The most dangerous places in the world. The most dangerous places in the world: stay away from them 10 dangerous places on earth

Earth - amazing planet covering a vast territory. We are talking about the only celestial body in the solar system where there is life. At the same time fauna amazes with its diversity and majesty. How many amazing individuals live in the seas? How many dangerous predators live in forests and jungles? At the same time, a small scorpion may turn out to be a more dangerous enemy than a huge reptile. But in addition to representatives of the animal world, there are many unexplored and strange locations on Earth. We suggest considering the most dangerous places on the planet.

TOP 10 Most Dangerous Places on Our Planet

The Top 10 most dangerous places on the planet include Chernobyl. It's about small town in Ukraine, which experienced a terrible disaster in 1986. To this day, there is an excess of radiation here. The fact is that a nuclear reactor exploded here. As a result of the emergency, about several tons of radiation dust covered the Zhytomyr region. Thousands of people died. Millions were displaced and left their cities. However, this city attracts the attention of many tourists who want to experience the thrill.


In the Atlantic Ocean there is a unique Snake Island, which is annually in demand among the most adventurous travelers. Based on the name, you can guess that snakes live on this island. Moreover, only snakes live in this place. It’s hard to believe, but there are 5-6 snakes per square meter of the island’s territory. Thus, Snake Island is the largest natural serpentarium on our planet.

The most dangerous place in Russia is considered to be the Mountain of the Dead. We're talking about anomalous place, which is located in the north of the Urals. Many researchers and tourists have given up their lives trying to study this unique phenomenon. By no means, no one has managed to understand the nature of the origin of the pass. To this day, history remembers the mysterious death of all members of the Dyatlov expedition, after which this mystical city was named.

California is also included in the list of the most dangerous places on Earth. This is due to the fact that the waters of this city are the most favorite place for white sharks. Predators swim almost to the shore. At the same time, a huge number of victims are registered every year. Many cases end in death. Despite the danger, a colossal number of surfers are always concentrated here, wanting to have fun and get a dose of adrenaline.

Despite the wonderful landscape, Ethiopia is very dangerous. The desert is truly colorful and interesting climate. In summer the temperature here reaches +50 degrees. Therefore, it is dangerous to be in the desert for more than a few minutes. Burning oxygen is not the only problem. The fact is that the desert atmosphere contains a huge amount of gases that can kill a person. And this is not the end. Powerful earthquakes are regularly observed here. Many believe that hell is located in this place.

The Top 10 most dangerous places on our planet also includes the Russian Death Valley. This is located amazing place in Kamchatka. Namely, in a small reserve, not far from the Kikhpinych volcano. An interesting corner attracts not only with beautiful landscapes, but also with danger. Although this pleasure is not for everyone. Only desperate tourists are able to approach the Valley of Death. A huge number of people died here due to the poisonous gas. However, every year there are many brave souls who try their luck.


Fire Mountain must be considered one of the most dangerous places on the planet. The name of the location is due to the presence of an active volcano, which has produced more than a hundred eruptions during its existence. The last disaster was registered in 2014. The column of smoke from the eruption rose 3,000 meters in height. In this case, nearly 200 people died. It’s hard to guess how many deaths were observed.

The most dangerous place on the planet is the road of death. We are talking about a path that includes a lot of sharp turns, dangerous terrain, and terrible road surface. Despite this, there are many cyclists who want to try their luck. Every year dozens of athletes and hundreds of motorists die. It is worth noting that they tried to restore the road, but in the 70s an event occurred due to which the work was suspended. At the 20th kilometer the cars broke loose and crashed.

Today we will tell you about beaches infested with sharks, whirlwinds of water ten meters in diameter, frozen roads, caves in which divers disappear, mountains that kill tourists and much more, and much more interesting.

1. Saltstraumen (Northern Norway). The most powerful whirlpools in the world

Can you imagine a powerful torrential current creating craters 10 meters in diameter and 5 meters deep? It looks like a fairy tale, but this phenomenon really exists. We are talking about the Saltstraumen whirlpool, the strongest current in the world, located in the strait.

