Airbus a380 800 qatar airlines best seats. Cabin layout and best seats on the Emirates Airbus A380. Division by class

Airbus A380, Lufthansa
Welcome aboard the largest passenger airliner in Airbus world A380 one of best airlines! What does the A380 look like inside? How is the work of the crew on board organized? And absolutely exclusively for my blog - an interview with Lufthansa flight attendant Anna Rodney. A380: Be part of it!

In the report, I talked a little about the features of the largest passenger airliner in the world, the Airbus A380, and about its ground services; in this report, I will show what the Lufthansa A380 looks like inside.

The Lufthansa Airbus A380-800 has the following passenger cabin configuration: upper deck - First Class - 8, Business Class - 98, lower deck - Economy Class - 420 seats, i.e. total 526 passenger seats:

The A380 carries 24 crew members: 3 in the cockpit (pilots), 2 senior flight attendants (one on each of the two levels) and 19 flight attendants in the passenger cabin.

The crew boards the aircraft 40-60 minutes before departure and, in fact, 20-30 minutes before passengers board the plane. This time I boarded the flight together with the crew of the Singapore-Frankfurt flight. The first thing that happens in the cabin is a short pre-flight briefing by the crew. The senior flight attendant informs the team about the number of passengers on the flight, introduces the newcomer who will join work on the A380 for the first time, and reports working details. The senior flight attendant this time was a very pleasant and charming woman over 40, who said a very interesting phrase: “Please be extremely polite, attentive and reserved in case conflict situations, please take into account the fact that you and I checked out at the hotel the evening before the flight (flight at 23.00), and most of the passengers were on their feet in the morning and were already tired from the day." She also thanked the crew for their well-coordinated work on the previous flight from Frankfurt to Singapore when medical problems arose and were successfully resolved.

The duration of this briefing is 5-7 minutes, after which all crew members go to their workplaces to prepare for boarding the aircraft. The plane arrived at 17.00 and stayed at the airport for 6 hours. During this time, airport ground services carry out technical inspection, cabin cleaning, delivery of food and clean blankets and pillows. The crew's job is to conduct a quick but thorough check before allowing passengers to enter.

Meet Anna Rodney, a crew member who works today in First Class, she is the one who will tell me today and show me how everything happens on the other side.

Anna works as quickly as possible, checking the power load.

A little later, a ground service employee entered the cabin with whom a check was carried out and documents were signed:

And in just 25-40 minutes, passengers begin boarding! I just watched a little from the side - each crew member works as quickly as possible, all actions are brought to automaticity!

Let's take a walk around the salon :)

Economy class:

Of course, the size of the windows is impressive! The portholes themselves are of course smaller than their inner part, but they still give the impression of being large.
The cabin is much quieter than other planes. High ceilings and spacious compartments for hand luggage.

Traditional postcard:

LCD screens in the back of the seat in front:

The control panel is located in the arm of the chair, which is inconvenient in my opinion; I constantly touched the volume buttons with my elbow:

The entertainment system is good, but significantly inferior in choice to Emirates and Cathay Pacific:

Business Class:

First grade:

There are only 8 seats, but maximum comfort is created for passengers. Each airline places an order for its own cabin layout; Emirates and Singapore Airlines have showers on board the A380, a bar counter, etc. Lufthansa took a different path - everything was done for maximum comfort, but without frills, like a shower, for which you need to carry extra water.

However, Lufthansa First Class has its own characteristics: this cabin has an order of magnitude greater degree of cabin sound insulation, although even in economy it is much quieter than in any other aircraft I have flown on. Even in first class, there is increased air humidity, which during a long flight significantly reduces overall fatigue.

The traditional colors of Lufthansa airlines are blue and yellow; the interiors of business and economy class cabins are designed in these tones. In First Class, completely new modern shades are used in the interior - brown, beige. The First Class lounge at the airport is also decorated in the same colors. At Frankfurt Airport, gates with two levels of jet bridges are specially equipped to service A380 aircraft. Business and first class passengers already at the airport board on the second floor, enter the business lounge and then immediately onto the upper deck of the aircraft upon landing. This way they don't meet economy class passengers.

The interior covering of the cabin is made of artificial material such as velor leather instead of plaid, pleasant to the touch, thereby creating an additional degree of comfort.

Staircase leading to the First Class cabin:

Welcome champagne:

Bose headphones for First Class passengers:

Chair control panel:

The wall between the seats is individually adjustable.

