Has the Malaysian Boeing missing on March 8 been found? Boeing with a mystery in the ocean: the almost three-year search for missing flight MH370 has been stopped. Search for Boeing. The mystical disappearance of a giant airliner over the South China Sea

A Boeing 777-200 airliner of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, flying jointly with the Chinese China Southern Airlines flight MH370 from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (China), (March 7, 22.40 Moscow time), without giving any signals about problems on board, other problems or a change in course. The last message from the plane was: “Everything is fine, good night.”

At the moment of last contact - literally a minute before entering the air control zone of Vietnam - the airliner was 220 kilometers from east coast Malaysia. The weather in the area of ​​the disappearance was good. The plane was flown by experienced pilots (the captain, 53-year-old Malaysian Zachary Ahmad Shah, had worked at MAS since 1981, with almost 18,500 hours of flight time; 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid had 2,763 hours of flight time). The airliner underwent a full inspection just ten days before this flight.

On board the missing plane were 154 passengers from China and Taiwan, 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French, three US citizens, two each New Zealanders, Ukrainians and Canadians, one resident each from Russia, Italy, the Netherlands and Austria. However, the real nationality of at least two of those on board was then called into question due to evidence that they used stolen passports. According to Interpol, the two Iranians were traveling on the passports of an Austrian and an Italian. According to the international law enforcement organization, they were not related to terrorists, but were heading to Europe as illegal migrants.

Among the 227 passengers on the plane, 20 were employees of one company - Freescale Semiconductor, a former subsidiary of Motorolla, headquartered in Texas (USA), which produces semiconductor equipment, including components for defense equipment and on-board navigation systems.

The missing Boeing was carrying not only passengers, but also more than seven tons of cargo, some of which was not named. transportation documents. The plane was carrying 4,566 tons of mangosteens (the fruit of a tropical tree), as well as a shipment of lithium batteries (200 kilograms), which was part of a separate cargo that weighed 2.4 tons. A Malaysian Airlines spokesman said the cargo consisted of "radio accessories and chargers."

The transportation of the unknown cargo was carried out by the Beijing branch of the logistics company HHR Global Logistics, but another company, JHJ International Transportation Co.Ltd, had to pick up the delivered goods on its behalf.

In April 2015, the governments of Malaysia, Australia and China participating in the search operation doubled the search, as a result of which it was expanded to 120 thousand square kilometers. At that time, more than half of the priority zone at the bottom of the Indian Ocean (more than 50 thousand square kilometers) had been surveyed. However, despite the use of sophisticated sonar equipment and assistance from a number of governments, by that time there was no sign of the aircraft.

The first in 16 months as part of the investigation into the circumstances of the disappearance of the Boeing 777-200 airliner of Malaysia Airlines was a fragment of a wing (flaperon designed to control the roll angle), found on July 29, 2015 at French island Reunion in Indian Ocean- thousands of kilometers from the area of ​​the main search work being carried out near Australia. The wreckage of an unidentified plane was found by beach cleaners near the city of San Andre. It was filled with shells, indicating a long stay in the water.

After the found fragment of the plane, specialists from the Australian-led Search Coordination Center (JACC), Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, as well as the French prosecutor's office, believed that it belonged to the missing airliner.

By the end of 2015 there were search areas. Other debris was also found in the Indian Ocean.

Summer 2016. In July, the media, citing Malaysian police documents, reported that the pilot of the Malaysian airliner MH370, Zachary Ahmad Shah, took a simulator flight in southern part Indian Ocean less than a month before the plane disappeared, presumably in the same area. According to the documents, Malaysian police provided the FBI with hard drives on which the pilot recorded routes practiced in a homemade home flight simulator. Investigators believe the path taken by MH370's commander is largely consistent with the one the plane may have followed before it disappeared. Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai later said there was no evidence that the pilot of the missing airliner intentionally sent it into the ocean.

In August, Australian media, citing an analysis by the Australian Department of Defense, said that a Boeing 777-200 fell into the Indian Ocean at high speed, which may indicate an uncontrolled crash. According to the automatic signals that the airliner gave in the last minutes of the flight, the plane fell "very quickly - at speeds of up to 20 thousand feet per minute (6096 meters per minute)." Experts concluded that the crash occurred after the plane ran out of fuel and two engines caught fire - “first the left one, and 15 minutes later the right one.”

