Bermuda is. Bermuda is the Bermuda Islands

Today, Bermuda, known in Somers' time only for its cedar forests and rugged natural conditions, have turned into one large resort area, famous for its coral reefs, beautiful pink sand beaches, beautiful gardens, quiet coves and clear water.

In addition to relaxing on the magnificent beaches, guests of the islands can devote time to diving, snorkeling, horse riding, boat racing, cricket, rugby; Numerous tennis courts, 8 professional golf courses, SPA centers, centers have been built here aquatic species sports and much more. On the islands you can find a wide variety of hotels with all kinds of accommodation options, more than 150 restaurants: from affordable to extremely elegant and sophisticated.


The archipelago is located in the western part Atlantic Ocean, east of the USA. Formed as a result of active volcanic activity it covers an area of ​​only 53 square kilometers and consists of 157 islands. The Bermuda archipelago was discovered in 1503 by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez, subsequently receiving the gloomy name “Devil's Islands”. In ancient times, many ships were wrecked here. Until now, successful treasure hunters find seabed treasures of British merchant ships and Spanish galleons.

Bermuda (formerly Somers Islands) is located in the western Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of North America, at a distance of 1046 km east of Cape Hatteras (coast of North Carolina, USA). The archipelago consists of 7 large and about 131 small coral islands, surrounded by reefs (about 230), of which only 12 are inhabited. Eight relatively large islands of the central group are connected to each other by a network of bridges and overpasses with a total length of about 40 km, forming the so-called “ main island" - Main Island, which occupies 95% of the island's land area (locals simply call it "the island"). The remaining islands are scattered across the surface of the ocean, occupying an area of ​​almost 1100 square meters. km. The total area of ​​the archipelago itself is only 53.3 square meters. km.

Tourist areas of Bermuda

Beautiful beaches line almost the entire coast of Bermuda. Largest quantity first-class beach hotels concentrated on south coast islands, including in the areas of Horseshoe Bay, Warwick Long Bay and Jobson's Cove.

The beaches of Elbow Beach near Hamilton, Clearwater Beach and Turtle Bay near St. David are well-deservedly famous, as well as the long coastline exotic John Smith Bay in Paget County. Great places for swimming and diving are located in Church Bay in Southampton County, in the bays of Mangrove Bay, Black Bay, Parsons Bay, Shelley Bay, Somerset Long Bay, Warwick Long Bay, Chaplin Bay, Church Bay, West Vale Bay, as well as in Tobacco Bay north of St. George and in the isolated Clarence Cove.

Bermuda beaches are famous for their white sand with an amazing pink tint, extremely rare in nature. The pinkest sand can be found on the island of Bermuda, on the stretch of coast between Warwick Long Bay and Horseshoe Bay. In Bermuda there are both public and private beaches owned by hotels. Public beaches are closed after dark. There are no nudist beaches in Bermuda.

Best public beaches

Horseshoe Bay is the most popular beach on the island. Bermuda, so it is often quite crowded. The beach is located in a horseshoe-shaped bay framed by picturesque rocks. On the beach there are bars with soft drinks and ice cream, rental shops for snorkeling equipment; here you can also find sun loungers, umbrellas, showers, changing cabins, etc. The secluded area at the western end of the beach, characterized by calm waters, is especially suitable for children.

Jobson's Cove is a beach in a tiny, idyllic cove surrounded by serene cliffs. Few beaches in the world can match the beauty of Jobsons Cove. The sea in this place is calm, shallow, with a flat sandy bottom.

Tobacco Bay is the most popular beach on the island. St. George's. Here you can not only relax, but also enjoy amazing snorkeling between the impressive rock formations. Tobacco Bay also left its mark on the history of the islands: here local conspirators loaded hundreds of tons of gunpowder onto whaling ships, looted from an English store on the island and intended for the Americans as aid in the war with the British. In response, Congress lifted the Bermuda embargo imposed on Great Britain and all its colonies.

Warwick Long Bay - the beach, even at its peak summer season remaining uncrowded: length beach strip is 8 km. IN windy days Quite strong waves rise here.

West Vale Bay is a small beach on west coast O. Bermuda. In April you can see whales migrating in search of food here. Whale watching can be done from a fort located on a hill or from a boat specially sent out to sea to watch the whales. West Vale Bay – perfect place to watch the most beautiful sunsets.