Each passenger has an individual wardrobe:

Adjusting the window shade:

Spacious toilet, 2 of them in the First Class cabin:

From the flight attendant's point of view, the A380 has much more space and is much more comfortable to work with.

And this is what the cockpit looks like:

There is also a “compartment” with beds for pilots to rest:

And these are crew rest areas. The entrance here is down the stairs from first class - these are individual niche beds.
Depending on the duration of the flight, the rest time is distributed - after the end of the first stage of the service. On this flight, each flight attendant had a break of 3 hours 45 minutes, which is relatively long, sometimes even 45 minutes, the rest of the time on their feet.

Here's a Lufthansa A380 inside:)

Now comes the fun part!
I asked Anna a few questions, to which I received interesting answers; it’s always interesting to find out what is not on the surface...

alexcheban: - How did you get on the A380?
Anna Rodney: - In our airline, everyone who works full time receives three licenses. I work in Airbus family, I fly the A320 and A340, and, quite logically, the A380. Within one family of aircraft, everything is located in approximately the same places and has a very similar technical layout.

Can you compare Boeing and Airbus?
- They say here that the type of aircraft you start flying on is more comfortable. I also flew on a Boeing 737, I can say that they have completely different philosophies - Boeing has an American one, Airbus has a European one, but to me the European one is more logical. The Americans, in my opinion, are more conservative and we (the European manufacturer) have greater comfort for passengers than Boeing.

What is the occupancy rate for First Class? Does it happen that there are not a single passenger?
- No, it doesn’t happen, usually there are 5-7 passengers, today we have all 8.

How long are you in Singapore between flights (there are flights here daily)?
- 2.5 days

What time do you live at your destination?
- I try to live according to local time, I always change my watches.

How many flights per month do you operate?
- Accounting is done by flight, and by hour, I need to fly 70 hours per month, respectively, a round trip flight to Singapore is 30 hours (net time on a one-way flight is 12.5 hours), i.e. these 30 hours are actually half the monthly norm. My next flight is to Oman, the flight there is only 4 hours :)

Arab/Asian airlines occupy the leading positions in the SkyTtax ranking. I was not on board their A380, but I saw the reports. Their main advantage is their emphasis on luxury service in all classes. The maximum possible refinement in interior equipment, etc. Lufthansa positions itself as a carrier from point A to point B and offers basic service for each class, but at a very high level. On intra-European flights, the new seats are downright uncomfortable. This is my subjective opinion, but what is your opinion on this matter?
- Unfortunately, I cannot say much about Arab or Asian airlines, since I have never used their services myself. Lufthansa is a European airline, so it will never decorate the side of the plane with gold, etc. Lufthansa is a so-called business carrier - this is also evident in the choice of destinations (mainly the capitals of different countries, not resort towns) and in the frequency of flights. The emphasis is on efficiency and exclusivity, as our business and first class clients value luxury in simplicity and sophistication, not in gold and diamonds. Although, probably, our most important distinguishing factor is our staff. We have employees from 150 different countries around the world! On our Asian flights there are always several so-called regional colleagues - Chinese (on all flights to China), Japanese (on flights to Japan), Thais (on flights to Thailand and Singapore), Indians (on Indian flights), Koreans (on flights to Korea). During the order and configuration of the A380 for Lufthansa, a survey was conducted among first class passengers on the topic of the shower cabin. The majority voted, so to speak, for a spacious bathroom without a shower. Yes, Emirates offers a walk-in shower, but I honestly don't know how popular it is. Probably the whole point is whether to have it or not to have it. Firstly, in order to use it, passengers must add themselves to the list, and who wants to be first? After all, everyone wants to use it before boarding, and not 3-4 hours before boarding...???

As for the new seats on European flights, they are much lighter and thus save fuel, plus they have been designed to ergonomic standards, that is, with improved seating comfort. How comfortable they are is for you to judge - I have only flown them twice as a passenger so far. We hear mostly positive comments and if someone complains, it’s not about the seats, but about the fact that the wardrobe for outerwear in business class has been removed.....

What are the features of working at Lufthansa Airlines?
- We have very good working conditions, especially in comparison with the American ones, we live in excellent central hotels in cities, we have a lot of time between flights and in general very good conditions.

