fishing village, but now representing a unique open museum with painted houses.

A striking example of medieval architecture is Belvedere Marittimo, with ancient churches and fabulous sea views from its historical part. Many temples of medieval architecture are represented in the city of Cetraro, where the famous Italian poet Giovanni Giacomo grew up. Of great interest is the area around Guardia Piemontese, where there are several interesting architectural structures of the past. At an altitude of 370 meters above sea level, the romantic town of Fuscaldo flaunts, surrounded by massive fortress walls. In fact, it is divided into two parts, one of which is located below, near the seashore, forming a modern resort area, and the second is the historical center, with residential areas and unique monuments of the past.

Attractions and entertainment

The Tyrrhenian shores are a real paradise for lovers of antiquities and outstanding historical buildings. The famous Appian Way, the Temple of Jupiter and other ancient ruins located in various areas serve as a living embodiment of past greatness. Just 40 km from Anzio is the majestic Rome, and along the Bay of Naples there are several glorious cities, including Naples itself. From almost any point, tourists have the opportunity to go with bus tour through the most mysterious and exciting places of the Tyrrhenian coast.


Each province and each region of Italy has its own culinary delights. On the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, they became particularly famous culinary traditions and Neapolitan cuisine. In the restaurants and snack bars of numerous resorts, you can try all sorts of dishes to suit every taste, from various types of Italian pasta to vegetable salads, exotic fruits and fish delicacies. National wines and desserts occupy a special place.


In shops, shopping centers and souvenir shops, tourists are offered a wide range of all kinds of products from clothing and shoes to jewelry made of precious metals and works of art by local craftsmen.

For many years, the Tyrrhenian coast has always been very popular among tourists and has everything necessary for a bright and eventful holiday, giving its guests a lot of positive emotions and forcing them to come back here again.

Italy is a country with incredible geography, climate, history and landscapes. It seems that absolutely everything is on this ancient land imbued with an atmosphere of luxury and special charm. Life here proceeds slowly: large ancient cities receive thousands of tourists every day from all over the world, ski resorts filled with conquerors in season snowy peaks, and the picturesque coasts attract vacationers from all over the world all year round. From mid-spring to late autumn, the shores of Italy are a paradise for a beach holiday. In winter, swimming in Italy is already cold, but beautiful local nature and architecture does not depend on the time of year: many travelers flock to the coasts for exciting excursions, leisurely pastime and contemplation, and you can contemplate the local landscapes endlessly.

It is noteworthy that Italy is “captured” by five seas: the Adriatic, Ionian, Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian and Ligurian. This geography, combined with the mild Mediterranean climate, has given the country beautiful coastlines with numerous resorts.

Each sea coast of Italy deserves detailed consideration, since they differ strikingly from each other in many respects, such as landscapes, popularity, cost of recreation and much more. In any case, in Italy everyone will find a holiday on the coast according to their means and needs, and most importantly, no one will leave disappointed with the architectural, landscape and historical delights that this wonderful country generously offers tourists.

Ligurian coast (Italian Riviera)

The picturesque coast of the Ligurian Sea stretches from France to the small town of La Spezia. The coast is considered a Riviera because it smoothly turns into Cote d'Azur France. Exactly on Ligurian coast The most fashionable and elite resorts of the country are concentrated: San Remo, Portofino and Genoa. Geographically, Genoa divides the Italian Riviera into eastern (Riviera di Levante) and western (Riviera di Ponente). Liguria is a center for olive and flower growing.

Resorts of the Ligurian coast

Genoa- the heart of the Ligurian coast, the birthplace of Paganini and Columbus, the most important shipbuilding port city in Italy, a university center - the importance of this ancient city can be enumerated endlessly, but it is better to enjoy its beauty and iconic places. Located in Genoa major airport, and, as a rule, all trips along the Ligurian coast begin from this place.

Sanremo- one of the most famous resorts in Italy. A small town that any tourist can explore on foot, it is famous as a vacation spot for the royal family. Russian Empire, endless year-round festivals and the indescribable floral aroma that reigns on the streets of the city. It is in San Remo that the country's main flower greenhouses are located, the products of which are exported to many countries around the world. During high season, the beaches of Sanremo are filled to capacity. By the way, it is in this resort town that the International Sailing Regatta starts.