For newlyweds

Bermuda is the perfect place to host honeymoon and wedding ceremonies. Special island traditions will turn a wedding into the most romantic event in a couple’s life.

A traditional Bermuda wedding involves two wedding cakes: one for the groom and one for the bride. The bride's three-tier fruit cake covered in silver sugar icing symbolizes the sweetness of the wedding, while the groom's single-tier cake covered in gold icing symbolizes prosperity. Both cakes are decorated with tiny cedar trees that the couple can plant anywhere on the island - and the tree will represent their growing love for many years to come.

The bride and groom must pass through one of the stone rings (“moon gates”) adorning the island, make a wish, and expect guaranteed prosperity and joy in the future. A kiss in front of such arches is the key to a long and happy life together.

The couple is transported from the wedding venue to the hotel by a romantic horse-drawn carriage decorated with flowers and ribbons. The driver of the carriage is dressed in a formal suit with blue Bermuda shorts, knee pads and a white hat.

  • Lines pass over Bermuda air traffic from the USA and Canada to Europe, Central and South America. Due to a series of unexplained plane and ship crashes in the area between Bermuda, Antilles and Bahamas The term Bermuda Triangle appeared.
  • From 1941 to 1995 - throughout the 2nd World War and the Cold War - Bermuda was home to several US and British naval and air force bases, which occupied 11% of total area islands.

Where are the mysterious Bermuda Islands?

The Bermuda Islands (Bermuda) are 150 coral islands and reefs in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from the US coast. To airports on East Coast USA from Bermuda flight 2-2.5 hours

Do I need a visa to Bermuda?

Bermuda is a British overseas territory with broad autonomy. Bermuda is governed by a governor appointed from London and a local prime minister.
For Russians to visit Bermuda a special Bermuda visa is required, which can be obtained through the British Embassy or Consulate. Also, citizens of Russia and citizens of the CIS who have a valid visa (or residence permit) of the United States, Great Britain or Canada can visit Bermuda without a special visa.

History of Bermuda

Bermuda was discovered by the Spaniard Juan Bermudez in 1503, but Spain did not lay claim to the barren and uninhabited pieces of land, so in 1609 they were “rediscovered” by the English captain George Somers. Since Bermuda, located at the crossroads of trade routes, had an important strategic importance, following Somers, a stream of white settlers and black slaves poured here. However, due to the scarcity of local soils, the settlers became completely dependent on supplies from the United States, which played a cruel joke on them during the War of Independence. Then Bermuda became a transshipment base for the British fleet and came under blockade by the States.
Bermuda officially became a British territory in 1648, and only in 1968 received the right to internal self-government.
Bermuda's economy is based entirely on tourism, and until 1995 local population also served American military base, which appeared here during the Second World War.

Sights of Bermuda

Bermuda Triangle

The main attraction of Bermuda, known throughout the world, cannot be seen because... The Bermuda Triangle is conditional area The Atlantic Ocean, drawn by lines from Florida to Puerto Rico, from Puerto Rico to the Bahamas, and from the Bahamas to Florida.

Thanks to ufologists, psychics and esotericists, the Bermuda Triangle is considered a place where ships and aircraft inexplicably regularly disappear. Although venerable scientists believe that the bad reputation of this area of ​​​​the Atlantic is just a figment of the wild imagination of journalists and certain exalted individuals.

Very detailed secrets Bermuda Triangle understand the film Bermuda Triangle underwater

Detailed map of Bermuda

However, you can learn about all the mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle on an excursion to the house of the chief postmaster of Bermuda - Pa-La-Ville, which is located in the capital of the islands - the city of Hamilton.

The main attraction of the capital itself is the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity, from the tower of which you can see the entire city.
Not far from Hamilton there is a large complex that combines a zoo, an aquarium and a museum. In this complex you can learn about the history of the islands and get acquainted with their extremely unusual flora, fauna and underwater world.
In Hamilton County you can also visit the Crystal Caves, which Mark Twain described in his books.

The small village of Somerset is home to the former Royal Naval Dockyard, which now houses an interactive dolphinarium where you can swim with and feed dolphins, and a maritime museum.
One of the oldest buildings in Bermuda is Fort St. Catherine, built in 1614. The fort is located off the beaten track near the town of St. George.