You indicated a good company policy regarding your employer regarding American Airlines. What about Asian/Arabic? Do you have friends there? Their impressions?
- I have several friends who worked for Asian/Arab airlines. Arab airlines, as far as I know, pay very well, but do not provide decent working conditions, so many work for them for several years and then switch to European airlines. Still, there is a very noticeable difference in the attitude of Arab passengers towards the staff and in the attitude of Europeans. As for the Asian ones, the Europeans do not quite get used to their hierarchical structure (many pilots live in other best hotels than flight attendants), plus they cannot cope with the problems of mentality: in Asia no one criticizes anyone openly - everything happens behind the back, which is not very pleasant for our brother...

A feature of the Emirates dress code is lipstick of a certain red color. Does Lufthansa have something like this? interesting feature in the dress code or some interesting instructions?
- We don’t have such a feature, except that we are obliged to follow the rules of wearing a uniform. We are forbidden to dye our hair in unnatural colors - like red or green...

How is it determined who works in what class on a given flight?
- Positions are distributed at will in accordance with the so-called seniority list - the list is compiled according to the criterion of who has been working in the company for a longer period - chooses first, etc.

The flight crew is 24 people. Do you know everyone? How does rotation happen?
- Before the flight, we all meet for a mandatory briefing - there we get to know each other and determine who will work where

What documentation do you fill out before/during/after the flight?
- We fill out documentation depending on the flight - on most flights there is no documentation for us.

If someone gets sick while in another country between flights, how is the replacement done? What if it is the PIC or the co-pilot?
- In every country we fly to, we have a doctor with whom Lufthansa has entered into a contract and whom we call when necessary. If a crew member is unable to fly back, a replacement is sent on the next flight.

Everything is standardized/automated in airplane control now, but do you still feel the difference in flying/take-off/landing technique between different pilots?
- Lufthansa pilots always carry out takeoffs and landings manually, so to speak, so yes, the difference is felt in the landing.

Pilots on post-Soviet space do not say the word “last”, replacing it with the word “extreme”. Do you have any superstitions?
- The Germans are not a superstitious people and rely on knowledge and experience, and not on superstition. :-) Therefore, no, there are no superstitions.

What is the most positive/negative aspect of your work? In outline:)
- Our work is very interesting - we are always in different countries, meet and get acquainted with interesting people and we go to places where not everyone can go (for example, in Saudi Arabia, where unmarried women are prohibited from entering). At the same time, it is not always easy to cope with the time difference. Plus, there are countries where the political situation is not very stable (mainly in Africa) or hygienic conditions leave much to be desired.....

Do you have colleagues who work in budget companies? What is your opinion on this matter? Do you use low cost carriers in any cases?
- No, we don’t have any connections with them and among my friends I don’t have anyone who works in such a company.

Which destinations do you love the most?
- Personally, I like to fly to South America most of all - Argentina, Colombia, etc. I speak Spanish quite fluently, and in terms of mentality, it seems to me, they are closer to the Slavs, so I feel very comfortable there!

I thank Anna Rodney for the amazing tour and interesting conversation! :)

Official page of the A380 airline Lufthansa.

A double-deck passenger airliner manufactured by Airbus in France. The aircraft first took off in 2005, but entered service with passenger transport companies in 2007. This aircraft is considered the largest passenger airliner.


In 2000, the executives of the Airbus company agreed on a project to launch production of the largest airliners with the A3 prefix. Before the Airbus A380 entered service, the A300 and A340 airliners were produced. After the design and technical components were approved, production began in 2002. The cost of the entire project at that time amounted to more than 11 billion euros (860 trillion rubles, not counting the construction of the first A380 airliner.

Engineers from Moscow participated in the design of the aircraft model, and then the first design bureau was created. Russian engineers designed most of the fuselage, on-board computer support, and also supervised the production of this Airbus model.

To test the airliner, 5 test models were built. The first A380 aircraft took off in Toulouse in 2005. In 2006, the Airbus A380 made its first transatlantic flight, landing in Colombia. In 2006, the first flight with passengers took place to test the cabin for durability and comfort.

In just 2 years, the Airbus A380 flew more than four and a half thousand hours and made about 1,300 flights, which is an excellent indicator for such a huge airliner.

