Boeing 777 200 seats

Original taken from aslan in How the Boeing 777 works.

It is the world's largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft. The Boeing 777 set an absolute distance record for passenger aircraft: 21,601 thousand km! Boeing 777 (“Triple Seven” or “three sevens”) - this aircraft was developed in the early 1990s, made its first flight in 1994, and has been in operation since 1995. The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. And this is the safest long-haul airliner in the history of aviation!

I flew on three sevens only once - from Dubai to Male with Emirates airlines and then I was surprised to learn that they saved a lot on the layout of the economy class cabin; we will put one additional seat in a row, reducing the width of the others! In this report I will talk about the history of creation, design features and show the passenger cabin of the largest operator of this type of aircraft in Russia.

History of creation:

In the mid-1970s. The three-engine 777, which was intended as a competitor to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011. This aircraft was conceived as a modified version of the 767 with a redesigned wing and tail section. It was planned to create two main options: a short-haul aircraft, which would be capable of carrying up to 175 passengers over a distance of 5,000 kilometers, and an intercontinental airliner, carrying the same number of passengers over a distance of up to 8,000 kilometers.

Work on twin-engine aircraft soon began, but the 777 project was frozen, as difficulties arose with the design of the tail section of the aircraft, and the company also decided to focus on the more commercially promising 757 and 767. As a result, when both aircraft began to roll off the assembly line, it became Clearly there is a missing link in Boeing's aircraft line. There was an urgent need to have an aircraft that would be in the niche between such machines as the Boeing 767-300ER and Boeing 747-400.

At first, Boeing planned to simply modify the 767, resulting in the so-called 767-X concept. It was in many ways similar to the 767, but had a longer fuselage, a larger wing and could carry about 340 passengers over a distance of up to 13.5 thousand kilometers.


But airlines were not impressed with the new aircraft. They wanted an aircraft capable of flying shorter distances and with a cabin configuration similar to the Boeing 747, which, in addition, could be changed by adding or removing the required number of passenger seats in a particular class of cabin. Another necessary condition was to reduce operating costs - they would have to be significantly lower than those of the 767. As a result, the original project was heavily redesigned and the twin-engine Boeing 777 was born.

The Boeing 777 was the first commercial airliner to be designed 100% by computers. During the entire development period, not a single paper drawing was released; everything was made using a three-dimensional design system.

Development of the aircraft began in 1990 and the first order was immediately received from United Airlines. In 1995, the first 777 began commercial flights. Currently, the 777-200LR is the aircraft capable of performing the longest passenger flights in the world.



The 777-200 was the first modification of the aircraft and was intended for Segment A. The first 777-200 was delivered to United Airlines on May 15, 1995. With a range of 5,235 nautical miles, the 777-200 modification was aimed primarily at US domestic carriers. A total of 88 different aircraft of the 777-200 modification were delivered to ten customers. Airbus's competing model is the A330-300.



The stretched version of the 777-300 was intended to replace the Boeing 747-100 and Boeing 747-200 aircraft. Compared to older versions of the 747, the stretched version has similar passenger capacity and range, but uses a third less fuel and has 40% lower operating costs. The fuselage of the 777-300 is extended by 11 meters compared to the basic modification of the 777-200, which allows it to accommodate up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration. The modification's maximum range is 6,015 nautical miles, allowing the 777-300 to serve heavily trafficked destinations previously served by the 747.




Modification 777-200ER (“ER” means Extended Range, increased range). The 777-200ER has increased fuel capacity and maximum take-off weight compared to the 777-200 modification. Designed for international carriers and transatlantic flights, "nf modification has a maximum range of 7700 nautical miles (14260.4 km).


The 777-200LR (“LR” stands for Longer Range), a Segment C model, became the world's longest-range commercial airliner in 2006. Boeing called this model the Worldliner, indicating the airliner's ability to connect almost any two airports. The modification set a world record for the longest non-stop flight among commercial airliners - the flight range is 9,380 nautical miles (17,370 km). The 777-200LR modification is designed for ultra-long flights, such as Los Angeles - Singapore or Dallas - Tokyo. The 777-200LR has an increased maximum takeoff weight and three additional fuel tanks in the rear cargo compartment.


