Airbus a330 200 Turkish. Cabin layout and best seats on board Aeroflot A330. Standard Economy Class Seats

The smallest aircraft in the A330 family, the Airbus A330-200, has several different standard configurations. The three-class cabin (first/business/economy class) can accommodate 253 passengers, while in the two-class configuration the number seats may be increased to 300. Aeroflot uses 5 A330-200 aircraft on its routes.

Let's look at the diagram of the Airbus A330-200 airliner, which it uses on its flights. And we’ll figure out which places are the best and which are not so good. (Image - Aeroflot official website)

We have drawn a more convenient diagram of the interior of this aircraft.

WITH 1 to 6 rows this is business class. The business class seats on these planes are very comfortable. They unfold almost 180 degrees. However, there are a few caveats.

Seats in 1st and 4th rows There is a kitchen next to them, which can be a bit of a concern during the flight.

Seats in the 5th row There is a toilet in front of them. May cause slight inconvenience.

Seats in the 6th row Economy class begins immediately behind these seats; moreover, on the 11th row there are mounts for baby bassinets. Therefore, passengers with small children, who are not always calm, are more often located there. It’s not very comfortable to relax listening to children’s screams.

Places in 11 and 24 rows located in front of the partition. These are standard seats with plenty of knee room, but the monitors are located in the armrests. There are large monitors on the walls that do not turn off and, if you fly at night, interfere with sleep.

Seats in row 23 These are standard economy class seats. Their proximity to toilets makes them not very comfortable. There will be a constant movement of “wants” around you, and queues may even form. You can also add the constant sound of the tank draining and, possibly, an unpleasant odor. However, note that the backs of the seats must recline.

Seats in row 24: A,C,H,K These places have both advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the positives. There are emergency exits in front of them and there is a lot of free space for your legs, you can get up from them without disturbing your neighbors, and they won’t bother you when they get up.

Now about the cons. Proximity to toilets is very important. Firstly, they will definitely walk near you constantly, they may touch you or step on your foot several times during the flight. And secondly, the toilet doors are constantly opening/closing. In addition, the door spring in one of the cabins may weaken, and some passengers do not close the doors behind them. Unpleasant smells and sounds of the tank being released will accompany you throughout the flight.

On the wall in front in places D,E,F,G mountings for cradles are located. This means that there will probably be passengers with babies next to you. It rarely happens that during long haul flight they behave calmly all the time.

Let's also note the large monitors located in front of you. They do not turn off and can interfere with sleep at night.

If you are ready to neglect all this, but get legroom (which is very important on long-distance flights), take these seats.

Seats at 33,34,35 and C. Starting from the 33rd row, the narrowing of the fuselage begins. This curvature can be a slight inconvenience, although it is almost invisible. Also, in some configurations, it happens that metal boxes with equipment are located under the seats in front, which reduces legroom.

34 row D and G— it turns out that the chairs in these places “stick out” a little into the aisle. Sometimes they can get hit by food carts.

Row 35 D,F,G— on some aircraft configurations, the distance to the front row is slightly less than standard.

Extreme seats in rows 36 and 37 The usual economy class seats, but, as in the case of row 23, there is proximity to the toilets, smells, slamming doors. Not the best best places.

Useful information for passengers about Aeroflot
  • Carefully study the diagram of the aircraft on which you will fly. It can be viewed on the airline's website
  • Ask an airline representative for advice
  • Follow the advice we've given
  • Do not take seats at the very rear, close to toilets, kitchens and other technical rooms.
  • Do not take seats in which the seats do not recline or are limited in this.
  • Do not take seats directly in front of which there is a partition

And if you want to know the difference between the seats at the beginning and the end of the cabin, what are the advantages of the seats near the window and the aisle, and how to book best options, check out the general article on the topic: “The best seats on the plane. How to choose a good place?", on our website.

The best seats on the plane
Alya Prugova, passenger support service

Have a nice flight!

Are you here:// Airbus A330-200

  • description and specifications Airbus A330-200 models
  • country and manufacturing company
  • dimensions, number of seats, flight data and photo of the aircraft

Civil, Passenger, Long-haul Aircraft

Manufacturer: Airbus S.A.S. , European Union


The Airbus A330 series was developed in parallel with the A340 series. The design of the fuselage and wings is similar, they differ mainly in the number of engines. On Airbus series The A330 has two engines, as opposed to four on the A340. The aircraft is designed to compete with the Boeing 767-300ER.

Development of the aircraft began in November 1995. The aircraft is based on the previously released A330-300. In this modification, the A330-200 is 10 sections or 4.5 meters shorter.