Short description

Being the largest passenger airliner in the world, the A380 is also one of the most popular, not inferior to Boeing. Here are some facts about the Airbus A380:

  1. The airliner's capacity is 853 people.
  2. The first flight took place in 2007.
  3. Not only France is taking part in the construction of the airliner, but also Spain, Russia, Great Britain and Germany.
  4. The largest wingspan of any passenger airliner is 80 meters. The flight length is almost 15,500 kilometers.
  5. Maximum speed airliner speed is 1020 km/h.
  6. The most frequent buyer of the Airbus A380 is Emirates, which owns at least a dozen of these airliners.
  7. The approximate number of aircraft produced is 214.


The length of the airliner is 72 meters, height - 24 meters, wingspan - 80 meters. It is the largest of all passenger airliners to date. Externally, the plane is no different from its relatives, except for its enormous size: large wings, the height of an eight-story building, large engines, two on each wing. One four-wheel landing gear is located on each wing, two pairs of six-wheel landing gear are located on the main body of the aircraft, and a pair of landing gear is located under the cockpit. There are versions of the aircraft divided into economy, business and first class. A version has been created with a two-story boarding, where there are slightly more seats for economy class passengers than for others.

Emirates A380 interior

Emirates is a UAE owned company. This company owns about 40 huge airliners. The cabin layout has two types, which depend on the first type includes business class, first class and economy class.

The second has more seats in economy class; seat and row numbers change here periodically. The top floor accommodates business and first class passengers. Economy class is located on the lower floor.

The Emirates A380 800 cabin has the most best interior. The ideal combination of materials, pleasant interior lighting, decor in oriental style and much more.

Division by class

When choosing passenger seats, you should familiarize yourself with the layout of the A380 cabin. The most passenger seats are in economy class, followed by business class and first class. In business class, everything is made for a private flight. There are privacy partitions, comfortable seating and large 17-inch monitors. The cabin has a bar, which is located on the second floor between business and first class, where in addition to food and coffee you can order alcoholic drinks and cocktails.

Economy class is not far behind business class in terms of functionality. Except that the places are smaller and the dishes on the menu are different. There is also a 10-inch diagonal monitor in front of each seat for watching movies, listening to music and monitoring flight status, including aircraft speed, time, altitude and location.

Seating near the window on the first floor they are not located in a very convenient place due to the rounding of the fuselage; you cannot lay your head on the side to rest. Above passenger seats in economy class there are luggage compartments that can accommodate a backpack or bag. On the upper floor, these compartments are located to the right of the passenger row.

For selection convenient place It is worth knowing the type of aircraft, since Emirates has two of them. We'll talk about choosing a place convenient for the flight later.

Emirates A380 cabin layout

First class has 4 rows. These places have comfortable seats with large displays that can turn into a full-fledged bed. The ticket price includes bar drinks and service. Also in the “compartment” there is an outlet with any adapters, Wi-Fi, lighting for the passenger seat and a minibar right at hand. First class passengers can order food like in high-end restaurants and also shower on the plane.

When choosing a seat, you should familiarize yourself with the layout of the Emirates A380 cabin, find out the location of the toilets and technical rooms. Light and noise in staff rooms often prevent passengers from resting peacefully during a flight.

Business class seats occupy 20 rows. There are also comfortable armchairs that turn into a bed in one motion. For a relaxing flight, you should choose any seats except for rows 20, 21 and 23. Near them there is a bar, technical rooms and a toilet, where passengers constantly go, disturbing others.

There are 53 rows for economy class passengers. Opposite each passenger seat there is a 10-inch diagonal monitor, as well as a socket and an input for USB devices. An Internet password will be issued for an additional fee; it is usually expensive. The distance between rows is about 80 centimeters. Usually this is enough for a smooth passage between them.

When choosing seats, you should take a closer look at row 43, as the legs will be much more space thanks to the lack of seats in front. But this is the only advantage of this row, since near it there is a staircase to the second floor, along which flight attendants constantly walk. There is a toilet located near row 43 of the A380 cabin, which also creates unnecessary noise. If all the listed shortcomings do not bother you in any way, then this a good choice flight locations.


The main competitor of the Airbus A380 is considered to be the Boeing 787, produced in the USA and approved for operation in 2011 (4 years later than the A380). The maximum seating capacity is 330 people, which, of course, cannot be compared with the 800 passengers on the A380. The interior of the A380 is similar to the 787. But the latter has a lighter interior and white materials are used (in economy class). In business class, the seats are blue or brown, it all depends on the company operating the airliner.