Located 33 km from the Norwegian city of Bodo, near the famous Lofoten Islands, these whirlpools are a unique natural phenomenon that repeats every 6 hours.

But be careful: during calm periods, the powerful current underwater remains very dangerous. When taking a boat trip, be sure to wear a life jacket.

Route 11, better known as the James Dalton Highway, is one of the most dangerous roads in existence. 667 kilometers long, this road crosses one of the most isolated areas in the country.

Low temperatures, ice and poor visibility caused by snowstorms mean that drivers who dare to drive through it risk their lives.

Mud and ice turning into very slippery gravel means that the car behind is in great danger.

3. Cave Goufre Berger. (France)

The descent into the Gouffre Berger cave is a journey to the center of the Earth. Located in the southeast of France, it is one of the scariest and most dangerous caves. It is known as the "Cave of Death".

With a depth of over 1200 meters and a lake inside, it is one of the deepest underground caves in the world. Its greatest danger is that if it rains, the cave will flood, trapping everyone inside. Several people died here.

It will take from 12 to 30 hours to rise from the bottom of the cave to the surface.

Are you ready for a risky adventure? We travel to Victoria Falls, on the African continent, to see the most dangerous natural pool. It is called the devil's pool or Piscina del Diablo.

This is a pond dug into the rock at the very edge of the waterfall. The Zambezi River bubbles from a height of more than a hundred meters. You can not be afraid of anything and swim calmly.

A natural stone wall underwater protects swimmers from falling into the waterfall. But it’s better not to tempt fate, of course.

5. Kjeragbolten (Norway) Stone hanging at an altitude of 1000 meters

We're back to the Norwegian fjords to talk about another exciting and dangerous place. The most famous hill in Norway is considered to be Kjerag. There are mountains 1000 m high here.

Among travelers, the peak of Liserfjorden is considered popular. Why? This is where the large Kjeragbolten boulder is located.

It is sandwiched between two completely vertical rocks and hangs above the abyss at an altitude of 1000 m. Tourists who come in huge numbers take photographs on it.

Many people feel a slight trembling in their legs. The main task for amateur photographers is not to look down.

6. Annapurna (Himalayas). The most dangerous eight-thousander mountain

Mount Annapurna is the tenth largest in the world and the first in mortality. Four out of ten climbers die trying to conquer the most dangerous mountain.

This mountain is called the eight-thousander mountain because its height is 8091 meters. Vertical ice walls, avalanches and deadly crevasses are just some of the causes of fear among climbers.

Forty-one percent of people died while conquering this mountain. Among the dead were two famous Spaniards: Inaki Ochoa de Olza (in 2008) and Tolo Calafata (in 2010).

The Husaini Suspension Bridge is one of the most dangerous in the world. Crossing this high altitude bridge over the Hunza River in northern Pakistan is a pure Indiana Jones adventure.

Bridge surrounded mountain ranges Himalayas and Karakoram. One wrong step and you will fall into the water.

Preikestolen or “Pulpit Rock” is a huge cliff, 604 meters high, located above the Lysefjord in Norway.

Be careful as there are no barriers or fall protection. The bravest ones can sit on the edge of a cliff or do some kind of pirouette in front of the camera.

The wind blows strong here, and a wrong step can be fatal. Of course the views here are simply magnificent.

9. Blue Hole (Belize). A true magnet for the most daring divers

In the Caribbean Sea, near the Yucatan Peninsula (Central America), there is a place that is a real magnet for the most daring divers.

We're talking about Blue Hole. Huge blue hole with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 123 meters, which formed a cave system during the Ice Age.

Now they are underwater, with vertical walls. This beauty poses a great danger to divers who do not take precautions. To reach the cave entrance you must descend at least 34 meters.

At this depth, oxygen tanks begin to run out. Therefore, the diver only has a few minutes.

10. Popocatepetl. One of the most active volcanoes on the planet

Part of Mexico lives in anticipation of the awakening of the Popocatépetl volcano. This volcano is the second largest in the country after Citlaltpetl. Active, he can wake up at any moment.