The 777-300ER (“ER” stands for Extended Range) is a modification of the 777-300. The modification has beveled and extended wingtips, new main landing gear, a reinforced nose strut and additional fuel tanks. The model's standard GE90-115B turbofan engines are the most powerful jet engines in the world today, with a maximum thrust of 513 kN. The maximum range is 7,930 nautical miles (14,690 km), made possible by increased maximum take-off weight and fuel capacity. The 777-300ER's fully loaded range is increased by approximately 34% compared to the 777-300. After flight tests, the introduction of new engines, wings and an increase in take-off weight, fuel consumption decreased by 1.4%.


And all the modifications in the visual series:



A good illustration for comparing scales is the 737 in front. Please note that the diameter of the GE-115B engine installed on the 777 model is only 30 cm less than the width of the Boeing 737 cabin!


Design elements:

The design of the aircraft's airframe includes the use of composite materials, which make up 9% of the weight of the structure. The interior floor and steering wheels are also made from such materials. The main part of the fuselage has a circular cross-section and at the rear it turns into a blade-like tail cone, in which the auxiliary power point.







The airliner also has the largest landing gear and the largest tires ever used on a commercial jet airliner. Each tire on the 777-300ER's six-wheel main landing gear can support 27 tons, which is more than the tire load on a Boeing 747-400!




The aircraft has three redundant hydraulic systems, of which only one is needed for landing.
In the wing fairing under the fuselage there is an emergency aircraft turbine - a small propeller that extends out of the aircraft in emergency situations to provide minimal power.

The General Electric GE90 engines powering the Boeing 7777 are the largest and most powerful jet engines in aviation history.

And all five Boeing 777-300 of Transaero are equipped with RR211 Trent 892 engines from Rolls Royse:




The cockpit is very spacious. The Boeing 777 in all modifications is a long-haul airliner capable of serving non-stop commercial flights lasting up to 18 hours. However, regulations of various aviation regulatory bodies, professional and trade union organizations limit the continuous work time of crew and flight attendants.






The 777's interior, also known as the Boeing Signature Interior, features curved lines, extended overhead bins and indirect lighting. Seat configurations range from 4 abreast in first class to 10 abreast in economy class. The size of the windows - 380x250 mm - was the largest of any commercial airliner until the introduction of the 787.

Each airline's passenger cabin has its own layout. It depends on certain customer requirements, and not on the type of aircraft!
Please note that in economy class Transaero has one less seat in a row than, for example, Emirates (!) and Aeroflot. This means that the chairs themselves are wider and more comfortable!

Examples of the layout of Boeing 777 -200 and -300 a/k Transaero:

Economy 2-5-2:


Economy 3-3-3:


Emirates" - economy 3-4-3


Aeroflot - economy: 3-4-3



Let's take a look on board the Boeing 777-300 of Transaero Airlines. EI-UNM flew with Singapore Airlines and was transferred to Transaero in 2012. The interior has been completely updated, with a Lumexis entertainment system installed throughout. The upholstery uses wear-resistant Alcantara material, and the seat manufacturer is the Italian company Aviointeriors.

Imperial class "Transaero":






Business Class:



Economy class:

The economy class cabin in red colors is called " economy class", and blue - "tourist class". They differ in the pitch of the seats. In economy class - 36 inches, in tourist class - 32 inches.





Wi-Fi is available on board! I'll have to test it somehow when I fly.


Visually, the color separation in the interior is pleasing to the eye:


Kitchen at the rear of the plane:


And even an installation for uncorking champagne bottles for the Imperial class:


In total, about 1100 aircraft have been produced at the moment!
Once I photographed the 1000th copy in Dubai:



This airliner is considered the safest aircraft among all long-haul airliners. During its 18 years of operation, the Boeing 777 suffered eight incidents, including one crash and two hijacking attempts. On July 6, 2013, the first plane crash with human casualties occurred. An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Seoul to San Francisco, crashed while landing at San Francisco Airport, hitting the end of the runway with its tail. 2 people died.