The Airbus A380 airliner gained its popularity due to the fact that it became the largest passenger aircraft, surpassing Boeing in capacity, size and technical parameters. Also, thanks to the operation of the airliner by Emirates, it has become the most recognizable airliner. The cabin of the Airbus A380 is the highlight of the Emirates company, made according to all the canons of Eastern culture, where even in economy class you can sit comfortably and forget that you are flying on an airplane and not sitting on a sofa.

When you see the Airbus A380-800 for the first time, it’s hard to believe that such a giant can take off.

The airline from the UAE, Emirates, has 38 of the largest passenger airliners in the world. They are divided into two interior layouts, which are, in principle, very similar.

We will analyze the layout of the A380 cabin, which is more common.

It includes 14 enclosed First Class cabins (Rows 1-4), 76 Business Class seats (Rows 6-26) and 399 standard Economy Class seats (Rows 43-88).

Another layout differs in that it has 7 seats economy class larger and slightly different numbering of rows. You can find out exactly what layout will be on your flight. If it differs from the one presented here, contact our operator, he will tell you where it will be more convenient for you to sit

Well, let's take a look.

The Airbus A380 aircraft has two full floors. The ground floor of the Emirates aircraft houses first and business classes.

WITH 1 to 4 rows- first grade. It’s hard to imagine a more comfortable flight than these seats. Each place is a small individual compartment with a door. The seat reclines 180 degrees, there is a large monitor, sockets, internet, individual lighting and a minibar.

VIP passengers are provided with an exquisite menu, showers and service at the level of a five-star hotel.

However, even here there are places that are a little worse. The first and fourth rows are closest to the restrooms and bar/kitchen.

Passengers are warned that on night flights, constant technical lighting is required. premises and extraneous sounds coming from there can interfere with a peaceful rest.

You can see photos of the first class interior below at the end of the article.

WITH 6 to 26 These are business class rows.

Here, Emirates is also doing very well - very comfortable places: A customized chair that can be converted into a bed. But even here there are places where comfort is a little low.

These are the rows near which the bar, toilets or kitchen are located.

There is a constant stream of people coming to the bar day and night. The same goes for toilets.

If you want to relax and sleep peacefully, choose places other than those marked in yellow.

You can see some photos of the bar and business class lounge below.

Now let's move to the lower deck, which is occupied by the only economy class.

As we already wrote, there are 399 places in total.

Each chair is equipped with its own screen and an audio/video entertainment system.

There are sockets for charging, as well as individual USB ports and an Internet connection.

Internet on airplanes is paid.

The distance between the rows is slightly more than 80 cm. Standard for economy class.

43 row— increased distance for knees due to the placement of the wall.

Also, no one will lean back their chair on you.

However, there are disadvantages, which may be even more significant for some than the advantages.

The armrests are locked, as usual for the first row.

Nearby there is a staircase to the second deck, under which there is a technical room for flight attendants.

There are lights on throughout the entire flight and flight attendants and stewards walk around.

Also, the proximity of toilets, which passengers go to around the clock.

Another sound that can be disturbing during an overnight flight is the opening and closing of the magnetic clasp that blocks access to the upper deck.

In general, very hectic places.

45 row— increased free space for legs and knees.

54A and 55A— under the seat in front there is an audio/video entertainment server. A little less space for legs.

Rows 65, 66, 78, 79— the seats in these rows have limited back recline. Also, proximity to toilets is always restless.

Rows 67 and 80- additional free space for knees and legs.

Also, note that there are 2 chairs in a row. This is very convenient for traveling as a couple.

However, there are toilets, which means walking, queues, bustle.

68, 81, A and K- due to the missing chair, the seats are very comfortable.

82 row— increased free space for knees and legs.

87 row C and H— they will pass you by on their way to the toilets. They may hit you with an elbow or step on your foot.

88 row- the last row.

The backrests are blocked, toilets and stairs are close.

The most hectic and uncomfortable places.

Register here as a last resort.

Photos of the Emirates Airbus 380-800 interior

All photographs were taken by passengers; some places may not be very clear or the angle may not be very good. But they are truthful.

Photos of the first class interior

Business class interior photos

I flew on the largest passenger aircraft, the A380, when my wife and I flew to Honeymoon to Dubai from Moscow. And you know, this was the best addition to our vacation. In addition, the plane was one of the best airlines in the world - Fly Emirates.