Researchers monitor it 24 hours a day. First of all, this volcano threatens 3 states with a total population of 20 million people.

11. Sacred Mountain Huashan (China)

To get to the top of the mountain, you must cross one of the steepest and most dangerous paths that exist. It is so difficult to overcome that hundreds of people die every year.

The riskiest parts of the route are known as Changing Zhandao. The first route lies through footbridge 30 centimeters wide, on a completely vertical rock. The second route is called “Black Dragon”.

This is a section carved out of a steep rock edge. Its width is only a few centimeters.

Trembling boards, rusty chains, long travel, all these are very tough tests in order to achieve the goal. The main prize for such torment is life.

12. La Quebrada Rock (Mexico)

In the Mexican port of Acapulco is Quebrada, a 35-meter-high cliff. Divers and jumpers have been practicing their best jumps here for 75 years. The depth of the bay is only 5 meters.

This is very dangerous, as you can break if you hit the bottom. During the jumps, divers are on duty. Every year thousands of tourists come here to see this unusual spectacle.

Undoubtedly, extreme tourism– it’s very interesting and exciting. However, the pursuit of thrills and new emotions can end quite disastrously. The result of traveling to the most dangerous places for tourists on the planet can be the loss of health and even life. Where exactly should you be most careful?

Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Crater Lake Nyos in the Adamawa Mountains of northwestern Cameroon is known as the “killer lake.”

The depth of the lake is 201 m, and huge volumes of carbon dioxide accumulate at the bottom, which is produced by a volcano that is extinct on the surface but active in the depths of the reservoir.

Any external impact - earthquake, landslide, landslide, strong winds - can trigger a repeat of the 1986 disaster. Then almost the entire population of nearby villages - 2 thousand people - was destroyed by an explosion of gas rising from the depths.

Mount Huashan, China

On the Qinling ridge in Shaanxi province there is one of the sacred mountains in Taoism - Huashan. Thousands of tourists annually climb to a height of 2160 m on a difficult and dangerous climb.

A unique path is laid past the most beautiful places– monasteries and pagodas, temples and gates, and the road is extremely dangerous. The extreme climb leads along shaky bridges without railings; in some places travelers hang over the abyss. It’s not for nothing that the road is called the “path of death.”

The reward for the daredevil will be tea in the tea house at the top. Travelers go back down by cable car.

Hussaini Bridge, Pakistan

Age suspension bridge across the Guntsy River in Pakistan is unknown even to local residents. The shaky structure is made of wooden planks and ropes; over the years, the thin ropes have frayed and the boards have fallen out. Crossing the bridge is also extremely dangerous due to strong cold winds that tend to throw the traveler into the fast river.

Train Salta Antofagasta, Argentina

The railway route connecting the cities of the province of Salta with the border areas in the Andes is also called the “Train in the Clouds”, or Tren a las Nubes.

The road is laid at an altitude of 4220 m above sea level.

217 kilometers feature dizzying descents and ascents, 21 tunnels and 29 steep bridges. A visit to the most exciting amusement park can't compare to the adrenaline rush of a ride on this train.

Death Valley, Kamchatka

Opened in 1930, Death Valley has already killed about 100 people.

The Valley of Death, or the Land of Paradoxes, is located in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve next to the Kikhpinych volcano. The territory is small - 2 km long and 500 m wide. But in the valley, literally every living thing dies in minutes. Scientists have not yet found an explanation for this dangerous phenomenon.

Kjerag, Norway

The hanging stone, or Kjeragbolten, is a large stone stuck at a kilometer altitude between two rocks.

It is located above the Lucyfjord, 240 km from Stavanger. Anyone who stands on this stone experiences indescribable sensations.

Mayon Volcano, Philippines

Actively active volcano Mayon is located in the southeast of the island of Luzon.

From a height of 2462 m, lava flows periodically pour out and rocks are thrown out. The volcano caused the death of the city of Kagzawa, as well as hundreds of local residents and tourists.