Flight characteristics

Cruising speed (km/h): 880
Flight range with passengers and luggage (with fuel reserves) (km): 12500
Service ceiling (m): 11850
Required runway length (ISA conditions, at sea level) (m): 2300

Spelling variations (synonyms)

Airbus A 330-200, Airbus 330-200, Airbus330-200, Airbus A 330-200, Airbus 330-200, Airbus330-200


Two General Electric CF6-80E1A2 engines, Pratt & Whitney PW-4164 or PW-4168, RollsRoyce Trent 768 or Trent 772.


Wingspan (m): 60.30
Aircraft length (m): 58.80
Aircraft altitude (m): 17.40
Wing area (m2): 361.60
Wing sweep angle along the 1/4 chord line (degrees): 30.00
Fuselage diameter: 5.64

Number of places

Passengers in three cabin classes: 256
Passengers in two cabin classes: 293

Masses and loads

Takeoff (t): 230.00
Empty loaded (t): 119.60
Aircraft without fuel (t): 168.00
Paid load (t): 36.40
Landing (t): 180.00

The A330-200 is part of the A330 family of wide-body twin-engine aircraft designed for short-haul to long-haul operations and has the shortest fuselage in its family. The length of the A330-200 aircraft is 58.82 meters, which is almost five meters shorter than the original A330-300.

The A330-200 development program began in November 1995 with the goal of creating competition for the American Boeing 767-300ER, and also as a replacement Airbus aircraft A300-600R. The A330-200 modification was developed and built on the basis of the A330-300 aircraft. The wings, equipment and cockpit layout of these aircraft are identical. Under the wings on the pylons of the A330-200, two Rolls Royce Trent-700 or PW-4000 turbojet engines from the American company Pratt & Whitney are installed. The A330-200 also uses General Electric CF6-80E1 engines.

Each of the installed engines has a power of up to 316 kN. The A330-200 also had an increased fin size compared to the larger A330-300 and installed additional fuel tanks, allowing it to increase its range compared to the older version of the aircraft. The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft reaches 275 tons.

A330-200 photo

The A330-200 aircraft first took to the skies on August 13, 1997. A year later, after passing all ground and air tests, the airliner received its certificate.

The Airbus A330-200 in a typical three-class configuration accommodates 253 passenger seats, 293 seats in two classes or up to 406 seats in an economy configuration. At maximum load, it is capable of flying over a distance of up to 12,500 kilometers. The ferry range of the aircraft is over 13 thousand kilometers.

Airbus A330 interior diagram

The best seats on the Airbus A330-200 - Aeroflot

In 2001, the Airbus S.A.S. consortium offered air carriers a cargo modification of the A330-200F aircraft. But initial production of the cargo version began only in 2007. The first cargo version was manufactured on October 20, 2009. Almost a month later, on November 5, 2009, the cargo A330-200F took to the skies. The main competitor of this modification is the cargo Boeing 767-300F and McDonnell Douglas DC-10F.

In 2008, the Airbus A330-200 was also produced with an increased take-off weight. This model was designated A330-200 HGW.

Airbus A330 interior

From its very first release, the Airbus A330-200 began to sell well. And today, during its operation, this wide-body aircraft has proven itself well in the market passenger air transportation worldwide, and has become the aircraft of choice for many airlines.

Technical characteristics of the Airbus A330-200 aircraft

  • First flight: August 13, 1997.
  • Years of production: 1997 to present
  • Length: 58.82 m.
  • Height: 17.39 m.
  • Empty weight: 120500 kg.
  • Wing area: 361.60 sq.m.
  • Wingspan: 60.30 m.
  • Cruising speed: 875 km/h.
  • Maximum speed: 920 km/h.
  • Ceiling: 12400 m.
  • Flight range: up to 12500 km.
  • Take-off length: 2220 m.
  • Run length: 1750 m.
  • Engines: 2 turbofans PW4000, RR Trent-700, GE CF6-80E1
  • Crew: 2 people
  • Number of passenger seats: 253 seats in three classes

A330-200 video

The Turkish Airlines fleet consists of Airbuses and Boeings. A significant portion of the fleet consists of Boeing 737 aircraft, most of which operate on domestic routes.

Aircraft fleet Aircraft Turkish Airlines



There are 4 airliners operating on the lines. The cabin capacity is 270 or 354 seats. Load capacity 257 tons.

A340-300 Seating plan

Airbus A330-300

In 2018, the airline operated 37 aircraft on its routes, configured for 289 and 305 passengers.

A330-300 interior layout Seating plan

Toilets are located near the exits, between the salons

Airbus A330-200

18 airliners with three cabin configurations: 250/250/281 seats for passengers.

A330-200 interior layout Seating plan (option with 250 seats)

The best seats on the A330-200 are, of course, in business class.
Economy class starts from row 5. The second half starts from row 22. Width layout 2 (AB)-4(DEFG)-2(JK)
Toilets are marked with the letter T

Airbus A320-200


In 2018, there were 20 aircraft with 150 or 159 seats in operation. For comparison, in 2013 there were 33 of them.