For those who don’t know, every airline fits out the cabins of its aircraft itself, and I knew that Emirates would be at the top. But when I saw this miracle live, I was shocked. They did not use the huge areas of the plane, cramming in the maximum number of seats for greater capacity. Fly Emirates equipped the cabin so that the flight was unforgettable and comfortable for each passenger. By the way, in addition to economy and business class, they also made first class, in which you can recline the seat to a completely horizontal position.

We flew in economy class, but the service was top notch. Always smiling flight attendants, delicious food, fulfilling any requests - these are just some of the pleasant little things. Multimedia screens in the front backrests for each passenger with films, music, games, Internet access and much more (and in Russian, by the way) perfectly complemented the already smoothest flight. The A380, by the way, is the best in sound insulation.

I was surprised by the free alcohol from beer to expensive whiskey in any quantity. We flew home on it, asked for a couple of cans of beer, and they seemed to bring them with pleasure. It seems to me that if I had asked for a case of beer, they would have brought it too. You forget that you are at an altitude of several thousand meters when you sit comfortably in a chair, watching a new movie and drinking a cool beer.

01. Any flight starts from the airport. In Dubai for everyone who flies by Emirates, terminal-3 is operational. The largest (1,713,000 square meters) and modern. It opened relatively recently, and began operating in 2008. Other terminals are a little older and not so beautiful. In the third everything is just great! Glitters and shines. It may not amaze you with its infrastructure - although it is up to par, it will definitely captivate you with its beauty.

02. At one time they said that the entire terminal was intended exclusively for Emirates. But it also serves other aircraft. Although a close friendship with the airline can be seen: their information desks are located everywhere.

03. Cool, chrome-plated elevator.

04. I don’t have much flying experience, maybe there are airports where Duty-Free is more impressive. But this place It seemed unrealistically huge to me. Branded items, jewelry, and equipment are sold here. The business class lounge can be seen a little from above. Its area is actually equal to that occupied by Duty-Free.

05. At the airline in this airport two types of halls for special passengers: first and business classes. The first one, apparently, is even cooler, but today we’re not talking about it... This is where it all starts: counters, a bunch of administrators who let passengers in. The design doesn't seem to be anything special. But everything is so thoughtful, stylish and not deliberate. That's why it's cool.

06. All employees wear Emirates airline uniform.

07. In terminal 3, the business lounge is stretched lengthwise. From start to finish you can walk for about 20 minutes. Every 50 meters there are nooks and corners of different layouts. The structure is similar, but there are slight stylistic differences. Somewhere red, somewhere beige chairs. Here are the backs, and here are the armrests. There is a lot of fresh press everywhere in different languages. There are several showers throughout the entire room. If you want to wash yourself, go up to the employees and tell them about it. Sometimes there is a queue, in which case you are signed up and invited when a place becomes available. After each person, everything is washed, fresh rugs for feet, towels, and accessories for washing and brushing teeth are laid out. A big plus: there are sockets everywhere, you don’t have to look for them. They understand that this is important.

08. And at these tables you can eat in comfort. Speaking of delicious: there is a lot of food and drinks here. Veuve Clicquot champagne is served.

The youngest passenger in pink pants. The girl has seen such beauty since childhood. Lucky! I’m not complaining, but it’s still great when you get involved in beauty from a very young age.

09. We walked another 50 meters in search of a corner that everyone would like. Another food zone, but of a different shape. The food is the same everywhere, you don’t have to go and choose. Although every time you approach, the thought appears: hmm, maybe there’s something especially tasty here?

10. I am always interested in peering into faces. This time I was curious, who flies business class? Do these people have some common denominator? But everyone is so different. There are shots that are very reminiscent of market traders who paid several thousand dollars to fly in comfort.

11. We walked a little more and again came across a new interior. Caring people prudently installed sockets in the armrests. Another plus to the airport’s karma is accessible Wi-Fi. No need to run around figuring out passwords and appearances. Everything is written in a visible place. True, he couldn’t cope with the flow of people flying away and sometimes gave up. I wish this would be fixed. In the background you can see beds resembling chaise lounges.

12. You can sit comfortably and sleep on them if there is time before departure, which is not enough to check into a hotel.

13. For some flights, especially those operated on huge liners type A-380, there are exits directly from the business lounge. They will announce, invite and send you to boarding.

14. Gate for the business lounge - No. 18.

15. The A-380 airliner looks fantastically gigantic. The length of this colossus is about 72 meters. These aircraft were launched relatively recently - since 2007.