Boeing 777 in Russia:

In Russia, the largest operator of Boeing 777 aircraft is Transaero. This company has 14 aircraft in its fleet: 5 Boeing 777-300, 9 Boeing 777-200ER. In addition to Transaero, this aircraft is in the fleet of Aeroflot, Nordwind and Orenair.



The Boeing 777 has been operated by Transaero for 5 years; in one of the following reports I will talk about its maintenance at the company’s own repair and technical facilities.


Enjoy your flights!



I thank the press service of Transaero Airlines and personally Sergei Moryakov for the opportunity to make this report!

We have already looked at the four-class cabin of the Boeing 777-200 from the airline ““. You can view the review here -.

Now let’s look at the diagram of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft, which does not have the “Imperial Class”. Transaero has 4 such airliners.

WITH 11 to 16 rows— business class seats. Photos of the interior can be seen below. The only thing we want to note is pay attention to the first and last rows.

It feels like they may not be as comfortable as other chairs in the same class due to their location near the exit to the toilets and the partition.

30 row economy class is also located near the partition and near the passage to the toilets.

“Wanters” will constantly be walking around you, and queues may also form.

Last 50 row economy class is also not very comfortable. The seats are located near the exit to the toilets, and the partition behind them may interfere with reclining (this point should be checked with the airline).

51 row tourist class is also not very comfortable (see row 30)

But the outer seats of the 52nd row (C, G) have a significant advantage - due to the absence of a chair in front, these seats have a lot of free legroom.

This is very important on long flights. The downside is the proximity to the toilets.

64 row tourist class is located at the very end, near the passage to the toilet and, perhaps, the backs of the seats do not recline. Not the best places for a pleasant flight.

Additional useful information

  • In the Premium class, the monitor size is 6.5″, the distance between the seats is 50″ (125 cm)
  • In Economy class, the distance between the seats is 32″, which is approximately 81 cm. The monitor size is the same – 6.5″
Photos of Boeing 777-200

Business class interior

Economy class interior

They are all designed in one four-class configuration: business class, imperial class, tourist class, economy class.

The total number of seats on board is 373.

Let’s take a closer look at the cabin layout of the Boeing 777-300 of the aviation company Transaero and find out where it’s excellent, where it’s not very good, and where it’s not at all. bad places.

A couple of general points about the seat arrangement in the Boeing 777-300 - their disadvantages and advantages.

    The seats that are located next to the window have the advantage that you can look out of it during the flight (this, of course, depends on the flight time and weather). If you fly at night, this advantage does not count. Also, your neighbor will not bother you if he wants to get up. These places have one drawback - it is not very convenient to leave it yourself. Therefore, if you don’t need to go to the toilet often or you intend to sleep through the entire flight, choose seats by the window.

    The seats that are located near the aisle have their own advantage - it is very easy to get up from if you need to go to the toilet. The disadvantages are that a neighbor may be disturbed if he needs to get up. Flight attendants with trolleys and passengers who walk through the cabin to the galley and toilets can also interfere. Therefore, if you are flying with a child and, most likely, you will have to go to the toilet often. Or you yourself need to go to the restroom more often, then choose from the edge of the seat.

First grade Transaero has its own nomenclature - “Imperial”. Number of seats - 4. The display size of each chair is 2 inches. The chair reclines 180 degrees, thus turning into a comfortable bed.

In business class 14 seats. The display size of each chair is 15.4 inches, the chair reclines almost 180 degrees, the distance between the chairs is 60 inches (approximately 150 centimeters). All business places are places of increased comfort.

Economy has 133 places. The distance between the seats is 36 inches (90 centimeters), and the display size for each seat is 8.9 inches.

    10 rub. These chairs are located in front of the passage to the toilets and the partition. Near this partition there are mounts for strollers, and in the armrests there are folding tables. They are fixed. But there is a significant advantage that can cover all these disadvantages. There is quite a lot of legroom near these seats, which is very comfortable for long flights.