And in September 2012, the media was full of reports that a visa to Bermuda was no longer needed. We start checking everything, and it turns out that visa-free entry possible for citizens of Russia, India and China with a US, Canadian or UK visa. We just had a US visa, so we were happy: we would finally get to these mysterious islands. We flew to Bermuda from Buffalo via New York, with a 2.5 hour connection, on United Airlines. And we flew back to New York.

By the way, the plane flies to Bermuda without crossing the borders of the so-called Bermuda Triangle. Let me remind you that this is an area in the Atlantic Ocean in which mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by imaginary lines from Miami, Florida, to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico, and back to Florida through the Bahamas.

Passport control was quick and there were no questions about visas.

Bermuda is a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. They were discovered at the beginning of the 16th century by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez and called them the Devil's Islands due to difficult navigation conditions.

Today Bermuda has the status of a self-governing overseas territory of Great Britain.

Despite the large number of islands, the population of the archipelago is only about 60 thousand people, and the total length of roads in Bermuda is 30 km.

The currency is the Bermudian dollar. The 25-cent coin features a chaise. This bird was almost destroyed by egg collectors, but after the organization of protection, the number of phaetons was restored, and now they again nest in large numbers on the islands. When we walked along the rocks, phaetons circled above our heads: apparently, there were nests there, and the birds were protecting them.

Houses and fences in Bermuda are built primarily from sandstone. The walls are bright, colorful, and the roofs are white and stepped. Such roofs are made in order to collect water and filter it: dirt lingers on the steps.

In Bermuda they say: if you come to a house with a dirty roof, don’t ask for water to drink. When we drove around the island, we constantly saw people on the roofs of houses cleaning them. Gutters are installed in such a way that concrete basements are filled with rainwater through vertical pipes. In such tanks the water is kept cold, just like in wells. Each owner is personally responsible for collecting water, and if there is still not enough water until the next rainy season, they must pay money for water to the government.

According to local GOST, the walls of houses must withstand winds of up to 160 km/h, so they are quite thick here, and the shutters on the windows open from the bottom. Almost all houses have fireplaces because it can be cool in winter.

In general, Bermuda's climate is mild thanks to the Gulf Stream. Throughout the year there are occasional tropical rains and downpours, but the weather is mostly sunny. The usual temperature is 20-23°C - very comfortable.

The best time to relax is from April to October. But until June, the water in the ocean is not very warm, because it does not have time to warm up. During our stay, from May 1 to May 10, the water was first 21.3 ° C, and then 23.8 ° C maximum - quite cool for us.

The hotel was booked five months in advance. The selection was small and the prices were not very low. Of course, I wanted the hotel to be on the shore and the beach to be good. It took us a long time to choose, but in the end we made the right decision by booking a room in Pompano Beach Club. This family hotel is located in Southampton County and dates back to 1956. It is now owned by the third generation of the Lamb family. You can feel the homely, family atmosphere here and the friendly attitude of the staff.

Pompano Beach Club is located on a hill, the rooms are in two-story houses, you can never see or hear your neighbors. There is a large golf course nearby. And free Wi-Fi is available both in the rooms and throughout the hotel.

The ocean is very beautiful! The water is clear, with a blue tint. During our stay, there was complete calm for a whole week, and even from the balcony of our room we could watch the fish swimming in the water: they were clearly visible, especially parrots, as they are very bright. Then the wind changed and waves appeared, but very tiny ones. Along the water, you can walk to the left along the beach: there are rock formations, small coves - in general, beauty!

When we decided to explore the archipelago, we learned that car rental is prohibited in Bermuda. There are many reasons for this: the density of transport in Bermuda per 1 sq. km is one of the highest in the world, traffic jams are frequent, parking is a problem, traffic is on the left. You can rent a scooter; a driver's license is not required, but you must be over 16 years old. A helmet, a lock, a full tank of fuel and a luggage basket are included in the rental price. The use of a helmet is mandatory.

Get to different corners You can get to Bermuda by taxi, buses, and ferries. Taxi fare is $4 for the first mile (1.6 km) plus $1.4 for each additional mile.

Buses run on 11 routes. They are easily identified by their pink or blue colors, they are all air conditioned and usually operate from 7.00 to 23.00. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or purchased at some stores. Buses stop on request and do not accept passengers with large luggage.

Pink or blue posts that stand next to the stops indicate where the bus is going. Pink is the stop for buses into Hamilton, blue is for buses from Hamilton.

We explored the island by taxi twice, going first in one direction and then in the other, so as to slowly take in all the sights and beauty.

To begin with, we decided to look at the oldest iron lighthouse in Bermuda - Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.

Actually, there are two lighthouses in Bermuda. One can be seen when approaching the airport from an airplane. A scene from the 1977 film “The Abyss” was filmed on it. The Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is unique in that it is made from cast iron and bolted from individual sheets. There are very few such lighthouses in the world! Its height is 177 feet. There is a parking lot, a cafe, and a souvenir shop on site. You can go to the very top for $2.

Just 185 steps and you're at the top! It is from here that the amazing panoramic view on the Bermuda coast. The photo shows a view of the western tip of the archipelago, Dockyard. There is a parking lot there cruise ships and the largest fortress in Bermuda. And the poorest citizens live on that side, but you can’t tell from their houses.

The southern part of the island has the most beautiful beaches.

We arrived in the city of St. George. This is one of the first English settlements in the New World. The city and its surrounding fortifications are included in the World Heritage List. Until 1814 it was the colonial capital of Bermuda.

The symbol of the city is the dragon. St George's has retained its original appearance and many of the historic buildings are still in use today as they were 200-300 years ago. Royal Square is the center of the city. It was built 200 years ago.

There is an unfinished church in the city. Its construction began in 1874 and ended in 1894, when the city council decided to restore St. Peter's Church.

Fort St. Catherine is the first structure in Bermuda. Since 2000, the building has housed a museum.

But the world's smallest functioning drawbridge is the Somerset Bridge. It was built in 1620 and reconstructed in the mid-20th century. Initially, the structure was installed manually, now - mechanically.

And here (good thing, not on the beach) we saw a Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish. They write that from May to September these beauties periodically appear on the beaches of Bermuda.

Next we had an excursion to the Crystal Cave. It was discovered more than 100 years ago by two 12-year-olds who climbed down the crevice in search of a cricket ball. The cave is located at a depth of 36 m below the surface of the earth.

It is believed that the cave was formed during the Ice Ages, when sea levels were 100-130 m lower. Rainwater seeped through the soil and the resulting highly acidic underground stream dissolved the limestone. As a result of this process, voids appeared in the rocks. When the sea levels rose, these voids were filled sea ​​water. Now there is underground lake, through which it is laid pontoon bridge. The water is crystal clear. And nearby there is another cave connected to the first one, it’s called Fantasy.

Bermuda - This is an overseas territory of Great Britain! Bermuda is made up of coral formations that formed on top of an extinct volcano. The archipelago consists of 7 large and about 150 small islands, formed as a result of active volcanic activity, surrounded by coral reefs (together with reefs, there are up to 360), of which only about 20 are inhabited. Ten islands are interconnected by a network of bridges and overpasses and make up called the Main Island - Main Island. They are suitable for lovers of privacy beach holiday and those who cannot live without depths of the sea(divers).

TOURS TO BERMUDA: The most optimal flight option in terms of price and time spent is through the UK (London) with British Airways. But it is also possible to organize tours to Bermuda through the USA or other Caribbean countries (for example Cuba). There are no direct flights from Russia to Bermuda.

CAPITAL: Hamilton

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: Official language in Bermuda - English. In everyday life, a kind of slang is most often used, formed from the English language base and large quantity Spanish and Portuguese words and idiomatic expressions.

CURRENCY: Bermudian dollar (BMD) = 100 cents. The islands have banknotes in the following denominations: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Bermuda dollars.

TIME: from Moscow -7 hours

Bermuda switches clocks to daylight saving winter time on the last Sunday of March and October respectively.


Citizens of Russia and the CIS to visit BerMouda Islands does not require a visa if you have a valid multiple-entry US, Canadian or UK visa or residence permit in these countries. Since most flights to Bermuda are from the USA or Great Britain, tourists' passports contain visas from these countries.

Typically, the permitted period of stay on the islands is three months, but the immigration officer may increase this to six months depending on the purpose of the stay.

When passing passport control The following documents must be presented:

  • a foreign passport with a visa from one of the specified countries. Both must be valid for at least 45 days from the end of the trip;
  • return tickets or tickets to a third country.


  • Restrictions on the import and export of foreign and local currency no, amounts over $10,000 are subject to mandatory declaration. When importing gold, a declaration is required.
  • Persons over 18 years of age are allowed duty free import up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 450 gr. tobacco; up to 0.94 liters of strong alcoholic drinks and up to 0.94 liters of wine.
  • The transit of narcotic and explosive substances, items of historical and cultural value and weapons without the appropriate permits from the Bermuda Police Department (issued in advance), as well as harpoon guns for underwater hunting, is prohibited. Any medications containing narcotic substances must be accompanied by a notarized prescription confirming the need for their use.
  • The import and export of plants and fauna, all living marine animals, as well as corals and objects raised from the bottom of the sea is prohibited.


Driving in Bermuda is on the left (drive on the right).

To drive in Bermuda, you must be local resident and have a local driver's license; foreigners are prohibited from driving here. But you can rent a motor scooter (scooter) - you don’t need a driver’s license to rent it, but you must be over 16 years old. Before you are given a scooter, you will be given a short driving lesson to ensure that you can ride it. A helmet, a lock, a full tank of fuel and a luggage basket are included in the rental price. The use of a helmet is mandatory! Most companies will pick up the scooter from your hotel at the end of the rental period.

Taxi is the easiest way to get anywhere on the main island. Taxi drivers can organize excursions around Bermuda. A blue flag on the hood of the car indicates that the driver is a qualified guide. Fares are set by law ($4 for the first mile (1.6 km) + $1.4 for all subsequent miles). It is customary for taxi drivers to leave a tip of 10% of the cost of the trip.

Bus service is widespread on the main island (11 routes in total). Fares are much cheaper than taxis, and the abundance of routes allows you to reach all parts of the island. The buses are easily identifiable by their pink or blue colours, are all air-conditioned and usually run from 7am to 11pm. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or purchased ticket in some stores. Buses stop on request and do not accept passengers with large luggage.

Passenger ferries run between the islands, providing a good alternative to buses. This is often a faster and more spectacular form of transport.

CLIMATE: subtropical, marine. Average annual temperatures July: +27 °C, January: +18 °C due to the close and warm Atlantic Gulf Stream current. Despite the fact that in winter the air temperature occasionally drops to 0 °C (due to the arrival of cold air from the Arctic), frosts are excluded in Bermuda. The Bermuda archipelago is characterized by tropical hurricanes, although due to the rather northern location of the islands they come here (from Caribbean Sea) is not at the peak of its destructive power.

The best time to visit the country is from April to October, when the weather is warm and relatively dry.


Bermuda Cathedral Bridge-Holy-Trinity is the Mother of the Anglican Church of Bermuda, known not only for its religious, historical and social significance, but also for its beautiful architecture. It is located in the heart of the city of Hamilton, Bermuda Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity.

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse was built in 1844 by the Royal Engineers. Gibbs Hill is the tallest of the two lighthouses in Bermuda. It is also one of the first lighthouses in the world made of cast iron. This is due to the fact that at that time, steel was still poorly processed. The optical part consists of a Fresnel lens from 1904, it rotates on steel bearings. The hill on which the lighthouse stands is one of the highest on the island. Airplanes can see its flashes from 100 miles (160 km) away. Until 1964, most of the light was controlled manually, but in June 2013, the entire system was automated and now runs on electricity.

Elbow Beach is one of the most popular beaches on the main island of Bermuda (a British overseas territory). Elbow is a fairly large beach with very white sand. Part of the beach is privately owned by one of Bermuda's most famous hotels, Elbow Beach, while the other part is open to public access.

Fort St Catherine- a coastal artillery fort located in the north-eastern part of the island of St. George, Bermuda (a British overseas territory). Fort is world heritage UNESCO.

Cave of Crystals located near the city of Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda. Not far from the cave is the coast of Castle Harbor. The amazing discovery of the cave was made by two teenage boys who were looking for croquet balls lost in the grass. This is how the fabulous place was discovered in 1905. Just 2 years after its discovery, the cave became a tourist attraction in Bermuda. The cave has clean deep lakes with such clear water that you can view their bottom. The Cave of Crystals is an amazing place where you can admire stalactites and stalagmites. According to tourists, it is never cold in the cave.

And also a huge number of tiny islands that can only be reached by boat.


Russia's interests on the islands are represented by the Russian Embassy in Great Britain (London).

Every time, planning a long-awaited vacation, tourists from different countries they try to choose places where it is not only warm, but also has something to see. One of these amazing places Bermuda is rightfully considered to be part of a British overseas territory.

The phrase “Bermuda Triangle” has long become a household word; it symbolizes a place where inexplicable events occur, accompanied by mysterious, sometimes mystical disappearances planes, ships and even people. Rested at least once in these picturesque places, note that Bermuda is unlike any other. That’s why they try to come here more often, fortunately weather and warm sun are ready to delight guests at any time of the year. And from March to April, travelers can admire the often floating along southern shores whales.

Bermuda is made up of 150 islands and cays of varying sizes, of which 20 are inhabited. In addition, 10 picturesque islands are originally connected to each other using modern overpasses and bridges, resulting in the formation of a single, largest and main island, Main Island.

Geographically, the Bermuda Triangle is located near the islands from which it gets its name. The Bermuda Islands (or Bermuda) were discovered at the very beginning of the 16th century by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez, so it was he who became the “father” of this whole story, giving it his surname. Oddly enough, the Spaniards were not seriously interested in the islands, leaving them to the British, who annexed Bermuda to the lands of glorious Britain only at the end of the 17th century. It is Great Britain that owns Bermuda, to this day. Interestingly, the British made an unsuccessful attempt to rename the islands in their own way, giving them a name in honor of the English admiral Somers, who was shipwrecked in these parts. But the former name has returned and is known throughout the world.

Bermuda is famous for its hospitality, with cozy hotels for different budgets - from economy class to luxury options. Each hotel considers it necessary to provide a full range of quality services and food included in this list. Guests can quickly and professionally prepare any dish, and the most popular dishes here are local cuisine, which include exotic fruits, vegetables and fish. It is worth noting that the most frequent tourists visiting the islands are Americans - almost 90% of the rest of the tourist contingent visits them on the island.

Bermuda has earned its popularity due to many factors, not least of which is its fairly mild climate, picturesque nature, high level of modern service.

Riddles and secrets of the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda's fame is not the kindest - mysticism and devilry surrounds them with an aura of mystery, but it is this that attracts tourists from all over the world who want to take at least one look at famous islands, and maybe even take an excursion to the borders of the Bermuda Triangle. This chilling attraction is at a premium here; yachts and boats await those who come from all over the world.

However, Bermuda itself makes a favorable impression: blue skies, clear water, bright greenery, colorful houses with white roofs create the feeling that you have gone straight to paradise. It is noteworthy that the roofs of the houses are maintained in perfect condition by zealous owners: their stepped design retains water during the rainy season. Through a drainage system, stormwater is sent to special basements and stored there. This is the only source of fresh water on the islands and each owner is responsible for his own supplies. Despite the fact that the Gulf Stream provides a warm climate throughout the year, the houses are equipped with fireplaces, and the walls are thick and can withstand strong hurricane winds.

The population of the islands is about 70 thousand people, who actively support and develop the shipbuilding and pharmaceutical industries. Although the main direction, undoubtedly, is tourism, because the number of guests annually is several tens of times higher than the number of the indigenous population.

In addition, people permanently residing in Bermuda are engaged in raising livestock and fishing, as well as growing exotic flowers and fruits, including for export. And on local markets tourists prefer to purchase unusual crafts and works of applied art as souvenirs, which are created by the hands of local craftsmen.

The tourist season begins in April and lasts until November, although tourists can be found in other months. The islands are extremely rich in beaches! Fine delicate sand, cozy harbors, and a shallow sandy bottom make a beach holiday ideal. Tourists can choose a beach to their taste - private or public, each of them has all the conditions for vacationers. Here you will not find mountains of garbage, and smoking compatriots will not be bothered by tobacco smoke: smoking in in public places It is prohibited in Bermuda and is punishable by a very impressive fine, as is drinking alcoholic beverages.

Fans of diving and snorkeling feel in their element here: the visibility underwater is amazing, and legends about sunken ships inspire hope that a treasure chest will be found among the coral reefs. Windsurfing and sailing are popular in the coastal waters of Bermuda. Sports activities include numerous tournaments in golf, bowling, chess, karate, an annual bicycle race and a yacht race. Music lovers are invited music festivals different directions: reggae, jazz and sacred music do not compete with each other at all. Tourists can visit a photo exhibition and a tattoo festival, an agricultural exhibition and a competition for the title of best chef, a kite festival and many more exciting events.

"Scary" secrets of Bermuda

And yet, it is not the festivals and the beauty of the island that attract tourists from all over the world here in the first place. The main driving force is the desire to touch the mysterious incidents that have been happening near Bermuda for centuries. Every tourist secretly hopes to witness something extraordinary and take part in uncovering the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

Everyone has heard about ships disappearing near the islands. The ships that turned into the “Flying Dutchmen”, having lost the entire crew and at the same time keeping the supply of provisions and all things intact, became local legends.

  • The official list opens with "Rosalie" - a French sailing ship found in excellent condition and with full luggage, but without people, whose fate remained a mystery;
  • The majestic brigantine "Mary Celeste" left New York, heading for Gibraltar. On board, in addition to the crew, was the family of Captain Benjamin Biggs. The brigantine set sail, but never arrived at its destination. One could consider her missing or sunken if, after some time, the ship had not been discovered by the Dei Gratia team. The brigantine was sailing under full sail, the cargo was safe, things and money were in place... but there was no crew - not a single soul;
  • The list was also supplemented by the British training ship Atlanta, on board of which there were almost three hundred British officers and cadets;
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German ship Freya was discovered in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle; the four-masted ship was also abandoned by its crew;
  • In 1918, a huge cargo ship with a displacement of 19 thousand tons disappeared in the waters of the Atlantic. Manganese ore was transported on board, and the crew consisted of 309 people. The difference between the Cyclops story and all the others is that he was never found, either with or without a team.
    Further - more, over the Bermuda Triangle, one after another, aircraft began to crash and disappear.
  • 1948: the British Star Tiger disappeared without a trace. All attempts to discover him ended in failure;
  • In the same year, the Dakota passenger plane disappeared along with its crew and 27 passengers. The airliner requested permission to land at the Miami airfield, and no one knows anything else about it;
  • 1949: the British Star Erial took off from Bermuda and repeated the fate of its compatriot;
  • 1950 - a US Air Force plane disappeared with 53 people on board;
  • 1953 - an English transport plane with 39 passengers was added to the list;
  • 1954 - American military forces suffered again;
  • 1956 - an American maritime patrol bomber “disappeared” in the skies over Bermuda;
  • The year 1962 was marked by two inexplicable incidents:
    - an American military aircraft sent a distress signal, and then disappeared from radar and was no longer in contact;
    - a small plane asked for help, the pilot of which behaved inappropriately, not understanding where he was and how to behave.

This list can be continued for a long time. There are also quite a few hypotheses explaining these mysterious disappearances. Some sound frankly fabulous, some of them have been confirmed. This is about:

  • Methane emissions leading to the sinking of ships and stopping aircraft engines;
  • The emergence of infrasound waves, causing panic on the ship and forcing the crew to urgently abandon the ship;
  • Underwater earthquakes, provoking the formation of giant waves that “swallow” ships;
  • Magnetic anomalies that lead astray and disrupt the operation of navigation devices;
  • A space-time trap that transports ships and planes to another dimension or another time;
  • The intervention of an alien intelligence that steals equipment from Earth along with the people on it.

Which of these assumptions is true, no one knows yet. But, one way or another, the fame of Bermuda spread throughout the world. In addition to the Bermuda Triangle, there are many other attractions on the islands. Near the capital - the city of Hamilton, a cave of crystals awaits you: stalactites, stalagmites, underwater lakes of amazing beauty will forever leave a mark on your soul. The Old State House dates back to 1620 and is one of the oldest structures in the New World. St. George will surprise you with a statue of George Somers, and the Somerset drawbridge is a very elegant solution for connecting two islands.

Smooth streets, a leisurely pace of life and the eternal holiday characteristic of hot resort islands will make your vacation unforgettable.