Cabin diagram of the Turkish Airlines A320-200 with six first class seats.

First class layout: three rows of four AC DF seats. Economy seat layout is ABC DEF.

Airbus A321-200

Medium-haul. THY has 69 of them. (2018) with four interior layout options: 178,180 and 194 seats for passengers.

Turkish Airlines A321-200 cabin layout

First class - AC CD, business and economy - ABC DEF. Toilets are at the rear of the cabin.


Boeing B777-300ER

Wide-body aircraft for long-range flights with cabin capacity from 349 to 400 seats. As of 2018, Turkish Airlines has a fleet of 33 aircraft.

Cabin capacity is 349 and 400.

Boeing 777-300 Seating plan

Seats near the windows under the letters A and K. In the first class cabin, there is an additional seat on row 20, seats 20A, 20B, 20J, 20K.

Boeing B737-800

Flagship of Turkish Airlines. 105 vessels at the end of 2018. Works on short and medium range lines. The lines operate aircraft with different numbers of seats: 151, 165 and 189.

The diagram shows a salon with 165 seats.

The Airbus A330-200 is the smallest aircraft in the A330 family. This airliner has several configurations, let's look at some of them. The Airbus A330-200 configuration with a two-class cabin can accommodate up to 300 passengers, and a three-class configuration (first class / economy class / business class) has a capacity of 253 seats.

Let's take a look at the diagram of the Aerobus A330-200 airliner from Aeroflot. We invite you to figure out which places are good and which are not. (Image taken from Aeroflot website)

Let's take a closer look at the liner diagram.

Seats in rows 1 – 6. Business class seats. Airplanes of this model have very comfortable seats that recline 180 degrees. But despite this, there are still some comments about the places in this class.

1 – 4 row. Inconvenience may arise here due to the proximity of the kitchen.

5 row. There is a restroom in front of the seats in this row, which makes these seats uncomfortable for some.

6th row. Seat discomfort in this row may occur due to the close placement of economy class and the bassinet mounts, which are located in the 11th row. Consequently, these seats are most often chosen by passengers with infants, which can cause additional inconvenience during the flight.

11 – 24 rows. Standard economy class seats. But, since there is a partition in front of these chairs and monitors are placed in the armrests, they lose in comfort. In addition, due to the built-in large monitors that work even during night flights, some people in these seats will not be able to sleep.

23 row. Standard economy class seats with reclining backrests. The only thing that makes them not entirely comfortable is their close proximity to the restrooms. Constant “queues”, movement of passengers and possible unpleasant odors will cause discomfort and inconvenience.

Seats in row 24 (A, C, N, K). The undoubted advantage of these seats is the close location of the emergency exit, which provides additional legroom; you can get up from them without disturbing your neighbors, as well as them disturbing you. The disadvantages include the close location of the bathrooms, which entails a number of inconveniences: constant movement of passengers, toilet doors that constantly open and close, unpleasant sounds and odors. All this can interfere with your smooth flight.

Besides, in 24th row (D, E, F and G) In front of the seats there are mounts for cradles. Most likely, the seats next to you will be occupied by passengers with children, who are usually restless during the flight.

Also be aware of the large monitors placed in front of these seats, which remain on throughout the flight and can create additional discomfort.

Seats from 33 to 35 rows and seats C. When purchasing tickets, take into account the narrowing of the fuselage, which begins from the 33rd row. Although the curvature is almost invisible, it still causes some inconvenience. In addition, some aircraft configurations include huge metal boxes containing essential equipment that are located under the seats in front, significantly reducing available space.

Seats in row 34 (D and G) They differ from other seats in this class in that the seats are slightly “pushed out” into the aisle. It happens that these places are touched by flight attendants with carts with drinks and food.

Places in Row 35 (D, F and G)- standard seats in this class, but on some liners, the distance between the 34th and 35th rows is less than standard.

36-37 row. These seats are also ordinary seats of this class, only the extreme seats of these rows can be compared with seats in the 23rd row - close proximity to restrooms, opening/closing doors and foreign odors. Therefore, these places are not best choice for the passenger.

In conclusion, we invite you to familiarize yourself with a short list of recommendations for choosing the best seats on the Airbus A330-200 Aeroflot aircraft.

  • Before booking, pay attention to the layout of the aircraft you plan to fly. To do this, you can use the official website of the airline;

  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding seat selection, please contact your airline representative for advice;

  • Try not to buy seats in rows in front of which there is a partition or seats in which the backs of the seats do not recline;

  • Don't forget the tips and tricks listed above;
  • When choosing a location, pay attention to the location of the bathrooms, technical rooms and kitchen. Purchase seats in the rear of the cabin only if there are no other options.
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