Gouffre Berger, France

Located on the Sornen plateau ( French Alps) the cave has long been considered the deepest in the world.

Its depth is 1323 m and to reach the bottom you will have to spend 15-30 hours without rest. The length of the passages in it is 30 km.

At the bottom of the Berger Chasm is underground lake. For those who decide to travel, rains pose an extreme danger - the cave fills with water in a matter of minutes. It is because of floods that speleologists die in the cave.

Pripyat city, Ukraine

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant turned the thriving city into a ghost: there are gradually collapsing houses, but no one is alive.

Nature is gradually recovering - animals and birds are returning, berries and mushrooms are growing, but for people the level of radiation contamination in some areas remains unacceptably high - about a million decays per minute.

Fish Hoek Beach, South Africa

And the shark was in the photo

Swimming in the company of aggressive white sharks - what could be more attractive for lovers of extreme sensations!

The coast of Cape Town is famous for the huge number of these predators, which are found even in shallow waters. Fish Hoek Beach leads the world in the number of white shark attacks on people.

Every year, tourists travel around the world and find themselves in dangerous parts of the world. Such places give a person a lot of adrenaline. Sometimes it is very dangerous for human life here, but despite this, more and more people go there. As a result, a list of very scary places on the planet.

10. California Coast

This is one of the most unsafe places on planet Earth. These waters are home to white sharks that kill hundreds of people. There have been cases of death. But without fear of sharks, surfers and divers still conquer the waves in search of new experiences and adrenaline.

9. Danakil Desert

Dazzling and picturesque landscape The Danakil desert hides many threats that are associated with climatic conditions. The air temperature reaches up to 50 degrees, so staying here for more than 5 minutes in such a place is unacceptable. In addition to this temperature, the desert atmosphere contains a highly concentrated poisonous gas that can be fatal to humans. Earthquakes occur in the desert due to the Arabian Plate located here.

8. Snake Island

In Brazil, there is a dangerous place on the planet - Snake Island. You can find it in the Atlantic Ocean. Visits to this island are prohibited. Just by the name you can guess that snakes live on the island. There are 1-2 snakes per square meter of territory. That's a lot. However, on the coastal rocks you can also see whole balls of snakes. Snake Island is listed as the largest natural habitat for snakes in the world.

7. Death Valley in Kamchatka

Another equally dangerous place is Death Valley in Russia. A valley was discovered in Kamchatka, and the active Kikhpinych volcano is located nearby. There is a very beautiful landscape here that attracts tourists, but staying there for a long time is dangerous not only for people, but also for animals. Scientists believe that all deaths occur due to poisonous gas in this valley.

6. Chernobyl

Chernobyl in Ukraine is among the ten most dangerous places in the world. The once beautiful and thriving city was forever transformed into an abandoned place. The reason for this was the terrible tragedy of 1986 - an explosion at a nuclear power plant, which released tons of radiation, as a result, millions of people were infected. The radiation covered hundreds of kilometers. Now this city is considered a ghost. It seems like it exists, but it seems like it doesn’t. Now this place is considered dangerous to human health and life due to high levels of radiation.

5. Fire Mountain

Fire Mountain Indonesia is the most dangerous place on the planet. This is the name of a volcano that still spews lava from time to time. Eruptions happen quite often. Every day a column of smoke is emitted from the mountain to a height of 3 thousand meters. Hundreds of thousands of people die almost every year, but despite this, people still live near this mountain. The distance from the fiery mountain to the settlement is only 6 kilometers from the raging volcano.

4. Summit of Mount Washington

In the USA, there is also a place where it is better not to interfere - Mount Washington. She is considered the most beautiful and at one time high point America. The height of this peak is 1970 meters. The mountain acquired this name because of its location - at the northern latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. We can say that this place is unpredictable, because you never know what weather conditions you can expect. It's dangerous to be on the top of this mountain. High wind speeds have been recorded here more than once, exceeding 100 meters per second. In 1642, a certain Derby Field climbed this mountain for the first time and survived. An inexperienced hiker cannot climb to the very top of Mount Washington. This suggests that to successfully climb a mountain, you need to have special professional skills and love extreme sports.