    26 rubles, The last row in economy class deserves special attention. It is not just located near the toilets - “those who wish” will constantly walk around you and sometimes form queues. These seats have limitations in reclining seats, as they are up against the wall of the toilet.

Tourist class is the most numerous on board - of all 373 seats, this sector belongs to 222 seats.

The distance between the backs of the seats is 32 inches (80 centimeters), the display size is 8.9 inches.

    27, 40 rubles, the features of these seats are similar to 10 rubles, you still need to take into account the proximity to the toilets, but there is a significant plus, especially on long-distance flights.

    39 and 51r. red for a reason similar to RUR 26.

    Ask an airline employee for advice

    If possible, carefully study the diagram of the airliner you will fly on.

    Do not take seats where the seats do not recline or are limited in their ability to do so.

    Do not take places near toilets, kitchens and other technical rooms at the very end.

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We hope that this article was useful to you.

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Clear skies to you, as the pilots say, and a soft landing!

Made its first flight in 1994 new model Boeing company, developed only with the help of computer graphics. This is a Boeing 777 200 aircraft. The airliner is still operated by several major Russian air carriers. Let's look at the characteristics of this aircraft and determine the optimal passenger seats for a comfortable flight.

Based on the 200, the developers supplemented the design with two more series: ER - an aircraft with an increased flight distance - and LR, which flies over extremely long distances. Since domestic companies use the basic series and ER models, let’s talk about the characteristics of these particular boards. In addition, we will discuss what the Boeing 777 200 is, the cabin layout, the best seats - we will highlight all these points in our article.

Boeing 777 200 made its first flight back in the mid-nineties

With an aircraft length of 63.7 meters and a wingspan of 60.9 m, the airliner is capable of covering up to 14,300 kilometers, while developing a cruising speed of 905 km/h.

The interior of these models comes in several types of layout. We list the following typical class options:

  • one-class economy – 440 seats;
  • two-class economy + business – 400 seats;
  • three-class economy + first + business - 306 seats.

Wherein The overall cabin width of the ER series aircraft is 5.87 meters, and economy class seats are arranged in a 3:4:3 format. In the first class cabin, the seats are arranged in a 3:3:3 configuration, while the business class offers passengers seats in a 2:3:2 configuration. In addition, in the standard cabin of the airliner on blocks 39–42, the seats are arranged in a 2:4:2 format. There are only four seats on the last, forty-third line of seats (Russia Airlines).

The above diagram will help you more accurately understand what the interior layout of such a board is. Accordingly, people who prefer to watch the flight from the porthole window choose seats marked A or L in any row. Let’s discuss some nuances regarding the flight and passenger convenience in more detail.

Layout of the basic modification of the side

Today such aircraft are offered by one of the major aviation companies - Nord Wind. The Boeing 777 200, the interior diagram of which is shown in the photo below, is represented here by two airliners. Consider the plan of the airplane.

These are two-class models, where the business class cabin has only 6 seats with a 2:2:2 layout. Thus, out of 58 rows, a single block is allocated for a line of seats with special comfort. The seats here are located at a sufficient distance from the partitions. Therefore, passengers occupying these seats are unlikely to experience any inconvenience during the flight.

Starts from the fifth row common salon. Moreover, there is no strict numbering here - there is no line of seats numbered 13 here for superstitious reasons. In addition, rows 15–19 and 40–44 occupy utility rooms. The interval between the seats of the line is about 74 centimeters, so such planes are considered not very comfortable for flying.

There are only 4 seats in block 5. The main disadvantage here is their placement along the central axis of the board. That is, while sitting on this line, passengers will not be able to watch the flight through the window. Passengers occupying seats 6 A and 6K are luckier in this regard. People occupying the remaining seats in this line will have to look at the wall that separates the business class cabin.

Behind rows 14, 39 and 58 there are emergency exit doors and technical units. Accordingly, the seats on lines 12, 14, 37, the middle section of lines 38, 57 and the entire 58 line are unlikely to be reclinable. And the proximity of kitchens and toilets will not be an optimal neighborhood.