Bordighera- a small town located next to San Remo. It was this city that Queen Margaret of Savoy chose for her summer residence. Bordighera became famous for its pompous architecture, rich history and elite beaches.

Arma di Taggia- a cozy resort town on the Ligurian coast, founded by ancient monks. These days, the coastal area of ​​Taj is a chic beach holiday destination for tourists from all over the world and a keeper of historical attractions.

Empire- one of the youngest cities in Italy (founded at the beginning of the 20th century). The territory of the city was inhabited earlier and has many ancient architectural monuments. These days, the Ligurian Empire is a “Mecca” for water sports enthusiasts.

Diano Marina is a resort town on the Ligurian coast with unique architecture and history. The city contains fragments of a Christian temple from the time of the birth of religion. This resort is extremely popular among Europeans.

Alassio- rightfully one of best cities Ligurian coast. It is here, unlike other resort areas, that you can find snow-white sandy beaches. As a rule, they are all private and you have to pay to enter. Alassio is also known as a “star” resort because world celebrities like to relax here, away from the crowds of tourists.

Albenga- one of largest resorts Ligurian coast. Albenga has preserved hundreds of architectural landmarks from the medieval era in almost perfect condition. These days, the city thrives on tourism and attracts thousands of vacationers during the swimming season.

Pietra Ligure is a coastal town that perfectly combines traditional and modern Italy. Despite the numerous fashion stores, shopping centers and casinos, on the ancient streets you can see exactly the kind of life that we are used to seeing in old Italian films.

Savona- a large port that performs industrial functions and is a marina for luxury pleasure yachts. This beautiful resort town is famous for its beaches, which regularly win “ blue flags"and the production of majolica - painted tiles, famous all over the world.

Arenzano offers guests of the city all sorts of activities aquatic species sports, exciting and productive fishing, yachting and much more. The resort coast has very developed entertainment and nightlife. For lovers of a calm and measured holiday, Arenzano offers sightseeing and walks through olive and citrus groves.

Finale Ligure- a typical resort of the Ligurian coast with sandy beaches, historical buildings and vibrant nightlife. The main advantage of the town is the landscape of its territory: the city is framed by majestic rocks.

Camogli- a small port town more reminiscent of a fishing village. The city is far from noisy modern life and is ideally suited for a secluded holiday on pebble beaches with unusually bright blue water, which in itself is a rarity for the Italian Riviera.

Rapallo- a seaside resort, the panoramas of which are more like postcards than reality: evergreen palm trees, snow-white yachts, well-groomed beaches and ancient fortresses form an unforgettable image of the city.

Portofino- the most famous and one of the most luxurious resorts on the Ligurian coast. Guy de Maupassant called this place “paradise on Earth” and it’s hard to disagree with him. It is interesting to note that according to the census, the population of the city today is little more than 400 people.

Santa Margherita Ligure- a picturesque harbor with excellent opportunities for recreation and water sports. The architecture of the city reflects the best traditions of Italy of past centuries.

Levanto is a unique city that is part of the Cinque Terre nature reserve, which is under the auspices of UNESCO. The residential areas of the city are located on rocks that smoothly descend to the water - such unique landscapes unlikely to be seen anywhere else.

La Speziasmall resort, bordering Tuscany. This city is undeservedly deprived of attention due to the fact that the Italian Riviera has more famous resorts, such as Portofino, San Remo, Genoa and many others, but in vain. La Spezia received a second name - “The City of Poets”, since its regular guests were Byron, George Sand, D.H. Lawrence, Percy Shelley and many others. It was they who described the city as “ paradise“and it’s hard not to believe them: architecture, sights, nature - everything here literally reflects luxury.


Climatic conditions on the Ligurian coast are pleasing local residents and travelers throughout the year. There is no pronounced winter here, and the swimming season lasts 4 - 5 months. A luxurious microclimate is provided mountain ranges, sheltering the territory of Liguria from piercing winds, as well as the warm currents of the Ligurian Sea. The water temperature during the swimming season averages up to +24°C.

Average annual temperatures on the Ligurian coast:


Of course, the main entertainment on the coast is a beach holiday. We can safely say that on the Ligurian coast this type of recreation is considered elite, since the infrastructure of the local coastal zone meets the most demanding requirements of vacationers. In addition to passive time on the beach, you should definitely engage in water sports, go to a sailing regatta or spend time on a yacht.

Each of the resort towns described above has its own historical attractions that are definitely worth a visit. For example, in Genoa there is the Royal Palace, Castle d'Albertis, the Genoese Aquarium and the famous La Lanterna lighthouse. While walking around Sanremo, you should not pass by the colorful Bussana Vecchia. The famous Ariston Theater - main concert hall region. Celentano, Ramazzotti and Cutugno once performed on its stage.

A must-see is the Cinque Terre National Park with its unique landscapes. In any case, while admiring the architecture of small towns and strolling along the embankments, you are unlikely to miss the main attractions, since almost every settlement can be explored on foot within a few hours.

How to get there

The closest international airport to the Italian Riviera is in Genoa, but there are no direct flights from Moscow. Quite convenient flights Moscow - Genoa with one transfer is performed:

  • Aeroflot jointly with Alitalia with a transfer in Rome;
  • AirFrance with a transfer in Paris;
  • Lufthansa with a transfer in Munich;
  • KLM with a transfer in Amsterdam.

Another international airport is located a little further, in Milan. The distance from Milan to the Ligurian coast is about 200 kilometers, which can be easily covered by bus or train. You can select a flight using the service.

Train tickets can be purchased at the central railway station Milan or on the website of one of the transport operators in Italy - Trenitalia. The service is available on English language. As a rule, tickets for Regionale trains are much cheaper, since their trains travel much longer than others. Eurocity trains are the fastest, but ticket prices are much higher.

Another way to get to the Riviera is by bus. This method of transportation is preferred by economical travelers, since bus tickets are much cheaper. cheaper tickets On the train. You can purchase tickets online using the services of official Italian carriers Marinobus, Baltour and Buscenter.

Helpful information about the Ligurian coast:

Tyrrhenian coast

The coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea stretches for hundreds of kilometers and includes some of the most popular resort areas in Italy: the Tuscan Riviera, the Amalfi Coast, the Gulf of Naples, Cilento, Costa Smeralda and many others. The main islands of the state, such as Sardinia, Elba, Ischia, Capri and part of Sicily are also washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Resorts of the Tyrrhenian coast

Tuscan Riviera- one of the most favorite holiday destinations for European tourists, which is located at the intersection of the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas. The Riviera includes such small resort towns as Massa, Forte dei Marmi, Lido di Camaiore, Viareggio, Tirenia, Livorno, San Vincenzo, Piombino, Monte Argentario and many others. Almost 300 kilometers of coastline consists of picturesque nature, luxuriously furnished beach line, fashionable restaurants, apart-hotels and boutiques of world brands. Tuscany has gained fame throughout the world as a wine-growing region.

Elba Island also belongs to the Tuscan Riviera. Travelers flock to the island for its incredible sandy beaches and a visit to the Napoleon Museum, which was exiled on the island for a long time.

Coast of Odysseus (Riviera di Ulisse)- many kilometers of sandy coast from Naples to Rome, most of which is located in Lazio. According to legend, Odysseus lived here for many years during his journey and admired the beauty of the local landscape. This fact became the reason to name the coast in his honor. Odysseus was not the only one who admired the beauty of the Riviera: Emperor Nero himself ordered the construction of a palace and park complex in Anzio, now a resort town on the Tyrrhenian coast. Besides Anzio, the most famous and visited resorts of the Odyssey Coast are Sabaudia, Terracina, San Felice Circeo, Sperlonga, Gaeta, Formia, Latina and many others.

Neapolitan Riviera extends from Cape Miseno to Cape Campanella and includes the islands of Ischia and Capri. The Neapolitan Riviera has not only rich architecture and natural landscapes, but also history, as it is located right on the Vesuvius volcano. The main resort areas of the coast are Naples, Torre del Greco, Sorrento, Castellammare di Stabia, Massa Lubrense, Vico Equuenze. The landscapes of the Gulf of Naples perfectly combine the power of rocks, a riot of greenery and flowers with the azure of clear waters.

The Neapolitan Riviera has some of the most beautiful islands Europe - Ischia and Capri. The main attraction of Ischia is the Aragonese Castle, erected in 474 BC and preserved in excellent condition. Nowadays, the island of Ischia is a place of attraction for hundreds of tourists thanks to its thermal springs, gorgeous beaches and beautiful landscapes.

The island of Capri is not inferior in popularity to Ischia. Having at least interesting story and excellent resort areas, the island is famous for its unusual landscapes: blue grottoes, caves, Faraglioni rocks, fjords and much more.

The Neapolitan Riviera smoothly flows into the famous Amalfi Coast. The beautiful resort town of Sorrento, praised by many creators, fits compactly on the top of a cliff, offering excellent views of the surrounding area. The Amalfi resort, on the contrary, is modestly hidden at the foot of the cliffs. Travelers will enjoy the cleanest beaches in such port resorts as Cetara, Maiori, Minori, Positano, Praiano, Ravello and Salerno. Many cities and sites of the Amalfi Riviera are under the auspices of UNESCO and perfectly combine modern entertainment with centuries-old traditions and architecture so lavishly decorated with majolica.

Coast of Cilento not as popular as Amalfi, but no less interesting and beautiful. The beaches of Cilento regularly receive blue flags for cleanliness. The beauty of nature and the mesmerizing landscapes of these places were vividly described by E. Hemingway in his work “The Old Man and the Sea,” which he was inspired to write by the time he spent in Cilento. To the largest resort settlements coasts include Paestum, Agropoli, Castellabate, Palinuro and others.

Most of the territory of the Naples Riviera, the Amalfi Coast and the Cilento is located in Campania.

Costa del Dei or "Coast of the Gods" It’s not for nothing that it has a great name. The “divinity” of the coast is provided by the bright colors of the sea, blooming greenery, and excellent Mediterranean climate, which truly make the Costa del Dei a paradise. “Coast of the Gods” is located in the Calabria region. Tyrrhenian Calabria includes resorts such as Praia a Mare, Scalea, Cirelle, Diamante, Belvedere Marittimo, Cetraro, Fuscaldo, Tropea and many others. Throughout coastline There are resort towns and fishing villages with excellent sandy beaches, nightclubs, restaurants and architectural attractions of past centuries.

Northern coast of Sicily also washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily stretches from Messina to Marsala and includes the famous Palermo, Milazzo, Capo d'Orlando, Termini Imerese, Trapani and many other resort towns stretching along the northern part of the island. In addition to excellent beach holidays, for example, Palermo offers excellent shopping, sightseeing and entertainment.

It is impossible not to mention one of the most beautiful islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea - Sardinia. The most famous coastline of the island of Sardinia is "Emerald Coast" or Costa Smeralda. Resorts north coast, such as Porto Cervo, Porto Rotondo, Pantocia, Bahia Sardinia, are a favorite vacation spot of Italian oligarchs. The emerald waters of the Costa Smeralda are stunning, and the majestic cliffs add to the magnificence of the image. Other equally popular coasts of Sardinia are Stintino, Santa Teresa di Gallura, San Teodoro, Tortoli, Arbatax, Pula, Cabras and Villasimius. Along the entire coastline there are dozens paradise beaches, both private and wild.


Geographically, the Tyrrhenian coast is quite long, but the climatic conditions are quite pleasant in both Tuscany and Calabria. As a rule, the beach season here starts in mid-spring and ends in mid-autumn. Especially brave and seasoned tourists from northern countries swim even out of season. The rest of the time, travelers enjoy a relaxed cultural holiday on the coast. It should be remembered that temperatures on the islands are several degrees higher than on the mainland.

The Tyrrhenian Sea is famous for its calm waters. When there is a danger of high and low tides, warning signs are usually posted on the beaches. During the swimming season, the water warms up to an average of +26°C.

Average annual temperatures on the Tyrrhenian coast are:


Each region of the Tyrrhenian coast is rich in attractions. If you started your journey with Tuscan Riviera, it's definitely worth a visit old City Pisa, famous throughout the world for its Leaning Tower and Cathedral. The most important attraction of the Tuscan coast is nature itself.

The Odyssey Coast is replete with attractions that date back to centuries BC. In Terracina this is the temple of Jupiter of Anxur, in Formia - the villas of the kings of Naples. By the way, the air of Terracina itself is amazing. It is credited with healing properties due to its high iodine content.

The coastline of the Amalfi and Neapolitan coasts fascinates with its beauty. There are citrus, grape and olive plantations here. IN resort towns There are amusement parks, water parks and numerous nightclubs. The islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea are famous for their spa resorts and thermal baths, the water temperature of which allows you to visit them regardless of the season.

Almost along the entire coast there are monuments protected by UNESCO. The Cilento coast is no exception, as there is a national park of enormous size and importance here.

The main attraction of the coast is the surrounding views and nature. You should definitely see Vesuvius or go to Sicily for Mount Etna. Volcanoes, in addition gorgeous panoramas, will give you an unforgettable experience.

Sardinia has concentrated on its territory attractions of both natural, historical and architectural significance. The main ones include the La Maddalena archipelago, Neptune's Grotto, St. Mary's Cathedral, the Roman Amphitheater and many other iconic places.

How to get there

The method of travel directly depends on the destination city. Closest to the Tyrrhenian coast international airports located in Rome, Naples, Genoa and Palermo. You can fly to Sardinia from the international airports of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero.

The cheapest and most convenient way is to fly to the Italian mainland and then take a ferry to the islands, since there are no direct flights to Genoa, Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero. Flights from Moscow to island international airports sometimes require several transfers, which is very inconvenient and costly.

Direct flights from Moscow (Sheremetyevo) to Naples are operated by Aeroflot and Alitalia airlines. You can fly non-stop from Moscow to Rome on flights of Aeroflot and Alitalia from Sheremetyevo and S7 from Domodedovo. You can select a flight using the service.

The distance from the arrival airport to any town on the Tyrrhenian coast can be easily covered by bus or train. Tickets can be purchased at the railway or bus station, or through official online services in Italy.

A train ticket can be purchased online on the website of one of the transport operators in Italy - Trenitalia or italo. Services are available in English. As a rule, tickets for Regionale trains are much cheaper, since their trains travel much longer than others. Eurocity trains are the fastest, but ticket prices are much higher.

You can purchase tickets online using the services of official bus carriers Marinobus, Sita SUD, Baltour and Buscenter.

You can view the schedule and book ferry tickets to the islands at Navigazione Libera del Golfo or Gescab. To Elbe and Sardinia - Blu Navy, Corsica ferries.

Where to stay:

  • Hotels in Tuscany, Amalfi and the Naples Riviera
  • Hotels in Ischia, Capri, Sardinia and Elba

One of the most fascinating sights west coast is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Tears. Its unusual shape and even more unusual history attracts hundreds of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world.

Mazara del Vallo is definitely worth a trip to see the ruins medieval castle, or rather the preserved Norman Arch. In Sciacca, it is worth listening to the church organ, which has been playing at the services of the Church of St. Margaret since the beginning of the 17th century. Not far from Licata there is one of the most valuable and significant attractions -

Useful information about the region:

Ionian coast

The Italian coast of the Ionian Sea stretches from Syracuse in Sicily to Cape Santa Maria di Leuca in Apulia. Ionian coast - favorite place holiday for both visitors and the Italians themselves, since the climatic conditions of the south of the country are perfectly suitable for a long beach holiday.