3. Death Road

Another dangerous place on Earth is in Bolivia - the Road of Death. Looking at the name, everything is already clear; a lot is recorded here deaths. This road was continued during the hostilities between Bolivia and Paraguay. There are many sharp turns on the road, the road surface is terrible, the terrain is difficult - all this leads to car accidents. More than one cyclist died on this road, but all in order to get adrenaline. About 200 are recorded per year dead people. This road cannot be removed because it is the only road between the countries. Several decades ago they tried to repair this road, but to no avail. They were only enough for 20 km, the remaining 50 km were without asphalt, made of clay soil. After rain, the road becomes slippery and dangerous to travel.

2. Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle we can find in the Atlantic Ocean, it is considered an area with animal phenomena and generally an unsafe place among expanses of water Atlantic Ocean. This one is located unusual place near the islands North America- between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico. If you draw lines in your mind, combining these points, a triangle is formed. Once upon a time the newspapers published an article that this mysterious place ships and aircraft disappear without a trace, and navigation instruments cease to function. This part of the ocean holds many secrets and threats. It is dangerous here, first of all, because large quantities shallows, and also change frequently climatic conditions. The weather can be beautiful and out of nowhere a storm or a cyclone can change. It is because of these weather anomalies that countless crashes and instrument failures occur in this place.

1. Dyatlov Pass

In Russia there is a mountain of the dead, which is called the Dyatlov Pass and is considered the most dangerous place on the planet. This mountain is in first place on our list. This anomalous area is located in the north of the Urals. A huge number of deaths occurred in this place. And for mystical reasons. Many tourists and explorers died here. On February 1, 1958, a tragedy occurred here, about which nothing is still known. An entire expedition led by Dyatlov died mysterious death. To this day, no one knows the real cause of their death. This pass was named in honor of the commander-in-chief.

There are a wide variety of dangerous places on our planet that have recently begun to attract special category extreme tourists looking for thrills in life. In such places they find what they are looking for first of all - a source of adrenaline. Visiting many of these places can pose a direct threat to health or life. Such exclusion zones can be the most different places: cities, bodies of water, desert and mountainous places that have had a bad reputation for centuries.

1. Chernobyl and Pripyat (Ukraine)

On April 26, 1986, a terrible disaster occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Losing control of the modern nuclear reactor led to the release of tons of radioactive materials that mixed with dust, air and water, and contaminated the area with radiation for hundreds of kilometers around. Due to untimely notification of the population, many people managed to fall under radioactive contamination and began to get seriously ill and subsequently die. Little-known cities before this fateful day, leading a calm, measured lifestyle, became known throughout the world. Residents hastily left the cities, not having time to collect and take their belongings with them. This is how these deserted ghost towns stand now, in which it is impossible to stay for a long time without the risk of receiving a strong dose of radiation. And such a sad fate is destined for them for several more centuries, and perhaps thousands of years.

2. Snake Island Queimada Grande (Brazil)

The Brazilian island of Queimada Grande, located not far from the mainland in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, is not very hospitable. One of the subspecies of bothrops, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world, has settled on this island. Apart from snakes, there are no other animals on the island (which is understandable), and only migratory birds fly here, which are food for reptiles. Scientists have turned this island into a natural serpentarium, where they are trying to preserve this endemic species of bothrops. Ordinary people are not allowed here, and there are hardly any among them who want to find painful and certain death here. Even the beacon installed here has been operating in automatic mode for some time now.

3. Danakil Desert (Ethiopia)

Despite the unique beautiful scenery, the Ethiopian Danakil Desert is a very unforgiving place to live due to the features local climate. The temperature in these places often exceeds 50 degrees in the shade - it is impossible to breathe such hot air for a long time. In addition, the air contains a very high content of poisonous gases that pose a mortal danger to life. In addition, since this desert is located above the Arabian Rift, powerful earthquakes often occur here.

It is difficult to scare a Russian person with anything, especially bad roads. Even safe routes claim thousands of lives a year, let alone those...

4. California coast (USA)

The entire California coast is a fairly dangerous area to live in. The “Pacific Belt of Fire” passes through here - a zone of high geological activity, accompanied by powerful earthquakes. It is also unsafe near the California coast, because in local waters Pacific Ocean Great white sharks often migrate, posing a serious threat to divers and surfers who love to ride high waves.

5. Death Valley (Russia)

The Geysernaya River runs down from the slopes of the Kikhpinych volcano in Kamchatka, just downstream of which is the famous Valley of Geysers. However, upstream relatively recently (in 1975) a more sinister place was discovered, which was called Death Valley. The local land is full of thermal springs, and various gases erupt through it, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and, in some places, even cyanide compounds. Inhaling all this, animals and birds of various sizes that enter a small area of ​​territory quickly die and remain there.

6. “Road of Death” (Bolivia)

Perhaps this is the most dangerous road in the world. It winds along a 600-meter abyss, and its width does not exceed three meters. It takes a long time to travel along such a nerve-wracking path - 70 kilometers. Moreover, even buses and trucks manage to move along this route. Since there are no passing lanes here, a meeting of two cars on this road puts them in an almost hopeless situation - backing up along such a narrow ledge means almost certainly dying. But, despite such a gloomy prospect, traffic along the “road of death” is quite brisk - all because it is the only one connecting the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, with the town of Coroisco. Moreover, periodically, during the rainy season (November-March), the narrow road is washed away by tropical downpours, blocked by landslides and hidden from view by thick fogs. Therefore, dozens of people die on this road every year.

Under dangerous natural phenomena refers to extreme climatic or meteorological phenomena that occur naturally in that area...

7. Summit of Mount Washington (USA)

In the northeastern United States in the state of New Hampshire there is a relatively low (1917 m) Mount Washington. It stands out not at all for its height, but for its very severe weather conditions, which reign at its top. Until 1996, it held the wind speed record, recorded in 1934 at a weather station on the top of the mountain - 372 km/h. All technical buildings on the top of the mountain are designed to withstand such winds, many of them are chained to the ground so that they are not blown away by the wind. Heavy snow storms are common here at any time of the year.

8. Merapi or “Fire Mountain” (Indonesia)

The active Indonesian volcano Merapi should by definition be a dangerous place. During the period of observation alone, more than a hundred eruptions were observed. The volcano never falls asleep, constantly releasing a stream of smoke into the sky to a height of three kilometers. The last significant eruption, which occurred in 2014, killed about 20 people, but in 1930, when the lava descended lower than usual, death took a more abundant harvest here - about a thousand victims. The fault of these tragedies is the people themselves, who, in spite of everything, continue to settle too close to the volcano.

9. Bermuda Triangle (Atlantic Ocean)

The legendary Bermuda Triangle is considered dangerous anomalous zone Atlantic. It lies in a triangle with the vertices of Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico (hence the area's name). How many articles and testimonies have been written about the disappearance of planes and ships in local waters, the failure of navigation instruments, and time gaps! This part of the ocean is dangerous a large number shallows and the fact that many Atlantic storms and cyclones originate here. There are, however, more esoteric explanations for local miracles.

A tornado (in America this phenomenon is called a tornado) is a fairly stable atmospheric vortex, most often occurring in thunderclouds. He's visual...

10. “Royal Path” (Spain)

That's what they call artificial walking trail, walking along the El Chorro gorge, which is located not far from Malaga near the village of Alora. Now it has a width of 3 meters and a length of about three kilometers, hanging over cliffs hundreds of meters deep. Previously, it was intended for technical purposes and had a width of no more than 1 m and did not have railings - it was in those days that it was deadly. And it was named royal for the episode when the King of Spain Alfonso XIII personally walked along it. It allowed passage from the Gaitanejo waterfall through the gorge to another Chorro waterfall. In 2000, due to the danger, the trail was officially closed, but since it was very popular among extreme tourists, the authorities reconstructed it and reopened it in 2015. Now the 3-meter path is lined with boards and has railings, so that even unprepared tourists can walk along it.