16. Let's go on board. Our path passes through a stylish glass corridor, then through a telescopic sleeve. Only two floors. Below you can see the queue for boarding in economy class.

17. B different airports around the world, as, for example, in Australia, there are other types of telescopic sleeve. They are combined at the entrance, but separated by a partition: on the left is economy, on the right is business. Then they diverge into separate arms and rise in different directions.

18. In order to accept the A-380, the airport must fulfill a number of requirements. One of them is these ladders. It can be seen that there are three of them. On the left is for staff. There are a lot of employees, sometimes the flight lasts 20 hours, they work in shifts. The economy ladder is in the center. Above - for business class. Plus, the airport must have a special strip of a certain length.

19. By the way, a tax for tourists was introduced in Dubai from March 31. Foreigners pay from 7 to 20 dirhams per night in the emirate, depending on the star rating of their hotel. Funds raised will partially finance international exhibition EXPO 2020.

20. They meet us, greet us, recognize the place and show us where to go. So that later the wrong turn does not disturb other passengers.

21. This is what the salon looks like. All seats fold out into a horizontal bed. In my opinion, the best place is the one on the left side and near the porthole. You lower the partition and find yourself in a makeshift small booth.

22. Full service! They offer champagne and juices. The hungriest, not having time to settle down, demand a menu, which they immediately receive.

23. These people were able to earn business class.

24. Where would we be without photos for Instagram? Polite flight attendants will always help.

25. This is what the best place looks like, in my opinion. It’s like you’re behind a wall, no one sees, no one distracts. It's great to have a drawer where you can put away things you'll need during the flight.

26. I packed everything I might need during the 17 hour flight.

27. And the socket was found! At the same time, there are two USBs, with which you can charge anything, a 17-inch monitor, which allows you not only to watch movies and listen to music, but also to see where the plane is. Below are magazines and instructions. There is also a special drawer with space for shoes. You can forget about it for the duration of the flight; passengers are given special disposable socks that are worn over their own.

28. On the left is a convenient cabinet with a remote control on it. You control it with the multimedia system. Disinfected headphones are packed in a plastic bag.

29. They handed out a special cosmetic bag with a razor, shaving gel, comb, Bvlgari cosmetics set, brush, toothpaste.

30. Many people will ask why pay so much money for business class? You can use them to buy a new lens and more. There are many reasons. The main thing is the opportunity to stretch your legs, transform a chair into a bed, and have a good rest. Arrive as a cheerful cucumber, ready to work, enjoying life. And not a dried sausage with numb legs, whose only desire is to sleep for a day and come to its senses.

31. Socks and blindfold.

32. I also wanted to make an Instagram and show off how convenient it was for me. I don’t know how clear this is from the photo, but it was really comfortable.

33. It can be seen that everything you need is on the cabinet. There are drinks for every taste. But there was no way to uncork the bottle. The caring flight attendants offered us something to drink throughout the flight. Not even a hint of thirst had time to arise.

34. Warmed nuts are served with champagne. It's amazing how much this simple procedure can modify the taste! They become tender and soft. Love them? I recommend trying to heat it up. You will not regret!

35. The A-380 wing is impressive in size. Its area is 842 square meters. The plane is very impressive. For reference, to paint it entirely, you will need 3600 liters of paint.

36. In the foreground there is a standard, not at all small, airplane. Against the background of the A-380 that is behind - a toy is a toy.

37. It is virtually impossible to take pictures. The window is tilted; to take a photo, you need to seriously lift the camera. Glass distortion ruins the entire frame. I realized that another A-380 was flying along our route. And the time period is insignificant. Strange, considering that the flight is Australia - New Zealand half empty.

38. A similar aircraft, but from an Australian company, is loaded with food. In general, a huge number of special lifts and wheelchairs were invented for this transport, since similar devices did not even exist before it. A huge number of tickets need to be sold to recoup the cost of the plane. The price of one such bird is $389.9 million.

39. Turned on the camera attached to the bottom of the plane. You can see where we are flying.

40. For 20 dollars you can buy 100 megabytes of Internet. I didn’t look at the pictures; I had enough for the entire flight. Not very fast, disconnected for half an hour due to satellites. But the very fact that you are flying at an altitude of 10,000 kilometers and can check your email, correspond with your girlfriend and family delights and characterizes the 21st century in all its beauty.

41. In business class, the food is tasty and plentiful. There is a lot of food here, it is impossible to go hungry.