Catania- a port city on the island of Sicily at the foot of Mount Etna. The beaches of Catania are divided into rocky and sandy. As a rule, more vacationers gather on the southern sandy beaches. The main attractions of the city are squares, parks, shopping streets and markets of the city. Archaeological excavations here they meet in the most unexpected places - on one of central squares or on campus.

Taormina- a resort of stunning beauty, located on the slope of Mount Tauro. From the streets of the city there is an excellent view of Mount Etna. From the mountainside you can reach the beach by cable car. Music festivals and film festivals are regularly held in the city center.

Southern coast of Calabria also washed by the Ionian Sea. Knowledgeable tourists They prefer Ionian Calabria rather than Tyrrhenian Calabria, since it is here that there are more sunny days and the air temperature is several degrees higher. Jasmine Coast, as Southern Calabria is also called, was named after the jasmine plantations established on these lands, the harvest of which was exported to France for the production of the best perfumes. The Calabrian coast includes resorts such as Reggio Calabria, Bova Marina, Locri, Monasterace, Soverato and many others. In total there are about 40 communes, each of which has an excellent coastal zone, ideally suited for a beach holiday.

South coast of Basilicata abounds in sandy and pebble beaches. The main resorts of Basilicata are Policoro and Metaponto. A luxurious beach holiday in coastal resort areas can be combined with a visit to the ruins of ancient Greek cities. The city of Matera is definitely worth a visit. The city became famous for its unusual ancient architecture and many Hollywood, Italian and even Russian films were filmed on its streets.

South coast of Puglia- Taranto, San Pietro in Bevagna, Porto Cesareo, Gallipoli - make up an almost continuous beach area, decorated with year-round greenery, ports and snow-white yachts. The Ionian Sea meets the Adriatic at Cape Santa Maria di Leuca, a natural landmark of Puglia.


The Ionian coast has a Mediterranean climate. For most of the year, you can experience excellent sunny and cloudless weather on the shores of the Ionian Sea. As a rule, there is no winter here. In fact, the winter months are accompanied by above-zero temperatures and high precipitation. The swimming season in Calabria and Puglia is open from mid-spring to mid-autumn. The water temperature during the swimming season reaches +27°C.

Average annual temperatures on the Ionian coast are:


Whichever beach of the Ionian coast you go to, coastal cities There is always a lot of entertainment, both educational and entertaining. Each locality has markets, restaurants, cafes, boutiques of Italian brands, museums, ancient architectural monuments and religious sites. Arriving in Catania, it is worth getting closer to Mount Etna for the sake of unforgettable landscapes, taking a photo with the symbol of the city - the black elephant of the Cathedral of St. Cataldo and the Church of St. Dominic. The main relics and ancient finds are exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum. Porto Cesario is home to a national marine reserve. It would also be interesting to visit the grottoes and water caves near the resort town.

How to get there

The closest airports to the Ionian Coast are Bari, Catania, Palermo and Naples. Flights to Bari are operated only with transfers. S7 Airlines operates a direct flight from Moscow to Catania. With the help of Pobeda and Hahn air systems you can get to Palermo directly from Vnukovo. Aeroflot and Alitalia operate direct flights from Sheremetyevo to Naples. Next, you will have to get to the destination city by bus or train.

You can select a flight using the service.

Train tickets can be purchased directly at the train station or on the website of one of the transport operators in Italy - Trenitalia. The service is available in English. As a rule, tickets for Regionale trains are much cheaper, since their trains travel much longer than others.

Another way to get to the Ionian coast is by bus. This method of transportation is the most economical, since bus tickets are much cheaper than train tickets. You can purchase tickets online using the services of official Italian carriers Marinobus, Baltour and Buscenter.

Useful information about the region:

Where to stay:

  • Salerno is called the "sunny city"– and it fully lives up to its name. Among the ancient attractions of the city are the Palatine Chapel, made of stones (inside there are ancient frescoes of the 11th century), the Cathedral of San Matteo of the 11th century, the medieval castle of Areca; and you can learn more about the history of the city and the region at the Archaeological Museum of Salerno.
  • Amalfi - belongs to the province of Salerno. According to legend, the city was named after one of the wives of Zeus. Since the city is located on a hill and has a vertical orientation, there is a wonderful view of the bay from almost anywhere in the city. Among the attractions is St. Andrew's Cathedral, where services are held every Sunday.

    Amalfi Bay hosts an annual maritime competition of national importance - the Regatta maritime republics", taking part in which is considered a very prestigious matter.

  • perfect place for SPA fans: on this island a large number of thermal springs. This is an excellent option for those who seek secluded relaxation and are accustomed to combining relaxation with restorative procedures.
  • Sperlonga seems to be divided into two parts: stretches along the coast resort area with sandy beaches and entertainment complexes, and just above is the historical city center with ancient buildings and a number of architectural attractions. The beaches have a “blue flag” category, which is an indicator of cleanliness and environmental friendliness.
  • Ajaccio, located on the island of Corsica, went down in history for the reason that Napoleon Bonaparte was born in this city - the second child of thirteen in a poor family. Despite the deeds committed by Napoleon, the Corsicans are proud of their eminent countryman. Ajaccio has a house-museum of Napoleon, the church where he was baptized, and a memorial built in his honor and named after him.
  • Capri is called the “island of writers”. At one time, many writers liked to relax here, whose names today form the golden fund of world literature - Heinrich Mann, Ivan Bunin, Maxim Gorky, Oscar Wilde and others. The most famous attraction of the island is the Blue (Azure) Grotto., natural cave, which has the only entrance from the sea by boat.
  • The light entering this cave gives off a bluish glow, which gives the cave its name. There are statues in the grotto - apparently, this place was especially revered in ancient times.

  • Sabaudia - a glamorous resort town. Mostly Italian bohemians vacation here, and the resort itself obviously cannot be called budget. Sabaudia has great opportunities for beach holidays and water sports.

    Among the historical sights– Villa Domitian (a building dating back to the 1st century – a complex of Roman baths), the Church of Annunziata, the Guattari cave with its mysteries. Social entertainment includes discos, bars and clubs. Near the city there is the Circeo National Park.

  • Anzio is a port city near Rome. Ancient legends say that Antaeus (the son of Odysseus and Circe) was born here, after whom the city was named. Anzio was also a favorite holiday destination of Emperor Nero - you can still walk to the ruins of the ancient imperial villa.

    Significant ancient buildings can no longer be found here.– everything was destroyed during the Second World War, but surviving ancient artifacts from the excavation sites can be seen in the Anzio Archaeological Museum.

  • Terracina – a paradise for fans of antiquities. Here are the famous Gate of Naples, the equally famous Appian Way, the Forum Aemilian, the Tower of Roses and the Temple of Jupiter. And a few kilometers from the city there is a large Miami Beach water park with various slides and attractions. Boat trips or fishing tours in the sea are very popular among tourists.
  • Montecristo is an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, part of the Tuscan archipelago. Fans of the work of Alexandre Dumas do not need to explain why this island is famous and famous.

    Attractions and entertainment

    Without exaggeration, the Tyrrhenian Sea region can be called best place for a beach holiday. Small sandy bays, lush vegetation, pure water and mild climate - all this is the key have a great holiday. The beaches are mostly rocky or pebble(only in the area of ​​Terracina and Sperlonga the beaches are sandy), and from the winds beach areas protected by rocks or hills.

    Tyrrhenian Sea - perfect place for yachting, boating, diving.

    For those who like to spend time exploring the culture of the country and visiting various excursions, you can pay attention to the historical areas. Many cities have preserved the heritage of the ancient era - the ruins of palaces and temples, ancient man-made caves and sanctuaries.

    For example, you can go to, or Naples to discover unexplored pages of Italian history and see with your own eyes the structures that have come down to us from time immemorial. Lovers of antiquities will enjoy an excursion to the Appian Way or the Temple of Jupiter.

    The small town of Gaeta was once a military fort, and today there are still buildings that speak of past battles. Fans of water parks will love the cities of Terracina and Cassino - in the vicinity of these cities there are large water parks with a range of entertainment and attractions for both children and adults.