20 seat line The layout is similar to row 6. Here, passengers also look into the partition of the on-board bathrooms throughout the flight. However, experts are not inclined to compare these two options.

Row 20 is very noisy due to constant queues for the restrooms. In addition, there is much less space between the seat and the wall. The only advantage here will be the double seats. The seats C and H of the 21st row have similar characteristics, with the difference that passengers on these seats will be able to comfortably place their legs - the distance to the wall allows this.

Passengers planning to fly in the middle part of the board should remember that there are no windows on certain rows from 20 to 39. Therefore, if you want to take a seat by the window, check this point in advance with an airport employee or airline representative.

Overall more comfortable for the flight. On line 45, the seats are located only on the sides, and in front of them there is a passage through the emergency exit doors. The inconvenience here is the proximity to restrooms and, as a result, increased noise.

The seats in the central part of the 46th row are completely identical to the similar arrangement of seats in the 21st row. The seats from rows 54 to 56 are also relatively comfortable. Indeed, in this part of the aircraft the seat layout is located in a 2:4:2 format. The last rows are traditionally considered the worst seats on board.

777 200 ER series overview

Now let's look at the airliners that it offers to fly. The Boeing 777 200 ER, the best seats in which we will now look at, assumes a slightly different interior layout. There are three comfort classes: business, superior and economy. The business class cabin has two rows of seats in a 2:3:2 layout. Here the flight will be quite comfortable and is unlikely to cause inconvenience.

The improved seat layout starts in the third row and ends in the sixth line of seats. Moreover, the last block is arranged according to the 2:3:2 scheme. Therefore, in this part of the airliner, it is optimal to choose seats 6A, 6C or 6J and 6L - they are located along the sides of the aircraft. But in general, the advantages and disadvantages of the first rows after the partition are similar to the previously discussed example.

The central block of the salon starts from line 10. The seats on the sides border on the partitions of the bathroom, and the axial section borders on the kitchen. However, the distance between the chair and the wall is quite sufficient for a comfortable position of the body. Therefore, the main disadvantage here is considered to be the increased noise level. When deciding to take seats from rows 12 to 27, keep in mind that on some lines there are no portholes. It is advisable to clarify the specific location of such “unfortunate” places with the company’s employees for a specific board.

Seat backs 29 and 43 lines On this plane, the seats are limited in reclining or do not recline at all. The reason for such inconveniences is not the most successful solution of the designers - the close location of the partitions of the technical blocks.

Seats in the first class compartment of the airliner

30 line located immediately behind the emergency doors next to the toilets. Accordingly, there is enough space in front of the seats to stretch out the legs, but, again, it is noisy. In addition, experts note the fact that the turbulence of the aircraft is noticeable in the rear part of the board more than in the nose block.

Seating rows 40–41 marked A, C, J and L - paired, not triple. For this reason, they can be called a good option for young couples. As for the similar chairs in the last two sections, a drawback can be noted here - its close location to the bathroom. In addition, it is impossible to recline the seats in the last row - they are located almost close to the wall.

Features of seat selection

When you are there, you should pay attention to a few details:

  1. Don't choose places that are nearby office premises. Passengers will be going there all the time, and you will not have the opportunity to rest.
  2. It’s also not worth purchasing tickets for seats in the back of the plane - here the problems already noted are complemented by the inability to recline the seat. Agree, it is inappropriate to choose a seat where the backrest cannot be reclined. After all, to be long time It's very uncomfortable in one position.

When choosing a seat on this aircraft, you should avoid proximity to technical blocks and the last row of seats

The fact that some airliners do not have blocks 13 and 17 is associated only with the personal motives of the manufacturers; this has nothing to do with safety precautions. In addition, the design features of the airliner suggest such changes.

Finally, we note important nuance for beginners. Try to purchase tickets in advance and be sure to consult with an airport employee about the specific characteristics of the selected seat. A printout of the board diagram, which the tourist keeps with him, can also significantly facilitate the choice of seat and protect him from a ruined trip.