11. City of Port Moresby (New Guinea)

Capital island state Papua - New Guinea city ​​of Port Moresby ( local residents they call it Nyujini) is located in the east of this island. This is the most dangerous capital in the world. Although it contains the president and government of the country, the real power here belongs to bandit groups. It is better for a civilized white man not to show his face here at all. The Papuans inhabiting the city can easily kill a stranger just to eat him. They can even be understood - here traditionally there is not enough animal protein in the diet. But this is more likely in the outback of the country, and in the capital a stranger will be killed in order to rob, or simply because there is nothing to do. This is because the residents were spoiled by Australian humanitarian handouts. As a result, the country's residents do not want to work at all, but even if any of them would look for work, it is unlikely that they would find it here. Therefore, all they can do is join armed gangs and get money for women, alcohol and drugs through robberies. Local thugs are not even afraid of the police, because the authorities themselves are either bribed or completely intimidated.

Throughout the history of mankind, powerful earthquakes have repeatedly caused colossal damage to people and caused a huge number of casualties among the population...

12. South Luangwa National Park (Zambia)

This huge reserve is very beautiful, but if the hippopotamuses living here suddenly lose their temper, then the guests here may have a hard time. These agile living “tanks” really don’t like it when annoying visitors interfere with their education of the younger generation and their weddings. An angry hippopotamus does not need claws or even impressive fangs - it just needs to step on the object of irritation to kill it. In South Luangwa, there are about five hippos for every kilometer of river bank. For some reason, in children's fairy tales these herbivorous giants are presented as such good-natured hulks, but in fact, due to their sky-high testosterone levels, they are the most aggressive of the large African animals. Second in size only to elephants, hippos kill more people each year than lions, leopards and buffaloes combined.

13. Lake Natron (Tanzania)

The ominous uniqueness of the Tanzanian Lake Natron is that animals that approach it not only die, but are also mummified right there. They forever freeze in their natural poses, as if they were bewitched and turned into stone sculptures. The fact is that the water in the lake is highly alkaline; a lot of soda, lime, and other salts are dissolved here, which mummify the bodies of the victims, preventing them from decomposing. The mineralized water has an intense red tint, but closer to the shores it changes to orange and bluish. The victims of the insidious alkaline lake are mainly birds, while large animals prudently avoid it. But not all birds are treated so cruelly by this lake - pink flamingos, taking advantage of the absence of predators, arrange their nests here, flocking here in colossal flocks.

Occasionally, tsunami waves occur in the ocean. They are very insidious - in the open ocean they are completely invisible, but as soon as they approach the coastal shelf, they...

14. Lake Karachay (Russia)

Lake Karachay, located in the Urals, is a striking example of a man-made disaster. In the post-war years it was used as a repository for radioactive materials. Later, the water level in the lake dropped, and the radiation came out and began to generously flood everything around with its deadly rays. Authorities now have to spend huge amounts of money filling up the lake in an attempt to reduce exposure to radiation, but even approaching this body of water is still deadly.

15. Acid lake in Sicily (Italy)

This miniature lake looks incredibly picturesque. It can also be considered one of the most poisonous bodies of water, but only for natural reasons. At the bottom there are a couple of sources of sulfuric acid, which is diluted with water. No one and nothing lives in this solution of sulfuric acid, and the birds wisely do not even try to approach it. But, according to rumor, the Sicilian mafia likes to hide their crimes here - once a victim is thrown there, after a few hours there is nothing left of him. Nothing grows around this lake at a fairly large distance. Any living creature will be in trouble if it gets too close to him. Surprisingly, the composition of the water of this lake was first studied only in 1999. At the same time, it was possible to establish that the sources of sulfuric acid were two underground crevices. In such an environment, it is impossible for any life to exist, at least not the kind we imagine.

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