On January 17, 2017, representatives of Australia, Malaysia and China lost the Malaysian Boeing MH370, which lasted more than two years. According to the joint statement of the three states, despite all efforts made, the use latest technologies, modeling methods and consultations with highly qualified and best-in-class specialists, the aircraft could not be found during the search.

Conducting searches for the missing MH370 Malaysia for individuals and organizations.

At the end of February 2017, 25 pieces of MH370 debris had been confirmed. Malaysia has reached a memorandum of understanding with African countries whose shores are washed by the Indian Ocean. According to the agreement, the African side pledged to help recover any likely debris that might wash up on its shores.

Team investigating the disappearance of the aircraft, which will be published within a year.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti

Authorities in Australia, China and Malaysia announced the end of the search for the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200. The plane was flying flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and disappeared from radar screens on the night of March 8, 2014. There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board. 26 states tried to unravel the mystery of the crash. The total cost of the investigation into the crash was close to $200 million. The fragments found did not help shed light on the reasons for the disappearance of the aircraft. Read about the main versions of the tragedy, including mystical ones, and why none of them have received confirmation.

  • Reuters

Chronicle of the tragedy

On March 8, 2014 at 00:42 Malaysia time, Boeing MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The flight took place as usual. The last time the crew made contact was at 01:19 - when moving from the area of ​​​​responsibility of the Malaysian controllers to the Vietnamese ones. The pilots wished their Malaysian colleagues “ Good night" At 01:21, the transponders transmitting information about the location of the aircraft and its identification data were switched off. At 01:22, the Boeing disappeared from the radar screens of air traffic control services. After that, he was in the air for about seven more hours, but radically deviated from the planned route. At 08:11, the last signal was sent from the plane to the Inmarsat satellite, through which the Boeing 777 transmitted technical information about the operation of its Rolls-Royce engines to ground services. At 09:15, the airliner no longer responded to a communication request from Inmarsat.

The liner was searched in South China and Andaman seas, in the Strait of Malacca and in the Indian Ocean. The area of ​​the study territories is 7.7 million km². Deep-sea searches were also carried out over an area of ​​60,000 km².

  • RIA Novosti

Restore by fragments

The first fragment of the airliner was discovered only a year after the disappearance of MH370 - in July 2015, a wing part and a door were found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. The rest of the finds occurred in 2016: in March, aircraft wreckage was discovered on the shore of the strait between Madagascar and Mozambique, in May a fragment of a wing was found on the island of Mauritius, and in June another part of the wing was found off the coast of Tanzania. However, all this did not help narrow the search area for the airliner and determine its location.

Uncontrolled fall

One of the versions put forward by experts is that the plane crashed. According to this hypothesis, the airliner was not controlled by the pilot at the fatal moment. This, according to Australian Transport Safety Authority spokesman Greg Hood, is indicated by an analysis of Boeing signals. Presumably the airliner fell on March 9, 2014 at 08:19. At that moment, it ran out of fuel and two engines caught fire. According to experts, the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean at enormous speed - up to 20 thousand feet (6096 m) per minute. The board most likely collided with the ocean surface at almost a right angle. This explains his disappearance without a trace.

Human factor

Many people call the crew commander, Zachary Ahmad Shah, the culprit of the tragedy. The FBI searched his home and found a simulator simulating an airliner cockpit. Decryption of the hard drives showed that about a month before the crash, the pilot was practicing a route that would lead to the ship crashing into the Indian Ocean. This is exactly what investigators believe Ahmad Shah did in reality. The alleged reason for this action is depression due to the upcoming divorce from his wife.

  • Boeing crew commander Zachary Ahmad Shah (right) with friend Peter Chong (left).
  • Reuters

Information or life

Among the scenarios for the disappearance of Boeing, there are also truly detective ones - the plane was hijacked and landed at one of the military airfields. The target of the hijacking was 20 leading scientists on board (12 Chinese and 8 Malaysians) of the Freescale Semiconductor company, who were developing cutting-edge technologies for aircraft that make them invisible to radar, and camouflage devices.

This version is confirmed by the fact that Zachary Ahmad Shah also practiced landing on his home flight simulator at five airfields in the Indian Ocean region, including the runway of the US military base Diego Garcia. Shortly before the fateful flight, for some reason he erased this data, as well as all his work and social plans in his diary.

An even more twisted version of hijacking for the sake of obtaining invaluable information on stealth technology belongs to former pilot Delta airlines to Field McConnell. He claims that the plane's crew was eliminated, after which MH370 was intercepted by the US military and remotely landed on the island of Diego Garcia at a secret US Air Force base. The plane was then allegedly lifted into the air again using the same remote control and sank in the Indian Ocean.

  • A suspected plane wreck was discovered off the east coast of Africa.

Mysterious cargo

The conspiracy theories don't end there. The reason for the disappearance of Boeing is also called a certain mysterious cargo that was on board. In addition to luggage, the plane allegedly carried about 4 tons of exotic mangosteen fruit, 220 kg of lithium batteries for phones and computers, as well as 2 tons of some electronic equipment, the sender of which was “classified by agreement with the airline.”

Operation anti-terror

Another version says that the Boeing was captured by terrorists and shot down. According to the former head of the French airlines Proteus Airlines, Marc Dugen, the plane was destroyed by the American military, who suspected that the airliner was hijacked by terrorists. This is how the Americans played it safe to prevent a repeat of the events of September 11, 2001. This option is supported by the fact that there were two passengers on board using false passports - Iranians Puria Nur Mohammad Merdad and Delavar Seyed-Mohammadreza.

Simply fantastic

There are absolutely fantastic versions of the disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing. Over the course of two years, there were a lot of them: the plane became invisible, got into black hole or to a new one Bermuda Triangle. However, no one has been able to test either these or more realistic hypotheses so far.

Pilot and flight instructor Simon Hardy told Australian TV channel 9 Now that the commander of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, Zachariah Ahmad Shah, was trying to confuse air traffic controllers. He turned off the detection systems and flew the plane on the border of the Malaysian and Thai areas of responsibility. This area is a blind spot.

Hardy is confident that the pilot's actions were deliberate, and points out that Ahmad Shah made an unnecessary detour near the Malaysian state of Penang, where he was born. According to Hardy, this is how the pilot said goodbye to his home.

Former head of Canada's Transportation Safety Bureau, Larry Vance, who was also present at the program, expressed the opinion that the pilot was planning suicide, and killed all the passengers along with him.

He believes that the ship's commander could have depressurized the cabin so that passengers and crew members would lose consciousness, while he himself had first put on an oxygen mask.

“He was going to kill himself. Unfortunately, he killed all the passengers along with himself. This was intentional,” Vance said.

Experts disagreed on whether the plane was directed into the sea by the pilot, or whether Shah piloted it until it ran out of fuel, at which point it crashed. According to research, the Boeing did not prepare for landing and landing on water because its flaps were not extended. Thus, this confirms the hypothesis that the plane was not controlled by the pilots before the actual crash.

A Malaysian National Airlines airliner with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, making a joint flight with China Southern Airlines from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared from radar screens without giving any signals about problems on board, other problems or a change in course .

According to established data, the weather in the area of ​​​​the disappearance was good, the plane was controlled by experienced pilots. The captain, 53-year-old Malaysian citizen Zachary Ahmad Shah, has worked at MAS since 1981, his flight time reached almost 18.5 thousand hours, 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid has flown almost three thousand hours. The aircraft had undergone a full inspection just ten days before this flight.

It was initially reported that on board the missing plane were 154 passengers from China and Taiwan, 38 citizens of Malaysia, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French, three US citizens, two New Zealanders, Ukrainians and Canadians each, one resident of Russia and Italy , the Netherlands and Austria. However, it quickly became known that two who were originally on the list of passengers on the flight - Austrian Christian Kozil and Italian Luigi Maraldi - reported the theft of their passports while in Thailand and did not fly anywhere.

Malaysian authorities have opened a criminal investigation into the terrorist attack, which was allegedly carried out by terrorists who boarded the plane using someone else's passports.

However, Kuala Lumpur is a major center for transporting illegal migrants using stolen passports to Europe, and therefore it is possible that the presence of two people on board with fake passports is not directly related to the disappearance of the plane.

An explosion on board has long remained one of the most common versions, since it is difficult to imagine anything else capable of destroying a modern airliner at once. According to experts, it was either an explosion, a lightning strike, or rapid decompression. However, the Boeing 777 is capable of continuing to fly even after a lightning strike, and even after a sharp decompression, but after an explosion there is no longer a chance, experts say.

Over the course of three years, the wreckage of the plane was found in South Africa, Tanzania, and Thailand, but the exact location of the crash could not be determined. The last officially confirmed remains of a Boeing 777 were found on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. According to an investigation by the Australian Transport Safety Authority, the debris found was part of the trailing edge of the plane's wing.

In 2017, Australia officially stopped any efforts to find the plane or investigate the incident.

However, the Search Agency Coordination Center (JACC) continues to work closely with the Malaysian government to share information on the case and support the families dead passengers and crew members.

Currently, the wreckage of the missing liner is being recovered by a private American company, Ocean Infinity. In January of this year, the Malaysian government promised search engines to pay $70 million if the plane or its black boxes were discovered.

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The Independent: US military shoots down Boeing missing over Indian Ocean

On August 18, 2015, that is, a year and a half after the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, it finally appeared, which confirms the correctness of the information given June 28, 2014 and published on many resources, including in Australia, and sent to the so-called FUND created by relatives of the victims https://www.thehuntformh370.info/tip and at numerous addresses published at the following link: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/2979159/post330077517#BlCom659808665

Briefly about the essence:

On board the Boeing 777 there were 20 specialists who were in one way or another connected with the US military complex. 20 employees Freescale We were flying to a business meeting in Beijing. 12 of them were Malaysian citizens, 8 were Chinese. All 20 specialists, “smart”, as if selected. Apparently, it took a long time to form and select this particular team of scientists, whose brains are most valuable to Incognito, who is interested in acquiring these brains. You can imagine an “accident”, a “coincidence”, when 20 of the most powerful specialists gathered on one plane, and all 20 registered patents in the military-industrial complex.

2 days before the Boeing 777 took off, 1 patent was registered, which had 5 owners. The 4 Chinese who were on board and the American company, which is now the only owner thanks to the disappearance of the plane. This patent is about technology that allows you to disappear from the radar of an aircraft and take control of it from a distance.

The death of a Boeing with such a “filling” is excluded. There was too valuable cargo on board.

Along the plane's route there is military base Diego Garcia. Secret base with a military prison where torture is practiced. The island is completely closed from people. Many years ago they were forcibly evicted local residents, who then sued and won in the UK in 2006, hoping to return home. But the decision is not implemented. Americans spit on British court decisions.

As we know, the telephone numbers of some passengers called back over the next few days after the plane disappeared. A photo was sent from one iPhone, whose geologization pointed to the base of Diego Garcia. 19 families signed a petition to request confirmation of the plane's location at the Diego Garcia military base. I hope that people around the world understand that 239 passengers from such a base will never return home. Civilians who accidentally found themselves on the same plane with 20 scientists, according to military law, must be eliminated as witnesses.

In what case is it not necessary to find the plane?

Probably only two: if it was some kind of diabolical operation of some special services, or if the plane was shot down somewhere. Then you have to play for time and feed investigators false information about various search locations, so that they are carried out anywhere, but not where they need to be. Subsequently, we can begin to gradually process the mass consciousness that the plane may not be found.

SIMILAR PUBLICATIONS, there are a lot of them on the Internet. However, information should be considered closest to the truth from the Australian company GeoResonance.

Formerly an Australian company GeoResonance stated that discovered the missing plane at the bottom of the Bay of Bengal, thousands of kilometers from the current search area off the coast of Australia.

Company GeoResonance, specializing in mineral exploration in the mining industry, using proprietary technology, announced that it had discovered an object whose characteristics completely matched the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that went missing in March of this year.

A spectral analysis map of an anomaly on the bottom of the Bay of Bengal matches the outline of the one that disappeared on March 8, 2014. passenger plane Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 MH3770.

Malaysian government took note of the data provided by GeoResonance specialists. According to these data, an unknown object matching the characteristics of the missing Boeing rests on the bottom of the Indian Ocean about one hundred kilometers south of Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal.

The data was obtained using a special surface scanning technology, taking into account the presence of specific metals, minerals and compounds. This technology is used to search for mineral deposits. Also previously GeoResonance carried out orders to search for sunken warships and aircraft on the ocean floor. In the case of the Boeing of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, specialists from GeoResonance looked for the chemical elements that make up this particular aircraft - aluminum, copper, titanium, various steel alloys, fuel and a number of other materials. The goal then became an aerial search and scanning of satellite data to locate where these materials were present in one location. IN GeoResonance claim that in this way about 1.2 million square miles of the probable accident area were surveyed. The resulting “multispectral” images were taken from images dating back to March 10, the third day after the disappearance. Visually, the pictures show the outlines big plane. Allegedly, the anomaly occurred precisely between March 5 and 10...

We (Russian Scientific and Technical Society - “RNTO”) USED ​​OUR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT and TECHNOLOGY, which can decide today PROBLEM search for "MISSING OBJECTS". Here RESULT OF THE SEARCH FOR THE MISSING PLANE.

Coordinates that PRESENTED, (these are the vertices of the square) point to PLACE, Where LOCATED wreckage Boeing 777

The ocean current, in the indicated place, is in the form of a “spinning funnel”, and therefore the wreckage of the aircraft should, in the indicated square, float on the surface for a long time.

1. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 15 minutes N
2. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 00 minutes N
LONGITUDE - 89 degrees 45 minutes E
3. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 00 minutes N
LONGITUDE - 90 degrees 15 minutes E
4. LATITUDE - 20 degrees 15 minutes N
LONGITUDE - 90 degrees 15 minutes E

This - Northern Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal (Eastern India). The location is on the edge of the continental shelf. Close to the state of Bangladesh.



In the indicated place - are THREE PARTS OF AN AIRPLANE. Most likely, this is a consequence of the plane explosion.

Before the plane was DESTROYED, he was "PLANTED" at the “Base” somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The cargo that was on board was unloaded from the plane. Airplane 31 PEOPLE LEFT. After unloading the cargo and 31 people, all other passengers were gassed to death. The plane took off with already dead passengers. At the designated point, the Boeing team left the plane and reached the shore. The plane, after the crew left the board, was blown up and fell into the water, breaking into three parts, in AT THE SPECIFIED COORDINATES. Perhaps the plane, with dead passengers, was landed on the water. The team left the plane on boats and after that it was blown up (this is not of fundamental importance now. The main thing is that were PASSENGERS KILLED airplane flights that do not have NO ATTITUDE to what is happening.

The initial coordinates of the plane's destruction were determined by us already on March 24. This information was transmitted to various international aviation organizations and a number of foreign newspapers. As time passed, it was not difficult to clarify that there was a “conspiracy of silence” regarding this “incident.” Then the task was “solved” of “restoring the scenario of all the events that took place”, in the full extent of what happened, where the death of people and the destruction of the aircraft were a “cover” for the planned actions of the participants we indicated. After this, it became clear why the publication of information was refused. We have decided to TRANSFER THIS INFORMATION to the open Internet.

More details about the full text can be found at this link.

Moscow. July 31st. INTERFAX.RU - Experts have established that the serial number of the part that was found off Reunion Island matches the technical specifications of the Malaysian Boeing that disappeared more than a year ago, local media report. Investigators determined that the debris was part of an aileron located at the rear of the wing. For further investigation, the find will be sent to the nearest office of the French Air Accident Investigation Bureau in Toulouse.

July 29 at west coast In Reunion (an island east of Madagascar, a French overseas territory), a piece of aircraft was discovered. The fragment is covered with sea shells, indicating that it has been in sea water for quite a long time.

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014 and disappeared an hour after takeoff. The search for the plane has so far led nowhere. There were 239 people on board.