The video below shows the standard interior of the new modification of the described model, Boeing 700 300.

The Boeing 777 200 made its first flight in the mid-nineties, but many airlines still use this aircraft today
Diagram of the cabin of one of the airliners of Rossiya Airlines
Symbol best places in the cabin of the Boeing 777 200 of the Nord Wind company
The interior of this airliner can hardly be called comfortable due to three blocks of seats in each row
Diagram of the aircraft cabin used by Aeroflot

Transaero Airlines operates 5 Boeing 777-300 aircraft. Vehicle side numbers: ei-unl,ei-unm,ei-unn,ei-unp,ei-xlp. All cars have the same layout with 373 seats. The age of the aircraft is as follows:

  • The EI-UNL aircraft made its first flight in November 1998;
  • The EI-UNP aircraft made its first flight in December 1998;
  • The EI-UNN aircraft made its first flight in January 1999;
  • The EI-XLP aircraft made its first flight in September 1999;
  • The EI-UNM aircraft made its first flight in January 1999.
Modern Boeing 777 models have four classes on board: imperial, business, economy and tourist. This is the most “sophisticated” interior of all previous Boeing models (,). The interior diagram was taken from the official website:

The Boeing Transaero cabin, unlike Aeroflot models, has a 3-3-3 layout (Aeroflot has a 3-4-3 seat layout). This suggests that Transaero Boeings have more space for passengers and the seats are wider.

Let's analyze the interior layout in more detail and highlight the best and worst places in this layout.

Row 1. Imperial – class. Elite seats of this Boeing. There are 4 of them in total. The chairs are a semi-closed booth that folds out 180 degrees. There is a built-in massage function. Each seat is equipped with 23-inch video monitors.

Row. 4, 5. This is where the business class rows begin. Unlike previous models, which had a maximum of 6-8 seats, this Boeing has 14 seats in business class. Flying here is also very comfortable. The distance between the rows is 152 cm. The chairs have a back support function. Unfolds 180 degrees. Equipped with 15.4-inch monitors.
As for the choice of specific places, row 4 is more preferable in this sense. In front of him is only business class. But behind the 5th row there is a toilet and a transition to economy class. A small thing, but still.
Next comes economy class, which includes 133 seats. The distance between the rows is 90 cm. The monitors have a diagonal of 8.9 inches.
Row 10. Comfortable spot for the flight. The absence of a row in front will allow you to stretch your legs well. It will also be more relaxed here (no one will be disturbed by endless walking), since there is only business class in front. Near the partition there is a place for attaching a stroller - perfect place for flying with children. Seats D and F are even more convenient in this sense, since there is space both in front and on the sides.
Row 11. The row is also very convenient, as it is located in front of the partition separating economy from business class.
Row 25, places D,E,F . And also row 26. Marked as bad places to fly. The whole picture is spoiled by the presence of a toilet, which people will constantly go to, touching you with their elbows. There may be queues, noise, uproar, etc. In addition, due to the partition, the seat backs have restrictions on tipping over. You won't get much sleep here...
Next comes the tourist class of the aircraft. There are 222 places here. The distance between the rows is the smallest - 80 cm. Although, this is more than enough for a comfortable flight. Each chair is equipped with an 8.9-inch monitor. So there are no special differences from economy class.
Row 27. Nice places for the flight. There is a lot of legroom, there is no row in front, so no one will tip the chair over on you. There are other downsides too. The presence of a passage creates an additional “draft”; there is also an economy class toilet nearby. The porthole may be missing. The seats are located in front of the emergency exit, which means children, animals and the elderly cannot sit here.
Row 39. Almost complete analogy of row 26. Places behind which there is a partition are most often limited in tipping. There will also always be a lot of traffic of passengers heading to the toilet. There is also a kitchen area here.
Row 40. In fact, it’s an analogy to row 10 in economy class. There are places to attach a stroller and plenty of legroom. The only negative is that such places are often booked by families with children. It might be noisier here.

Photo Imperial class: